The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-09-10, Page 174- . . . . . . . . . . . 7 77 :�.77' 7, Ir -A y, t -diiisibb'. A 'e oo . PIL BF -4 :.74 ........ oP e U .1 �3 0 KN SEPT r�yearl 41�0�ce -1 .1 QW.'� $DAN 1 5, IQ ib k-tx S.... er tiomb lap c W, hitt d&X_..�. fe I A lig . . ....... ... Pjt�e !at Wiiicel�(,10 ___:�"Ay. AT THERANGES,'_ �TNMNSEJI -X(jLff Y I 015 ll!i! riu S 'tli -part ill the -o Lucknow riu S It %v I I i Lr ANQ,,QENfl CANADIAN OTTON MILLS. F b I* toartikkinent at Walkerton,-aiid,l - -Tlj& Bruce County RiKe Shoot fur I ALP NZ -f �lw 111(f the 1�tt, VA.\ 11.10, If NlA,(' AvI&resur`g,�essifl.il it) 4 oil , td tl -Clzti�k'Ct Itild other 1h "ji I , . I . . ti�, ictillgop tile The w4r in �Ilrolfe is cau§ing great y ough Nifn gos. 0 a -tiping, %Y lie' Dir Nos CL S 'j" E N AT -front., ne rink, (.o,. sed of -as Till j _ Y, )nnelly 11" - I CK w.j?--.k 16tll.a.40 0 Of 'held t, the cknow 11411­eS oil a incr�asbd tivity'-in the cott0j) industry 11; ('rtes, po pet juippiple tew, I)- 6�lwrs* beaer -AN . . U The h ;1,9. c0nducte'd t`1 I . I re Nlard cj4 arid. tonii y. .14 0, o t, w ("of S tivtt A her' '411ill" tit tllml theillsolves" Some vxM11eIIit' chri-)t. -ton fa4orle. wer.e 4 V ro X) IMI 8, to t itccoraing, - t6 i0tiditil umi krig, in 11 1. illy in* r . , I . , - rs. J. B61 in Cana.A l� is vWtifig atl ifie.r hol on. t'-tipie foi- months- pre- I�Z' CLOCK i tl l7i, and, ulross; . , , 611 .. ki i i &N, T, 111 k4xkli h �qbstet —ted da Q W'd deci( _Su�:ccs -xiXt 2—f6eq At L, er� fink- --johii t I, Kos �i Sid are oNWv ei ol er�qe,, ZI-1011.7 flliLlf"t e- en a.r-.e rhent �-A-cloe udk al], fAdd, -last week. -r -wh6f, t ie' , in I ll� `rhe,day was S -liat, diiii, Nile �6�d f8kil -rc. In 19jilli -righ t, bn byement lis, , .Hurd d, 9 111,f 6r OME T McLft,n, t6i wl A 0 nals-wEere-0.1 wex L ;i6ircooli, arid V),, Wjij ":I- overtime".threr-,or f8ll �tlf las Set Ii ratlIer hif,11 1j, , of Torl a week b if the an not lgood th , vlol9k- i& worth - t e6d lie shitil Q. v wroj6:,ib'joI1)e. I&Ilts Ili t ii,111 olle AIII.s, j;'Ilt inAllilo.01, tilis till, slit)(l . I - - wee tlk�ll,g -11 W.W.0 Jast�- k riot rkre4k-_iitid. the I . fjax Slia ..A . . ;,, , 16&S'.' I(PIC, 9104(l. oye If d 1.�tty Thieviak IIQ fill(, shall bring a, Arga 8 ppmen of 11is Lailik'flatn'has retur�ed,. to�, her the "a,nd, lit, be ve'r4hie aj t 'hest:teKjji soorfi alld 'If- d6al frobit :664 :k� 4�i:c-h tr6e fi-tm 01' W'as, the "'t I it bince clitckens.c­m�e,o �tge, il 11ch 4 the o .94ke in..F rgu d - vo . r , r o, S W i­ C-�.c aq S le . ..... tile t.-ro ilia. Ill 1 e S I i f Gi: -i s , Il,q jDa �e if 't 10, we e 6 rit"T dua. S011rtv, 191iouip frQ I wile( s t ry . a` I, e � 's u, c It 'A'5 to� "just'l-Y h ­,': m I'd �Lp at q of 'o LiIj 11 do�eminbfii, �oa;lit S beca J(PL of Xtr, Al;��N,lijdrr M;,.l liziC, lii�lfiifigdind garden Ve f have 'pirool . - h. . 1, r, . I .. '�,�vt end,on _aur�uIf �%0� Alliatiq �WC I �iie C d it, ke ­Uve noticed-fira, n I -f' US at' tlio-' till? .10! .0 o. L ' "I �Z,l I t e ove eiit` I Oil w I . . ; 4: wn tit -if-side-Il'oe 'ioriio. oil 1�6;-hig1k6tit'indivi -j*�aie I' 'a' coftoll in Li a] their, a o"I III I I 'a Ie --t iat wo- .-hax-e.s.uc -:6ases; eftlICea w P) n Mag—re-Rffa- &d- -vi-liployep,2111 'Cee z M-41fred.196 hot kest.