The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-09-17, Page 27- -7 —7 :qx -'A ...... 1, . . .. ........ T 101, Or, The -Briditi "Nomi�­tho-TxZ' aid'�X 11- 19 A lord - y F e, I Iiflis; M�.Isd `Mesliel "will -you "what lii`all this about an al ,top A ja -' I L iineatc?" Illi`8 just, this. iwojU. tO stand th a 'e.re . T X ice.," the 'in iswered, dless- Aug sullenly. " aln t.,a The interfs-le,punoulno 0 �,a, elebu. treani'ink throulkh the T' I 01� no onger urit � baf 6aiA lie IMERC Morn. ng Was' 6 Les �j WS INF 'R 'E' 14"U murky'*Indovei-ji,"es of a'sPA "Takle. DIX Itily,furnistLel OFINCY OFFERED y. A ITAT ed, garret Xclom" a second-TSte Brighton brusquel Sullenly obeyed -S. -THAT 'ARE: F acde;4#71icluse; liose, front faced..'�'Ao son. The tradesman Weni on the 1*1 have, told you before," oL contralrY girl c ;l Yorl. vitucktad ill the front, GuAlIlL Diana "that it -yjill lip inconvenient to, ci NV- U. *a he empellest, and the m'PA garret roorris,Lat it ack. wher6 -you sittle. with until reeciyo remit - re k �,R ik,' N,�� kk )NT. Which A erdue. When N, mum of a tances. al:T�ady 6'.v glaringly'in, 'With me pretense urbille to resist its�llroihng �R- they Z -'Y'c t%�bq paid. And, -- ---- - -not-matil- then, "i'37 N . N., itier,m haa," man, arAj�Ln� ifi­bIaCe its n1jeell two bril lg led­tiloold�' -tuz !Is RM N "ve, 'W&ite4 j �ks and � the "tiny mirror cracked around and around' t xneA�.. AOL long.,tagl!gh.'and I don tu Y.0 v Upon wbijoh, it" Would have w An& it ait no longer. n Is chaliz nifir Aq.' a-goin, to pay me. ljj�ss�, III make bold to e =t hid 'Weikht. Th 'room ifojbr� the unwary stranger t, W be irs, to -1T vre -was a -very upsta, 94d gentleman'. bv.y� ­­ 'I" -ord.' placing. her-, -.y, 11� lbakil SoN. ad. cepl MIL: LeS4 I U 4A forL ' —0, IlStopl" cried _e r 4C i l�eg I invalided . 'furnituT selk'iu -his way. as he, advanced'a step or Sq)1nI,e: ecila ith -a,'r�.ughL -'Woods - racDe "'acmej so to'spe:ik,, for u. IhOUr No one is ' ­ Z I .- I . all app Z (if.. t t6ld you Prom 'ill(). two., "My �ry ille, C, 0 Ing 4pgars� r��,S­q zO urning: �io' Cam With roev 14 &6L C o 1;: olil f athorAsi, T Rard ki' 4, y0el, I , .7.� , !Sugar ,View- VMS P o ow. w I.V.. the slj�,Jiks�, Ilowed eo,,him- Have 1, 66 4 L unpromising., consisting -.to p eA F -P e'o, Fien ng;a es. most U P161t 'aanis. to-'broWti 0 that y6u:bhall b fencPs. -*etorted�th -k. t "GE yes insolently e S Irep 40 U� d jug, Against' th ni ap- K ol Salk! !%atea A, sunn r ­x's to -morrow, 6 .. I L I cleave, __boape. I -s,,nQX IR ono exq b okeri bottlo^, al bodsidq and- t.h. jIf.t. -Biidget ia,.,th6u*1l, aiith`� a 1i I the 'aci 3tvol te �e jr-�pcf. N� d' NN'lle-A M*1 id 'batteied, of :th�� -block and. the. U.I§ . :h va and' it 1011 n1TQjd'g iki I , . , - tAi 0 e 01, fol4s at - and, b.eL-,, -11 -�vay aad%,.it'e next,,week. t. th,, its Inp*- �roseil fti.a.:elender-Gtemi3ied,�,oi-yle- he' 4i it tine iijIL I I s .U6,� ed' iudiserilu eg ),1, aried,�thgrs., i -'now! And, Vot As as 1. ever see a vogetatiO4 but, it aln neve O&a ­ . " , " ' . ­ L yea And boil. o' takin* tcl 'Al me If to' , le s'. .0 f: gr4s Or, h4. b.is', she do opt,, tpat 'we an' , '.. , J, .. -jijjl�e, ). - , 6 1. 