The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-05-28, Page 5ThirsdaYp • a 28tibr .1414', • • i1 11111P.91111011Me 11111111 f1i1.(11,�lillill11111���11nmpI�I�IIIIgIIIiIQf�ll��iill�IngIIIIgINiIIiIpIIUIgIIIII�IUBI�INNtllll �NII�gIUUU(II�NIgNNgNI�(Nil(gIIII�UI��I�INgIU11111111�IIINIINI���IN •ri'tIMIT'ivE CUBRENQY*;', Nair, Eggs,, Tobacco .a,nd, tCodfiolt as Mediums of•Exohanpp. fli A. ,curious edlum of •esehange. Fn Scotland not many years ago was haeadttt tits POD,- 1,111,414a. let .;„ i t Yit c in... i.° 0... 0 fie 17. lttr :' sk,ir Sole ;tR sle Qait in the bt ul� for sev stall yaasvtae; but shot' so,..wheat• •and �a tlllll tNin'liiii ltkYnn BRUCE COUNTY $' Captain Saannel• McLeod, a 'well known .reaident of Souttiaropton,v died suddenly on Sunday, the 17,th„death owati.g aaaa operaatior _alnalere4 4.NR'n..,, ouait,rsonit .ffiouxna•-.,-• .It ds --said, .t1'xhat Iri • the :vicinity of Wierton • •a oats_ wtttleh,:have,'heen._used.;fo1 atl:pnr • ii.umb®r-of-houods owned• in the -town - poses of .sale and Purchase in Norway have taken to liking in: the woods, slid [lave” even been 'baiulced. The 'na feedm u on rtbbtts, roundhoge r.73 ,• .nA rL�.��ag—glace 1_:..:P R .T. • � � i , : a 011 �: ;wrier in, xnd, t►ot v !y_.lunt; sago fot•tfaed the.c,hlef -this Gati daa i `Echo says that be. -.is; a tnonev of that repuhhc rash num who will u•ndertako: to raise Inh taws of uua �gget4 aiaaciW, duals {un,ed�d.14,: ,.4,aAtelu:,i��efy ,tkt �r1eep within 4-ise ..mires-vf wiaE.011,, t as•„ inn Justenai +v+r t; i9t1 *Itt 1. V11%yer�.'"1-07 -b q€r• r t 3e, srasv,? • acts 3 a . Nefvt'uundlaa.:a,.ci, dried codtitalf wais at,' .COSTA TO Hutto. .A BAR Next. Yvne-titne ,„ greatnietliutn-,uf exchange, - week,.'.Bueeic ..J3i:oa.,:.oL. W_illiatns$Q d,...; it had the .advantage •ur keeling in- are expected to start, work' i n' WM.. ttetinitely, and it is said. that the New . Ji •_ ' 'q. a 1 • ,fid ,, r 1 n c bu.:,ar�_uange• pleas;.mre ' •says'the'Chesley Enterprise., l he eon.-' ` 'aoirl. ttic. .09117.01'.; his poag-eq IOb as tract price, including lumber and tim.,. f� acin,;i+ it w,eaa� 6aotar:Al,akao: Leascxci'sjitin.; fnisl►ii g the stabled i f u :,, •vas Ye land they tisrd�•tnore sari ' a � 62,05U,Ut1. ' When the atanliu� is fin-..' °us.;thitl ti xis money tialt ciacillcated ] ♦I '"L" 11'1 35l,Cia;a,alr; y£ya'a7'°:visa:Yla:YBCOat-?nr 'J SC' = n AU ., i u t .cutaes of bees vax w. e • e �I r tlse:'anediutut•iu Stiniatri uuiaes 414*.a•, ,lm about-, .,oUO In tlfese .days =of r,. i .:Iaigh prices.•€or material -and labo�'.;it'''.. were ,ustci,'in, 1 irttry, in;eome oflhe s bout 1 7tortngvi�e� ��•sessiuus the; etiiu c9n tikes 0 a1e-•r�u�h �o 'bri1-;:a-•e, ,ists: or strave watts:. In the is�ands oi. 4ann a- to•bt u a farm.. the •!'acids• theydeiiend a q'n f-eathers, . A, A, • L1GHT' S�N'IENC�' Fon._ subtle In ]Nisch a'et .: ••ice ce tt•kr^ irun70,60%i Mined varied fornis•of currency, not rh`e leitat curious- tieing .the suints made" Here are a few 'necessities for Hot Weather: ire_Serfte.11411 widths- from48..an•ches..:to- .,fi -adds cretin Doors from, 9Q cents• t4 $2,00 bn �]I{NII(1111VeIIIL�lllll�ll II! fig IM I lids Mt 1111111 q.. c.,_ IIIA UUIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIggqll 11111 111 • •' � ° ' Vgll gglqlq ll lq ---- qO gllgll rill Iq I I�q I�ggllNlll I ., gllVllUNgJNI I gIil(INIIIIINIIIIIIglllllllql L_ II IIIgIgIINIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIII .... IIII II IIUq HNIIII I Illll�llllq U U ql ggqqUllllqqq I III II glgllqlq I IlUlgq 1 e--- eo. tin. --our . alt m.. = trite a tori C oto; - 'fd•. �l - ' .`• '� . , r b p easing in color and appearance .so. as .., to make • ..;,,-.:tit a 0 ' ctunel ryOre- ra' ib✓'` 7,,._ .:.P5, the idaLw;a1L •`' • finish.eho list . �ra.A.:. .' •...... '::.... :..._.,.._�. .-- �--_moi_-bei:''. ___ i4..tatexii n c oxen ' : ' . ...... _ d_ Q1 ... g,.absolutelXsanftar3, and,.capahle�of.beuig�.� • cleaned if necessary with soaand; water:-and.dur • •• ' .. •e . able -to, • • a, too frequent expense fol. t e$`.ecorati i W,al1 papers.do• not meet all these requirements,.'the ntterns and cel s d . �., _ -, _e . .=Uv � ,.:: p .., R,..,�_,�. f cle.:tlfe ; a tits .�hemael ¢es,� eolpeet dust and .germs and oafsno be to rl v proven ..!�_,;RG 3 c_.cartecl.._ Saar►itafy.experttf-have:provcn':tlist;un'J• kand.•ot�vnll: paper is unsanitary, and. the eustom:Of•applying.new•paper over. the old, aff'o'rds a•.bf•eedufg.ptace• for"germs. , a emir. t'he•wt ,.....iC .. . .i . • ; �..is: �a�d o . .r .a erpaints,.wh'ile• eleafn�and•sanita ha�+e' not . , .. , • . . , „ , • .�' .1'3*,. . n..the'iieeesaary•pea':no,nency:. '1'Li�: _n ed_fr•.ectttent .renewwal_and-often-rub offion-ones- clothing=smudges and finger marks • cannot be washed off ' ' . satisfactorily, % . , ..• . • The productthat meets every requirement is Sherwin Williams P1at-tone, a durable, Oaf -drying -ell • -alai P t• made in. a variety,. of •twenty-fou'r beauti'ful.shades, the selection -of, expeit decorators:. 'This' hnisli,.ean •be washed with soap and water, find will last. for .years. '• • • . Cozine:ann..see.,us..abovt_S-W Flit'''.tene: ' It. is put-up in 1'iquid-form-ready-fifr-use • Ask for a editor, card of - the pleiaeing shades. ',.. . ' • o-Bes'ter—was.-sen genes arre t °••a _erten last week, to two months in.rthe "NV__alkertim jail for commit'titi . the crime' 'of hi am. 'b ---- ,!•f eI:r y--w.hlIH.•J-u�itau uved_tbe-slightly > -Bridget. 1 ,.Y , �'_ •leaden Bridget. G7 nn� -,Of Wale „afore: expensive substance.,resin..-.lalew.,...,_. , to the altar and accepting her, fothet. r;of .worse, -ten 1ie;:alreadp alfaarla wife h f fag x.n 1Viichgan whoni�''he had tnarrledneatly 35 years. before. When 'marrying •Bridget, Beater• represented York Sun:. •. _. VELOC• ITY OF LIGHT. Ptoeirrie P Fatty. Cale PA latioae •lFtse ° Stogd'tho Te$t of Time himself ;to phe officiating •clergyro'in ,as The• first as:tronoiver o l'ecif'onstrate a1 baehelot Looks like''a .light punish,' .irtiatactoriiy -•tire:;-spee1t crr fight, 'wa§_" dile lt.eeiuer,. a Sc• ndlitaciaiti seienttst. Who ,recd h;is imwortal ,paler ou. Oda ..object 'before the •Aetidemy 'at Paris' lu:iy 22. 1.675. Iineiner'a -calculations conclusions have • stood-,theteat ' it'Ltime 'aind''-suhseo'uent: in:vestiga;tians- • ,.tn•atil,,important 'pofpts., [{noWIed'ge'ea to the weloelty ',of' itaht va of-t'reticentioli Smpili h-nce ,astrono.micai • science, since" it •e'iia•bled• astron.cititers :.tn•:est'ima.te accUra tely'ttie nerinuus d 'tancee •: