The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-12-10, Page 4tt. 00 T r '11* 1A ro AQ0*R a 0 vo T L 0 led 4 d @k1l �PE L oXA P Of .... . .. . ... e, '4941 ts pkportanp is of pe _o in a, 41ve Dargal ;is. a �An, i ore l.ty beep it 0 .04' The poslt,ipp� of tile' e ;f�4s e 01; mad(�:ilgr of 83-000.60; ti i critical for the 14,st fort4 4 leF ftghtijl,�, h d �Ju It, His heh on, ery of eg000-0 .the at th s S 1,whe, -w 4 �rd in ments.pf the '�s:ud 0ral. begrudge ilt- for though who lbm world allo. armies. . Since G.-Pneral 0 041'' to ia� Succeeded I- extricating th'e r6in"rit ,e to Spirit4f t; e Agea,*a u tQlli 'g "HoPe on!" ial va -ative!7. All Wool Und a1poing'pqred uof ariiiy 'from the t, mae Ger- B�.eathe� balin 'and, pity for nioi whi§pers.ge'utly ."Truth shall-fivel Thil I i ht man e r6i. iod con Alen's Heavy Pants all all Will`be used a yet tlicq� orwe q .1ig 'r.ciii!fOrceiiients, cent iii their. tirenelies, 4.94? inkAble; tog estAkes. pqg- ul r'j.2. 95 to ie 1 5t Sew,00', ho gh dark shal �ripg m4i*,indi 6, T 6, b �mari forges X0AZIXN fror ) he "me time, �or� 6ivil- -T E,C N,&,-DXA.N I of -frosh-'Ge The k , rrival. eI6 �r Q.ut a y NVOT.- I ALL 'T, E regu ar A US in' fa�u�* 'hig y was 1. e signal for 'a' J)Srare�mal, iese-off�rts,. to 6ce-Aned: �a-' .... . .. ..... offiqnsii th'.1t DI he p -A. Ab - n of 9e t 11L WAY li jhe,,r osteds, rieg..� 1 re eve ,opditio 3 Belgium. -the- qerma Wh9ri 13Sr V in t for on Milde :builPg. will ti $10.25. A 0, n are 1,4ej5peiate aft P em, t to hew a way, to t.$-12.15, for Men'4 Shifts,. very.. best,, !I lag ye ior indemnities- upo'n'the P rsa. Uill -F THISCJ11A Wa w. Az :, 'ROINT � I , , regu, ar and Grea, A -OR t RQd.ucAohS'ih men's -from -4usalat 1 7511 'of Fell- idpric in, TV agorts th conT- uation country %,.3 a whole, and tipon the' - WS, h ei' a d; q'.l a -a r t e ra. t' COUN 0 =imuuleation e b' n 9 A Man �oin#.. f , . , I . :: ' L . 1. . h ents in. f f iy viqd v o O�KtAft t �em y. vii4ted- a, arge numbek­,o gritgem style new coloys.aAd gusen. �C of. desperate ell, rout o latest styj� for wint- unexcelled TrftAr. the i6uSe of. the re * ipb of Lodz. ap !, w6ar, fur, b a. n -00, _qvice, , itment E ni6nt. $1.25, $2 ibpri46 .and , farmers in �rpi d In the i3 P., 9 S:3.5u and $5.00 HiAliest Class of'Equipment:'- TTh4e 4, To;ishi ' Vor rs' Club Lowlez an d at 01 iist6fice, iandl will hold. 4 offi6al .,statement issue regular 50c, 75, $LOO, U binkers whoefuie or Arthur and Norinanby townShips, and, burgomasters an large Us'. is- �.,Abery f ber dese IW', -cleW _41bLr �UiS. t, a i .6ffe anUfa -� of in Pqrqgra,(t r a a;s - ridiplalo W1* t ar.eufi ejo, pay. If th r of eet-ings' during he(, -winter Wt e are riiig A5 ap. ue!m�4 ims- of aving capuilid farms k 650., E !us was peara.. 9 "be,to visit the farmers, at meal enormous n-dmbers'of prisoners then at 39, dach1ownship, His. plan ocia 8 ic. h a thq , lgi. topped nodo4bt those t a pan r dark vWch,r nons,� and achine luns. *'The Ger- fibest, twe.di.. whp 4ave,s6mdthin and Are still- able time and afte always in- , r While vidj*ing, frici,ids & a..c k.orverallsl ogu, r bloomr pants b6st brof. . ; ! - . I k�th. carry on-. business 'would' he able to allied him a' gom r at s Albert' 'ich harV . . P , nd y I iu�al andthe Die if man denialthat th e lost a single to iiy , wlee ular $1 Sale 85e reg, 4;y AIR y )d fr.'ale farm,stat,. d' b' The Grand -ail*ay ost' h( �Io offprs:a go( price gun� is disprove runk:iX is'thi& iip' those,wh se homes and Possessions, ing tha the wanto to buy 300' "tea in A; athe Brieziny distijeVaoni? t route from all'pojnl:sAadt'hr0u9,t1 bave.