The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-06-04, Page 8Fir P. 7`7 7-7-7-�- 4 4 " WX 71 ­77_777� !71 T!, X 'G Now '010 Toronto,, Ili 91A T* e, hi, i n, k.Yi Juno 1, M i8s 'L"i' ime verris, f h The T the, YS, op choutp,of Geor J tog are, Tev') 01, Hol ho,00 Qlva visit, h tkooc C Joseph (,),unujn�ham, spent the first of Va�or, Oil, are the n 0 So. vi84`itiAVlisfil* L,', Tli*sl im one of Abb Detroib herve from a, .0 Onther Uraoch". �aMero the Week inj�,),"tIOntbi t NIX lu 4 MY 7,�;,J Ir 4�1 to Zpj -4, iav _ho 4.c. tc 0y', -'you ssrs. A VAp0`r'* 0 D J 11,�e tin rel iv On -7- ".-Fiends, ove A. Of MiI W. last, week itug ter, Ij, to spend. a month- wi 1I her 4 14- 'w M ra, pai e. We e,-Ars,anL&ha ve ic "] the A,5� ift .,47B fTor -V-,._*4� "g5 :4. ag a n _1ittlo, onti leas. oil th w A :stove - with� W, - We B to we are 6A Ab AfeCata iY trewants, of -ail W o'' -attendiiii ',:A6,:�,-BaptiAt �_PEO.Yel ...... arid- that "W -Ck-��itd 6 A -pcpp a.-,-,-tQ iswb' h e �or M r-6mexj ts -of All em it tle� A quml; 14' lle't Ati ion Mondayj J"6 -P�iiVs chii a'. �burn,, d 13 4eii a goo rch'hel t ejT) I' _os inA _g' on-d� 6 hu'taki6 y, left' Vueld th aia �.Klaoro o 35 up Ili West, Wee �h h A e Ldanin.� arrive OV y be; arg A UZZI o_9V d [10111 JA Sat-: n tithe r ter'se'vOral: in nthW eXtetkQeQ'� t E Rd 'Wood last -an il ol$'a --Tber we Oy%., u' we - A., sury d d'kinds of -shoes b PO tu o�h clrovbi our faithfill st d Hdst19r'ibeaI them, all w. n 4t angen %ge elI 9 e h reL �,to -an Y lidlj�:�, th ':B Ofr and for a -fine, shou y Wo: (Juail box alf fre d wihg:31foirz. 'h raifiIIgnohay, shemng t, e 91 cropi, ere 'leased to .0, n agii %in - 'ID 'td an ricies are 2.25 and -5r d th OL The Pinke an fi�t ail tea very gtiaranteed..', ten V 0 eXC T 50L L"'. --L '­" ­:X"� . A ei -'d !n e n 'fav n-- or -of, ev. nfereacethi* Summer 'pl. Nre. -Charles is oil Sun il 'o Mito., (Rov Wed leaching- service 1 ifid, k` Hdwre.' -re- III r week,� i'd Consequently t 2 F hionabi fiaminine footwear thiR _W s-ee d v b t ver y . I I f e- eague i ruion'tind -M t MdK man withdrawal. Owing to 'this t Clejil, t i very. On y u Y, hold' their Te even- were delo0ates,!ft(ii��'b6te'�in.atteOdsvn(!eL 'i C et ng o U e-1 fin Wa will SaCement V r ft -tab f,� weather.and4his., OfLp nre no, r L '6ek . ) he &&_ undi-, I ild in (Intonded,14 Ifist w sirsp.-Tpimps.. a t 71, "ber ass Mi4er �e% W -R _.At_pre ply Is Ppen ruce! 0 t, the: in range odge,. was �s� e 0gaitt 8! c8mul I un I ity from.heiie:in atteisdane6Lat th au ldnds-:9f dFgS t thi thi of the Soveri G I rid L6dgb of 1ing6r y4n, the -B gn - TA an America-heild:i C 0A L J will, be; After in . illness; I of -bf';Mr and Mrs. ii-enstrator 3-' riiibla on atthew ye a Shackletbi k 01018tte ut week. f N'Wth ei'bi al D ii, passid;to bis. honie :Of r, est Ok_ rigijit -PA -ow -off -ur-- ue elm Th to I iruceT . tistir� thi try of:Aha�kifi'g T t n:C T� 'MCI, nee- day,:May 30, emetery on M AiOd,:79 YAW r1e, YL _of bdels� wo 117ve: received: da ring fhe short't 1 Qpe-.- 0 eptiod.-r _e leg L, '' .. i h Inuance Nay y rgely-i ik�L -take ace fro her late rest, fijaA'fo _the� M_ We -LEHIGAVALI-EY-COAL All dv�er th. U1 con. 2: Bruce, Oil Tuegiay,:Jane. 2nd., to' h C best,�c"trni Purdy's cerrikery;- spryjee,,at, the, Ouse- th d_....., fitineat to d & Hard ware r receive 'Si., th Lea I n at 1 -30, sest.,,iii4i .. 1 0 DOWSE op Tu� 's. ,�Cne tende ed. brotheiig'rsaid sister IV or !Y d',,to bereav, MiisEddy, o desigits and - P%__ , 11 1 , , . . dgy--bi.the-bilrg. e's. MO I SE' & :1 RWIN Drevallin d h et. t ay crops were grea, ly! TuesdA J no trid �Aiceis'16r'June De: ivery -be he,re s. Y, U P' ed cent, shower, f- - `ki ,sp�nt, Ve urnM;V. AnnieFCoul, eys 9 aC flow oh -KcDonald -And -daitille-wer _F Mes, "n -*7.2$_.' tAast week." past. eek. Visit n riorlds, in'L tlie�,Viagbatu one day cdal 25 cenitti loto P qii�ing their, _V�Q nity arepleased' -to..' r .-Rob&L -see: re:able :McG- ui A&zbe--hom T WIK 1,6ndesb e W W ac,appeare '41- of the M' w6i purg, one a ouit of to isiow list dnIn evening list, seeing to. thiriI nsh, is, v-13itin 10 attedd the'c ig with Miss Fearl %Toddl. NDS, irood. there's iiii, place like'. Holy urg attend Quite it primberfribin the b �NT-' WOR'§* THAY: were - L�' '.! ; � ., . -AvToAc&:DF -W ed the:, i�ry servic a Alimitereiry'-liervi. M7 it-th.24,ib -with -his--- orme some. tin Y& 1hai" -last -W-aver r ftnfe- e ago t a ar .00" s -b vm� diiflimlr er ISOndol, -!.)I mr, P&Wr 4- 'pa t er-P4-�-H for e4oif�-,l reh.n, u ii`�'YL r Ott. sb n Choi ja 'Tit aubl&mliii or ng4n WOW es tere are..,eveiy autorno- F d' _b as.gkqg in Blli -_bnsv..,,sb j6ini BAte- -�S- d "-8- d' ` Ak !02 - it Joynt's . § given,du w" Lovie Fevef.)) ,taken po temionof i now tailor a. apple crop Y�&" bile, and'staredf9r, a tihi -tii�' round.- C bad.- the ej prospet. e *7ily T he village. e, corner 'of eanealu,"t wgi'V Owig 9 --l-rousers: le1q., are that 1h di a 6- ihe­66l1ep6g-,of iL. e -a .me e wa er n P A hatLthe UL -k- 'th pbj; of alsoi i. age on on, tUill' k6 intlenis to.hi-ve s6me person to -help p ChIldren'like.- to run -around "The'se"Trousers. are were home lost -week, to"ittitendthe d' e n made of' fUn- of'hores' In order to prevent.a ust has b e. fly'111giprdit fr;6,ely. Ing on,ibei feet, but't I bey ;@�re 6ften brown and iffitki. Umps. . an ow ties. ar.e �worn. him eat those, vegeiaIbf�s the com' eil�,atrif 'their fatheri whi'Ch took' place eollisioti he'tu tied. his' machine 4aitlil' r ne quality winter. he lono dfiveis count. a( Ag :LADiEs"lNsTiTu'TE.�This.:biauch, of ed',:and the bare foot 0and*1 dril I in t 'st discliir�io -.166i running a anist a post ' aft', OSS: t FO rth dn-, Ki as ig,kis are. 1 titute will hold the next g'were obsiteii d William McQuillin,� 49mashingthe1r6rit of the, 'fatic Ine _�e excliu-�i-�.e 46s* ie'ailo an spri mes. in giving all. the' Win the tort,' .,,;vitb -bo,16, belt loopsi five pock�ts, atte was. found tl and saf deilred. We-, rie on ungannort-on- -eveming ced in stoA 7 717;�_irousoti.ar'e bound to e- p6odlar Th t' will' be qddress"d -AD—Ci on..Janl) 11. at, - 2.30; ad. cuts q—t _tjoinof The4---��ade-by-the��A'-EinL�i -iriecting-i-aAheliall * ndod.th6 Xxecutiv6 meeting hold free b4 b "re `Wn C or 'fut have just, pla oclo;ck.. e nwe Ing e ay with'the -bre Inin 8 "Wigaie ;Pry n h I uron Counti ,6f these itfvel�,�pi��Ciai,prie d aker. tarid �iilre absolute y new., o"H ng &A to,. l6ar at t to - .,b ravell, trig e ega,. seat by ilie League, to make arrangements f9r, the were bioken-'atid, dent6d. orturititely, telephone is lik'ei to And.,its way up the they" AtIp much,nicerlan y a -alls, and. e, carry a comp e e ran e bi 7s a'nd'� Sizes- 4 to 1, �l�c� ell'than, over pride is' department., -irbo in wi� nniug at a-, s o. annual 6t at Foint.Far The date theian was ru Sge6hd. We h6iljg�jhd Scribeth and' -On Y E 'COMING, EVFNTs.-Bills are. on .111,- -was fo , r7Junel7th age u is influefic Rural to� -11; - ore will .8 010, 906 14 to 10 ."$1 1' $11 mpre h ths-preventing-niore - ser a -It -is said,, th nouncing annual datiden-Pari under.' Pathel R ndot "' hot mail as I ws possible,' U, e. hRobert VicAllister.took number 'of o wa0i 8001 the auspices of 6e food. Mi6tbOdio -delay. is,at-0ttaw&.(over'ouriwroute:) xploit, fo, chal"ch, hie. the St-Helenites-on- arfishing"10 EIly"S QLO89-CAiW-=Whilg: -g wyear in J.. Glode��&; 1"f, Thursday I in _auto, rom eriek1l to St.. PeterH oing Anich Trains'liae been Very irregular to;&day . Ackeres orcheiiid, and t& dat i W a is among whom wi�re Messrs. D.� B. M4r �eaused by Siuble line, Kis. WilliA serio �r Whigl, -e nesday';"Jifne"10. Agama'ofbase.- us weeck nee hafaL. * We s, rely: Gebrixe. Stewartjk�is "YturaI and atiot with'an ace'i'debt, -tz she iwas yrapatbize with th OkI p"sing Ps itourl, Me 'We never. heard'how th ence,4'AnAiew Mittenholtz !8pediallj with Joe Herrington, one weenL' no and lipley Wallis Dav now Coffin Wil 'nee at five e resid bf' ed e, o'clock. gbt,: ut\tbey,s 'that 'tbivillagc�.on a,TccenCSundA#L,m�rmbg, Wo"ur gig bore down, the Jith, of Hur6n,.- a-,n ts WI ;many fiah theyM fron six natH rea Ing, LcD r which literaryan-d. the -shaN of -%-6-bugo -And wing remIU4 rnii:41L .,afte ad a; 90 i8�7tbe_ er- orse-a uffi e ae ain thing. %1-prograin L, ick now Ai�leir "B6 turd -warning: .'Be rvie West'. Huron 8 emen s, Instjtute� heri 6 her lai The baby, isilln price. s' W atint bab;� fro ye,also ready, for. in. 66filan"hour e etc. -will-be given. Tlig.adlm I I L I I L " - .,Y Summer-'ateetintits' Will be held in* St. on-bi thrown oat, tookthelap robe thinkri4 the son- of Tdan'qombtb. 10 �krli 'p6pular-1 fici; for children, 26;. for He actalts-'and everybody. %vdlcqme. lens Public, Hill'on' the afteiiii6orti, of ivith it, which. -formed. 9, ne� ivhich' McKenzie, on e second cohlof 'ker., 0-b-a-by-t-mv x -Thei-'spea P del. betidelini.,the _qp -Wheel.Land-the box 'Itoni :of Toi. , -V sii,Jntoiid�.