The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-05-28, Page 4q 9, 914 W, M1 414% THO: t 0 -7:- R, MW Ir ion Spec Moult tt w atever EXP'LaRK fA,, e T"rkhout '7011AIU0. i t . lli,�,Cotld I tr I y vfI4 01�, 1�k, "Ovid Thortipson, O�ie, Ot B� C.'s, Il Pijblis)S�e4 ever One of the great wat6rways of the ........ .... A tWh y Thu T,.,,,, 7 Ploneer, Tray I X�y Central regi6n� of, Sou.. hern Brl� 077 q, Z�7 -C! dijU b[a ppoa: river - M -7""- �v t u - PT p- 7, n r -L— pq _foe N ci A j4jpv�th Tho, nipi��n, aud - the, Sout h if, at, 1prfA�.n Tfiom*�goai which t)"niloopsi (A I)rPMises tp �b( mtOORT'A KURQM',CArjJJ11 UA- eat wal.'-. oM J11 wing, on to`,,the aduthwPOt as 4jn&� ALBEJ is 0 into one Btre4m sav in 'fa4,�is Lytton. -The Thomp'-. the, Fraser e-44. IbIl 1 -gas W i t, to u t r e t 'n Ii n 1,VPA1- ''Of. T�pkub f EdXno#ton,ga4L,APtUr#1 gts t *rQ'is" i V peg d ling for -the, J0 to. 'Obile itud offigr epkjops. ThpdiB� hiftt�h �ibqlum�la, ag,4 its �qisl4ture, 69 ery, Buggej n tingL� Hdron in the L hat Wtfona-We4 sad forthp. 4rs n7 ,e n miles railwayP q ur , trans putt it and -AL tt mt tal euelfit to The-Aawrne QU MMAKPWIMMMMOW -wa CAM 4t-A:T0W9nw41 to 1P -t eb, in Uis �o. i.�h Lp I f. i lvtp� to o.4V" �01 'rg: 'D a __Own W�,YJS A _e.X e_ be 46 the, ArPnirnie n A INP I . I r-, ­�: z-,4 " ­- I`— -. �­-, - ; �­, � I , -;_,--1- ­%­ r. -1 eop 6 tit 1 �ta, and and'uSefitl `,expIqreis:,,of. Britiah.Col� KAN ticket� Mri- gam -1 pinppuh, f ie as r6ji e­qf� , 'ug -h-. tion ble- - ink.RA1Ll'­Qr,-Q. L' he 4-tipAi4nd-.- altho AV�, st- i 3 n c (1-t-io-quels kcific Tiqket Agenti or write t -umb a. D 'Nfup r4 Ve.h Toroilto ag, cR liliea diieovety of guld� it does not:.; jAer and rrji�d, the '"rich jTg wn pjqnpe�, and one of -the strong. the m4ny -7 PpQneut. L, as, result in:gf in, I most safe rinaJoritits, a h e�tter g t Is, of,. A�i&6 ro Agen, JL 1­.�e old Northwest OM_ C 'has -,ca U'Sed- -a14 who Oerved ov 77' -the- er,'� ----------- is' ruO 1n:vi6W'I6'f buzy, ex 11jent. in I �garyi,,an his. Work have, been 1p4 d byl4e­ P- th' tj specia. y is, fr Of. I cite p ettl,�g Of PUbli 0. IME, T t'i 'y 0 vL rians'' Uthis, but perhaps TO ABLE, 0 GRAND RUNK T is ng S. the -courk, "S ar GINperan�L --e,ques ion.,, Go XG OMIA Aor, I , .. i, ' . I one is' moe� jhau that --d n oieor theten 'diatelY th6re. was 6otrrin ce t e drjUa_ L f .,t Own . ag'Lpleeeg 0 � a 4itie-ii by te.; Airierican, 'h f' w 63 a_ in )rd8;o �d b 0'203 be 0inglit 'wi ti6fi of compafil6B I f I ud' -Bacr c ""ke h Of t, w 4 N6:205' 2 - in. at is sil'�P t 0 :oil a Pri are h Thoiiapson, the, Y 'V f[An 1ti. t- - 6LS Caiikdia exp '�l P.. )qa. le a Or ' 'A� ' " ' , �b` . '' si( v y d-pront. weaon's ecogrilze -:a;bfli- 8 c -a . ...... 16 r m fl D i0r�e -V a in ab I.e. s-6. rxic rtta�, 'A' U p meA s Ue . j C ,kq,'4d'cbaractei* a6'd w A 4 'va ev -Both ae, men o selling_ .Wea of share -naint- has.'� C buBiuesB metliodsto,t e �co' h cluet of -i, e D­�,S, firdceuP- f T.1 A t 0 with 00 ­,.Anothe�r"ti11 u, Is n wv wi Thb 'P )rds, ve ..Saviqgaiwtheb-�riks iv.ere m - FOWLER ti. l)-S ­'D. n,but 'gh b' ',at . bald,' - by, -AWE, --riq hni? e use, -is- es OwS, n, the debates. Re 'ICU 'A 'NEWTON �en is ce end� 7 wh a in f There: W' a noTnical obseti� 'o ern� torologic. sfit qmniaud re-, work an ganizatiom, WeL.I'nay-,.be.,K-i��,i'hgt-miieh�:pop j�ty far... d 6th pe idjij� well, a�ft has 0 oniplOV6, ov" less specul4tim ill ie slia're is 'arid VationS, to t dAy,4! C Pair A N--- OU -TbO jap'son career 0 �Agai e qualities and -adva t­'be�OIp 61t,, will be66ught, p tin a eeth. so m I UnliS jj;l� because, OX, A adventure tow, he �Ieiiiept eg, by'Soejjla�tQrs- iind r6is -on -but villl m6ie 'ag upon an. U kLill as'�a p4sonal convasser bl" A d1n- th6 J'oAj L inttv 'k,eevs. tfiq .s'q"",ds.:ind thousin,ds of flodrs.'V. c -an 4hi ut ea�Aer�pu le; L ri ran' ess fkn -aad C te QrjAg. esh d-th'- it4 -fir- y -dije - - --- wwtii�sg- h Cir Lving. - , , - et 6f oil o - ih�h-.Wwa ne Canada- accuraie and . eomparativelya cla I mati OOR and'beatiling spaile put himin 0, iii �he an. r6snectin''a' th, e' vast eally Quelph 80 a will be the in S- E L PAINT AW 80NS�Ltd 40-U--WS.FI ... . qo - OfMan tP e- �'ex- ro -F . .. .... UTH w 8� f linisuran66. Fire and M��- sav y enri re ion OL, i -i te�s.o he: chiape4,. Qo'j a. �,e-jt-W "e -- r t e w nO in them e persoi Hose 6stly inor.e.t.- f,e, Or t Wn Ont.� Agent Vc'g: ela8s'js an d, w -t any.`Rthe LINDSA.1,1 14010lqW, fr. Mus"' ear&'. 10tig ,.ro 11-agaiii 'for 4g�nibling: of that sort, urfae�e wi I and - ggr i&1 cob try mineTa companies dOnly Anderson has 'A�fair bilit�y,�S':& 'is'au eqensive Aalne. �4y 0�p 4-v�lops a a n. IN M t detiv ------ - --- - Oqt� L nfm -e LGO-R- id farm uuA I -hay. like* his -jopn q. W ror, 1-77-0 itqb Oj­ YOU. ......... . ...... -seve r .,,a h nver5ant.. afiair;�. ever 0 -6ULD:-T AKE­' -h:dIa.-. had or Y SH .been.- e -, by I I I ­., . Vw an to His' 'edu- �pra eir rne-to-wbrkink-,�'thp,' ;tically.alf: i Welsh. esd ur 3fd tbib blaMoee_ thil ncient in- -t -week --- al -work of . he a man r( d t ops Eitup n cy, BID, thiii a to 11" J4q 6th. r day we. rd e Uo oil DO SE Lucknowin conn6otibil-ith conYeYa oink tV qu clAer§j.qr,00kB And, t ''19: vAus, estaues, lo eth. win be itteh f * ; burSe �4 Ititut n t 44ng the ig -SOUL r� u er-J POP W-a-ut or politic -d -that-' ety u t to eun the' AL6— W eno6e. b' in pf; ictims 01 swin 1, s'pupils. A, e age o ie -t .1. -7777-77 ------ 7 by th otary Public, hi ves.' e the service bf the years, h entered Uf%.ffIrC� unt, Plate Glass COMING. -AND GOINd. T is conteni"Ou was get TIT) 'On Me `Hudison-� Bay,' Compa I ny, going t oBroker. e '.,Insurance,- -Real Estate -the -��-Qu boug d For th three I or fbuk