The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-12-17, Page 2W '4' r j; . . . . . . . . . . !!.. ", ­ .. I ; 1� I I ­ , , �;r�t �t , : , 3 � V0 �v :�;f :�! J�` k _rw ,q M X T 101 AN -t. P c 1 "k ow'! 4' PRO a 4 wo,�' V a T.Itkers. 'Pet d a, 0 Y 114, e, ..r Fit ,j F C tP.M. i nv,4- tha qx4t,',tsuxk mw WAT414 Ao g Y ".6 ;0 jj avriA AVIV 4 4 tithin.�Ing ar Pt V- �10 9 ri t�i 4 4 h,ad�hec,&4. th the bi wta, Pf-�AA'11V- : t iii, An t Pru, rly WPP fj Tae a. --t T Ak I AJISS, Ntilr- Iv. JI Fimme�Z At, 4#5' Ali Jim it tt," vab s3a,00-Ma �mjec an: t h a ;51 1:�-e Ilia ARM 'a ls�ri k lie"1Fr1eI­4 IMIA 'W14M. f 'the' f*,)VI5PV, .,-.d 4101� h rhcjit. brLi.g b - Ops m the the W - tz -Thi f !�na 5.4.3 io gave C, S, t?0 $3. 0�13,,OQQ 1Y r ik'ime,; but. i 4 -e, -Th T L7:N�D, Uat I.ef:. to ;1-- by 1�,F.r mxt� .,I tQ Nvar, is �iiih , , -, ., '­ 41 ivi- Yc P ,aye -Vt ��k 71 ter 1jecula I I iz�ak�, Nics. Ast Ila 'rz (alitY. V ri 1�3 .. X -B if A- -r-� ThAt Aisti7iU16-n i ion A ae the'allies'liave set X�­ ljart,- 't�hd Gexmg4 7 'C'Ll,r�d over d R i*prva ixu�,triaa W, 1,n' 'h' I- oke�l g, was So, "an e o 'Vero 'CODIC)c to nh b,�!k aa' �� w, ixitg. e I rs I A - -rytf var -Wo .1-0-ro�me­c-f -ve st d., f �i;a of �k;, ve Ioits, Exl,,Ji', tb� W4r i2-17tUna, W&S ever Affath�r I -Itn� -Anth� ed` 9,!Tpe.01. Qle, wepar , 1. 7 Lon4bn- that S ev' e 'a, 114� w.4'.4, ati "adil f ra* he& re4t, Y. of, New --flia he never. kv it. bised upon the -a i�-e'44'entpi, W�r� e" re:4. the g 4 claa gbf wit�uttt -ft4Z. con 4r -dawns. ini6 'a. Jt + G b ef4o h T� he N thi's -is ra B-r,,:LdN- �vhe n W eL lie bN ZZIF , . �cates, f P for. it' V r .k �ou t, he asD 4e a-, C. a r a ?-C -a At Av� �e m er -ei - , war f'ver tbk turAed Europe in 191q r is, tb�! t ru 2 ero.; H h Palmer G a v,, t, n a.. th, the,, i,6.-zx -.,of %\'ith',the, C d 'ti d I" da f t, I th gh to rd, wo ld see big, lo� 'a I er3 Rr,tly o as�E,.iu­ t Almidy ihi8 at t h h�n&fixllt. a liitce' Br- than -a bil- 'Bi ady ae 14 - whether li ErA mad4 -��l I. not de -.0 V ir6d mil r- a., h, this 6irth, ae, Iki d were- not - f -,,�ri e people o t an - )UT, luaab rea y -of v iat eakh -I C elite r Fed,& e 'fo: k, AMAUVaP &spilrate eiarnestakss; iis4 over Cross -4t VN or F. ia:!l 51 -5W'039 ia- Che rih IA'h at M a n on thirty m2lions, o:the bo osquare. M 86 *ere,re7 ii r 'the glol es a A: It amb�,l ftdInt t fis4t7 J�im is, the jong-rnge z F "d U d. tkad dwas' ve­-� inres 'are- alreatly involve '�i:ng in that se- fc�n peo a, an I eS. �Iat` Mon t -'- a To of- armed' pro �Wa N iIarly''twenty'mid �graqddaughter� arei ne.'4�4,s not h�, he; �died; te, heaven' k r�ppim, Zh of the human race; I . ? A', MeW e whie, is ragingj them,, T4e,. sWr and sturdy sonsi he ',beA, fie unini It �c�iViliZat th� Loft can:�.produce"�mtis e Germh + the., a e p ent, �af the; -'a. Ltha -b -e cuP Wn"M des e t ilito t,"pa,tis and ar. i�, r e MeaSiti ffi-1- Ihe deptlia. t. oii w 1jifo zi ran in itred or he'A"t it, ded, h_S,:,kt&te M n tu water phy- :it* feed the in baw-s. It iS -e �d it a out intpI. f, the W L OF aL.n ' own. eWas m6st.Lener"t "k MIS' e ofhqg'��, e�4' tL 'r d.