-raisi -new- barn to -th, pg�his X Hanit aig �,71vr. be Dr, �L th 'lait summer. 6rito,'whose sube, lows I nboltr hearing of the mi3hap, went as f6b Tfie raising ill taki ploCib 6n. Thursday. WEALTHOF "The Health , of Wonien,", "A 'CUIAa JIM 6 the lady's dMistance atonce. He took One 0 , is own rigs an roug eak Ing I e. ru tt e ie-tl House-016aning"i ' "Ohe Th d aI chifd 16 :gt. 136 where' nds are I itifiace church, ousan it6d iThe ladies jri far ead arisianSA&Make hin Liti V Voung mon in, the bou 6F lilkir SO t 04 Aboodant. Canadian gables and Their Doweir."' A, tpo i Mr. Mittleholtz near wi �1 be there to.wai with interew,... in* nitiation adu "i&sid�will lan`&thd d 'a I women sion i4 exWn ed �i�; 'I -trotti, ndi;ftee front dandruff . I puilin first. Then Ho! for the 'supper Isilge attendance ishoped4or anda ci "be, ch' -sen godf4ther,- in thereapdotie neighborhood. krityLitifforrill' hariftso so maiii under the spreAdirij, b�alichgg of th6 or. Man� ladies have b and'yet mie and, wontan s greatest,c yet th. -1 e6swater have streaked, thin and lifelgis bait and ,Thdtg,were, -quite a numbor, a, e walk ungfteefully lasO­rtnedy-­­PYet -hair n on wtty' Into the a I old firile 1 8 lorkr� f �ty music d clancing it 110toing aid" so e -0 Saturday, May h! 'glit. Wj fio�e, " necda 1�� is Argely a matter 6 care heavy and terribly cramping the wearer. fo ours Of,' the C611elle C L L . . - I Freqftefit appUcatipits of Parisian Sake 'ec6re4 of.s. ibld 76: -hol 0. oTsets'while fully supportingi pernalt comp ete free4 made out poss ome for the i- n accident may mar'th well Xubbed into the scalp, is all thait 'is Wallace �N p easurc.Abab. , M 'day -events. t a ap and' aft'at the � satric me very Lie usually accompanies these d ted to this: season's,fashions i" latvey '14lebbL tic ed itAct§jjke_na#iC,r Try itt6night dom of move ent. They mould the figitre: lines to the� -vort iwill' realIV, be eiuroriod with the re- Insp�ctor B It- �isftid the school here Airg, th6 old. b6ca to 'recall similar e, I E ng or -bending, n, any "sitl6n.- This in- I I A i1tting.. standl I OmfortAbi sult, Ndt Only IT Moorkle �Rpft, Jon%#e-k. ke-aeg away baek- in the early jbi t* the WdAderfUl-bohill used' will ha" Auffy, 'radiant -with life and real!iy doubly ee94U& in-od )2 'fiffling iair and tculng fica p cease-, _George A bi f f a" Pp 411 eour head. 19'els �'ne`L Mri Ward from . 10 VwA Web8t(,.rL W@ C All druggists sell a' bottle Of Par- W. 1. A end v4th hit brother-, BkOirimeota h s�Ckag e L e ar 6,b"LIL ath th ell o ic tit 6. of -13 e eian So gre. for fi fty edit t4, GA it fio I s reffifid -the 1 .61) guei iss ZettA.eiguliqt 1, 1 ohn McDonal Efittim0k) 9teg,.9irq arI a,- o Thoing-. -60 nionev if vott. -..Iy#satis,Aed -hride- nr f London and his ruie 190. Th Ontario!