4 tal `n,$t4 -that, stopd. `$.me by lai& wit -0 a4 th cir. aj� 1,-,, y qaIle themes v vlale�. Arid MereriamA-Foild, -Al Blie Pored -tripp&-4w-.1 Y.- �,�;n 'tile' P is .'h, L 'illo)vs" 'with jj rid Me: n! '�ordli . pte'd 'Poor jiian,6' niclah: up, among, 1§1k V if the' I AMI -A - 'd ­ aorV.,O, ' 11' At no, beiter estrp.�t. I U," fg�, *a Sole boil b the broad out of'a )ed air leavitir _ P.T.) 1110 le - 'felt (U.. I t;o w,.A.kj I.don't,c4 rtol Lbur­ croinc hall,. vo 'the gl�,-sblell eyegleoepee perched, 6A A !ft'�!!no on merits. e lam Yo u 1:. ea*ke - Nvil v links ne. i Was, Rewirldli I That I don't,.. A44 Go -quilino. nosell,4hil ail �ncn �- oI­ Hints': for -the .-1116M.1c as Tnilo., .Udaif as ind",; let e.-ow-genuentaw. ILL a pq M qnL -A tlro-­I�djg f*r ge-keel) In -eqll -n. -&L L .1 ter in t1le, Mr gi g. -hod - .1 P _je I)OW ejupporte[L"Orr I casihg"'; her hour olderee'-­ fruit," a lit d�boi Ing,, wa . a pal ,a man,on ',thL `"S a d 'with. t6ward,' happy,� in hisijuiet 'flighbon, her al haind unconsciously ku licii 10.1turle I go sayingI. he pcolled resolutely w aA',she looked iLfter We receding P buried He had been avery Ilderidsom ce, t - is 01ften use, t&ndeT -While 4), ij ei, 1 Q busaT Al hj!D�b" xwn -hair, [og's eared the upper hall. 'atli: Lesbe�secviri dakki, leyeiii: and short., lady. Though to bd eureo.jeho'6 1,611 Want otb' *Win- nd -ain% .1 d, povertki SQ� o� ed poor as mtin wicb.,10 Leelie Ford's hazel eyeslig ldgh�brpfl uppe"P.- Pallor- Ilhalf� weight,, Iii. - . :-C-14i g t 0 11 'all..'hef.trollwes and C 5 OW ful she T Hit ,A­,c.ommon meu 7 -crea; set &* riape'A s - , NVIi e n Ill health Was on is countenance.* the t hloo'd alleLle LU, me �,ot e! so Leslie Foid a-:niellcy lawk GIM woes Miss I* w6jgdd f� For Lken; and'. the heek-*bones 5ffee be the death of Mr.. Ford.' ekes' -were sur Flord,,and-MiEs Leslie for ath-tr e, r. : Ver reade: cried out "he'll r g. Preserying Time many fit -Ill 8 is, seven Collis stood out in nlihous distinctness While all &a lodgers as 've h Ure, used, I& has been ii, the cuffed, may be.. ,sixtoen. and she had ne ever bear no excitement.' ..Ot .94; can't, n thei. hanieds,.:that idly. lluttered, he lev.ea "as, -A, -+ nvt e,n-.O -it 40 r7ev -When- 113Y. rill ome back! It"ll be right. CiZi rg V back Mr 'ZeIlLI e j., ome v,�Ajj ots -w 91, we, I Pill Vcerrn, yol a d an extra' MA sich 'd. hi"ney .,wrou ant smile. as, Lealie,came. to his b daide amnuht of polishing this ing oi Mrs. L ".. I tzanliparcint,', He lookd-u with a pleas- Ei r the door -knob aiel at �ve of aimile isider, Mr� Zell." sue an. half, a dozen But Lealie-Yord stooped 'to no m oh attention ervlilg" �ool a feNy h6uis �oli iq ft r led in - I Ilke w a llm' WA Ringe. e -ice iflidst before 1jim. ��Ts been was not as'expeditious othere.� yet, any- one who ad` onaw troaty.,, Sh7ei tterlea M clear tle� as t j ' k"I sh -ijed,, �119erw-Jabkl'!. "I thought 1: heard, voices dow tairs, in ber']nOVeMs eleliveii them Usually: we '11bink th�s Inius! . ight p.-rcy,�6rtion f 9 ig r. 6 . ... 