jye.a. ht� to,. b churchi I river, which: flows -Into- Hud 6 responsible.. e a Od -an on g BaIr "the Aou weit. have. hear ch about the grea� num to for them that Sbeifty undatak6s 'he-xeniained,iii. t -know, or.fl oiit.' Real It jy� yea ber,of.,America 1). L serki-m- anct -wasiew d' our nortif-weste'rn provinces., yearwh making rta farm pj-oj�� LL a, silig c PM, ate its bi4Q.,se: of il: :'di' sUlulace, in- a ev appsition d Ill, the,Nelson VoIck, hourw JPL A. 2��; W&L Audk liag� beon sdid ab )ut thOQnadians 'In survey.0 of,-th Church e I _e I J . . . . . it,,,Oug t to skatd St An& the Sa heWaii Thts'$tare it fails --W dorgo h and writt(in ov shou F artl "o ates. no f -W-L L Uerr t4eir butarliss. "aie jqiu� Camp- all kpo* that f W& -our- country�. he aggkmive, Reco"mmen t the eli6rf -in tbe sat! 13 o' P,bpqr, le bell stTeet. Allibrethroti.6ordially. invited. It was pointed �out'thit if that view Xidrthwest q -Grand,, E. Aitchison; Vice in nei, ver� the: Wer� po*6kful lriial pf he � older 66m - Noble tio '911 Offibers a W*jth ��W 'So re t A Req.'Sec., A. 4. POYd, Fib.' §e , DL., PAt--, n a iflii7 t e tilitidill. of 4Arst furflier'bRIiiiiies to 11 scl�ruu ti t-ilf" ame the is- ilidn d -b 'be,6v--Aiso,eW 1V 4e� .h", -T.ttolup li:-ha a e -go- �takefi,�Society­sh6uld,-h v. y M t their fellIows and the, on Be whOMAbe-1 tr om6r. and: the geogr ��e� a-usi be new's :most Eaul i s OearnA"t- -Nb-rthwest,,L.QQM�anv.L tra�.velmg -ov6r�� t, df -rift gl es 'a Al.* -.A-: -R O�, e s -f ro- -m- -t liefli t. br Urge part- �of - ­ ; e movement nort -fo the, the vak eri y. an Y.* V 00 a-nd wxn. f. W.. M., A.: Mac ' '6. 4ying­betw e&�he,. Wioi QW nalmost Colinfej_ .1 - . - t, side of he�'. Lake: Athabasca. vere not. in-viu�d, nd ently­ar�, see i, -why 0 W�, e repjy; W th ther t al no mae - var., - t ced:othe, movement in,-.,ihe o. Rhoidy 'before Ahh tl�qthiftg to th, It'geeins to. be a' h t - 1 .1 1 1 . . 'uianit,S�ci i sho ety- inake good. the- Ibis W �,I.ckenzie W14,8inion:, Fraser af�', p-dan toL -refitse giving tq�)ney to .'NO. 0 lre"c ion.,' t, ac6&4ing to fi re P. Court, Sherwood,, gu s. re- tS I st Mondy'.L -the It,surely ioi not, fair thRW-. had. crtlss6d the Roqk.y,7-Xo1Inta1ns�by �v ohi� re.'ri.9t well known.,. r is "U" cl, 13 th, United, States E Mee in tj ide rl�o riug­d-ue-to7-w wa$;of-th- -the4h uppr-talldy-b -:the­P-ea.e.e-. qvil a, d r, F de epadmenl. crime SnOU-ICL 1411. llpqn.�80.111e, 6ffe-71'ffWj-V-' 0 &sses. fitr the south. in the. year to the nt, —Friends - 00, he read ed -h- -ad 11 7tlfd e second Monday of each month I -ed States outnumbered. the encans W6rkmWY7'1a- A�M' - , n, t] e tow, ilver -by rioans of. tfie xiass D. R. MacIntesh �iec. superficial, fellows'., HaIL Mi 10 Mete is a edrtain: reason' A Diarinid; FiA.; A4foMgh,-,WIi1c4 t LikeJh aV tkiturniture ulefie�s in Vanadfan:�,Pacfflc: -R11,11waY now"i s;: o'United be. liranglies oi.'th6 �Colnuibla, going'tohe ,'State 143- lie. pasi si.x yearsj. Our �ampafgi i`74�-, In t river until hostile Indians compe'lle&d; y 39,006. CAn, a ed ftnpracticablbtsoeiiji�m that, iety, do. for the individual even.those �him; to tiiin b�dk narry-,� . o I on -fox; weasel,�rmnk muskrats Soc is ring. A ka wh�clt take its `h q ip'g§ whi' 'he pan S Sevei -yea' 0 M. isk - for' 'IV on �k S. bae�',tolie, tirii.e.`%w. e;n f est price,. er b�'agalh,crossed r.m jus I..r - best;,6 for hi -m elf. n r� till. ondofi�easov-,B 'he Coln t irnish k girl h cod is for un ains, ascen A Atheric in nilnigraii6n int6this,c m� . A ountry 16: it* b k di'f' C the ni6 t ded t i.A,P-A_l ---.rontent,�with -ox exd '--when he' built, apii! W. b a river f6 becaftle noti6eablej Ca�ad&'B n4 gain in I I I .. p -man- -a"MrF ti). W' 9,06. tR6 nai5e Om onsate ic Is pg. but JAPA4 iAc' Always pu ife Phd t al6il 7 tVe soutlinoveni6nt. was to. -01A a& leaves his cash iriii bperi,, D enay. le-subse(ju6ntly 61L t .,.K "GLID. w ocarblessW Charnbeitt n.'s Ta e are worhii-I'd I ins., b ring & -Kootenay 'ake-T--,a­n-d —an n Gieen rierVes I& I -M 4�7— o-rs,� provi ifig a, ip 21 b6a6iiful col" till aa: negift:tito look, is door over 'diges0qr, stophe�daches, keep the ive -aonsiaIer the great -efforis put forth he ��asceude.d the-Athatiagea river, NTS'. 'KIN ALL LINIM h 1pa hjch'&�Fs ont o Pass- hn� L assure g-66CI , ]i eilifi: dLthe .---hot JA -P--: i G 01`,� nig4t whert-.�:Iome-proWling..iltief e i vate oenciis; to -L indu every pc uce by public and pr f , . bTo 6d'fi c A Oar,an teed, remedy for � .. : � himself tothe money -Or, suppose a lazy, by means 'of whIc4 te crossed- the !alli. -'T6,'theii. -'25c,- m'bottle I to' m'dve genci is teside'uts of �tbe United 'Sta DrutivistsandDej ders or 11, ..,A -LAC indeia awonder �drkinj ai.d. in keeping Ro.e es. hard Witre Ai eifellaiA to'leave.his. shoviils,-, -furn'tu C, flo(irs and'wo6d'work "spi6l "d -s an' rhalmse by manor b6a4,. into the,p� i i P M&66 0�ca.. To to. I , r xtl� rairle, rovinces. Acel)rding Meaidn 0 rakesand1oesgutside vernight;sV6 Id. 'illir ,to United,Sta - 0 U ce. , , -6enero& Acrid. s No'matter w 61idiy ecr�tched or marra&aspieoe J t;ps authorities the,66iiibeir t Lord, tratheonals tuTnitutle.rnay 1.)e, a coat Of JAP-A-LAC will mAke it I'' k SOeie(� th�i!kb'good,�i§ "loss if �One of iThe' 'to -al of 00 Oirk Tj OL AM6r1banov6o46tjkd-ih Canada in like new. 'it covers.up1he'sidratches and �foduces �& -beiu- 'we -iNaer Ill -UiAv4hity; ik'otI Nvacktdilietribeiliel 'hinwelf.to .9 Tthepagtsix years - was: .616,112, while-, ps ts-broti-ght-.u-0--to-$2,2'7,5,000 by'tj-16 fiful. fi4ish.- Quickly. iind easily Apt4led., . ..... la, BeE.ofaideni�g to�IB b6fore morning'l pecent afin6u.�ceifient of the. bequest Nleo'iirperienee retivited. ENTRAL the 6 �e� of Cafifulta4s 150-:01OVe -1ntO­- that'it shotila,.. Socki'-fia-11a will,' H 1:9 g iof �8 01 Aelt Your lQr-al hardware,.store for theJAP-A-LACC06F the States wis 594,919. of, one 'rd and--bo6k entitled A'Thoii atkd a d One,.0 es of canit vid al- to protect him - is the.. balance of a, sum . . . . . . 'he 1.4 -A �AC" 116a -dollars Which �,ptomised for �elf a burden of gainst, thi th�e extenalon . of,the h"'g ek edudmt TO 1NSU.,',E FQA1 eves but the Ion 1�TIAA4IF'OftD, VNTO. 6111L]EMITALS IN: B. C. In, Luck now -dent,: dn I whicli lie sibility'must and should rest cm�il inovol d 7spoft _upon, of w a ;'Become a special 6t -in ni; nqqq., `aI6 apa��!Lwc 0 Y. w-ofrd-Irp - & C is wvhther eallin rlv- JijinselL A 'is 1ju ... ........ "ed D nd wbtlti� la -Col ­ . I I b �- It orespec n�- g-- iiwiak t 6 V'&s and to bers, is %r,o- en. affiliated bboli' I th ibleltralkaft 118. . 1. . rietq ello)-lk Vol Mon 06ve ent 'Iss'ded.,art orde' 6 McGill niv, lave thellaqvP01"M 0 Best Busi atrue 'of swindlors' and 6 oks for' built bY -him at -A cost- of $3,50M:' 'attention-. 'on lAlaY 4to Our ro­ Royal thl t 6 Intendi t 6 int ndi thimigran s- 001 ait-Af teen - -year-8--tor time. nree Joe othraircialo Mlowed, to ad.' etifing among� the aim I$Ao get; the goods-'Aile 6vaahj A. amoiintifig to, $45,60 S. .1 9 the -Infere� a whites of British Columbia agaipst.tlic� e ja the pforaised endowment It th w. year, upon Ttkgraphy. now-- AdM'-q"o`n- n- Orenta'Er bag. un�d, of logue. 'eft growing, and is, now. at fighting :.Ontai . i an e hbL.jj4.ed to the -uhlv %uthoritiow' aW.tite at ohloc for our free cau be Mude by 1toal o. gre . earmarked 'fdr Vie VletorIil­061Iege.,. HL nei n in.,point, Ifthe, u, h4 ehec fbf last Yedf'B Alik, , -6at.' 1i is in defeiebee-to tiis, -feeli 'g A" 44Ail� public we n, w pd ttakeg T werniijerit order w 8issued. I J�e rson only a a i -fev that the gt mailed days', b6fore' L Strat, doha beeb doubt ir sw Mies, i soon will have plent� died. as to whether or.hot Hindus w6 ld be do al' gtliatfine6 Howabout.hosej on u WIlde the Royal Victoria College A 'COLLEOP, allowed to ebme to-BritishWumblat and o'the four hundred recent orivala appear we8te.fn reAVest-0'e' -arid b w tfiouf er y n AT, HOME ted by Lord, L the onh.t department :of the unl-: L, � ANK T Mo MN& uying i benefit br the i will' Me(l4if 'Over t6 test thesi-dation. ever''seing tht pr tty.� Th6y were as -Sft a Iffetim6; !I'he inedl­ was very getlierbu�lytrea a Incorporated 1855 to have come f bi jn�'hj thelro%ll homes�0,600'iPk EvidentlyAh-e. 06vernmen',t ha. de'dided b a , iaINfIty eceived $8U 00, tile tions -as stenogthphers, book- hcgl6ctful 4 0k6ir wti interests as the tal and Peserve e n 06 f lljaesg AdtVitie 8. You w eWvFs-1—is Zonz Hall Wi ma Is possi avlery s ere o 'bl if. you sIt ig that 'a policy of exelosi by.: his �81 AR a-40 SAN C.AN%DA sh at c on rAntedd, Koter college ..A S. TRANSACTED. 