The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-10-29, Page 1-V ...... .... Po,; j R 't t 114. "PI NON L4 -7 . sih. P., -.;j Aj & . Pt4q! t "A, A Af 5 A;: . -7 ............. z- ------------ ........ .... . ......... .... , 40 , ........... ....... . . ....... . ..... P N4 T11,4;.. AN RUM kqr' mir, U $1, ke 4 1, . . ..... ..... Ts� ........... . ....... .. N N M, 7 Aj W) t . ... . m. 10 j There q�k o V 11b,001IX thect, Appe A"JN Is- 1ACA-L -AM q INRIM, 4 ' : -6 ru — Mom, -3b 041A , T romp -4 semr,40-gr 'Women,11r, m )gtq-a hed llov ai* ate srid vioment it A Ap c lJ21 Mmest.4bomRA, i 'W by W L T. Rnatmfl' Hor,400 Qrf,Mro, Of Toiont0i"Its AloW ..pje -,into o rLA -jo m, n, Nat PQ ftk C IS t. Tspao t`,RvAQJ!RK ftd 4jil"put st we4 4% tiver, 'a tPROOOP W, t ­ p Win - )111 Pres$ regardtog 9� lm �04 J­� lied out. T gwd A." so -M­ssmil- t�, t 71t ih --the IN p:' m -e tit e ibi itie ereo p erview I the roMl% ipt W ma tho pext� oings will be, on, ibe f itrin;erf. Feter,110.301;7 �77 A 40190 iismpef�,a ­tj$11OW e 4 (04,� at In 'held' Aoff 3" ;Q4, t 40 000W, 'Ntotri" P9 � 9 9 :h 4 ViOr -le. Aite , i A.; ",A em�,`two ( f th dop #iM­.:l X1 ic -Dp,.w*q 'been drOppipgo J" tl bor Tum, Y. -qveji-� ki4lod 'sy"It, Or* # Julph to iihme Y6.,UAg b) 1A , , IQ P,0 e,"of �. L. 1, `oUnqil:,Q4#iiU . ­ - ". "loontin jLL116� . .­ ­'� "e ­ _ &:, e. ''art, 'y"A 't' �em 10 C I , to it � 0 OL cjtito�r bo'�lil,--�:vlibo bave?*ol n. Id,lte g4hlp C _RPR 't. tak N11 E T 01 0 was orgA.- -i aurrpu WW_ W- Aa.c tile to, whejval)t� Mic Ott 'hi-6ughou Mal �rqad� :, . ... '. ­ '. ;. ., 0 ra We OV , At) t this k. an Coil- -liliterally. BMievejost,W11A y'A '.a a 011 as,961dier in ille S.econd Oanadi, It iii, aSt Th� whole s4tr4tion, was gone over, jt, T.. PQUgl m --tax R- e' genii, p6w' being reqrnit.ek thr6ug-liout tell you,, y'di'scouut h gi .elvql "gain curre, and jq dQ0RF sed �tliat, 9 ir Acara pr oil T 4etft W 0'' -i�. -..I Clr handing sout,hiS'artice'o t week. 41pi4uen­ara�. IRTIT int6reate, iffl, I's JIL � , RP (I.A. M cDo0A1 la"ve , . were A shiptugnt 'thatithe .1voibeh of -L10-no Vol X �e would, talk' A YOU a; M orrlmepvre�T)rer,0401 - 7T isan E gli-Xb-' would, tion k1sk iit" WOO .new D%ii 11 ee fTiunt'jL6V' Qordm, '' 7 4 ;Ind. —W ­..... tge I . I f'r'Id. AwArm R The lafter" n Wr A I .'a hAv4b proo, T na, prepamd, t 'th"a ,-4 -,d4bl,4pY-.t, I po-rt6nit� to. do all, tbey,..�*,erf man Who has t �rjepo rt -.-.on - -V- 44 n A-- Way QL UU erec C. 'Uputi, an est.i.-' else would'jae foolish. 0 .. 1. 1 � - L ondon th J)te.Ae ji campat a 6t traini, -we ba­vv­��UO­ Ib �liif - t d the 16d' Evi4 i''Al tht rtfi" bi-�, ve Mug the'ipid, -�-hat Mrs ill onitli� todoj' tit intri, utiniff'O.,i w, jricoo-ne 0161&­,Iar� 'There I)epartM' f 1-hw Interior is I W' d ,Ntra�, 'ti n wi h b �Jtg t, q WeL..' I k ' ' i Vie..%, 0 eg, - P, �. . ­­­ . f in'c.4'rdtn'% .-sworlien and 201 -survay ol- V pEovince wt a �Olk�ffiat, in coo continued oalroil4gQ. 1� we.. 0 MTS.. PAVC, tneir ser - h ,h,;R4 ort 1AhQj4ds*h pection wita K h virkgjoined th R ateo .,h (p4ed -h e, re aughiam'. W!"114A, H orl'it �c -Q0 t 0 ­ iiii t f%Le.tLrad.e,pro. Able, lf� t 0, o.6 ing or yol JR, J,cri piees­ h e 3i& or Tfuron ay offiered P1 r 4,r4"IA; en't 116-pri"m ell h A: 'A4 the --schelliv-f ve. ll�kl "t0�s-depre"i6jas-etc.,' Went- th 'k h e : itm ch, -W,6A'­-MRQ iftle-d -ipapjqna4 -#va, Wl juifty d -the 'only le. r -he difiaiion of tile. .%vkr,, they chairwal 'ft'l "ineeting,AndAn abrief toWe is'o'ne of,' -inany. used- in'-,; yie64 f onie,,tea�on'. 1% ap lot.'wbek with -his it er, are V -0,A )rtU of- rpa ould 6 7- ;ter X� or t j P. I ho get, doll ent .1 aosdthisi . in 0 '.0 eap �:grj� et$L tit there "is 5 pg; some arrangemen to lik i Welit'Shore w aiu �014ih nly to,b Ily ne'ar* I bjeof ( � e,. k to e4­'tjj&'­' �),f 01�' 6arryifiii :4'hL urvey not -1 4JW `ifl " L' It aftears �t fi . . . ... : il ..- Age quiritik: of re-`VigitinO. 4 i6ir' in n -j. con IWO in and. 'hat parties' %6n Id pidbiibl, - be 'ni' opera too "N i :.�: L.'� , 'pay d e �ww)'llmwq:'Jeay. and '10 IJL you e ade:'L orits. A, e in cii, r -u a Impa Weis' 'i. hat, we'. I 'ied as t te re p4riotiP t Say, -w. i'l had t . ho� Bf g. arge- 6f f lib tow 'i Oer n 01laRges su. Dr.'F. A. Parker, d And the LucVn6*, th 0 PPI goid oot�ltlriatblt. pitysi�- coitipe P, 9 by ip ujinuiltision,, the in 'a -Ven t ye .11 tweil. had -Willy and 'an ifispeLet -of, aq. h �t "proveh ism, will -,,be At tile cain tioulse,'Luci;ow. work Two' e s�, t ed--rstth(­r it iqn Th to.:make,'good aft"y' de'fi )n of eitizetis! bestar�,Aime t00 We4nosday at., ernoons.. 14! 'ernineotly ia:,,t..- e th,�reeeivfl an& 4W stiucture wf*0 re iaaed.' This seenii,, itifteblub headed,ia rk 'Aa, t �,.ls is an. 'a anpol"ted"'a. ing it h t ­ s. e; an Ave gi;eP ise T.'OLL e lsu.q�lc QD . that -rriardbed'to t e'.sta ion Mr , a. McInnis, who. w�s 6nc4:a- i6ident -b " " 4 ; .,4, . . . I . coitistj ll�adial,. se enie�- W661 if 4' N % f6p 'siich essential take Icharge n �66 t i " ti 5na .90( i b ;dain * expkesaed, , hiins d'. ".Pay" I faetory Store at 'wbiA 'to: d jm I h" C 7� &it delicat ea -�ef6 train, arrive e. or apf),bi itte d -timakurv'r t1le to� annie utr& re ib u RAU of iown,'Js visiting :hci dailLifiter, 410hellv ha& been sterioUg,tdver'bd.loliig( . I . I I If, .1 , , � -om)�&Aiwith sil e fi66.s id" "' alild 0a ess, t qre, is A: -P e4s - e Tile i;6., oatilii p-4. in . ans, who 'nien were 2e - oats, . e,. lit tbetbiee 'jar e 4 6nnection mn`;�teei Illad', beeti instmet6d. to h sons. PQ&Silbly. 'Get Mat orm 1he We4 'it givell' a.:.c froiii-t s, 6a -,information with'a-w, MO ;he­�radial r6ads would-- A)8� as tlk�.f!yes e., ititb9grilpt-k . t, Shore, #re ask. ting. YQq )ns, and,, The-. presen'ta i(m ril 'p1Q 7 Mts. !eorge a onation.Of,&�0:4)0bkd.j I The, w o ri do r tjZenS' t6i Aoril6s ci ak'le' vv� laigh �@�qd, d and ... t _4,ttl,e. �iaug e,n ecei ved on, r of' tb6 aliipd. the Ave jr, -L -e. Hiow� epf.L­A­.CUlIiUtajing like an. on4qttin- 'v R be J61inst6b ability. L 'Ae'.fullk xe, UP- burd2p this rmt M T% 11 atarn6d to, Seafoitht fr6ni t dt1d&f1Ovi(Ls it d cit was' r" At owbattti-mm Ia0:3%reV-K�M4,U0lJ ;4M11'1XFM1t� Oki 43 IM 7MR, APPM.''.. .;.J.uu I ON& Yn eUpalit Vt s'i - the the good ;Ork 'and' g, 1pdge o iring in on wiis. thade id, Presidept, of -tfi� Lea, tie, ie4# the fO17 9 bonlght weil "no -pto�osed.. He-.expec ed. c_ pry + to. r ion- C ng , . I - 0 ii, was er orgariize,:. with - w1t6l.e fAb - ti scid. lief except' in' some such , way, -as here. eilt in�ve�stigatsi, low address-, -0o..re 116, th.!�Aongmf W4tcllimaker ws UC C �37 er. An .1PA60k A an. Chiiiina ­'... I ­ .� . .... ­.- : o-, At . .... .. f . ­ 1; 1 ­­ ''d 04%�OWUTf L 4i" 1'9f4' T bq; j�qdiq� -0 wit b to jec in view. Of TO Atot f,,stbrfeg collip ' 0 of ews- ecor oti( L4ckn6 -j t e citizens Ifiliferit At -p Meeting c Jewglor &no 0 . 1ptki, sl�'nt'.�he - past, thre-e, tu,tonth's,'with.friian vlor.it aving' "for, 'iif - - Mr. T-'. -enqui. d iswisQ�, -,re�Ort,,Ola--khse 'County 4.adial., JgWel :7 r . , . J.W is It a v iiittirh6d. to Scherite wo d LINE It no Ali': Ott Ze & -TMP -P7 . ity" �M-a -In-, -Put- !'.I alLe. he .14 ­., - 'I uN tit. inst for the pur- -' ' M i7ri -ea�ne d ci� uld"be rea v Ili a,few� i,%�ekq T. he gle, t, , It I -deaid4 jl�Lorg"' aes,�vas.�au :folio -t1ie'ie1aoluti6d'aSking'tfie. 40oiii-, and fliesel-ectinn ot officeis w�4 taken, U0. Wing.Stateln"JiLt. Pate -of r, i7m A Pa.triotic 1. ekgue.� thro6 .4, Ir - . 1h. , ., , '' .1 co AP as resmarice r"� ad y e d 7di 8 .Iport(-d fr4* t Y i elij, �-Rmve Muir& gignjAca eq, I n to'NW.vJqIK.' Ar, Walter Webb 'r., dt. mear St. ch-. andl-11-r'. J. �G c bir-the West-846re tross tre .,n ly ii: .J�a m6ted tcl�t e ent of the Ua4 lights t 01" "ll""' on thoit�ht both -re - ------ 4i� w6re, nominate L' resid 1;Pe ports CO e tor.,ft'ralt lic ised by 'a t h An ­ , .... 'T rf.6 w o'list a uld'b sda ()bj. 1914 411'161111� 4r-" V `te'deieided ihat'Mr. AnA-,r- le I -I go aL vo I y , arie to be i, ho are h te -efitlim iAam. that. oget er., son- should o6c iat two, -)f our' ','town 6 We day upy. the' position 'is survey" parties, IN continuing t P� 'in, ;Vie tv of j.h fa,�st v�i i;at- Tiockill . 'Win. C Oqs. M rect PA. - ­. I . , le in' ed. . V' 9 . "l, . r.est6em I * , Q. 6 vice�pies work �4.olliai wtions Od e" C,tilze bpLzig All tc Yft, Ding precla 'tiovs" and, one 6 el A iictory:by th, s bit (Cor anes ec ide T iervie'w. was consider :EAO�h qo) Wit t storni wlArh visitod' ih�.4e. -e me id.� new ru 03 The an6w, �JtitjjdeS�wfijhjl� in I-- is f R 'Arvi e on itle, e . 'to A.'. hlonday-w�-,�Preiiyi. lse­Cretkr.y,, he -s "I fl 6"r Of �J. i jD ip d Ali D a$-Je6n-go - gL�OnAb -�K-R tit st J- -a tsW A- -front,,.. In w., easur'er. t t-wo Viiiiir Alt! Are o Qii6e ag in-, �e..'T Or ca -poth pa AM T th d .. .... b" L1 ire f6r tl?6- 1 -bat a work`61-tl tatne .'noting r a live R -tons ort'by, - the" earliest date k�e' aAd ;. 'South In order,Co'sinivfft of 0 rselvip�s on -'r 4 a lj�'jtli'mow, bift-t *,i� 'hope I few I e"Ur r T -AM--W kve. R 5, t� TMMenn� qxrog a full rep to. I ave a 71 of the La it L I * �T oijiS' . ­ I .. I e tort ".4 League,it. was'thought,'W.eil n., ji.1 t4 shown frQuj Ineights at. tit t And sible, w. ien 44e-soloti6ns-ha-Q. In qU QVI eir once- the ar ey sb$�Wjn the 'hall last t ing with fie Quy..B - 'of -two, m towers are built - V��IirOey, arti6, : . Butter.. 23. T xecutive: c6itin kittee consts Ing ui�n le feelin.' a of - Ili e use - th6y, bi�en,\pAsed;andUfward4 T hi,� ropiirt, Mr., and '.L%Irs,. Ernest. -WCU Ong, rowdi It' are e- will a"Penhy 6 cost Go ranck. ihie .-froMWlilchAo� i r t-g-JIi-and -be SUpbji6d-'L.*i 8, East, visi I at, the 'honi`l� 0 rs bu-1111 f ted f FrfdE'6'Y �-v�ning aire�w a fair cL a LrAjjcfie��oq women's b j'a -n--44 7 t -77 --'s , �.'E- . �'. �. . , .,�. ..1. th�"Vrdgra�iii-�h6-w-e&-so—ni� i r" ` "' 9 . -!e. r. *. �­.''.. -� .. , On motiorl".1 r in i e' -a inissthem to'the 9r) tber a iiien a,:. %rith wit r, I Waltlir Riclagids66, it on Surid4y, list municip f 'jously j�pokjn 7 t :ted' by- the an s,r over. Aai.'o tlid,past two'. y i %Jor f46it. 'fri ns 'fan n. �n Jb*n fro ur at 6hn Richards' f en's nt rie r. lan rS.. s kn 0 wp, a ways to nj6 dred-Up to LUCkndW�aAd'rspent-;% I I I .. reptsi 24r,,, Aa,. to.- ;.welfare- T6t�*L,,,pray % 's 7 0 1 b anxio at t -0� �B -,.Afe K-1 4- T -.the, -rn rite he� hoine of- - orQn, - i, f( tkjagsidie, spent: Sundiky Td . R-oNto rjlucy� T�JS:�%iV.F branch oftbri executive. )r �tfiei Fourtk.'On- KinUss' d. 9' Tbese c.ohsi.5t Jbbji Cuij -of Walkertor' th, -God al'rl6ed thie;� former Wheat, bus 4.. -1,9 io S 1 1 W11016 4,j�] % 6.1�, -16 flibisand'Regire, G.,A., em 'days i tv k at MLri, John on, their'rhissiot an.d,expresa,'the 'hope pepCei Wa r,RieliAr4SGII�- ra. of tb6foar/�Counci Tteid The� : "'. - I Siddafi,'.A..,DUrj*An e W. ps de Monday, Oct. 2 Tees ihij -they inid return in 5 'to ; . 