�Ibeen. q6stroi�dii. but ipoai�renily the blopkif oosaib a &H u re. (hear Lod', d HA 6rchiqfS 7 'for 2.5et. da is himself alld'his two we took f romAliefit twent�-three, guns Men' Pea Ly -to-wear S nd. via, clii(�ag,61 Detroit or Buffalo. n.LgQ :Ge =an�s (the and so -us. He makowallarr FementS tto M ndky Which And at'. large a,mount of spoils fte tw�eed,. well t ilor, 6nij,realli.elvilized'' eet Two'W,Arto 29ute6 4� oi� are holdidg. i '.'116. Qerma�s also coine 'al- regular regilli 10 an i d red people on eartfii, -accordi�g parties in n cultu t,, hinir ilp 'Aitute. they, sustained although. and.!$9.00 -for berth reservations: th '4a drawn'up', Qhe farmer pli o i, the treq its losses. which .$6� 25 �1.2f ct - t I S Sile eir &in Vie�6 are '4luirto, prepar�d 7_2 to�. , ii for �tl de Fiall''Itar I . . . . . J�rice 6 for,. for the,,night id'1ia son a robill, ah.4 theL 0 B witnesses statO`tfiat udy6f had a e ft Id the bulk: Of 'the eday thedatter i n is o gium, instead for ta; fine iw" eed aand.. ave� a of:lbat e ,mRs fi jitk,, au Men's Sui Shirting reg-. f next 111Ss6d,$ -froi hi ebi dreu the siliho� tj e t ch a'sight as t 'Anoth K erg� Q.L' �IKARTA now- )L6 de�th.- A' well tailored; 719 t -0 tl'�i.l re 16c. Sklo'.'Price er. Waco' be. odk. on th roads. of the GermPan, treat Misli, 8;iPathdoe, of Riploy, received.: twsrds .'§ir�.kow".' ' ' l -a best coatAnd nits I opby,: the mi hary, exigehoiag - of,' th 6r' $70.95,:� JOS I . & 1 ar 1.00, left Wore the, it,, e -is r6 grati Tti6adily of In re we, attacked'khe'Germadfla�ks to 2 family vere up' ported �tor be of it tele :'Week, in. Whei al 51en's woollen' o6k�,,. the'Eutopeitti Situation ietitifire thaL I t I . , , T the, German doi4 6gulal : .,,..for*. 25e W d with -heavy mustAthe noune be.rdeeth 6f heison, George, were piled not.less. b lie should,, .31do's. Oercoats, y than,. a,'. yard Black w6i eight, tPeversabl the �rerepared.to pr9fit by th'in, ghters at' that y a, o da� ea e so;P ir speaks fluenfly'Eind-is well posted onthe r6maitia will sted be -------- A for 'Tite! -be say tw 2 I wtU.' having. as 0, W vQ 06 d' s6 WETS, wnations'; an. the , roub'In �the T ED Too Al tica. —T FAT rer ar 'to' el6thing mid food are -being poured in,W Sooiety- P.- W Iermariai b�ci Some think:ho,ist :;t U B" .5 NO v- izefis'of Wia'rtou, *bo,havetbeeri.doiA6 r '11litit he -,is MeWA Qver'co'a- a fic y selling, At l9d. an ,ge, We ir and pay the highest mi e a for �'more Ukely, just g4tidg bist' ts co Belgium on,the Ono hii�d tali L, d351 Irm 'k were"hiPs C4ptured '-Afte# Chase.' Doer d' 1: hon- _F 7le- �,son,e t I Am,' regultat d tiler Wate $11 Mild $11 'i� lan-nel. esi: Uptnesti., peoolq - !of lug, eek ade to declaring b initshoit1d. be on SUff '�'P of the Kaiser ar6.iobbi he' Al gn Leider may �r at� 0" Pit y Shaker" r eigg 91 h him. �v :au , t�ptilqig.,vac ca ca. own, on he Britain. hei d e- the-:IAW,,thej�ha of and VA a4l. . . . I 10c, 12!, f�r 8AC. uirning. a othek, Gormii writers tell us, howev dbtiduct.had.-bmi reportod'to '.G6nera.l.-.Oh"�isit'aii,De'-W'et,.tfie'ba'ck- 0' full, statement- 6ft, same. to �ach 4ek B�aver: ver patron_ h"tW6 y. v an the, Dep.. (�fthe Inter 'bone� of the lfsoitith', Af rican rebeftlon, Oice P'lle'd'Otton' reg futuis, cand to thai,-,atei costs, regular 89.00 a pay, .-All I �ctqp with the r6stilt AA was rin al each'." 'tr exi - - `�u"fte ior visitod W catured; liLst'week on- a *a ir6gs, �e iiAt with, thb, and -$1!1,00 Sp ol'4:cen T V4terburg, in BrittSh'Bechuatt eekiL. eciember �7th $8.25 lirpit 0. d my evOry, twb w lie toll Us oflidt T 16 $7.25 t& w T 6 they' the ."T", L Ro to the Wido uls n I farther particular�, or. This Th" ublie Sefiool'hoilise at,'' Veldt,'!.zb-,� he, had lt�4n'Lveferred to -by the. B,610'pisr- brought h'd- -61'seica]I &Stiliefin W e k' T�e nipl&y We r; msN.es;,:, ov -�had�thby. "-The SddOrth Y:t. -L larauiiira,�_surreitderod' L g14 Shot" A �ay 2 Se ri re one on the firinig ��6f W v alden dit-presen si6iw- -6nt itly sittinittedan *�ed 04111an' t 6elioe'k,* .,,Rs �;he piulpils were AsSem-- motor car'brigail: hlu� relent.' U Duncan McTavish and Visa Villa Col� to. bling., in, t ie school. yar I re. 