11AG, for it, was' pait ter... "Too Mu ses. 1.)aPa".1 wad t -done i=iby. i�ookip Ujig fj here.".. houndL spr 1. shoo. ek'proeaed lid jd� - L., . ',:,T-6,kr�ife used riepeeltr)g. PVR,�' to s a Met tji&- in he 'ed' in slicing' uaatudi6d'igra?C Y '6f the. frxift,. rnak, attitude of,��oareless,� dQaer, adid-the hivalid, turnipg-the es, pears and . . ., I; jill'an inner. roolin and was at .:his: mls-� speed. piaV.down- the, atrbot on Miss'Ford's 'feet each �Ppl� �Should not -be S er- .My oith. Th ii . I , . ' "fresh 44.4 bro il � troSS69 failing about leaves -with:nrvelf-aw touch, �jla cilysaii� errand..", Tli� pitched -battle with 8i eo er Care be kle al L ��ritains,an 4cid.bhit: back And f for aS't e, wibh,iProlp and_­1toy in,her UP, ve treSo�li aide. his large. almost huma4x. eyes Person in the world',to find- -WT-ightall; the rgiverer. on whi formed,s; study' for an. artist Rxed wistfully 'on her' fice, -hill jWn-ed.W the ad.j­ least three.pliciah dh ab.QT h fault- -with ury,.faithful little nurse .6f,peaches and. Maderia -some -aV L .0 W -es axe likely teo form in, It' L � t S.e a So re wollen. mQIIt I � grl, it In e. ea�isi pricked up in an attitude of tile I pen is, tha thot tense6t vigilance. d too Veibirauter made ir a point nincli totiier� The ne�eSSity Salt 'i's dont think it in well, fdr you to a . liqu 4 eyes, of: the otice al. a� .,imej. for Mrs.. agar has ibe'en VaS e e fr'this acid I , L , I . I . ;. junch of 'your time de - in sit- r -,Watch -him, Jack. Mined;him. good -of honor never. to - pay old � YeriqAtall. I &:eba a. Tennate t11 ic­. ey-ibe-k-pt-cl only tIVe -DA. I'DoWt let bim a' AU911- makini; j % stir Site 'UteL �r4ile, it '16 600 adding, h -Ledib;.cried -faithfUl. and PL�tdptive�aii excellent C merchandise' whatsoever. So'th&t in, con- grin. !, .6 ers king en up t aftei sugar.', 1 S11 COO: to heir syntill, air t. Ur a 0 it, was y 'ked eirpreeSlotl' t slen�- e, I. Am sure—is not exactly sequence bf.these various del 4sXton -, LWh � ` I . . Ad a F, 'A46 ke; -she poin ad on h d let. - it' -a'Q'0jjjPJ age, P d lits in- z6rta' 0 Y b tee' thou'rs, unless' -it glasses an ecide. into -�Xlja I g c Is ' ar , na rr; W 0; fr i d- tard the. tradesma 11, nbarlyn6ou �when the,gotid woman knock- It assented: Lee 'Mr oid-'s­dcoci , -with..the-Aray­ cofl7L -alosits, _Cj gmp o tea t vto d 24 hours. h* 11 L �liq' LsubmeW.-ed­at- --F _t,� Co�6 erature- n '159 Opa." v e, June Leslie wouldhs;jel�'been - terrified -hef7oUt l6 r- e-, -F 'hi Idd -refresh­ enta� in th6 world, I- it ed' d iridisput'6L!)ly--b6aiitiLEUI-i'--had-ch"eeii�-zab� dn­,,abpa�4 f­tbg a refreshm when� �ao -iranx"n hp fruits�, , I . I like, Pea es -i had retreated L6slie's filial -a ps into a corner.' ail like� the privileged d is. d ';7er, b -laid dirli-eblje on a ar j a.�x he �j;iui on. "but still,al gentilemean, s �a forethought ob];' care- about "0.' 11 046. Sp it� and lit. �vlir�'neveir, and fine linen. Aft i-gy'.surrou iw�s could white teeth half d is imil Must be true to our eaet6ee we, lie h . rid *antkng.- d, even as Jack. a. dvaneffig slowly, with hi , jtt��t in gentleman. "ca lady is, -a lady a 01 waa�,not all,her'd' fA 0_� �..jkeii �js the,wei� rxins, t Ve n pill. ad Nobl oblige. ocat, iirst,havle A t'r. Dll� VolxLr. cru:S Act from hor..6weet girlish Cbdekme� �MGVing, anli like thoPenduluni of list eab Dry M She lots] hanp' print, clock� planted himi es, papa., u detr ybii know. Ing both hands ruu; nat. b boiled aAd ielf full.in fron, of the no� :7, even in said Leslie. once &941n. is, � sbe cloneludgi4jib tlattens.�'thle 'pulp �44jckl PLP thr6u,j� fhe mea,t -sejected, t­.for- maij-,whom he,,inGtinctive,Y--.P.er.cp'V.ed.:Wa'..L,. L'j. - _e _L a- 1 7 1- -' - le t'c' t novel-, th ski a -for . .Stil P. g mi§ 'fbu"*iW,.be-aure-to-re�n-embeii-*:� fiiKVs-?F thod. as c�uiyibs its abW tress. tlh,66 is fo 'its beauty,,�ot color, but for , jj loss, child. 11 feel presence, WAS b t RY� to, obnxious. to L� bij'. youn or tfiat'i 01.1 1�, ns ir Of 0 laundry,; the : "Take hiur off, miss!" L cried the- bub*bij .4 ifyi4ge er we . half bteikineg, Melt'. 4O:ne-:eok1ri6B �,Of - ,stand the fiery.drileals, th zefu1j" added, Mr� IilauchlidL T1lL1l" tgzoo, OR We so boke jill-titting­ that been "halfell- With P -in 'l� me� le ­001W and- received'infire than one patch Co. And., al 11RZS such - 'r e Qd,\ uA - spoo she knocked chinji, ar..0 -sterili ond' thrice�w again. Z In dal; L 5 done rg erlj;.YL, and -the 'd ki laiNd t4) ee ,a h- te s th -Ire, oy Anel. (To' e ciong t and,elronedriblibris thatWo a 4.1 �Ck�nj frult, -b sore:or For. an -there is 7 = 0 . . . . . . y When thlrb*lel in'[40 in atex -of biretter i And for 26. In �s6ak tile in -a uear.­uo -An .5 wereid.1- to ulthic-h L d L a led A "the Pr6gerve ere lost P613 t 'it4, e In P0, W4111YU-cl -sugar each inc_?.' L . .. I jjtdL.:Ljft-­' f Y4 '11th terrors. -jogtmau has not 1jitiji'licirs. this.morn quater our, quarDs... q If -the =nL Thiek' L t7 on!ul'eof "No Lealie. responded ela. r1o'00vermit'l- the t. 7611 know;­Abt and- 66il.'Liij- wate 01i &s- oil, a Nash - sides arid top oo, unless you I .111-0i early'yo I I. them - 0�.t, W-6 n e---7 & he:n:� -_e th j'7 AO.W1 !spring t.youi,thriAt. 0, e an bettotae,s n anv sicnedly bat' there -Was erne iif�.ued I E�le longL r /46 n'*ot' % . e n-.., ..: ' ' ' - . ,�W.411- --why" don % shade, of didatpointineint in a I Willidli, 'and Ax4in, biI -ap 6xi'lill' . . you 90 UP to 1411 iDay5 the itj e fl �-T ',b — he - you the: r ',df 'the World,, -VV& X LY et aney rare slumers - i I " '---'7 -L-'-.' 'h 0 + in wilii6h V'f ben, be, -soieut- . 7 M quince.s. are.­cooke � r Ian�invselid f _ed J� way - dae: say, t will be altrighte. I Aare the standard afm r— !,who, nt -YqW70ur'iu" Al bring-, ose-,Americana, -lettiars� �-Tfi-e e, does: come., - But it is strange that . I its at any rate eav Nl4lf n, tjorale h A.1) tilly t .