The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-06-04, Page 4V 41-4 , tlt� 777Z7 ppk: ...... . . . . . . . . 7, R NEW$' 1: Erri k. FF." I I � I - 4 icia 6 , Ir0ow x_*_ 11 � - f j�oi 6 th G, eyo CANADIA Th6follo n �a ea to 0 Court o 0,vlk . �erry wowpr., MI!s d 3sjoezA 0' at, LuOuiow. U10. r 1�� )v - - - - died 04'Mz�y 'Alt 11 of flurpn,- 0,nj§ ot th ),of pulioas, J vist , 01 e _qat,o AM"ENZIE. 11roprlcLQ1:s tylklog �Jriffl % A vs . % " of, � 40 ut were licard and detOrmiDedi e 04 z 1h nadjan' *jTktet,� Is* � the . Cherry in after it because Q I Ccony" 1% Aleg, Fvaser�'ask' YO Lot -Bird;-co laxwlnj�, a: beautifulfirtq mg to'ha 44 f, use Jt_ vith SEEKER 0W -W in ii%' 85tii" A 11Qon '3 -own 'tiIiuetfi� dess, I— _A,� ­­­ I 4d -limband.aboO son' fliti rruft-grower. WHO Pre cit�ep�iso�kby..heir d ful, t61he appollant tenanC;, a fo� of Olt' 19 1-4 A3 -7 -,ts allowed Whew at timea:�t bey settle ci� 'a' 14Year. A o4l. w, pp 6 dozitirt- sltlo- by J04,11 t. 44, a 74? fariver W042 RXOVW Jarile i, ObUh 4 sid,%.. go.., Is co a hor,� of t'Nvo:, Al lk", 10S - _ftou their hittilt, 6 e, ca 'Win, -14 a ib s� a -r on IV-- ay C ft he e 0! 4� ti ,Crest,,jcv t keeper to 3. lippeal. of R i§V.,. it is an offence for a 1101�1 a, OV4 .,that so , , disunguisliAhe apmies; little vears.a-vo tie leaves: (10, 00 ot:4, �rpducflcnin bis'assessniecit on income -like tips at ih eii Rvturw�? 44 R�P� Aq ZOO,. Vaip, -6 - ", 2� _:_ I - I - � j),reO sons, &ncl: two daught6rs,, -0 11 wed'.* _y wing weathers. Vary� �4 mu# Sir from o. o 006, was; 4_16 at, o the house. -Thi' I , I anil heir secoudar ibers of, 4 10Ou4orAPvlPloD,,i n aIL1 Sohn.Scqtt Elliott, an ol n,, rhp� 11�eh -'I Oil nqui er an'. Qx no 4 residept' ,so, uch, -P.040- nk'I-D'g 'Aha more, er to a watm: �IL or OCE 'thkit, special regul ion,4 mad6 a 't on Act unt of III ss., AN 661009,; musf bq Pe i or write -quftkneat t e�cherry'bird Is 8 vel, we e w as 5 year's f oine� it ob I at t q, yello, t been for many yeavj.�_-; ses n Of qron str III I beautiful 'creature, 1 0 tug of a dusky-16sid- dantof the 'township, 116 leiaves e y6bbr 9 is er y, de- alad ja te How, both 092 K� wicllo%vi, 0110 a A purt e MAN 'INCRE sj� efi litte' tip offt,Wltli� y Thot F�ran�, Owee _�o Arm" -Arcong`,.�' A""' 1' ek 6%red ti,befin., iyl'� .......... arri -'Of­-R0visiOA-*fi)s . 6� 4, fttgj are -otial6qii; Tei6` I tin , it d Wnrotri k-074-Prik- h t PPOSA S 1:P_4,R �!TMe n %i'141�­X'11 rAtij� �Cul ZIP JouxeUy�Blt� b Liik'14L�_ iniorm;4A -b TO FPR77� .1�� � --ff 6 .16-1irin th W t TheMoIiA�A met pursigntT9,4d . ­%:­�. o' Q611jrn, They, pair, theit--whOle'lives' gather- . , a or -)Ilars. T1 is iq a hopefu 'h in -floc �0, r as ln� -Dj W, 0 1 x e millionA i�ent 4it 11eeVe -Wilk I son, �jjj the A H m*M41k' ea, together inq arg. AS4,Z VEH,. III GOING -NO -as: any Ird, 1.'know, Wf Men tl� latob,�30 y�#r a. HOME t evidences -6t elfaIIL' teres Ing', No.,203�12:25 li� in. : ce I M, RANSFORM your houso into N0,19t, -as ey.-- 114P M :T6rort6',i'Stkr We6ldy. No In-, returning,prosperity. The, inocoey, strirg- Mr; IVal 149 C X Ili 4UNZ. earlivhotriq Was'ifi Wa,14erton joetbis rae-,Make.. ni h NoZ 20iL pr'ea'ch. �vther is X Ho' 's 'YouU. 205-. r4d.�nd a6pted.-Thti folloWind TiZ ib�, i' aid,of 'JAP� LACL--t e P� in- 611cy 0, T tW , years was largely w9r, I OCI L. '#.j" &i4ih)ii't�e Ora� 4 pa�el, B. Uv,� oil Jellow�hlp. 'Crowded, to-, en, llCweatheied 6A, -the tar ord qii� tt �T ,,asuiei�ei��duly passed, fpsson lit .,anc(, jive -n ished brass he due, -to th fact t at savings _c I essorj 70-O6,fot;s&lary,. branch,'Or, t n.. ash, they. ��Adra" ronijhe,:� an sjobe. in -v John Bell' 'a R, heir mountal . 4 6, ffi�4. I ion: B'ri��e ",do -Wa� �,an iro �vor�i4, fo lishiiillf; -gxture's, �a.,wictuiliti-rcill finiih��y�ith 61f, had been 2 at., 116. Was,' h gether,asc coqe'a4.jhey,, ca ci a, '61ack, )A q I , . I I �s F A' gi e c sir wt b A d, h A, touch. to', �110alyn 6 ad4 ail �kiiiitie -are 'no qu e a' - momi - 't . I t.- Dnt'� bobbing ploryOd 6xi ttko steed bridge. being a tin apply t4irt 16idvalue s eculat�ons,'wliiqh have and:, 2 58 for, )ostage 'an statio"ner t, I AAF cc uv- .1 y� -.11 . -, thti Dra�qbw ft6om-�-, -A-LAC gold iviltjild it. Yov At 0_"�46�-b Aser P 00 At -a h_qr;.,and. CIA -aitd-dhigr -�3­132 Jorvotbii�- -oiifis P allot L ftig., ip#�r - I --,, - - ., - '. - WR d t-7,0, Pgre ripuphiess'..,,; ..Neva - l�y] ur. ti, iinu ]no h pl. lumber e 4 not' r mys. on rs:, r6o s or a .1 AP Oy" iAid:- that. seldom ^ono wond, bh�tli`4,­­"� r MW6_q�, - 11 a found1or-f6ti 'd u carry,. on eir '9m,'panyi Limited, u. pu 0 :rQw Inoney,in, order, t lexii Gas. "AR Ofit' All ",M' th Apoty 0 has been alker- ixftat,64 bus'lh' l�, na 61 at euL. A o. quiqtu ry. import' for, gj.;�V -�­( --l ­,ifi- -11 - , I , .-I-M16.1 es d , p, 27, f gas, -P -cot Ant ()Sv-.dnd: j bail 'to tttel west- pi t'6f the.:services. of a the, accou ntant'.embloved -in., the in OPT - 1�elfa gl r -4�:, ��"d-'re..v,,I.vpd-.�in-6dd--iiringed- U011161 4 he- -collect g--o-U76ioney' to -the-affai; of. the 'Oritaria ows K", one'- :S fr'�6_iirth ct�e,Who, -D E It sect or so 'which flitted by, 4nd the: rs which- W6st-:S,h6re �Rail-%4y �G�6,,Rutfle;­lightnipg; quick-nePs wfth- 00L RE PO R -T 7 ­ east 111 din' of it to'thbae, y, ar no, 91 an 0, e� ;7e'ftt S. No.; �Ai I- 6; C"'As them. gave 's FIFIITV�,-rfi�eFor-ligr=of-"S�-- vt m 1e1__rr-VAq­ -­ � -7 -777' ­` ­­ ­--_--­­­­­­,-n7t, _rqp a . . d the Boundary f Kin'at prot*!l f th b 10, ABTJFT�LD' j the d 0 Who Can use i� to"a'diva,nia e. g difiet -Wesley F otter, '50c- for'filli The f ollowing is. report..' for.:,kpril confers fit strAr er, es ng nd pesz-­ UID19 it ofi`#Sait-�en t ne P washout at calve Line at' ay., 1h So ]much, fori ,the SONS, Ltd., G GREAT, MEASURE railroad.- John"A.. W.C., for Allte good-, �01de. of the V:­Bern�ttg 0%&ug�hlin, 47, Fir an�, Xarine. Fanelli, 9' ',974; g ing, washoutin, rcoad-'4- gxdellne' 25;'00n. Little, Fred Johnst-ofi- '898 -The passin if you P*ne4 q 'tr es, how;, h Aome,- Rule h e �EY lmolw"\qat, A ent f ,Z44 2 g of the, Iris) , _: Weit erry C ��bird_-th-aC-sett X:LIND�$A Jt�; A�uc 11. pairing - _IV aw, - ------------- --------- )-n:- ae— --U-Q' T- 0 Bill--by-th6-�British--,Ho.use- co.- - ommo-os-,- A w. r -vtL . ritnig toekotinsurance;'Fireand AT -and gole4��:a, Elrjory i, 622- xeE� d cknow h i I First., �class"6bibli6,iiids',,Oaranteed., �, -Only scattering, t e iii�G ilfo. h. Ci.. 0". iord q-1 G ia u ing Fergus( 4 'bi the lo -dint will ever stand a'spne of'th6 big events timber f doWh on the h PA 0- Scott 726; M �3, t or same, and,l .0 f or rep; dul- 'p g et at the heart 4�A txeianL aTe nmimmb of 'Village and farxn� Mu i:'and:Iinteregting, histof vert at L416', Coit. 9., tofal 6 OQ; - Job UL Lorn Farriih r)8,1 10 deigtroylng the 'Prop" es Tor sa' 1� � L. . I I .6 the evoniiftj y ti 7! oVening at- 8 0 Clock ib.-Aheir 0 L, Oune rs - sa ar acco as 10 I .. 11 .�M, I �� br tuxe I — it A:h; h1_ ­1;�, A xwi� 't i, I I 'lakes' a very !-Iicid : and ' WA,;+ i.: A r. Tr., 0*00 Guii a ver. 19.'Lazy t/ 4i bilious- attadiz-:Whih­�your: liver-refus . es -to do its - Ybu ket flo, ��':w �r. Y.oube�otne conshpated. ork. iThe bile dbes� Pq Y J�ave.Ahia "biiteras, Fooda0urit Instead., of I ligisting, ;ou L '' Ai��, a Ainflated" _4a . ji —. . U,iits'.iick-�-vomiting, and,'. vicile�6t', headachrem;-The.:,twst- 1aid. -cure for, biliousness is Chambeflain's' �prevqn Tablets.. The� make the liver do`iifi� gt.hen t -k's, ai�d,,ro4ore.tol,p"�rfo4-4�i*-..:,k5c..-i-.b-iditlo.: -digesilivi6-orgvit ­ 1 .1. d Druggi*_or'by mail. All. Dealers.an T A j V I vvu a .5 00, part paymen r, o salary �a y � -f - frumanitaft4tin Wnd 'to' deefile all Jr.:IV..'�­V6rha'Sti6u& 76-, OG -of a, l6ss civilizeck country. 'In� of'hal].-John -P. 'Collins,- 2 1 00$,-. or: Thos. Wa rt;wreams. Grand� 13;_ T'llosd Rb& Sce., A. H. -B04 H� 'good PL f the , -,Wil!!L e6ter-5i 'T s4ine do that tho ptiona 0 65 - countries such.as-1taly, Spain, portougai V J, e to �tranfffer. hA �red&46 dAidrew,'.(N.1yrte I Sr. -11 :--Alfre :% I't clgon� cherry, bird 'in 4�jy Way, C'qualize :tb0;- It. it, 1� Xt. aepredations-pring blossom, tlM*e.L bster).4 tic Fre& ica Pretty creaures. e t A t-. croPs. elf!4pted by 116qgesi, of P. J. 156-wriO -and th' �South Anierici�­-re�ttblic , 412, n in i(ii e ties,(Carnt wBeaitcon b�tneets; change p6tadi" -c6ii "t - re dffe' c,�ejt.Thursdayroilkht'dri or b6fo& h6tull d: �1�4�64 �o �Watitik W) niobn in th4 V�vtilopjjz-street -t, r7The ea8 Litckfiow'W M W.;, Without gjv ris to civil war., _st y Ritch 'A! in Beatod. VA46nib Hlill.M1 ie A Alaql]oonalil;�.S. -P' -§qc t -vas wt,�ra;nied. an Maishall-._Qib-�­- with us, jo� 1 ountiies_the.�j#3Ar Th61611owing`a�,couiis "tative., the Abifenth Uiiie Riccq�i�, geg-lint. j7p. m6nded,, -y— _b Qr_�pj ment- y T, ger (se R 0 :LC' ourr Sher1jr6od' No., 50', Luc, now, - '4.11:-Willib Stroad"L Beverly Beaton., .0. F. hat teqQf.' connbCtibn -with 'the4atbreA -.'6f-,.diph- du -and, a- half-luwkes)7" Xdeqpjn.Ahe ta v 'last Monday of t1iii'mouth in t . 1. :"L " , , ' i - 15r. Pr.-­�g L U out �n.itioit alone c n '#V�tilm6rtt thoris in,the houiecof -Angus'M61)(inald fiii north and o#jy fs,.spe� herq,dur- qsi6 Rit'hi "Margaret Web a, d7b 1� violdin -ft6thern 'thei sevqreq.t goas,_ 00 pqopl�e��,) p1d �,-he '-cafti6if of'thd Village of , , , JIB. These ster, Geitonde Si Red..'Secy., R peo Riplek whose house. reud, Earle Welisten' W- TkeAS., 'EwartWebatei, Peail.Beat�)tt.J. N if -16 lfghii,. ever urpoe, FiW`, " . '.1 ixail�juarantineA proveE y �'knc ., _ , %,.on. & qo­ikie- . . Ji. Pr.�­ N'. oi "plax-Alia e- _WAstet W ordeiedAco b 4 L Y Viz:: Dr.:-W,� 1.s- ­tioz-far tar-zp-mou v:� 1�w. -MAI L 0 -&RDr-77, 7 ax 7 r c_ 1,1e: j]"L -toxiii-and-disinfect. aber-,on4olij, s"i, a ec., oassing, e 6 .'and: th6r nil affefi- aticei 25.. cc -P c6mmon, 12 10, for professio Was 6ten gr6 nj6i diiice; medicine and AisinfiaAA Nkfa.�y it. dulbeit,. T'ea*cher In'llot., passi g no, aud A Valual M rit- Tha"t, after''one litnilr6d f.- vailwiiy. -fare and,ex'ponses.,while The lobster JuAjlstiy� Otfiovi 'Sco, _,Jw,� -,iff ­­..... _,_­Ifi"�A __L __ ". N, F' nfdd most Tg lj;.l ., e .4ptatidhf6r.jd6`t such a �chqb � as,.. th _O with.an ds�t�r cAr Wej& ".-L Ontarlo-Medical ffic(ire-of,-H.eAlth,-held,-�Th-er-id'tgl�i)�ark6t�vlq3:uer'-gf A - Ott- T!T7 all; he I tt� *.,:at .111 wis to intiodube; thd Irish Nation - B] at Torofit% �total 22 604 Ji era taken' you V 1 912, reached qf, - 0.1, -Sr. .1 -��Reryl,46hnatiin tr-6 skunk coon; fox;,wezt��o tp 'a I"' '-ve�� u f jl�dxn IQ: ist, tillvnd�bfseas " 1 4 &'4 eAotts in the ser4lce�iin. iupy',] I at would!;gi, year en '4 gus -W T e .;In red-. 'to mR -got c66i 'TWafulej t -I�eks ke being., was, . df .-if O'Laughfin Bet-' 7 7. tion wl Ahb-neceosArlea oi W &r,26days i-witfi� ci6rroipo*d1Pg *q6 Ve Lbulibn recogni Iv- ot'to'be ei-pected.' �It wxs� Alilte VLaughlin*. 756. a 0, 'as. �milllowlor the. WhOle'L D4,"itziloit. nark d�y, 16 60, for funeral f C h j MIZE-10, _Afo-r&And7go6ds-' i;g- 2&i ibtW1139-76 t,-�A M_-_ ind Xe*_Bruns,.,,JqV!x,,. obq enn,. n."uiih h rituce, Ed_� I .101 Wer46 valued at,$74%8690 1�rv�y Ana6rs6n)'tie's; Bilrdre fin:xily io ItUts �@I­s 60POs - Kenneth 1, detay, i �O, for ditig. ffifig grave ti L' wgid.%, Island at $Sti,n-qj� and�-Que-: Jr.' on.� of Cli".Moniford (A-g� -�J, yearg) who.. b- I 'at' $2638ag.% .4orl the, sawta e, L., ec q A# Hackett) ti�A.. died of diphth eia :bh. 1301 d-Mbhe r mpire-tbat ienL' e -G 6ate6t�,E -Has-BL McDonald 'to for -rep. 4 p. tQ- DrLdge -'6-n ne! Zcdo ling Wasb SFde I vounx� fruit. w uld You. b6 dU-!. Posed'Ao,do? I 111m. Iii Ott, saw ter, . or, 11 . arolu XVrglotls D, UZ; V�rau,K 7 el r �'Luckndv,",�and Kincardine'. p ITUL, oseph 49. 501; for repairing sattau-nglumself-upon your -cherished-, 2 -bessie Mod -133... 4 'toy offi6c ev6iy�:,Tuosd�iy. Dur- 'worl;_Jn- of the Magna Cfi;jttta,_Ahc1 -the Bill' 6L cjjivert-o �8161ine�45, : 030b. AA�X- curit".6-1 -'-what 'Wduld-'you say?­'O'r 5,01. a. Jr..-gL.,L-24a6e Allillin vlottlyk A MULA-TI . ..C­AP%TA-L­­-'­- NG Ing,, r­_-6r-tjW'-R_ -jjj-1Ff1�-­e­--d- ef& ng r -j 9 DroV�n;­,j--ffq-e­0hj0-r, S r nd ame, -upVp -yqur-�treFaqUrVd-,ras"6rfIe -4;Jb`-­1Q1D J lins on;�, ',I�, mew. estateg; os!=Agnew under MY SuPer Bill"of 1832-foritlin�iks-,fht eginnin' b -atten.dan-ce.,at,t.woineeti,n,g,s i re� Ontario r and W6st Sh(ore, Railway, on&at Inca - subsequefitly di rered this You Secol' sailib 1`16 kdi�red �fhiiafr 0,i4tt6n'z'p' g, j,.t,,6jIf- Alb6rt Altoiqi� 000;': Led.harit... ­J�L A. GLENNI .:LfAe , k TI�IOU and C in. its 0 , ew order of things Britain- f 'a 4. (,line, and the other'at Kintail a.jjdjor� cour-choi6est 'c$erAei�-ftbe,Jcir theJ -otighlin 089PRAGNI . Notary Publiej provinces. or b divi io info districts, telephone message%� jac0bG._at­esi_!.5'5`c.- jpicking-��would jou. si�'idlifloy? You, i?7 -Ainbrdaetkog cdwnaisi6ner.and'_,Con_LLv inger ga 'hv,.,&c n Plate �Glhss 12 Wk or., Lif6,T aving oc -�e if -government-,- c, or-rei -ift- f noving-o -grates-and-, puttin 6lgli1_AfL6xAy_t -e--culpAt fated ones:. ckr'tw6s for AlthiD Ellie-Dienn-%ar- Weather� luqbrancte. Real Estate -7 sold -':�.Offiee , ' d Vi6lenceifil, The threatene reland did �n n e i furnace,,At hall,andlor two S, a b P,. 'A. for-' thp''bird'Irt qu�estio' -0 It 0 0, so gorges - Prim : �Tomnita n er erjusq' X101ttilow. __ght,and, --A - not take pla�cL and ;the likli hood 'f' -the meas-' now 'is t at,t 6, pponient'so Mal coittisoiii� 54.;60 "o eliceit: n t e investigatioii into the 'h t I e fluantity _i6elf; hat dekth.req'i oU-fruIt,-eac be. negligible but. lh�_� tro jilife, is 7 ,aince 1,9.. G EO' - A. Out. Real �seqqnd )Wtc� Miniefto 16an on fast and t md'oro'_94igle nio es"'01 Y., 0 Vs-dranct6rid- t'; king th6L best tire, will settle down - o ma i ­u6ii-��,� 16 �apd- V �,st: Shore- a:ffairs,oft e .0 LaT that,as rd., 6w OOPSL ii l"Its -'OfAce h7oxn�.10 A.' MI L -6f llie-_ ations, just;i�_tfie_-j_ttenu�-_ R7 Tw�ij7� —Wilkiiiabir, - amue -own noon-,th ep h9rdjn':f6Cks,,-afid,. ­OW'6mis by st� ous oppone uts otprevions great changes ell S, Brown Dun.ean Campb -.an %M4el lia"ving t0stod, ji'd a ti' � 1� � know Lodgb ineet9�* Y.. I e e�:' , t islit thisthAt t he people don -F, Osbckne uO each, w§ pi-tt:&y-ndieni I �'. 'T U I Ila 4. qualitatWe��naOiii, ie.*M�tflla to Colo.- niet6 iq6ximeriiin�iint-,dn2:,Iilitn.tit-M;tiI S_ 1,V r. ---:­SaWu0 Gibson,' 0476- ri jo - z giwi rk. , !16tt oVening at- 8 0 Clock ib.-Aheir 0 L, Oune rs - sa ar acco as 10 I .. 11 .�M, I �� br tuxe I — it A:h; h1_ ­1;�, A xwi� 't i, I I 'lakes' a very !-Iicid : and ' WA,;+ i.: A r. Tr., 0*00 Guii a ver. 19.'Lazy t/ 4i bilious- attadiz-:Whih­�your: liver-refus . es -to do its - Ybu ket flo, ��':w �r. Y.oube�otne conshpated. ork. iThe bile dbes� Pq Y J�ave.Ahia "biiteras, Fooda0urit Instead., of I ligisting, ;ou L '' Ai��, a Ainflated" _4a . ji —. . U,iits'.iick-�-vomiting, and,'. vicile�6t', headachrem;-The.:,twst- 1aid. -cure for, biliousness is Chambeflain's' �prevqn Tablets.. The� make the liver do`iifi� gt.hen t -k's, ai�d,,ro4ore.tol,p"�rfo4-4�i*-..:,k5c..-i-.b-iditlo.: -digesilivi6-orgvit ­ 1 .1. d Druggi*_or'by mail. All. Dealers.an T A j V I vvu a .5 00, part paymen r, o salary �a y � -f - frumanitaft4tin Wnd 'to' deefile all Jr.:IV..'�­V6rha'Sti6u& 76-, OG -of a, l6ss civilizeck country. 'In� of'hal].-John -P. 'Collins,- 2 1 00$,-. or: Thos. Wa rt;wreams. Grand� 13;_ T'llosd Rb& Sce., A. H. -B04 H� 'good PL f the , -,Wil!!L e6ter-5i 'T s4ine do that tho ptiona 0 65 - countries such.as-1taly, Spain, portougai V J, e to �tranfffer. hA �red&46 dAidrew,'.(N.1yrte I Sr. -11 :--Alfre :% I't clgon� cherry, bird 'in 4�jy Way, C'qualize :tb0;- It. it, 1� Xt. aepredations-pring blossom, tlM*e.L bster).4 tic Fre& ica Pretty creaures. e t A t-. croPs. elf!4pted by 116qgesi, of P. J. 156-wriO -and th' �South Anierici�­-re�ttblic , 412, n in i(ii e ties,(Carnt wBeaitcon b�tneets; change p6tadi" -c6ii "t - re dffe' c,�ejt.Thursdayroilkht'dri or b6fo& h6tull d: �1�4�64 �o �Watitik W) niobn in th4 V�vtilopjjz-street -t, r7The ea8 Litckfiow'W M W.;, Without gjv ris to civil war., _st y Ritch 'A! in Beatod. VA46nib Hlill.M1 ie A Alaql]oonalil;�.S. -P' -§qc t -vas wt,�ra;nied. an Maishall-._Qib-�­- with us, jo� 1 ountiies_the.�j#3Ar Th61611owing`a�,couiis "tative., the Abifenth Uiiie Riccq�i�, geg-lint. j7p. m6nded,, -y— _b Qr_�pj ment- y T, ger (se R 0 :LC' ourr Sher1jr6od' No., 50', Luc, now, - '4.11:-Willib Stroad"L Beverly Beaton., .0. F. hat teqQf.' connbCtibn -with 'the4atbreA -.'6f-,.diph- du -and, a- half-luwkes)7" Xdeqpjn.Ahe ta v 'last Monday of t1iii'mouth in t . 1. :"L " , , ' i - 15r. Pr.-­�g L U out �n.itioit alone c n '#V�tilm6rtt thoris in,the houiecof -Angus'M61)(inald fiii north and o#jy fs,.spe� herq,dur- qsi6 Rit'hi "Margaret Web a, d7b 1� violdin -ft6thern 'thei sevqreq.t goas,_ 00 pqopl�e��,) p1d �,-he '-cafti6if of'thd Village of , , , JIB. These ster, Geitonde Si Red..'Secy., R peo Riplek whose house. reud, Earle Welisten' W- TkeAS., 'EwartWebatei, Peail.Beat�)tt.J. N if -16 lfghii,. ever urpoe, FiW`, " . '.1 ixail�juarantineA proveE y �'knc ., _ , %,.on. & qo­ikie- . . Ji. Pr.�­ N'. oi "plax-Alia e- _WAstet W ordeiedAco b 4 L Y Viz:: Dr.:-W,� 1.s- ­tioz-far tar-zp-mou v:� 1�w. -MAI L 0 -&RDr-77, 7 ax 7 r c_ 1,1e: j]"L -toxiii-and-disinfect. aber-,on4olij, s"i, a ec., oassing, e 6 .'and: th6r nil affefi- aticei 25.. cc -P c6mmon, 12 10, for professio Was 6ten gr6 nj6i diiice; medicine and AisinfiaAA Nkfa.�y it. dulbeit,. T'ea*cher In'llot., passi g no, aud A Valual M rit- Tha"t, after''one litnilr6d f.- vailwiiy. -fare and,ex'ponses.,while The lobster JuAjlstiy� Otfiovi 'Sco, _,Jw,� -,iff ­­..... _,_­Ifi"�A __L __ ". N, F' nfdd most Tg lj;.l ., e .4ptatidhf6r.jd6`t such a �chqb � as,.. th _O with.an ds�t�r cAr Wej& ".-L Ontarlo-Medical ffic(ire-of,-H.eAlth,-held,-�Th-er-id'tgl�i)�ark6t�vlq3:uer'-gf A - Ott- T!T7 all; he I tt� *.,:at .111 wis to intiodube; thd Irish Nation - B] at Torofit% �total 22 604 Ji era taken' you V 1 912, reached qf, - 0.1, -Sr. .1 -��Reryl,46hnatiin tr-6 skunk coon; fox;,wezt��o tp 'a I"' '-ve�� u f jl�dxn IQ: ist, tillvnd�bfseas " 1 4 &'4 eAotts in the ser4lce�iin. iupy',] I at would!;gi, year en '4 gus -W T e .;In red-. 'to mR -got c66i 'TWafulej t -I�eks ke being., was, . df .-if O'Laughfin Bet-' 7 7. tion wl Ahb-neceosArlea oi W &r,26days i-witfi� ci6rroipo*d1Pg *q6 Ve Lbulibn recogni Iv- ot'to'be ei-pected.' �It wxs� Alilte VLaughlin*. 756. a 0, 'as. �milllowlor the. WhOle'L D4,"itziloit. nark d�y, 16 60, for funeral f C h j MIZE-10, _Afo-r&And7go6ds-' i;g- 2&i ibtW1139-76 t,-�A M_-_ ind Xe*_Bruns,.,,JqV!x,,. obq enn,. n."uiih h rituce, Ed_� I .101 Wer46 valued at,$74%8690 1�rv�y Ana6rs6n)'tie's; Bilrdre fin:xily io ItUts �@I­s 60POs - Kenneth 1, detay, i �O, for ditig. ffifig grave ti L' wgid.%, Island at $Sti,n-qj� and�-Que-: Jr.' on.� of Cli".Moniford (A-g� -�J, yearg) who.. b- I 'at' $2638ag.% .4orl the, sawta e, L., ec q A# Hackett) ti�A.. died of diphth eia :bh. 1301 Ta., Uquit, yeaL. or -H Yrank Moran, Ixeco.. alniq� a Thei I 2 26t, for M rtyn,. ArR.Ad b 049 8c,.-,-.fo,r- L rew4io�y.,_.MaAeliii � '' -U,,� E TES Gedde able,cof the'P. total-., 39 rovi�ciar,6-4.eiiex, _01i i&rsonjomGliiieO� Baron oyal t i's �ieas.( i coal oil and lamp Jr. Irl ve At W.. J. C�XW' "ling: one-third th6'e�tire Batteries V, Va- -Myl The. list of sh6dkf k ingtine idig isters Pt. 11­�- rtle .8hackleftoon '_.Q4hWe1L S. McComb,. Oe fofd,;, 1 42. for,groceries.'V,, N. Bilshellillue thereof;.. mftfi�_`An the- �Dominiofi' jtt�7' t -et, us, On is gettog pretty long, and with 6a& one 3 25 eo. J.- Emmertoij, i tion. Is - 1 iri& VGjjj..., -Shadkletbri, 'Es her JUP10. Z for groceries. ts. POA wipassbq 4tily'lok that or' g�rbqerieq. we are --- 'eet tha��in spite "of all- 24'f The.. abcovip',.koodd �cof -sa OIL:. y6fits Wwte'r made to 1, Pc. -Norinaii O'Laughlin, Li�zi 'the pr6gres aid of soliae -'20.,000 46herj!�en, and ag were-furniqhed t6 the fabiily oftbe h, 8 -in the aci6nces of shipbuild- Angwi. McDonald under' t 6.laidihorlty 'many -is; 14, 0 0 6`bargons, iqAle'and fo� Alton, Allan Finidy. alti.- �'find -d� �the -Palmer Kilpatriek*_ of the'Board W, . 4010 � I ." _ojAmU t -1-T Ar -'l empl. ing,, navi�a oil ail nicati can- A Cities we me f e tKa--gedieseq �,Iiffh fre- "P6 b * Bro n: ir'k 006�Milligcent M6kcal Grace thba greater nover,tli6 o h6l I ot p 611- T -h t the CIL p ng ore Wheiij Thoamount of ka�ital filitriested in, 81�k RAL' quep&j 'be:-authorizW, to" pay 4o'Ahe -Treasurei 17 -UNT ,1,,_1sieAik&rs6n*. 'thbypak for good Job.. -log, -'Wa�. - tjifs, Industry'is �ye I ry.,Iarge. Besides Ii r 1 -21 - aggregate attendan print th( edfrom Ce" i$Vbo This is true ior,'Aftrcir even -twentyw iollowini sulkviz:­�celv hich, eii6tlng the. value of bootp and - outfits w '368 aVeragq a tendance, 10. fees, $13.'25;, cazi VA16 the maost e used for gen ergt fishing,jiurposes; -Mary Hapket�o Tea;ok Ave� yeaia' ago, such a disast4 4 the Thas.,, Stewart, forEiIgineer's Receivei from Dontild McIver for kn'- a' Aphi6 apoetitai P�opl -who, lavo 0, N as well'". thd lobitery, "there ivas -.ft, S-TrsRtA-TrF0 sinking of the Titanictor th6L �En)pt"a gj'�6ej?s fees, �7.5 te&s� totiff . ..... . rVice - -Become A special anneritm Va - V. q.,jj_j,2 golne 75�,067 Italia, ialudd* pa:rttaken, of .our' ekcollent do Of Ireland coitic� not occur, -beeausg'shijisr 'Car -Red.' �N C I' '* [Ist in gudncm at $644ji0,, and "Wingbam' mord-opportaniticii thawany'ot come b;ick'foiA second serving. .'Our, 1nuokhave-the-best pogsibld,tralhip ested-L 1xi.,_ -..sto A-ftvx ft, anti, qa hor calling.' hen'built to carry such ndtil- y4aw o. 483 for tegulatine; defin-' W 6 ff6 t 13 N � ­ � 11. ; .1 cc4m u tied, A $136,,94-6, 111 addition 10 the" TOroajo the, full measure -of 84 thes big ill-fated- xiv- Cold -rage th, _n, are.- W-4 _M a t asio b14 too., -iligAba.. prescrlhing�,the_dutiqq �of_ Path.". I _13TOAm re perienced sonic Ing I ng your or ors_, _9 d.. t steamers--�-an ps on the oceans the Township of 14ilroh In the C6unty allied In us r es oi L you ban, alw4 �ftend on d'- th" m*04t 7, i Ontaiidli Bdot Bugln(WASchool, w.n, �6n­ e -0 6­11'sh houses and other xblallef -ntion 4 the shi' thasters or verseers o ig ways' in 0 t d A I cu a6ly cotineoted" prombt judiy1dual atW You'r"i,ahter our us glvi a agges a ny tifn'c, - Tfitob Dopgritments,, nitftiire O� a qp3lone'FAday- 'evening of' 1i W ­ 'tour a mpl aud)&�(g ar6 far-fiiore numerotig as well ryin L on of the 16 life it c�me t' tommercial', and for'. other pu 'Wolvitli the Car 'S b;,,, Jr., last waek. As I wd'diz6ful gttefitl4h, 'Let us subThi a QL hroug awa� A., W4 b1go an, ey. Vief.6 y. e 9, o.. at it,tolm doin S4 sign -6d and s d, no *indwills Aiid.tkeea iaphy.;. Another fadf WhIA ddds to theapjsitr� - 'By -low No. 484, a by-law fixibg the and wh�tt.ver Was in'ita path, crossing tg remuneration to. bq paild to ilie. Clerk of: thdMaitliodltivert -westcof J�lm Abgley�A 0 ca�talogue� 601� fr4uency of these, horrors wthat T! - ha f 1auton fit - A0 06unty -tillis.."Propcoial was made to,, the owns ip o turigoutheastand,86tiel a L N�S f3rltl'h Columbia Legislature, L e the .1'. - P, - -th0ffi­dfi1dAd6Mediat0:�-. ­of­Bruc�, tot iserInces--rj�ndered,.tna -dut- .. ­­­ I— up, the*aitlaucl Rivera"Gioss-the old,part, US . 9 1. So , . . Ddilmani- 4 C-Wrmaii: ac en - I.-Aaiiwio-o Mel hen br' T aff e urranc6. The.telegraph� ies peirformed b him in." carrying vit Of; h, 6i�er Wivgbam Where many trees. ;1y rthe oec y fat* asked that a h6,-d'6f 96,oattle be .18 5, Incor Ied 5 p 1914'' being an Act. xes�etiiliij � dit Grisdale 'Wl 4, . I . r. ;_ 11 Ches. demonst fttw hht theory that bovine the-Unts of Li I pt 19'�qf , QhAp� 260 R. S. � 0. ItA smashedinto pieces aiA,t)ie_daily' n6ws, - ducing, tbt,'provisio aper are. re, gej. asle'&,lor that, he'cioulAPP sli�de j C8 in 1, - Capit,"d -20id Aeserve $8-700-406 rhe wo of -the wbrltl go, thait'ev&ythmg -the IA h6�� had a�d 0,1 duly passedi sign� Aef�6480s;�, WAS itiberculoals'la result 'of' cond(_ 0tddte4 ihereAsian to ow 'COLLEGE is, n oa r b ss BRATicuisr Vj CAN %DA, y c& .4 u6n 'and nof a- gorin at -co mimolily were torr to, pieces, some, of 'of p -S �Pp le J�9 to Dr. Dechman, tuber A'd V_ HE OALU Ali KI N OdBU SXNE:S9 TUANSAX-CIA', 6 ..... .. I m.-b6ing.fitirled-into, tlib d*bl1ibgs se for,. t6nders fol' Accor4f -,jth6 oj�nerg. .11pper winghain. rec,6ited likethf Iq f_ the T-ak'nig, toAdfor-ti. t 'tioug ybiffi �6 t nepusly germiliate iousan dite. to egs­66t tU itle tulogis Is- � Pon a Tl dg'tif antbl 9�,"'*P e havebeen reckle'a.�­n' glAytAing Saiugcep_:Line, arid Sijefi bofigiderhble dairiaki?, especially 'to fruit Minot; to odc%!PY Is ten glid shadc tree4.., ik,,. �&t laoritive positions as I stemitapho", b6ok- Township o , tie's large ltv- -fast prepariti$,in tbdirowti Fifteell in the' f, Raton $4`60 by irrclbi ideding' and he wan time to redkl�mtiws oii thd'part � of: the CIR0ULiR'LtTT1�,A8 OF RED T. I .. I .. , '. . . . . 1n et keeoeto.totegralitiers, civil servantstin fact-' t6h line,-thei tenders to' 10 it , d ery�barn had t0arge,se4ion of th� roof 1!RAVVLU RS- Off-EQUt, 8 ISSIAM infected* cattle. set' �aside and. tek, met, in c arge to bothedveasel, but tie, go he can Cure t& of fiu8iticss Activlqe�. ybu th6 a avdry, fj�jfi&q healthy d&t at Cho neit in�6eting of the, 06iincifto. be -sized p,f)tti6ii of his shed BANK MOV ti Y ORD'9318 tray fin s4at college it you so wish. P6si I torn off. 