1. ": "�L anjeron, 3a it bus 4 55 V'isiting, watei:�ttd Goderri - h a well.. -be spared, to -ha;5 , arpid, :4 . � , r L .- ket 0 t MsSLAA" Q- vDiaTmi-d-gn f health andstreft.g.th toabide WITH r Us in a poin. Barley, husq,- - to. Detrplt' a W.- Vt. her J)A!�e# M. d ngsi %lderb thl" lija! load IeS.��to (M) Rpe'nm �ni' itite LA m 1� It .,25, td Mr, Ke-fineth Cduleroiv elWl, Puricaii McDo, n -.wnd`daqebtelr­Of 17�ei'assure th tlk� eighbor-ho of fl:App NI rs. M i it &in -it Peis. fi I more 0eiceful. day. vi a Alpx. Q. L_t*�­22_60_ _Car _i) xi are:,�*ts t4.n etwszz�arousif& P "t few w r atr d- riterest an ayer, 'I te. of tb 0, Paxteiotid, L �u see 'ley., M�s'. Xlider-, St. Hele-n'.,46 p 'li fill i i, 7U, -�g7R4QedAes­-M-r-,;-8id &I-] I . --w Tillt�tlty, z �iist iek,�", �:L:: c r 1 16 60, to'..'18 V0 fund: The en erson, 2. irs. i h" 'A r t,) We lieki thaf'BiM6 Mason never be. ie itidisthe fir'utt is, pac, er all a ev, ukay do :9nrytiling B 19 OQ. tc). 20 00"' r r, and Yet " .,!! I Mixed dua� Wat d h heidtiobs for- -the, p* r. ho" "Wooly W ng lited Tinidit+ll OL Im ies Della': Ceangton 68t�!" has thoughts of elalisti t-qq­- r ­ � I . - M '3 C tO', I d -es.10-assistAR AJIP� tliei-�CqijLII�nm-�Guu Cl icc�beavystee' ' ' 8 40 D �ee �co �--Amoody rh Ab P 1. swa. er �F 09, f6r- th� soldiers �4ria we] i-onte Canadi�n i eb le 7-7l" 7 iotiefugilmadeL o esir o r R 4-qff4cars-%.;­--7-- 10� 00 ark�rin -'�'relief w4 m ay; 9('0 to the ivill�ge. ot Teo�water* a- nd'sl over tbie,16 1" 1 f :,bravervi Willi bj M. ng, is o -at IS$ M 9� of, Laurie and -her to be ia:tol�$m Calves; ......... buiie -a nar t ' ook fore .:PammiJuri�,- spe Spi inj , 1,agnba -ship -mei,niersof.ih�teagtt6ikid�MA4V be-' njr.6tie birr :t. Singers iiie lg`n 0.o 8 00 5�o OQ� in. Its in !is dav-s on, the i Jul We, .6 di6gstown -�,aijiounted,tq iber fro r.ti� pidlil'iGr I : . Th - ;, I , so Of r _e(ilrie SUCh brother, .n -A- :7.9 ba'sts -of *heat'and -20. 'ags, -in the-' uY. -:Bros. �kfWrboo us- ! k. � - _- fray-r3c.1100 I . Evic"'i W,(t -to b Limknill:, giIing -t&�Ioll at IM ist C dut.y" theni lind in thli oats of- -the Ch'r. 4 ...... . ... ... t4l-6nofourLestei�;n for 'while 'plo� 36 to' 45. 1fi-e­ca­-u­s--e­-tbey -'represe4t1hat 4­6�,--:be; Rg.Fi� doz. r)E;0. �,.Slenib inip4ses no Auas.,Middljgtq.n 5 leton has,, finished: J it 4 gk�. K I i en - of' -Wal),teitonj Was .1n to �65 Eldon R., Siddall,. 9.0: L., 1 0, 1 e. 'vitig, whether 4 nionen'm tift,,l Midd �,the'tim' k' f qld,,geeaehe�d- I—— .- ­ s.r. w a oD o rw w, of Potatoes :)fegenteli ai e 0%1 their departure. wjj'jja� Wjililt'witch 're- -:-I n� g away -W. Farmers! -pr�pare`-' for purt , I , , , r 1 .1 11 -n _' - 6if VigfljjluC6,. &IDI Y, Arlj'Aidind4f; al�ftiv oi�ie jfoin' 0'� .111 gi -- P. -S h U'Ll'Po$' j1ewj*g­; M He, W-wo, olln", Uesday'.; 4- picking attilli -pae 1:119 c6. *if be, ly V61itri, tary. Ian qervi. -.r vis is �Ug!lg I ej i.hg: .'thes­-Vot.'�m? Li' ti A-' nut"Li e had-some-thii: vn�r-Lzo,-harr s.: -for-d-,-Eqg d,4eft-oR­m4nd4-f4 ro --in Robdit�§on an ot tlft., ea. W -teeve IM0.1 o 'a, dd d e, I th . com I e Giin.. B, ast Y -�of natu eF.v; a, e P 'ede'd in e. day. uron rupeg� *her6 N1 r. a d add only tiat uAn, w �iday n Nfrs. M�rviW McDowell 6f h6:w;t en er It e. pOn h ,,tll tit ioth Tt of e iatt e &�e to is e rem Middle be�n soule. i� onipjain us$ litely, illot in zen tmiy pr c fio,.w�' feel when th'e war J& or 11-oll" Westfi-61d, spent Sunday re, ea IS Y,, aftirniion, with R lOjj ou the! hAp, :'tice 'o -f w:, s I . .