-;.Wjrs.,Tonxnt -pbuok in aloy., an tilther fo 16d al4ud=,-tb4'ch&r-* maLkiblk 'the syrup i w-binan who 6 in 6 kitchen 10T� Moshe enid' nothing.. but bu's -self This Inle C' wu up b nder- -oL-mQjyJxd6niirii lias_giyon cook inair iiigalnet th ound A-1. aye - us I A -rode. for Al" baiscap6iiiii; ateaming'6ut from vasew and,,elippiuk away a -one rdsul-ts on ground 'but istIn a 'Season., Ing Ilt --its�dAr-teciie one adori Gdor,'of, necked and- cores pax 0 stem,, -armav-:MU er 0 -dead eaves that clung -to -it hes lL ' '- ''L. - b Red red tti 6d t d,. '61 n" Zell; the woTO To' KirapeS espeOlVill'- rt of this water, o 'hag i . . p qua br him Simo; �To 6 f -d heard so a bout and Xr, Filie f the TIFIX Ahe t 'bor -the reluetance o e gr 'CO a.pr -felt--himself-to-33.8- -afo - W, "&n rinenied Id. VA ofLe t; man ng to f th* e at est.jrving r-esaid--Amed an, 1ha tei t ca.' had , somehow bedome� caa1U6 iifaliA, ind firins. teo . iicur . the tquartis'. , or, re ativ 'bags A lOwe'r'Ing her- husky inieS,"" Said didu expenditu'r g.- ajeein in' 'stir. until thee said Mrs- ftjn)y laying �'d'ow­ii ig� dig the blitcher. naiM. on, "I(didn't wafit to,mako no disl on the subjects "That she ball I es' le involved'in 31 "S1 tbe�.Zrong'nlM6 �rierbalncei;` Atereat he %' me- 86tes. she --,-�reser�,ed b h-aillijin reced' A rThe %al 'a irely devbid�.Of the arorna , �j6rm.' that they., *ould write in due time, Eihe tb bilin ivillopM, lact. ent tai I .'d6ubt �but eCe f beer�* ,&ad be! 4 tbli red. § L Sjry,. plant.. Y -dus a a 9 0 cadful Aaking. of au.inclx or. go enter tied - no 0. ftei 4alla then bri fly arid b0ii reiisong has pciinfe. Sk chain VadiuM oo-,-,-.,dl en lm 1 n"es.§a 'M18§1 Les 0. t APY A lack shok,'himself;'rattellu but there berWrili. seemed :'iia� Immeiliatib plal w i'th ;ew. �ha te teo, I" the ,tL e�&Jf *e a Jete',rilliinadvri . "In a, taking'? About what collar ardyned:hle'Ileck like the discharge . probability �qf it� bei�n adop�t4 -by, thef,*.Bfifish !�admi- :P tWent . y Mlnu- -e -pi . Ire. ontracted A'a miniature "Do- y4$u. know. sajdMr drd. ara-ffin to place. Nvi�l pairk ' of atill'017. my dear. or red e f4b;,, �:,it Leelle. Flo Acheity 'e fj0LuL Of"d -light t it r- = 9 my lty, -*hjCh'­pr4oj3o9.es�"!tO 'kei a Ispos is a that ep, the. wa e has so v�d t 3 1 . . I., . - - jwO be pro, C! b for h-9 'ligh does not CleAri N scini, tir,-O-Wd Stem rOX4 it s rain., t1lreciell-gh' .4 k cousins. the�Lkfibastdft, Mrs coming !over, kettjes� 4ne�j gliti4aied, in the irli�eii of veet2lineel" �-a-rin,Gred crixisers dr- Iff the st6lh: Using IiQ' 13� :TlI',- tll -with' e themselves? And tb&t,L bf - course.. Wo'lild, Lesli stilli-spoaking. wthis.� t ise r .. ap L e . k,; unaccountalyt e1rq. -ed an, r - civil peove­. C T e lno�j change& A I JUL strikw me eli of entlire4y.:01:i�kinel e hontealptUOUG a-- d, '14OMS W 12-13. le' .gll: ned, bu� t eir, st ­reiieatell lueset, Did that. your. views and. aye Xmiat t i ton an d in Qie with, initabul, ous could dio quite OP n Clot n a suddi6rinewl. '.,Where 14addede.-wistfulaY, "that I- tsft,hi7iri tt,�w6alde`bc 13iAtled re n And, silieep' coulee ere- e 11, . ?. . '' 6, e air- U gentl- for haelf h 6 rb 'a chargel", be, in -the' "Here. mi signed to.'Emil L"castor in, h t6ugd)�V- sEei illno is: a distinct tend brand �thenr and then ceived i 6ur -Ne,* York: remi veour bill?" )pyj if. I could * al seydu �safely Th b t.filters, Vh6 list SO wiv tic ble. -t-6wAPd W ificr6is b t n, a V', Audi slipping past ea . . :'it � nnO t� ur, i --Ho-;extefidd-i -stlll�ke is-eYall-AP- —,Pa-ptk-t-oh.'