'was. is- - less y throti nd Undulating 1 0 paperd r? that,wtilioutatprotesi peimitted. �red i shavitigs and waste country, t1ijokly woo led i�itb. thorn BA se,theii ountry.ada'roadto -princei d di -'h, a; sandy st IiU9 Spent 8116aaY at tane&� C q4isii Rottiv� of Royal Oaki, 31P the gWrwa,y.' he alarm wil'S and d460bled t] e termang. do'as t 1�y. no hills De W,,qt zIg4Agk6d ould have come to them- Wa oi r'. W oirer, hile course' -fu at 0 tor. 9a isine add Sftiety ards to -Sunday'"t joi.7601 i- T ',endeavor t Zti [I' lig a., t Sounded, and d is* bucket f tch w ws' �Odo. rgat!ls Mrs. spepi a . few'- days 'is PuTs� 0 for JOHNSUTUMULAND, uelph, le it -h C. Sroith -c heck tho fire - befoie: A row he e Rek�' -Bat 0 age 5 . Wce afew �ettOs Hit-Obqs: M '91it", InsviranC6. fte avid Marine.. in i k with -friendA In Wiligham.;., - Pe-th, sh6uld �e duced; J# t ed, to. ot and seilii�sla -mad 410 .0 v ry-` We ll wers 5.0 iiii,les without%a to' ace of. vissal ieport,,that" e much,headw are Sorry _kL, l'ildichow. Out. mt. Maude Wilkidsouhas been 66: the k welloniknown pittttle stop. y r if SIC MARVE t . -- 't, I , - - . Dd Wea . .. ...... fbill V Fireafid. ife will be de- robably- I deAIer..oLW_a1k4td6' Sob but I"t-wook- FArsvit'alass Our -Te-s apa V.ern. resi0ti�,itg6rit hiMucknow, of, tne ondn. TH ADVANCE 9F RURAIL. MAW t fo I led by' the' South African: Go' MeYitinon,of uonaonji§v1st whilre"'�Iiie intend, yo iftpei;� Of,,vjll andfarin ment entite! n W and -Mrsti M. oassi§t his Son,.whki has.nbutbher- qnsib. e, ed. t 3g: her parents, , W. i,demand. is,betni.'raised :in thi, 119, On lhis, inMIP"deli ery spreads, albuiine�s%the(e*.l' P'A� XA.LdQ*�Q N; lsolielior ;' id V press,\qf E. shall be.7pui ymeer, neknow Aud,Kiricardine. Migs. Minnie othe international bo�n'da,ry- h'7ever.,,I td doath' -as a traitor and-jeb6h, N re 'Co'ni've- e it results in the clos- R the -week all: waTlE In A 'th h6la tc-m for yo 4ake the tLuckhovit of] achi v�irhou z removi ni the L h_ 11be every T-desday.,.D-7 ing.,qf`P­miiny b1-thec6u`htiy. Post Offleesi High School, speri:t t6 lc�.end at her. h0'w'1As-u1:§forbu�it6:e6,-u e o. �Iho In �bt;166:with eonvoy ng, and even �thoso`,arqudd which'small v I_. ho e on the 4th. of . thOS6, hypep-partidular euijgrkti6n� -6 IN I POLONIAL EG loans, ste -be attended, to Wolfo Talks fharnberlain'si Si�vnac and Liver Tablets'. They notbaly ture Aknow akder my super 14908' ave grown It, is- all Spent, aturdAy' agents, W /',the headache but give, you a budyant�l ligaityipi Nelingbecause: they and, d9 a nd"41eanoe ihqmwelo.. Trytheiti, thatA country'resi&�,6,of t6� ith -her friend;' y!0 an unfit. u b to all -4he- A �itrallin Coki, .in�o ` 4Lizzil' aVi bjoc ow iftitb U rigrit, 1:6 First,Fi tons ithi liver. sikeeten the atom ch a' h as tizzie d Sundiiy' w ght f lais �am:' H6 "Againit. T rk 'All Draights, 75c., or by mad FW,� ount o lvissilfauad:ne otiii-rv,dn see U otari PUblic 1l1$UranC4U. 119DICINk CO. XID99PH, AGN 11CAMow.4 N t f h mail" on] CH . AngltlAw -on sComitnissione W. ni. Hamilt wits obilig-4, ta return, iti& as e which bo� oAngtrallan' itid New'Zoalan Broker., Life, -Are,'Accl4ent Plat in s6166 wa, hid. S n0e. "RealL Estate, st� for 'fe" 6t weeks. e, Glass : "" k' ! - -L.'." - iii�- - p"t coiip Walkertou. en Isem. ... sick -h Q have be d ar nd , Weather tigurd wee ..% . I ., 'E�at 946 �'so'on bo. lexiiiii 'the oung' fiellow" a o -'-i�qhtand sold. Xon6j'ta LqoLn.