- d g4v t wained that Treitschke, the German Co. 3PA NN SAILO TEL vhkt, the �cojnpanie4 by tht with ... -.h4 of. ble militaxisin an is a, first.. 1.i,6ke I 60'Ge ei� W"'eVer a' Pic ill h` vk- t re oUhu ,69, 4. vio.­,� wi �4D W&S.' Ce 'lue of DASH bF'46:V�26-1-9. hin", 4:t n. bpairdl a Vart 1P If his un&i 4066 ne-, horri I "d v from- li�s the idei- of va ' titz- pravity,:m F ji 'oa the pwof adqu 1 ore real- more' hawr r race a ion. MST, injany, t. pre6inted before 1 e, (M r, rea th�- r ilib6me take M,'An'd Oy' th t Ge' the Gei d t time', comes. he. can. go d6a­n With his of. he itin and WIU wari not peace.� look of ancient, or ez ar-e, .o: ecuxse, eme his-boriji, f 'k, '.66LiderAt-C the fi4m IRIA Warsh 'b:el - n he. PAriotilsfti' k e -�e mien he ri 4e,, -num een. I . Story eV Holy- a Bit was'T or. the cmfb -bNat jsL g9le, f r; ..predict 1: 1, - the­darl� 46d it asso-Japneese, the idea that the we 1'.1 all uft��a:te -in -the h ildf be' &Mpl Y,pro�' the.. gkei aac Arr hotninj tixistruct&I them that,.�i§he le ge ot tdilit h' Go rinafn, iv d in -the U�Ss -.un 'dijfy� He was S3-0 'which' laiW' 576 day's to nij�n L -d e 'alcat6d into "ely Aericain C it. of 6e allieii 0" id for *6 v. �lomenti of viethry Idepen. n payriuy ilite' h one'- of the crew. i let,, .. . . ...... Witte n ky, h mp irk othe t aoneon Sudden1v 4e up,.a,I, It is pairi6ti U.0 4��-Aey :WA& Writers ter ", be�en: received j Thei d struction' 'of th0l' Va. t ini .. - SM, that.. uil& prx> I t have t e prxz�- and:ba a, h jt,� h' t ta -forget hoAt a' a-rinkis' -train . s the hi I 2 Bej.� even in iriva. des ution and � 'ff �6!n Hollan4 d the bew and, an' ate Sti f, ege ITU S he e U fort S III , '' , pre"en S alk",ul tsu the su marin �ttors th* ell after r0m, K alo' , L - vrpirk' Made In' mail lighted I lea, e , Up �� i ipaknl.� do no glum :the offider irs to lktle. difficuliky, iii -arise. sin is be,gin- -of age'. a Til comes' Ltd i; sId, Hurd',Al 0814 48a h ii�arihip. Tfi le't-� signbo' 'd e =aberj i patriot - iLh ' i - i Wxr.,- r In. o�6 u0on,it io ---,,id i - lever this'p0yebot k holds, ihi p, - P I i - W6 We :Yet i' ' di,*�.cr dieln a 1119 . upon. �Acer in command' natt o ter and PA peop 41-' It- h the Z her e- ning to ad'. te e mienjora I Bill Aust sterda, is a rekase th-- first tore&. ',e oa milit.q- y S fbll-bws: lins but.tb': 6mblain, heir Aiperior 'And: of Am" 1) L urpose, in be of nG6 mi4ny w wi" Wh noformeo it CV.