The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-10-29, Page 8QAer T 777 4 I,; limps T t r Tivertop ib ­ . 1p Qm s ed in f The Jub`.lee the qrpday, 0 Ic ng r aanct, hu wits P" k o Ripley, is, the gusx, into at th eptqrtainomerot 'ot on Tuesday night,. bee Herb Thompsji of Strat6rdhaq ....4 after a tOwwwooke ',v. is; t Witt.. f on the 9th. of 'Ktawrp n fri 08 d Be MUro dine, lsa Bert Cookr, teacherof I or in lorb &0-sotlikle the ;idea k Sp t th' track of-ille Stirtafard Normal an y e )I ge W Mrs �'Capt'," K. McKengie,.atfd,,14aur H; Me ormick, of F*troit, visit�.d -Dr, J. 1foCormick- 4 the ed, home fro' ..Orolito where the )**r' bu�s bten in ip4raoua&,in Hotmeaville over the week-. the Gqnpr. osp t,ek, i6nia'nd And havini �ner toloqjl4, re K ar . -and littlti� aoughter h%y- 83 d Mrs'.'C ulter Ii. serious oper- C their both in StrAtOO tv W Robert,, id qop,,.w p4eTw tit o -wi h I reiu6m or ew ht and t1a Geo Holland) who has bou ow% weeks vi*j�g before r6 riling to the 9 o . oe -See."theMcCl dealler .1 -your t. disposed of thro a cat ... A villa N N IV r (14 18A BI Coun,ty"to persolli gin bie w 11 'Dip where Abe wl MADE the t. aC�vload of cows, w i he CA ADA t_�bo most,-varie t -Ad a n. on Friday.' of vfItepnii��.. ipa -e stiock the ar, attrigory in n we Ies, -carduioys, -�.rocades, apd'-Drosdeu8 in next-. luel,'' b4;ve over shown, iconsis k velvets a na d post ' grdu, e. course -to by auction 14 J L 0 to Qtxr.#m k ni liuto d Blackwell 6 we%. know -S ts of p6in sty 50 ca - I , 4 W4 and �tiiebeat va Tiverton �as:sh6sliendq part 9f her: vac 'f triniming pat -We_are 9howi l0vely BROCA DES,� ui&tblb fol., co,tilme,,i.or ,or, , r, a bli Be tiproa,4V Tori fok P]PATH. 'We.ured oil, purplo,at 75C.L per yard; ANCY PRESDE trimming.' po 69; in colors, rii eine blue, tab-�b,qa&�. 4 A� VziR a 8 all'27 i Che 6 in colors tabad w' Saturda� last, whellA p eith �r'dr s's.orauits.At �6c,alid S1.00,per dCORDUROY n, e 6s e yar to tli6 4tb 1;assed a way AAe homO, 'o ellolkere bas roturat'94'. to'.T -7 !M aWIL-i?LAIN: LVE She, *41 race. I odlack p easanti-sky and pin of 13 Pe iAb"i _ru�y,­ greqn, row h ab, 50 nre, tiract; iqol&s xgpo� don. Jennie H*t'-T r I V.,elveti a- allt8a -ill V.el-: befort, V, ry .6 al:Biack. "ith up till a'- few. mys .a 6r .8jDhoOjL a d 110. n1i h Ono, oil is at, 8160, ai�&s 1. 60. tir A most ellperfO, pp Oi In. Uti;e CampbAl allied. bri, fn 0 now Tfi' & 'class. All ats "dope. that ay. itlra.� C' C,- McDc Th 'ill be all, but (0) atroit'on at t e, ed, PW.80111. 1Ve Spent'. -ihi an tbacher -&ad Dresaen,dhd R S Pipe ruolit by fier family eirre e -She, is gon to 46 -foretek r -wi V in tive. *. z I . .1- Py. and" Aftrk N6w w. k; M- a sic list, at rbst with. the'Ldrd., on the wery'soon. Kinlou h Kinlou rec( er nbeen- 8 -in the make, 10 We h6#a �to beat of he rd !C0 at-, S T e Bilks are ittgreit r -trimining nfine4. toi barbed 'for the post. weak, 'A -Wes.'st oes Slist. ..*y-ai' ries- sqripinly. affactod by the -war, owlag up of ladieV'suiw and to- the fact'th4t we are I ort, is able to be arofind , _�m g ad to rep or. g5veky'ticireei We Wer fortunate rep6l t, th, noe'k, of a tnersWt arb becomiin n !Y. Ili slke"ir. G_ 0 �bJ6 secure'ii new' l6t,of these it thli offl priceS, and Claqdia� D 'at 6hurah, wi ore Tualiday, at bi-, L are. now Ib 4 OW pa -nova ho ;1 b h" number'6.f:yery. pre y tWrns, suit- Ipg and I 'trimnotinp�,- The color c'Ombi- "t'S' ve iag al�le f -.,)r fine wais6 as r� Aiba'da, spen un Olket 'Will 86 orooto 'is b- niii a retutnti&to T day At Oti 1'.nsion' i's Visiting, on'( by RU.CH 1-1 Jay.' Zhei ai�c6uipaiiW.' H E. 9X)FQ ANCELLOR R,: ffloag friends in -P . ; 'I , ,, . . r 'Mrs J 0 k6rntjea, III will T out doubt. t� fineSt Steel Raug& allu.- iartion ihl-.k 0104re, . . . , . visit 6�v Boa, Rev. eii.t r -e fo ppe. is: .6 a 6 MiBA D*�day Cioltin, whio-h"Wtiin with. t: appearance -is—ve factured, Th -h4.-brfiither, 7. 16th t.e�4-in-�st. k A. Ste lit.wo 9.- Ae uest of hi r6thritedto. John McKiai 9 tin St. H, M ter ',A 'e o -'a few" Kinqli�r ine, �'ma di er broth 6�hi of ih p �e v y .�est B' I 8 d I a as rc 4:Crauin who, has jusu.,arlaved-Iroin Have Vow haard the Irish K06i *wres- thaushou.:: appeat.,--t-0 ��.,the. In -l -e y -of --House,. - $1 ipperi suit - i" t M. fe -En-61ai po a We have ju§t. racefved "a quaXitit T is gr W p�tuchdser. -Ia betting, The, WW. f hw o wear, aroun -y. are, made it th bi is able for t A the house. ic M ission Circle' o h c t Lu. r ch; It h 6 1 & t h e i i r—' T ha n Of A hea;,vy fanc'y rned, on �&s ratu, plaid" oth �.'and ave-stroi felt. 'arePrettv,'tbe'v are comfortable. -and they� are to her ho,ne,:.qter 'ipendfioo-iir 'it- e evening. oU g) i i f i i k-lWe� 0-6g—. 6 n—F Ft 4a—y itted,with'a' iiwe. rate; the� 'k, perfect. run 7': 8 9 and 40. ..dr re a pair hie, sites, �ys be' prii� is -only 2007 i�ieek, when R -v G. 0 Illock, of W ` 't , , . , , addres.si and a see Walter vV&1ke#ob,:wi coal grateoh, .the rnatkdL We- �ke 0 -the sites on own biri - Court r-1 43 -are �g. an..asapr in nt of. ed-.--AT-e7-'0 giv!15 eye for. a. Couple ofatiys. . for cl n a she. s t6- tizzie Ganai i-maxiltuened do4n sides KintA rog) Div -id Ilig fl� t ue -s rips along tit.) iltioll on Wejftesll�y. . - %. . ... I I I . .. . f, _ - .. .. .. . p qv,( 11, 141 ej, � `fi b;iike�r. Monday a. Pe ME. Opt 904 s h61nte, I Rp py,,' will. save 2 Harry Y ' 6 ' uhg�'" n on, Qi on a:vlslt. lan Econor-hizer that, �CL-n t, 0 mdn ell at �Attbis 'thi�, ye d 00en soun -w -V aird grith igitz Ws,Murined to tier. 100iffie. oand tb� �rol Books leb- We: or t Oak ree speQjAI, heavy shil.: M. 