- 011166:! friends,1o,& th t ' to. a she di AJhft'JJloC V16 t1vell agsin" 'hi b c6itfessed 'ment' of the' Official. Bur6au, fT6m*]Ar;,.aA. towns llpt- W 0 �yi]]Mb,re4identsari3,apprebensi that' fill 'A ibis change will haveiaA th GE, Elt� hi e defenceP of' -that country, A, SIDDALL, L=,tnow,%1Ont. Reil epresmg,efro.et to havini6, atileri�'$120iroir,'hi'ieinpl6y, d, sbcq� e, Money tolban. on first aii _d and e6tifitrv; Storeke 4Who eAme 146te Moir bralning tfiere., epers, +eforio and coni .6r at summer, Al s, on farnt pro erty,, 4d oh alfillb 'e DO -K'IC 'Itorr was di "When this ti`ainini'. Is f usefulness sball be'' gone, :. , , , ridjptitotea. Fir tsiirance in all t4s C%a ei N T'ROW BAL Judge iLin . I andefforts, are. being made it, many; such Use f, Arisian biage- chariri6d wfth li see run tAp, .. ­ M o severer purflahmetit Ithan- �]_e'tur f L m fight with the,'Othor..Biltish 'troops 1ro O.mt .:P.Iaces:tcihiive,.thei)ostoffloi�,r6m4iiib It-yonr hairis ketting thin, losing- its a c ye rc 4hojiidge. It,itp- 'in Iiiiroiie."'L ucknoWL Lodge meets every Friday pen, bVening at 8 0? Clock in their Hall, Canipr althoitigh',nearly all, thp f6rmiei patron's natural colok" or, has tfik inatted. litelesi OaLiPsL ttbtit. I he ye ung fell6w wits pretty .' 1�ho� Newifilundlaud- contingetiv, will boll 9trebt. Ali brethren cordially:.invited. and scraggy appeaiancei- the: riRsori: is well' t1jongilt of. w,Ferel he.��had - � wo r*ked Ieav6� Sallsbdry'lli. ,a ds�,.,cir' two. hiv.. Oilleers—$61ile, Grand, E; Aitchison; Vice arstservO& by the rural. free - delivery. �videut-dandrtiff and failure I A L 1. - I nd ;T_h0&Watson"TrsaS., _AleX.L.4�OSS;,. .. 1. .. i . . ..'L ;­.A.1l�_­ � ­ - 9,1 '�'qfp orb. t and, fli,6sto *ho Icnem., -him, 9�nt a m a�ilgfied- "to, Fort' Georgo.- : I . Ing Uf jtem &oP 'A. H Boydi Fin. Secy., . Dr. P4t_ of dolirgel'canxio . e done,, as the ' tile air r90 s proper y nouriki, ed 'ty. ey son � -: _. ; - a4eek signed petition to the ),tldge ' asking Scottlit-nd,'forgatilson dU PariMan '.;;age applied dailp for reve 11�1 w8u,14 ii4 be sufficient to- oftset :and, then' occasionally is all that is tieoif- th t le; ten :V be shlw�m t9e, etilprit, lit n or before the full 0 -in- _,%-R­Q Old Light Lodge -meets- oxpenge ed.� L lt.rem6ves dan' w In, v6t P --A `F. �t-AJW­ the drufl-: Ith- one aTipli- I ll . .. ..... lfiw: teens. ORDE S *X C KADA eve d StroVS,'falling. ryMurs 'n" i ' � J I I .. I mo itith Vrdaiioni'G�gimll,HaN,(,,Idekstioet onsidetable - �;, s The, introduction A cation*; almoSi'imin6diatieli �V,,xb a i ve quite �;brok6n: on, I any., c ld" & UP.. hair and itellitig h�ad; Afivigor t b Mlllloft�aiid Hilf 6�11nft td be Sp d, to $offio,.. dow.rl ufi' g`oLK�JeiU'S.gr&vb. oild chan'', is -sur scal -an thaue �ud -bk BriVsk OVier"MOM ent D. Camdr6n;� J. W., 0, At rU i; beby,,,W� A. S� e to bring har �� ip !s. dull, dtring�­ 0� Wilson- b6dy,-as the old, givoks pfacelm the. tim abundant a�d kadiatit.vilithlife, E�uall; BOUpd ad vi rhe greai*Sority.6f thO g6od for,byen . , w,.. men to I r Child Set -halving the CaPnidlan pianufadtuidrs'aro� to bon'e- ren 0-VOY Jump"Irml: Lang: lo. 50, Luckn gthb,, a,ma:n 23,years of -see;. who wia�' fit. flii�tb�r'by' crilers equipmeni V F Court', Sherwood. N it. 6ise­ needs i 1�6�ts every last *0ndaytof tho'napathot kiiiiiI. mail service vedtie it 'higbly and A large1bit , I e, of this' -delightful 'hkir G'�.4erntnent,. Atr ittello, i Hall Vl.fdtup b hein ivorking,for A.faitfiierin, Arr Awthe.Qd a d t g; d' -not. think.6f foution g t cii�-be-had libinj-. -­ G. -, hrftiatrong� 'rwangiiir,� woul in O:t�6 did 1dift ,pordially JnVit4 to atl Britial Gem Potter.: Rec, Secy.i, Itubt. Airaliam, or any drngc6unteiPfoi' SO' -cents Volt sbiip, zu�deawd;y with. his � empl4Ver's Prederl6k, Stobirt, the put.. Fin. Seek.., Itobt.- John, e. . it. To the. country ts a wholel'it ii� .Jtoil, Tr as J) It. sys�eni. , - - " !will Surely like Parisian Sage. illefei$L t", sloi,,gh and. for, overcoat on Fi4- chasing rePresentati've, titatIng ai. i�l th6ugfi� hor d Mitlittreal thik. be had* received E�. a grat ecodoirie ggii� e_;And. t26 other, "Inst-sas,P,good"Ptio�T it now W. Liiaknow Lodge, No, 1,17,, niect s ther for goods, the.val�e of which try ay,of I ;b weok. - 446 wita it.romda or in., the -of toe small., gave *himli�lf up at J), eabore,-wheilcit he i3ec-ohdAotidaY of cluirnicitith In, tile' Udd- ... n . 