&� 1. w C The, Rfibber 86asdill over, an pres6n are. li- I "b" ' strong,. hievinj of -fowl ee. er S. parell.ts'. Nli 'ith th�petty t, have ge to' . a -and A,-1 rs er 16%fi ji�ip� young fi�ijjows large'numbers but large fiere. W& 1Xqyigg enga 4. a, new4nd, W.11pro any citi now iiS� Y;;�Irl " . ' L , .. � .1 1 1 L I r :Wfil. MrQ 11 Nbe.,'tbe arn ap t1illin left for t e. West this oni%6 will g'i.%'-e a good �ccount,ciCt6n,'� dressmiker froftI4.hi city, .1 iiii - A gr6at many', -apples 'wi d f(Y r , -I r '* 1, r ­ i wo '.3e ovi " w1i 80 Utibn w3k Pomed or es 0 pe ng a fair y po , It: )alrge stock starting"'blisill,ess in, the shiipi'.f6rinerly -A, re ill 11)119 W 1(211�e, he ititpride a ndi It lve.4 w6rever thf,-ir. lot,.nlaybe. �worp� --cof4t. enoughtoproVi 'ae, for this omo. '6 p slip r. fbe fhrW. y 0 are of thre�!,.week )rd(hy, It ve aber 2nd'- KPI, of Migh pe: ... afliff-iival and Prectsil4lary, are,lyi Ig rekd f6 w - ifP 1. .1 �� the packers MAW )&�rio'tic -X occ S�o day `ko U Annie W�,Dod The Wo .1 Lnokn4mr yol Pm P Of G journeyi'� -10-ipmu Dy f YI Y, ­ I - ' I --S#Dr e-po-o" 64 Ft] ­�-7 enade lit ie ri�n proin holding,. a Aybe n At fisifis of otaWeg a. Talcolm-a'fid Frank Weatii�r­' 41 i;. I � onal J)iii �§Sr N rti but the bariiil� are. `tfoi co, - R� or Port, Hope, are ho'me vintin '."day :04"' ,Ing ye . b-ber. r Servi ith t ie: fbri�irtefie r es made at bad �votqnteere Al 4. �A goo'd . 1)iOc0taIW 14" head, tie% Zt.:. apples refreshineat�' will be providad�. 'R speaking of in Luckno1w last I d to, nearly, siodoild"Cana 41. *otithiL if vatrietism, 'it* re' inds, d* n C ertt, ali'a who - tbeir.mother and other -friends. iaround: W�tli the �Vcma s. e ch ipj� 4v�, to U W vere 'to: On Wed nesdAy f9t '. .. .. �­ I': . ., bber 'the, St.. H' len ctlaAi�, wall. an I'll is U4 fTiefid e 'a mitr.load. f 11 WA P 'The r e 0-1 ii1d,as 6ne way, nfnz�rew- . I I -. , .. LLLL 1;!� , ill -lass tmhr "P. . . N 11 1 X - "Be -7 -bl' t -a Uo Sonter b- , An hing., for our m 0 'g-t—ratf h, `q d &Ail _n7 Ing, A'fr rs -ne� - - ---- ­­ 41P. R!�Qnl M� iehr we Can ( lirnmm oual che, pit ic mee. S I eq,; A tie%. ese: "is 0 - an�i the ad T e Wom' Nlis 6'A' Ab�'pufj)it or SandAy iff.: ibi 1ell w' Cotnntftt�e"Md al 0 SULj.)jcetlS, And -j6t, pial b6ine.-: 'On, A.�Afi M, OhP,SfrkAth, of :org, oeculjied �ervie Splint Stifidilly. fit ljodcrina'. re ary Socie y 11' w 10 *hohave tillmel: 1 .1 . r ­ --1 1 -.1 .. . , r I . -Can. hope t erva -Re �.Nj cis The, S..S.,Qn the 4th. Q, i urg n !a liberal colle�ctioti next Sund lo jv-"I. esier- T1 ay S"L been visiting , iL c1nt . I RAber's in ti- rubber tire. 60led'in our b 0 litIng iior I I e6ting.,', I allijual Thankofiering Illet. are the best e past.tw I tnonths,- ew day Am . ilton.,, S'neXt the bolds;'i L , ------ Sunday ter arrangement : . i4g, -'the, :1.6L 'h Don't'forget, b an W e tit ifiar s� in _11. aro I I a-ke bet ljn-id4 i even on - 16t, slid' P' Ing of the. Brief Rinc, OV! e rdi- ' WinA�r� And- will �hortly return The Annual lrij(�Z- till le"W fu-nd. -Air. r' the 22nA.T,­ t 1(n6i.Qh(irch. Rwy.', Robold if the. "t. Helens -Hall last Thur..;- e 64� 1139 4, �V,iil tj�ljL j6jd Ougalit'ssal I . . c t f� I heir, wesiernli6tue. w�g -held, in S R. AMCT) addre-is n n- Tojonto 'ivih' jjipsiber Lykades i ee ."UUvau ---40 . I I I liat, Meeting k his Su J­ rn.1le1U'ofi`7PTIday. for, Cal im U fitly e, r, e s,�ii,Ar6 slig tlol je: at pr I 76roil d S. 