The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-09-24, Page 87�: 74 01 11 —XI A, mbe LICKNOW r, ;0)t 19-14 septe SiaNTINEL ........... - wo� 7 a i id, fiii T- Yy N bre Ed ''cake udd` rfised In tile:; rhe grea0Vkr`rN'Iap ',jd Ve Ip i Aqv i,�sqe 6f The 8t�ntinel is. now b lin evt' veg'4ols uo't6. 40, d �;st te o tA 4 Opy, ribu d`t' lose eotitled*to f W-he,Lt:. 10, tit,, fi�tr buyond 1W 111ap -ilj the rluo,��tf' 'Coll) prellbasi ve, :As of Ilarley, ATol 17.000- 9f t Goae'rich t�irly and,, distinetlY, �At W �sfii4ks ev"ry �.66. 176 1 vth, havn il.nd'� V11 .1§' 0 .%Vi I I a A- , f LiolgL Tile Am- eron. Cotboall, ViS 4411N­Oqink�jt "r, -0-tit their -�4.e '4110 tdw4l L ��itwt. W. M) this, A] ai� oil� has no, wit.l, lk, and Ao t7q Akiminj Blyth. gye re o N ihe,posikiq*0 1143 vol 1'n teer� s from :'t n I Fif tgou o g.' ad - -Bbi0ig' 3 .9 330-! -Raron'llegi.1no N, bJoll� to, Mle. -10("Mt �Mr 15 U ulip Alt 0 Tile nix lie .4'�l left V.-alcit.0tier. cainp fox, �64 nd vq� t I �rian 6ivenietitforin. l PM 9 _Ab 41ways iQome uTA a d swee It, M -x pir, is . 2:17 'UC,I�Jj6 nt�inpl 1113(le -y 9 vei Atis r"h. kn 0 M -it v, 16 dia dolla Ahtee, ruill.4 4 ghei ly entiloted' fr iis, periect actory, arrangements w t �Vilt rar.,A lie ad,jiiio, 'I ',r� 0 is. 'linade s mre-'a- coPY e e A prIoeo le, 0 tha W-,ipin1(1r­(iut, gy ov n.- -S c. C �alola your town.;, iec�,s,,wvon, ace 11"It fre67 of charge. The . . . . . . bV the 8024 Act, tir d 11' r ;X )f'tJl6h;te1 licensos Heirdid-atid- Weekly us V� ne, is bov' T the price of, 14as. full �ei,w,ior ouly $2 00: -Ind, v%7e -'oocf flir'jn in Jqlro�ls-. Mr. i mpeltis f( IjW -so on., i -ing-'tMvAhtA0 .11V ( lf. idal �to--O­Bvravi 'k he, n -n 16 each, pei 1 17W fat t a X".t Ile of offer insidO, df-3p-dayg-The Fai a ti�w Il s thti Han �Md:.3vlll cent uro, ae, rented for.' next,to. 'his, recent their grat'War blayi,, wit: A 11 be S. . -* -ki.vely, lie farm ld is a. t Jim I Andi -n lost.. new Is :Fbidents, of I pas'� tlops.wl V -e. biver eig earg�, t, on,. usil y� plo%vi 1,! 11� and 068L 3nb el I'L td`s'61 ni T.T. s Dryely" a.9" a 6h-,-that­his---good- -vier, In th and 1�or. -n ts R L be.au garii 4� are .,of a tifill w tAke Mori Catit0n ron Coi tit the i2ek 6ad- witi W e :orhers,, spe W Ale.vario i th tbem, h'i 1 n ells, Loc t(. tit lti 101.0, kiikei rq ha I h -to"'buy $kil�g. �1101, 9fiN need ­to send id �tho catalo_ne 11,;j . ......... nrenamd� 1: fa b'!. - - I - ­­­,", ; ..%I— , je 0�7ff Wt 61cia r 0 vtews 00 ng i I I ni b p lee 'goo 01' 0., that out is as, you' goodi; before you.. -pay for''I'loly �agaiu. wu busy in thWn6ighborbood. y-'VerrPiroul - - - - - - - - - 'viited., at iii-ibil of cal�;iL�g. i, 10 'iilch tile Council ini: ordot: to. Vfiai� e. pro. .. ...... . .. nces tzer' in6n $1-1`0' IS' ill -h, 1.0, Mr.