'BI. oi wOek. P6ctock and lmadet�of Wellsville.. -to bur me e I riffin Brent lih ed pli ibg� -11 pi.ish blued, -�teeli take a at p 0. er i r"ich 'le heide, 18 Tibriioito, ... an&4h Anti e. av i'stodk_: ti h ep -rheum, atie Sock�at.,4.0c'. A6 irr ode �geihdr wit ste d ri Nift" �Mar A, .1461(ftal is'Visiti vets, 0diki �416 a business 'trip C�ipt.. K. qoX�s.&t Owen- Sound.,, 'Ia' winter: wqightis,.,at 25, 35 and: ay ith h on - ny.tk Fittedw t �p. rgest a nge. tin. Bijpley WA Vader"W'iti McDonjildvi,siteldartheh 'bu -users., in LUck-i6w Omp ay on OvOr one, b Undted s. 6sfi d fieve on,. Satu h 1ast, Tuesday', of icinity�:L',- e James Jo n9ton G dlitn�3r, nd, v Dou bl, or a of Elen Grove, wa . s, A MbWhjnn6yi'vi Bit -the unaay visit t Jose ph . Pater46 n'lq 11r.'an-4 A A.Xoi attended'- the itored to..,Ovion d uy'. Amongou m ny attractivil sty)" 1110 t a ell vs Sonn-j:oh, SzLtur as A am. -of the lai slitei in Zt. Wi k f10ver�pists:we d6iivii to call atten'tioto funeral barr, Of. cltt� Ssk., - us ine. to 6 nel that t, Pe. �articiuiarl ait�lapte&ttli ere on Saturday for a: 6hort James Walhice.and. lady friend thok ou men ho, desird to -be 'wall i . a -Coal y in vii y ng,:.; TableLi.nn,, Lucknow. Hdw in t6- Guy Bros. Famous 41insti els M. %nd Mrs Win. Splan. of' Rosen7 is made,Df- y -k dressed, -"T heav' I'Lac -now,last' Fridaynight' are oil 8�0' ale, i�sitlng I . a PPOInts up �wxt rogw re D MdDonald nevii.-Brush made Where is the,g6d1i Me. and M �6d.jaujth-� rhos Sokit. U, a 4osi -a' -test R ithe V R Call0a t *ife-Aa,t.doe' not like fine ary an,:hasthe-la ent ar . . . . . . . r,,( 'Ceme 3 f In6n, ec T-trotilo.weadirigi6a, Wednes a Ili-. I I troronto bri, Thursday to i" his, dyj'"g Pa id Roofing epbloset Wall Board. Co Ora To Linen. Dv N srby Of .8baQ �bllar. The 1. -w vol oueek. rom n grey"',paVy air ment, importei f Mr.- and AVeIaklor and chil& b run Aup, Fai t Chi.X 97 Mrs. S. 11. flarri Sherwiti -$in, fi ';zzie Qttaphe visit -e -d- --- fr ie- -fi A�fte fast three very extra specials i6l ds in stock of Overcoi all'kinds,islarge to retail, at 7.56 $1 .00' ent'visiti 11 week retdining hdme; o Monday, �_Wti_l -quit "all. IRrices Inc 'R. J. NesbifCs.an spent. ad is an "Old -BI' _R7 -sf,—,r k, Ily, $1.60.& ard. up to '014 1 - w4th bas an sday,�,�Q 7' tS ba 'Unday d- ondity. of HJARN�ESS as returne hoine gnie Pettiplace A , Win, Cunnifighsm, of �Alliton; '.Nil I CLEA NO. summer's'work-in qa I ­jiL 'a ' of Mitto , a-* J. E Aiz e Mr, at ryilenop d'f �dMrs. Iten a) am- Harri8on of Toronto, and L '\1iss O�WingL t�'ljAViIjg_4,$ti ii at 8unday with -K, -H- P I , y opip km. offeripg for 7th Ohleago,--iq e, tip frnt, for my winter goofis� Of West M MoKenzie; from. th aarriaoji,- -'of L on Vl� puday wthe -remains 4 October special bargains in 'hei re a JbW- Is ToOnto < a in M L arns rti -the late i -in' h g.L. or qoll$ln, r1i k rde-kk' Klemi P - is -getting along 0% Off On all line -S of TRAVEL -regui6is `50 can 'MRS S M.. HARRIS LATE' 0!;� (Fom P :nicety afWr the adoident while cutting CASEil­ Daily 8j;sr,. Odtobt jjjh) -GOOb . -&C; the Toronto ic6.2 r FQjlpwiig an ati �of 6%, off On IIAMEAS., 0ILkD k'�Elt RUGS, re�pblkr, Harvey Hu ey and* Sarah Mil '00;, re& $ :75* ffman.'DaW Windi ri,midow 4f, the nt, $at rtlay. for. $1.. 1.00 for: 75* A. Sa'va'nson 'spo U night in Richard"W. Harrion, died at'0­51ar. 911016111,109E'S.0ALK. CURE rea �Z) on i was made itiL the. evening Al �Zwetta S'L,yeateidiy, after one -Wetik,�s 7cejAs� 18. ior 35 'got a iaissty fall I&A week. -While fas Sjra�ffi Wfi�16dlid wherieo tad fit have In ES) with snap pnil'ring, 11UR QN. pla. . 1r, oil poi Lit 06'a He wa4.tsixti ye�ri old tiod I ave4 g6 y r(Si 2, B. MQKinnovi and son ate A .4. ftarrison wtL V9 Mrs. J. i ties The' l' hg, hjj 20 cents, fdr 2 If Tic ton'to a to 'brother Ill r4 i� ienjn. cro� t ;;d year, and 641 Pr6Vwu% '-aful sai bA qlippe up Over 00 end OArchie' funeral., Arn -tint for 25 Cents cont. d grown. 'tGi amis"Ontaii Nlr.,J E 'ft :�Irom POLian 4' AvOl', is'a $on of e -blierete bridge being built, the pol, allowing bi to de th The new e, in On to John Casai4y's litti Harold, vvaip of 827 Lansd w e Fie 4 bottles, ti 10 slid 16 I. the Maitlatid iriver in. Lower wm6d'-' afiA at.his residence it Mee ove ground, a distance of nearl .30 feet, D.ONIT 6UV ftmt kicked by.a -colt a few day -4 0;6, butser- d6l eeuik tot, 7 ceats W.Mr.ening 'y 1611.4 re pected trill d is yielding so idta are robi ek be on ducted, to4tartrro, n coffipeted.-an. d he eacap. ­NbINSUCtl I-TARNE99 1�j Mg., Wingfigi hits bee Valting upon id r. tbi Mr. Chantlet,'of the 0,)llep. L9t. The'Pres rian, Reed Richard Cassidy and NAuft Eicken.- Airti GRFA69- re ulh'i 10 Cents up. -1hurch opdfi for tra0c. ii'bones though. StA' in' warning. —Do not. It. 0. C ath6dist 0hurelt of which lf�r� 2,5 cones for 18C.- or .2 for 6d br(jk6i n'g be* petsuadbd into swiller were the sale price 7. cents. ha- 6verb shakino John Ctoftt-of 110,wick, fqort� LAboks tiavellin rison was a, nte�;ar. the body will'be 35 cents. fib ell. subscribing for wo here, on Thursday (4, ho t week, '0 to Pat SSW I& RM. — U6 present, e. You w Win. 'h HE, D -vitto Glatni%lohere a. brotilt ing gathered' ra.mp ATIN ed a 'William Greenlaw "et all fiets more . f ully !'aud Auctirately ing. 'trio to ronto; PeLdtoi ii cei iii as rafteti6d'afl . Otianingliam r -I e- on nndak Mora. �qe, 'bushel his - & d It I T. I I - 44 ey patt rns teg. 25'ceata f6e potatoes which At name as A by -the R.' lea vin,g PArkdAle cents, ed 612) lbs�' . . I Dur daily papara neelleSSly �'fly ruki meaure. and weigb` was �aptiuredoa the farin-of L. Mu 0 in Wood, re of getting'toi 9t Any ton Baflin, elpVaud statio� Interment will be mi at! 'Alvs manv other bargains which �paoe does liot �Parmh expensitie W4 J 'W, the n.- wee ago,lan as tiniti tind some of thiege books ht%v6-Ger,- 46iig yuu 'ofi We have a li,of :.,blGv(*,j and s to 14 Harrisn, One OthFit AD W. A.� Arm, rge n n ndrew 6 hand -for ihe cold weather, "Shoe & n A. hud&r of �u sent6ne6d-by Mtigistritte A Inaft Coloring tbgtiS -neither eorre6t, n6r .PjLr 1, 1141. n Wye Pro heattlitul nor pleasant, in some ocaica a 6nded tol. -before bi ' 'V L, ; I Q lie recently sent the rtisoner bad served , a Iffle, �y there areL tWj 6 �eet$ In V1 in I this li6ason. w one is t(j, PL ULTJE�V WX �ng lim-come to Tot int r pol ad otbdr is 'to cr to o oc o -k tlaeltiTubMity, tit Kill. the obsequii make ThL lcloek4t 1061bughmuteday. A' I forined one. �vfjicfi.- three termaill'Centrall -at of i�anada to 6ow, �11 Icifidix I'( Hire nod dregsed Chicag� w for i exceitiona use the present inter� ilive., of I.ti 'Vood- a- survive. ilia. William 4 to the, ot at Guelph. farin and, WMahed 2Lg'X 4' * ' . '..YduP,. t 11 T6 Pbst� -S _V�*to like woi kina' feeling ill, favor of Germany, by incorrect Highest&ah pti -and theta are btl1'ej. i 16tilet�rd Siti and the 6 app6a�� oeg paid t -a Atthfi Of f Cu . . .... i It weigh401 01,11med in. 'No do-ftbt spi of our dwir, nuing iaw,- 0 go* INfiltorl" of le d', find V of the dee - ' -n-0 tood people, innocently enoi !�ill be eatyao' tioly finingha of A'18ton, ed thein It ask T9k*ktLTTd BA" oo.Avq._The Code - RR W Atthe -in FlOvEER.�Lkn'other.. ngK;n_T',o( iLt�i"o subi for book,& in, the. war, ondAy� Oct -2.0, Curint A _f, tor,some 6E. tr Young to It) 4 1111:91-111 melnuurl.o. V 'Y T�andyoii will bethe gaitier.", �VLeddiflA bella are.ri in 1191' Allsw Sadio Al'Nott visited. h sigto, 1111 Severa caseso into"catiowlinv6beozi 6rg, Mr, John Templeton, who for towrf t6.gw�,!, the p6lioe cou rit pioneers h4a, beeft ditherea, toL.btq fatk� m6ntion&j to us, Ono gentteman L re: Over half a� cenw?y had been a. res. §pent -th� *&k end at —Tucsdiy, ()(�t.- 27. Al tqR Rutledge marked that the freight, tiablis i -pec'Wd resident of the Wert Cone(, W of Tudketarhith,' died the hothe of A nto.,h is. a p ing Gddorlch wbM,tmv6Ili n g barrooms, on October 22nd, Miss Pe�i,&Dobi6n.'of E' pt�tj&. g*W with dhn din, 1 havinw reich6d �h` 0 good age o near y rhe) i,%A­ A, bee Ing' --.vcek:%vit Maurice `Rawi h6telk6i'Tdt' 'at il i. T6 -it her-alint Mrs. E Atkert, t a hAA, iefift ned hoi s redefitlyfined $100'ayfel db'8f8 for laton had n a A 9U01trithed t0l4edi -or internal an i f wa Vee iaoroi sj A;�Uve inau durincy his' Leslie Congrani atid V iss Nlyrt le stltlfit ..visiting a re n Aelliri o liquor- confraty to the, - Cangda y v -, u mAilt or beast. n eVetji'l)gL at f.he agiifo looking, fiti atter a trip, "'ot. Jo.q. lledoi�j'jfid- ]life,, arkid had enjoyed good heait"",CA external aw by If."iffio of deo, Hainosi Anval., ail has . ... .. �liwjfeniy 6peNt tho week end in A et6A Ali Ott r Savatus''Ore both fine,l $20' cjj�Lh'jti - this springwben he suffbeiad a paraly IN -S, w Kia &Orier. 