The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-10-29, Page 5hursday, October. 29tb,, x9i4 014.0.S5 OUNCIL-MINUTES- HURON fOWN•IIIP-COUM4 Couttell'itnet on, Wednesday, Det• Itlenlbera %II present. • The .Reeve in the Phailf, The ullautes ortlfe last 11:m411V 'epetti.4.1 fueetiug-mereLree4-4414- :swittitined.. Moved by•J;(1110, Armstrong, Thematt 'McPherson, that as Coll .11,4ment wants to ,Movalis' fence out to oeICRQW.serirriNei 1 C -'-. CS ...C4filAnliAN • , ---714144tTuA.41071tveLtsEgO. f'-'-'ee' t-1.0;',.• -w' 44' , - RED .eIMSS •LDOE'fiii. and elieeeneletb,40910 441Y. be Wade Township 4a,11., Atpley,,tiot Itith, Ihllt.kci Mr* .Pc*Ino: MS. -11,9•.,Ctleati. . underdireetion"of utioe ..or doctor , with 'Reeve. Wilkinsoo in the .0.14.0., , „ , , . 11.. eli.0°, !0.71:"40..A.:101.111..9;:e.::vb4: WW°47404ge ., liotylag'--13.1adagesq% :2i; :,3, and 4 -in.; Comma 'net pursuant to Ladjournment„ ilitenn of gri,erny'li, War 'Veopohi. , 10,he ,inade, of good factory cottetn or old siteetis !in -good .conpition, Length, 4 mhia441, of ligit,gipetilig were K,a4 .4,04 me' l',4%-.4441,1rnitzItY.,t4,014.700,174lie,-44"iari.„. 1;0: . 7/..Klug SOTO Cglif, 11'910/1111. ' y ds, to be'. used .as. outside bandages. gPted; • - .. ' • • . s . ._ , No bandages Should be made, :as were pa,sSed, vta: Rill of Angus MeLeed„.. The fPllowing•orders on i he Treasurer ullgil'e• toattet44.4 atnes7nrnilt.44041.,0.4-• ,4... 1.4.0 in the tite,40..41 the. ocle.ty, . ---..,-- they will be bought -With/ medical sup , Atlantic, 'PaUtlitc and 4.1.di.(.6.:,0000,41. 0. •These cruisers incleMe the TOMelen, The:ne4 d'hee 8°6°7 14 Avr,nize'l° ‘Pligt.p.clke'rilie‘..aor:heapitt,l)- 4.to.:50, for rep. bridge land hatilingrOo- , leTtal9 for Ale sanie,oless .0c for .. poSPet ' which. has sunk or eaytexed twenty' e°1100 '110:MY md g°.°4 f9‘r,t4e l'°i:.el' 9f- Q- "" " ' b la IQ 00 The bridle is olposite - " • • ' '. - • - r. ' ' ..sii- e s',. - "Art,.-1,iik_waL_____, , ,449•Lom...,mo Lo,t ttubentined qheosecloth, _ 7reirt1-3rialiOiTllrrt-i 4.tiV,11-1Wail' jot 17, con. 6.-: ' Da -yid -Murray,. 1 00,1,pr Oceg44 4,1.14 the 4"rls.ruhe.'; whfc'th hae I.' Mn/IFY"- • ', • • -4. ' . -eo's handiterehiefir, ofordinarY size; Werit, on sai4 bridge. Thenno SteWarti . -taken thriteen FIrltieU • Ofp.ii Iii, '4.10 ', This the fira:n0d.rinotit nxgellt need ready laundered, , are ow acceptable., .4 5.0.,' for constructing Hur4.-n's .share of. Atlantic. The stete..Ment.'•eay.X. ' '` of the So^iety: .It can at any impotent !. .. • , . . Awal d Drain, i.i. lot, 17., eon -6, -iL -N. 'searching, for these ' rlrelf0.0.1N-d.040; be .converted inlo the most. lie*OSSiiiTie up in dozens iy mci,ey•is tirge,sok lier.;cied.to. pilychor . and John Bell,...telkesfiRr,:. 4. 99 _cli.2.41fer "-,0001Mandere44-,entel ,are. upwards Wilkinaon reeve Angus. Martin .elerk 'w°4'1415 .44 ecqleert under '.0.'0.1*1"Ctseo-0:--;;,.. 13:21)4..;ocre:iies ii:sdv'0,;:ivl:s.L___e..48..1..ly sent'. to, _. aUY ri,h.her goods itiYalici, foods, th'ege And other• hospital appliances, Selecting Jurors. .'J ohm Reif; assessOr; roe,vevenctIr British,,:ioR'4044ratFitHi0014114744.. .I; .._ , PM K1 _am?, SnieviNO ,I)iii..c.rrlo!..ce.. g :50, t attendatrJe dt court for the not in,. As some persons more esPecially the. itaviuiratruf-*p-Vsoto.resiiidtcortilivel ell4i- r.; ..'awa"rY . -12411111°,9)- l•mol.111 ail - ' . . •1,. Launder all cottan,goods, also sockt..... hes . aro a ..atimow olt *. .14004 kv-, u ofTthe-countiy,--:Lcangive---. w. ork and.totki, c4reltaly.,„belgte seliemg them . the 4440, David 4reelt, building stone ,criiieere.. - . ... . , and not inoney;. Aid as sortie goods Itie ...g, Tie up all orticles in dPzens. or hall breakwater at ditch OR sideltee 15,.... eon:- . -pit nwittrit4"nru,000 British atikpi eiliaged.; patter, made by band than bought, the dozens itcdordind 1_31.41e4_,ia.1. „,,,,, at lot 24, con. 12, 5 00. 4 1 '2.„.D.0 -I1111.140-m--99B,`Y(re-ibtt**1..Steplien. have been •sunk by the euenik, orleas :dividuals.aud working parties. who are . '• - , .. ! ''. ArTY,.1. • 411-°'wkig-512gget4"'nb-a3se--ltl"t+4.-°'"4."‘"-riet-T7a8 • sacks. ‘vristieti mitts.' son, 2 09, for hauling -ringers and Plank than One. per '...cent. in s41.. Beside rdesireukol.Witing.. ' • . and ,glovesshOuld, he. lightly sewn to- , , gWier'„in..,pairs„..'_ , ; .. : to culvert at lot.6ani ,-t,.12. G. tiandey, seven 'vessels are now overdue In -A.t. Women oiganized for seVvitig-7.shottlft np.V pinnedBandages :. 4.- :50i rep. etilvert and cleaning -ditch- at 'antic waters; -, : - • . ... - • • not Spendinouey. on buying••the supplies 411641d:he. fastened by. safety pin. .,..f.l,;:tr.8.p,u:etotini;),,::'1•0.I,4,;.eW. pettanikiips.hien11, jilrio0g00, , vqyates have been ppdprtpkei4soir.otp:d 45 h4h.ght; as these can be bewai bought. iiiilde'l.liai§n/Pds ,.-.4)ot t'.indt:er'IVters-y,h-lialdrceIT:IsP-nlAdeda: ,troni ' united „Kingdom .ports't Between .8,090 -,...and . g„eoo foreign WItich li•tvo. simply to be, -Sitil5P-ed-aw.-17, - '..3Olirt. Henderson 1;6:40 "for `41 yardsi "' ' ." ,, 0 rade.. hadr 'practicailY, eeatiell tc,''. Lik over:. pyjantitS,: dreSsing ..griwns,, %bed!, jack:eta, work up into -Stich ..gitrinents os .shirts,.. recaer; 'teiopPitiAeli,;_gorf?trjr:ttptdka:bgye.1.1,1..a. :)../‘,.,..ib.e. :des„ dompa.o.ia' 4re. cart) i tig,:B...ed • Crosa pack-..• . :and httnling Plank at lot'5,...con. 10John it, Headquarterst but they are • cereight, 49 06,•for'eleaning...ont bed lye per thousand of which have Interfered with . ' . ` ' ',,. itil beel. mended to spend Money on materials ' to. .5!.., Al most ' all • rail ways arid ...express or riVeit,x,esCef Cheese Pactoryi.oOri....6 On the other • hand, Germa ages. ' f ree . of: charges, bUt •ehaii,ges ; Should . graVet.On con. 2, %Mat lots i 0. and i ti: • . in ' eort.,..A: .. Harry Conrtuey, v. 3 - a5„. for .. _ ,?lixtett, could have i.i, t.b „ f :14- . . n...ight•.stlitis.. or, s,,Clis wristlets . ni it ta he paid at point .of -despateli'and the re:' -graelingon base line, con. 2 at lot 1 • ary ;.cruisi. s,wereb4eli up4etdi as .9,674. : cublera. bAts and. Searves;..zor. .kit • bags, Demme- all of: whOlitt:eq.eirs "Care-tol making .• ' . " . ...., .. . St.,...East,..N.ontO, who wilf.":trtake in:due, seipt forwarded : to geci etary, 77 . King _.4271-0.,-.4- YarA of !Stone:iv-I 60: per 71-fito*-.peor4. fili_rocir,P. r°r111."..44:Yrf,t. Oaten handling packages, it is . suggested that : yard; .1 r75j,:for.-7'..yards of. clay at 25e. refute in their aim. Among t '''''. 'Airflte•aqiciea eirturn re:tell' Undett:L:4; ante, 'a genefalaPPlicatiOn. •forl•refq.nds, the corn- R.; arisd'il);Are needed. untesi ,miti:te.• to Q. , To avoid expense. :and trouble in per yard, on gaugeen Road, con :3 .00,. Para.tiiely: feat • G.erinati:•shiPs, which the contrat y. ia sent out -.-4..' --4-•' - --,-.--2-,--,. for repairs of. citivert at lot 69; con 1, have put to Sea, 113 have been'eeP- A.---:GAini4;Ntrii . : ' ,'• - - . ... ' • •Boundary, Aslifield --td :Pay one-half; tnted, or nearly toil?. times the • num- • . , no., single , pack4e should 'weikli.. more British mercantile Marine' • Ty large. patterns a's approved,' by .the .Britiiihited In Making these gl.ruienta Butteriels's than. 150 tbs.. : . • ' ' ' . 7.. As far as possible; only one kind of "total 111) 60; lk.ianas'seh Armstrong, 00, ' -'-lost---l» the very ber of those- . for hauling tile from Ripley putting ., . CioSS Society should, be Used. • gets of ' in and takingiont culvert at lot 35,7eni • . . .. five, patterns . Will . be • issued •to : any article shouldbe paekedineaiih•package; .obutinenta, and cement Covor of ..bridge -mnran!s„a.p.o.yiiig4or,,,.4.hol.a7,,40!,. e.g., a case of sheets , a ' pied ' of socks, etc .4irtuelPhirr.e.-1.8....2.5,..for...waterin INBIANS-111"akTTL ., v . L "the Superitite•riderit of Supitlies; 77 King . 8: Siii61109.:r0el.s'e" 4.1*4§.:1;0.-e.ilt. in to the :Head 'Office, or Piolgricial• Resew,- antivuse of -lantern far,-63.-night4, •39hia Turbanned Warners Gave spleridlo ' : 2. St. lilist, TOronttv.en,ehising 10 edits for ieg •cjetatres!. but no. large -- n ' • MeLean,..fOr cement Work at, ,bridge on. ,.. . Account 'of Themselves iii.. chargo - • mail ing: 'Phi* patterns .ttre presented . .goods ,e4c.aild,h,e, made without - cons*. shipment of Sideline -15, emir 4,' at 3 95 per yatd,-1•0.. ..yarcriti total 41 • 50, • W. Bell, 2-71-0, for , .-7.--- L. .`. .2 1 . • , .. . to. the Red Cross Si-ariety' Wale BO ifei=:7 and should Only be ing•tne flead. Office. •its JO the .Correct Deneriulig.' lie. 'Arid participation of 'Lek Piiblishing:Ca, deitination of the goods, its skipping' -in. 27. yards Of 'tfayel.:for'sideline 20.... Nor.-. '.ine troops .from • India in the lighting used in Red..Q.rtisS Work: ',' . ' •: . • struction.a Must. varY • with the season man ,Mcl,teocli 4.:80,. for 60 yards...gravel around La Bassee, . a despatch- from : This in uSt not be .undorstapd to Mean' .: . '. ' that. ne other .pa.tierns •tire • useful; buc , --tlye-prop,eritne according to theetigineera " 'survey Pt lot, 24 and '25; cep. arid "Wants the road."`graded in' the proper. plare,,, that. the Reeve continue:4We with, • • • the Reeve of Ott enock and remit, at . next. meeting of covinci!, .!Covried.. ' Anus tron g--McPherson..;---Tbat We adept • the PetitiPn presented. to this :TAfia341-elltrorrliztd"-eatifirate-for--7eleax=7, Ing and dredging the Mod River,: The motion beteg put to a vote was voted on • follows„; -•For the inotion-A.rniStrorigi_ Ther-Trarinnou- ,, ..,....•01.1son,X;itse, Kuntz.. Motionlost. ' Mell:t000u--1-)onaldso.ri--Thot what- ever stoney§ are p!id into the' flank of . be, left there until Case=-•- Armstrong-., altIOTteltnOnt,,' :that we do not make any ..cha.nge.in the Matter Of. changing l he o sh i funds from the Mitleona Bank •tto he; Bank Of . Fr time ainendinent-e, • • .Arn*rorig and 'Kriniz, Foptthe.,intiotion :Donaldson.. 'Motif:in lost; !.. aniendinent. carried:* , CaSe:bave-the. willows pulled and the „ .,brush cu.ori.the'25th-sideroad, • Carried.: : . Reinort-Thoinas NilePhersoi4 dogs,.$.6:•69•;-RelitTGrant,- ,6 '80,; Hendersin,: 7 yards w. gravel, 56C..,' R. ete,, clitrhv ; :Wall, 17 yards gravel, 1 3(; . John Mcita.e.; 139 yards gr.a.vel, , 1.1 04, Piker or, ay!... work on rood at lot ,34; 'eon, 14.,. 00Wm. Toad, at tot, 34, con: 34, 10 00.; P. • Manly, •• thidinget -lot 95, .con.. 11; 9, 75; James ThonipSon, ploughtngandgrading,.-8 Ca-sidir..; 'contract. •graYelling, &2;. Dan MarrayMitspecting contract,. 1, 75;, 4fuffinan; wet on'gFider, 5 25, M. • 'Brown, 145 yards graveland.reed, 12 60: F. Edgar, Mali and team on rade', '...daya, -10 than and .team . -ntfrrarier; Banner- ,- . Man, Man and tea,M, on 'grader, :10 '90: • jos:- Murray,. man and team on-gradee, • 7 inspecting con - 3 'fiiiTct,• 3 -90.' ja-ii•TMCC113,mi, ' Niel* -6n grotto'', '11 06, Ctilross Agricultural -ifna":Mtirrit,Wriperatriig; ' grader and Culvert,46...00. -Ph Kef- , P. 11 read • work; E O. . Kuntz, selecting jurors, :4 00, •.-Joseph fees re.:111cCOOntek drain,A1 .60.. „'Pfn.anqe...iiKirt,,w_as..read• and adopted The Coma:111.4mi adjourned .to.. meet. , , • e , . • • • furnished for 20th sideline. • ' David loondoolut ,S'. : • .' ' Campbell and 'Robert' MeLotY, 2 00 each ..: "The • Germans carried the :ilritish 'these are bagi5rested to standardizethe for one day's Work'shovelling.gravet for trenches and tha. position looked clan- work.' • • ... . • ... ... 'MUNICIPA1:116i,EPHONE5 A SUCCESS. sideline 20. ' John Bell, 50e, for rep .a.erous. An avalanche of the enemy I The:frilloWing'garinepts are reinired:' : • , . . and 75c 7.5e, hit one load Of gravel at said tlf..41'14.1e-waY.T wa's'oll.e0-141--tjre-q'-ut•. " -down:-.... ; -.' . • . . ' .. :NliiniCipal: ownership of, telephones is. hrkti e on Sing,een' line at lot 35,•con, 7, ' poured. ,, through, el/Wei:41Y siipposing : , ... g . • 4, itekets. NO 129); flannel or eider- .... A recent Toronto Decifut,eli sair,F1 'oridge; triarr2.5- Diri-r CamPtreitTr3o ` The! h 4 4 (No:1 ;:i9), eamtetetti ,or. light ,.,;urkirig out very sttsfacturily..iu .i.quiTe: be as.upporurt:. oafwa• the Etnritieh: line rnaiSs for .1.14p .Te(4 of . plank ' and ,coVOring weight flannel ' . .