'Von,WL-th estimated. at: about a. fii1ll1ofi And ­%V6rkvnan,& Mac- �illagea,:6f, which the� post 6flice w,as d aj Ion outfit4' folliliv.4 �ffafl.l had ri I A 0 1 -a reqU.` d THE KAISER'S' RAM- 'k half AdIflars.. The iftfil I)i t1di Fin. 80�"Y' kD. R"IMIjel rito . . . ini th &Ik c e lixgely --the life it brings temporary-loag' v Oeo-PoUbr4' te4_s. AIex:. Ross., My" under.. A, �hdl�do cap. 66.00'rters., cotton The Latest Ultinifituill) 6hod -jitil tO a*nit odfiteoid'e, by the ophoo -ArAVetai, w ollen underd- w rs,"books to- Wfiilltortoft ift I iy d aso--knives. Dental, ACTIQi481 Gott Gott- deiti, Gott, attention bliaso MuklitIMCEL by train in �-haok6 of Conit^ble Millo' ;Volar biiPrdner Vithelms here,.' 0."a. POWLIP; D. S." D. ID. 8. 0111're tip IMO,�P�S- As Ji.v`TEST u Is -. Va U#dlias a Vord or two to.�Say, 1, angiton jumped, th rough stairs irr I uttun Block. TeesWa n Aipec It has been:.8uggeited" in rio A par i lat n .. 1. 1 q. . ... - t entid to g6ld �atc - Itido: your briv�fe,ea to the ground,, �hq!�gh the trai a' Ido 'er wnin of 1 - �;. _V ..' I I .'. I � I . UL UJ1t;JU,V-A--U%; Lumv� stijEtl . IJUILIJUA LUIUM tJaIs 13U 'A.. U W.y — -U1.11. ULIPW running aTi aoouv iav� muei per nour,. listen vell to thei Salaries t6t6ert"Urt Pr(ifeiiisott, 'Re appears taha.7, Wednesday 6 each wontlu year,, instead of engAging 1,11 tve listud 4� bac-11,064 getious ih�, For.'vdit i,say concertia.me niudh' 1 .4— ­'..—M-67�— — _! __11 .. jury by hi whou 4 0- dontes6,''sllblil� ratii' eir' Mehiself -und, 8fiertuany, �s desperate ledo, for "FAIr ltdftiund'040�1 lids-'feal'Syneq om A, 14F,81, X, M D. 8, Dentist.% Office election 00061W�611 Agin Blocki Lii - I Theyor ai�d' c6uncil"Ib he constableixf ui� -11'. moderh ' ' . l 6aras by V4 it lk'�Olw d a Oott,, I was your friet rdt � t, n'drdof the Univet. icknow, Unt. A eves, t rned, to'che 8colle '6E --the method.4, used. � Best iftaterials hirnished.' Sqy of To 4". Ct;t�wil aild UvidW6 Nvotk,. Aiintegs extract� Pthi�'es!�aPlle� It w6r# to bo'seen .136aid of'Go, eg, rnanby L a 4ro iifb,,'7r of birth e, was, no tion has V -,6n �sL; 8,111pitlL and r�n A 46ft by the Us. of i, - .. . lal,en �, 1�0- I T acd,100hyatiou, �nd that lbe' saVed Ke.T st e onguer Ohre owitig -to h!d en. - I quieil let you rule d eir' 11eA poirts�- y -en 9 1, , e lA. P eeniedy, SONIXOPORM. , N i fhigwgy be A Ated to'the war thing in artillbial feethi Alulatfullk platesd n relief Vfilte I ruled o'er der,.earth, tire diongreem4tit witfi the drelslo'n 0* The dhly'oho,who -noa breakable Vild'ideaU A; gord oh6; 'but wo U.nd ven I toldt moin soldiers 7 eted -truck rnaT.1.1,T Airl d. adared fin" the MaJority of the. Ward to 'give Of,by�golie,battfe days Ci�nddix.-&nd'fts onto ally bindor. ton-guo with year On4,11M t, Sure, that better th"I's leave ofabsenee, with rla.A"� 4o thido 0 �Udly SlAit. (,Ietglor�, G6tt, - ingei. boring4holeg fil it- -&-lid; does 11.4interefere 1; % er. If th-e- �Xpof)SojL of. an t tbaft aoq oth syowbalf der praise. Monday� Dedi 7, Mueller and't6000l, on th filver.4tv ofit�,. the'- I bl�. to provt e If yoil hav� sympatfiv.'. 'with, yolf� fati.jul, 0ith the hoe,46.q heela.,- 'd it Aotild bd shl�od -M-efeo way I trie e ex. Nilelibisou is, in%' Tor . r Mil' of thdL 0 10 U I electi6n ea:n be savc rue , A , t - CE TO t a as otiWir'agita A, Mein heart to you vas when,priieti cable', whether fhere,w witr reek on busifiess, tibn akathst 'thcIr coutinpinj On �th t, e, iorse, give the W-66.1 a tilial. All LPtid only claitned mein honeatallare coiifte, it' may be- that, In '!it great deeds dot Ve do. I d,. Johnston,' of L'Ineol" g0e ':k* 9taft, or'not. Of machines So.l.d o,� trial, 'Aftii)nd 11�,ou could not hat a better