The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-10-22, Page 8-TV mom"" R-7--' TIV7 77. N I C t 1914 4,1 QW �1 11 T _T, 1�9, ui� 0 orange LO U beat', un, t . ...... lit oven. _er for e t British Affier 1;��[ b -to say, that icao V: We am:glad t(j a 16' Yongo ill StR., Toronto,'Mr a R41phpliegla is improyink. filisiness or Shorthand Cou 'Alp, G, RobinSonr is Visiting hpi We ask �$q to,writ, Terat I,- ij6w 0130n. �Mr�T W for portl Pa Mrs: 1). McKvitziej of Goolericli,, newed , acqu �y re 'Old C�OMJ) fl&ch ii -COM09 oU 0 are sorry imprqVk g As, q FeNain is, not, U iy ar in Ilistory, �js n The Qrekte.4 w� hei'tiiau frienos, WP�114 'y .)n, and neVer since.priiiiing w4s avethcre been such . ulliT0.0m - ners, ild4or th6iewspaper. A'h' e the -t - befo 0 b k6m. sc P 6w$ (if tile witr, iudT all, n k9uh, vide Vdi �lly all the news passed. thv,)uw news ithir. the lihift4, of am to ioe Alliti T,urner that, e are,� al d 09 to e S6 taroun again after his Ardpoitati Idaves noth ug IL6,1;le FV AN lJan6 and Agoto W w. e We:will -ailoply Our 0%111 Pa APA. d ile�t etwh. jMVjjk8LCn4Lt�X iLb� h r d at' (1, 1 j JtmiSoQm.L 4nd__K0k-1 Wrther- Tro t and Mrs., in -now L orjt Pk wo I W f h, t joll�s on Sutiday� foi- �O lielik ne'lie Vill, V141te t hav6:we had in 916, Mr. and, Mrs. 1). dgar 'iulAe 4 Aus, Nevl�r befiirb from till Januaryj,1ldt.,' .1 onion. the jj trip. a1.6o. 04 Owturliii-y­ to Lit ve Withd ore., ive. .09 'the it, tbiref ge nada should gol�d Becking. alEvery woman and, child iix Cal �iptiob 10 -gr�ater value s�ar h npro4ed th4db 81111SC, j . . hicbLia Mile 11 fd t.. We ir tile �houo w a gaFlrieht coloducj".�w Com be all. to ; 40 ofers An 9. th- q;s. p4perw, 7 _,_ h ' ____ F.tvdA q d " � w , 'JUk, ­%%, , d Way Up. co orai 7� feom,$ 1.00 all Me?, oWtepsairl. t &S, SWEAT, ER'COATS, colors. HaVY, dardiuft s a Mr. arid, 11ra. aait&, fe, '00. ANCIEkTAURGI Wyce 'flora - black and white wit - ricus tb ERY bri p V h a a u UY �Ati IC1. cAr4W t rd Sunday ATS iiat whito, ni�vj, t EATER CO ors; At 'Ago Are 'hes: !'of the, �th. TATTLE "GIRLS Fustrulneuts of. TWO I(ears G RAN I TE i!00,�,.2r.'�6 and t�50;'­ _.Ar., ind con vinited'ht the liothe of' the I�Ltteea 1XrTU_BoYS1� SWEATER.JD0ATS1u,A vaiiety of, styies:.iind. z, A set of, 97 �very remarkable an- -an sisteri 'Mro. T, I oq� d -instruments lias *Y.. :tej6tzreek..sTQrg end ------------- be Koloplion, In Iona, and as,. t� England. The 'ills bent trt 0ay 0 sh W. a,typel. 0 Times) ail wany, other, ex-- the season s, I I of lilurs for thb. grao'rit mAughip, unequ Wfi- ape -V Visit B Bro tAnt %ipecimexiii 'and getidealy reveal, 7) to hAjad, -apd t e surger_y� ties are no only partiWarly, In atepiogresi ek wyu "a at 110 adbieed'. The: (Plitgomery si h :thb� an6lental ent the e� r - at �h i the. Al probaly, tlie-first or second ei6ptional- 'The $took consists'. century, uffs d Thei are of r0nZe gin, t and Nora C it colder. :1 On d, N :an or.4fi- sets, -A,. D - -Wfth,--6F 'b spbat. Stinday.-last t- IL as it Al. not, be Ung n am.�Qc kiii �60 *OM7 0 blades of 'the 3 %act �caisip this s. weather soon. Ge,upon- of, pu-ed 16 wi. iook Idtialy 44troy_,_� cba�es. silould'-havlwa has_beeu� almasv�comP wgp - . I . . .. , I . - kpen ng.the weik 644,at cardiae aftgri ard -it of eeil 'by' W th er hot�6 4e.' stot -me A er . I i LL' 11. ettfi '* d-,w-�#rton L ago U 111 Dr. 