-andi-Mi -W t eed hoi n ings -1.w D q@d- dit redin t 1, E lese, y isb­a-Lt 'd a login 0 c fortable CmU; d t e rang.,q U W an lie I tep, eNt. andaynicyn V huirch�n -S su,nday 19�6ol Rall� AN-fille pro, f �POPP fo he I (jL, i n bein- taken. r' ihem rUn:s f roni ped to be tinfavorableL t�s H' A-PP%19s.'�" Mr-Cantit.lon,.tile el -;rt7them Jessi U!to -vvhe- d-�af Mrg.: Sit h up -Wet 1-k-U1&W-n . batbth ill &qua ti peci a n ty a S I . w- ays quality All S tZi Is -a e r, to Un r cord, ya Duhtrannou on crop rej& li g 10. oQ. the ai parents. 1p bra-' -b -b ti ashin ­jQ 000 rrjp& e, -pX(tb&4 W ilia t -ations 11 of jk Blake's' for, butflonit,ppesent in io ot as es ever qiy fiorn a h (I ere ief Nlijillijo.. eid. of. BAyfleld- to- irtoieAhan 50 1 arr I S W 0 A t The, W u V 'M e a r -146 of lint6n, on W L%if Of if" e n 5; e eist o ld t3ft -of-4 ti ride and one:, .0 da the atti 1)44�0 ink& y :W,111itnit the esito rulnilbdra 2 h4s Isase to dustO at. �oio. -At,- 35c 'U"tock of pn 8; eater. s is. now, i.40A t terli4s nob -three r y Mv you;. -.-t h ere 1114e tha "v&pQ e can, Mere, art Tivert a Will f many sati6fied' irt,wipgo Ore be operated in the couni;k, P., i natnes'.'o alill W but this is a;:.very special one?, , lit vina;clo�ed their ch- (if- -At iha; the. 190.4. r ;4 0 $900 Ik. lie' ss� rip. o -Inade a buAin,� -izes Dfitueb;, Liu 1-4 27UO -h. a6 ba�ted t0ethpr'L'*jl;'h colored si toNE J�f() �VVjN alkerWift, is wee c, TfiL'9PE LLT tie,diipu io, 4.§0apO $50 10 (1w. 0 We, 1�h -ar nd' 10, and the,priee Is 3. �stock e 9 -b� -Miss' Elta itmFeew the. CoIb(3vfie:QouriciI at) h a eqn: d of -borne -Te ep )r yp� -- b -pai a fo When t e n Se 8 iY81 n f Friday eivening. at, �ph britgoinery efitq iNitil' icipat ��Board S Xtr.. M r �6. ult y..-- ione �y�stenl�, ona- fe%i one W10 �ng established'& n b The,fac. rly, -ig rienits oil i bei m er� One, go le -we in our. once ur A`h -if - . I I ' 'I I k and p n in ed us a ship, -it aviqlable aCL . lit afi�ndiad the.: ter - 09 . DI WA: "'thdrew their'nanins'- and - 11 A butinber frUtivTiverto 'for 6ebablishinent and i a'f -f atier�l 'of the.late ' Mrs. Doniijd.' Ite" rds WI -pinneEr Of tj*ns �cted Not Vai.st . Early a ighly-re,,0 tbe� all old. and.. 4 hi ouncil u1se I 'to �qotl ct.#Je. p 44 0 IsItLtiron.towns wl.fues nece�sar , rates ftorh thlise: p4Ai6i., rhe A I here and C)mpany.ap -eal a P i�ciil ,vety Wan p to th' fig litie' et qyei Oip,- wi weari meC epe is: ed Hdw, 0 S th -d. tb -iveb ow Laokn, . .14 1111C �ers *46 re'lhitinbd at the beach, &iat This,bo4y -has d itt n e.,r.we ion a AL is dre e com.: A& len' th are through September are in, uc; e t9final.deciidn, in favorof'.the PP0 nts) 4io'ii qua 9. of this dr. e Th� Store',that Never 01pa i ''The dular v Ile is.., AV sleev,66 As the weaiherirti&-�ll ater bein 6r,. f 1 ba hing, than' i til6,to�ngbiP eouncit are; order y ets _J -v, --w iXt, -0 111' cl: t`8&anton C64T uvi*ff"' evA b' IF, !:ed4o.,i)a lovth ithito­t o,systbin -file Tt 6 pe athount'of d6ficien,cy. iinc6ll&W iana a ar SEz-6X47M e, lea -vie -exwQ@,r in P -A d:ft�jo 'd M 0 pric& is 10i -wool and proper y profect, ` Ila On. laniel. of 'ord' 7 7.7 1 W�ew a Fer ill iarbs 7.917t er:.:to. hrW IM!t" .-su izribe h' Wdy, and So We P.aCe'ln Vnesdk. Sept; -2-2, of the 664rd to. be �p;�io 4y the c' u neii pio . ai,r -is I stock A , . . I . I.. . . I . . . I . .. 0. \W��iaht which -,c &110- 1 e .1.4 OV L we hirn lo n; ditt i0hurch frbm friOayi tin- mind -thaf Flei. whose cause, you ate Free 3ketho -eplenilied our. d r of'Rulleb,: exhibited. 4 W�o ha%ie -just t -rikht. Hare, are a fw of the Grce-, Fe)wIbr'9pent thd week horse bree e lidlding,'has.iaid 41%] race ig su y re .71)6r. 9 tit S ud"i'' You, have', lin . a e ,ULI g .:end with- iss reat. st�ock oti �ar A o dL N itch e, Winghain. Rtt n of 'their'stock At the kedevit. Pillo 0- er 'o Ov Y' & d URAL W0,0L -e re- A` nt'f6r tit �n aid -of the P Sti-ppjr the' JES'S NAT NVill bonte froni. Toronto industliaLt...Uhie-n. Toronto­�ud th -.-A:n, entertainment. 1 Lit If on d :!Ug goriab e tn us Ili our an . . r. . . .. RTS A ID. t un ay.* matila e success 'With wl�kftlh 'y me' Funa Will be: g.iven. In the�, .13aptial y6urse ing 'd6g.and prices: niyeri7ovqr.S d e otic' py xne 20, and n, 4;() inches--wHe -at b� i-ior 0(- -ChiLreil _res a% as an glfr6 -thd sorrows. And 'iww votyr f., :l bil. Poidai, Oct.— d. Rev.�: H., e. their�stock as IPA, ao, al vt any I S. . eacl lie p"t on the s -nog-Mal"t a yard, D iQlne.. or Soffle ICIC IISD� wuliaboinm -cpase her year.' ot you.entqr �uoofk i 'Seeblls. d Robort Chhppian: is viid 19 s. We be, - 44 inches al arid �d inelles. inittin. rh win- is list d theit-' Prgranl-' ..an 2k qg gtu( 10 of '�ou to �aceept, U N. W1 itcC4uiey c6inpiete hi,1; su tit. Clifford. own sto It J. . 0 ai-a stnil. token of, our rn�'i ' ng.4:, T)feir ','well kn' e4eela af Soverefiva, And other.,b ands d K �1- L I I V for- a" IIJPZ$gjl .81i5blIft. 1� . . iation, -p ildho wide it (J'oe' is home Qn a visR t ii It An- lo uq� ..:evening; s ;j41r­Mc(1tu ey� an F;nrnan�s, make, large r e yearr+ �o gi�e morning.a0d, fervices W. R. it*vor. excellent for h,ild'embroidevib $1 qd :TIf6:&au,_, tal ROn,, e. of site w ng y di" I duralil X , every �,her Sanday. -S r fie � will reward 4d as excee The'lii of Teesi are giving f n ter POZ6101 vii6ei ill'be on ftlr,'yourA sacrificial serv' ere xice. ar 6.d itAllion, er 4,tit,-ana, h eve-hIn- /Sept. `29i.h., ye and. iBitron Flash 'Oetob ColWert Tuqsdiv� 11 - . - -tb for.the ... Re Yours, I on,(]L -uton MoLe�n Yolinzof Gresharni d ktrat" ey', 6�r, 10,66 yeki . . :, . , n behalf of your 'many Cross funds. Tftey,are%dls6 doing knit- old stallion.. 