The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-03-05, Page 871 MW 9 .7 �it �71,qmp ;jp I 7 A, ------ Phi fit wqi AdO i "RN A U 0 f Lblik 411t, b f Nit Ati Vf sit, The N't V. 1. Atchlo 181athesna alia! A%sge., A -ahtf d6ieo, . , J �.V I (,A - % 11 JS 0C Q j 0� tnak6 kl� d n6viare'law i Aof tho people of, & A 4le 6�0� V,,,K,v W 4 AMA left f4e and A ht the inoveln6n't lo"ll ovee e t ley Tito tvve, 0'0, ti�1'6 liaq fetoi�hed SattirdaYeveiiih It P4is 11 tfj,�Jr "IrIntill lks� M 18�, iuk ML In i en E to a btlier'4ar I k a, af et POW'; ikro ytbflea�t o6r toe 'k -t xo lt�to 433"gh m -i 'of tit 11r, 00""P( 4 Ul aid Ai (I � , �,talag qceligtoilied V , it wisdon" �TIIOY letitriled tiji� :00141404, 1:eather '04L Saitti4ay to 00ld 111,14.AhLi.' job, n w4er, w o' -To 0 X4 d lopin cotntiwbi4l b0bor thatwa� ille'luilgle atten& *46"tif), G0rdQUj of Tees cr 4is AIM Opt' to last V dancet I family withoil, 'hursdox, uiiht a' a: 4 cP, ix�,his thei� A6,aw d"OPO4- Uirg V fora Ifitir J'iuelph it �ou�jio.of weekii� a 99 or on 'i i , . , , , t I '­ . I - port an'rex 1,4-1 p wa Attended S 1 tile. 1!�i� minlater; of Uld",ew Them j- fn' 1, lee Y. e C on -e' Work 1XV0 -Tac�ddyf M40n A iiiiwbar, of Z A., lie . W�g6ho`Q student atilelld'jjlA'�" 11�jrkLjs-'J�'�d" t e KIM, epw wee .ge ti�iig� lee, 4Kin Telp 'tre. t A i-11-- -Orr- ....... 'Y qV wip d md "PA -Pe4ded,t are, Aij(h 7" 1rh eM U!Ilk to estilne dx 014 N, 1" C-ec" Visit b, Wes as the teachei! is hW�ear, aatk�robAbly its niu6jl 0, �Oqq A *t �'Hegp Ved IMMI., X1 ape Wth-.is,the cause. o f a; d list 'at the' noying. to hi Morel �t hp o)n't ra6torg the�llgd More flrime f . a of QQ: thei ejn��` j, ?J FrOh McKenzie is i J4 r Psanmetit in 488ter,�Wil& M.Gnire'' Aiiiting at , h, I I I ia oa the loth- and w Mee VAsithig friends 4t,Th 01 :look �'irlio, fill po,",rty?l auloArq hsbyte 06 U -of ria rich -0 illt. adieR-0f-the7--rtIrt­AT� N, ! 4 1-11 e 'Th I' go be�u Vid vening ep. 66 Tu'silay hi g�a'�aflkthef'0 1ARK' -earry the-, I IN 't reAw�ter-t�4 n.,4q,. r' e thei 'V � � i, r r-44'' � -9 -' S 4 W: honle in 7AIM66j7�7fFe -y, of De C 'M ther� upday sppet, day iIt -ber1.o.iue.-LA,3t­' ot 11, ER I - tron, spent t(kW-*,.*bqut one hundred Niss� Jetinic ftotq'la is, j, 'their 4plighter,;1. it b A Iortnight� with ."her 's Lud ng" R,i6hji;r4 a. of Detro, ",IOU -Tuesday la&t-,njghLt,,qfrthe'- contes Z, 'holopson ugh Maoin� Mrs. U io t n ntuiil�ci� Visitifig, ker Afo. Jas Q ,$u,ud M i�`� "d Peter IlUx'' 'were invited,' turned Mer ie rented Andle ji.ottViel eedy, ig:,b t 0 0 and, the ne Alex. I-Tary I M] fi)r -no, lAvi-4b, ofolive and Charlie,' -if M t IV 'take he, VVIC, W. athiisofi and Row,04- Finla Miss L uisa Tw ' I . 11 r � I . - �p6co� M I-. and Ui%, 13awler -are.ni4i 11q 'exceptiqlaal t!( el' "Verfa A nuinberof solos are 6%oa -th StrathIlee III �M�ffl - YIWII�- �11. - - li �� K7 . I �, , " I I 1 0 t, 6 lotm _V171 T)=(al ss frip t 7-- T 0 pro Walkeiton bi�L Lnursday, 14644��W'J411 Me � X, xg Q# 'JUIbliald A Tha -­jThe�,s-ti: ik-"M ffl It", bought tile larin of sei� 'Ji0o will be, fore4y U 77 W�illtqijg by, I x U o t.tl-- b -cotiduoW r Zliich the e- dy-15 It b" 'that nd isi Mco Oft O Riplqv�., t e �p tiw,6uld,be 'iieficitd j7jog 13,e his, n�fhe Anglican C W',report q at, un A sk Pt)IIald'-McLean and b will on, ore En. eaeeglad­ D - by i n Lrt j&Lpnety eQP heof' C Illoral refoitli cqmnu, tegs.�u�e �n4 �lng, enter'talJjlffe11t.,gLVt;ll t 'M d �CnqpllSr eft by ey. u I D v ay-evei or s,, 0 suppr v nki welc Hugh, 4d JesA6 9� U ll� back,. Ul V was spent a'bein �ers �k , . , t t tango I....Y.I. ow, thejd ge. b , x� n oss, spen anr4p.:­ , ­ - ;Sinitet� and 'Ce61 V I' Sunday 010 *oj � r*,' 1, . . A, other (wha�t they-c6u'side t t`an evming��ii ok � NA)6lialdW " , , ' ' I ' - -, "Pen d -7 mpptitig, a! 'oil drO h a! is B.. A rance, nnje mic Uia y6un a! aQi na AMRRI . ...... the" orfi6V Win. Reid t 10 � i I I d Th -a sVAke Po ogboytf d DI tor -minis er jile jace.tpei r t�.,q Olivet; And fried. uy It Bing, , Ing. to is 001d. w vver, red to t eora spent F6day eVeniijg� of las� 1490MOM h r Ay. -eve 6 w to W :one lalf i0tlL;VMftti_""j:I)r W xvi$ 'on, - that,: tho- meet ags epare lot. yettra in Ing& El od to 7�. 777 en Art given PY--the 7 sublect foe qeji Millart0: 01lY!'CreatIjjg, a n, 0.'' goin- Is family. eeslre to h;a�,I%gqe Vo a The for the e ective iVay to 15twit rY WYM 14 a en t 'existance is er Fay nTj1T---- Inv' e. k�' e 1 did. P 'W, f sd T d !Vh Feefi eS eld. "Otfiei? gU 3rdi (r es, of Tivert d d of d -one woman sayst ifug" It Grilles, �'of aggire and MyjA �idiiordereA �itci ach, liver br: leSOA �7skpy One, can e nCh*imberla cure.. �jn J,eVjj ql�: f�,A kin's Tablet's (tid more for ine t dared,�dpe10"Urd headaches-bilitlUSUe*i�;&ULd Fiiday night?, tXPER f Oto. Citinada; include,46 p my whole feef ne oew V�ij- lIot these� llttl�: ied. heal th Festorer;!I�. came have univtepsoRuq�. bil;1159MTS ond bealeraoor by M'M,-� Enter ally thue. 'Write fetrL,eat&l. t e. 7, b 6ti r 1 Hday. 6 veii. th-AC-he is doing. argare '!�e an D, , h ffarriS. aite a ------- - -- r rom around- the h he a th uorit- 9RV , RIGHTS.&C, old, the, rL T 7b accompanied by A1176?ieseiuiin� a 8ifete h and deacri a�on T L eweaing T408.. Aen�y 8 T Cameron 664ld be, 6 ,prton. ly 'It Patci� I§ isiting at rae noin he receive tic Altijill & Ongram,sPent this Week 04 getting tip p 6 "d K. �D, Lennan.. pwq teTtT 7 -homah re , fic 116'r's I 6 T arsdAy ijag� it hj�L -,Dan McNai Edust" CUl- suielitifle jouMAL T ina and iM Big sin L ne'and �ier -held- in S"i fjejens.� :OLtiier' t : 9, nd r were pSes bj ___�nt.. , fi as82 ill F- U1 k ife 11 ay: htitl6dge' changeL of'. P�t for t r, ViSiting: iefti�o,eV o �MiSSion a0 Oc��L on. D. r- Th hi's 'br.others 1� ey n. ',7 �drwiug-#lie,�:frel­ ffj�t M) xx n ()tit, �arner ca k "this, wee job BU6glj X-0 94 A a Kinctirdine' Hii h, the f price 0 CA'd t e w4s.ne'ver'so hioi 'hi -Pilp,wee the Olam's e. r as --Wee e "CU , . . ­ -­ in eM. ere'- a n enzie, weme Ond' r, March 2'tfd ''Pearl TM&,spenj d" ith. rch 2 ri d. M 0'-,Y fa OL qer ro.wn, iyAren t aUNTED 77,;Oil Cake.to n &Y.'W --Ktiy. gigg the daffle i us sS n a- �_M at rC C thni at least one Ur d cl'.th ow 0 h er P!re "llere. o. ay attendei r Neil G� McKtwi eil' th -to ItVterftiends 0; qui itig eir,,new hotne,. fit isal of 1,4 i -s X� Ly Its so'. Mliild �6 reinari, in eator a U �L4t# Frido afternoon. COWS f tofu-, hetended - 44itile. 2 0 T ;ty�.-evtev­ -S AT -co- ta o -::'t b par y .a IN OR t d' Wiisifield,.sp� t- -S 114 4) a ti ow' ays as wee vusiti er sis er the x "In Qw, Pit t hsiLlaheacv k; * - _ � , ; ­ : , �og Pe V st week. -walki lag, Or, C over T rs� %L'Welsh Websters. lhe� fi6lai '011� Yriday night. laid iheelg it�dross On making. roiift had 'to, jC e., f�)Iun, thit he, 6 ad, main I Aown (1yer nig Edei live 7.if U orin fenr e -w -ng- -a- --M&4wd,-oL - tllilt(l , d a Yl in4au 8 ILV 00 el�embi Ili arOtt'Od. tit( - d 9 er, .61asgj� e, 19 �ey j t e. in. -atifill - h6 � - - -------- pr�par ir th e ...... d- e- rte E; Mn -e 0 hat/: thdy 'A a h0rS0 4 re, J JtPilit��'w in, evi gge, .:f culiii Is YIN Ing in eknow., Cie 0 eitb6e or. .1. was Th pri iq 'the 'Molasan xii I age Th a rid ak� 00 o r e sRead �ioue io' a ing 0o e; Piers 6i on ntee- !jig Guara er. %vho has. been lage-I WfoitLon OfL T6uswatr- Mx. -Rock i ng-' U Know: Hd �Wo cars of I 111100 -at, Me G '11. YCf o W at thi Ig IT w', h Vzni6ans--M� Orr.y You' OW you Oan afford tit, L -5ery - - i jWth" L B ius--Debtsi -4 eePMj td, got Jneans� 0 Teebwater, vwiting fri"d ff good �hi fo d and ing-14 you And yoiir &Mfly; It S UP to y0u "to Wili :(!aft village Saturday.' cl6th YoUiself. -leSUP to, yous. W&nev�r "you don' fee right, *6 s6met ight� t Y , , 11 L � ­. 1 hingito make you.41 en Rolert Ibwbray., I q ou bad' W( rse sidut U ahLd 0 stre rsipottrett tit ott,up, ward'oft, ess, protect 'yo _It U That thing we hs� act. 0, t le collierit wdrk 'oil thi. new REA 'to -'Y -W tfanoiily, _oU­ e -4­ ord Or U id er­-Lntt --were" k el q -ridoy'at the celt- r., eri hxAn -Creqr Your Fh0fteY Witho�# a*. wait bration the )Rruttsols F -C t ices ,ftstilis byr­sh.� Y- take'liface i1i t1ij Vil- ltig6e h, '2rjj �T If ropof J. Cjt,6� �asi neMm t: reSt� Pid.-ow-gh tit oie ih t eiill f6 r Wr 11ev. i n at V , Stewart and a, ititlinber of ery A It F th 0 "19 'ili wilighlalwi�l -Ut -N- N pms 11 t Y wee i 0 6 t bmeft ake OU 1, OL 0 149, matter �VW cause. We, iriend.s M -M you tare nm�do Uying jile'r t! but of th [I Vvellint, wn. fask0ljlort� a , ry enj Z9 aoein't ei stimula ' �r E . �"Liftyouk6 It �jr oui'duty' ve ham We'cah fbriFlitevei A& oya but ho7d te ad make you ft�el g6o, for 4.fov� you th ' e best remedy ent. you b good. H -hoti 'ionic a rW builder d 11601ti.Y herves, tih 6ft 6iVe-twd illing the ice e�and.. r b1oC41 I 111wi ef i erator i, W"t a:tt., g &Hbm 'we, ic Ow' *all Orive g0f Wa be, nt 'erryft Ma and Strereth there bestbiWAtezefil -ent div. The ice iA I find Pure Olive: Oil, nourm -the nft�ves tfie'Ljoed. give ntht fto., tYAd6m9th "d hWth. 'H Y�� Ping, Marly 0 Youir neighhoti It gready he] I. we Wt*6 tha I)onjt forget. th6 Lib'r r4 try sf'�'eittty 9 401k an day e"enIngrW leb "V orky hi will t4ke the f(jrIj, We. f�e of _a Olive 's good' fdrL 118 to recommnd llexitfi Emubioh.Ahd'gd yott'tor JIM jt� becatije knoW YOU'll'th &t 04*01 Oil' being proijarett buy.., S y1i, prograin, U , 10 OUS, Are n-dovN �debilitsk� we* tit 4 'Nit. Iwo or -L Ponvalakftts--for -told - people�" 9 bur donfideue n 66 Plain that ybu di"It AM, XIM. H. oOletieghan lefl, un Atb tos t heir n&W honje $Lt. gel9l'a Ile Oil to take I Puny ch9dten-w ibi Wdajiof�d en Rexill BMW Uld "edit Yet _.04tilifi ; - M- � t Alitki , 6jtL bdir, . , .. S-6, , - You ItAvie I *A" the "ow - 1) t wi, M MW we, k6w at' this W lips Was 00 it tdo. M- At to j ­ k. by U 'k YU;Ar ri,04 Oak* Am. k66 :'Gjftt66t0rUg StbtW 41 06 Aid irill redo& ioija 'Men& a66�ojiAlly eb bws6ft P Y06 Wit1j. W)d Ottoft"L fl ld -Irt iffi our &16 0 *�bwt, Wow"i 600ilitsb6*16 file so, Y 'A W ...... .......... .. . teebe6i .... .. ........ . .6 V 'b V4 All the ladiw of n'ar io.'ed _6 Y61jj WS Th I ''Hil it d ft I:Sfy' V ; � , t U req. es e to'Lkt tend refrelibild, 0i Sn, keally 'thoney jMf be &vedat the 61 wa t fl Wan YoUr joftft to b e jP§ Md� You Me ack and t W j*]K A I "Y 013119ily--:7-yrie, day Wil e qutet, tid Abidtfig, b It back bNa t6d Y' 6fdthLl it d4jesn%, 01 g6 iiiij gUdjA*dfi ly t1i r()" v ljg V% 0 In tot A:stai 4, Swe t tVL j4L -ite -t d" e otiexc jos fight. robf Y rea s, oltikoi a71 7, C, VI ag, 168 absil-nee, IOUs taft6i; Darl n# 1101)'b' , W 11 h theoutskirts of 'tfif: 1% t' hat a ta'-O at tile 110file Of IU�rt 41()t �b. fy aird who 'ILI a N RONG M T acqu 9V .a S a6d )0 through t :e With U, L the, aStop Mn to 8tC do 0 ly a , re rueft ittf3 t of lt" villq�,tirs lit ')lot 4, e, n e-ig ....... Jeen see Iwhich t�e fimAt., adim t ImW qh f le 9 41 o o Ck no'' a! M. ........ .. Wiwi