-I. 11-ig ke �ali)d -;1; t 116. leil:P'�nie detis a tm,,hiie4i Ore. oil. Ar'lihl. _,�7tlt. .1 lirl"lalfi 'ded fur SIA - . _1 1 1: . . . . . ... ") i ub 'tmll '�b 'had' *- -' .. - : . .. nt _rs ill Ile :n la t 01 "fa . .. I , ", 7.0 C ig i is, have, trou6I 11 iford el ki., ; . . 1- . ".. f 1.10, of - iti:Aw hwr __ __I� , L . . . Rd , , 6 i6a, � - s, 11-a- - IIhej I:ht�man,d I ihe I Wc� a a spe t the i a -Y returns- lx� s erl ek,pect:mither. 71 d Whf1Je­.I­ b4n filn k.' Of ali th eirijag this steali 10. 6 per c I t. o t e., ro Ile 6kn( . -) -1 11 1. - -) I ') be A%'ilt j)e the enn'sunlijilirIn bells -613 025. a( �hiro 4"Al n k. went on a -v -aiid: Pl)'rt 11op"t. 0 -ill. (if j qf .4 Mcke garden.:veggetablel is S IlIkll. r ce.n6 6 ris ;xpd !4.y� - - . . . * . UQ -- Ilile a6pplied as 11 ... ..... 196 It tbi's couri the'lar�est. itx.l-- 'itci., der NN: lti�e I A" '�!61id 0 -rilbout the thost cointatu'llitable-and a,f6W... a Alt�-xkltl. W.Kelizit"'. il ak., b ti too', goa' Miss Gerteude'. ea-ven" retaine'd. jxi�es were. Awarded' as. TK.�j . won1d �iive- a goi,)d - deal of iff Lovlilnii(�1111 ri.;]tti n I ve, e ii a ft��,nf- the- 'United es are, none ­Arl , . . I t s4ire, -Seotl4nd', in P0 S )ckt ex tr-4. Well 6n6lied. conxiction� f C"I f. I oatil'tio, in. ve I ha6nga Ki fit, t ere for 815� 00. .1i 001171olki TOVOrfit(). last we c of n, been s lbst4n.tiiill 11111,lblic W'is ixetion, a��Nyt ......... . tj Illy y t:;Y .1 11", " , ., '. T Irlillu U115 N�. I) Ic ir 1_daiP4. !CloCk .7 rITF __Wl 1-67 Glptolala and-you"r, wo,%k-erld'atonts norn e nere P lit ------ -A See of V McQuaig, �of e*fQrthi�speat- ie- uw m. tieAc 7 'OlLtil: Their uriton., -se kvwi He, bles -wiu De pv,�r.. the eyes ar r -4 vl, the.taii.t.bi-qa1i of, war 'ni,op .31 'ent'ofluip'll-q �frotn-Frxaoi -and.. in E le A. cf f, ,Ernie Millsl is.spending (Alar(is ....... :by tell I)f a' fal 'I f (It -Mioni pre Ill . . . . . . wit ati4tiwin I)ayton, 0 it I a -few iieop"le (�fxqv-ons teint 3 T 3 )erni6it and itv, Rr 11 rel 3:� 5_ ze,Mand, arls-that-inuct-ol nadh C N-Ral Rund,11a,ve'Deen secing. air has b0eit imporl -in-to' ',,a 7, �TTrl-lzd, -j- aizl.) jr?m -ies, will now hi xmst Mrs. Harr -With Q)reSuqv0I:Iy., derruilin) floatfng about .'.NJ �9, . . . . Y AfcCre�th Ralph Potter, f '33 41, 1 ve to F - 'IT 'A It r I" wqek, Ntik�k6�Ae, Williain of 41iiniet and I b 0)es&:&?unti 33 4 1, ade. in' this wukry,' -.The� CanadPin 7 'J. - F. f, I �ftb, .1flivy re PAL E--, -ho-parents i -Excie t 'wliere omrhiiiad 'the Read 1 .6, . I I HA 3 1AC 8 elabiv 7em a9t wae k a nit f. -1 thai Ing r s stf -As th�t -1 6)her o t 4 Njr: e %'v I I I i n �.34 63 Watc-h- "k c0tton.113ills are also beinj�­ called: upon, Thli Satisfa y. Ma qr, In orra to dvi' i �t h, Cf:, fician - - Sj`)rIjjL1' oI ().supply a I)Qf trade' a d- Opticia 60, i. �veek Gen. Perton 2! 34., floti -of thes n qe*d1cr and a d, friends'in Toro vill�66ys �lal to have seen -the' Ii t -tit 4 ASbh�p -1: 010, Tiler& t P of a� fiiiAij) proce�eding the: Ilort-1 f irinetly went to fh� 1. 0 iXerl, Kinv sod If(.- i� tunilvand lited. IW)fiv Will-Stardy--of,.-Pi-ttsb�i*r-.- is­sthe.. rai. -b t"h­­-k--ff--t;lrere_,t)jtl e z4cri e in s eas, an x., I JVb9rt2!I Tif c aL *.j. vy - fiff6' . Nic-I . .. - .. y t"of.his-uncle Walter.8ttirdy., V q -in-this bi�eaq-s At - -t- `Vi t 6 I:jiited.,Kin, gnp, be frum (1v"ClIl �!)3 -fit whiell (late -co ffi' gdow vitry%,-Ca - lllpilells'�ea iifewl T repOrte efore emascafnipg 'il.411Y 41.1,rral , W ", o at; rl p�itce . , dA;yg b residents i ',t inpre' ed'Preight r��O,q, 11 ae� i%ARKT5;. 619 �pt?nt: in I, lid ifi.�ur4nee,:ktid ta uircertdi4y Cin'the" q, of ht.r. w� no -e ';it 1 62': ..(;2 1 ea 6 �sho. Wt., 12 30 nen if -.rs Habkir "S have been �eei V week CO, L IN N to Wedtiesildy: Then thei� art, f lk.lit tliiS -pai't in, j�a�t Ellic j*,niaiiy dealers regard*n &I do. of.ilic-6(hitilt Kii­xl.�S�, co'll Coxrect�d up !)fr. xN1 k,., of Kfjueak ine, se Y I ay -or, )Ix tile li,;ht lliQ -the 6velninl lOSS:in.,shipt' FoLm)._Lxiatr,;1 ghtwa�oi,pt*oox,o-,-CilcokLi�s.pn, n -n �tow t '71 -t Monday. with, -file ds P m. th. f, Kiniu--s. oW spen :!f) 32- 1,, The conditi of:.. 1d iiii ie', wes,6rn ky. b. YeIN if, 0111"of, �toOkS in '0105 mfiif '41, 660.1 Auka-1, l5tfi_%awairs, ati:oll Alt 11, IIAI for 111�' few Y.leoir, S t G. -W- A 1 8 Y", -T c". Uq I— I) Iller"at Send 61. ojfic�e. I ` ehient 'a.n1Rc#1',y_ ac�n ow* �;of fro at tile con) dietic ` Z [de in Canada I I I'Lii sical 111firluirtl ave., d ri -her firctor I'll ring- lehie st cralti., ..4 irl" a ter. 60 0 if flight Ile %Ml toconsi(lei"wPett ered"as. to be','aboutthe ree �s ag of h6satiii �Vawilinot b i% -e' 'of the*. ­;­­ ­. ., - 'j, Ago aa )fi -th -c sdr -'d I q axx .-Ovill isiDn, It -e fMt7 B4rky, . . .. ... '111 .:G A. t k M '-_Hei �o Arli ljaliS6 Wel� 'k n t -ties -n f`tbepla'nf­the:Q niotdtan:c6tt0n', Alls. Por. s A' ith1ul cknow: friends Sil Banker-, Lu '�nl fl ty, ifour1ta ians ein.p t* Ve e of-milit I 1 90, itaw pre,6ous: t6 6i;A the-, 1i I d "Vil efiIIA.1 ess 'sife. �flourishet Eggs, fresh�, Buy a lifile. ag in F, ay -breAwfliter, at -mileard, ine Se- itiar,tife �hnsuihbtwn ofe'nifto'n' in '('An ad a Butte lkei� G. 11 1 trees 41 3 t 59 DOG �kS' W tile F V -a-. leiwiq conar, atiwerit, oh.the', 2 ow iii wip I oult�;. ropor Aft, andAirs. John Butto a d lalio T! er nd 'haa - te Urm sarl j C In n INESS -,a; mail on' the "d her aoitji�ljiihn, t IS3 ae!s. co iti6iis To km vvi", . . -rile.,;Recl Ito ­Iij , , . , . . . . b(1c0IlIiiw'.very Ili 3o +d"in dealers allowing't-heii si6Asto -kid- InZ�6.si4ater. i.gh" aild t1i �111 ]Acll--ex� stAw thOy"k _. 1-1-- , _ I � ._­___ .. - _­ It Hi-, A I ---- , �; -, 3Q., Whgiat,_ - -bash-.. K 151,11 d 11VIL b- W_ 74LI Annk 1-.1 oil .an R.-Sh6its jar -Aft .4 Oar I d: 0 aftlid ts 1'... �... , I , -just- th"It' tit(, niert.,,'were Ili sh­4bi 80' -444e4 :R44�f (it, abota.-A tig Silt, -z r1 s as to' dlihv­ US(2301.. )till. oll'd:he'- 30 30 to 22 cul grilivti 4a n gei�. a c b 1) of I. - .11ibILA cf. to late Tililothy'. 13hy, :... . - Ili in; fesi�d. i6elf t)ne ytfarz� old, red With sral­oil.�4 -4hetu- to iny 'qit ill err It go VO their w�sikt-Ac6 -.310 5, IS -a si-nificant and'. nidst oncout-'-. fA.66 arid ivhite feet., owiier ihilkiiiilve game. 0111 proving PJL'Qp&t.y' add- paying . expenseq. 20 6irion- 'i�d chil Dr. Arlaifa,�e. e. commencement. " 00 foi mixedl and 15-0.0 to 17 as I it P( f t It � I �.,. -19-00 t?) :Jack Hende dt6l!, 'Thei� Itali-..in coturades housed along 31). -2s . 0 ct,tha�t'�gince th �Tintotb*y-N, is ier.b I the re- aging Ufreii-611p, wood. af�d. le.., , __111) - . .. � -1 t yy inear- 4h 8:111 st of s�dh`brders' 9C A, 'S11 E _10"'T. a e I -K -_Ao'�6k iitnu wlip.� had =be6i --watc0ifig ilitie o& M A Lif -if n-Wet-healett-1 �f'host_ '#iair. wit gre t.anxie, Y, were so ed -it imfe 0 -t- 7�5 . ' ­ t. , � 1 Ali thee a � A, Me s uie�w_ihe_ptein Cies, (Ir It bV to sh,6 how miibefi6f.nlav 1)qejI'r I a P)r ii nl�d 00m "a.0c. -I- 41­�� I , ;thw- Vs__5 . r �0 71�t­ �Ror 1 -1- - , ride -41gir ro- �1` zi C I Wr- rUt Lvjgt_ caives %Robeitso visiting' her. � Mi6ived at �their, rescue t, a.t. thU P Ivaoo:! on pr a alfust 46,, ! i9p, �jjng 'cOed.04'to work 6ff neir rQni -reg rIng lavkb�,. r'a f th r6i-- -I.$, -in -`Lbrd. The FeM§e E 6;ie io 6 1010 to 8 50 n is At L exi-;t.%vh i, here IS xg iib, ittle'9,24joe SLOre. nf,new orde 5 25�-to` 6 50- dKilghterX-Irs.,X Lacaq?l Toroato.this" I beh�vej licip with the'teceipt yed ordering Ownernp v r. ViWp T it , " . . -­ , , . , %. alar'dustniners who had d6la' . , I . rqpert skelsip. iiwefs-c" ------ tha. rescuea 14,61Y reception Whel, Died in-Vinglisak-, Wee 23i2 k. VO� ­Rh�, relffied 1".1ilit* If s,tid it to tlie�lerlap Voo Butier�Ibr ii� t,& betcku e, 0 0 O.T 0. - 'Afiss; - Al vrtle. Bhtlw �who Was If -6`f' their .30 to m 4he'.iolar inen reached shore'they ha(l to -.its with it 1 wro luau s of uni&t�t ()]lie . in, -a : I . p -J. S Rdinilt011,' . I. I 1� Tfii, 'And bu hiess.: n6ditionS. gen6rally� and run th6o gauntlet of* cro%V(L., idr,ni (-&.�Vinghani Wit )()tit, Ilei nt;)!, knl�ivletl�,e of thiI -.v ba 9 t ,P.,Aatoei. ne 111110 x tir ie coitntxyiiii� I (:.ATTLF'ESTP_k I Y..-Crtrne to t . lie preini,� .. 0� of fith's vi et: I ll to Toront t orn ot - I ,,bafefoo iiel� el�uen, wif Ld fortn- Ot, abd`Wl 11 Lhelint1w c ied (ill Sattirlay of- 1A.4t %irvek 0­.-�zpvl Silo NVn,:-z' brol;,hf -the- or ers'. 0 h, ripe aiter lz,(;Ou. 1, (lit r arnis fill[' f bits rif-Cififtwbod erly prdqred abi6ad,'ar� the c6t- the -under �Qne4,Lot., -_,P7 eq 4W 0 all. jilul"S-W ..c6ra'i 'itionths. Dt­7 AA-vill" k-114wled"n. of, I If 1,i-. elms, and Ada grea a, :toniatnes rr)t.ten 'apples etc., who 1;JtW "ce (.-,f, ton ifidustry-hi Can- i t -ilripetiuS _kngust 141h., 3 -red stners aiid 1 whiW I'leifel nr, Malcoldi WL�odl­ Chii:igo a.*q'ed mas 3.5 ye�trs �iilid %vas* rf a.sel-111"11 I r(lilelle'll- by tli;��'serxj 0%1. net way lgive,saple-by ProNiin 9proVent c nativ", fAh' u and paying ekpensei�. ese-:�aru& - -was A visitor -in. theRl lit 11 -24 Son of Arohiba-ld. 11milihmi, -Ind. cotlee-,-, t-t-qn_aeli4 hi�, tlii Me I, towi[k on batfitd oo 'Sion ot kin oss s a iiv-m I w a vears _11 ,, -tit- e- � N,v a-, In. qAz-`%v, replace-ot cri aterihIs that iihoit tinie'blitorel to beespe a iragl fi�dcqp A'F' tli. I I - L I I PkI oft a.,:! . Flt,r ftioir_', life tile - m- h pbrted ia�w, rn an S If ' ' : �Mr &.1frs Jos. mit , and Ifis's ls'eill.aniifiler Mum tiiii- - , , ` nes-; (.If the infielibre irnprcissio�Ihle cannot'be slictiredjis ATTH i-PST-RAM-vahie ended -up in it �01111e.dy.. now, tild, faneral-eif Ili lit --oil oir -have beconle, res e. the Widex4ignied, about. u dst; la; of Bhjel _tHii f6d`-Blif ft'i 'thai ldate for the fiicreif�sqd, aefivaties"in th cotfCi� tl t y Held 11duc-ed, b� the' orcte -,113�o. th,alti oil hl�r,fifincl. 