13.esiAea hes.l, successef4 day�4 on the WUuda ti,ng anc sewing o supp tes, sucli as. in tile c' tfr6:Ito'rce* classes, t ley tA e!bitt took in h a drafb fity, itqa'secbod. foi 6nti,year Old' e corlif ott 6 t le nd iioanded towels and otbper things' secolid prize toir.. c in ristop er ol IDe -A. 0, troit,. D., 1%bLenoaii. Wdr, Otit o4s, Day (Irlift fil)y.�Huron Expositor. I. S'n e L 'been. vb am -is 1ATH OFF' JOU(; FfKED �B -.,-h a s 'G1 f6rinIirly -at Wn- D m.o n I n g, 4 ii evening irn the Presb n and osteemed as Siplari. M07 elfu h Sunda life ran 8 nd MR , r Oft ftr. WiliCh pa.iss'Oct &A% ay, 0 penjort. service In. ;St.. t�uehe& lie Whi i 6i- .29 ir &ughqed'in is ari WI14. w n; i of J Ohl itbdr" ; D11 8unday e iied its ititst and un�v-iiidable M, art Tie' ks having vqrghipo wit i tie decea4a ',boiq� Alhian h the 19 t . .... Wes-ffofd--�–� plil y t6w s JL ompgork: Sr with btdl*t�. 4inatf.to be 16 a old �ql ell w up- TilesdaY, Sefit. the Jond Tk` I. . y I . - nut -ppep ion on Tviday-� vk:eniag -466ndM 1 A4 dai llsbd . 4: m"hood, aw it 'k . . " ' '' ft L, ivin a. I t, fitriniow, While in Alton county he in kon6r of the bfi�e oindi'gropin, ?d I, FaAlbeto Jog6phtnel& dfid Whit&h fth married And Mrs Cecti"Oalriand. trir,k in ,ties utth spent' last �veck Alfis'a' Mary Jane Hugh -tile-: tit binds- ht�re. About 1879 he inoved We7t to h7tron o. f George vklar' sxv xkwa as received in :1115s- Brown. Seilt- 21�t- Count� AM Idesited atiRelfitsbi, %�h&6 IcInitypti ;8,und&V,, SAtardtiy%of the deatii Ise �Art(t rs.'Albert Hughe4 atten J: -arid li6le'' dat -Blyth, ia.visiting Ct wford.4 s he.cond:a6ted ahusine �s for many Was McGwan, of thi & ka�infion, !,a;ged 16 years" I lie fline-ral of -the lAte ohn. Lou&66 f litatil Tt ir, a I ep of eiglitoo,' Ae 'FlaltIng Ycarl', v In 1893 lie sold oiut Men. 'a it! viewit W, took. i th t n the. Air. Ind Ntr ILI veil D., wh, LN iss �Glaoyi' pindler, Or- v al Uniber or thiSvIl y Lr)I1q0!n C(im Rcss.: to Wingfia:n wh-!re he has resided b Kinftdn.� (if A e childi4n c Sundk" ad at Albett Hoesi. NV ilbe Bwsidea-his Wife, fiv passed &wEL "at tatid Forks on 6unt io: weeting held in Thbse hrattended t* t rt,. d 1�(In Haldenby one son and four 'd� tot LhL "Ictive rals) ng--MOnz, tuighter,4 stir of. Wi11oV-,'Cre& y 104S (if Visiting. bbr brot1wr, %Ll h flf. rin tbo 4th. r t 1p _111-1 have every him to rnour;n 6 6 a kini, td Gmn t5th: - tOli tird(s;, arid W-4w*6M.).ved Ise liti. , r. H. Haldelibk n to- he ati�fie' The &eh' 'Me '; lade busth with cor.cert an� afruciion4e Itusband.. it nire And rillebter, ... , -a it I V -k. -i - -the dhande inight MT. T mr 0 til 8- —V�i h, r �oppl -of., 11113 bedi �4 th Q) For 4 thiok tig liagbi, 0 wo a, ay L Jas nd Nepe�t syffi�athy iit extended; io, the 7--l-i i E. Z �-�Z .1 - " . " , "I L " ., in -the ( I fW41le. 