'A good' 'itek. college any day, former t.tnd make'thd latter alck in, I . . . tiong 0,4janteeci, 81 oil. the part of �-the�aapWt of,the Stor_ held at the lo�v�ship 'Ripley, 'On mas also demolishedi Me, Mortiiiiauffer xp t fe chets, proof of his theory. He proposes to Individual inetrued6n. , B or a ty years . trees an eft 6�116*q �6 114 vocriente, Largest train�rs 861 Vh 6i6i. the E qh by meth- .6d considerably too: Ishade"I . I * ' edeet this condition Purely SAVINGS. DEPAPTMENT...._.......1. iit the liont of twor o Ill. ai A veisills Z_n8taiillly pa.§s- windmills %rid ��ildiiffgs: fell fq& teachers. 4i."eile dds of feeding, ..loom, Contractors to ftiinlah k0l, r ItAl in 61inding t6ri6tits for. hours and 'Aqg-obitt noicittimia. SunifnetSchnol'at. cent, seturity f e 6creA86 tomd Untrieg- wag� aceonipani�d b ter'fific, lightning At k1l. be fie�&a . . . .; . .., 910ifi6qg 0011096, xltntddtT� head tb 6 e6fltract - The f6w6gt or, Ad t6nddr Ca ior and thun riadfah hobibbtead ntries -am6unidd, to a marked' not nec,emlarily aCe ­"C�'tt . .. .... Aftated with Conifii6relAl kdtir,WtA� wa�`s,ufdy: no 006 16. -6f. j:ifig arand down -vtfib,'dw fulfil ei " '-- Z " D in �CZ, 0 gteaffli: epte d. ie 1913 -tot, w6gTE"Im aft -on 35,22 no: Branch. T 'Catnobell-I c ro 1§iz, *ben they, were -d D�borae-.ThatAlilgAd e.erease f � m i�,�O. Spottolit, 'Xn' 1�11 they amounted to' 'Afiv � .,;, 6 Lit 11 S: Rddl� M et, Tat a now adjo,irfl to ii.jeet AgA gonday, tbe, 9th. it 3 8�,Ir 8 5,L tiveft more tom-aikable is the ..... ....... ... .. 0'j, 4 Jft t neL .. I -Morlda d, 0' jtmo: I ............. , !.. I . I - - - b f Iftial - fa. ii�.j the, th nUm er o pre - Place. h6ft were 10.6-99, i1plipAoll ltotilfit(lil 'is engaged it, Lbw Ntfied, Fair management VAgar 116ulstoll, fit. 91;6fidifig a. fdw- ur in anew ovae, �Itu0i.entffe# fit ioll,'9,041 In 1�12 e6mmonced openttiobs already ANc, if s, 9 A'ftYl er Aikr Iti, pvcP�rafibn! f q� the �,toat txhihl- fliPULICATIONS ON AGRI'C I U I V . rv­, T FiDilow a re W Of Our Notice -to SUhfitg, TO days At his'liomd hetei 'diiigg that Were 19 't, ch th � b , 'I 11ta a ul Th�,'Olivot boys are -Thb'' T)ep'taikthiTht of A�Fflkl'tufe at! Willi th-9 -SiWitig. Mac ines, The amiltigenw.nt 61 Sh'aW.'s -B h,.arrjedly built la�t yoar afte't. ifie fire, ottgwa of, su�ocem- it'T bagebaft) which the have agi, has available for ftee,distribution Icino" io. are b'eiing mader permari6nt. Another V ized. Aii�i�dord And Winghath Buggi 4 ppwqr�ls of two hundee-4 ptiblictifi(Y64 in� Mt, rod Mr.- t1b on visAte,l at jus organ s.. WaL4 , xtivill be bu tomo'itt flo(�": Ad A mis Wa-gont nem Sehools,'Tor6ntti, bbgs'to ad� I'vi tit i the Machin- I f rb youtig gdodowen Wotie. it jalt i Y AI.EPI and �-fiegd have been Issue ara ors A d' lithile a short time ilt circulars; Henry 0'ardfittet4 otj t�� ay dludi po and lihe to Mr,.�nd viat all Senior Phl-flic Eioho-(�)l ard, 2 In tj �jr 'a vtwt� but -oath 90"", , t' �11, if igh Sell - -,kt i 1,& 4! . �_t i tit I and ovety.t ing.- dVfie to, , c a, JAnigh Ritchi M410ft Ct tim , "by the sbv&ll Branefiott 6 , d.; at Robert 11onry's on gqhieid' io- chee tile bverfing Pass- dsieaid Fdrtillitfs III eat r up AS 86 (A, figHt5littl throug t 19 6, §iWgfi1g t ese., ... . .... .. piepared 6 Mail' a &IP 0 -ts (IV,. m6ki i the ulfdings..-�, em. for W,�fjj',j�jniost ev6ty"plia' 11' r1l Wiffiam.Snio]Uer jimA PY69 t Wire Peiii&-C, 1'*, -6 f i e V&Affih4h T W r XMI i �totg a, (I vkiws. T -,k as :atiyovie dets -to A6o id'e and pt e ice, A list- of thoilt has. bur 1h hii h6w auto on t ri&flum to, fc-0146d last, fall and will be ow" of tile b6& �filcj f6rffi git"fifigL John Ve. e P. qp4diermid !it ' nidde AM[ h0rill, foe life, I TV rill t d h "Oil we ba-vt i�lreti Liu "Itio forthis Co, �k Ibi. 1 -Ve , , I f ififill' 610 or har a"A in Otllfe_L qualifY-iti" 1_'Qpt� " I . I .,. I I . ­'! .......... e is, go, months for ak6odj&iari6d ft. tio Full infortnatiod ftgaldid­ th" t -is for .6,46 A ri d6fi �aiid tfi,%Vbl�e If h to he somebodyl ", 1tv -.I.. 1� .. I 111----_-A__. .11 .. ...... . � I, .w- � . 0 1� A& w Unit; 4 to the Seot't%t�) At X Aunt L611do'd U4. 10,14 thaft ­ . $1 . . I. wd ltofta. Office, Yono-A 0 (3 tho DO 0,4*t eta ey *ifed fiwi 41toil kt (Al NO. W A6 4 % itth6ri�ed COO 000 A.. . , .I�: 61 1. capital, Paid-up .00, "000. $3,75Q�000 j�7 A MULA-TI . ..C­AP%TA-L­­-'­- NG :4T.hd,4ack of -7 �-pital:;-:stands--betw _msn and thi�.-'&frying oui of. a. gooA ..busi� r j�o ness iddd. the Fv�ery � young man con saldr�. haa' h means . of detcamulating �apittiil- * WL -41 cif"giiiiii-AiA o' -do t Ac6outitiv the il]lafik,.�of Yjamilton,L.ficion 'place.html . tx� a Position.: �of r ea . diq��sl or. business opportunities. "L j& ­J�L A. GLENNI .:LfAe , k Ta., Uquit, yeaL. or -H Yrank Moran, Ixeco.. alniq� a Thei I 2 26t, for M rtyn,. ArR.Ad b 049 8c,.-,-.fo,r- L rew4io�y.,_.MaAeliii � '' -U,,� E TES Gedde able,cof the'P. total-., 39 rovi�ciar,6-4.eiiex, _01i i&rsonjomGliiieO� Baron oyal t i's �ieas.( i coal oil and lamp Jr. Irl ve At W.. J. C�XW' "ling: one-third th6'e�tire Batteries V, Va- -Myl The. list of sh6dkf k ingtine idig isters Pt. 11­�- rtle .8hackleftoon '_.Q4hWe1L S. McComb,. Oe fofd,;, 1 42. for,groceries.'V,, N. Bilshellillue thereof;.. mftfi�_`An the- �Dominiofi' jtt�7' t -et, us, On is gettog pretty long, and with 6a& one 3 25 eo. J.- Emmertoij, i tion. Is - 1 iri& VGjjj..., -Shadkletbri, 'Es her JUP10. Z for groceries. ts. POA wipassbq 4tily'lok that or' g�rbqerieq. we are --- 'eet tha��in spite "of all- 24'f The.. abcovip',.koodd �cof -sa OIL:. y6fits Wwte'r made to 1, Pc. -Norinaii O'Laughlin, Li�zi 'the pr6gres aid of soliae -'20.,000 46herj!�en, and ag were-furniqhed t6 the fabiily oftbe h, 8 -in the aci6nces of shipbuild- Angwi. McDonald under' t 6.laidihorlty 'many -is; 14, 0 0 6`bargons, iqAle'and fo� Alton, Allan Finidy. alti.- �'find -d� �the -Palmer Kilpatriek*_ of the'Board W, . 4010 � I ." _ojAmU t -1-T Ar -'l empl. ing,, navi�a oil ail nicati can- A Cities we me f e tKa--gedieseq �,Iiffh fre- "P6 b * Bro n: ir'k 006�Milligcent M6kcal Grace thba greater nover,tli6 o h6l I ot p 611- T -h t the CIL p ng ore Wheiij Thoamount of ka�ital filitriested in, 81�k RAL' quep&j 'be:-authorizW, to" pay 4o'Ahe -Treasurei 17 -UNT ,1,,_1sieAik&rs6n*. 'thbypak for good Job.. -log, -'Wa�. - tjifs, Industry'is �ye I ry.,Iarge. Besides Ii r 1 -21 - aggregate attendan print th( edfrom Ce" i$Vbo This is true ior,'Aftrcir even -twentyw iollowini sulkviz:­�celv hich, eii6tlng the. value of bootp and - outfits w '368 aVeragq a tendance, 10. fees, $13.'25;, cazi VA16 the maost e used for gen ergt fishing,jiurposes; -Mary Hapket�o Tea;ok Ave� yeaia' ago, such a disast4 4 the Thas.,, Stewart, forEiIgineer's Receivei from Dontild McIver for kn'- a' Aphi6 apoetitai P�opl -who, lavo 0, N as well'". thd lobitery, "there ivas -.ft, S-TrsRtA-TrF0 sinking of the Titanictor th6L �En)pt"a gj'�6ej?s fees, �7.5 te&s� totiff . ..... . rVice - -Become A special anneritm Va - V. q.,jj_j,2 golne 75�,067 Italia, ialudd* pa:rttaken, of .our' ekcollent do Of Ireland coitic� not occur, -beeausg'shijisr 'Car -Red.' �N C I' '* [Ist in gudncm at $644ji0,, and "Wingbam' mord-opportaniticii thawany'ot come b;ick'foiA second serving. .'Our, 1nuokhave-the-best pogsibld,tralhip ested-L 1xi.,_ -..sto A-ftvx ft, anti, qa hor calling.' hen'built to carry such ndtil- y4aw o. 483 for tegulatine; defin-' W 6 ff6 t 13 N � ­ � 11. ; .1 cc4m u tied, A $136,,94-6, 111 addition 10 the" TOroajo the, full measure -of 84 thes big ill-fated- xiv- Cold -rage th, _n, are.- W-4 _M a t asio b14 too., -iligAba.. prescrlhing�,the_dutiqq �of_ Path.". I _13TOAm re perienced sonic Ing I ng your or ors_, _9 d.. t steamers--�-an ps on the oceans the Township of 14ilroh In the C6unty allied In us r es oi L you ban, alw4 �ftend on d'- th" m*04t 7, i Ontaiidli Bdot Bugln(WASchool, w.n, �6n­ e -0 6­11'sh houses and other xblallef -ntion 4 the shi' thasters or verseers o ig ways' in 0 t d A I cu a6ly cotineoted" prombt judiy1dual atW You'r"i,ahter our us glvi a agges a ny tifn'c, - Tfitob Dopgritments,, nitftiire O� a qp3lone'FAday- 'evening of' 1i W ­ 'tour a mpl aud)&�(g ar6 far-fiiore numerotig as well ryin L on of the 16 life it c�me t' tommercial', and for'. other pu 'Wolvitli the Car 'S b;,,, Jr., last waek. As I wd'diz6ful gttefitl4h, 'Let us subThi a QL hroug awa� A., W4 b1go an, ey. Vief.6 y. e 9, o.. at it,tolm doin S4 sign -6d and s d, no *indwills Aiid.tkeea iaphy.;. Another fadf WhIA ddds to theapjsitr� - 'By -low No. 484, a by-law fixibg the and wh�tt.ver Was in'ita path, crossing tg remuneration to. bq paild to ilie. Clerk of: thdMaitliodltivert -westcof J�lm Abgley�A 0 ca�talogue� 601� fr4uency of these, horrors wthat T! - ha f 1auton fit - A0 06unty -tillis.."Propcoial was made to,, the owns ip o turigoutheastand,86tiel a L N�S f3rltl'h Columbia Legislature, L e the .1'. - P, - -th0ffi­dfi1dAd6Mediat0:�-. ­of­Bruc�, tot iserInces--rj�ndered,.tna -dut- .. ­­­ I— up, the*aitlaucl Rivera"Gioss-the old,part, US . 9 1. So , . . Ddilmani- 4 C-Wrmaii: ac en - I.-Aaiiwio-o Mel hen br' T aff e urranc6. The.telegraph� ies peirformed b him in." carrying vit Of; h, 6i�er Wivgbam Where many trees. ;1y rthe oec y fat* asked that a h6,-d'6f 96,oattle be .18 5, Incor Ied 5 p 1914'' being an Act. xes�etiiliij � dit Grisdale 'Wl 4, . I . r. ;_ 11 Ches. demonst fttw hht theory that bovine the-Unts of Li I pt 19'�qf , QhAp� 260 R. S. � 0. ItA smashedinto pieces aiA,t)ie_daily' n6ws, - ducing, tbt,'provisio aper are. re, gej. asle'&,lor that, he'cioulAPP sli�de j C8 in 1, - Capit,"d -20id Aeserve $8-700-406 rhe wo of -the wbrltl go, thait'ev&ythmg -the IA h6�� had a�d 0,1 duly passedi sign� Aef�6480s;�, WAS itiberculoals'la result 'of' cond(_ 0tddte4 ihereAsian to ow 'COLLEGE is, n oa r b ss BRATicuisr Vj CAN %DA, y c& .4 u6n 'and nof a- gorin at -co mimolily were torr to, pieces, some, of 'of p -S �Pp le J�9 to Dr. Dechman, tuber A'd V_ HE OALU Ali KI N OdBU SXNE:S9 TUANSAX-CIA', 6 ..... .. I m.-b6ing.fitirled-into, tlib d*bl1ibgs se for,. t6nders fol' Accor4f -,jth6 oj�nerg. .11pper winghain. rec,6ited likethf Iq f_ the T-ak'nig, toAdfor-ti. t 'tioug ybiffi �6 t nepusly germiliate iousan dite. to egs­66t tU itle tulogis Is- � Pon a Tl dg'tif antbl 9�,"'*P e havebeen reckle'a.�­n' glAytAing Saiugcep_:Line, arid Sijefi bofigiderhble dairiaki?, especially 'to fruit Minot; to odc%!PY Is ten glid shadc tree4.., ik,,. �&t laoritive positions as I stemitapho", b6ok- Township o , tie's large ltv- -fast prepariti$,in tbdirowti Fifteell in the' f, Raton $4`60 by irrclbi ideding' and he wan time to redkl�mtiws oii thd'part � of: the CIR0ULiR'LtTT1�,A8 OF RED T. I .. I .. , '. . . . . 1n et keeoeto.totegralitiers, civil servantstin fact-' t6h line,-thei tenders to' 10 it , d ery�barn had t0arge,se4ion of th� roof 1!RAVVLU RS- Off-EQUt, 8 ISSIAM infected* cattle. set' �aside and. tek, met, in c arge to bothedveasel, but tie, go he can Cure t& of fiu8iticss Activlqe�. ybu th6 a avdry, fj�jfi&q healthy d&t at Cho neit in�6eting of the, 06iincifto. be -sized p,f)tti6ii of his shed BANK MOV ti Y ORD'9318 tray fin s4at college it you so wish. P6si I torn off. 'A good' 'itek. college any day, former t.tnd make'thd latter alck in, I . . . tiong 0,4janteeci, 81 oil. the part of �-the�aapWt of,the Stor_ held at the lo�v�ship 'Ripley, 'On mas also demolishedi Me, Mortiiiiauffer xp t fe chets, proof of his theory. He proposes to Individual inetrued6n. , B or a ty years . trees an eft 6�116*q �6 114 vocriente, Largest train�rs 861 Vh 6i6i. the E qh by meth- .6d considerably too: Ishade"I . I * ' edeet this condition Purely SAVINGS. DEPAPTMENT...._.......1. iit the liont of twor o Ill. ai A veisills Z_n8taiillly pa.§s- windmills %rid ��ildiiffgs: fell fq& teachers. 4i."eile dds of feeding, ..loom, Contractors to ftiinlah k0l, r ItAl in 61inding t6ri6tits for. hours and 'Aqg-obitt noicittimia. SunifnetSchnol'at. cent, seturity f e 6creA86 tomd Untrieg- wag� aceonipani�d b ter'fific, lightning At k1l. be fie�&a . . . .; . .., 910ifi6qg 0011096, xltntddtT� head tb 6 e6fltract - The f6w6gt or, Ad t6nddr Ca ior and thun riadfah hobibbtead ntries -am6unidd, to a marked' not nec,emlarily aCe ­"C�'tt . .. .... Aftated with Conifii6relAl kdtir,WtA� wa�`s,ufdy: no 006 16. -6f. j:ifig arand down -vtfib,'dw fulfil ei " '-- Z " D in �CZ, 0 gteaffli: epte d. ie 1913 -tot, w6gTE"Im aft -on 35,22 no: Branch. T 'Catnobell-I c ro 1§iz, *ben they, were -d D�borae-.ThatAlilgAd e.erease f � m i�,�O. Spottolit, 'Xn' 1�11 they amounted to' 'Afiv � .,;, 6 Lit 11 S: Rddl� M et, Tat a now adjo,irfl to ii.jeet AgA gonday, tbe, 9th. it 3 8�,Ir 8 5,L tiveft more tom-aikable is the ..... ....... ... .. 0'j, 4 Jft t neL .. I -Morlda d, 0' jtmo: I ............. , !.. I . I - - - b f Iftial - fa. ii�.j the, th nUm er o pre - Place. h6ft were 10.6-99, i1plipAoll ltotilfit(lil 'is engaged it, Lbw Ntfied, Fair management VAgar 116ulstoll, fit. 91;6fidifig a. fdw- ur in anew ovae, �Itu0i.entffe# fit ioll,'9,041 In 1�12 e6mmonced openttiobs already ANc, if s, 9 A'ftYl er Aikr Iti, pvcP�rafibn! f q� the �,toat txhihl- fliPULICATIONS ON AGRI'C I U I V . rv­, T FiDilow a re W Of Our Notice -to SUhfitg, TO days At his'liomd hetei 'diiigg that Were 19 't, ch th � b , 'I 11ta a ul Th�,'Olivot boys are -Thb'' T)ep'taikthiTht of A�Fflkl'tufe at! Willi th-9 -SiWitig. Mac ines, The amiltigenw.nt 61 Sh'aW.'s -B h,.arrjedly built la�t yoar afte't. ifie fire, ottgwa of, su�ocem- it'T bagebaft) which the have agi, has available for ftee,distribution Icino" io. are b'eiing mader permari6nt. Another V ized. Aii�i�dord And Winghath Buggi 4 ppwqr�ls of two hundee-4 ptiblictifi(Y64 in� Mt, rod Mr.- t1b on visAte,l at jus organ s.. WaL4 , xtivill be bu tomo'itt flo(�": Ad A mis Wa-gont nem Sehools,'Tor6ntti, bbgs'to ad� I'vi tit i the Machin- I f rb youtig gdodowen Wotie. it jalt i Y AI.EPI and �-fiegd have been Issue ara ors A d' lithile a short time ilt circulars; Henry 0'ardfittet4 otj t�� ay dludi po and lihe to Mr,.�nd viat all Senior Phl-flic Eioho-(�)l ard, 2 In tj �jr 'a vtwt� but -oath 90"", , t' �11, if igh Sell - -,kt i 1,& 4! . �_t i tit I and ovety.t ing.- dVfie to, , c a, JAnigh Ritchi M410ft Ct tim , "by the sbv&ll Branefiott 6 , d.; at Robert 11onry's on gqhieid' io- chee tile bverfing Pass- dsieaid Fdrtillitfs III eat r up AS 86 (A, figHt5littl throug t 19 6, §iWgfi1g t ese., ... . .... .. piepared 6 Mail' a &IP 0 -ts (IV,. m6ki i the ulfdings..-�, em. for W,�fjj',j�jniost ev6ty"plia' 11' r1l Wiffiam.Snio]Uer jimA PY69 t Wire Peiii&-C, 1'*, -6 f i e V&Affih4h T W r XMI i �totg a, (I vkiws. T -,k as :atiyovie dets -to A6o id'e and pt e ice, A list- of thoilt has. bur 1h hii h6w auto on t ri&flum to, fc-0146d last, fall and will be ow" of tile b6& �filcj f6rffi git"fifigL John Ve. e P. qp4diermid !it ' nidde AM[ h0rill, foe life, I TV rill t d h "Oil we ba-vt i�lreti Liu "Itio forthis Co, �k Ibi. 1 -Ve , , I f ififill' 610 or har a"A in Otllfe_L qualifY-iti" 1_'Qpt� " I . I .,. I I . ­'! .......... e is, go, months for ak6odj&iari6d ft. tio Full infortnatiod ftgaldid­ th" t -is for .6,46 A ri d6fi �aiid tfi,%Vbl�e If h to he somebodyl ", 1tv -.I.. 1� .. I 111----_-A__. .11 .. ...... . � I, .w- � . 0 1� A& w Unit; 4 to the Seot't%t�) At X Aunt L611do'd U4. 10,14 thaft ­ . $1 . . I. wd ltofta. Office, Yono-A 0 (3 tho DO 0,4*t eta ey *ifed fiwi 41toil kt (Al NO. W A6 4 % j�7 r j�o "L j&