9 4" four. head 6f cattle r noon was cf) A, le 171 ye�_­old, t 'indo ie e I r. 'no er§ ecessities 'deiriti.oUthe iffigg p6ri -IT I -`b" - aid r -RS, oF.,annthei She inddstry ih thlis..c6untr�, It, has been :­ --D. -Pi-t-eflob �qtritfycting -tile serm -I- h -nf -h e s1lid.there: wer6 J20,0Q),7.k xt,' .6ty R s, steer blackk VI ewhite'face, other two returfied to Luckn6w or " tlig 6jjstor�hry to bse jnte ill the' Inakifig of i� : _M..Lsybil .-I it"911 erstikidonerielf6rred withw A e"lle-gi.eat. Ilaster-1 hite inark, -7i; vuk� . ar. rp eout.-: Thissu.61, Sugar bags an a er spe ng.some.. Iniellit r, p1jife"'qnn -I ap� Cf " I i hortil I t V She Y04 expunies. ieter. 'A'90(itli, A.'s ustiAl I tl,.qy P Pro perty and pa canglit._ wa f-rPlill. how, to .411�,ik of a nV l"urlin-les. JI,te, ill its raw state, 'comes, -9 1( -e.' Ge .:��WWC.� ve'-a nit.e., j,newof - .. :, ba 17 Kl arge.Tiffin, Kinlqs7 ToWril tegi nts r., The Wilihm'pi who 46ii, India, and, to� P., rille, is, nian&actdr- S -Elizibeth: ftenderson a 'I'l irohe.,warringer),untries en. 1 11:14 n-th iiii-kmlirlv of ariv ppi-lez6n. 'ied 10- holding penc -.401 ;IS rigrdom." The k, oil. T ed' i n. flie 'C. n I CIfty i-n-Woniisthe, -ftish -irfldffoz d I- llv' "'Vin'S -k,; W0.4 f, x - '.0 or al r`nIany ­iTiny e iib, a IV` ii tile.' _o the rintiabeirof A- I Rt -erkl �� IN -1 1 1 Ili -Ville 1 1.1 Io. �-i '411i't r'beJ ed' with the Ek. Co, lit 'c' -Ritron e6nt lbllt�s' Nvill , il p, of 5ei :)cc *h, I . t he e:;, Gqku.i, I Y all, it 0 one.. of ]ter b�i&bt,�.96ns-Ernest, 5 c- yallv'y ot '411b fro Mrs. Ditompth,.-and - daughter,- - iss - CI* Lill'. . ho"'Nrift stitatio ' q0 tip. o.Pin a &atLh ot "ute inCanadaand't $.21 1�­­ 'fifoij e Ill �hatjr,,ty �,�I 41t:,zil ni,, few .Ycel n of.heavy Gott . n ut Ely- graddj _F INvich. -ind: and sn­ P. oreST, i tile manutamurc, OT nour anq,-uga eAW OUnr, I re guesw alce. Wiji sht.�o1it!ivv4 llie lk�cncx. -ni vilifed or 11tish Columbia Alid ceja r --hingic, a r _'offi e � , , -, ... ". * I f -t-1 1. * t e aMe� is week: _�FT-please A,t;k 4=Ppriaddm_ClWdt9L_.mai_n. to n r 'A 01 L,Advo byterialII,chivch wbo-vras atte�d,tng the JZ6 rA 111141,fl), M 'fro'. -'6f be-iiii-possible 316ri0v o or is ins fled, hijkil -jr r,: and N, R, T. phill(�'liIts: spent a WagwqiI teatival'� at BayrOulli, hg�,aria. The proqee& the bobtli thi-Aye.ir'v.qll w;,I, j)j,Vtjj�,.Ijt: 1111. aiict felf I� So al e ti ti" �s - 15 , ]k L - it may. be. neqeSsary to ti�e t�eavy 0.11ttoll b,- in -kill of the sick and' wtvind See. o .d� � �j.. �4q T.qrqnW Ethibiilon an �'Kn' ..b�en -,heard' of. Ma - ed: '(it-' r nd a d -hin� -has, t - M -d-01 Farm fo Sal 'NJ , ill , an jis fi�inilk -,hice 'A V "Xi d- ll 'iffr6 in the inakitir, of oil dlu r6port it'a,,liery,' grea�,Suiiceie'ss- u� r Q lify-mey. fro b' I "h- ji-ktiently, and Oqt)d Vatue ug' O,her p6jsiblii ges for,cottft are b6ina. beinglot when bWabled"Ic'say-he''was aafe',and -ontsider.14, will be thivikf Illy rLceiveii rw h"-t,,hlv -ilvirfniltt�','l care u, .rile farin i-alfundergrw�, and theiv ts (kit Mis. Ireland anl& son, John, of Donw-, irivestil-rawd �y Canal inantifacturers it li good Iwii-idaind gumli Lee anxiqus, this fan'd "'IV Gtken nf 41m- hv-1i',r, fr�ends:. qn well.