'It will 1)11 tlte'�)nd C3u. with her Mead, Mim lowity. Mr. e FL the same thioe,, for lbeinrt" (Itunk ifi ffoUroke 'Find sinCe than he was 13011- t f 'afah"Am. , be, very 601tivienteh, or a a ge p The casiqs.wete 'fined W, btd inoat of tbo time until- his 'f S Wheiii ou whoet 46hit Ma titt Im bad 1,66 Waddle �rohibitioro tereftory. i9 r triod bdo.f6 Pol q %�.ttgiq death. Me. aad Nf rs. Rising. -6, ` 'hill akoh"if l"' ic 'T � brate And I I ­ - wtihhi -mac I e igginkpi I . es or tint, Utt ' ' , L : I have., raw ed i tito 11olyrood.. Wo we cOva e, (o d&tMnf_yL molikog. it fin I ILIF -them Wonr burg. a- ibi ail raws,� 0 in `K I D A bavid Voffat; a highly respecNod. 418brit of Grey do lots of it, & well known.tie M m. H. Ackert entierfimnorl a-roUth -ry TownshiLp didd Ship, met t 'Ger of hee friends at, a fiywl'supper on ��,dontL of Turtillet I . . . Don't f got that' *6 1 C ur� 14 .1 . instgn death in a boAh on 4C,N� work.' Pfla Ptily, Vet6r Leaver's '.V)n 016&,. 6tl)r- f(jj()Witjg*Ajj ili"8's of- hia thirm On` Tatsday'Imt, When he pvtgentolaitiq AX, k ft tjj� thd . ve.v.&Al W064 8 , He N�fts� veat . s Of w" struc 0 Wit (()'r't% few" d Dyl' a and It rg. 8tettjj, had are n TurW5 rty'all his arne8g, gild UsM68'a glad to 8668tew art MeBurhay, and had li", �d. i dwbalolt, twe Thotbag White attAfided the rutne&l of FUM H.6 is survived by I if6, Minn; h afon w o was, laid tip (or a wh&,� now able I W baq 6still wag. burni ni wsome bi�ush, Abdea-iorles &l.wAyo iii,. ftieir'siAter, A as V , Wshitin, Who died in ' h 66 be' 4rouriA ag-tin, although- no t Aj. *�ejj tegilimi thait�­th&­ �r e., Oct 2�qiiidi, fta p. ir th.6 06Lti oft t�h(jL j&ej'6 trft he funer Xta, Higgin"S'. of Tan' at It Z5 f Wry Abd Mlathniiiia at 116, the 6" bar totht.ln-law Johii rx�,Jafi, of St. fire I a lup nntit� io� bOr intend 4tten Ing t b( wipch toll Ott fihal it Apift, dpott upatine K CL, C�rllate d Ia hall to- 1*1 Will Wi6rkiq .6f, bi�*- Of h4 W44, + Ai W, ;44� at 2' 4 Lg6tii 4� on PI Coital, paid'u P�v $3"1006W a morley you gtve. instead 6,f b6aga 'dotn'fbit, may be a, 9 cA­vel, I If, you hltVd- worry as t *t-� "filltV- BAlligh Worry by dii Positing ft In. the Bank �i Hainiltoi) hi& has "(6794Arded the earnings 4 thie"thrifty, for 6VOr forty years4fi gejod tirnes And bad & t0ling Up:. year by yaat �j S- I urpius now Per can 9-fta, 0 ., a 1 8. api a th''..0 it- C - *6 1 11. A." dIL-11f .1 A . Jr. P a