- .. ..... ,. • - of . the .northern &unities. of O'Ital'io• Were the Indian: troOps,• lib. bad been - badge on Saugeeti' line at let 3, con 7. John McIntosh, , 14 09, "fer'. inspecting__was : to Prove 'theid. jeiluealGeityr.4n,anlat as a bayonet affair Night 'Shit( s (NO 131 :cettori. or ,flan- A. 1.1.• In. ram, Of the (..),,,zitariO.'RailWay. ' nelette; : • . Board with•Francis Dagger, th .e GO vern- „ , _ , '•Neil Murray's gravel contract on sec.' 4,... 'advance was beaten ,a d hiP0/tori?:. The ' Night Shirts, sill gical (.'$To. 1.33X, cotton amid telephone' eknert; have returned sideline 15: , ':_gott Murray,' 126 :70, •fer . Indiana. -ran through` hem,. being the I-.' •-, ,.cir: whitelionnelette-;-; frontan extended .inspection trip over Said 'grAvel. contract: ,:” ROYirt.Alitirk• Of. ',Keel . in their Win' ' arkmanlike' fash-,1Dreasnirgewo(NO...132.);.-Ima7rliatinel the' -Bruce Municipal telephone system („taraada 6..7), for interest'oti. overdraft ion and thrusting .the foe ,baeli to re-,: ..' or .eiderdaen/ , • ' ••• • , '', and find that the service :reudered,' and. and 18 !'.5.0, for interest on dernand note • ceiye the right and 'left Pie of the : Day Shirts (No 7003) lightweightflan- the charges; are very Mir and reasonable. re • Ontario and West Shore • Rail way. Brttish infantry, who, awaited their r' • ' nal On iltomelotte (detachablecollar., -Jacob -Gates,caretaker of _hall, .6 00f .....c.e.iVIlff... :: _1, -__ _.:._. ........,... . • .. -1----.-4itz+-least--,14X ine-th) .This.,pattern' extra meetings .A..'Altinh* Sons 50 Not only did the Indians iiiiiii• pleat in the „ . , . , lost trenches,' hOt • WO pursued l,' ' .. refi'llire° 6' 2-`'Ideh• box tor one ..-Lation .. tx.: wets supplied -to i••Dr••; ,,th,:! enein'y: rloern tlie-.--hill nut 'with.- -COL. W. J. Brown, &,,O0: for OftiCers thought. it -Prudent to rent of road to lighthOuse for . p ', years,' th„,,,,...,- ... . • . frem 1-911) to 1914 ••(•hoth--41felusive.). - ' 7"--.,-t 4.. _,... _•,... - - ..._:_.. ,.. _.-..,.. • . r • • • ' Chati. Button; Clerk, David Campbell; 56c., far 7 Yards gravel, • / • . 11 :their :. - f-iii`elt-4 ' • - ' :recall'''. ' Ail collars shod& be at lea:4 ' 16A. ! " inclieS, and should vary np to.18.11ache. -,.. ;11ark,.-alt garritentS ..with -,---size of -collar . „ '‘ RUSSIANS ,PURSUE 'ENEMY and tie up each, sike, in •s. separate parcel': furnished to C.. E„ Slinth, •pathinaster. , : . ' . . - , Bed Socks---4.futiwa pieces' .of eider- WitBell; 1 6Q., for.20Lyards • Of gravel • `.--' . 1.the shape of the foot of a sock or furnished' to John Walden p—ta bmasier, "raw anti ?pDefeated (1 ate' inn ForeeS.,--._, • ,'and In Flight . ' • rnocassin, but cbnst eta y eager,. an . b d -"hi I - d Peter Cameron, 50 --bents for two. -rods • • • — • . - • - • - ,. - with four inches of leg: Sew: the two , • , ' _ . .ce4lecl for *culvert at lot 30, (On 6. The ' Rusidarts in , Poland have pur. pieces together down the back, along the .. , John MeCreiglit,1.6 cents .for, -rip cul '.sued_the .t_rnians as .far as the River Sole and over thebtop cif the foot, leaving vert on the Saugeen Line at, The perner Hawke', nearly 50 miles from WarsaW, I an opening in the leg at the-fit-mt. 'Hein - 9f ctn. 6. . Angus Murray, rep. bridge . and within. 150 miles of' Posen, Or 300 or`fkr9e. the top of the leg so as to form a con2. 6," at let le, 75 cents. Municipal miles. from Berlin.. Fightiog. con- casing, and in this,fun ..a tape, leaving ,Werld, St. Thomas, 8' 6ek:for .Township,__tInues ifv'the region of_Augusto_w_o, i•-the--.--t,nds•-•long enough to -tie. When Blanks. Angus MoLay„ 67 ,20, fer 4et3t. in north, a'bout' 400 ,4inile5 from complete, the sodks should look like 'a '-CREAAVIWANTE'll _Ship your CretupAi the. • -ShamMtk Creamery;Brussels• (luring the Whiter and patronize yOur own Fac'' tory in the Summer.' • . We -will pay the higl.est , mark( t pri e for any quail tity of cf.. od f ' a vo r 9 4 clu.rilingr'Crearn delivered at ' your nearest Exprets . . .. , „ , Office.." , . . We testi 6VerV .can,.. using- ' .. -'a Torsion lialaInce Stale - to weigh the sample, tit d , test it wit -hi a 'Steam Tut.: • .bine -Tester thitHreeps-the. - . sample at' the proper tentperature to ex `;and the fat so ns to have' the test ac- curate.' . W-e,psy two' weeys , every y , 1 or teque, . , . Sh pp.ing Cans fnritiSfied,.., Give us a trial. For. fur!. tlierinff.rmottiou write W. w.; HARRIS, Brossets.. • Blitzstein's argaiii Store -raffles and Gbh tleifferiT if you wont to titly kGood-Spit of Clothes'. in Wnisteds or Tweeds these will be 'Sold at greatly if:dueedf-pfices.. OVERCOATS' -1-30.34•-•.