601A - , shouldbe.ad6pted',and sthetlyenforced C onsideri.hgl-ow. re6klesa some people ifidL kkport teachers. Thirly ye)Ilis, ekoeviialice., Earogt ttaiti,�rs -and the Apondi. the a&ptic n and the' Taki�lg 1�0 ch4lic'es. -,n'the stand tosuffer 10.9s, w4at dA� 'SOMI special co are. wh. Y. 11 -known "Toronto, IaWYOPWA8 trietdr the 6fifu et er. nfigR we ex'peot if they kw!w. that the he" -it h colftm.OrLiai. gu n a cas on appeal W flMA(d, g NA, em R r fit y faiii th4t the, ern ditig. loss wbuild'be made, good by their neg�- had lost in the court below, afid 0- .7 tipillation 6f eald to the q P the East 811�111d' not be Ilan toti we t� have croo Igh bourt, STF-AM6R dkEVHdUM, A tnd 1,ive u t roo 1111'fflb�l` 'G9 DEP n, TM E N Wigbain ilU91111 9 allowed to domd o.ver Pon theII 'EXCUR'SION T 0 upi two callitrg "'benefit; could do'T'if the liclt6 yde-6f4', et)ge for hig 169 j jjidg, ftef all, little to D agitime'd that Ri the court 1561� PC ve dtowded patts of Asia from quch a At Atlowedt migtitm etwitA Rafibt t: and retorted the I aincl-Rettlib Re g 'r oil 7 y w . hy� I Idst. ItWe�Iidi Lo fto Policy.- Teri rhilli6fl Jftpaft6se,jw'ent Iflotf �' %ipesd. 'and iwenly, - milli' GOING 9:30 6, UN 2 tt to. tudonts jjeop,16, fr6hy 111'dik hilght copie, to this Conting liti 15�trokjl J :NE imm"19rMfort fot RETURN M dotlittry. W16bout perteptAbly tfi6vin*g T6 budy Of Nfisi J�ne I otd' M" three y6ftils'i 1#efuded 20 000 gure (if there s preignto) of pojj� bf -t fioni, )nto for, 'b ial an&. 101 Hinduem I, chi A 01J. I so on nh6t q4t ia�tics to, this -'A* th' 6'nd t4th, Wad- 'tic rot,*J1,4't. 9AL, 'd it"' and w,4 and sttong until kqpentl�' tinie such an hicomitig, f As U r- mcgl dl8a4tiIous to toti, bittfor many yeafq livedwi1h, Xtra i8e all Senior Public $0.4tool 'and .,NliAs Ford spent her life fij One-. 66d 'Mag Akoivvm: d-fi6th V� Rik babw� The th .1 ry 0,11' f1fgh School %tti(leho thi.t it ser here who wasl her arid tams Scwiiig Kihn' ptopardd to mil A 06py eif til yello' �Chd blacks alikid, It M A. NOW-MOPT AR8 e M ehinos; would mean r-Att *wa�- -'atid it fq'jiit aA. oft her deAtl) Bhe Inde he fiOM6 ifl, mot'll I ftjz rid q� fr&ffl, Wf�j1jrglj1jj �Vay 11, X!V I -.t K. .13� 1 wtngna�K Mg le Adttl4 0 -to avoid dohditiotii far wor.qe that o q k �oron, soas, ri ing an ver, ... tit, ten fit" sit 01inIgn (It(. MO M210tte on-Stilfiday it tern 6 ates. hV fi,vo whr) jposM �i�4 0"'I float t Shaw's lCunq 6.thAt such Wtxr is due 'to t flothesteAd foriliZiti krid when toj f If. 4 an rkee jeMobay and hato born of IV IN kt9ftNtCMjR Or, 641k, Ad C-16,Ve* Set.d tl gng, mhfi iffi r4ihl *411 jut hsand Imte Ate t6we strikiog the groutid with, groat f6mend, STAR f from Wh6p F40th D ron iqnef ar 'hours, or. 6: ill t Re Was hurried to BoAp I in the Owen -8011no �A is in iq4a�he Will 00,00 Ou . P16� 00k 0