-papal-ddn't-t�Llk A k a t �berig:'to. theYh, Age tlit �-abbut nthm - tha .4 no r rent - a I e of' declay.' cl"SL them,'. j I 3uJ16n. c e Round. -oii'the ft. the,"irimr beilt. TJ lo keep _ght 4LXrns eal id Loslle'ioid throw lieritelf -b VO&YO 6 hiw sked, le6lie� at Ill witat an I *ou 0ajqjj' P1, It reclifires, precious, care butcher for A ),eard., t at Mde-, Have Tennnuter her fatherlbo"�4% arid laid her t in . tl�ie a..young lobes caressingly gain #chlis Nthe irea noiight, havp ed t' 6u,Vot Which I. a secret roc-css:in the kitOV :-ed band - -while -Jack. fafthfully b-rv- ''fittit witliou retdins, th� offal; t :,in, later vesse s -little ail And from g0ma, in e to co,6k added to, the _s equalli prclouse Care. en , djrljaiser,­-'.t gk_6 � �'!.A its prpfl�t, --The:biltkh ults )aini "look S timpy black ]end ew fr pencil with a greasy' close to. her. And"uttered 'a lDw. remon-- t W11 "ev. Wate r Wake WhI.e" 1. r, 'It; -h 1p so .,v a syrup.�,. e. -oie.; as wll'off-el'if h0t be-tt6 it "thy" as 11 inthes biled' in Miss Ford . gave strating owil 9f sip�epi*lly Wei et striing tied, � around sympa a rm6re .6.e ilah.. -thain, �w rii.d. ho!'InAll. . . , . "My darling!," said Merkiam: Vokld. wiU 'i can, be bli� I� thbin'both,to It --V noughtiV�!'--Om-ll- - i.e., Key 0 - e; , re! iliat' rea ffah.4 " ' " --4-- -U re468- tax froVii all thL-�- i j'�44hfivels them. escape fatef..Wbat mriatlle. mQNe­­.nd s9hap 4eo�jj;r eharpianed feat .1 of; Us 1106�phbn', . m ures; asses, as. ite- th. , atllilUa their best, Cover w more. begin-. 1Ljjlm,jjot'onft t6.leajjXijak_ahje.O tl�a iin. Uaoik' and d6atbp. baly, It Were: ntitf little - SEOV6 � Vo . u I r ­ red, .&pp le L par.jn'K.S,. mine:tb agitate a�johe. Xivallo,-thatg the motelbr'-ca4��iicj. ei� li�ing and pnote;6- rAes in ion i. a _SIj �6r�has a -red it -muffled growl girl, you asses�, nitV -;for' Yp, t the - 'forth. and utte d 4 jet'. him 'the pull, is 11. in . 'Orion, r X Water and d1ra-,ws -olit as S'6f iihro. ge .1 -toot Le 19- anl-, as�,beeh ffirther nckea4 that i - n tile' fruit,�' -- two For. God!s sake mliog; don't affi Aerings-, Toi 0", her boeet,-to ch are come near)me.". gasped,: the tr uailed alle. doth h Q inces,.plile' in lig. Awhite"' 111 ke back the'tebrii., lost they j� - I ". . u s. lop 1 7pt �have ine ie.s. iii the. "King ii ust. b rug* pe ril, do anything. Abould ex�ite the sick man. only. 13, We, �ai ld pumpla e If, s OT. car tj bea�e jOiielled bv, hLand: Ced )u, silgar, eing , hand I at, tht Said gs, And scrawling is signature In tt, * * e' t...clas if li a ithout-you, tapal" se't.-Of be4sprin; , ihe�y­�, The ijeVe acl, -ith t bottom eol,the long list'69 "YOUngL pcbple:ifd6n'1Ibd ftibints; a �L I 1p l�kek)ruj9pys. it 'isen Is in 'Y tossed-, the bill back. to'.. to -b6.L mile or gioasy allund res li]ik-ia. -in- ca -an< -elsittubligliments. to be'ceonstrutted oii' L it keenly- -b u tfi �peeled -.