The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-09-17, Page 5Thtirstlayptotrtber- r9¥4: LKNOW $011S1.1.101.1047- . rage 5 1 BRUCE .COLINTY There are ?it" •larlieS„ and 11 young Men in attendanee 114.110Yer • 11(.4101 School. , •• • Ifc • Rer.4,' W and Mrs.Sanderson 0 Warkofton, announce the engagement of their ds•eghter, Lotta V. to Mr. -of Walkeirfo-n- : The marriage to ,skeiplace qtdetly on luIross Centre • -(Intehiled for last vveek) TliaRday, Sept. 8. Earl ,Q.lick, on 2, Suedayed at Sallies Harkness. • Mr. and Mrs. •WIllter Pinnell, ,Sitn- ,dayed at Albert Hughes, ", • 41103-*Lekla"`Kaeitagjle.it1llfluit • iPent Sunday at her home IMre. September 23Jena 'MKenzie; oil Brantford, 'spent ' .. . . . Sunday witirfriends here. : •• • A 510ri8rtau pike John Cassifiv of Albert Hughes has coMplete& rePai•t. ' • Mi'40 l' Atir:48 Will1,. limiter, jr, . ChaPettMvi Smisted by Jite. •Skelton ing the bridge. opposite 'hi S' fal'itil : daughter' Thehua' viel,ted (''re..`e Ine • • and John Lockhart of 'W•alkertoe last '.• Mr's. Walter Day_ svni a few ..slaYiL. .144 week ', ' paca Olt(' which •ineasured .1(101,314e ' •' '. ••• .• .- - , •turned home. after spending a few d ytc. , inches ill length and 'welghed '. •Mre, Jaines Whyt,ock. and .Migs 'Merle [4.mTlry:.r.wt71,' ..0.-arci.nr and:rirn'e.s.:0 . 21 11). rhe fish' was .talceu .6 WI+ are, waiting friends., va,‘, Hamilton , e,,e,„__bod,___41,00es„„,444,24,2,4,14*1_1 ••-• lterlWifiehl•-we pier!? ,"fiskstory!, It 'Was i one ,of - _ ''' • s:lionlea last Week. A nUmber•of,yourig,:people froni this • ' t7-11.0.1arge-it *e'vei caught in this Coitiatje..71:Oalitylield -a pica% 'a,t."Sili.:er 'Lake; . -":"1"1"):'44)(-•magh and Wil lialtir,444 `Prii, •:llri wholikVe been err ill, the 14st we:k, is Xr. Prod 4.; Pierce, : of Al i tetielbend 8.9pt.. ,5tli,..: .., • • .. • . . '.• . . •:. ' • •se ar*,:_e_leirpLogr_ig,„,,. , M iss 'Maria Harris ,oL.Hiiile3t, we-rer . ' . •••\T' ' . . o on,:paid=a--11Y:hig: '•r fr • moiled in the UlyIbotuls, of eiRTM-- vtSit-hflds auto; le friends:in tliiient, 1- •Ilh"turlt-ca'lled-at-the-heln 'er..--''Pf '' Purple Grove • " -Tuesday, Sept,.15. Ti-Moriday, September:440i •. • , Miss, Margaret Huntsr, 'of -"traniknew, , Mjss Mina'Rlackwell has returned. to • Spent Sunday ittler borne here. : • 'uer traillinery parlors at • Mr Jlarvy Treleaven 4ha mios 1444 and ,sirs. James $0,141ek 'spent Treleaven Sundayedat John-HeIrn'a., Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Henderson, Lue.know. • • Miss Lenore1;ogan la, we are glad to 'say; aim st-40-: tvell *s--ever--ititairchor recent at k•Of diphtheria. )/lisses • Lettre and Rachel QV.yloy have mt.' Ined home after spendiar icTtoigh With:friends-in, Miss Itlithle MdKeith, •of gurlInOon, oencling a few weeks with friends, •W'r° Rev. Mr. and Mrs. 13reigette andf,S. By :called 'of some el. *heir 'people I week,' •, . st lad -week-teek-lrehrud.- rive tr. m--- '-,,•4*•••:••••••••••••• Niion ltave: - rr-FE:- er motiier, :oan ainkin.easte, As:taws lt:'s irely needless to have unsightly 4ted, t faded. hair. A: little care, tta ; i§tneeded to make It •thtelc., ',Azerfectly_helftiand ft e111' Vittf.