'A. ..Bet W wid-'. d n his.early recovery. A ur, ee waq a ife rg. Adet Trelca-�an, & at timeaf466psoerow. .-The decea4edii -Chiiiiely on tot) lArge Ion Y' -ington 'i*ook'-� oree'tWand skf li�o4ided for �L dirowd, tsociotv fte M4:00, will jauws '%8%ytock. and .1 M-4 h di Joseph 11 'k it, , I- ­ I'fl),...­,q�.1 I L I * itNv� G �, fAir -MIvviatky i lip 4Zery, 'of. the 4th haVA Ila It y randt htet and -kre, w1jen e It vetielt av 1, 61 ..- - . � 1. . . unday, 01 of -el C.'Mc n yre; ilfoA k�fld voronto �N �rc they have e ll e. The of tnd. A*",,66re r effiber fop ik!RtV NVQ w WS; OC Mrs. John 1b; (-a, of Poet teL 0 RA o N -(Ili Itst t V vaing, s i� ApDkEss T at it. I ri� J. K, 10 Orr nind giveri.'by A,. gityi., Tbionto, who has' ity-Politio a sianhuh, The oin� in ourbutg; t ng ii, c .�r 4 it, �V tine --al, which took p the ap is lurch for -tilt) as 'ber h ch f eki 0 _�.J L, , , ' e'nt ria(irij Lretil -or llumtit$4. tirip; Ube, mit- t� the Mi hrhed tq ont ii�harn under 40!ft tl W lltlpldy*L if tt) of -L. 0. L, 79 1— )n Tuksd4y tO I it ty Lt �as in Lon(loij 'rialin Times. It, tit io. gtI04 o IV, Owl lbusic..' The diers wf You i uled" evanifig, larct6 tiumber, of ItObOft, -.Webw srthe ehilrell try and 46ratioh. we are he d. Chur6h e tve -an of aq 4rillantry It blam 9 M re rITuesday, Sept 22 .... ... ... pti Win With" a 'j)(IT46 aft"d g d'' �llowcd by a'red orMs Ls t1ta. w'eek i �i the -6 A$, Sft vvnffn 64, Tllillr� MaVehlia took, in L)ddon: bill �ihtivh 101 Ili care 'War Piqwr; Urdthet itil r1i Friend: daV tvith Dineeity Were At tlte ill - ionaluded by 6' At ta tl,� people of the wout th6 Nrcy,, Tivertory erih tin'd t.,otl Spell t th Tabitfila R6n,ptnft IS Nvitly --renting ow the, 014 n loderioli� gt chorki show "'You. in a jajl,,i�le i 0""0011ii ne to oyp �Yal key gAs retnr ff6eln. , ' , ' L " lkit tinder'the directirm i b P - of yon't in, E, ell b�loc,,tl ta an tua ea tqr visitin 0 oll, 0 0() in a �i,f, w i�nd comeer bet from hc�Ot Attended "the inr la ct6d so stronetlV to U,$L b1l I fill III ')y Ve anIf ot6eir k!aif and Mt rolort a gooAl s and 'r, Clihst in all �Z "j'. Itpid of All hlecouilt of dutie8, ispai�in fiot;youi�elf I Fi(zt!iuinlo6s,, bollyt, to''fga .... . ..... if , we waY that, wo tw rijigt', b000tue: tnoftj' tly W4k pt4tn a eff ninl Ili our W)r the 151' nd ccli.ii at he rs. George R'eti of Winbipeg, k f life, in y0ul- p daV nrie'fitts in tild &h'd' prieaAffig, Vou Ila' 1� 4ay§-4iftkd hiRh. -'the iffo$$ &II 6f�tfi6 Ceol6j" t h L I A U T 09 Ch 9 ljtofnsibfi-�. . ... I I . Mai,.Y; W46 AL Us Wit h Itrg6d 4"norld 'h teat credit on , P. at lit ratgmnerltz, reflected 9 rite -for a lL �etttfflecl to'.' go, Rev, D. Mlkffl� d T OU8 h, Wet With �gu&Q the 'summer With'-fiet qthCgene doo, ltideiptd,� wom .8A Xoll#e fttoct, Torofito, all , cot, 4 nb�% 6mo� t emd sits. Uhu's Johog Mpg -W ........ ..