-044-etz -and •S'-nits-of-Tlie be -gr. -quality - R --ARtAINS Saturday, Oet:31st. The best' tnert's .sOcks ular price 2.5 aha ,cents, will be sold for 1 .2 !,4 `e,111.4. feet cement floor of bridge S. L. 25; con„. Berlin, and przeinysl, in the 7, less'2 60 half inspector's, wages, Ind. 450 to 500 mils from Berlin. 1 :q,aa 85 2Q; 5 00 for building :Walls, 1,50.Along the pivot nand for ! ' • Przemysl•desperate fighting co' itse of lantern, -16. nights, total 71 70. ' An 'attenipt by the Austrians K.,McLaY, 4 09 for 2- days: inspectii.g - - the Russian' left wing south Same bridge, Alex. Robertson, -b Q.o ' mYel failed the, A.ustrians S , _for- 3 days'. work on bridge lot 17, con. 6. , great losses, ' • ' _,,Ostiorne-Wilk inson-Tli at the Clerk i • ._An.. Austrian. eolutfin ciri. lieli d he inStructed to pay, tothe,: Treirsyner ' ad the Carpathians near the the -sum of $0.00 received from the Ticilina (22 miles from Stu) Caretoker as follows:* Received .f.roM Idefeged• and dispersed. . - Swalwell $4.00 for rent; of Milling:. place -1 - -. ". at the Provincial Election; Knox Chnich . Young Woman's Sad Pll for rentoUslijor_onpper,„74,1„, (c. r...." ' . Mrs. I•Law k ' who ' las ilea ) ' ' strangled her newly,bot--i-Ctwi BylaW, • „ • . • • '' No, 401 of the Township . of . ren and buried pent near he -111liiron-to-reperal3y-law4sTo. -4,14,8-(11-9.4-e--; -11-4-4 foiled .011-t-istf-A-111r4et-- I • -• ' . •I'413h2lherdffsigt(etdr1 1 who .18 117. k1.51 years ,oetag°1=relre"til • . ' • ,.... . the crinie and set op the plea t:d in- heavy grey -yarn. of „,frood quality (wheel - 'sealed , ..• '. ,, , . . -trown-Ohnipbell-LThat thisuoura 1 !lanky. 'A. Verdict of guilty was :also mpg), and sites are distinguished in the do hereby direct that a copy' of:thelly. . readered in: the ease of' 4/... Maturo, 'follow'i'ng way; - • . law ;re "The Ripley Municipil Drain , charged. With -•Manelauifliter.. in which : Socks with 10 inch f -lot have six rows deli v.ered a devotimialaddresi. Follow including the notice, of the (Joint of Re. i *01111.tryjnitt VGA Stabbecl : to d.eath. . of azn NNO61- in the ribbing about t-itto,h ing•,•thi% came a meeting' ofthe deanery vision and notice as to the' proceedings In a', drunken :brawl at Garton Mine. • from top of leg. of .sock. . , ' • . . 1 Soitics With 10k'in611-f()°,I,'N'"linlihtv•• V''!1(sPd4(i4r.glotseNsalf(i)Fh. 71' i:e:leuntilel iiijiTeiptVt•'- - to (plash, written or *Tilted -or- part: y • The the:4e was reduced from miirder:' written or partly printed, be served Up- i _ . von I .. t.• , • I stupe in bright, ribug WOOL_ ' • ' Mol.ke-• -Reported Dying . , en _die Mitsionory tonditicin cif the Old eadh Of the usessed nwrers---or theirt, ) -'. - -Stielcx With 1 i iticli foot; 'ha:Ye:alibi-14 chinch in the CinintY of:Bruce and 'the+ lessees or the occupant of their .lands or ..'-, A 'private letter received in Amster- : salpe mo wjrrr wo6l. . .. deaacry„,A. y. 1.). A ., arid a paper by Rev. the agent of such Owner,' in accord ii e e . darn from a high official in Berlin ! ' Wil•rh 41-11Y-' Salt; . use Yo.' 1.11 steel T,.. If. Inns, Of Ripley.. Tara. Was chosen , with sentioil 25 of The st "46;1)hr Wahl_ ..says Lieut.:General Count !Von Maltke, ,i as.the.nex-t place of meeting.. .. • . '.., ie LII ewspaner:• (Ceti ied). - '' • ished AO that there is no ridge' in Met. of.. the German Genrai, Etta, 1,,needleS, ititi)ig on about.64.-72 stitches, The toe should be very Carefnlly...fin. -, - . I • age Act, instead of publishing the Stand' c, as een a pointed Chief of the !. ''' It b P `. ' ' 'when retitle sd to it) is the tnoW 'sat's, ' . ,.„ . VVitigliam '. ' • • :.