The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-03-19, Page 7G 7 7 77777 % _-;-TUB -Y- 0 it'll eo, in r Rritisu Publk ),a inhed jpw !It's *At� t ad: Omp's, b 3� cd 'Unanimousily th the� if el 4gh .h4 'Ve Tagik It i4ve -9 er: .-.q v - T 'M en the "'nsge p Ya Bepn.vibli its abol�t a yed ttir, 12 9 471,01 d -n a ba,ttlee.!ip 4, -F,reddy Hill swu.� YvAiwt1is he gt�,ttdn' for itV' i*n li to A,11.44 Vie, g the big car 4,A *.a betw"A''O'e kdgegxte�� arlId. Fredd' one fif-t4e, ynj�, Alleati t'q " pg, u he. �rf the -�qng driVe'at: Ra An 'irexfj,npp 1, ry 12-ill,�h gun which, Ap, uld jwu.-r1 aw, aidk.� or inq 'A,,ors, me 'x qxmrx &..nver 19, on',fvhe zjeiisjoail Put,� RM 50 ren. V keddy itrilined., 4311. f. 8. -pound &ojectile &Ai�tIkwe �1, 0, Mh <)at�l A as eon by''the .13.5 zinch.., 'T�e �ii' ning oi laugh' 08 it.6 4 1 ON g "Itt .:.t -Q v -h4 edtbj��Jk From P,,n ,wipdio:T�! �',40 �Ilnger of tbli, '19 theIr A -:zbnd by, thelz t1ye.,systems. h i - be-' "04, Yes; NNUrl 16hiliften .Cama to 'hi B itir replied, Fattr XeOs sfooi- -out, rig bils 19ve, P. tore .,the porticoiI, hU iffiat, wbil.@ thf,-- 12.1- in shelter, qggleiq bOW*74aP, Ui 417 ad nitua, on 4�-.gd d Atava-Won (Illantl to "tiln POrmal '0�,ah bri �T d" LP7,A"�nvt­ ��,x=v A TM 61i, t I. it 1. v -JoEenjr�g in would oraeh thrmidli f 011�.lea�l ig �O, '13 v !OM1a­eAsY1'-M. of A ymw g lam t 0 . -4-11 1 1 - 1, 11.1 � I I . I I I.. boesit .11 f ra -h nqt:aA on 0r-Tro-r pliltq. e6t t4at, it is vei,y ea.sy to .0irerfeed Portsinag, wit. -wife 7 Thisj L11i the ii Miss D111.167�-COM + OA wde,­ -bi .'r le- ve-W.-O 41� W4 -k-UZ �4-1 to hhve 9 1ook oil all . Let' 8 y -1 1 Q 6 ipj t, nowj, 14. :e, o JC�lj t t jt('ffj. 'ich thi�s. Th ld - f.,gre* - stril citdpo *trrejo it,% ry W'Al r ii ­­-I.- y-� still grinn, ng,. Istro repOgni on. I . . ..... r; �A! Aj pagnit4d)a f3kv -4 - -er-8� Yt k(I W;lc IV e. ti it' h -it by­4liq -no gla Ov; r 'PjTid - -lie !rT i44t v, s ai Th�tt. A eia, r la4y. 'd swered',;proVdl�,./- "U',i eM 'IV� S" -RM I Cw� e - P '' 49 -JI AMA, a e taiised. 'If, 4� 71 . UL4 led, APP;�. Th t I* r I`44 -y" as fhe., appy yquo T d' xi4 �)14 d;h F to fv%v Ph. i se ptly" joine'd hi3h. a' said, 4r Y lie o re - I . .1 'r k"" J`Y - ..., : , �, e M. an A, tb,,run yo*u, into, #ii OP3 3 e ve -du. - . -a in prapaz ion to;L-zL1eJx-- toVP1—,Op--qLWvW--"11,WL-v Ie niectilEs�:' A- Ahe WIM D! j in, 666,aisiona,ly 11 11F 173, groom jm vr-,tK6ir C64 0 OL id C. . -'- �hlii -back X jig, 4j- kdl--,A� 0 uty:--�what I *t them --Ml k�­ �. Au itif 41 -;-�-rhkp ­-M-99--S M447�nth,.,,. S=ae' AV, =th BaMUs==P1-= gas-. III-" -A L- IT :W h jj-_7WjF 7 t .7g , - .. - , -- � ­ �Fb� L-�Ila 4 en -kA ith T 4 tpki,5:A­Qii%l16b�; ua-d; b �a'-n"er"a,rmor-plate. Ih� o's -h��re - i -7 -m, Asaster' -.,u.r r ...and AsI,& r u, su. 1 a A Titanic �A p L27 d -1 &1 en weight in viie. -F'J' I d r II � - �e­ w p antbbor--sin ex-teilds' -to The, ocomple, oatla�'D w -e- h4- v-ut' son have, aen ic eight 6nIa MuM er p 46-� u pr nAI 'u -fee -t the. fbiw aieen. -.6 131i ron 61 d. be -�able t<):: g rr I 1&nd dujter Mhe f6:rF ibli6.tiita. t .-n 716 -�MTP omi K� k0a, ry-an half the of -the itssel f i om, f-�fi gt 1 cA-.atra;&tr; guv,, -e a re - 00-ig �of Aau�r -res&Otive a zt� inay be recoried, o ad� pepipl -7- parti. *tay�4 In, 401 --roorns 'i�, o tuibiAe 'engi aUO n' W4e�, '6t witted �Fredd�. �!Whxt� bUt'ij V *e, se, Th,� pri6it per.ce ab room ';where .�lose dho to 9 Y 1141d when 6ak6. finish.ed. A f uld, like, SOB rea�t w, wonder "b am o sIlAe. t ff-D hupdi�ed' 62� works.. s'. of butter-­46nd -14 ots.: Vof:,ou- p-osperioIJ6-,Pi�op�',04' JU 'thp peop -1 as anWE TTE ------ WrV ang L 6f- On r. WQU--W4bTe--tPV`iM�g-, k p EL naiti E d AT I' P ith tit;& irr.asistable gu�n whdl, th Peo-' r e way and Ad" [alf a, po �,d f P e ti TR I k th, u pea nour, jute. to. P, j -64D -o SPB . . - , a , � L71 AA �`Good Ilor? n Io� sur p 6 of hDoltbor excl&iwed �Vau in , -' ad 011y nt and, half f baliak ld I I ter Pla"in', s PPY '_��ep r, IECM� 91-vig Me worKers. a .0 a, -to-pro 4 -mi �-*efl gU Fat, h' h the d M Dig I �'ibunt eii, �ilmbt I r, -o r cu )- - . g, �), to- d M1 o wiarl btter -Should I" -TRE 1k,. pintain's greater. an eglv.- 10.11Y lnssr�u r all the r bu aa_l Idtill er- bo ariete an eaoh r; e0 - -see VhOls 3�oun w, - rtnership',, or something -of It at fa lc�e' known. �n lio When the Of-All't 1 pa subla I heClir .,Own,B a." fe wouk ut t y ." v6h JAU ae Ya, ey dheolot nth�ar­,ji .1 a. Stake ur Ping 1M. 171 the C" of. e: . ., .. . : I S of or for life, fati minati6n -of tha aY, &B 'e IiI biil.-your dod: Xitt 'T ha , y Tbu'. Want, t6 give Heed a f- pro - u t He subs ded a gji� m �Limiibed!. Aa�, aff d4j,: 1& -or eari ZnO ��i 4 %good .64 for el 1B. 6h fifln' 4. -and' ine-4ac th 14- 30-o�`d _uib the -p�o at r- that4il -plerce.."Y A�rpl erep you e proee I 't at ii�lig'ht­tol wi: Ithe itisual A -W.-h ju� sulti 1; then 3! tag ouk -oc ea o, Prodilbe 'k e.iidm4it. - All -those u,r :it, es�. To live. begin AWeow as -we hold more hajil- half bT6a Jo. '.Me& 'T -,.' ks� f lz� -r-em&r ad E w 7'; 500, wilat we bft.Wif -B arw�- an, ny .0 can US E' 'long you--m-Ust -P UP.Sh MptlyL. �Thel. 6thO1j"j&-. be gir. 'd. ot two proi Th art -r. �Mode wi �rasa me And what. would t4 t ia;vIiyei for I, or tin, ay per. food-lu e r 'and >r k *4ith a. AR o. the- Fre4.- -T-U rough Itin- A, letcomotit-a %ou wel- ve.-shilligS, 5, W WaElt"EM11,14URK S. or. n on, &,�Count'.- kne q kt 11-g0`111 j�Y�A'alwaya h 4 . appy �41. itit well,:that, tho ruled. tho rost, ilre" y Ki eztlil ' l idige%bed -ire tfie. Ot re 6 z . pi"s le� irnis "nj tAe � y U4.- . n6e -thj.`njg7a�b­ 3U. msi merely ov,611ig..irt o PU-b-, a ion rneN Cia.. aand MP 9 er-� Two. and h Ica vs. u -Or-a-o ag a ZY OU -- - - ­-, --- -Rds.; -113ort ­­ . - - -R- --Ze WPO to si;1613p� We illy., Ahip bs uinti:.fth �sdd -Awr b ut... xe� )-v tiy CAIW,. up e -W yeur­ IV. as It a'. appy ne to, stdk here a6mired'i6f a vory h inefils Fred'dy g='u' 16 . 0110 0 A*ZU)n ev' 't:"�--7 led to! P f &Y. in eacp�Lp OM norves, tanct r Y� Ct -u'ff the h, u;rnPA to SOAM fiaiv­ Ile -got- Zr f -R. -Y iV9 - 4i4i; I . I I . . e OLUI=Ld OU mag uF11 .,an eng.1-neer. r cheei weirt- up. Fred- -F, don't b , 47W 1 .2s; a wie YPU Oomfo a0me sreqiaw or -ais r-4 -and the M. I e es be. e:. OWUAI -with'. a d0i (y 166W h estrioyer,; YOU. �,Y.qur.Ow6'E1fx1r bo`rp46d6-b4at d it bliviight' 1) breOl d, d p A a6lored. FTe . :, . -ho -bitok'w MR, 'V- 1 -ax re -w 4pbnt on ID se hB= WI-tchap -Y ith gin -of liasnTe while' -bifii ih- -a Zirst, -Aheth e 6tes a wit Ui ii,� where. are , 'I &OAna-WIS YQU -did -"n!It lik L - 0 wha Uld be like - If *e' can' aft6rd. ib'-tjh,6Y I ti ailds tbi-- body Ne-w-bold--i-n-a-le- Aess- 'wR-houi--di;6,-oof bebirtd,it nion1iIi--fa;6e- h- ire t At "t, 'it fo- 'Oat, .*"Pi &AAC1, work -in ot (�g [I t aughd' itty. t''I"t� an ener ip 0. as experment r1MT The w4i k -got bo,the -st on . t, thle: I , V�41SAZ gfiedy�a -fo- dvn4�= r th 6 d with. d- i , -the irofit rooulte. 49RM-1 t i;6eC Mao, fiagers -went. -tor� .15 Ujnft11M:P!d -7Ni 'th416-Mg-ed and t--thw -h-Is 0 an -..hat Y -OW -81 C*Iaug UM1 Y. rio quantit o se,6-',you. sot" A`41;.�, ts lire when fe-s-twad 6rjers,�Are be e -'Ge& hat themunRW thew$: Ori the giound-0if �rOug 'I g 0 i Potts' 0tuo I It' rh pan at's r, reAlk,workin 1;11� ela. '' " . . . 1;t- d aJ I Ate anto�� Imppen. aaid.7z�-London Anw*rs 41y, -hat �Idoesn't have Nevo'. �Wjo rds. All nhi perts, Uaye iathe'lP"ket on ei e- ix�, 1, ed to' k is 'Ohat. a.- Ye 6k.7 had 14�4 With you no now. Kit. Yor infftaimeei look 1;0 ald,gtivnor destoyiI6 -.for. specti. e r oo �,i iWO Po Ain �iz� r"Dw 001ants.. It. is a fe A -it-does, And h,ow fW ht B R in le th­usa. *Ujt� -We-ek eleic. i ez you mig marry, itue -o vomw It 0.1, 1, ou ht -d - -t th od" fe j3vrt, of' Work �A Aie '11olnez" -lie e h,1117110 -rid -A it. T 11114 e ei iis speed, It., 't 6owa witt intb v�s av, t, e�, n ly 4111", she 4nitered im. b Fd- - liiia��Wai I L 1r ex ro . ­% (M jjjS Te poi o hZ'4 M, th 6, and Oits� pi,etexta Uipi grgut0a.t had, re itt, brqgaa J!"g ej ',It's cap, �.of Ore6ul.a.nd are otton� to; 0 entOT-51b,� wuter. :A ini tho-'mufflid b na-.qd 'bildlaughAd at blo-re.; sure bo a go6d Leen' tiorned in Loilt, in fhlir� 0 j, i . 1. Ily � 1 11 . , , . .. : enoo flikiloe" Jor Qav-t,,- E ar elnj Ii -A -time a4i&� vvork­;�- -6 ITh' fe *&n2panini. 'osed. he arA h'is p Now to ex a dull: as the; tor* d4o OM! I Ri . I. . -P the ilIv of 61ermativ, ar;'d .111- J i! -4, fril is of a] You 4 is'11 watntto b` a Ao -.n Iie 'eXPIO�c othr showO anb la rOVIO. wk 'truck- Perhaps it 1 9 s oonaern. es CAP, 0 z 6,11 le, t�.eachw lo-bivia gi art,, and A.e Droadnoughs ii4 re.�. trouble -now 2* snow collapsed 4o'd eiie the" P lie P1717 roll Ula t it Ila's Oils i.o4 ioi die" line. es; 1r isinlply:wastin"precii A.ndrlektbii�xw qpilyk�ontlie;etlgo�i` of bb* fA t 5 d.64 I - k now I' zil a b' .,of an. ais b I Carl &Pend --in j'r nt, fi-n-d' Oyer - &YeRV it d -61 -IM& Mt snow r id in a 11 -Ti is is cdni- y out, mment tild, -torpedo en� nii,41 tin-, Pused. of gulli :_L<� 4 M, begi.0s ifa' der�pergq­ rii6fl for W ArmazwK r L fe WO. sat enly�s. 'sea I LLI I C:; .1 . �Rice, ()It the oilxer hand, i§ A,puvo r d Ji$rl�ta' ' - t fro. lle�ltivjl- vl� nol" eloull et6'd-og tea-va, over. fluall ollt. Tjl�,-y alla .1. fi tation Blit t4' be'- erg.� %YL4, botly 7 a ex ra- 'h t' of on e eiThe iistial 'You know what I w6an, Xit, bOd 114Wand laugliecl 1bg u -itis ru 1, : n't r6t, Are -ee' n A b r1t. -s -ion y - um lip -fix &6fi,over"4 poed ta --in'. 110 ei 101114 the $ I pull tog(AlverII t'.0 it TOP.0 han<)tii1 of" Ace, is thus tf, X;, axi", "Yeti vell giv,6 the aft--riloon to fo*6'when thingfi ave Aw-q-" -all 16- tIst, a, n�& muka. he rolinJ' tio . Together fhey p, erstih4. b %s-4ed into. fli the sitlets: goil) g I ahid- 4i'ved -y' k�d Xittt hdo 1holl II trp: . " - 4 dge of the f 0,�. t 1 fielj � 1 .11 �Ith e 'it, I "Put ob y6ill. Unt el- war Itiumj. 11,1 '4ktlad - TU the 1) nfcod hl rd, again St. the (A.'V, Fat'g, proueli fot the , .. . i , 7", r; bit nipliy when an e It 11%V S Mid h*19ojs-; riv to th� I is tl'e P�Lv- f 10,1-e t"', iop4o, on 14L 1�1 4.' e �'t f h it, usual pr;ogl: a nitne I dw IV 'V a !rfJ13y <,141) 't blUg'Aln A n t lie Cl i t) - i b ft I i it -as A. initri Win lipxd physival lobor a's" po 8 ti.iti nd 111 it a;,g.e ika it ibs'; all -1 heads esoutin to ti p the 4 F'v e r if tba I .."Ten fto otie I he K"U NV.n Cat, ra ItAice Ve& goild to tihe botel J -or the wits the 06*0 he nI.6; A than a. rLer-V bulivt i,;, 7 int'hj" the, Meedn''. n fo do 0 PePO on - all can how us r' 0 IINY-415 -dowll 'ititd lip foet. it Ow 'i- ,Quite '(0b, -at isi. th fl at" returned'Fm4dy*.. hav -Olathe reekon th t. Lie, and if �It 14 fif teen pei bt alp�- tnel i" , I P tito thc, j.�iwn prov;ed and paid an 4 ge, -Q;Z� the t Y I. 4 ijilickly gef up., ',�t while" hA�d lari. is frri(T -L-r(xin-P-ronm. we, don't km,W hat f oe -n�, -L 41 vaq out to go weeting, �tf 411t, mg ion In f kip. giin in ol And, in tj a AA`b6ivvI1v 4tf.:fllg.hb lilwe� 'd 4hd fty'� not. to t1lbl, 41 kyl )e Aoe6itled with ..0 . 1. )ne. le, d6- S.vey Wilt if it idoes )10 t v cq �gwijljnjing anVjfin. nf T�c like 6 hummAl e uyl� . vo, AV f A I j with ovk ros" aml T'leki tit tfi� Wth 4n staied it thik. 1q, Ita 4, lu ie 'boy, If [Il4e very bkofd OnO till sady. re. too., tilp ha t ii I. it: r� WiI'4i' irliiva� we go I' a -d A Old 4' r 'Out" h. p r, �11 tight" W14 nI jilrnijig 4 wild p (Yril -on Aoten for' TAll Lt, (NI e i I to AV hy do. git jig on, e4t A u rom A&onld 66 Aftb� al4doIl bb tbO LP'065 tht idisponiL 7 ti fl�le , 'A 11' 01 ere, e p-1, . . 1. 0 At n* t iv I tien fi t hit pr 4in, thd Ond 140b, TI Anct it _13ig tAz 1 lo6kJOU-ba h 6 the o p M. d sh6ilV d 4in6,6 bbiftg�mA& for- Y 4101r,tv, d- `Pa% $66. -h %a f it 00 'ano *)Vv do, to 41iY v�ionfs 'e of nit�kibg i toll likot'tl bi& to' Id 4 S'ifgg q1tI; tf OfT 4 We f6, 6inty OP,Pgkj�g ol ou t�elv It i. otd-1144 011 4 'a d i t n jerk orpe.,04,d' .1 k,6 '66 d 100 Y It V lie to oft The." at' thing, 'Itt' I." f(9ked d�.A to `;0 tO tin �O IPoll Y t fingittuid bi.4 qollAr till A Y. tm6 tot IT