The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-03-19, Page 8MW 0­11mil �71, 1,7 �q. 4 I loll wai, i0iiiialo Ono ­71,� 'J low OP ;�Qa 7� _0 Ochs 0 "'W-C—li­ The 4 by J� A. kir ew's, A, 19,04 Mae' OlW I N' C 0 a) *ri 60, 0 will]v)rq%ftr belong to fir N Oriek and $011. of Torotito,'ma gupO A "thrba"'li I WTV All C� on gouo* sq'inelto, Wr-at" MOK400e, 7- 4%S ee- :i 10gotne pti1oni'VerrW4,*490, taking Mai W, McKinnon, 00f %Wm n 11 L I. A ,, , , , Datat' U gene a- m les, Veiton % r 0,10 wan, f0g� 40440, A 'Th Rod Wbeq y R, Ru dedthe futieralof a g . e e ti�ely -h 1.f - �a'nd ribbon,' P,, t�d , 4 'in , �sell attep d Ad .,of lace pr s nt all on �-ibe Xaihiat;7­�Y. -e atxi -,j A --very., mi w It hs in ent.nia -Best; we luean�* Y -Oat�y We Corset cover, ranspar al C he,pt aq of m4,4 wood at q.". '90' 4 Aw is Pit in, 'sitnth i,�'a o�"htq-:gnd'Jelm�-t RU beg, "Q10 A to was 64i�` �,an mi:;o -ts in �ey-arkly;, is M ta -Vo Pi �'Q . 1� '' '' IQ 4.40 tht,6�gh a*nd W -11t d Von clot6sj- Iid`*44- �.018 to get 040 0k'9 es dai'' ma I use It this, week mit, m in e-4 OVing -Mill D '�a 6k,� 91,0� 4iWrWp0 ,n,, 4�� .. On b h��­Ji�.��)�in­ h' Rib�b6`9 -ka Me'�% AIop6':bo -XcKbiuo� 1,� _y -dainty' qq4 , 4',garment,'-'. a s the, �0 or tientixckY1,ownshif, Yj* ]KKUkt­wn� 46d Rib Alberte, NO* vw* e ba a and, $'io6, -we the, :Lac6 awtt� H9 SPalau K Y011,11� lul-Q, 41, -)A -glip e r rnkits, ready',for"us at 7-5 F�M$ 41' a th, "i -A -l-, e rr-�u pi:=a t-vm ft ..­t1'-­.---­ca—TAP 7 pn 7� remained until he on ivlierie he ;77 ­�p viy --is U -Ira ATOUP at r. IIJ ig out illiare� a -c d d 0411 9� go 4e, ii Rli bons - w end. 7WTln 4 bouriditry fin Miss, op U V ,AAeigh -load of friends (roi �t U oder - to t th icofi. 111k, Kirk was:a em -y 116me, ho­lp isity, It jtl�o,,-pikp�d-ftr. a- -'sh --of-, -.now bet, qf�.Ora�age ind- ''Friday: evo ood W 4 . allv,12,6 k- inuient �... - I t -h ene ose .:Wringer w.. r:46 i,bblidtk* Miss Boyd' is. -AV-0,have J W06 4ent uiog,at�c pt­ Wr 'A - . I � .1- 11 van" .11, Wi t wit b arld4ii,�l h' . �--Ultb ubber U611' -Bbaringsi an u ku6tis- An a, bl'91 Dri ali-rasoected Rialto no e 67 w Jash a- 'M is � I 'bbofig Jtaii* �rib n Ir 6ne 4948i b% Pill 4: ion el., 7tW6"atnie 0 ra of an (wared on a a '0 Jawlart er le, articles Doy is r0mv P airow,,all P rts of -the coull 2h com -113174 7 prices. try, do: 7 d which ce n.d,, 6iii6teiv. --TV`--," X. in 0� ... ... .. alum, und �'W, r; , �q wlimte P, ­;M'41�.. ies all d aincoa ieitivetnefit,, Ain L it. ury r� A h and sppik*o' 0�4�y. A,�, - W -iivo, -,baek;from, Tott'Arthd -A :g091 BidWabd White-foi,sifitings, reuses. All y �N PMY�Iado.�bf h aj�p eY an t., 0 �vhafid 6o*1 I the' 1111116" & e As :.66 t a�j, wq, are, and'as t e rainy SOS n,,p a P1.-":'NITn Con UUTMILI 12 qt, r inne tf6 ood A Nio - e t A'W' .1- - -11, W" h en ti P ewe can,fit th6. v 14 '49 h %ind,*-,und- more mf-or.,do b w -quilg Miss ear it 1hould be� fio 26 h h'; a d' to. ha ve wants whier anct: th IL 0-9 � , , I I ". U 04h 'D r-colots an, -- And prices., . . r- I Walt. no4s,on Th,6, c6miiJittec of Judges v funeral: of. the-.7late p neg- Ifugh :N-1cVurcbie,-:- �Lud RoderIcKL dpy ided-in'faver 6 h"f= n fell qne� p anion 6 ec es re ted. Win. iftobb,' ink In, lent er.. L �ox t V. a;i t t,, th't tbe� night was din'g: the Juneirdl,of �arg oge e �Who iWas.h0r6'atten very" enjo a, 1��. : Next Friday night' th late Win �0�� th It i "' YrP on friday�­ -he- trio, 47tden , f, In Robb 'on "This. Oan, at way an 11ri )ko�g go Xon4v morni 4 tive lag or A' N It route 0- 0 'rb ter M. Kinnon -1 ft . ........ . ematil-a apv­ deWat6 I -Ke &tid I Monday, for Oftaws, 41 h fiom,�'here for ideiesti Of Inve0uFull'. IR, GO -0. S, rig �redent, v r s 0C me.nt are A "it' ber of Nir: aa�d'-Mi�'- bligs 11 Dr�' Sundayed'a the atter o- GleadWill'be r a, Is in our D, e SO. I 's,home here.... Iks; �thes.-a and'- - e pri s on y, �Vhe -Ladiei'Aid. of t.- h a irh ur, Niss� ii and,, ded- $i _Y_ e­.hom"f. 0 S her 'recent' -a bi a ra "T10 Th6 .2h -co e n sl - IJ ';- -Xiss 4e - e6t nnie! W e r6d nge.-of pol r in our b at mpson, d. n. Bruee',on.W d 0 e have Sol, riac pecial. Paillefte: illness, day. Tht. Aid, h ' 'debided: to hold their ab 9.1 di To -44 -is S Wth'di.y, 'nie6fifigs�o1he homes now itt -lic6'.Of You �4p Saiiii.Ducliess P Tues, 11i"k-k- ng. in the chilwa. store. Y 0 "C 6016tit; and 1"K Icati n,: 91(� di ue Korn -or-, an-, pp ine o Hair G vas:appqiqtec g, �T..ransfbr m a IoRqt. f ' '-M'-- � ­ , i. I - , * M., 'Wi -a wellky fr. and r, . Pirl,' Gt6or�e-B'rcbks i i�' mi;king fo-r-the'A ointinfrit vIt)g over o n M M- La iiv�-faim Cnaiiifigbam i4ith 4 "full I f ls�inch d6 id AWho-h-a-%,, —Xg60qd-. w ivW .7 styate 00091. �-D�A�Al cl.-m n rt�m ease Ed del Inds -01 i e, pi Kirktow u� an -ad g is com�pe it- re; their in or programme �h t. MAR E liubfilied,'01-Uld in -A .,.,,e YOU:, IMN NN d, enlfik�.gie verk� :50rand, 81 J& -W RN u�&rfor& 6 d pring-,L" W -d -,h Pine Jmiyer,pier orrai�, se -tingg tonto 'lines, of, lellu cll at resif once : i thi cereuiduy-; i YYo M 00. 7 ki- il­iM -ro e ad p E. VY EBB. - I" W ­ Sad dut� lo record the death Or MISS 0104 hi- h' come to han li one 0 DiiATR OF kRml' Alp 6d -tan P 'e Go -d t- third d "ug, we�rbf -Xr-.-wd- -A- p�ir qf, b xabi u or YTng- .,Nellie W� ebb, a& ilt�of-- --vi en ---blit, - ----- . ....... ... WeW74b �n&r --We-nthe; f4e esire� t"IF have�:--algo�. dis�p re t-191 almosT, :Lma iairotbi�Ea =U wearz— e raved oii�LT 'nul - b atn o, aWn&Izrue- s gea ino indi�vidual.is 'ho both, lines.. i ill en r a uil&�i U de w' r e week trot e � t.... r ear-in-04kp"o p� Nellie' BY, on cb�tch:' and-' stea -414 p6red apPe"d 1X;. -Gi e of -F is whis 9 00z whicli belongs to �'Jt i, d "on iion�;y tan in$t A e Wient an that it is,k wo who the liglit.fingiiied. Dr., Li&y- 6( Guilph"caina-Up . .... .. no, act a his x, pre io tin *t'iform' Sia opeiatio6. Bat befbie beent�kdu mo toun d ilta W91S d e7apera I e 'f6jned. ]D ifisistent t: e:­c,� 11 for inea oeen 'of 'A -NERV AND' th ited ews, -W---e&.- -y -WeeJ i th this. stiG t an article. in a no itin icktitto on The sad n k d -StPoly... _Ae iew Parcel Post :W-01biDnV, ove w!,'l%tteJqd to t dw sefid" on it ph6n6, use it, sendAn your.,of(lers, and oil Rul'opti, commit Cox the Wh 6 Ility, -b thTs.' n Y I t ee popUlari tV __Chi tlS67 ieve Re* i� gir We bel �llblive 0.&1 best re 1y inereasing in e domM -at 2- 16., ja hei: best )r onfug, �ihe eit th It. afl, U" 'to i6a� r inade, f( reatly ual V. it he ne* �qs are I hib g. Upr g rierves, etiiie ,the bl6",-bfiild1 d-as-Gther:�Adii noV0 n y -as goo --Tae- t, medicine You, -tan * A which -the bes I lag -4 s6ld and. energy :1 ut-Just a e founeral took plade d"Wedowdav after- n;'.tlredi5iqt. Aa use -if .�oft late run-dow ed r *hit Afe us. iii i4i itat -v-o. no It d6es-Pt�. !Rev,. Aushe re, a r,e i ii. I Ug P. iteith and ins one..' It that out �oy. makes-ai' fi�ir=h bread iiiettletery. 'The d 6- d t tnake'you fell better i -Allowed ift, what eat hfid as goi rea as,a oui oft the-, e 0 B, lar a funeral 4 iS e rig t it 11 tire mok t, It milled Iti �ma�ei yott lee) tter,' 66.,Jeoafsed was b6ld. eepe t 4old: ri t n as e topi Us re,� Jus as th ' 14 eijWndek 'W the 001*aved M Y properfles- contains,. aive, uCer to '.While We are no jII4 other,"brother, Stijl nd, "i bilk6s right,�" in aOd.:.. th �k A�etfotta, --to-u-to th h pt e o-. the -iebt of the systent. urd 01i Aw! tht Tryphosphitis.,hive 4,W e 011ve on tchm lo=­beeii-indars�-d. li� iticcesshil Phial- $16gaa Ar of cfajYs; but here for they. Plele R iv, Ar on age Although trioublefd fbi. miniber 1141111 nefive-too&IInittaTtiffitir of strength of years -with, -a of 4lear . L - �� 1. r and'bealf - we be iev�ell as,liq PO%toie I was -t d0k lat eelsoon TiVertoril _6_ y:. wo w e ago *Y. bogiil tikin' AUtled SJ*JJt 664 lup� rk Emulsion to -d 6wit with ge ;. , , ; .� 10100 Le bu lekitll blive 01 het home here�l proved to'be s 4tal bmic onr e nLh had,stren our I -ed' Oak all that 6 be done for him hig� rs. Altred Pollo'ck' visiter A uunlier from here fteddeA League !tvsteru, against inoit tittio uroi ifti6s. To wbrk if you at* 64 pre�ai 'en os Luck n -A Xall 01lVe oil . . r' , r � I ' � l�, .' , �. .­�. "­ ". n 'T.-re1eaV Bir thebr-cusin; Jbon Farrell unti �Ab �t 136thel last gund eveninj.� conVA.1escents. d1d Veol)ld `01av thildien 8e , e ill , e- lly grew 'weaker it de dad all others, 'for - them V440� blokc a gllolt tllie ago' III qi-ioWis a man. --ttiguene. Slontgonw-iry"6i � Tiverw or ai itig, e Ste Integrity 6, NVAYS4 6 �Ab p St -115)� "tffed the h 'ul of -visited last week vdth bis'0611ain 00'rdon 0. R. Ca"diaii. f I V tomigi� that, 11, tapped about, holl F,*.,IftVs1oJ1 Not I ftr per,., maple*r0p our in. his d6alinp whh, his fellou; Clark. I if it doesn't ibokt You feel, well And wo 4itind &ga n, it will tbAt Yer JIM . �NNNNNNAN i . IFOu.. .,Row $Pra red �taen arid sialim' and �,mthpxs, e are A�J in hear t.W Win 81,1090h str Y06 It"tilild est)ecllly his twm sisters iwho have lived. - I ' I bas if we-d,(1tVtLWVVt the utmost faith A itj The - f6i wi�.ather ho brought the n ou.the '3iek-list f6t,s&iw� ofer1, (111 -;' 4 . , I . I .., r. . r. of ye, X 6uldn, T�lAngback�a Th, .1 tliffe is Improvilig. ,ir'bzappy. with , -biin for a good number a d it ityr Y ---symp, on. We ariL en .9 that spri 4!"6f have Ibe heartfelt atil Of nor even rt!eontul g rs� - uted'ii you will e U A cir0ple of sleighloaa of our V P �e You ll�avo R1 1 er'sda I wilmunity In 1 BOWELS OU It OF, ORD R? ihefir A ­he yet_ -S�ilre that.one of it,to Vout Il, n ment., In religi Piesb, E E F terid4d the 7co � test�- a Tec6i;-ifii '13d W, Penrose ot Whiteelfarph. on he'ut, an s and tUtik "W chure� hut. Weduisdiy e4ening. us 7.1 [IQ it to jou.' Yard 11., OUA ANt E LIE 1,he , oifielYilg Sold only, at the in6re-than 7,90J Ikexall prenahts, te --at, ilethei. qrviees at his; Awe, D�apit� tha. state of the.'riiiid. Illy by titi o Alb�rt- llitdwilf& t i1ndio., morning,,- held at the. JiOW6,of and in this twd o You know us -anxii wh" aijt&� the the f6th'ingt to- 'Was tig. oYbUr ouna in, $1.00 -J.,,,Gar, Oederilfes 't fi'sly - apoin, ment Nvibre in c argo of' ly k, Vo r. e e Greenhill Co- etiery Nvaslarg ly attended, PeddeSr Those. ineetin A u now, I I Tilwillso-., IS "811 ering' S6ver4jpwple atteaded, the F6r;Bste?S fain ire I r Jilad Mrs.1 r ftplienl 'Schlair come ts,4p us'izid g40 'A paclica flom A CoMp.1 loll a' troubles r r) Ile of moVlag In 0 otne"'in bn Vfi4ayievgaing. se it few or -flit entire if Ptirpk'Cittift Pvery6n6 cii�e away Witb'thb,&pression "Ziltis mac ine wt takei eat* ot 'nit d e` lug -Y, theifmw hl6ihe. which is or sitielas. He i� i -d' seriois h lelitirely, sAtisfied 6?, iind isease-au Ki-v"ffid-9 iq - M6iiiatifig conjition at pteen� but his many friends,-' that it was- fhi��-beht yet hitk i di --d 1;�ck j6ur'tqouevi-Vo4�protnifiL- D .9 it a qui ting �c% 6 guirAntee to -rop, UP .,,wish hnu.&Sp6edY recovery. othing -61gi-roffii'll; We acq�pt--YOU� iatricks W6 sa 'ti. sf y , y ' o rU 6r.3our money Nif. Ud WA: FlUnk Cskene L Up an fleles 9 , , . . *. .-7 ' Ur� OrAerlies are the to, �e I I -y4' mt. V1.64 C Ulz 10 of do, 'skk by a -fX.)Wel reirICAY if w1e; They 't Whian Sfi& S N-S� u.p.e ran iout a, iff fii,� 'r6ant illness, 'ift I .. 1D A, bu den of h likeoandyrr (s)thitig atultasy fb t6ti.6nll dde thiaU46 anthol q wif cause gripf - na rk. Ingan ejen't liq MANITO ALBERTA dotd At .16 Webb speilt 'flKi, It al pu,tg, ore 106$�tjo i on TuesdaV for 9�x ond A -t their son's, flat-ty gg_ _fiarstj R K;, M i sA' 181w] e an MS�Ch 'to OCtOW tI - P I,Y Ica Aliel d 'family wiff i8s, 0 wi?) &phi In,% MrA.: CaLnadla' 'He r is recove ATt6r �xcr i�d W�rit banday'with 51�r#,: Xt Wee eg st-eftkthit I f. V relieve 66ti- Richard CaA 'a =111pt6n Abd lkettift' 43.08 tlic..Wweli 2yl promptl 4110-i, itt W r6ur "a Spr 6rostid. sad 81 at "t -wric this w6dk,,- ft'ff a' ndsin WinghAtuo,,. r ii� its da to Kniciii Helens, A16',( -Nldte"_iS a*ray. offt a 1mg- go iqo f Toloato. t timt tl&n kvist of I oron to, d. Ybd 6 ntre�l for v few da,�& o I Aick biliousflosa bad Sh�.tkesift-Ar' to tile tftiffin&y: ("*hliq tfller, of Wibgtiam flikIt Retiiiiii Liblift tft� 66biL4 it vuhlabI6 )ut, Nak .91 ves Yo VC41 tweket mi, Prtui k eUrin J afig6thdr oti6h FAR -E-8 )yjIl'ove brwh, fit? voll, 'f the �N, i e, U1, irvin Lr t I '48, Mii-er (ONFIWAir SECONI) aAh,b) d &I itate or iipriqlng- box". 1(:c, 2s(.,, aliri 50d, fiogda of thia dok frit I Nit I �,e isp&i dt tow days with- toilgitv, NJuA I&, t h A Cil a days, Jagf, e U&I tri 4801`1 MARCH AXb Aii'RtL aefilos bill$e bi w g tnrAJ,-44 Besilb, t6tnb YOU Ca tj Im ke") I Ot, llje� 4eiij, A100, b,t sdttl�Trs tfajoi W -wit , ve stot k and tify *Akh in Ludkft6w., gab * hii o, d fole Jr --f r. ate4jil(.i _th �Yes--Wisf',U Airi. how -ho till gip 'A 'AR J.�JjqN 'f h-�F bU 8 173, ave Krri* if I n APR IL r J'O, tal 'f �713 r4n, kvell -A -fill ,fi I I r 20 p.m. n to t "e di L lst,'W�t lea str s 1th ,fi er. was* The inehibly nieeti�isii of, tb.- Pl ofrtlle Wotn afit fiarwhi�§ Uh, U itt; a if�b �;n'o instittit6 wil -he W, Slt'r OULIA 4 1 . Colu A�haj,6* Snutli an A vM Sir. hr Mille;, 6,houfd usobl& AINS;Jeai,,,j# T. -O to tbili 'Thedugob C6 ist. aii-d oriiwig CAC,�R,Vre. AWO A AN Lill'. go'; W "'d tj Wfiin lillid, the on Thilraday, 26! 1, at 2:,3CY. Y, &rTJ)j� a all ARS IN ALJ.LqV1xX 10' comp wr June V of lot 1widen Answered fid lad, V,�rY high rojp�&ed' r N40 A 0 . for'� PU ' th�f' 61d the 6 lk WU 64#14 Ott-, 4on,''o 'OTIV OW C, d y &6