'NATUR, 4iVje� the new f, follow ran wi seSunday. evening suit spent -a few'" hours. ofaviby V A�bo ater, Y el known but, because that nietal WS .N. arge. juvorstKi6iiii; feaT, Aira list. e: on te hands t the Methodist -v ure qpia�se Thiii Servic� ut the- hai%dlew' a his tile. .�T e bea. otif uliv. H of .1forceps or tripiciers % 'Muff and'Stold Ahd beautifully 16 burned ith evening , , 9 jite ve''Pax-ru Sunday rery. -interest,in ;�.RUSSIAN OLF SET.,' t and hdpfu . 1. U -delivered - hjs� i BL lij the. tind tit a, large . , 0 in de : Instrume, . The -Pbt,6r ved 16 represent -two add, in usual good i i7 7 ch. ar6, sha; n Ani whi handled and all nwith St4DIe ma pair War ILVIXTATION L9WAR0, SET, dolphins.:. Th- probab y., iii '612.50 noving- ete pi*ieat*ent away l new a PtOtty o.,poiypos" f d W ad lug the, 'bitell! of --the teeth., Is, thoug; 'o, the wal. question Or Out eXiDert§ The -these h J,growths� -ALARK0 TR SETS at j _akr -a variety, -VIose:-­A-uot- r her e. t."hoir.eave �qwcial k They inky bti Be, and. t 6,6 wa extrar, IteL, Ing pa:ir, �f forceps Ai thAt ms-ic , very all (if "Sty leg And-&` I F ;f V P . I e 8 wit kh . . , .. " . i6ftl iidb t �$12'.50 tip to 734 worn, sm, or Ike -A-A el�vat X . ).00, per..qe d oftat, 4iR On Sto es kt the sep m i fa and is ing depressed bone'is Ann, �0 tel h �hil�, 'Miss lit] till& exhibit.' - its presid i1d, i0em. -to - , rove: tb Begg'w"Arivink, two, 0 A su�ktcAly even e at tht� of . rs. e!y,, 'been held e at. 4. 0 �.501 And $10-99 lifter..battile, efforts ust aye to thia Wo"n's Institute* ineeding 5.,.650. m0e I to I treat th M Montom th the Skull— qu re shroke mswith sp _Irite p( se to - run away- us� W 6 d jjtj' one of 'the- .&uiw.d 'the, hor that bra! OWL Weie i -And. Miss'. Thipl, for: the.. Biov� -that. overlitid"Is W hoA. au 'bAwn- rceil't e ng, Ormer. 'k th in- 26 wer6 pre"" boas and adie Made Tjoats Ot-'Ole6�111 re remar Able .-braken.: Miss Regg was, unhurt, -No Ap6ther aid, itill",viO so.*. but f rom: badli.shaken up,'the-W16 *6 old a lof Of 44di VAaLt$; this- MR have�s brain Instrwhent ti.,th ut Was Arc sho. ia '-'We ",have, tjug, A" aikull, trephine. -This of it. Was that the. aiccident,' was j to ti�16,40 areAdding &heri airne* styles for ope�rlt feAture, ti a from, to.do oinstrument. proved Vdky great Ouz- -sefioustbAU.i.t.wa&' not more added.- Teiy, OrPtt to, lines In , rs Goats W -- , t tJirst,� and, Was supposed, k run. from 625.00. of "ineasurtrig retire aptilis 'Research. yrrqud LUce.. bbwever., has �sho I Wn that', it ls� A., bow -Which. *hen tate a strilijo *1 octoa r Melvin irwro, ot the 2a co cession, Mae h es are AS. 0 ditlis and in a bond-drill'ar aikult treiphlne-­vTe 'week.. Hd al 061 -A our burg b New R. ___ -6 ow oman stripe., _�G roles, L. k Still O'licasionally rotated Far from vsjt� 19 Phetta Trel e f Ripley, ii.surgery. estv A, 0 Th, or m6der being- A triun: a or -l"", very 'forming skult trep nd. Miss 'frilled Ande tic fittl Skulls nicely to beep''on 'very, aitclelXt Waft(lqu*ft.; �e Aka Stripe.Silkj, -toe of ilte young people. haxL Durhani lia-#e .-teen again, .'and- -p 'for 'be, report tbeni agam. sliowing' ePonset W I )6o�ard the reT tr4fiJite- eveninks 'a tr echuhts and And thlai. oativesa.bf the South Se.� Paro tChi to pr, nful ShervAlt .,11314nds'are actually. known Albert Cerson received a. i' b 0 on iving We ise s the hi foot ,vihile dr r Xr. Ackert. en laslyn le H at. Vi�peid, re eve s0 MW%? - ie pressure R a YeAt 0-17L re. ose in ey plain an epileptic rt I -M 04 P M AN~ 11111,1110,!l"11 - I of 40^0* 1: th I , , r C insane: or d rib 4Lsh t6 -the ti spirit supposed to -In makes and, 4jDa. j Pale' tjoubling an te g: day eve int. h �'of iHARN es S slie6i 81, 9A aad' 1,0 -at patj4nt_ Tbit, the. dreek and Roman �There was' -,no sehool-T %1r8diioy -and surgeons atjljTqT e r, ults­js 'goo t.'tae. I -)Friday* Of CLEAR! Piollibly th --pur Y U , ANA certain e ji-indafaille' ch ke 4 Wbf they' *or atmot;iierer ill tent Hide- jat614 Ackert, of ZineArdinei, spent 'QW�ng D haviba, a stock 4 little ®o, large to', make'room: irside theta to same eXL Vhey used, thej a. oitektiA 6r the Month 'of peideht, ot, atis, home, bere. An - Week enir 'ed b' lik fti6nd 'Lloyd, Haww .0 tobee'sp.etial bargains in Ay mik lin6., He' maindragors, 4106 of. strOD '94 ji c ReCOMP61 I o61 TP on All Ainek gti f4r. cen,,, A' ee2fol 5c eac i;ale pri SUIT this. geftea-� YOU still o� oil -iEm R�qs, regular -81.60 0fL9D E6 the mtn Who MD. up.- IIA : �6 $106. Ts"I.00 for 75 r reg. B%jilottru's GALL- C- Ult cents.' g, reg 25 'do: Why slSure I ceiiis or 'q VINDELSON, t 24or 011 centAil i -Well. I'lid RovE.Tieso th snap A64 ki found, thUt your, grea hanied' 1bi-, Me. g. - 20 ("en't 8, for I, BOW4 Mft -maledifil foe 25 eJa - well foil re, rgiejLt_grAndftthef w1ifli GOODS S ighbit" ot'be Dh '980H Potts 4 tins for 25 cents . oth.� ae, and of Thite hot c9niliii6ll. Monftyr,�Oct.'fj). at fiilbb�.ry. aiad'. Your yeen some; fin d foa:tfiored 10 d -I -TdeWYi 0jDt&er grafidfat&�.Wais tarred an reg an 5 D, 1 0 qUjj) gilo bottl pmrs to bli growing niore�seriod&. r. 13radley, vis t Oriewils it not IL �' Ll k H, es for. beatini his 'Witt, "'That"o Obe.doqr, ft9t , f. M.CoreAt centsi for �7 cints'- vlhore did jou get -P, Twos, MA)ousld speAt KigAtf last week. )tr. and, Mrs. very proud reciord, Barber. Shoo. f(ir 25 eentx� nds in, Guelph HARRV89 VOLIS ------ - Suti day latter's P&i�iktd, it is. shows ho*'My tlea 01tift � of 01jrton: 4 the gde$� of "I'sliould say Vf6.ek, 01$ Axtic, Gitpghn "gular 10 tents, ind Mrs.. ing.. ttee'esith goptift- g5 cents for 18e. 'or i' I�r k- is, gott tS 'it -on a D in an 0,it W M 0 One tion. Hu�&y �"o __ I woo- Mb, tell 35 ce-nia. I And been n jall yet. vetition held at to ewitt 0orA oik *hot-# bunch neerth&!N�qhe?s, COA from Alberta. -tod6tilit' 'timVeou'd 's.hnk-als1e U n& rwear hraday. �nd 1Fri4Y of jut, home lAt n*e haV6haae io j)aj.tqu v6iW AheT, Qoh Ar pardin $4 fancypattertiL. 2. cents f,5r �Ge6nbu .. , .. . '71e6rce-Ained A ft d Mir alem! weeL John Shlbr spent Sitarday wn nen. and h6ysi Also many othl I ich- apace' does. permit be bar -aids w.) not wearTor r Stov6it Robettsoi -1 is e Ve a ohn wtII knoi0fi, Overcoats �f the lalest 11 ve Itirv,-.itktki.of �616 ' i nd - of. Nter j us tel in W�_ ha nent 6i re, I L.7 spen h %J0 days w4b. gy" of' -th are- 'the fi brothe't, J finest -.pift6rng itts;6ii'f,"&1017� e artless d ot Uodglw, he and family reDairing.1promptly, attefi!h4L§.�, niiA JLnq -KAy ot - k;011, 4 sister of r .... 1� , ''r III, k n: 0 0 'Wh6 skip t, oti.'N 01� 114aa hot . 'ov.. .5th, �e RE'Cjr... BA, c on a 11Y. d boy'li, of th issIane D ix well o 'here, a tr P to one Welpok on M Cher, Miss 'in the Aft our . . 4, 1, tit -11 4. o*446dit at ill . lolt ge vigitpr "'and wor- P1110M., "ch.. conve -tion held in Xiftardift& Sund N'Tiss frene McDonald spobt AY week. I -Viet Iast-, st d'' Hats Caps - and'. 'ha.home of D.,L.'Ttcylot, e Be o or gin, spetit-sin rf Cott 1.10 me McLennan, of lAurier was all, kf6ds id fi A" f� t riving IfiXintail Wikh� 9, K�a 'of Monday, Oct. 19. ming'recentlyT of A Coivle 't§ vi!§ItTffg T th;ernoon. Mice Smith . retadvpg eve Ath ( N SESSIO, kinds f st&k. in all The male, ehoir-reectit utlitzow-thii week. Iygo ,.''. n 0�v 6064, tilt Ceni�al el,og very -much, n i g a cement To IcD6nad esta Rjpley,l"t repia eh9"t0F7 t4� 110pe, it, will, 1"t� bilyol s� fly tea Go6ds from, yard P I cLeod vu n i 'A of Dress rium from.6jo oki each of its St,'Aofes WiMer the- -house in the f6wl e ehurch s b or C6 goo46& is apeudifig.it few. John 08troi,'Who h. )Yee I 0fige Street Wn, Murchi. (Vety expel.. C Dalt�ft'skid family 3 " . I West for A; couple of. Y60i s AAir ul to "s Ito mu an rs W Are all- glad to goo him Aftibbiz 'ome of the p4ople (fob :very ,4wa Mr. A Mm Ha4sey'Aud' fmnilYi -8 atmr eft�- e e for th pi ce# 'M -at Be usagain. 'Vda $5 ()60,W iia Mii� 0, Xeof6,. 40n.911111day'. hot oil: Sunday.' esi ite hkd. �ho inisfoitunt- to, w8te teqei CAptital j� P , Aid -tip, 6ti Friday - noopi out g6nixt, iftererbapt - W Jaow PP eL' tf4de, one ay I he 4' their f X e,iwere'rtbe gq,"Att of 11K. felided tileAntAvo, ty *rqeeg t Hid on fAlf fto'ni all 1j' t"t with an accident" nd only (dr the d ast villago, beltil, f ssOwen, ey assis n 9 5south line, -ALL bPro# -AV �NG WAR W A the, The 'y services in tile PitS;. t 0 ive rupt I nive ., r� ifitt up OA .4 wolg� WM4 A, jojira�n, tee& or in e a ing nione not iniliftti? ".0 It'jdar- ta'ble y Oft L nhTh. ghbeS g6ja wheel atil in onie . unaccoun 4 �' ­ h, 'at rath' one 'with H Ming. ey decided syd6i*t�s, Tlle� fident front Xiii d0efo tell , backwardb it �Okj ittertAl ing at and weie V�ry'' a1w rati Or beaAl; tu(�'r b appreci 'McDdnald nioet, the fitat-Ttiesay of. Wit tith eardine self relP&C &dd, to k&� the wbeel t4ftid *4 17A ated ftg, r Vjllag�' 1':§, ag- 10,9 am js'jfi'& gafe *ay a§ wefi as ell kq ever. �qounT,-� We hL see! lill aftldifi� A U h' wt- rk ft_ 'T6'moftey s6 the choppili, atio o ve tea W irk m6re, thall 6fie, A lat��Ishipnyenu wm,mside front the d& tU 70 P a5y You Afe.1 C1. T, 9tAtion, oil de AVA&616 for it 6des, cdioss Ud" trd- T b 0, it all A. ekmtz' M'"'a glel% diAdib fij. the $166'Pof otheft. 6f r0010�;� pbt&t6ft Al 0 a y sit Tj wn spie w -30T at the� h6the of, 104 119. tku di" qu )te tiad'UK. Albyt 'ff ugh6l A t' �qffi at �,2 I �b" oWays. III the wirroi to 'A Edw"Atil I* of 06'ktgd.�� A - report tbttt ei ry TWO P0 are man gilig. A011 homei .'Thd two f It og 0 00 n0 t:l r4 eri asc i0tit. to ro of 0g6tAbida!' -q r -'h * " . Im"ET -le �i 6 li A n6tohard an �� We ln*6 h" 0 Ott bftri doile t6 ffoo' the�u P! Will lie Ifto ilt goT Ito had t4i F it to