tfieficlf his Men& 6iq A pall thli W�e&, t6naidoration -of ib'e sped4l q0t of ld�tAATFORb ONT, sky, sea,' I )r hind, dr 1),'A,. Me'1)(-nald *'as in U`916-rtch ants f �i -all Kiiis�r Vilheli#t'14itmbeir To�o e,� 1w, .661 with a contip6ittal reputa- all' V attending the Coun Council' N manidpal b6notismig fit to 1119 week: king 14 ht Sed I'd e 14'ord of'�heirtft y don for high gfade work aud, for the.' their -ambition itl :k�s I t I y�n&' pLyid J�y go 810 vat 1 1. say dear Gott ig dim Owe (figs. Wtbk wag' notnifth-te6 ��y the 0`Oftt56t*g, 0i To Utim d Lin tiV6 e6fiVotifloit, 6i th# J�tnt- touhtfieg Tm, &gg of itggra4tiateg; a s,�bool With bill gfil't be f�4etj k A' V doing mmldr An eleetridi �afidf. i icob'fsLeS viet6i4a, and instfiftetar4, A e, Vwl V"ou �hoiildlielp to sendt inein f6tA kpis,61 a,day last week with f6ir otiqVY" 6f -the nekt'� Pei 6 �jve ilj(ll�Vidtyal Attep il6flr in "C6nitn'er, Ther� will, be iviftile'jyv" 11 ovV6v6r,. To it dite in 4' fit 01,46 9 t ifter eqd -Wre, - . I I W* d . , iedt'de'if bi 4 61&wds dand Tel,69,Ya De- mv fw riciftlin'lifil Who wksl Dtoir itt,'A'n, dlea� 0 -oft vill'dig nte do e 4h . I . 1'. 1 1 - I - ciAl Shortbaii ph or� �p �leetloh cahneit"lind 'shmild. iiot ybu ! pai;,ne'lit�.' NIVIly ateend el§ wh re . . I J llsq Loma eongill, iw.a' V18104 im-ifticed that - 46ohl �eeevt---th .1 @ escaped in tbis' wat�� f6il oxgtilp1p, I lio'dtings ask Vain. )011i bktAed y r- &W Zion'fot it' 12'otrithadon itid f4dIgh filig gftt In th,4. whtsi,6 A; man fto I evornioreeil-Alffiefl, *e aod,tha' Pr6niwArfif t �r at ally tit", - Wifit -iT - -- — ----- _-_ Mit-littent Gott, eftdt large free CAWogue� I bi I aid fe Von t Mafor' dilia"Atlit . 0011, tsthdidute- J96UH4 0,11 t fid. rhand d6p Atfadk plefft or out he 'fioW i6t w4k with it "M U-11"', it�k. , T fl" ;! B"i � A N1 offlad he i6# q, of'. ho proved , b 4 Self iji�iiias�j b# quick '40 if. 0, A., MeiA4M fvAfff, tyvqi8t� (ift hoitg a," Qedlge r J o� mto --iloin 0 led. or w re quey Ton: Of- Iihj.pt . )rtanide, iffiv, t1fid-.61TIV big�, tlet6fdt. 4, - I 'AU, it lift U 6, td, �ft'd 1.6 . . . don X1 t, 0"tid rg., Willfrifn it�bt�i : i�� jsititii jg I 'Jhit .. . .......... ...... ... . ... .. ........ _,_­ glipsta, at 'Utl(l Out tbi�*­Ilf f). la C'e, . To ni�ke� deir Allies full " , , p Ad W-4, the 466�81 . 11111(ttef.a -of t fit q kind IS6 f6lir 1111d t d Aluirt' iier t a imigt b,;q4ded by Vote. sa e Im o Inein dde sit. 091S., 114 V 1� ml Ladknov t4blift WftwnO� 6f.. 61M CA'N, A DA r salll A, UWMAA A" aft", Ott de piq4h),ft. our vu,140" fim boo'n h5ftntik, it, dN Pit t1b thy bart 't�' her foitil I dr *1i A` A 4ACT 5 0i N � NT9 5 !4T 1014' i� 11AV lifili A. 1#604 do� ed )f libil, Mod L '-TEN' ff prpo %&§tild. act 01 W V, Mt LET im rnLutimq 6 0 ffift it ybd ddtVt diti f'm4st Ink filDray 10i N mill R69s At, Atid AM Job 14tid Deft 'Wat b6t, halvd boon, -0,AWly bw ad,16yvde,-r inusi fft' of t C16", I Wild, TIVALVELLEWS UMN, Ist 166 111 1 0 * §,Kffd, Wh§ XTUXT., au - eif� I;J§6 , L I ii'h�ypt rise V1.V" Nklss C'ut"t'R ek it, 10`dt,'ft�rd &reotgi, Tofoylid", Owe b*6*1 �,,lfid 1peA 4 peibtdibili�d 1 X"wit" Vff'i Vnd sendt tft6iii to" vi, of fl,�eir, v("ut 6b lohit A The you- cittilowid 6�whdyvlq quil, %nod 6. the erthpa 'mmo, of fhot-it, �'ft' 'Ut d flgh 't up- ift d6f 90,65. Hitt 1 is alffivilriffum, bbv, de 61f, 4ydd�' *41'r 641W)d i "I'd 8 A NOS MOM. ev#u-),�g Aslmolt lAgh ad t.w6dlo' iPkgd, in, .11�4iiiv­ftkie 4 lli board,,,do n -dedroi knj. lftor ar Q 6 9 Uld TD&Iilb th , bi q t,h lgA�ol1,dUftAfiy filwe ."quidpid 066 thlfdd&!4'fld` ad* with! firl, thle #&§ld ltsd f4u& for ta., "Pogifli0ii" but Am f.4 qui c. A 6 "X& dt d NI ei it Mill `Pk4y ift `kfbi I fit' 19'I'lift K, 'I'm4post, 0,46wii vicPrk' d6if W 4t'y.6tfh&rd§,y ial It -to, buff KiWl'? SS: b 6 16 K -Odd 1wit'jUg4t 41doeft, Off A*& Ift'v t: It filittt'llo- h"ad the, �dfft , I A V64tis, 60, s ft, 0", 999,49, fdil the el F 669AV, ft. "4W,'JPf'#4(d1eft& 1g. i6?' fire. wd, ove iia Ift - 9619ftift td, MEN thd 4 aWA(l the 6& 46u,64ift -61 oil we er �d U 'e?k ra A . of �'the Q ig ta 116p6d thft� '&Y� *01 Ma Wi i" I m 86"11ft it V 'of: 04el Wdl 0" t Raid 6R& , tid Ate., to 4#41t, . 11� I . - , , , �Pl 111, h AM 80"Ver-W ot 1*0640 14, g6w 40*16041t "I ilvf A4 Z, i*119i .1 1 W Tit l�, - - . ­ A'111,1- � 11�;,. 11U.�L...-'�'. I.; P -, i':. Ir of 6f T-1 B'4nk'.'.. namlion py J�ed $5,60,060 pi P� up, '$3,000',000 ,Cjp!ta1,Atit p its :.53,750,000. ..."WOV A SAVIRtS ACCOtt"T?� It is b6st 66 put Y6,ur:money in'a, Savings Dark Actkount,11iore be. cause, first—it is safe; spcond—,it interest, is'�"..certain and, ,;;�the. 44 Ab, 6LEN * HIE, Matta ger, UL UJ1t;JU,V-A--U%; Lumv� stijEtl . IJUILIJUA LUIUM tJaIs 13U 'A.. U W.y — -U1.11. ULIPW running aTi aoouv iav� muei per nour,. listen vell to thei Salaries t6t6ert"Urt Pr(ifeiiisott, 'Re appears taha.7, Wednesday 6 each wontlu year,, instead of engAging 1,11 tve listud 4� bac-11,064 getious ih�, For.'vdit i,say concertia.me niudh' 1 .4— ­'..—M-67�— — _! __11 .. jury by hi whou 4 0- dontes6,''sllblil� ratii' eir' Mehiself -und, 8fiertuany, �s desperate ledo, for "FAIr ltdftiund'040�1 lids-'feal'Syneq om A, 14F,81, X, M D. 8, Dentist.% Office election 00061W�611 Agin Blocki Lii - I Theyor ai�d' c6uncil"Ib he constableixf ui� -11'. moderh ' ' . l 6aras by V4 it lk'�Olw d a Oott,, I was your friet rdt � t, n'drdof the Univet. icknow, Unt. A eves, t rned, to'che 8colle '6E --the method.4, used. � Best iftaterials hirnished.' Sqy of To 4". Ct;t�wil aild UvidW6 Nvotk,. Aiintegs extract� Pthi�'es!�aPlle� It w6r# to bo'seen .136aid of'Go, eg, rnanby L a 4ro iifb,,'7r of birth e, was, no tion has V -,6n �sL; 8,111pitlL and r�n A 46ft by the Us. of i, - .. . lal,en �, 1�0- I T acd,100hyatiou, �nd that lbe' saVed Ke.T st e onguer Ohre owitig -to h!d en. - I quieil let you rule d eir' 11eA poirts�- y -en 9 1, , e lA. P eeniedy, SONIXOPORM. , N i fhigwgy be A Ated to'the war thing in artillbial feethi Alulatfullk platesd n relief Vfilte I ruled o'er der,.earth, tire diongreem4tit witfi the drelslo'n 0* The dhly'oho,who -noa breakable Vild'ideaU A; gord oh6; 'but wo U.nd ven I toldt moin soldiers 7 eted -truck rnaT.1.1,T Airl d. adared fin" the MaJority of the. Ward to 'give Of,by�golie,battfe days Ci�nddix.-&nd'fts onto ally bindor. ton-guo with year On4,11M t, Sure, that better th"I's leave ofabsenee, with rla.A"� 4o thido 0 �Udly SlAit. (,Ietglor�, G6tt, - ingei. boring4holeg fil it- -&-lid; does 11.4interefere 1; % er. If th-e- �Xpof)SojL of. an t tbaft aoq oth syowbalf der praise. Monday� Dedi 7, Mueller and't6000l, on th filver.4tv ofit�,. the'- I bl�. to provt e If yoil hav� sympatfiv.'. 'with, yolf� fati.jul, 0ith the hoe,46.q heela.,- 'd it Aotild bd shl�od -M-efeo way I trie e ex. Nilelibisou is, in%' Tor . r Mil' of thdL 0 10 U I electi6n ea:n be savc rue , A , t - CE TO t a as otiWir'agita A, Mein heart to you vas when,priieti cable', whether fhere,w witr reek on busifiess, tibn akathst 'thcIr coutinpinj On �th t, e, iorse, give the W-66.1 a tilial. All LPtid only claitned mein honeatallare coiifte, it' may be- that, In '!it great deeds dot Ve do. I d,. Johnston,' of L'Ineol" g0e ':k* 9taft, or'not. Of machines So.l.d o,� trial, 'Aftii)nd 11�,ou could not hat a better tfieficlf his Men& 6iq A pall thli W�e&, t6naidoration -of ib'e sped4l q0t of ld�tAATFORb ONT, sky, sea,' I )r hind, dr 1),'A,. Me'1)(-nald *'as in U`916-rtch ants f �i -all Kiiis�r Vilheli#t'14itmbeir To�o e,� 1w, .661 with a contip6ittal reputa- all' V attending the Coun Council' N manidpal b6notismig fit to 1119 week: king 14 ht Sed I'd e 14'ord of'�heirtft y don for high gfade work aud, for the.' their -ambition itl :k�s I t I y�n&' pLyid J�y go 810 vat 1 1. say dear Gott ig dim Owe (figs. Wtbk wag' notnifth-te6 ��y the 0`Oftt56t*g, 0i To Utim d Lin tiV6 e6fiVotifloit, 6i th# J�tnt- touhtfieg Tm, &gg of itggra4tiateg; a s,�bool With bill gfil't be f�4etj k A' V doing mmldr An eleetridi �afidf. i icob'fsLeS viet6i4a, and instfiftetar4, A e, Vwl V"ou �hoiildlielp to sendt inein f6tA kpis,61 a,day last week with f6ir otiqVY" 6f -the nekt'� Pei 6 �jve ilj(ll�Vidtyal Attep il6flr in "C6nitn'er, Ther� will, be iviftile'jyv" 11 ovV6v6r,. To it dite in 4' fit 01,46 9 t ifter eqd -Wre, - . I I W* d . , iedt'de'if bi 4 61&wds dand Tel,69,Ya De- mv fw riciftlin'lifil Who wksl Dtoir itt,'A'n, dlea� 0 -oft vill'dig nte do e 4h . I . 1'. 1 1 - I - ciAl Shortbaii ph or� �p �leetloh cahneit"lind 'shmild. iiot ybu ! pai;,ne'lit�.' NIVIly ateend el§ wh re . . I J llsq Loma eongill, iw.a' V18104 im-ifticed that - 46ohl �eeevt---th .1 @ escaped in tbis' wat�� f6il oxgtilp1p, I lio'dtings ask Vain. )011i bktAed y r- &W Zion'fot it' 12'otrithadon itid f4dIgh filig gftt In th,4. whtsi,6 A; man fto I evornioreeil-Alffiefl, *e aod,tha' Pr6niwArfif t �r at ally tit", - Wifit -iT - -- — ----- _-_ Mit-littent Gott, eftdt large free CAWogue� I bi I aid fe Von t Mafor' dilia"Atlit . 0011, tsthdidute- J96UH4 0,11 t fid. rhand d6p Atfadk plefft or out he 'fioW i6t w4k with it "M U-11"', it�k. , T fl" ;! B"i � A N1 offlad he i6# q, of'. ho proved , b 4 Self iji�iiias�j b# quick '40 if. 0, A., MeiA4M fvAfff, tyvqi8t� (ift hoitg a," Qedlge r J o� mto --iloin 0 led. or w re quey Ton: Of- Iihj.pt . )rtanide, iffiv, t1fid-.61TIV big�, tlet6fdt. 4, - I 'AU, it lift U 6, td, �ft'd 1.6 . . . don X1 t, 0"tid rg., Willfrifn it�bt�i : i�� jsititii jg I 'Jhit .. . .......... ...... ... . ... .. ........ _,_­ glipsta, at 'Utl(l Out tbi�*­Ilf f). la C'e, . To ni�ke� deir Allies full " , , p Ad W-4, the 466�81 . 11111(ttef.a -of t fit q kind IS6 f6lir 1111d t d Aluirt' iier t a imigt b,;q4ded by Vote. sa e Im o Inein dde sit. 091S., 114 V 1� ml Ladknov t4blift WftwnO� 6f.. 61M CA'N, A DA r salll A, UWMAA A" aft", Ott de piq4h),ft. our vu,140" fim boo'n h5ftntik, it, dN Pit t1b thy bart 't�' her foitil I dr *1i A` A 4ACT 5 0i N � NT9 5 !4T 1014' i� 11AV lifili A. 1#604 do� ed )f libil, Mod L '-TEN' ff prpo %&§tild. act 01 W V, Mt LET im rnLutimq 6 0 ffift it ybd ddtVt diti f'm4st Ink filDray 10i N mill R69s At, Atid AM Job 14tid Deft 'Wat b6t, halvd boon, -0,AWly bw ad,16yvde,-r inusi fft' of t C16", I Wild, TIVALVELLEWS UMN, Ist 166 111 1 0 * §,Kffd, Wh§ XTUXT., au - eif� I;J§6 , L I ii'h�ypt rise V1.V" Nklss C'ut"t'R ek it, 10`dt,'ft�rd &reotgi, Tofoylid", Owe b*6*1 �,,lfid 1peA 4 peibtdibili�d 1 X"wit" Vff'i Vnd sendt tft6iii to" vi, of fl,�eir, v("ut 6b lohit A The you- cittilowid 6�whdyvlq quil, %nod 6. the erthpa 'mmo, of fhot-it, �'ft' 'Ut d flgh 't up- ift d6f 90,65. Hitt 1 is alffivilriffum, bbv, de 61f, 4ydd�' *41'r 641W)d i "I'd 8 A NOS MOM. ev#u-),�g Aslmolt lAgh ad t.w6dlo' iPkgd, in, .11�4iiiv­ftkie 4 lli board,,,do n -dedroi knj. lftor ar Q 6 9 Uld TD&Iilb th , bi q t,h lgA�ol1,dUftAfiy filwe ."quidpid 066 thlfdd&!4'fld` ad* with! firl, thle #&§ld ltsd f4u& for ta., "Pogifli0ii" but Am f.4 qui c. A 6 "X& dt d NI ei it Mill `Pk4y ift `kfbi I fit' 19'I'lift K, 'I'm4post, 0,46wii vicPrk' d6if W 4t'y.6tfh&rd§,y ial It -to, buff KiWl'? SS: b 6 16 K -Odd 1wit'jUg4t 41doeft, Off A*& Ift'v t: It filittt'llo- h"ad the, �dfft , I A V64tis, 60, s ft, 0", 999,49, fdil the el F 669AV, ft. "4W,'JPf'#4(d1eft& 1g. i6?' fire. wd, ove iia Ift - 9619ftift td, MEN thd 4 aWA(l the 6& 46u,64ift -61 oil we er �d U 'e?k ra A . of �'the Q ig ta 116p6d thft� '&Y� *01 Ma Wi i" I m 86"11ft it V 'of: 04el Wdl 0" t Raid 6R& , tid Ate., to 4#41t, . 11� I . - , , , �Pl 111, h AM 80"Ver-W ot 1*0640 14, g6w 40*16041t "I ilvf A4 Z, i*119i .1 1 W Tit l�, - - . ­ A'111,1- � 11�;,. 11U.�L...-'�'. I.; P -, i':. Ir of