--. . . Mit.ter-Gerieral Erich Vein kalken- , . ' ,, • ..; a' '- Osborife--uamphell-That the Clerk b cterraan mitifistor ot war 1- casting oft Iltrutthi-,n .the stItches bainstructed to enter tiponAlie-minui a eYh'' the th, • 4.3c.m. i pair of .oyetishoes .11!: large boots.' . . Mith• 'at - - 13.-KX el TED Gctpris.. ' • - - niinucis..il-• Knitted Obidler_a Belts-Ca..s.t. on: .100 to• turn -' to ,15;) stitches,..No. 14 steel needles; of pizo.. • knit. 3inches hern- knit our No. 9 bone' uffertrig. beedlewand knit 8 inches plain: knit, on , ,-to the steel: needles again and rib ' for -3 eacend, inches.. 'Saw. ,tip the bacik-i Oast on and. town of take off I., oselV. Fingerieg yarn -No. 5,, hes, hOOS "in- natural or. vale .grey; soft quality, • tar -treasurer ,' of .Cirgill; T. R.- tfolland • 'Cii.st on and Cast off very loosely. '. of Bervie; ;,lolinson, Of Tariq A. -W. Many then prefer woven belts' :The'se., Richardson, Of IncknoW.; '1.1. W., Dieh.,1 wit • diin 'be obtained in three.sizes,"wholesale, of Paisley.; :P. 11. l'ims; of Ripley: T.:tr. t J.une. for less than ,30 cents each. Flannel \ HI •It / -Suitl . t-apton • 41 'A 4 child?, belts are. also useful. ' . , . . ' iff' Pio t rrier-Ch4ntS - Tiloinas ;tnit 0. 3: Abey, of Kincardine R.. . : that Is..a.little 1.?etter. .an s . riLlic'ffeei. '.. Socks -With heels; are best.;, in three The program follewing, 'berrinning with 6 • The places now being sbrved 'include Under:Wood anti the towriShips of, Bruce, _Kineardine and Greenock.. This 'system , Was established in 1911, has.1,000 telephrines in use „and coiers 975 nti-les-pi-eirettit-•The'h-nes• will :-be- ewtended within a sh6rt Period, an appli- cation for this permission 'having been before the...raikkak_boardlor....sPaie The inspection trip , proved SO .8atisfie7 tory that a .periuisaive.:Order. -wilt 'be isairect at once. : . • • • Kit!ardine, 'BrtueE. Ituit DEAliEttV.D.wing:. the large attendance of both clergy sod laity ;More- than !lanai interest was %ken, in the proCeed trigs at the autumn:, of the Bruce de,inery,' which _a -s' held in 'the (morph of the .Messiah,on Teesday and 1Vedhesday of last :week, The,clergY roll' Of 'the' deanery ntinthers. 14- tnemiters, -Of whoni the following were presi.nt:.i • .1,t64,;11, Perdue (rural: dean),, of WallOrton; Homer,' seere:- ,e,re ax..,*6 lor MOW'S C.444(14; Tb. ought And .11&0611es. 'Othello'.', RANGE'S' -17,1r 'stoek of Nails; GlafiS,, ,?Py-. • GUns and Ammunition is e0inplete,' Ask tosee . , our thoroughbred Line of W1110. at 25 ..and -; and ..59 tent8. • . • • '811S1; 11A41) AR, ...Fri:1Bit • aimseemeammerramasw In Dress Goods 'we 'have extra ,good in. Navy. •ancrii-fack' :ges soc,' to I :75- per yard'. --Check'- ed Mackinaw'i rind black and red and it Just the thingf:r C0a.ts, ew • Ccia,ts tor Fall .*an.c1 inter Ladies';'' Misses' n Children's Ready ,'tower •ass-. orted i n sizes:_ Ladies' "'newest,' styles from :$ o. to $.20; • . , • Stanfielde ;Undqtweati Don:It-forget-di- StaAeld'S ' Shrinkable Unt• • . d'efWe-ai for nien- _ is 'the very best.: . • . blue. and "black labetin'all sizes,. Millinery Dept. , There is always soniething n e w n d up-to-date - in -the Millinery depar trnent of store. Miss StriCker--.-- keeps the stock well a.ssorted and will be delighted to have you call. Eitra- Special in Men s and. Worn mis Sweater Coats, „ , , bought at a bargain $2. 75 value for $2 oo These are-by.the'Man'arcia-Co: :Of Dunnville. We take Butterland 'Eggs •••- 111111MMINIMEM p. it! Ladies' Fine.. Fall. Shoes! $3.56 is a popular price for a 13.dies fine Shoe, and every Shoe Store has shoes to sell at that price.. • We ha.ve been looRing. for a .Ladies FiPeAShoe to sell at $3.50 - sell at that •price. We believe we have., h -and -1 -1 --inch foot. a serce in tlie chtireh fuescut even- Mg, at Sy iich , Perdue 4thntribu- ted, an address, was of some length. On Wednesday morning holy .cammuninn was adminiatered and Reir.•-t-L:,..J.Io.wer AF HE WAR - Business in Canada will butt:. The demand fer well-trained 'young : men and women' for buShieSS be keener than ever. lite *lee , are piregaring intb dile 61 schoola And be ready. A feiv Mentha will tl iL It will OAT you well,. Free catalogue. Write for ft, iklis,Sw's BttativrisS Scuoor4, --torents4-1.9.5..tVonge...