�. I town for ii, few d4ys, las.t week. U'b---- Ambdri[0 ten prf!pa th' Stewart 0 iche has returned to Field Oific 6f the 2 Afthough Wiseenj e onina l&'64 1; 'i hitt Re Iii: 81thdoo, after spending, hiii holidays here , d. effitif arMt' , 0e In the United Stgtoiji' the I I nigth of weh CO fo t, 1. 77 t Ort It depeitid ifi&Orid .. Jul 111011 ar 'Ma �ageS. f the corset.will kbtaild Its shapla'Ifidefinite illy1mitatiolls, ff� ­ Iry. Ritclile, due, to the ra 1 , at In 6 11 1 - . ..... ... fa�oi s V6i(16h&:b6iJ1hg bat e, c6rae f is the, Up �Cr4hdfi fi. -visit iss Nell -Fowler !_'�!71 I �1_1 g). U u, fe ,0" tfi, l - . eAhrilb Or]; vis- d gL tit t n jation of �Iiiur -outward a#06ArAtic6 YbIr t be too carefut f farlk� and Will Youtiz of L e, rg, con- tably Mr. Atid Mrs Hrry lu r upy Vt what corset you, WI wed r' lkbtAtriatier that c6ftme pjectcdba no a OuSunday, ited Xinpbliidge. friendo,ldtf SaA&ir Df- of t6ndon, 0 rotid gill other -makes, )Li who.'We4t, B t 14 sta 411kahave, -0 are quit& different f mis 'of St. August Guilki()Ylei 00 Or, over spent. the wee i re the, 24'h, superior c4det. They are sold h- Insect hai pra o cei k with her friend 'o -w s tella Deane, ifie, sisterij M44 t touild th; th ti realize' they h v6 found, on Yin W, W'I � 'L lli 111%ft.; s he anaaWAte ..(or Corset, r , L e 11 !�Lv _ _. ter� The 61ratild Mission which was hold, leAii gut., 156 oin iii: , , itgelf "a Zddlei 0011fiLit. At pric I oi fafftS the. In '96I6k1et­I—Fr' e! -UP- OW utday night ifter, as lort. the best designed,bes t'll9thest ng It- th b&W last week! closed Stinday tit 4, 1% lit, & two mbafh!�, trip 64 , 0" tarlO, Ibd' &4 be6ti sWilf �U PI ""ligId Ito ffi ail You va of 0oderidli �j 6 c6riget. oft ihe in' ths". West. 'S ti The Circular r va � 00 Ia. IVt. tild 81 Robert Dnilbini of Luck id, o rho W, Un U ill.' d 6iter's mother, Mrs. Ae k, with' h f Adiri Mrs . 1 6 inetho'Its fS, reak & rust'di Mdil, baltorl,, - . ... 1. d ­ 16toiti mtls� -be adopt. C d in 6fdet oControl, thib J on, a post, b §potit the liol'i th'hge brings li by card return Thollo 176110no Corjeta_' I"I'd otirtn6i, n sy WI r,. fig Ina, in,64 spent Stifidity at Pi M, boting hW A, Dt, U Be rned ct,.� eek Aftef spending A few V is home t dia' Aug,6U arbld Skilling i ef ut w iofithp Of git," -w -d Field'offio6f, and fwtcthei [Itei-history of th,6 insect was, an its. t AtigoAtlue. IhsitCd King9brid& fei0tills, bt..,Stewaft hougg of St. eks ag6. Studied, N, the Circulat t 66 Son day J. UA-1bg I, inve iga i6a, Is— tq f4, U11U, ", - .. W . I I I � I L q1 'it" I - ­ I I lf, �eiiillnrvifxa — rd,'un uspleo-,t.pf till 6 W A I Muslim �Mtld of the Anglian church, It, ult r 'narles M6157 cut, earl fatthifig, k6tiltieft Of cr46p etc., are wo6­#hd1Aift.VriL 0106taiater. in I '.1'01heiser f the Otnd Union AOtol ftS w ':,b ell its attifle:iAl remediesi of o MIR 0'(46 be of Ashl -re W111 -W detbo lneSSL rip, I '14ir 111*&4.# 0" bus t slight th to h circular wo r 0 Iro 0, t6� U0446h, W U 1�jj U1 1 U, th t HA'1, W. 6611 . .... .. ..... ...........