-Pu-t pllent, e C. no d face. "But ive of 1 .6:- h-einil !That *ill. do said - sho. flualf fixing her 6y.ch �Lpllin im with rn.ut disCuOs the rriatisn,'n0w. . 1, am ffitigued: to 9 inches in the "Li shrivel. to keel are. to-- V Q�, S echil hr -a Pea 4aciWITIS 11 iatoly -Acies. i16 dignity, -11 -&net )�u distinctly to VOMPM ade'-f6el,that I need rest. and.it, full 4 est clas;e.6 h -The' in ui, dall not use thili document e s, et�-. T.1 were off. to*, your music- logso tIlhe or -.r ci0e. for bend that 'I is] you -q ' 111 l§ as I gri n 6:1. n. any. -mox-ed-,gr&tjn ano it, 4 aTell r in dn't like e -heich thers tiaVe lvaeevs plit ProteetiL a:g4init tteAck- bi ae' ie- gi � ji�e bf 'ii in, O-er� �44 my,dostr; I aho on ex tained 4"r .7,011 'simply as 8 ter i into of all var ka d, h to myseit-s, protection from the ince"a-Dr, wk a rinu ed pper . I ibns,! itard 0ea.plintl6s. -t*6-illiroM-"wu-Ha"-beeTi-�of�- late ml a, even if I bee a f olape­ arid an t..t]]L ny :,creaj M e ve, ge� ebh4ft You iltall im b 111ger tw le- in it bror lishinent ocan g Itirlit up byALU and Maiflv su�,jeeted. you deck� maill d is our mon,ey arrives.' �Iu soldier w o liows"mote' abdut,e ginge 1. gubj"t fb in-II)ectim.1, aIRC t o much ger rO* Pala. , as In 'German )AX to call TO* dQu&r an,ho, do6� to er bN the'ineantime 1, Vrouulu 'Yet t are -,given. -h sted, work," t a:,6rust.of clel, �llit of el(,thes her, . 93-4 n, arid :6ften qu .1 for. further ordere, Jack." layipg 4out the pi 6 MiNd wbrr ogressqd fr" no.,.V eaS)­t0:.0btA;i �d 'I n ',kN- i t h' a. of teel he "4erc ZtjI, A" a or sWtel Class to 12 '-pep right h as :44xi 6slf& hesit Od'a, litetile,, 'r -4, -the h inlianeli on his collar. tom, 'ettl- inex the door." �et. and 9k er ha file boil sse n s t e d4m A el"k slid said, n' �hlb Kai ars, eig V poll h 45 r I cc�fki 10 The di6comilteed tr6 Yes. Papal In no, followed by the hilts,404 ant improving."" th' "S" nge by all the. 0" "the aadoor est eojrj�leicide, Whi,10 'in e ounce$ Of gr acly to th*e gereens- send "Ye mv. deaT.t yLod, tist fs.well; h-114"if lat if'. jA tj e anyt�l'jUg aebpUt rj&W j lee r the.charwoman. tin nging 4 on�igur xpar e "ielie -that th, N h preesecid Atterhig of. Mrs. Tonbaiftior ild -gate bell- alleged d'biL 9 rGo i<) ".Oka ii Contemplilted, Ba d' one, tumiblel A .4ta.n in a sted, in t Ll ftlldert.Wng Ila,-, dv - bind bita �With.Au lal ha bills ons,' an appealince if le volumes, 'mal Mrs.. Ton- jfhedOe8­:-yojj'=ay tell b4b that t . . .,clit.in 8 1 f. t 1, , t ILaid cieuiserS var frolfi (1, WAM 0as )Oil - inche's in:' 't e' ileel ginger ro-OU to ",4 Oth! e -b g ater. I'Wh& but Vo ld U *vIA)lf tliotikbt o' aie and br 4A k. t n -pie 'You uhd!E;r9afidj*, LeAlid every day, " : r - el"while, pearrA. added the papa., You're' quite sure t�lki You There Is. no better,. reniekV ing Me Weli thj%j, in Thb,"n ala eiting once are feel , Tile F.renc p tings till n lemon juice. retir t Boil a I toge Wwateli the ah na-1 X- hwq a0peiliele ly. ther i,in Con- §Mj 'Ford -with P-1 at-' inteo-jejj_v &:1as lipply at ibterVaIg of teil Vtisttitnei- FleaVC volt ailvd1itip d Les! I e am qUitle comfortable, io-dase,"* Mr.', banacine tin -lie teQ oz, 'Could, , th A re&gsoring tro.4 "d I rho kitc�heft.. - ink?" 