The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-05-07, Page 5'7 1� 7-- - 7 7 71 T R i"70 en, 4 ip-4 A, WAW4 -2 �17 foeti, -a' the'l�ot. of which. ihe 0 n H ty, d 14 'steeply for Apout ten. IQpL .1 ...... ..... feet 1110,110. .. ..... �Tdeada 3fhj,,o 7 70:44" 0 dead when4ound, as oalW"j iss L Pierce. and the doe pr who w pthri 0 e that his n6ck was.br'dkon. com *P11 oi Thupday, . I , ; Clothing an� 08int %: t I j 4 , N40. The, Cha uh awn Prb p6rtn� parl:t, if! was, a so bA 1, rleo,C P y Q g., -in g. 4 barna,,, wqgq _11d, ni wagon w4% badly: sm heq, 4itt; tt;,� witid-iii. a .1 * y� hdr6e v&s' v erv, 14118 injure& 'Th 'The jiliijority, o f ',in te PIP and d ftlOve 01M jut d qr 1 -1 -1 , � *4 RUS M, "M1,110 te 'D S . i1rast, apd. MAY cost col 061 4* -thO f4r in tb( P retornel-a 4 of, obto 4 lot j' wl;oq; q; pi V1,01. q� 01, *,e itWt wpek.;t FAAM,F aid-. A oub, erce vintA 40 j A Brnt. Jaem6ro.- -Me.tt- -at- �Mlcotfll nFrkd-Ry�.nightfif-.,Iait',week- and �,o' ized it branch of, the "The U wor be, sch Aj u(IL, Pit" .8 fv�" - ot 4f, the rd hieh ainisat t) Wd, ffe -think w Is therehisnoth tay�t6tn ple VMS -whidli,cuts one the the. rle, odo W. ax, -W liams -Tog ftn_eqf NA he T. rthtfarm4oupp. Uovdrs' t 5WPfor or. 0 to h -Aura- le -re -.4' hes: W atWoodwbrk, furnitukc4n The al� spread -easily 404 e6vep W.el flooits in one TrOvincPt 6Irn 60gallUrition a es,:., over :irough lumber. will consist 7�,Tesdv, May 5,., P44e itat -hardm expensive d woode.t i6g, -Is v1sitingfli he ty Monk): Vice -P. a S-W"Wigon: and Iinplcfn�jjt-.p�ijjt_,�_�,. W. a:rtini; enQ --pro' 3�w V anti -V. p9ijif-.2tr J,e. wq Ja( I �',visit�d at- � - 3 U X -i _e fect' th 4iva% Fred --k.] At ractive $attil'd farmi Ogefuti :430 Wktj�ej Jaku machintery And juipip ScuW1,11CIt inerits, gird elors. inr6 -6 fiell --s d for —W- McC n eaC, ar&F 0.F4N- or jz -"ba v, --W. astle for �01 7 * 0 up -ace reverits iii weate y evening. P, r -power. BELL, &.D.,. f t ftablb 611 peilut, if! a ' U. , A:,I, coatik rust d AUdie Yckenswiller wixe orne T. HP,. A Us -ARE --W-Buggy-Paint-N sinitary--deceira. Sunday. DW -ST�' inc,, eautiflull" 'llon ofinterit6tr e4flere& 6, - disastrous. fire paely Licknow for cc It Plork for Porch fui-niture bats�'.' is rd V Die fire start-` -- -;Nfr'-.qtid Mrs. Montg in 24 beatijiful sha4esli,t:diy omeiry visiW4 at. d a ty effect. C owe.riwpotsFLpw,knpj­-gs; en-mp,,ew t r -the m. nt -=7777:� ':.Wash 17Y. ed with' out inju. as 66ugit tho.-W*bole A age Ed McLear -tied L. rt6tui horn from ow. -firej-howevi6ri w&§-ponfinetl'ba tan"Ade "--LW L r is visit ucjKn Ing er un -W r oftheitreet, ffialif side cLean, at present� 7 GO rs.' Arthur M h' 1 ' - 1 1. owever were gomp ettely wiped ut Hodgkii Pailits' Oils C6al -'Etc o (Gam tAd' Jim 18, VISE The, �,H6gei 'w'hiieh-ha§ it . V( )Ptilati6n of b is father who is ifidisp-Itsed , at 'present Y. or n ,Pvth f S, LUCK' NqW as, no to protection M rs., Hayos has. returned -to her home Hol ' od y materwork rid onlya bucket bri�iitde ia6ar' �aft6r 8pe ff, a io6�� avwilwble� -fiaht le�! home ot bert McConnell. - Ro 'Mrs-. Miller, an:invAli, *a;s Earl.14'd Hiss. -May. 1-fether- movedfro lie h6- " I ' . ''We -bave a uf r usewlewthe-4re­ to 00d, assortment 'of, C tain. Nets' in ok: Prolonged, deliihtful dri�� AM IN Rinday'e vGry- Z-e#U-,and-A- Is 1; - :enmg -ux, , tvi "et—ca a tq e -urred shortly aftpr�b' dea hi which acc remova 'd by., the"fl' Prus!.5els'R 1. Losers re -were: I die, I�tt�k at. 3X4, an ' ii t-, 3 'KheTgra ftotel;� Al 6heiiiian li.v i.e- op j udy ism"t it W7.—.'- ,,at $�24j ob a 2 eac.h. j,2 h d 'All and fivia horses lsiirri6d, Alex. Alayn the. �ul-' er,;'Charl�§ Start 'law pft-6fthe -Anglican ltl4h, 3' to '3 Y2 4. hniilpmeni:-deal 4ij Sunday ta t bc 't�aud 8 . . L : . hex dit_44 * -'Th� -Be' 11 4he following-. undayi-Rev tentr Lin-ol.eum in. 2, ',Aqd'4-yaid widthg'ai, and 41; C.. R 1`6b�.,, �6J2'"Lral P' 5 C- 3 ra; _116 Li '6 tit;, the: Pu h eC.burchtservic was��h�J&Iilj­ yar, ntId' fidl Do' or' 6h -int 6 Anglican chutch bip suridai noo y Gir 9" 'an oso q-- If aincoat�s,,� in -,-good quality. e S r4, T ea L di E N N. of CII Ii noons or t e stfin, :,In 40' at $6.-25, M n)' at $j o "U _heI&iu:,the.afier: h eC14 e s o.- o; and was seriously. :BR.VC :,.C.OU TV A"... I . . . . ... 1: ":, � : . . . I seaeon�.. $1.,3_50t re ' aill-orn1c) L bile n.t. at d' abe a . . ....... in 7 HAn da'y,L its a 1110flement f0 ou eived,.a Krge assortmn ada Te last took. That, hee��a'ped' have j u st rec t - -of to have.,a v3f�e ofthe C�h eing C K! anee c instantly-kilud - is- ­.eqns ered m6th" ats anee ancutrimmingsJ40-the MUjin mart-, -3bk)r a mirmacle, ffibr ery P�. Th�- 6 r e Barness 'Co... of was thrown -ies 47, May 5.1 ment. -Will rid''!.dur stock ibom th branch prises, e talAuthdrbred $5t,000.L000.. about,2016ot, �tfilring his 'head'! with Fall wheat' is verk,,'projinis CH't 'ho a Ca tal, Pai$-u on, tie spring. is seei true WaN44L.�a, wil.l. -open. a. ing Ins"tb be the ate t styj��s dn the.. mrket.. pi 'id Fornhds n" 'o c the. road, is ]a*. case all Yi ih,t;hr@pLpjaceA -he tn_paA_�LBruee_coun Surplus $3j750,-:00.6 is-,h�oien the soutYe. -NT e0. rorn �tjl fracture' complieted 'a f urvey ... ...... ... .... ere e s were successfully I adVAuded with seoding.:, orbd 7C ind'' ke*s' big allian6, e Deabo, reduce'd; i8b ed As. week- and -in 6, Teo the -W Whent 6 yoting,man first" ro, C. -1 . : ruise ter practising or. 20 years As stkuti6n 'by-openi a, and Xf serat:hotd- a' grain �Irotvs well over the'irodad. nd he also received ve rinary surgeon in in ed e 60d in- te r. Savino Account, he Bhonld'look -ahead to ca h 60d i ere -h as -evident ar. , �Whe'a first picked 01U&J hence he' -time wlke� ��sib­&­Dlc-book will: a-1 '_byl lie t now to visitimuch sidVancedient 'to Dr. Jae, up -i t Was thought �t;6. ate c:aitcity pf'. news 'this Week..'. MR. "no 1% gioWiAg-bank.4�61ance, assures an emp ci&nb, rotild. 'bd of P"Ove f6ti -though -a,stered tl* pitin- D, N W.- t fo.rtunatatly- the. inju; 4cs, . : . TWe' en, news"' t6y,"Bay' Is er thaf'a young man has, in 4. is :announc - PS RL pe a -fit th 0 UQA V, Miss: III of -Buff -do- daurhf�- _*ere mot-aa-spriq _a� -thev- ejpl�- - o Ailft114gelDle ot 6.e notnical appeartdi: it `A. GLENNI- ettet-a-W--akkerron to im-kca. ri.�gpto,.ta e-IW.t e early that yea,r' ag-'& k t'7 of citizen of Chei left par wn ear)y 0 Wedlie'sday evening in 4C�6WCjn#.t eAt' M14 IC o,' manag The rton dqg�paiqo N' 6 r ot tbe� Alerchanig arth 1"hey made c ,,, i _ xun , _t6­.Hjfioj6r and e family have�;grone,-to -tW�h -the Be er a eey,' in the latWe fif a nurnb6r of the U`y of late hunting groi5n& .0.ther8­merejL_ Abo 0 vention 0 a vet., g wh it 1 "Or-sp sovdn oVdek wh6n:th from alike fa' b .6 kcciderit�Q �_Ah inter, ecur- f red. M.r...Ri h6l Q Ala 6n6of. the fitopt'wheelo' -gave way and The PoI16 �g 18a'fe" Of. 0.Uj'L: Lines: x. Johns 'the. car. -turned turtld thro Wi. W wil, a (Jap6 Ci;'nker tan, is spen n I in :Walk-* wing b4h ding �Pqq, out, Nkl e, a mng s. pe t at h -odiy ,he eat. three *quam', h' - ' i ' -h qrt4nj&i-Lbecause_4e- refused' th�.qw.n ]Th MAd i4el$ -cm he feet. the about twenty, fe6t, AraiA#jD.idana__*jm:iha mi uggies -Lin" 46d_idrn'etil"� cmet t is wante--f6r_�-sp be -tho 'was via in iilextraor bei �hW of fit -6 ent y sair4ed to some ex., Adatn*'Wiigohs - 90t.&: bottle auie Chamberian's time, to iscard-h6av� rubbers. s d J"ttbroug , sgrip -TAbletscived St0NWh4-rou`bles!- h -b' 011 -the-steer n s.hoe an4 iavp � im::& gobd digestion.' are,top n G e rS' fo A War e have the h. L ;h" ot' was, thri3wilorily as. ort� dl"Staince. r irt. tij W M. Pred Eu neat fa 'Ka geroo:' Tan G ' in* Hornestdad Fertill*6ra semer,jr., of ihei Vil ROW were picked, up, unconscious; Ki� �- YoAL. ttry.,�thet... bota u D j "I'lalf soon re . viOed.. All' ruggUt :D ers or by n Fiost Wii ei%,6e. 06%.. Go04' U,4 was 4ft46W;L� Mail. 2. 00 UP -'to Tirmot�ky and Clover Sde4 atured ate grain ;ind 4pl it at pricos -from' er one 4ay, I wt)dk,. The 11:11LI'slit" j � $ aftitmal�strdck.hijii ofi'�the -his'node and other*W iniuringhis HAV ing R ETTY -HAIR- *,exit$ %5h664 Was knocked unctotn'scious A .-Specia n Joi-se -breLLd turda e_ unabi' to ThliCk "'Soft, Fluffy fuld'aa A P Y ll Ilige Se 'Th" It" 'I N4 Slip Sol' e - 1p ey Xpreas states thab i -S Men BoX. Ulf, B If your hair is lbsilig Its mat Wilgon', yit�rietbr of.the ftbyal H ural &lot; Verdon otel; �couiiug out and splitting, or/Jadks that, Go ear ea. fr6rrf. 6.,.to e4. 91 -4 A cheque- fro enviahli�-'go,ft6ess:r-kloss'Atfid beau _W Z tond May Brawing.Co. for the amount of,'& fine not, d( -�prAty. hair is larkel.' hf 4--o Q� --:Saturday- a Gia.1 Y666fitkiffiPosed., -::'!'he 'fin Intteruf elirt, �7 --Seeding'Lill I 1,p U0 n iiia c�. 1 f it ig harrh i4d -ftbm VAcfnity.. selling 'beer tron s94P have -dindttff 'MI96n? 6XPenseS aindunted. 0. li I � t .8 e s � 1, atid, The Wotnen's Instittite it ii beestis e ca s od, dry Fresben u'O 'the kalp. ft Thu ilAt. Pte Corners 6 id's� .... ... .... ------ with. 'tin Sage All;�rtr Saltylob wh Parisi d 1rhjjL qtbrt 'Greenock disapjjea�s, Ap 196 Barrett'* d fAlliO4 bait dild itphifig head ceage, your Nif Afdrthur-'of GoderiA mmaid n heft, is dottbl� bekhtifol. singAt cM T amv; was u n i 9..jiltY � of -Pitriiidd SAge, �Isol-] by J. 'ag,marpied o 6he.,4th Con. It a V1 a cond, time. while and aifall drug i66tinters, is Jift6t; wlidty61 WWO J`§.'LqjVYNT.,. Milgi M'.4as -need-d larg6 bottle cogts tZ Miss tiorthea Awyer dnd Miss M-�y us was still4l u1'* (IodL s L li ' " , M lot got on ausp6n sentence on th' It tute!,YL, make I e' hair lustrous and Sunday with thel't. tindersWiding that he shall t. bi�: 'We iiviee as abundaut.. Itou c uno, n"not IiVe' di6appof d Grace b�sonbld, lute 'wo Who -0tice. with thi.secon iionjan. man 1 et�r Reavie is busy preparing to,put -ST-ANDING 0,41N Mp"Itft)t4l.. 66melit fob miatiotin&r hiLS,&rbAjs USeSL. it. is prettyj�rt. �-STUDRNT& A,� 9ITY.-Bruea Coun 56 "tideft,fa- io- -the ....... -P come 6*ck Th� I'Vekildw Agric'nifixtal odiety 13�11111]JeAalldlgi busy- g6fq1ftg qlateftil rq 101[Dw6rth 1414 'baving again road -6 eotkyfor, t1lb Stgrjtf� do o.M FielaCrop..CtUpetiti6n,: Thomas h entries tip to theti-si Tio '�8 3 ea( Kiricardine. hospitaL fri 6 Fle& G�ey rind Larubton 80 The city '"Y of 1914. Oids are gla�d to �ee Itint, b VOt'OfitO 'Sends'' 1 8 consist of'not 4 7- aa e ii�ib_ t ifilliroyod'in he Ue milowing ptizas number of w $20 00 - 2nd., t itudoi,ts frorg the whole p�ov C ill be awrAe (Intbtided for W 0 �j (Vulatioll of-Ahe Univet,�zity �00; 6th., 7t . h,, -,$-4' StWII6's on.tho 2nd.CorIt in e The si5.6 9,04� 4th., $16 o6- 6th.,, Cr-A-LAC—the, gtd, t 'tee et 14EF ki tioi! <4 of er6p--Oats Louder nd, V lti'v 8UVS� P, 0.- Throuh Addison is spen bKking driv, fat'east a more insistent is the cz� 11 ro r do XTW4 lntionj Add? dy..Luekilow Agrioultuial 416 hifitioned oJ, oonnol:, on the 4thi What'. thd a Week bY W�dk and month T Which inky te effietttd thirbugh­the, e b iy :0fth is floUr L is 0 your' ho, hie, �V L NJ ... Xi uf P�A'�LAC ih e .. I arritty JA �.Vj of Pinkertbir, says the Ma mi4g jemfi�. Shie k b� Mont t 10 '0 ... . ...... ... .. . ....... is. the a'. c Lyf iitY, T,64a� ft n increa8ing I n't P ur th her iend,, j Geh 0 ritt Wearifi'91_1434 a .*t he c� d tift" of your dots not thee. flour 0 an h6T WOOGWO1 UbL . . . . . n L ship, o AmdL lia May 11,05 ofucej pro Ith - ; WD'driald jubL, jAP�ALAC'.:d1f 1691 the ece_ssiij d yt�!Atimj ej� 4 the 106, Alois Ntuta;t, And ter ted .100 ba y Ve, your arin and ni urc, r 13'j)Ut'd mike� 'the oIj I ftewt_ p a AAlifiel& in t the 10cal' trade In i fur it, IOY hi�q tot po�wffioo � bt- 0 eo In the M C.. M. ome, peqp Wno -do. the *vbr Ve r 9 111 U LA *nib et y to neat, -w 6 Ing �We Y.'.. Rot- e 't day idicates, that 6f6hy given that fill 11ters6tig hay. you out tha N6,ticd iA h t erIti�a a r kh.c�- onit or OY k6i as much ad e A 0 his requA' -that §he IUM69 MoDft illiani. jLfi 2j . .... .. ty pas ew p Aid who died on or bbut the do ra, provi ing or YOU�,.av 1. 1 h&g. L .."d p r ase y p�h �our on, the fifth� day of Mai�fi: AJ)., 1914, At,tho a at, go,)d bteaL& a n'; - ht o4t up ingre be to aereg of land­ffbrh, Me o -i I , an ty of aliton And Pro., eeff appAto PoStrit"94 J, I by oft Hooe'y is a SiIj�'O-eftjilj f&t right "C8 EN.' b IAP� � 1A p d A�iok., of MUM in the Cduh PL paid or to del 0 L I ne q jer, ]A A�LA rc I �11fid-qk r Ail� 1. 3 116 q top, d three for herein for Roderick CAthijbiAlL And'Fet,6elt ty ac& rqL UT a,fi&fi . oes right. nMeNity, exedato �der the *ill of the WIR fidAt hand iti .and it bak Whil& A aIadw 1i a dfjAP- a your cc& we �A,LA MAN X itul) D, ft;.' 1110 JAJN'e,� Me'Dohald, their naux6s' And tiddresies Sc,.,tCh,, -we' are Scotch en ' gh �to a, lopt the ....... ... and tail paiticu clainv; ........ . . ..... M s s oga n, o q nc IL old th, 6 -An t, kill dtruti6 IIng oIrk Latknow. In We' fieAr tvi ad �Wad dispedvoilla4t, week,, if of the, it hby, held bj�� thdai, dulk J;�Lo-a-L.ac is' sold by verified by aft1dav And take . . ...... h rei ri. A I . 9, EL. Tiotied T* ' ty-sixth ....... ........ r6sid6fit of Atual. el To-virnAh` - -a - be I aridpetet R. d0lok Cat t , I da of X14k, AgD.j l0t4 thd"Id Rd Ip.. C me, to MoN d ist"i. . . . . . . -,&ath While, iljw�dadtaoi at but thoas�ot,4 bf th,,"W;fd7d6= e1, � am na the k'L Wfsont§ entitled thereto, havifig'e" a. bfil od Ing thdoldinis of whiah thd�'OIWI tit ji6tice. And � IhO. th0,.Q;LM"tI T Alld Feter RL., MoNji'y Will fidt. bd I Y OIL "r t 6 Vofifil#, At to' drive to 0 it gsetq or Ang pi Of W110860lailn t ey sn 1: n061t Jft heOlt th I h NO:, t 16, st,6014 kt LU now 011 97th. knq 4 ON h td A litlad 1, tl i ave ia �,hat WAN T All, ' p0j, Wfifjoe '�&Y'of, 0, n rot