'PT TVrou &U.� IZ. a llud" nril, ad gen 'I ci'ini(in 8,thittr the�mntfi)ber V(r��olic appeated -to be 1�or thq jWs.t week we "Are -glad 'to �.he ame' Th �of a. d eA,&y., -Od ��]I6r 271,:L. tali-, sitcti?d -an d:r C. Iter4w-e-nen: ea -visit -Tit t tl� on tbc, Ring. for iA�gettin-- better in*. favor of carrying 'nald Gmhani. Call laist .11., 'or ich W'. I crowd Extra Spei:i ViL U60 `qijS lit 'vir .4 my er,: _WAS_ the m andy en.1 4at beeL! imIKeA'A -Lbng-, beli c6nseq ends- in, e, r, t g ly lile 'tiful. was'not so' br'isk As coal 6 degir `�iL w 'fi:Kenzie of1lemlook Us i. ein ve b NJ s d' N ity WL saw. in Is C6 ladies ot. the Ins.titute.,wi h to Fred To LOX% v1s, 1. 1. mils,here, lddriby, irVilo. hm.been eng, _a late is'sue of the Sentiriel %gagei and lifittw ted so li b�fxfiy 1.3 aik"Alwho cofiqibu_ 'with�E. S.' Fa--.(�nsivifler`for the IF�st. m1iat w6, ptesume -to think IS-­dn6 -01' the jLjjj,4 nday4­()4�t.:­�S, 'R &wquqbl� �tr,r'..­-­---­­ . tow4id the,box. droeso iers, partie-, eV. tfireeliiiW�fhs t iteci ing ritighe"d It is.en of, oi�K. Y!. age o -if e gm -1 �,19it , - , _ _ , ...... 'At , ; gAgelnen *gj�.",Iii .. j. , .� I , .,. , poqt:, d' i& litdics not'66noeeted with the, n4ored-hete,one- dAY last Avleek vi6t � -Mr and:-M.r. 1 h ` R' r' tilt C TTLLE ularly, Will "'jedoln -Robe-rt Oja�fi,�� sentim �nt j 'I r q i .' Hi,; ivifiitni 1:,%er�s on Sunday. n who eo Im Par tirts" -4- -thereift"r -evipress6d - -ear-Li de-Orve, 4, pAni, -Coliffn and iA- 14any Also N 'Tr6leave We i ted IAT� an'' its pbe' spen� VG k8l�i !e And it: aco,a ill b� 110 a at ill indt A ------- L nl( pat�jotic .1�s of ti�-J�RnTi, 11-ar.;Wmai-i-ii Is. sig- �ffievxver ph .)Ijg t 0.1, tic) -,46t.. I'LlUN., I ­ iFridiiy el�iinjftg Aarry CourtnO. ' 110 1 . . . . . . . . . . . VM1 terli neur raltlyron.. nuu*& -OL-ihei- ng-f[ifflija of Wo, tirie sorry to hear t tat r% -�-Tu6sda�, Oet. 2)7th. -blood of oar vig6rous. nia�hood. to deeds and D. 'McDon- �Ve'jji�l e. A-6 1h0i foj,!; Xo tie& iposeld. -1 cCos js - usy p oug III -aid -tojdher -Tubadiy% eir6ning an Sonle t.inil� is .0141 h b' d g on i got (J'L'Ltlle patrons n. ifils f g on ow'"Stbreked U with a. gotd sfitok- partften t re o NvFante(A 'We ;Lre n presented theth & It,' li speedy reemiery.' .11.18 riew" arib on t a. Y -ar4 t ie pike- pf t, ;Iliith,� ftecoolpariled b�. -1118 arku& -,4 a, tobacco pouch, aitil rural route to forLv It6ec( Stilithisspeadi, CHURCHI 4E 1-mitgatilL ill tile iii, utl) pipc, iss -a it& A few 101II Ilk I of the m-afid although the most/oftherit I .1i j I I, U,; 46 Poutif fraiYrant weed. livo issu'. puiiltfl�'.at 1)0�1. ,;'With te' word weeks with her. cowqhl, St. rs. owell at w.) QW ILL I * ' Nf np, Chishol Lh mother -ii) Aw, left killoullf'ryulill.tx have done sof th "X%ule,d.q� 11,1161 4111L. v Q111" e I q i's fim defGi Nj('�dity,foi,"ttt,tttid6ii' Am 1ALUM104%. %,(" i - ZY Iffn Ter " ` I M lit's thb -AA% The-iiiqi.which­wai�� iYacked. 'St;'r*�Ap'�. h."jt -,,Frwler4­6n, W When 'tjj(,:, 4,; 11 ri�vej' �r "L."-, ... , �;. . "" L� , I e wi, �A Wffiff Ittrm Vitc ",,rot erviuvis will -ilkn---thorca. RincaTan I es Caw$bells la�t W60ji Withr 'dona siviii begit'.. flu The Tfiaok.qlliivi.pg .9c % Is N! heid, Tit Brt the fij A - the aotvice' Pine Riv6rchurcb werci ncNxt 8-66da�,.,bxv�,, t? containe, it ready 4r9c ly hl� i6the 0'r na. -�'Jjjb�r ey'. WI g'; 0 ne ar-s�eing 19' , 6S )iaive" th 6r, P -he coll Xrn iiVII the o4i ;�� it 6 8th:, for V Patriotic Pallid �ngie el� �4tt I Fund,. realized wwd POW ended on T eft , ie Foe nt ("jrfS, has P (I, h is, r The S4. n. 4 'ClUL'i j)j),0 M, a.. 11 ACT1 P'terborom jjjitfi� ,I ttsiocidto Gild#_ pjjijjvjist1et�R; -9 iiatr socks, lio t NVijil A lxhi�h arii , minted io .8.18 *�s 86 ''oe efit piii.X V: h. ot- furid VA 'Lo �jr,'gl res.a id I p4ir of -pillow slips 'jitning rod,- Hel inaint dns-* 01 -At It is' -T) stiss'llAf W Rock Cftk�vebi TO A1116t ;N-c-':bitt� jtd� -ii-te'eti Ag6&edJUL1 �L� -P-b-mwits i Harr, -jljZj. ripl ' -- IV - i I.glotis Cen$Uj 'In -L ­-�­ ­ - . I I th-6 hopte. of Miss` Ve- ­rmx�niv-m a lu. 7 at 11(ytter. - to- do, 10 tilart" t A -on a rviide - :4I ­r --;3-0. Tlubbitg 4444 1% F��Jk;jjjj:, � W tn;fi'n Ing ou Aaal. gpd-an&prabitbty vtilli4.1-e- nis�P-69aqy 4P B h Itit! 'vie d' t why more"r1thin* e �coninfetwe-­i-W, the I ellIlft"i lff67 orva-at,male ity"attei 4eafoyed- ;,To dillubri'diro- Nov-,-i*t­&-4fc t nd inpird' a '�A and 1�tqthnt Chil �n fr(il� 67 fi bf ndinp� Mute L' ,e e ',4�slniile, ligalftiiinlz�rc& the tnorninl, at 1.704 efock in' the Ross"I'll2ok ft1QkP tti.,,�a'. milW on tl*4 MIstal het*o'.p' a'Wer6- IL4 Ulan a el of tile Ititefior�, 01 L9 A G tl P, N' P W --I he in-eeti. ng ol agents Nv:'11.1-L-:d6:','a',L..Iaii.d--O,ffiee�L busti1_0k OVOU'llig lk 1i 01A for$I V a amt n&,h&e utie" Amy -i lasi�- iiittiure� IMNivF .1 ond & a be- y Thj$ shl'tild have read $�'06. (';�vIiiiping. tnail-bo'c po S6, with week, till bilee of the' Elivilbrt' Aucfiou -!�gdei No Ind, "a donct�Irt 'will b,? the Silv�r -ja rods. v. e t 06 ed I iiiietl at the'lower Bethxi * L e. no ' 'ringffietW4 oivenl. Talmit fr( Kineitrdtv-�j L agiters ar�a invit I a -tie of CA'nada. Special 11.%� val�. N 56et a.nd alio local. I tt ell 'ifior� JTib by th iy -am ix �1)1' Akis'liull. 44, d the S �Vcte I tite R)ok Rnom d s7 ��liff be g. I: j --�A, l (jah-Leagiie. th� N, kL —fel! -A-'Rly— extra SMelPis gill, -Ig -fle t%v .3 M "L Dew -MU n 'P-4 F� NVIJ I � wer �d 'biiadiffi and NVC., iti tl�lilli g Qu td Pitt 16,006 MCM111A 0 thc,Okgllnizatioq� Id 'ft. de mlso pr epwreil were hAetesting" dr .'df -C. I gi Pn.� ii on QfjjteL% v*Vt- vp 111�11fbt tlie AfnrOl �Vftq. jjetvjce,in Europe instead of W 000 ft fluilil The bltse' wil, fo Datican J, botti,itl, itc-1 Beov�p,, Tl -,ii fiolt wtflhav dhesday. Oct. '218L, whefil o' n' this Ilt afid farill's(0111,i all With ffltmv t.h er 2, li�ir' only been k1. as,,reeently d�lnt in f) "itioll 0 litteN ves" 1'*w.' Lo, . 1-46, .1 - it xi -Jrfiilmde� whit P, at.the', department rL it inte A it tal) q. I ea Jep so leik(Wy tl� h ''it h e -.k Iten Elivabeth- May'' *As United in 'm 1 �s zi: tmln� doliieIri ti, rrier on the nov 111alt te ft In n Pit h U � ILA da I - lviilg rate, ji'litififil v Y be ' gdl�, A;ties lind he -bft*f-J.N;d"r4 4W jLd r. jL*j,...-jjil)jev lj� : I -S6"0d.­&4tcr fepli� warranted 04aring ti�le larger flj­ft)tjlffi the A.t i A*o, 44fm,(-+L-- —. , , . .0 L but a C Sr bivith af youtige chlltle on thiq ale, i t6 It4s said that the West. alone r, - 19. wrijl.(fejj%"t nice- 9,wasi �lqse �by singii.q. of "God' 'i ..a Oc ilmtil down -6L G'th, totf. dil are 1111 110imly lleiv, The ra,m.. s0ter�q, grew ta be'll'- --HU Fe'Ll'gul., -P I 4 bi, V flitt'i I er , i. -I meprijAchable chAmctet� About 66.de �entered.. iti-A6 'Up t, 0 nufti A tri -M will iflee 'offieYa,moti eno4L 110MI. tile, rld repirn bydie-86. 'ill bQ -Dtft-%�4i hn ft of., i ft , -L- 1 11 -Ato UL M" 1- ml C,m�. in"% e t 'f Johil I'll Aa I C t il)Ike r. At -pa V- t-�SA I b j� lit Y fif t the. ln�Vell'play (If yi,'c - in. ge ting fifta� fi.r is men as ante ed V ffirfle, - 1, tert t'y' "t t6 u -,e thead. -it ('�o -o( tile - wl') 41 Ll d - 0 tit 14�A sit' once i'ko r r(,f 1)a,.V, . I � Th9 16ag '11�es The bridq was I - filffi,ly, U�6,k,th he of surVe0lik it wotki al 61 iing c 4� ng. day dild - III&Lt 811jde tn.d hojjjeW &MiAg.''the a�rempliy' thd . ...... ... thdo, t* bremkor wmt, and ftmv, it has .61tiftletI00- 0,11 j My �i rog.q�,d� Jj —7 ji jlf,�m�f - �t i I k I LICi8fti. t dr. r It! tin-Ki-afrii TA -6 o �M-Wqv hig on Suni Stitt6b,' 'to kilk, with vell to i1jr ijjjL( 'ead-by Mifflom NUtts C A'(1 11 as'. Po d, 'He _h, I �tj 0, lays, midbs, M6� wotk- of dl�6r will t he VV6A#10 � , 13 141- �`Ve are having"'I en 4ged as ieti d I - "I e� .., I I Mont -a.11,94 and ft . 016 . Mllffln ante; Are! . t�g vlmx Lmkd,�, ti- orf to. dmy, then, gave,it t;,',idirfq I 'fa --q-- R -IRM; -ilidniAer -i!s firg priiyeup ng, Wan I, tit 1. P llo li wheire AK*fter the Whieh arriv, m A Aitif sh"a happy I tip fjtjl�cl�eefttloh We solicit vol boo Lill bt Id lit in �'N -b Wdimm-si -df the, ev�,vjllg $YjV,ktj'jjy illey d WM etwlotsl A mu'd drdoyed �tist -hive VC V-, 1)et'e6it Monday night Th d. Wtetly VjjjftgC. o1j. t1j'e lity Wilily- r R e OftAr J, . . .e, e gif pft grre WAR the A'.\ in d f��ijj A 'Co r rv�'AA oj),;erv&1 lj�­ giIiie J.ight "PLY d the d'di'I'Vig 1161:11G P . ...... eflubi oqcmp�o fqrjlir�� I ffoll) Giti's, ctiterviiii,­ itle de.,�Jt' ttjtjt it Ift I tr�Aftj,,r at"j: qjt-e Ott all' 11 Tile a" t0aill, Molte a da"h*1tY41,1j;i,)4 %\As edeyed, to vel"V itam -di the Past siveldixg-q! beptElIff RMY6 L le. temfi Vq- -V t lit * I.- ' Aftets the b as in t.tirc -64# , rmytidn -�mv, Illmsit JAst�wef'M- I'll ttft�st ii% �f8t k t hay. ; l -f the' I i\%I -srijNr oatl ft iie, b au6-',U, behid Promfi-t. �n6, -it lit `6 fifliddeg A 'ejve-(�l earZ� i6d retu�qia-� A. disappellit,6d, ffWtaft ielilairidd fit fTY2 &rx m -tb inoag, for i4ome tlfll,d� A,.:� i1v 'W'i'S M0111 a*jij,I.,;Sj',-tjL,4, thpr Ve ' ilfg,1L r6m ! 'i "t3tJ ONS all of gre ONTO I" gild 't tit slio*kt, tilt ifie,ine cor ere�tt'L 4,CO t:i6ftij1j1V I 'n, , , ­ , all afaietneb WAlktituh ofti, to 1A btit Nir weiij� how the, vkf bireate All� tL (jf a'A;trie iCr' m0t., JjL tj;t; Ik t"�j t ift.4 �tho w4v - 'a'u'd fil - _J* z6 alii�, 6), thd rietmeti"o, f iMbQiii1iin:T, �' ,ustajt,�d -it br&eii it Vjq 'JU�f(� jj� (1'4' '11 v44A1110: si rill tlo- (IOU I Promrd t"Itnes, Aftet &C o A, - YOU, me Ar caed to &61elf the' o9t AfeAital sR 'aiftd the 46 ­q'j - I+ , tnisAllans at �] Pe smig ee k�� Pomj,,:P W.� I L , r, �, ajrjdL J)jV f, J�V qtewm4 V166�4mg jj,f;f ell 0,teii,ni, , tied:in, iU 001119t j&J, ibtjfW by you trfj, T - i - T eas� JXn J�r.ojjjet N ij,'j� ' AfQr �Jorj(:�%"Vsj j, V�Cjj;f.- �J' jjj�Vjlr Vle flr� rew M.� rk�q & " 'I Rlybeft leg w 0 about add6,A,� A ��Isj j, ?, Of ijj& g o nient vrs - � IL of'jjs 9j, hb� gtoo'rl' On' �Jtfijsy fitjfj their tj t h this districl,, ittid of d 0 froll), "fit , -, -0 " tit! it 10 "'A I n r Reid; fAl,skve hi:4 life Oti the 11�6 fh��, -of "Olort tc follt;e which i,; to Am" rf, ti I' r It Q Jft of. is 0 r sid throUp "modicy - ffie e mberll��. NLf'ontiLAV -C T i 'lit on ti�ie a 0 Ateximt the rnpvv for r6grt titirsitin he'W -,uill U6� P ab d T. Yoij�jr () fA ce, A � -t".O d tj I t it iVjji "be' t66 i I ight., -0 ais6f a sweet.. hit f fift%da and Pon JI A. The it mb J'f his klndtiids�� hitlov Me Ott,$ ileaftsidetatfle HUM _IJ Zar # dveti,tL i* ihem a` i Wig h ....... ... .. . to BUV fi-di, wi fik4, tit, the dati t �44 A" V 4 'IN is 6 A lis, o IM"M