The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-09-10, Page 77' -7 . ..... .... ...... ...... ................... .. .. offiee_ in thait it e 9 '11'0 w ri T got an to, think _t 4at a p ro That .:e h! shL,�p,3 60*ed, V, procure� Undor Secretary of S" 0'09 -�AJ ie'� 1111lore �wa; We William Go ..as O at 0. �N VXI 0 N V 1 schpw Ifor tb #04t. in withoup the c*11 fd.r %is.pa-_;sports 'e was equivalent; t, whether 6',dethtratipit of rO .; But t, W, 014-114T The mbassador-replie thA ter" ipl7 GirIlit De' _rv�.'ba,4 beef? cases wife ,innie,they w e,ai, Sen d een broke n: -off ntA exit after AR WA -TV,pa Virgins.—. jtt, 4 1 la� ha n ad 0 --ensuea, ,oa XL The the- ii6piaming Ahe lridjt --war- )I ches ed at ictior.us QW, a, '9� ftlex itb;�iit 141*d tor h W o'clock- eive4 12 -those Present c*ld ply is'not rK inceuti ve ould A be veady:to, ive bim. elcome. Great B�itain steps in.the thOuairtiai 'spirit of ir also the other her T ie4uired.. presentc-eQuOict will be tbi h man 'sa -4 eil,4 _6rr Zimmer id tbat.it was'' A, h lost 0' the assuram could inot &� part, of the i �tory by 14 t relaadocil 'lliat, requ�ire4, S_ s -a being.barne. it- rAti l;a- ti The" rli malky'in -0in 9 aEllee t i aitti, s until. so saia 'that Mp fal"i.liar It is '41 present t May 23, 1871 I PLqwi 'ei 'the 'e of nuiiber tell is:.Iise as, we,, -u know vou d Awilared, war: against..G. 12-1 'Ej - j!%�_h&s li'ved in -h-P r th 0 repor t- cove I no ine ia I r ni Us' -Te Plei4 <)if is territor yv:43 -Wa:T nd thOu&, niuch. 'd . . ...... a altbougll e -per �eat. of its fore the Embassy upon the at,ua�j it.umber. 'of, polie-e wexe Qverpo to-d4y eght.). of a ctaue thby were Riot ready to. enter an �thc wered. Laiiip,s­T* inhabite lu as th-Ok rc&c LIItS'ipe,ak erint dWilike. -wa�s- ol: L 5 '.7 Gd-en'stem haWky :,and hiya, ri�,eeptal,le at 0 top I'll. Wh_�A I&d4t,-4s her 9�vn A in tine n n uesV bad,fixed' the dipp�d i q W t wa . S. ge, IM 01 tbr�-ak of hostilid tore I pr, es in�.387 at we iligs .W. pie an apt pe to udaa, a t0f th f ill tertlinf,� �tram -every nerve': ,.cufia t -d ow As 1.0 aled,;. at 1 --h-oTraiae t r te, P swee A ere niiits of two pl. C6. the, Foreign -Office, aild poli,� .* r "len.red 'the No� that the' Al ,In an in'erted run to ineet. the point. si 'in no r. tio. ollth at t)ie arituess-occur-, vo.ughly fro be di p,en 'for -0 jagw called and il� er at -his - hoine,' or. err, Von ctrelpe sqqthwste�rn angl'of Gera :He,saia t 4e lere in: between list- NN- ie the Rhine f the bridegroom is no I mied'thg-h ernationa icidiej 'tl;&t in't' He had d n ;-ax 24 F6.F(iiTRY FACTS. 1Y e t;otal tr�st look t no, 017*13 -a Irge, fool that. Many eirgineq welf- "ac'quaffited- mo,�nlng andjor that :Unada, -being,. only. 5 6iw square sh in rs, )vdng d k' A& teir with, -the u2� of, steel and coacTetei ril,01 fof-ee,'Of ­abbut'twiee the -size either id. ii�ut oo w .bad o.nly miles, r t-hin ave little - knowbedgie- of the advan Dlice� th prot-ecit, -of I i.nything unuaikal WOUM kK;uL!1,7 kinds ne �Aa* the Em or sen.1, is-, however IV iin of structural, work. Tbi aI PO .- t = I I rr &14:14, m0gtfigO, in, Wlll'n� 6f t�W49, 1111�11 IOUs. osed' t.hey -e60#gk.i­ ,UW to theAA& of re, orW I liable CO=g tbo*iaig tlid..inechitnidal. ie. knip4troi ex o -and .,a But -'t e ie 46,ceurr6noesi P te .1 Ing ie to ne of ;the -estabF,_ 4 . . . . . . . . . . An -Or *ant, the Forest,:- ro-, idu�rooni'tarriedw�--This de Is Till par-' e is all: lished by the Dominion- .,Forestry st fertile, and VI f f�div M-0 r ­ its. 1.).t fettees Lie bimself'o rUIALI U provin el and' i lid' 'S the difference.".13tanch at cGill University, con� wit if( hA be , , t I respect' io Olji -a 'Be giuni: jo "..roups f fuur, 6tirrying re, to be1otind- mount tboundaries a wisei sM whicli -7 ol , II - Auct- -laUom-W e g a:sek6s, of a n wk ple' Oet.rate all*parts �anbassador -s s Gerniim U : ';The . Tnessag* of. � thesi a . -I.: . estab Ull ain land_ pigin, plateau t6ughifulni��sfof th will lisfi the strength UCL 4,A neWS Cj,, Th,6 pictiire�- and woOds, and available for str - ry n rbiti, -by th,� pea"Rit !t.heJlJLWij& terion osjL(S-asee ogable streams The -Vosg6 .,range iier from - I V4 tstlug eniiva, '? .1 prep&re'J�r ihe:unexpeoted to,, -delive-r�v Ailiection tree -species d at T tqr h 11 oalL - - �, - � ­_ e s is a pre- tra s rate 'The Ambassador spe gi wor whose %value, t �-d t3te -'t at first, tiVibered inte for' L an ha . . . . .. . - forties of. Bblfor seat a"Oubtful. The,: ines- he'Prebeh highIN -'Of 4ded tes� ',at ear,: 9 u -in -tentiv, a�. is 1441CA,te.d. bv the be., iised-, are4' Setoull to A P�e. while between is tnoiintain chain, to f all. 'hands': 6 tiiiellency 'the , ' 1. . I -cut. "But his E. -Von� agow ,and' or, 6d in''t C OS&_ pe for six mon the oreS_t7 oreek a T �t engagem H err but tl�cir,'&owsi� AMetica., terrible tev nts.­ Alit h ar and I _e -W tib in ten jnlfeE�_­p f__ "MOASSAD come-- Ilk -So -7- Reseir es,illi' the West -X�eoi,.HO Word, k-11 of'them A�iiitht. tili plain f*rm,,n the: teaittern half . Ir at r0ity.,' of- B g hi� -da' in. the'Ae�s6ly wooded reglonsAs liilie. di -'�ed; AOL l -Ielual ' ' In t g nor as: t�ie f6glish. Y. SP6, I L Th e. fliwest,La. Ifin _WAh J e. �g to fackborses .,by fuAher arguirne�i to tnd 14eltl�e".ItAs neibdssary -to OR. me r- irections. PhySi46al wa. I cut narow trails Aft vrious -"U-E mra e_ Q�, W e go wishi t Wn u-nust , . ­BRLIT . , I I . . W to indeestand -that. 'th -6f_th6Lfte4_apd_ the bl�w �f oinn, el At, inidn . ..... ;, ­­�­­­_ , ; . 11 , . int* France; on. pf -fdr�­strit * 11 th in orat ..be , i" _ -, OL e eyond a at gra tone of t r _tInkiffsh it befoi htr- A' eniony, una A . t g r L -W- -death se- �._to.;th his u Ted ��Iles. ea. -er,.boca�u I a ei ro r p, inn. 0 li ad d h 'ARIA his Obvern tl--nmny� ii�r circltinst;�ffi wouW were constructed last Belgian tram Van th!oujh -Bol ' - an lnnatur ce. giu last' Incipint e S ed and-the-tes, I -iner lug- ilj�'-e geen.-�Wfo:iin ed , ; ope,gave summ Wife. the he men e4en, -orkinj'-Wii(h u ay. a er and t ey re( of ated Before BA -Gin. Tri IttrAlity so s and he'r 'Jude�peli-. ric in, An, - Tho del -nd,: vities per taps oi attention 'jo keiiiIi' tlit�ffl cleared of him to. Understand thn`U.s�pportixjig our, eftorts- to inaintailft OW -1i finii.' reogillied.-. ada. Lorraine 1s. v.e ry at, 'd -fall. The Indians, however�' d' 'to Prevent 1t. :g was, So ter 0 pea-ce. IL eogra, the cy W night when <1"p. an J,wind to a k -u- �ria sd Treaty in-,1�31. a.n4'aII- erals. Owing to sleep had- qp6p V not- take the. trouble to cfiop out ad co tor Ehie onorfvf Grp -a this ­.wa part ot-her in 18-39 -,eU7'- life e- Brit -a It F'orcign r �Voj .. Ve iW 1, .. the filleii treres. orta, thai s �ul4d keep.' lle� r war etween- Velo:' rich Aea to. - prop. up. fhe �other niih't in the Britain' Arajed.� which S&W,tW-6 n du ,.the possit t w, o atioiis fall �;"f the pa-tabl:e, .-'Be, G, e.. nufacture oil Various §ufficient y- igh tor allow them t to 'h�r tit- the" �rm�any in j870 U ih - V aces IS 't w tonclit rt just at mo, n, pass 1: 'Wil- Solemn eagaemen me' t *h46h th rew4 more Most eilgim's. neu. &I- -riti ­GbN Y,rp tl:, Sh ;einra�ntdeclared its in-, ri6lintiss.'of - i&se small �ben4esth. I G&icheii the former Ambass.&­ rei�161(;ns between' th�m- were pua re All' and'trira QuArleymen Fmnce' split euor� I m: v e.anp:ua re UP" .7 ea— 6 tfie rupiuxe� :it� -if, attacked. , solemn th bad to naintain t6 inte-grity:*f dor at:. Berlin. .6 of dip- th (if - stonj ly had and- 4�ordial tihviac e ion . . -i - -at the - sh -mous- blificks-- -be, 0 gilim; n .00 h excess wooden pins in- small. holes tic re at -ions wit, rmap' �or� what, cou­' 'n fo rd.. uce Witih: f Oli, laseiting I li along. Ge* y. WmP -be kept, Bel iiideabty r vearg 6rt onia. ins,tf -en- hifig our efforts to man7, Treaty of and ,To. France'A proposed, 'line of 'cl6av'Agq. �irg tought t, and then -report is datbd -A�igust 8', ad, -fiden46e, c�buld Anyouti -have,,. in ntwithistiai indutiiia.,the -two lsace-Lorra�ne' is his - and that irf acco -ain,� 'in b9figerent P93! did not i.n- !g -agent --m GT.ea B t -to�ric- ground.. hen., af e olAb Tq�� not to knoipgI fa ustria Soaking the pins,with water. is rd ays -lilt an Ed�.' if, th' Russia,: wax -h 'lit b-et,,,v;e fi Ge out withk oil At. all. Tile. toula'broug iq.l,%te the neutralitvL f d Frande just fie 'w6rd "forest" *as originally, strueti�>us of -Aug'ustA f -ad:. . V� rmany an ad, ri f the dense of tho deri��d from' the 61& Aiigh German, French - fe ea after light ii .0 tt d.4 Oars:'ago, ard� re CJC c Lorraine Nv, Were S r %ry of State :for It)r'LT.Q Itot "to TAU. aFit, a: -situati on, thi elessness, '.Yhich 1 word ""Voorst." find 'in the' T qIddle e huge Frenc pTo -tha- %s. or,, car 'Ah i s, the Ambassndor 'Tile, Chavhcellr� aid.. aoufled into - t if land not FLYreigp air e on _=W elgiint: -laid-do ily vio.04d. on price -will �.tllat .150 . �ader fle e —rn a ff SMY, &A X r, w t .. s�eefil. a' 11, the harder. Ile 'erved, to the Gttlieb Von Jagpw., lie in- Govw; thait llo.'oille Were detained" rst rm-,- u Lad at was. ies b eu� kept:'? Ha.,� -the Ariti!�h readilv uncle the. fi a right, to'hil -le Give wS of, XiDur uld -)ro tban v q. quired r Germany .:wo re efiluent i-thtlifit of "thit r g.,rebi,;d this int mirpult, ia.v Thi6xi il eat - soon � sa* that their i. In Nebraska', boad ghelter�belts: of hintd A' * his Excelleiricy as WegLi'lln 'Vi'as.Inteteepted.; (10. VOU know ab6tit bazaine and t�e� ihird'cor�s r sit, one frain froin.i.x lag BeIgialt iieit' And r p iI 6uld that fenir-of con- 6clares Moses ing.on. Metz, behin *ould continue o flitime.. . -Their 1 trees have been foutill'to. so en lairilN �se, tt��he:r d -him. Ju�t be� tiality. Ug t ops by Vrote I j- ' at first - 60 CH - - - Guard an, g�eti heip IrrouiL ' the er ifftlug., them from , It' d' eld i err -o iep�6irt_ _';ifluen c d-.1 be regn, It hali�dM a ti egra n - ds_t_h4Jt_'tbq Increase. in yl J a ces, 11 ifliar Y �hie �repott first -Su-ndik� here id I dod"t Ri thp b6idqr -line t e n* a -olentu The drking on-m-.-mpJied:*- ation -to-JIt e raPI th6 seventh I corps, under Bourbaki- - ge t Je aid 'llot, stop to con vested*froat thle' area' his'n:a3werinfist be, n p4iinte ancY and re, ivs - oil VIO fie wi d -break. Hence thj� -Nyield I'll ttm- t�-vo fortress63 of Z -the -to. n uOnce tho. per H -TS--' te-fo not of UPER—DREADNOVC area... ' ar. rofit area... s, c III* �"QE TH �S_ ber F ies.'wolliCt 50011 the ftlrmer. n. tne.WI _sW Pruar! e I I , 1. , ' O:Orn " Lt ier tha -inn h -n of ISM,* wet�- adii lielpi'll'.. of morning Bel out,'putting the t�pxtghtfhl virgilis Ws of rRi also recognj�ed and -liettAV. beQ Hethbugh Altaic zed-�hew as� 1 in' te� same P 'did they r I &iSe three' fitAllion treed are annually dis- I w gain wen in It It S for scaicely lest se - 'were 'held redicanient As thelthe shelterwbelt Is 1 11 , -4 . von"3`ag�o t * to th kao. 'r1h.u.t.ed, to the prairie 'farmer. ons wh the IntperialL Go,��rn.mni an c,urelv than' the' Itoint. whether they had,a right f '-'V-t ourpose by. the Forestrv, hti:4 'ge<1 o take"this, $J�e7p men Iof the Depli �lniaht ot'the.1fite ._.be n �obl it con Uete Even when' after sev nd Ree by oflainiless7m. cliag we the -quick-est -and str Drane I -fit wanteJ to�the oniiiii1on Fore sonfe f -A.he w-edding fen 1'ng to, the north 6t easios;t wtiv. so 3�§ A, )ded ..region' ly o be able to 011 wkre. wo( onton in -Alberta ind te well en- inoved'be; is fitd be lie- bo ers of 'Okey t large areas of v0utnble timber nd �votve'Veci� vond t Vert, their d. ,seen�ed juaifiabie. 'fire rraine, s �m6d --�eure s ce- ohave been deztroved biit -earg.. lle�7 ry. ibly t iTh�L­ lWorl wiihtn -of Fre a IA�t I, 46f life art te an integra p igN�,Pver: tid the A -lie. had -wa Sandy impre, b 'a; in poffu�,(Iou Is gook 1 ision s confirmed bV 46� Thi,, W tey *ould,, helP the T.PoSS&Ittles, of th y r n -6604 not st skirmish of. as, a tilliber produer art, indl-'niore southern rk Ole result. of 110 fir te to -Overtxmle the gion war—f6ir it- little better�_ hol -4 tit, 111P' Ow. Ilia cated.hy.-the. fact th-at . Y spruce of hus—a-d a its 1p Alit illclle$'� t it �Nvq list lofig"Pole 4 .,-. j, ing hor 'dor illehet and Impev birth .11f-lorrine. great 6nt. U -11t rtTel" Incite& 'let a their predioanit p, othe Rus n S for 016 0`,� I _ru n the' tfind pr z ile n ne- to dit� fictics .(if Prince Frr4L�tirlc -tee 11, o too, stv4(;-ftg. eomplele N"Ot 0 ti`V� Olit Cb reL� fl 111t; we All r4whttv tht. hus4a 7 411 0%Rr st file 1�f h,nlse,.f 1I.Pi the L &ti t, C&L.0 U 1�11, The badge t.)f the I shino, o�d 16111 that Ild .7 '4t Tie o-Ifi -fil' 4 t rkli qv, oil five w have, -1-11 h ek' and avti�i Who CAT111 W 0 t4,ii tid T woillld Sir. 'e 'Th tit, rle.L rier! the if the �Xl t, Lialp lii,� . -t-j" tilt it wil., wo he'ffie- -it-lie t1�illg; fOr MY, t - 'I- - 't .. .... ttitu-NI tilt? flit uadt'w, -left' tlk�ilt %N*ent to g". I flit, Xt tit. 41, -c -, - - to lit d Ad or, Ill t. hol'I'Vial ( hant t'it, tilt C% *iivee T t Ift , '111ft, 4*T , -- I t41 tt, sUsr file. pi "If 'k rel - 1,11,11111t* ee it 4 ifies, ot �10' "'N' I Xne tall n.,, ',, ilge r , 1tv.. Aleo that "tile seattltl --nX Irmifed, flit AMII(i, illoant to, a �J Ole-ar-ini'de 0 1,7rVnohiii en tt� W:ilit", v.,J for the k, WO 1`1`011t1% t ­&,'or 'Ax, "It til it-, a, ',� Sl'w'n*.iiier-� It I t t 411' ('e" r,�, roill tDtlre, r -k of i to 0 Mir M, M� wn, ut N"", stone. 1, "1 vollo-,"m n. 6.ni'd. to I1AJ'e`At, S ai I I, h n 'd itud lviilulat' P.. 6"'llill t1it'lilory 11att O'Pal detektiffitiou S.. 0 1