- parents -Itt the, l5o,ith' i I th� or'Mard,., suira ule- I�or &VIt%M *,ISO IRy , 6p 15-j�r ver, 0` neuiwt; tis ed friends in arid nd-,i,-r-olie-Of-ttit-in-ptltz5 -new -uqe S1 _yCle i_vVpt*lttVh1fbf" in Lond-on- Gil: 01 Q ri__ ? -noAt; durin this wee wroto to 116n. George Perley I , . . I . - I tod03,W4 around- Luck . k - _*X31 L - h'r are beina'discoy6red day P, r),'. or t� re ito i dii I.Liti-xWol ILI -j.Q1L1k_ enquiries c' bleCt- V. a 'P" -, �air N Of. -lag.-D �f' Wni.`MwKenzie, of Calf d w 11W t1le. the outlook- or tbeo n n s- briet Mich, I in'W" mfe -an ell e-t -eknoti� jiitiflite righter- to�day tliailf it e but wa idden -to, leave Cerijanv. 18 ily Ill f e i -It -for and who'4pent-last"week visitiiiig fri6ndsaod ce! !Lim t ry I n Call ad it is reneWI , g acqu 's forb t 1,11,g t1i.11 th I ni, t _�rv, h" en 86111 1 sorne fatre-ral �vas lar.,o-jy.ani�nr!ed by reprei- taking ill) the. g.)0(l. wtirk- -of bd;' 46t c ti lie. 1i is tr�e III aintances Jin --this vicinity, 'piesitined th Wai as at..0 � _. 11 4 returl bylim h-0ye-on-M-on-da. hostage to Iceep 'Iixni n -',iropean war, -ingillesuplIlyof,dye-st. ern to ilk I I ­­,­.- 1 .1, the I.' ti -As Aild �h icals artlis 4 �J­, . 4t nat the Kaiset, IV ' - �o idays: f!(tf Cf - T. ��: n�; gi%en-'at dire � .. ..1 . . �i; -and-A1-rq­'-Geo A. $I J.- M mi gpoz H91',.e an d Ant a ;i �re n6ithiced d4oWfiir�,4 �T�ich Vie,- in G xer.* r1pinin xilitt wimle,oriwia- to re- call) lVaiap Ail '. i��r' 'D IN-. at tlf� P1 'likild at L110 LOW,%, o �'alierwit, on rlltll'�,Uy, At9t on DAY -I lilritmr,� 4j, tai 'e�'NiNtIli'i eral nAs' t hat' e, X ariv. but the 4,en if. het life. f, V, Wl $()tile, th t1tv 1-oatioll (.1cillaw, 6e'4110 Witt., ily I turned,on Monday from an'�auto: trip td' Gernl�:ny- 4itr� havo ai: 11tu. th re-abl�,tnient,-, and perhap.5 -Uciobut Sth. 1.911' idgeto t") theL'1.6 in4 .0tv I tulip ol, L %vel ve cluc-f;: fo r lo�s of appetite. Vaglifith Wlis Lakeside Wgqe; -lild, Lond6n.and'lti -olltri6lted Ili -iounel.� ilahg", ittshado, sufficient dye- (i'atiks, Duilditig..;'it F. A. JiV61g rviir�d reki: V..( I the 18 Ile t,� mitl a in the Lalidside Leag Liu -k F Unit ChI.Tlea NK Alt( untbi, and th� k,,h I S. a' -Tonic Mr, art fr ngh.. I I tAN`.te_ in Line', �anq 4. t w. tol- "fig' T hill i"It,ft-tiltiA Nvill t `Vo 'flit Serim R P I.Ye Hill, loWitig desuitiud taud,,; c Aniong the vuit�Fr whin ate, in, To.:- A v;i,!if in tjiv distri,& 2-51'.Teeswater beinj� the vis eL& witilerldr full the Call" ek 'in aftendaficI31at-the I trig 'tean'; r,�tv of die Il. 01 bitsi to a biisv IS. - gtriolie IfellArf.--d' Ill Villairti lottolts tikx1*"0tI SP a �ivt% the follow- jS th';1111411111t lor v ­n cwt,ton "til -ill I C n cLitil -it liril't'l fix flo liv jk-.AYh­ fortAkl I, lid ull'illta. ill CE 'S 6n e`II::'fII . ad ilig ate"itilit'- Tile gaind ti -as lie, InfuiN. C'wrks of ts 'ix-. It Ilt f(,r­L1k_­jr 14,0 r too. )I:njI s at'd Mile the"fitne fr to o tintiM eni-' A V�12011rt., 44 U 1,,l i Of,the 0 t,5 . f, re fit. ucx -3;T6lli1le Sidled to - W tift -Tfie -firse th-it ty''Wit'i 'ItId 1, itnd�jkl Wo rw.W �hxt i 1-inz all'i n. t -a-14 ufj.uj� -4tIj to J11j. The 1�10111en`s' Instittite ,vilt ton tidt *..I IV tart Ori gtit it- of jitir, , Zos,j, ii: I. re in 51.-1 Ll,� -."-Vlag Day*..itt. the,Uckilow - 1411, Fair., A Pfteh--�vs' biltde� I and flitir y4lo.-I -,,01 h _* I. C _Inniiiga onde the- Rei t "Ill I, V,li -ItAll 0" 11'. rl * -1,11j, - � The 13.t, rhe Orocieds will lie sfini to I neftlillir team scoting' bnt iTi. 016, si�cunil n,61ly litliililrv"ls� if IIJOI,v .44T.(11der at. N;114. f n Att;'jolli-tied; SuW- be tvq­a Ctl)8886dietyltdaid the wo'dnded' tbl- jv Ile thje�local - team score'd , 4 Hfr till 1. rullA, S41rt thi,, v�t!ek niade a helil awitij to� a number- of,error,,t'lly tlle� th-_'ir new ;hPL.p.',neAr the -qtatil�ft,. I e d le "s Iurif-4, -tilt) cf, It e'lll e Ill h -t hat We in - and Trend Who. 10L� A�zqtol Teeawaifeti tnwle �nel -raft'.. fottldiitg� ltn� be_atecU�i this WI wilt the, -ne-tt­tfirim -inn i6g,,� -�gfvWl:. g . . ..... .. p .01 14. lice, .pf ft.ril.�-,i��r�vtlgertltl,�,,�,"4,1',tT.;I.. Th", Noffl-�'. .. f K he� not a n wlluw ,t:corl Ig t lfv�ejj akd i. The fx,-, wz, b! illi till a _P :,!nt tit t We. t InLe. lit t -Filff+11ft, -V -7 - it, tq r td 'Sixth Rave tile Wingliallillreq w, f n. TR for 1P And the. f attt i.4 it. (t fill. ............. am, It fline flit jille (if Were held To 4 eig;l ",If tile vj.,jtZR� F kilt, U.-ispi;t I ..kl I q a 1.e gans L-NA11- nudi-itleg ;�Al 1.11 La I — , , , . irik - -�N411 -he� on T_ --Vt- 4t I- -.7 fryr­_ - a;� Al t4t I- 11TI. -witliv it- rl-isqilile. of-ld -it is . I f� ho h mil, 1-11 T four 1.1111S.Cit We b a:t, e �,oi a larore �'atislaction .0 Ili -i"4 brolf�ht, re the. I , Afatiteed. . 1 1 1� - L j' . �i` R. L� ri iu zl� t, I ha s IT'll, ft 0­r,o; ;',I ---tv v­ 'McLau;�liiin, 'blaikk :_,i inodeate. R, J� Vile nfifth .1vt that tlfti mixrhnir+�- -.8-111 be Izill ,li now (af tjj�, jj&jg,� --- - -, - -nd- _I i wit I. If Wit.- I�tv at plulle e n. L _404 --in; .4 _thl V _ Art 'A tii7m It J__ id Ed iilllkl�.Tkt�.Imt,nt ltzt�4�6., if, 1,7 lorlish kip shoe!4 e1v it he ijit-milut- il irle Lea�-ao eIN' Ar. ll�lvo -hl!. I.V: .rd '11; - aro'. I;, Ifill, t I I!,-, Till! twb%�Ilks in 46,�Vtl ;hA ve. artdnze(j Sff'�j%l` k"'t ( I o our order with ti:iade t ill itiL v nw A v I W. N't v 11 �il t �11, I NVAS I lit- Fff I o fire, art - rd file i6­VVniVrs7-ot Me LL%1 , . 14 1 `." ' I �ITIW tl it 'I.i ; fig us h . fit'(' k gt throug.fiCia the v�Ar. 1 1. 1" �`IpZh '+,f_V_,"j`i` . " I itch-ifi&. and Th6­ I b gu lii�h --mlie -is' 1W 'be plA-ed be. vst de .4 tt.,. fltvt. t, :11 fill ­htl­�ry 'I 4"A I)Y. I It: s 1# 11 t t6, te- hiessi:w4th tllL tS , [ V.. V, aq It, RV. t wftloih If irlh ,%'t I. I eveq g A, Itiv 4j_b ihaq P.; tt-tl Chtflag (Wint, to Filift'S 4 lit y6u Read'' 4 btdotk Pv�ry Th�ursid rftiry wid - Tali, dav eve-lin", I I tO. ill b6 Siipvrintoident 't)r,, t. A Parker, Q�feo�itthie,'PTMI­ �=d i. on Thur., hef". I jv*�It 0.,Ir it V, ria.7 'llf. Erftryjjflk.�+-� I j.1 T"Ivn lit I' - L rQg`II: ar )u 4 lit' Are, sold at I t 61.1n. visits Luckni 6f 0titatio, has wi�' d YburC t3trknoW. avit .11 '' 1; ible PejLe8. i, A., I v, lify U��e e, Will be, lit, tile Of BELIS len WED N 4 each iveek Do one to 1111118 11;� Mil I lit, IINV;I�s rndeilli"r, tO m-, ill It'vIl !�I,, Cain (31M follows- -0it-ing to tNoathmik (if w,, �1. ""ho*_ wiii i eleall :,Ina flit; Ettka spocia -eiierat financial, vondititmq tz - And: tile, Y c �­ ..., bemn lmie anA �.'Wbo vr�-Oftv,l to� 'A'. i&;k hea fb I have, gly0l Vp stiltifity tnerdrom, 1 ,v*'inStrIIete(1' t�, Sch-ool ShbitS t6 ill ' I M IV d ARMICO WI ij4jj�L&o Owl g P�ae 1clit, VI, ovo &0 C yoll that t jl� G -taillent wil T-Illent 4ad. i.�� WAlkeri, V.: 6 intiA �ettte tbeif Ad6dutits 14 te, k Vot.st 141.- �Ijj ..In. it,t pert judge -t (6r -the 'Tiw F f I -Qu et t. I IVIP"ti fivilef 16,41. Mtrvn- P"Y 6p 6, bef6te th6 first 'bf-0�1,pb 91" 1111able to furnish 6,.q re�t,4�' , , %. , , 6 to- tI It 1, INP, ;r,, IiN" .71. in'' We, A�coiifit§ tw�_' ` 'I of (fle J U. 1 wilt ble to pay rnor� than 50 t is 110" 11 s. I, t;�itior coitedtift, .6villetlia th;l lie lzilai�ed 1,i 1� it I Miss Ile l'itchtiold wa,;� the ill", J. 8 _',C itil ­ , t N Ilet, t1V(T : In .11.(" Z __ � L, -�Tlt, re-1.Lt .11 rlimllAt m -V heit, fl' 4ks btA rotatiu-intly iiririved fit -Iftft 'arw,r Al'.`�Y a 4 1 e 6 111140 4 t bit, Aettr 'ilhigo of, Lilrkii-4. mid SN& le�atioft, ant:1 I hif- BY, lla%ter if C I iv,. wyl A�l IN I IVII NN Ili, k . 1.1ri-re -vk.4. I �,, L '11.111 it j h 4. ItIvI6 exi have tl)d' firlo - tilt t4n Xdl&W� i, lilt)adly of toll -r, fit it 4.,., tVvq ­ t., I their Infant 6ugh ',Lllxl V01'. P I.Mie- Illy tbliql" [knile Ill �%.,TTOV MITI111- Inlethinz new W, ALLIN f"clCurem Feeda aged sk- m6ndit, and 1r,"at doNVY01y.ftl4aint., s IAAml Cotwlidlf 06. S,. ds in thti loss, of once so, that they. nia� itaki.e. wl' k"Bul ter, arran"geineills, lila rid, . . . . . . , if . . i was: the' -weaker Tici - f"' "of t I le late, N I r.4, The hal and differ(stit fro -tit -prevxnli:� e Mattleen da.0, fiiS' tflftt l ` tighly- �tvohwwlido& rv(t, -9 anA W" nevetAt"A H Ll it ter, and C,4V mim cm e tnt lipteetcli ied ill the ltdAtt" Motile lit 1::v I lit, !+Ilvt� am! hr, "TiarAlitet'd hN I nd VA -114, for, Thd ft sk of actifl��s I . I radugtd :Y'(�tjr . I r&`I di I 11A *� - I 1i . .. . T-he''Utekhow. lik, x:' V. N I T. ... . . i. . Illistitnte I�8 ill 1) hel'! , I in the Coun-il f", the Tbwn. Hatt vft.' riday co ­t,0 -1600 Co� will cg'xh4bxt'4k 6piVratiod. At th Unn., . j vis 1g. I 1-t I fit, -0, "it)" -k- th U-6 ton itions 6&`6, 6t: WlIrl5ri` '10atEkft6' AAA A CI P*OiKless a' he YjL P T Ljkj ta _dtv..1jA_0w ju, que, ni&�l w"T1 stion &mv r on �iPitkfiiig and gfeA ll� I IT N, 1119 1 of - 0_1 Ik pitp& on -4 rhe W -,att- ' T, I. le ake, fill: ft, , .6 j,)VL . . 1, 1� -It,% - Aotf fn�-' Olt. "66i8rd vir Aluo, Gon&.- . Ill at thl�f , I th will. tit to t6 AtaViNA, At burat� d 'ba ss. jl;' If loill het�lnit eim. 6"Ile 041 'onc&t be fittdll' idate ll-rosi:(10 'in., the flittlye -a: ttit, to thi -t66 - w�Cltntan`s titni. Poit' Ac AS ID of, a . .... Aslo xll�xo The i;U. �iu e a f 0- "fianS nuinhot Of-yeitrs they haVePagafigt1d their iie -is important -kets s4. Ine' t' not air utitalte dt hot A a 1 .1 1 4 .. -W- �� - I, Avg- ,P* Whi" Wier., t Y11 1�)`n htj*,'J,�j lXLtj('I wj'j�'be'ht 116 -alp, I �&Cftfd� y6a' tic e Ing. .8 464� try own judges, Nextye4r- of cMrS0 re. M." thcit,fdiilds 11-ftet 0 S. - �iluff 41 ot, 0"Ve 0 Aed at t1iii IM 1 , - t �tjo d vi4 W 4, r0utid 'a map 0 _3116: