The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-06-18, Page 377- 4 -7- W XENIANS IN, VIV NVESTr, ye,�, proven F1 '111 N 0 V Q N SV 31PTIQ N "'day in Red De6r h94 not,, F e Q ""I I e Ids 10 r T.1 t, - , I r - � � 11 � I., � 1 ­­ ­� . - , :1 � ­ 1 - � 1-1 1 1 - I 1 -1 d I 1 1 rERM I Train& -VORRY— "' 'The Op pto ()au4di AND— �r 7 -70Y—Extv h4ald the 1A 4ay-'r the 'Jut (A -Therte,'s a new tria4taxitit, out MAIL and Rellati'lo''a P10 -t MIP O'N 1uny in bow,11: coa§Utlft it is, 9, l, fiqfth by An j-4 JuW To It pi was, he,,mFit, and orfli-ew*, f Ed M6 W.J1VF1�n0.,KPt.h of i�raien r d by fa.�niem, A $Qur�ia�­ for er- JU, nwjiton, Albia,rt&,, 11-s far� The Wihialp�'9` winir ng 0 S p Rutheqlan o6 'aaip" Q1,:Xinphji) Ivor')* b cas Tijoilgh to-d4y Nveealtth' A .1ittle, ivorry;doics a great deal li�!-h pli�,,si he� Re4 oxi'y 0i'veS I �'Qf M,Qical, offider -to th-6 iiq�& iholl me,inberat "I' eAllyasha:oeto'v0�talyou tripins" or ."z941iciana, lb, day i" flav d -Overwork an eti�ld 09 t r TM a c -qt's t 211% Union Ho;sPl ,I�ep, Jug whea and w T)ubl�n, Jai ia� ere o:iu.ar, /ch illks'' stomach 'by Intp Ly' �P n new hoqqi� 66 ti R ­,. o, 1 51 -Ag asnes.s, t44 V40 wrote a, will be tablo, to tak-?� tip, �b4r I r441 dosing, .6' th midaph :terw4i, iieiitnient will Y N�pa;k ba0t lit es, la,A of bc,ck abo Thq 'tpDqtme4it Is er-s-,iligre in n46 , I$ Its aln- when., ��N their (1, stpe,,i4gaiita will bp� k4ow.n by� her iwn�' 101413 Play #4tcd 1its" t T104 4 p, ner�year to. -the'. P#1ba., '4h his f4et,sbait p, bo.weveri i qQ R;ig the '14 � 1(�o . r . . . -v' sleeple, proraptly brealc� up a col. eQ A nicen prly ;Ap;xl ticipated that."1914 'ill be 4 bae- no %61 -of o4wk;a- -1teretq1t in your w -y*,, ga rl, �w When your boy .,eOrnQg in . 1 4 , . 4ted� mplete i A g X, w '7 ' '114� r - .. I WTI,' 7- `Z6 I L I Tj tthe, teaehe)� these �4 axe your g4-40" 4. Id's t6 y si's e la h'w raiast the out Raini o -hl w Qovernmeixt' prio6etting Ag. Give Wni,,A vlg()r e,� life opa�s, and C -11'e not wilthol'it wr T -if x up -Mi, I I � , k *­'thoP A:- ti'Tippi ey� tonie And- �!Aprtg�'-WS--r-l�'btl---,�l��,�4-I'l�,":'-.���� 4 ;� erwl 1 4T in y way 6 AR� In- blocidJ)'r. Willia-ins' apolitan t Hospitii- e4nnot live on w a an PlIeStS6114TUD ;fwe, -he or a bas -to I i�ve alo`�10' J <),;i Bla,6�- d is throug. the ii�,: c " ,, , ; . "a hot Pi)3k Pill$ kor Pale People, are a, 1sd&,hd,, hy5iciall-S to the' ei�vllinef pepetrate wpr s. the 1A, that tips are esisexi.t1#1 I, r exi a - ;i -with a"little" F-b-ack bu, poyer his ad "thrpat tcbed,bom f Plpk your grqcer for InatterS sta� sent, chestai treatment. of oliretQt Tiervo­ t4�.nlc - boicaw;e tl charge, of Ahe tuberculosis - u te-oce m �d at px, aanaej hapdage. la i -es lo' ---which- I�Wtt'� t�e 6.0 .4 A 10!1� 1: 4.8, And. 'ON'T fal Qlark e nmoln.��-oMcqz I Viour boy- be feeh 114�,- kpi. p ap iqil�� e, ,.,ha:v,,e been .,exper �T�,nt* Ing r W will 17 U, p-er exp-erimexits Aire 'a V e ry d still in 715—e 7 ­ progress, in -pro �a b -you h rded off perh 'a, a cqld,, ially 4' yi)ls thby are niott- yet prepax. to, wilil open June, 29 and Y.." ls ----------- r- b4ibi Tin the SAtIsTactIOR for W4, '112 -�r . w y the' Calij., �hq organ n t4Q the torlii��c infil t Might or or krippe­xt, illness that and ii,oar4oact*%(A AV 6.', r'"WS kb*, P'LAME, opinibn on 1 8 fa.i� will" nolt Ily I 'a atte her evil$ nounce an b ided by nervoli,snees and all the OLti 11atol r him up, bi but --there it `Gt- of from o6e bundyed' &0 )*kl)r 4isr, v sha I members of t e Ca airiet, "and -work wo , e PT 1W. DAWSON, -XWOtY, C9]LbQrgQ jftrvet, f :,�&rry, ovet ajue, bteyond wha;t D. r. Mgr N rVIIIII6. Is xalghtT good pr e W- Me tled will be �,hibit� ro�n* jtbe.. Depart - all tweuty.-five. to two. hundred d6hars. Pla J , n nting colds and Tr 0 gea, 190. Me �tat for prea4ing uO'a. to,� Dhey re,46,ria beil, wod, A po For ivided with III, ;p bIiWf in the t4okatabe e'dica -anoafit of Agriculture, . general family use It is �rf n WAN T bad or e, too C, F YDU T ,Q.� BL 7 T w - adv alt-4;gel. Irc ot n, '00 L . . . ­ , . - I I ­­ 1. 1- 1 ­!, .5,:0 al ipeir CmAf-, t �e and t FUD e mianieoy ou wo eara, e, toq�. c I -AS, into c no st,�'- oront Lp joupg.Men1,s Christian Associati py It fo, e. er libually iv les, y curt a�o tine wte El 6 1149 X -'W- DA*S C-. 9X3110 J*. Q 6cia C., I RN a rvati'dal's The do e -A Issue or n, ill the L.-%- �7 7 y nervo�us' syste .;df the, oity.� d two ar aitis, &-n run. 46N�,n. and. be, --paypipble'io' ltw, n-4 [ift bako. are er t ere, is - 160- 7. d ecoiated�.,!V-w'k idtu-1 B-44, nack, a An-- n, a A ­ Or ILSE -em e. have.. be abd, ex- meant$ jai �'Ioy& ane -1 ou rpm, - u. y III cure n. And bod.. Q verw9F d -I-Sit '-A vo;66 on --tlie ge moNs: Makeialrpaxtihg� and )NEY It tire :iih�Cudtuili AKUM a wayw stly, in W*rd, :qiiestion- its necess-ar, an4 will be mighty ql"6, a r, jjl�ily r�b. &nt y w mb,* i - 11 estr ction �ig.!,Jty4w,6; cases ar, 'n Ftilx - log: 1i . . ,, -# . .. 1 1'.., . tslz� has:�een. houl doll Ilelit * "' , , til --A616 ac4 ai:book e b.' IS'- so �Ise- C a D- j,.uile .6t red.� Inies bu. -d of, th e debro, Ss. of, rnVu. A .5e holhe.,, Thi0re nextjp6rning'.�haln- aThen �freighi;7-pal 04 er.� The -V c4ok a Chriy ie- bea ers--any- lishe'rs, Toro d,j.6 r -e. T.- pa -,of 4- —but ------ b poo Nvitli. Cuticlir but tw Wrep oap an ot for horamelf Pu Dr -Williwina'- FinZ tresaitraOn delcided' to t spoe fltol 6, , n .'alon, : the where Sell" Nervillne. water he. chi "'o 103ger at y in, k d h iega,rds: IN rL b1 -'but once' the ax dork �a the Ta:re-n6s, m tyw� - -8fixtioner*-an -E York Cou-ii recenbli 11H C 6er ica�ry Vw1ulu M -Only by lea ing the, teo, 13 the... I �o U3 dpealt f6k this gp�d&l- troa &,. as h 00 y 019tuiteritre tu theirs home as ne t C ad di atain-s a-, No 011 Ipplity bei orvbltgp,esp. or-& brok6ia CO a good al -'as. proven n rate of intere,st. However, rl,� A libeml with 32-ba.90 T Oe oand its, *e. ti- I the 6are an4.treat what influelinico �heiie lft4i� homes creasing or ment of. the uldiiand onstituion -,as post-frea... Addrms ItheY will ca][led allyl so . Aive in 1"p. sent ih,eorr�eting,,-t isteriOr guend On' +.h; la�is'! Our 1 9 se ..and it'See.ime to At reduct" tho rAt 481 LLTAIP�,� JETC., 'a gener ANCER, TUX., Inte"rnal an externat. itepa� bbi the ina;c6on o the Ruthenian liv a cured with- Theoc,-_& P;ilis Xi Sold. Y, strongly an ii. pti:e:;, tieriesib,on b C kt write I 0��- 5-sent-Winiii-1- -hma,08�r In.p rkzb.t6 'of- -bi- inhi bF §Wrlk C67 which But it is',,ro 1 -ho ses Y.o� ers; out, vain b Lr home..treatmer six boxes for ing the growthf the tubercle:bail- patro6s,' and w.e. believe brin&18-6n.; range, 66- AL CLEVER GROWE T11 -J,$ QNIE.. L-nd-6he sa64 Dr.'Bellmah moidical . ......... - us,before'too late.* I�a3, d by, tbip ,W V -a s Ab, 1, ie, am .$2., 0. min f; ee:n t Cheer- le, a;u4 nd� iv#.r,, and oxi- t oii 00aw I r then.aan eep e h r h' ex Y. Medici" Ont- sk kidnclya4 b n Tom -two id'ln 'the jilie :Izcja h -It Got 06thcs- 6.eniree. They 4ize Ied Up W1100 �s� -into sulphurous, about' i6ld:Way betvieen t o ban ts a, 6nval O.U1S,,;aind well 144�1!4­! 3�n"L n, his,'dc-- n More A' li'd 'fye­ -kedir e--14te-'jf intetrest c�luiiI4 be so'; much otio i -,t - -i ys. ..- . . . T pp le , , . . 4 TEN VA N )reign 'ly --absor a e h Erench F( e its- a. ke, Ii amon-gat the -:81kill on rg 0 unit, 62f life, ki t i this -ne)6t wo a S00, Q I' T d bed. by the' ..f r. the co li "th numerc tPOI wno, he 'o;'uthor five- ya?ri us diff�are�nt diaripta. as OF Duos -beat- kEtchboi, ho. 14",*: 0 AcT,�, h 'd - re tra ed, M WjJ us� olix best Ifa-ve the eab t, e. poet, it Aa, . � 4 .. f o7y 71& St. 4 E�ddireis to the E��b eit t -nt., a of body is:', rjebt l4e as lij-,6sthings nd f Up to -id%'live no mi-tte'r-what ta,rt 000 There dn I i�irituallist Alliance he- otht6i f1l wrjte� for mufortia.stioln. The qaesti0n of. whih b IS k;* boneis, IV e -the treginaea?i mor -Iongeisib, hits novert be.6- ight. 'ii�e..boien built iah. the whether. is W, partJs. date fa �0imep' glan ,anaer- n' ettled affeiAed' lie the ': h e ut ? , . to' All 11 He ivas mnferiing .6, the n' eatis tirily luiags, or bpr i- al!Abbes. .0 sof the - Z. .. -1 -. 1- 1 ­ --------- - -is -k FS Out a Messa P Of H.6'. a dkmgs Luce or Halifax-oallu­ mould,thg the 10ABg r g, tw ured dra&mi of the'expressed �:bed.,' as. -v ited -tiri- his� lo h hit �'b ' * , , v, -1 lia from, e Age of 0 P ven, throng 'me far-. e A nt.oa leik -v-bLq e—a te v day P �for tbte�- chi,ef's 81 -h for the �io, times a 6c. i5.—Wl�en Inter- somier and,. u ure a. a ii D to be SPITIts. d- I Th�2 A.rt,;, codrqemaY in am.usi.ng 6170 ruing aai.., 'at,.Iier -err i;b e, be 6kcn,by;correl;p011 an agle <) '..pd bulbs,,, one,, Part', Wi't'h h " L6 at 794-Arg�'le'St;, ture' Th� co -lo r c ush -6f.. i4xdi <)I- inguentuln viewed. t, A.frivie-0, Englieh'quickly. deoc�, - linit 8xilaclaq have -ninity years, three IL-17ts Mrs mverstock: was uite willting to.. 4,S]6t ga monit10334-d. in h del; of- 'known i n v&S.E- ll�er- 0 e 66 Il a ri-y was F&owb- into, -,achex forget that acent.-.3 ,when the se,i ca., I . . .. . , ax 1h, eggs, lin 6 f bs�on. y ly. irways �'blue' in to o r s!� to as�l rbo' - - to 'bhL . , and depre�ged�, 'IL. rk aiid;mo pl-ay makes, a -C fismalj� FAatue o e .11) sn,nizi-nid n tbe-:­ n 6k- 0 y ol­utte'rly UIJ -b torriach Was SO 'nt the e c-!-1,s--'use&-UnLVeLr: for.. --child; the youni'. RuUh. arty y that., had no, Appe rs py sri dl -s the moaib�­ nau UE. r er uu ry n to, tpLkei' iglly i'W� the Je�ad 11al bes' not se sffe k a . d dfeat disag qd -t, ... . ...... JNWERSITY T dans in on k nead, t a.., back Then U -W-' c rriva -eatly it d' Ultllmutt-lv "TAR10 and s �Oiri d1j;zIness to ly move Y' prevalent e, childre 91 own �,In, I ;, 1. . i 'a, aloibf KINGSTON. ON its wb i c1h pa. ingl. ac -hie and feared A* ai3rvous'iir6akd the aii�i0s, of APPLIEM SCIEN'CE . rot, a aragn.9 fc-re�ld, oa,.4n ol,d and 9& ki d c� li.se r ive, merica,.. o: afl-ex*a:rd 'a 6er-.' w t. . V ' miandation, -n�' of I A jjpOn iny. druggia. s -ecom, Half an houx that�o of,,Ita in �aaid' eve-ptua-I I y rell Includin amd is re6olrd, tri EMUCA We tc�'S, Pills. camO E e�' . t iq4jir - - '' -11, e I tli-la -hild E;.�NGINEERYNG jiel f th -nei r& _fe M' -tic L' r Alve, tian pe� ig On. .eh etter a or S `h 'J fe �ha4e-d Rula d, R -SCHOOL Of ciptivit t -k - I t M, for snaell-. ad. tiately �after. differ- the gloom :tbe stoor, JULIE and AU.GUST .Ve r thirity `y'e he, in.,stx -woieks;i-� was, a. w, th;s fiv e - at ilip Of and s�ciiite,i ria -lou ed -.,sl luck,, both the . 0; d" coThp: The, Spirit. woman,. cu7e "' '­* ' I . . I t ob iy, H 9 9 G- ;,,g v pf b rokoa r: 'to P.L.r. 037.13a. ear7 ' exp rong Y pri'sonfK may. remon it of' the orrlo- f uP v -the. .-E�tek uvy pl -is:ed Ihim cent, orxi4oft viibat the' it Is. fo.r t�is­reag' th t a .-I't as -W the. i i h st6niaieh',0V diges- repubat n..a.s It it not.., x Vx' bits, cell. Suq d one Of the I the w a t 0, al - yan�.:naean th a :"cu at., 0,13is on �-n 16 eat or, th wolf- -0 q Karbilton's t. t non I .. S -com - 111 REW long'' t too" t.1 tive tmiibles to' u thii r - d joy the look; I at A Pe gest spak-rowt. �tb­e, it is taned p'foo For the t -he Ic nd.tilh.l suans with. "We ave b YOU, dannot secure t -mliton's. Pifis'-7stre ng. Ir �se h I t 6,i . , ti a. anot, er, roill f . 'Dr -Ra mift-andi xi-nibin. plant.' Its b ullij :his (10, sw.inging� gracef '8"TId h i6l, ­ -- - - - I IfAf .. eh -sou -N -ht -D 01114 .". Meer It a U i.l�,g -6 ch --tria-0 With Whic -ou Are.cliargli rove (1-1-gestio -fi*46!7gal ti.he..:Stockbroke are 11 h "IL.D rpb �Iyu' -the n s &,riastore debilitated. %6 d Ste tbut b ejv�e d Inay. e.-.- Wen u�ed. houzoiis as the. cri-me ageI§� refte4e y PD-, in an im- 41 lac )lig' U. e. dres y r e1 out," 1, ith- elfortne -1 5' +1 - ng by. peratiVe signal -bo tbp wnd,ad theii a g�eas ttat. 1�eu in O d e that 4a 1 , - -1 ed and. fitted' 0 biln t VA far . ging the 'system 0' a' 9 o 'tirov. ,;iO3l;-1 Of --many snaal h point;, ry of his Wffffiiiris, h rum uliacitity I' k d 2 er with' tectuaily:� chase',iiw e aald.' take. tolr sPl` toc7 aries ogeth r thoay r eV . ay. -Q - T p -ong .4 *Icosely ..01 -and' disease ba,rracks at ,,.on. he� �pirit he ig Dress :Form'; 30 Year �Lc from years; p4laco univer no 1% b Part' is,mad ge 20' -their' l5ul3ipeasus depx:�sglo souching About the;7 me a , and he k -wh,khto.W4 weati d3 aiieLat'Lfo-Ir -,jiaa,IJhy, man e 1�y Good for young or old, for moin,jor -t- trained expert �8 t -:hey ji�it.N:pniforrft, "d, T material.: uaA s,dfl town, 1i 4 'The his rr3 of spiritism" said. MY he 'Vem.- best. an. All oleale H fro and jiir s. ion. W�W,ian,.for chiLldr, q unselaierl ro covered,, but with.ir.e4 h" of ills- of'Mandrak-&,aad e A.; flandItOMVP k to W. We e. Ai, _31 I --i ". -- , _LS g n :Gla- �_Pyj�fijp the' diaddles.. VVICIF tto 40. b st Olne of dutiab He, A to r as -1,6h is,�& Aeci 1ae u0 PJJ d & t 109� lif :tbe livilig., Ole cirfig, Lin. 0 S.tytas, jrid-- li;iion 0, naaa ­ho.p 'hori U0 or 1. �g P. lio .04n of r 14 1C IS Isn't shel" r�-markid Mr. Dxlbbb a f W-110- BARY -SUFffRS.. bZ walking. �a if h � ) ing ./)a1p Ate !Jr." �su TLIE hiM',E-el I. stable boy sc% it a w6r4 Of Praise for GIL 10N� ago nd, . . ........ ss to re"rked RL aay, POST- S h Cod. of ck BUst,' Skiif­ an& 'he t6ld t e ghba to' go �ing severely* with Rh6umin, I to and, warlog. uid n6t walk iiero)." su er doe"' d T th-e K oja' "I itnaged the.. gr V0 t in H Chin Sack, I h aid! is -PILLS.and became quIte well. 'TWO comes. post Paidl "The new -way.!' 'Riwsi6 t Re!Dog0z6d. dirtr un' d t AID. "$ta'inot ghtose'. The 00un' GIN bab�- suffcr:� nioved off, -91 4()y -soi Ukt�y- -:h1la little Str Some hil been t,4 b f with Neura.1939,, resorted to.. GIN e,ss, . ��, 8, *deds o year 1, to from if 1892 haunt an' in4o� PTT,.I,;,S agglfi 0 11 had to quite well. Y..�rouz DRESS 110AIW1 ire the -s-t&rch UJL_ 110, il is Chilli? b spot becia-use a gb401St- sample free If T�--adhor--Whe owes a,r liv i in, A9helin a d 'fi� m The i'ma OT-, illa'g ix 6 for $2.50. DEFT. ive hira.Vaby,. Asia MiXrl' an -Y�; 1 11 as tto ... . I . -; 0 __B 455 slouch. q"ollai prug &'Ch6rnl�&l CO- 10,2: ontaii :gu d- ax6 tt-.ot Te- of (;ariaaa.'­ aanish conifi- -for an in -1 tbik 'A eL it JaL r h I. . . I I . i 11 11, C.. . L* aaa labur, coa-SL140-nal - ols men aaied the town r ats, f and hi pr an Sai h 6. so"]. the'-stomiach n " hit dealing- out AliffAthol Lukah ai'restb with.. pa ion and 'Lp. iac,t,orde r- - CO nee rrl- �RajS& bojok "Thb; e- u Jis: was SL ,get in, TO1117 In 9 Ie in- e rf V rin. opea-� -�my�-he n alon.- 'the tabl�`tg,`Urs H.- Gagnon, ihoo :.tena ing One 4day- a 'or -Sugge1F fiv,�d, no -wit ;er I was ;a, men bich -the KhSia, ncornialsslofi�d .-&'n,:.