„St4....W4...- ghtfWv President, of the Connell that Mrs. Picott of f' e General s*afe;,auccaadh41-Aene Viltag6d Ripley, '11...,S paid to ,thelreat,,, firer of -the Township Of Hurn, the sum 114.44tke. . ' ' ' '', ' . Of $417.-00 in full payment o'.."the follow- ; ..duiimarine ProbablY Lcsit ing accounts formerly paid bythis Conn- 'rho sedretary. of the Aad ell, vit.. Mre., Stanley, $360; Nits =Gem- honneen that the iiiibrataillie ig Melt; $2.00; Aliatt Woods, 816,50; and Mended -by Lietit.,COmmander Dr. Smith, $25 50; and that any (Alter Chonileyk is' no*, contriderabli O adounts connected tliertoWith Pre entecl and that. It is. feared she h to this CoUncil be forwarded by the .11eink hi the Igertii. litea,, 41; Olerk to Mrs. Picntt.. (Cturied)., .. despatch from Berlin on , By-law No. 492 Of the Township of •sald the 713 ite.4 l'een. etitit 'tree ta.borrow the sum of $.5200.00 to : .° ' . , men. Rtiroo authorizing i.he Reeve a. . , _....nd Treas-; SC" 7:uarsilii".71' Eel. eteP0313649 . ,. . et_the now current exp_______________,enatttli•e of - iserartaeuh•AA_Jiril the-T-oatriohip.un tilittii-taN-es-for--1-94+ f ...- 1 • A naval battle Wite repeirte ate levied aridtollected, Was duty poSset , . in ~ass' oft the (soak bt 'signed 1°4 '''e'lletl• ' ' ',kitty Tu'esday inbritings, Its it . Campbell- Osborne- That a Com- •,, Xikely. that the Germali crultar .inittee compriSi.ng the . leve and the , -mho had haaai located and_ Clerk be appointed to dcal :With 'the ell'. ,' Asia. -, • . cul -an' from the 'Department of Priblic.) : ±. i.. 1 ! , 1 — .........aa.....4.611t-ii.. : ',...i..6........ . Works Of the .Province of Ord ariol an- 1.. denerat Woe -4e . bout jag fof infntination as to the Ito:Ida and I General , tint. r.,,,h1,,,,,itt . gritlges within the Township. (Cari;ied.), tit,r.atey potigitig-7met .47•17eL Wilkuison-1.3rown-- hat this (r.,, v , Goetiti staff add. ghat militia,' ell de new atljoutn to me -et again on Mon. -"t toer of- the . Arley cisteep, clay, the 23rd. day of - Norefilher, 1914, i .,.4----doli. OU • tiiindit, at the innial bout. and Place, as a Conti. , ' ' . '-- - "-- of ReVision re Ripley 'Municipal 1)rain;1 . itile litritish Aidin4iiiltiyi anti and for' transaction of general TowlishiP tiiintity" that the - Britith--. ..4 'biltinese; ,(Carried.). ,. ' liadter had ratline& and kink . • • Angu's gartyn, Clerk, . mati aithmarine off the bittcliJ the 13adger sUffered damage' ' " to*, . ta„i 'vat factory" method of finishinf the toe. • Socks knit of pOor quaity „wbol 'are • Cs VII VATIVE13 °Ic'AN,- '28'-A,"•C°13':± . . , Venlion held het* on Friday :afternoon, ; almost worthless. . 2. !d to br'ganize the new riding of North flu- ' Saarves-,472 inches rang, 9 inches WI e. . - 1 ron, a tame number were iiresent,,, with raIty• itn..• ! in greV.orAthaki, Loose:stitch-. : t thelollowing gentietim on -the platform: ga aotii,*i sieePiti4c'r Il'il"rav' very°4-4i The llon Arthur Sleighen Portage La I 71,,,+""Ir`—'77"7"7"----77.17" , t.°141: ! VII;I:1,11,:tiVst.--oegatthe', Prairie; Dudley Holmes, A. H. Musgrove,l ...........i -,,,,..,.....t.,.. , .. as been. ! llegin . with 4S.,!stiteltes and lout tWo:i.V.111.310%'.0Hatqle1/(1).7t4171440711ila)teiri INNTIft!'p CitEillitli); I lvirel"e flaps of 48 stitches caar,2 inches de'ep t '-• , ' 'Fitton; It McLean -Goderich..,' Mr. l'uen„.,dar , of 2 and 2 rib, 96 stitehes in all. ! Tlim t , .1 join r 4 1.8 y on 0 'needles. Biriningli,iiii;of Toronto,, an orgttnizer. , 4 tih i 1: knittingt 4 ut ado,. ..... . .. • ., .. • .,i in his speech laid mit plani for tire Organ- -111 • lie lc:, , 2 „,. CaSt off So stitebes and leave it space i.i/' Ili" a' the riding 'Peter '8-'c'itt was ts Jir4iialion cam „arr 3.0. mitcht6i;,eltrien President of the' riding,, 'arid as : d to 10 *gain and kiln as bettnillmehes. -bwrei-elrairtnan-0,,A*tr-ftWri Our_Own_ Special!' at :We have thein in Pat.' Button _and Pat, 8Iu. with dull top, Patent ,Button • 'with cloth, to, alSo. In-Vici--K-fd and Guns MvAal • -.*i.rh-Coloth 'top. These. „shoes have new -half kidney heel which is so popular. . , • 'iii 'be pleased Id show, them to' you- • whether. you wish 'to \buy or not. • ' • W. J. JOYNT . LUcKNOW, ONT. s vtrthotigiihit sthwilopitstetii,tchheet:i;,..401;,iesrhael.vveertyheittiititipt!ilitiet: ,',_itirili:leie8",Pt;.:f1 tic..1.1,9nerki.;:, ..‘';,a's gn' othiinalt2ci.'•i Wiii. (larn1;bell;•-president of ! Kara. stitch. Knit, one row plain. ilkilQ,1t, tht sc., treastirt fordea to • two row.a until only about 30i:fife:hes are ilie.0ott rich itssociation, .Was noininated . hor,orary preidetit. Other officers are: - • left on the. needle:i, then decreage every ..,:4 ,,.,,. r thwe7rii.:ttilt6Tsie;riedrioyro,‘).•r. molt • ...L.Dty Jill , Ft rst vice-presidente :NIL. Lockhart, of , Atibt0;:accond vice-president, M., Dane, I ttnettan. g,efing.' steel needle& - v/Pk.Lth*".(1• "vitP-Pee..sident, Re. #11n litheortsd Ca/it on about. 60 qir.thel• _4sttong, uorrie: se_cretary for the new '' 'tinliculleel:/4;"MeasbLe(Ifile..fiteTf'dtireAttbsool('-tifioatt the'th6riding, the ta f • wristlet earl be used as a Milt. Mint. ed ."\Itts '(.3::lue"azd'Iners,4N-14O11Y4.1111. Grey or Cll:(!INI)l'°'41.11°I.:. -},‘,:cast°‘°\11(altwliTtof's:11 'NN:Jestl'A` S`V;;',t1w4I'l I Irarnberry„ 1:tebt.in'sik,r6v'n; 'Ho;Ick, 11 attere like ordinary insn'S, glove( but,titeksnri Ger oast off.fifigerA and thumbs after knitting.: 1.)411c. Dr., T; ' tottet, 4 inches leaving/tops o NYroxeter, elected as follows: Ashfield, Jas. Alton; • firiassels, Alf. Baker; th , 3 Cattor.; Under ch, C. 2 e leg ttm . ,t9 her C.-llotn,Ali,s on KtrAmos oNtAgio C-AitiNer Here's an interesting Item regarding the new Ontario Cabinet. tvery MA -A- ber of it it triah or of Irish descentt e'x- •cept „Maobtarmid, aid new M heater of Patio SVot.ka, who -is of' Scotch ,.cle.s= Cellit Hen SAr• Ilearst, the ne‘f pen. • i il h , Dr Kit_ bag or Hold ill -(Tc hang over ii.echnond; Grey, Oeore4 Addna. While soldier's eet in hos it. 1 ) 1.1.t. Scott Was speaking he was hande3 p Coarse linen or &laws aho r 14 a wire from Mt, Cantelon, warden, Atte- , ,XL. inehes, with ringe.at tOrners to hang by, IV he eetil4 not taits he present' as he Podkets containing cOniti, tooth had,cut 30 0i1"1:18 of brush and 1-14e. T wash cloth, Pi`ovisi,''ns fl",),in" the entietrY the sutierina Belgians: Mr. Musgrove, M P. T., gave short'addresk, as did Mr,' _Bowman; P Hon., gr. Meighen also :gave a short addres4 speaking large- ly of the tiev: grain blockade and how it Was. overcome by tiyo Borden goVerilinent also' tipern the traVal act and the reVisiiii of the 'Rank :Att.-and benkiii; sYStetn, an(ttlieridtUtidirOf XOttlI4- ern 13Aiviiap tztian, and years of age,. lion. R.•F. Preston is.Irish, an .Augtican; and 54 years of age 1101..1 ,R Ltidas Irish, and Anglican aid 47 'vears if age Hot. Sallies S. Duft is Irish, a Presbyterian, STA yeats of age.. It will be:thus seen Mier., is Mall, N.Iethodiat, and 's y• ears-, the Otthltiet 60 PoSed- „0 'three Angli- anem Fey jeirieb, a nonlan cans, two Methodists, two Presbyrialis tiatlielic, and ef year of age., Rom and one Milan Catholic. • Xothing too Pyne it. frith at Augticatt • and 59 &AN tho ris' 'Aiithddist alid.62,YeArs itga, ROO, r wolatiod sootob Jhoibys, • •get the Woin:en'4:11i0-00tla %wow:. 1.41.ttie.firaOtAt9tel. . 2 • snap:, rikir or iWainas and Socks,' and soft slippers.. Also ig sheets of paper, eeyeldPes in rubber band, and penal, etc. D..7ifI3k.bbitco, . • ' : ..,lo pillows or pillow slips .required. ' - Sheets-,-- 60x90. Ready . laundered. Grad quality not necessary. " . .:towela,Ciiteltatktok.or ttrltiA, .. Wa81.141otha-Aoortatt, .. 411teltet4 On; ok Uh,q91. tioxio,. .• 4v " If Sepoy Flour w>111 mak as much bread • ' .as arty 1-1Our and It.' . , - if Sep Flour tkes as pure and tui-iiltirtg bread as any oilier 4Tottt ttoe§ Sepn'y• Flour, is as reasonable' in price kg lily Other.. Jur', and ' It 'is If, it followti•mt,.iti Qdality and natitity, Sepoy Flour has inotiey-value egual td any othe# tic). tie and, • It has tlistte 03.10 litaVaciek, "Made Rite0.4.0 Treleavdn Bros. ow.