'the girl -d its faitli" i. 'lea' ses a:nd sea.l. 'j; sigh, f"but what else For hal. % e . . . . . . . Vth k I d NN-,I.v at alo,�V tornpera r ,txnt volume - 6 It.'' fL Ft ing, for, the neeW. be cookltd slo fiftee'j`l'� Minutes urit' rs ust, ban me Oleast ensive -I allow Durso :you couldn't, Mid A 'Montaigne .'s FAS you?. And now battle'Ships .the Co u rbtit, illd. trille' - tile slrnallei W*iilker, an", will "Of a and -11m. thale rvou6. as wit' on. "it in't Quite 'the j L< *m, all- righ t %r prt.040i 4Ik 0 as -r�epi�: delicate arid,he ghter to be 110 -4 inbh jj( r,cet him all erri. dau g - _gq -ulull, he treets, the hu eSolity makes One' Rcquall"I trudging e t 1,And u Joediento.. - added our- 6 t with atraitg e oil Witlioutvither -Alaid or' Attendaht. bat armor thL- e�%_ The tirr- h nother-oic old J lick 44, olvb-re -sugare is thie. b ..Conie j,�.kl: occed. Jac deir old rd d bv toc�bing the d09's silky fititd, "'With Jack -re 4 do� without 700 ;;�r nd fi�ost important voziturp to mol"t you'! a �Jde.j hardlir think'&I [4) kini e r ic nchse Soft hair..,sh irq.ft lipst,,kirs again, JACK Lmlie lakigh(Id, 'po-ri b ilitless flelan 17-iiibb in the latter. qu isid6, allied III.V61itig his -they *6uld OtAr;c�oly repeat. the, 'the Italidllq if Its a4ty is n6t i Wt eyee oil sald. "COWL Jack. true to their. tra.1 Fo - 1' her face. As greaintellige, onfe4ftkons will lilseveould rain proffer big mute ey;fiipatbv. rill our old gi, -�Wji new shio'k r Wi; eve Vltg Dar�,te Aligbie�i­�. i3bioing in the be�, iatber:s bro And stift rcfe,;nwdyv�s i tb Ford, to herse it. hc 8uro tor be bfielt are Sh oW- of Che ii,.Nkide: belt Ain de avou W'It L n -ne s i"Illeir In t her own room. she Mks ClIeS t Ar g1i fem -f , n -6f f,t AL 1� rid the tkillre.tS, re, rqAti�jjeil h, S � werece 010 ilSjtg r p,4 _�d o f t I y t. the door of of jIllet Ili's robLl,. If, the ame, m. Th ex V i i b it room 611 eIf �ejjte'j- -her boory;i� eoaetf% A (lown. and the have, t h'e mnded It ViOW'Of, ingraln fthe nislied ill 2 lb. t,,, '10 fdrft scild lit and 6, Ili", I I rh e �k It i t - to bjlrro�V in thp -.it ad. lirk! Njru Tolnikittor 616, inj A- n.e.r tbts (1 .1, Vtbitig. but Avith -i dihgY 20 Ihs.. H lb*it &Ijeot of. ever, (laced to -as E nInto (lid thought that her jj�[, a fled the ek[.f ............ I in of White on #,he 1)0�k fld' iit ll herso all It Is 'ill t lie other. iranu a a uirs hid. Tig- �oxxld be lt%- AS IVOi4, V(`it� g this Ned Teftliftht0l"I"' ftid h(vhielil to itaits most oLiqpfe btik -'#66d gioet, oni f"rTn m ndt' d! ga66 I'L I ilfri. too"' ndd Thee vir mittete Of AtM asu�eiii - *"§ dOL, miga %belt, t ejtr�oualv �d i�rided aii jjA lolown., the t-169411to any f ge Will aAell,, Nkt, gom Arid e be�t ol appl� 114S It, O%V� 11 '6' fils,4,4- TA 4-144 i 16lig Nvith ilk. eseeiol 41M.P. )n "ov 411 An :,, at qla ege01 tellet!" fil. lilt f ill .I � tt 0, e a1 With $1011)6tv l,tl 11 1 lit tl� tinc li1111tI Oil deaf 'let got tit in C t kilo het I(, lit fit. d " T is ... . ...... . N11 tin GRMN, tit ,4 1, it list -lilt, ,t 1, - y-4