• " , • • • , Use P risian Sage --it supplies. kair. eeds hn is absolutely harmless. *t. nickly s ono itcbing head and falling - air, and aS one -of the be,st 0,016 to in,-, Orate-- 'Pe . scalp, -a rid '• make tqe- hair ow, lOn and heautiful , • o aristp,age tPdt) ent:): l'Arrnst-rong or at''any dreg. iger, 10, the s ur :tea clr' Ver. ...Money oii. We Inesday, Sept: '901. ..The IY, Saturday-of)aat week, ' . ., ..- rerneny took place at the Methodist' krti,' ' deo; RichardAint. visited her ,,...p,!i'sonage ,:at. :,,9 a. .m.. ..Flie_nulatxaL •grandparents,-Mr;-and,Ws,-•••Witi .Stan, • • - • . ,... ...,... . , . . . ., not being tied'.•by ttet..A:- R. Kelleni.. 'leY, Kincardine, .af few diks, lea weel.„. . • .‘',171).a:Iiitle =1•S'.. • one .:of. ..."ItifileY's•,' nik.iit'':.• '.'it's. J: 1-n MCKenZIS:and..siniAlaroitt: - :poptitar. yob pg. Jadies, and •the • groom *tuned'. tn.' thew 'home: . in : Brantford . -is,. a_ ..prosperotia ..Oulness": .nitin;'• of after :Spending a , inoeth with friends ' ' illiteliel& '., 3. :,, • .: .. • ...,. ".: here...; • ' ' „ • . ., t e on , riving ast week, a Yonnig I 1 . l'ITLW QI.Fit $C4045,11D -,- 'Abel, Alif:' ,..' ,. , e' ••••• - ertple-eame-tcrii Thridge'Torrilie--Sinit• -..itrie""fiftle-atireiTof 'Ic-----dThlr. an .1-.4 'Gideon • .Sehneider, a shOrt-Tirtstance:_on. :Which Wee-nuder--repair•-;: .,N.ot • nowing_what"to do, . and.. Tearing •le '.. seuth, Of :.M; ilaturiyr; w as Serilde,1 to d 6.4i.t .11 , .. . leave the horse the .gentleman asked the • rocontlY..;..,He .11.19ther .had been soald- young lady to inspect , the bridge, the • Pig Q-bieliT.Les, and i•ifiri..,a.„„paii ,ot...bPt Jady•diciso..end bon. found -bat, Ilia:. water ori the. floor "for that, Parpose• .,they °mil& not 'cross: Not'. wishing to : The.little girl, between two and, three ,turn back, they drove.: through' Mr.. A.. yeam of age , approached the pad and, '.ffughes: gate, passed over ids • bridge„ faiii4,-bank•Wardrit7againsfr-it.,.,"::spillerl: '''.t.•40.'-.40:we,:ar.:1.00..:!fenheo;aod.-eolitinnefi- . , the-eon:tent-a kiVer-herself.--L-Theiaittlds-ibeit-Way, ,•. •The longest; . 'way - toned : hi Were Sasevere .th4 in spite.of Medical hot alWays theshortest way Wine, is aid, the rittleolteliasSed away - about. Pat?" • eleven O'clOok the: n5ght of -the aCeiclent.,, .17r '€44,.'13riozu.-T'lle liquor sellers • . et*alkiarten,-r-ecently_lielitn, nieetliak .•'• to: take, into consideration the new . , . condition . Created 'by tfin .'hjpctcaikincl • ..-.0-1'ilTdir Imported hquors and -the pen-, • sequent:increase in price,bythe,whole-• :.,:...ititle dealers,' , • The .onteome: "of_ ' the. meeting,•,-Was:7a., .general -increase- of 'ranee Of from...450. to 100 per .:cent. •ciirterner'10e, a glass.:now: retails .over wee.k• • • , : ., : • ,' , . .. . the•thebiture: :o:unters at 4,5e:: a .'hora... ' :,'Misses Pheebe and Myrtle COnrirana '.• ,„ nyesw16.1key ,iivbia 'Used. formerly ta-..s.Pent..An'eVening with Mrs M.' Melillo-. soll, . at .',0a.:,:•_,ino**Sta,tik.. •_.:CipiretiWs. s9P...,F9011t:IY:. .•.:v,04itin7b'eon,increarealivin I 0-t6,1,5C. ' ' 14.1ts-J. H. •Aekert.,4....en'thet sick :list: ihis week. We hope she : will Sorin lie: . per. pa cloigiC Lager beer has iri't .been raised ;n price, althoggli itis said,"the •941Pund.again: , - . • '. ..: ''• .. ' • • glass,. has diminialied in size, the ,the .el_•rl_L : Word has been..reepived, that R Siticr;,, iir., of..,the.-.F4th..--coricesaink,-Iii-rb-0:ititglit-Itr- ioried=0...eitn. iiii.saioOner 'has ing ' gColWell's place On ,the.lenth cOnctssien.. •eri"way to a tiimblei...,cif. ...less ...Capacity; 1,. We welcome:them to-oni,htirg,, . • :LocALTO,i/TroN'• AT: ',v4111g0;1.$4. --JP...ma : • , • • A4arge croWd-attencled-tilielitrieral-of- ilie town'atitliotitlies of Ches ey, ,are. --M•ii:- and Mrs., F. JohnStenisitifaniditugh4? determined:To entoree the lodal‘option, Aer On Friday la'Ft; !tuck .sYnipittliy is kW .ther8i: 18. ringgeated •liy:thei•-":1011oiv- 'extended; to them in . their hour.' of • he ' ' in.,Stury' *.hicti: we take frorn• ,-, . . . the -E4- `reavernent. , ": •• • ;':' .: ... tc".1"15e' '' ' • l • ' ' ' ' ' •• rife-HelYrOOttlit-an-cii of the N'Ireinen;s.. . , , A:court.was'field in .the,TOyvn, Hal'. , Institute inten&hOlding-a Box Social on . . • On Tuesday:afternoon to try Charlie , October ,2iid.. ',Re Mire and . keep. this 'Su.bject, Sidney Reid and • Rerajan: date open, as a gond' time: is ,Mcpected '1014.11.iiz_beley.„(ionii.acolviat7rg5te 11744 .behi lin_trg tiirlrn_iik, irl,. alsO a' first tia,ss entertainment.1,_".•, el-abb. ,- : ...__ Dearra a MIN. HENI-tv4-Deepglecan e_d_. te_ ge th e t lindi at. an expense O f $ 2 2 . ' WaS.cast over the neighborhood b engaged law% er :1 ueker of Owen Son rid, was learned •that 'Mrs. Thenntsw.ulleeennnrjr" ,ita defend thein. The swore positive . had passed away OnSunday; Mr's v that they Wereriet intoxicated,..vilbuot_: well: eiioito to. b 'about until -17:a ' N agistrateOlell.....and-Halliday., - o th ite .; ince-whichtimeher-dedin` e- . eiaeri. the ease, ti)Ok no :Wink intheir'snitsnait;ieiti.rapnr. '71Ter Maiden naine-iiiii: cock .and bell' StOrieti1 'APItf''rring.. to. being, it daughter • • 1161YrOod :and Mrs. Ernest:Gardner arid left a ne big boy. Congratulations! • • ; :.•M•egsrs: Albert' and ;Joseph .Relm : '11 spen,t conple..of, ,days •last week w tn their brother, Thomas of:''riverton •• •-•gr 1:611-6 :8totherfi, Mrs. Jaities -.Alton and 'M. es -co Helen Hackett Motored to-131nevale in -attend the District COnVen, Yo f tier; Of the'W. NT. te which •ae -HaCkett.wiise,ppointed a delegate: •• Luttin • -Saturday,,.S'ept49 hz- .1. s M. I ac ver spent Sunday at t ' Mis 'Si. N1: `I ' - honied Mr. R. Rod's, ' ' . '.. • Haiold Wallen and Miss Jennie are • spending, this week in London. . ' , Miyand Mrs. :Henry Farrel,. of Pi e ri River, speritSunday. at I. Snaeltzees, . . Mrs. Geo. Rae attended a Missienapr :• .- „Convention hald in Bigevale hist Tourr- ' • The•-storkpassed throu,gh our village_ list:Tlinrsdity leaving a .baby girl at t1,e' home•Of Jos. Smelt zer. . • -Monde*, Sept:14th. What: is the matter with the fith: cian, ceaSiOn scribe!. ,Hiarold Ackert, et Kincardine, Visited atfilie ef his' parents' on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murdock MoPherson Sealed goods-thatlermerly--ebst-the, _Visited „at_peorge ;Haines' one. dayi. ;last • jui Igo them guilty orit1;i3 reliable- evi- of Mrs. Meill'Iliiiiel:34ena,.li•Cel.nio'-. lived . with 13('r deriee all suelt disinterested: 'Witnesses and passed c a a there only a' few weeys as••Frank Jacklin, Win.. Benedict ani,l, ago: • MrS. °H.14Y in hert2nd.,year. • .Andre it napp 'They were soaked' She was highit;lnrli6YeWsnte:4crned by 'all. who' • ..knmv-ber. 31 it the--fainily- SI '3, of the Option of 30 days, in goal: for „ eac ,-a -cos. cr- anieun ing relatives'have.theileerisant'tsympathy :ef They haveraptit up the maney, though a; •largie circIeflientefrriaeintodpii. • iherr reave- - tient. The ,IlerMati is making a eta/eh:to' raise:,will• be , • :tu pm cernetery ;held on TuesdaY of ,this. week • . fundsby gelling his fiens. :Michael S.:frilling came down • from: Wiation ' with a jag on and in cOnsequence con- • tributed $20 te the lode] exchequer: - • :, Ciaillia, r P 1 a 0 0 11 • ,. CA:rid n i C•r- 714 %St i' Hirrio4er.„. POW had tliefelleWinw - The' residents of Hepworth and vicin ''.10k -Were • greatly" excited last. wtek, • 'when it betaine khoW.n that a carrier. pigeon, bearitvg:inessages in :co0e, had. • • , :dro,ppsd in there midst: : , They' first • • thought that the pigeeh Was carrying mesieges, for a' German spy in this • , ..„ cotinty. ' Tie "Pigeon cami in an, eof: • :, , 'hanfited donditiOn to. the fartr, of. Mr laerOurtitO e -of Amtbet-wnship, atid..._i . - VIM picked up by his son. On one big wak in alumitinin band on which were•code:messages,:ned; en the OtItet.....„. .,. • .,_ leg of the' bird Was, a wide • 'rubber . band , with farther ineSsagei. Currie at Onee took the :p4.7,0ert to • ileptvortit and placed the ..matter. in . •the hands of Reeve Jainea Ileuglass . and lir. Campbell, They.at once ad- • .L_NiSed r Oteji 50111AJA d . t )v3. matter, i$ ----...----being sithini*ted-to-thelailthetiti. -at - 0. ' Ottawa, It is scarcely prithable 'tlisit •the pigeon wat a German ..deVise but • e;.er'y preiiiitieiirIV:beink7wo-n:- -It .1s known that several of the firms • - -owing-tugs•-rid,barges, make use. of pigetins in Carrying, messages :fr(int . , - . , • - ,those-eraftS.A0Alfetonte othee,, aria it. : is possible that the ptgeoreimaY belong • ..,f,n oinrtif 'These Afrar---lite' 'Tofu' 'Harr tiiion iti Son4 CO:, of 0 WA11 Sotind Ci11 • . ploy Vigeoris fOr:taking nressageThintie • : tenni their t,u07.a., hut thev do not use a • code, and say that the h'ir,d ,dos not belting to them- DK Campbell Says ,the ;bird is if thorough bred carrier •• pigeon'. - ' I • LOChalS.11, .-Tuesday, September 1 5th _Maioolm McLeod' is''here again on his .yer1y ;Vialt; . ,GOcrge McKay left this., inerning;...to . attend Undo'', F,air. r. • . • Miss: Margaret Armstrong.Yisited.w•ith: friends.ii; this Viernitylast w.e4.1(.7, • • ., .:.obs,bile Slinger, .who'has 'been. Staying uncle„ Donald Finlayson, • left for hishonlean Detroit last Week.- - - 7- - • ti°087-TeiiTIKWairct 'biieri.viaiting. at the lioine Mr..• .31rs .klekander: McKenzie for some time, 2tetnr.ned te their hoMe in .13affitle. . „ • We. understand twit, ;Ames, RObb' has bougut prePerty 'near Ripley:. Mr. Robb. has •beenA resident: Of thisvicinity for' a. number of, years back, and his early"re-. tiretnent Will letiven•'.hivaik-in Lochalstr- : Adtitira.1,"Jellico". and War SeCietary ,/"`Kitehener” have beea holding prolong:, ed War councils at the.. war office on •Main• St during the progress of 'the pres- -The •present,serene4",cetnitio---- iiiiie ofthe latteriS,na doribt..due to the fact that • certain predictions he , made coccerning the' enemy in the hearing Of the 'former and. other high officials • are not borne 'out by tile late turn ofevents; E,bilt,Teliii-i',greapirgilVirrehe Sense fil, his being an authority, as We • ,do net/ doubt .his hiyalik to the Mother Conn:, irk, his eagle 'optic may .,:iis`Cern4lie .slo%.17 smile everspreading the - countenance of. lieRear: Adtriiialt--whernitheugh--net .dpinast_t to the:view; point 'from whieh, 'he argued:, yet. made no di-Mt-fitate-' , The bubbles may' be observed on • a calm , dayin the harbohr, when the SM. Lord goes in•his subniarine to It costs but SO •retitS. Rub, it Ip --all dandruff disappears feels fine-7the hair pretty, y ea y ' •L, Malikirfig- .Nionday, Sept. 14. ary1-4-ninistorclo-attetrdinti • Duaaanoon, school 'Clifford Treleaven; Of Ripley, 'visited. his ciousin; Sam Kilpatrick; Sunday Reed, of Visited: her :mother,' rS. .lohnstan; Monday. • Mrs. 5. ,J, Kilpatrick returned Thtria- day from- a Sew .days' -ASA -with4tanley friends. '' • ••• • Miss ;Vera Alton returned this week rrem a two weeks' visit' *ith • friends near liven_ • ' Mr. and mis. W. .Abra,hm and daugh- .'er Helen, wf-WIrtgliam, were-tuestir -af Mr. and/Mrs, :Geo. Twandey, on Sunday. .'Tiverton 7.: ,Mrs. A,. Shier spent a few days ,with her. sister in Kincardine. this .week. Js4te Matheson. ttad Dina BlitirsimalL_ ever iiday...,at. their henies ,tlre, Vil• , There are All 'a few cottages .at, the: • bea•cli. Occupied; • The: 'weather, is :-that'- people Seetn'ioatne to leave' our ,lovely., , . • • Miss LiliieCamejonis around again after, heiub...,ciiii•lined to lier horne through, illnesS. 'NS' hope to'. hear • of :her soon beingable to return to Kineardine High School and resume, her " AUSTRIANS 11,4 - , • Pperat!ng Anet .Fliseelano •Priten • Out , Poi:end-1- ( 18.0,000 Austrinng-Tishongad *e , Tele .f.graion.p: te the effect .that.;.the BO/ea, teen, 10,41n.:,of the Itussiaan. against • :the Anstro-Gernian forces. ended with the follewing result:" : 'prisoners taken • . 00,000 Field •guns captured;•. ... . 460 Fortress' artillery___captared,-- Trananoit wagons taken, .. 4,000 • Aeroplanes: captured ••• ttoseiaa Ern. baarly in[Reraeriaye that .the (ertha trerelyt,:eoin.i°01.494- ,defeated • near Mlawa; Russian !p- lod, • evacuating ?eland with a. loss of 59,000 men ' AmpasSade,r adds that the.411,0,44.! aseinnerl the,. . offensive• in Frus,sire, 8441 1111Y8 .110111t, .1(1:07A:jiCiideced833iptaatC4hY'f' iego gOt7P.41,42f.4egil:4:1.44:1;ags: essages reeeiy_ 18.djittp t - c Austrian Army' tat, seffered absolute defertt..,-but • ellimf retiring-Ini•god order • :- • bGeneral Von Augon urg'd -army ,,the Correspondent .continhes, said• . to be in' :dangerous po:Sition, being, ut 0111-14:81 Austrians 'have had-fer.ribli'i losses.'.4 Pespatehe's ;torn Petregrad :say the Passiah: foreekl-da,East. 'Prussia, are retiring a• new :defensi-tre loSitinit" to Meet an attack by a• large Gernaan .e.rhiy which has' juat artiVed from -th:e7- west: ' • : • . ' „ The, Russians are retiring.,elowly •te •optittions. ,previously Selected, and:the. War 9ffice •states that a great battle ".-..1thsalanz.--4eInforetc. meets: have been sent forward, and. that the Russian: :tight arm la to :be • etrengthened litiniediatel•y„ a.'rvr • Most • unniiitakable Manner. • " • in the 'British. `KQUS8. of: Coinmons .1a4 Week,: Captain ChtCrleiJIROberts, one of. the linde.r7Steretarieri of r,the Colonial: Office,: • reatIdi ,important stateinent frptn the :-Viceroy Of, India, nr,retererrce- to offers.: of•. sei-.Vicetfrom the: natiie States:. ; • '.•*he. rulers. of,- the :n:ative States of India, who number fiearly seven. bun, il 'allied to the defenee •of the Eniplte. • and., offered :their.: ,personal .Servicett aad tne :resources' Of their ,States • for die war." said :Centaia--RObetta. • , Orr -Mira aritain • linnet -nil seriiee.' troops,. -and • tlae Obligees.. ot eirerY vOrp's Wei.e • immediatelir.,,Peeed at the , -laposel 'of the 0ov:en:Anent ef on 'the outbreak of,: the .war."' • ..• ABANDONED THE WOUNDED ‘retrarnernimoirrr . • • !spirildict Nickel Tea ;prices or-angbig trOm $1.5o to, $2:25 • Nickel Tea Puts. and Coffeepots from 90 penis up Kettles ."." .01 43oilers 1 in and Coppe • • from 2.5o ',up to $5.60 • boilers . • A Full Stock of ,Hardware, Tin _.0.ncl_Granite "ware always on tot -n.4. , ,Arli-e-nus-r-Ericsoviitut-grow Millinery Display ery Department ig a busy place. ,copies of.. the latest lis Coats We calf atfenticin ta • the la.rge a4sortriient ew oil :arid . Paris St:yllies . are • viilrr ouNow!tyiihe&h.tolitintep... being prepared for our Fall DisfilaY' for .. , - to buy! .is . When you oil the'ehoice of Our e ursday and. -Frida-y, selectien from th best ' makers. The 9J1tc ...7 h.,:a" act._•..1.-.18 -ffPrii*sery -,4Citi;Str:in-a'Srekliledem: Miss Stipkier 'extends. itwitation, very special coats at U000 in V ay - .:nctoni on these 'days and' see. the. Coats satin lined.. • $ 95 00 ..new designs in stylish headwear. 99 4)0 and -A•-•-Shireking-ae.eidellt 'Oetitried, . Tat' the r ,. .. .. Fleeing Germans tiaohie to-. 4 aka Cara :wine Of Sam .i.lierisak, 9th k.kin; Kinear• • . of .D.isableci • Men 2 , • '' dine on Friday, :Sept.:, n th, kV bile• . • getting• his threshing done. the. boiler .A. foreign officer, Who .visited the: exploded, ceasing hisdea,th and injiir1ng.1 poens of Saturdays :fighting, when die „hisIatherso....bad1y_:that,he-had4a, be..1„„alliti4....„,,,i,i_ivae.-purfraing .06: .fieeliig. akerao 'Kincardine leapitataild is very 1 left. 'Wing '01' the .Germans At Berzy.: 'kiwi- his -arms' -baying been-broken"An-i-jus-t,-sopth of Seirisonai ••••dericribes-a-,- three' places. Dave -Robertson Was also I. terrilile seine of carnage. Op Beide .injured about the'legs,..but not 'se :. se'- -j' and weeds.- were thickly strewn with touSik.. . George Bhickwel and Norman, ;.dead";! several thousandshad fallen. in I -Arnold luel-a, very-mtrroweseape, ,:--thrtt....districr..---Tbel-Germa4e,-fouNbt,44 ..Tire• wirairaiiit -alida-gi-ge-ii-fite---of 7. r --stern: .rear -guard action,'"ireeping•--th-04- resPectful distanCe. They ' Sam:Lindsay:has' east. ir glodin over the i allies ,at .a bit all the- :wetinded where till* fell entire :neighborhood , and. surrounding 1 to become prisoners of . the allies. districts Very 'much vnipathy is felt Much war material ley in doonfuilon 4.9r -his serkci-w4lg.':i'dow•74n0"ittle-sa'n' and a ffundrea housei In the. neigh in .this their.. hour Of Sorrow, arSatili the borlipod, were wrecked the 'furniture'', -bereaved-oneewho-are-leir-te-'niouri ,i'ing.i , ,- 1 tyn oroken heaps. In the shelter , •The funeral took -place -on Monday Sept. or •the •walls - nunibetn • ef wounded ' 1404 to Kincardine cemetery:under tlto were propped' up 'awaiting. the ' arrlial auspices. Of 0.. 0.F -land-wit:9. very.largely of ambulances, '' • ' • , attended. ' Sitiford ..itiday, Sept. it A:fatal lOcidentotcured this matting about Ta.3() on the Wit of Wilt, Sang, 4:-.....-,4-.44.bniftt‘miles; front the village;.• When Kidt, the yottegest soft oT or • . inandy teivn line, Was eanght in a thresh, inginaoliine. and killed. Ile had only been feeding the tnaChine. about ten rrilhutos.-*hen he as drawn into the eylinder Ni One witnessed the ai• . dolt, Mid net Until ;the separator sud- denly stepped tlid any of the workuren •reidize that anything was wrong. • ticit's arm .ynIft badly nutneettla0 WaS algo pad 'of Iris neck and fado. Tie V1118 quidltly rimmed frora Abe Machine i :and was bott' he taken to the Mode! When apitedi Lto *rut yotio 0 01.10 anada Carry Her 'Burden? *nd.-„Europe„. . • 1it0 Industry: have been ,paralyzol,.. have - mouths to feed, bodies to Clothe, copitructiVe,.. . op. eratiOns- to • carry : through, .andand_ a thousancl, an one ':‘,/crantsTaird-iffeeds710-. be -satisfied -.-and G'reat Britain and Tififiiiie:1:0-01(16"Canda.111 con- fidence for much of the iteetled .Supplies. • 'It Were folly, for atiasdiatt inanufact-- !frets ait'd .merchants t be down- hearted 'during these terrible:litnes ' Europe, A 'great bin -den -a great • great 'responsibility.has • been imposed qn Candadiari ,inanu- ' • lantnrer§, ..rneithant4; bankers .and .workers, Shalt Canada aud Citylad- ians shfrit this latn'dent,titis duty, this • :responsibility? " 114 T'S T • •-. .F6UGHT MAGNIFICENTLY tjmCoflductL Oftkors 'at Mena, , • In respOneeto- the pride* .publles • &in.land for ,ftiller infOrmatIon the ; Warpffice last weeltinade-publie-the-l'," text of Sir ,TOhn French'erepOrt cover; .lug the'British operations. from the 'time 'of the • arrival in France to Angina 29th. The - report shows tlint tjitround Mons hie' troops' . bore then:MONO heroically,L114ghting •night and d,- against overivheifiainx odda. With not' eVer • 90,000 fIghting:„ men he helhl off for fotir ',day* th4' • • determined attack of • five GerMan army corps, totalling '200,000.: General Prolich paid high &finite to the -courage-and reeoureefulnest",of -Oitentit% als Maeready; Allenby , and' Singh, 115014, .• • ' ' V I Wq take Butter and Eggs ... ItOkitt LOYAL .TO TairitONE yen Throei •Rather be Under *titian Tha.n.;:Garinan Flack Gel's' Botha, In a stitringlipeech to the luisenibly-' . TJnflh of Snalr'4.-filette 4 Mier • Botha pi:omit-49d ' the. *hetet-. • hearted -support tif :the -Union 'to-- the • . linneris,1 Government in. the prelient "War, and declared .that *aunt'', hatchet had been hurled. ' a tweet of the Union's defter, ; riltrottlen;to" itSSISt to otatot&totot the 1 integrity ot;:the tuipliti, he t000ttocatt that the OnVertinterit had 'Undertaken •to t /tilt through Milli:MY". ePeratiniii in Getman South*clit Airieet. . AliOtigh there may' be niftily here .whe • ha the .Past have been. hoStile, to the British frag," Said ,'they "would to -day ten times rather i he Under the Etritiali 'than tot; Gar, n"n The Holland -American. Lite Stettin. er Noordatt, toxin& fer ,flotterclinit froth York, With dermitili fe,, servlitts his been Captured iti the- tt- • :lantit' and taken 'into 4ueettate.itit British Cringer. ,. 60dttith, ' • • gt. by -kw to loan the newly otgaltiied • Goderja 'furniture Company Limited +26,000 and fix:ed assessment of $110,000 for a- period of .20 years, was carried by a to -go majoticy, 658 fot, 68 against, On Saturday, Sept, 1Z ccoiriparry "Stitrti itildinethelacterratligee.„ 13a,echler, who is at the bead of the 'new ceinPa.ny, 6Wh4'ti. Inr$0 SaWinill' here and will 'avi neatly all linfoWn luzlibert. This wilt be a befili to tholVotkrueu uoNv otit ' .4„ • with-a-Repu ation for Fall Wear It is not necessary to say anything.about the wear- ing qua rues- o Steriing Bros. Shoes -People whowar thCm once' ask for -All -ern again. :Leather'. haq tAken sharp advance .butwe are. stititurii-rrifeoriciv-ar$475T)7-EfforwiLicii-s---.ar--- Heavy, Tan with toe cap at 3'25; also goo split Shoes at •Shoesjoelhe. Boys- and Girls ihat. will 'stand the . hard .kilocks for Fall; • Try trs.:for good, ktpairing W. J., JOYNT .WCHNOW, corr.. ...r4~4040•0•06.00a0.4/44) apetps."... .bolfebei:ivowv. . . If Sepoy 1:44104t iwill tn4kea rnuchibread • • . atiiy Plour arid Itwill 'pqy 'Lou mikesa ure.iula • • ag any other tbur and-' It does Sepoy Vidtir• is as reaSonable it prico, • ,. as arty other :lour, ftct lg ItAtzfotios i.);J:id:ity and: 0,,iaitit4, rfol.); has money value eq01 to arty other dour and:. 1 It hat, Oepoy 'Floor $3,.10"k.lta $2 . 96 'il•.°c•I‘ S'4." Made ' • (it •vt. en Bros.;