`w1bY don't,. -you f 4re t in Smoke d the!wolnia c' in w n should give, a. sull Own Tab- ar "I a i�dommend Baby's :,nd' e of the, neighbors. a a.sked favblrs'an thal d iad' w, at h .dP Y-011 on ivAting. un t to"a 'bega; 1,111-1 CIO out 110 oteei the. 4�plyi, � nam 14P t "highlY, is. a, culre for who.had- never seen before think I She aa 4AI,� didn't know,. .00 -ng, pate,rai,& 13 �n did 60.1 51 � ' Of, I'dji-( 1,11 j�ioot their owner.- - I have fo�lijnd hem' th agg &a ra�n to Atk him',wh4t: )naxies,, again, appea.red'it doiA see. what 'Aiffel .e mallaw os 0), wb. the the world, . I ... L J. -eat We Vdioi e ir i 'makes 46 You belat9t.,mi4tht,be. , t ri fie tibe 'Sane A all. 1 don't care whether: he ible: The ta;blotr, are ',qDoplt you -know, what VV h, cin had novert . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 'a, tb filld �jf le of fanners minds, is own bu-si-' �d' " ia deatlors�:O"r..by mail Kh6j'a, - w wante wld by in' and borsenich. o; 'but. -wdl4 y kis e, bo6i fr m The- D r, A JT 14 not, -�Otra' fhe one'the other seen ahave It v,e N�, F nc d . i.110 go&g to. en Ila ds hit ig W indney 9 d. F navice. aii, 6"t; MeSS-1 iin,tuiefor Sp�avins,Curfi, Ri A: gr4p,at Grotwths kna La ijd i 11' ba-Weship of W. SO qnti4A, JAnny t)le cela to' ine as --b c.h,. with muoll ooriaesdension' sed to Splin�, Bony 0 er, rmouth When' he tion, ig. It - keeps Fra-ii�o will t;6 whi Cau,aiiaa pgt6nt w I e At the a CA Aon`� 26 1�el:.]Oiag, he caused th;a Khoja 66 * be bi4dep... Falls in August. y other catis, n in'ted 4 -ay, ing ay -Canip, Yield at T11.1cet drw - 8, pitcher of. an may OF .101, ia�sud the W&,k end d. I found AHNA-RD'S r;lXI1%rIPNT moat. get back the him.* horsev woiking. A K bottle in fbur,revo1vih9'tUr­ Afto-i4 , grato Imme!ltatt �fbryou.' Getaboti L .. ..... ... ingly, o. th PPPI, le the 0t -0 . - 1 1. � 1, ikkorse ­ - LILA, b ­ aftid-,to -the great KUKJU J uqxs-.-., �y y ja-'-re-PAI next limie yog. the. Kh �ricaing, �4 to CaeAislis,'J5 rellipt6r,.delic and toothache, are Olivn. o" Am ttED 9T0XM �6py of OUt,boao Al-nd bettleii-6-- a house-; 19 TAU10 AND BX1- fashionab rtaining '-It ru'. tenttj�l d itt IAETWEEV l ano 16 'residentk f�Mlglx unt fokV, also ask f6r, 4 -0 intidsit �.of, V or. 1011UMBIA 'richiylad coimpa-h, o the 11 sell! - - - 4 r e a what the 10601i imam in - as and 6r.:0. J. KV L 6 . .. when themer. reL gown. one. 'cd COAV 'b replied 4DALI� Compkiiiy* "Aw V th,i-cAba. hnny -6M .-him, or %P6 oe; Itemi trom ee Al� he"*as sj�own by.& Set- flow. Of language. Alonzo. 604016 Boys' &tk4­G1r19 AVO vant .0ft -r O'r,boe TH NECK hil� th y U voti-ever tweep in HANGED BY An -e- -So ay.,of break - I ­ lain t - .1 . MOTION ce, I remarkd elit into, the ball, bv r "Vd!lf "d Up s) othopmr- at iiun hals. a fi-W A# f0v der the,cia 0 ev bffend6r treALt- i'ng Ow ia r of th ni*hty On t 9 very wbpr 3 end that I 'her a d e-oa 'He largely d or 961-6�- ibor corii or irihAy lined, the L&60r� t,N�Ioas a.'to bein,g expori- ing a magmifice id thikht as; h C Vint The'-Aheir day - Withl f Ur, h ne, pu 'id 1cr e Pno J�ook it iterally'. apidg �dh e gie-'' She SAW 'The reelvt!- 6d: bee & R g workeg' "knocked-cIff' IbO t h r-�Celgni; the ­b ­ 'L. - ----vd- - . 0 t e room., , 6ey ded ring,pheno �na:'of ilior -join, pegL dd o '"7 Qu urope-�n IP I nni n tery. 91' .. . 11-u re on - .1 6:tbited univ6isal t1t6 tion. .'VOUR OWN DRUGGIST %VILL TF ve lip, the 'L htiIng fire in & I, T arriva lor Red, Wesic,W& are .111&nLy ruI1gS*Of' too ne-gligi to 4. r tj con to boa uaa.ttOr f0au,to hint T KurineZ),6'1te1fiedyJ templaing oforty yats,; William'Goe, The comp 'any -Ula"'Zirelids; No Slnm�t ran or BoOk iiitqezt� Mr, A�s who h ty Wort, f -chief -of the Fire bePaxt op hiox Ad jffibviotiga emedy Co�, d) 4oe and an" 0 1 )eiiod to h so&nI�ebod'� j.b �he InA8e of suece-c -k milrine Ile6gd. . . 1. . ­ Le approz 'hed ' owing, ry. I -Riyl v sve =n&Vdlo,7AWI&out twed me-iat ha;4 endd-red. hit r4aSi6&tiOn_ ored AEdfitioniton t6r bonrgii.14 T�e* cgdtt CA&P and inilu 61 ..his ZI 'Mont'. 1A ni to e come� from i -big %pectoj tb, be the health. n, ag tabLI& 4 , d, it is a.n- :they ea, _in 'ge;ab W0,6d The Alhoia stroked the' 61ev4a lot th4ft t ...... - -tbb_ AS , I -WO-111111 srea y eat tltlip4td that, 3 B,114-ViBlollr 0 kI $ . . md libuo *. jut 1" he tAke 'pitt, opened-vVith MaM, 'your w R eM­ oi�,get ary V�*olo ia� an. t good milk or,frui a foi,6. bi6editio' afid b aried itiv 0 V rank V,, woman Moo &6U+,h 'of" -Wi A young roa a'd idn' sobbitigily. driap -flak� of this, an hek'mobhoar and d -t promise to let 11119-- ran. A 6 t are (Iiit� e" , - n , d cur, afts G PrOv ropreseilt� p 9. ia� me. 4tiVo f6d I . ':$ She J�ustr .6oulti't e happy b forgiv �PT me 6 J 61 attrac k6e of flI46M. for . . ..... .. Buk t' part- Of' choice there i�s'ftO 'topio_ Ler u,gbamd! dL over A rty of ge'o 691" bot. beg N 44 (dietiirbe have 'minAdd. it 60 m 0 You, IhAd Indiati. odf­, . aul 'of deli morn u 6 1"Joajj - I Ault r . ...... theri dhe olibe'di "if4ch wtth - I t lid' 60wiftWe re titry fo . oa co' 'd I ',d elred Ine jq,'wiefa afid Ila or ia��pqte yg ttid, 'Oki Ind toof� ogo (5, e4 :, 1 ­ . ... ... .... e,�Ite Y d" V n. The th votire SU hil 19esUd f6d and g d dth& WAste ThAt ft 11DX ex 0, iv dgvy it. U TY an APPL h, ig allowed to aitcumulate lit . 61 t4 ak bf6wn 06160fib theL blood and the Wholt vvi-bb e 14 , Tr - Alnount, d19Wt6dd' gi#49t 17 ), " r. NtorSe's Indian R60t Pill!t 4,0 tykift, P,6st '1,oastieZ'3 u helft are Made istruck yo Jet dlei 66-bowds, tigulating' 011l, plea d MV, LL"A.- theoli-6ti tht kid n-, u A n,tb Ail y o it for y th.6 tlarl-rie Pt )Perly filto�r 6,8: wife 96bb i6i0aidgiVeligth to or� 6 W the skin, Ift1digaIltL litoo L. opent fhot �6reo, 96f Ouee.blood[ and g9od v1def hAio0' 04 (i fotbM�V. th"t S P H fj,'S All with the ob dei &,qih," bul W,�Il A�o t go A I old, INY S* h6Ath takA V� D klo� Kara U theiXi ftoalh sit t6 el. 'in e n have an. iftl:efell nd 0 t ., . ... ... . . ........... .... Rqw_ A . . .........