- "i, Lryj, erVIa, fi and "Around th gradi�e rock t: edivide-d mor� dr mad- reAdv i -freedom, and hb*.it was 0 jr ong pier. monstrou, Th%2haailr k ble y Poland. sly bl&ck t to be -ad hord the Second.. �rjlne is §p th ta'a4a.,wlikh, will trAin yejj e e -W dA into 'two parts, one, par oe ed by, -the barbarous om, of he re�r,war­ WaS Shill h 'I ef4dy 1, �z - ", ; in aw te first Eh 'I q"rnm-�nt, ea P� 'Ne M W -P sma, aill degre" of om were, IiSt 'Ve. very ii lher:r me es ar f re4ed in'the dark night, the'stor 4ets gone aad. k lat of e alended before the Torth S er. n�,�s felide? 0 erStandL the onj� to -up up the water or until �ihe eeUmies -of r' Ina: *rD e ii is �memora, the pier thi p- h or r"R 'to hr, tt er' Rv, mre t Suddenly the �qign. S& to und Ali h obili second er An b UK 47 ki The great daa�ge . re''i -h the .*ater lifts. An our �ubmaiiAein% the [pears. ra-1 'in the *iU h' 't�h bUthe t4*6, an& iritellectil .1 fim _e qp e,, way- not -be hosti e., red ing 14-tters say, kre iion 6avv wtres. of' rae4alintipathy. atid acial regular mG L 7, th6v�,are soturaieii,laltk iiIxii1tarism, IMIT 8P� 'C' ly to his einotions;,v� Withl j6.rk h ic assumi g very Ever�14ink is, pit.6h &-rk lieAvo� ticy baan�e'zo' be S - 5.1 tha m der* her, dea *1z :s kurrying rt metal- In cuie. af iqcome- dien. ;o slid* bo*.j. uperiotity., is now .' the, I'ac, t: _% , .. ects in E' people, ri t1i tjjj-. work 'of .4 t t thr6ateoing -i�sp t Y '13y, the, ge'to'li c' ass abo on a -, �ll e", . the'ala& Of aiMMS' th&t see it or A -' h IoA a4 iditt-rb6i as,' -W oli bas�ed; K'thlitL w&­hetr'. '66: jitt& the D��ise f the- watev del"' him-1mM mis - fhe U. S. Ahd i1i Qan� ut eek is: knwA oiP oa.r-iruled by ernpZ­ tU children stlie prilicip - N Avid re 436', to 9 7 � I . �ke and all OWbre A U es that n�w.and',the I es al and rushing into the L is at takic� S' thd weeping mothors, o1r, The ifecond be Ali'. e the do�W nst"ve" Pass In, "A:iside �by. the" sipgle'lintern. th a.�7cumz 00ya -5 ei -j40 al once tub V' the �heirs AJ I gmu , ': t a ngih.e room There is -every eason. to veep tlie'dmati h I vt� "d the k h�§ i , Wa, s of be -Orep,red, to ikieft oombataht"movibg o aet twad e SIging by,eid or no Frd-m out of'the.e 'U the AeStAtt he' for l,iids faiera4d the. interiorof,Oie VL ril not thi-i. on�l thrives on- aloof nesi -Under,,iiater. there -arises the UP.CM deaf am. arine xore� the re is 3-15001 :1 4 tnjI Le L ready, hlts whih are jjotr itis, sai,-- : i;-� equa nee, ..'an he p-� �by the, intengitii� e, nori-a *ta t and' p6 'g ar to sped' asoulzid hi 'as .L t1prisai, vithU� jittle girl, 'It Seems - of envy pounditig, One must. grettjxi"pf of iBis 'it the� fact. 6n'6.ne rint . I i add', force 'the pace.. - 406. nies A -Aid m''o'n-ey fterli irffi6ei� ;and its is in.::th'*e :wc-ird.. craelkink o�f te 0 ves,o,e said -Britain. The' y a�sadd onn't' VY are" 6�Zond Tdr exped guch -it -sum of Vine le� ed theor Tliwapb thei'FAoitly- 'own n SU- on, glli;- let the men s o o t. alinexmg, o But, *bat of., the Picq.1 %he e Sium, But, Mr. HeDry Vali Dyke, Aiberx�- con 4D '.' 1. . . I I . . . . i . I .. �ta. t6e Of there is goal ?I 'on a it, half V�- - . etas ,with view to �seturing. laof I st ten o'clock Ach, her.,� astindti ui,b�e.Ilipen�J: i:i,cr- c�ls 'Minister 0; .*a Did, she" fe' iei, ici�r counries. ��z i C whistli. from- i.he' little VbaateSip'' 'Vo an explosicon WeAlth of th bhje� other -h op na- lot shalia 4 ept,count-obe 'Aler td, -avoid , 1 1 4 PeOW'. ly, we �11 have k- b 'stands 'high, a WO The GIX�el-h --meraill �Vfitxy vam." i 0" . 1 11 . rm-rn the.,'English'.. -red *bich the es, -, t. �7 4 re oh" gr s Are.& metresi t*o kundr4d motr t t rain fi rbufida a, 46t:st, , 4*1d va tn. cries On'" Biliperjori Y a 'A �i 'f li ISL 9 tlei hnn tempt ores" at bai�eS, Or L I aid- i" covered !of e hun: and subrnirino� B thi-ee hunoted',..'.fout hutl Py, Lj I 1�.rg, `f 'th �d 10--, t .910 -' 6, 1>ffioelt in &Pc�njpt,;�4'thesi ipndi thre�Awtiin oarivai. T g 1 -Me M006 g chil4ar',O'n �)f �Wgftllln, aila -0 -der wnter no, sou he bi%iizain. Tln*s twig be, xi3it -d'' - si%.d'- in his oilskint, 'hun- In 61 'wor "and -: Engkifid' 'To. a4vanc�e N��. inju itr jow­` ih coo66 rid filyheAkAhe nbise �fo�xir engines.. ;I a P, Pp� 40 st make atid.'Auittia, proper edow -e an eping up,� 'h ki ,wn s ormisheig rfun asq -t r. AS it wcu!d he 4) 00 sly im� alnd-evoii, iij G6i e hundreike&hom'es. asa. ailv P T.4v" Vshori '91tarp Iare . thrown -to#ethei. n pss�* a aP ev us Ahe eamp e. lits, as-' r6ll- -of muth less thap That !tit to'give ndj Bpi_ the tab I a, W 'by -the ves ea NotJxing.'btLppe Common, cabjej, am loosen v gi the., sign (if &MP14e' of esuddenly redsons or. preac ing, a6d remedy the gollioel of ex th ',bnLiljo Tn, b tha 'glen it t e signs o q 9 m te we I th 1 33 h ik, movemerlt of the bot� figure jmvreIse. navy; they 1hat they eace, in such thui TW' ekly. pav'- id'em - g tone� t p den hir �as. the motor 4o ioe,, or roe imes more 'w�a, rulT of iiLivv "i 1;�LrgL- fiLetc. 'With'i, Mar' fie i§ t 4, n ar 2 'are, an_ g�. L - U wiq�' The -s rp gi-ei6t wisr i6ras fe isun6r tbt.we-hAve-changedl out, cour# ihe C40 oln j4Ce over a to shu r 31, -"ter. Ott kee mi dde' .. , bot eD t b-4 M I na 67;6v n,e �N bqtb.'sides ofj e. s but requir 'a thei bll101 t10 �avela the fight. d y �Thon the� boat rolls as before. -i �ha jur I ve oomston6d. THEM: A.Lt- Almmeifig, with light wo.r1d power TN-&: DADDY-iO' ake' formed, a i The regylar eng' Atide -eirl for- ,- ,ar p�xxxping of the I ri i's, of this one V� -C ot, Tbe tdll� Joa�'in -the 61ackness' df.ihe sea�,. u-bMarint is rakpi ioter- Convit za I is heard. Our 9 tamed at its, C. Mal I are & hoi)ut Northern Sea, Wna Wes er y OVI r ter ad VAI 14 tie 'big. already 'and old party'ilvos indeod devastaUne ilwope. It h&4 6t n idie -goi69'ibw6id the: enOMY-- ro XYTY ont Th-- "tatee, irr',tfie,rear: Cot 6 ii-i beyo��d, tWr.eontrol alielady ,Lt as oggh st&-� Money' T tj obta; d' th# godoh f, 7IT FP attatik tas been success' I., . rNi �ar I ry'. a _U Ti h vil3i "I whi�, et tbro we res eladis, not a star is' A fe CP ug -a' 4r ec 7. p Maj With th huDared, 9 ilerlil� ed.' Ellipiv "saiAJ R Way ft6ig the, boat nX,1iin`x1 the the Fkwderor at oe st'. I ag bittle. va f C itl* W" jilli�SC16 for Tht, re _ ten4. t le �t6, tfomw "ell e him e hear t1f Dar. Cal slogans w A 46ry d ..Sit T 6j ijpt'j'j, :#I,e. tfles Tk What. he, da. it� his. ei rate 'g 19 hle's big 'Mid Wll pn�ve: redourt&-- 6,arll (rdththeii bat,6 us tbibaft Ahis b6ld, a trifle '614. h4 VA,fil' to penet, . 6rough th to th John hab t #Vkl*t -n�cje ifi. on hexIvy, 4tioning ou:4, the all ftee 1_1� Sget in., 1* J. , wiel; namo as an f6der wh served .-h thai,: pasea 61 eg -a vkn, did 'k tilzxte Ins b" id b Old Joh3j..gUjt -V can the situat-ton presets a psycho 1. 'far inore, riadi Ge r", n be 1;,�it iis f aliv. e�� oMr and th.- ish of, the Whit is it it hu.,, 111, 0, 't, P rrll �ztoff tj 2 r b, -�,,d t -1:0 to., kolgh Jolizi.. tqugh Y64n, bilit, io" water V ng, along. (;Ur: sides., -ni tbak'iridutft, t. eve, 6e frill P&B!Wd Advante .6 aid 4 ie 1 Alubes. 4w do, ad- th!6 EW - I6g. il�d' W -rh p= that h� Zt,- t`i�4 . , t the, t1at has �the Pult t (of 64-rut'.1h 'in dt dv:e. HIS j t X, We M viv, e "i L cw. - Ii ii -tau b? Pear' udd4liiv jit the riear. a. 0'�Vt!t' .3 , t"fi, Arl is, , 'I �.. u , ' - ilil. I - , 'Aj geJ_eM ," orgatisn�s t efe I drbO 49 jAH h SiPt ekr �ond`ue OU'L o�nn of thm f ll� r ffil�.P S,x vav: L 6 - thio -d IIte Wei I -d R e? �n ne StL t. -.ro h gm -rtdt to CAd tv , tin hat, t mgh. to ifid 6t e oor ept j�h jJ4. a ti i, rr ,Yj'0jj and te Pit., r *P-, then tr*d. Hicm the �i� P. r1:AtkM 'is iie4lod b4' his Itv tharres iwit bi�A b, cea by is th4tr dz44 Idf '9914 we 41, I iki th�Ae th-A th' lazlr�hA ere, th-�� 4C 114, t lin tM lr�',P -ft r r t e ePa V4 � nevir in 'At �k t,,. 4rp r - ditioti etches �j 0 IA(4 44 tfif, lit the in ino roar th2A hl N' 4 P noy okt4,�­ by f h4., 'dig g. b.tdft vry I , ( IhjA'.Jjor­ ti:elost aie -the P Aad spA aL L I I(V I ot ":15 ilk t -Pit Art fj�L�tg t i�� I I I . _ , A 10o4i . "'l , f e IJohn. We § -at h joh-fit, tough tff 'j4()bft , ' - 1, 'k . t , C ntVta P' &AS thi r 4 6'" . i I TPIV t ,the tthveh" (1, h4.7A Dpv re With. b the' rieris v�h`-t thf A be' Ste'' V �th, ��feet gettmg, there tA b6th The tw- da- ritidil" le, It% A, ti int vitrp-d, Th h e ft, P B M *i t t'6d Lp?oi , *,W, T eii lot b's iAte,. itie, b, " - to'grap kyj th f0Ard38e9.ii' (1)* Itilho thim fo o- Po, loht 8,n. I'Ato but Ott. &ft �qv� ro th, rng r1q. '-t I to " 111. '14 'L 0. h oflit. th ot4 b th# eto Y, -In%- Air r:, TV#' it il',. ftoiite, mla of th* at h b ery rs, 4V *Otv. he. fthi-!� trumi I (tit C&4 -i. lye- tht 04. Ok th 4 ift ir 6 1A., tilt 'A' yet *Vr tilt, h 160 g lift '44