The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-03-05, Page 5Th'IrSd4y, ,March Otb ,• A oiberley Sari 14rn•crn entertained a number of. frauds ;last TvlondaY,eveninii. Hugh ,FergtOna .and Sam' Main were cutting W.coOd ,olt the 'int (,)on nn little gentletnao fanner arrived at ......10,4„'1oirte of Albert Caehtnell ori Friday •Ovoning. „: Albeit 6 ail • ;Ur, nal Airs. jeunes ,,Mellier44n. gave fpw. 9f ;their selevt friend,s ny'ogreseive QAuthre party On Priday c'vcoing Alisti.ihnnie•McNain, las' been ocosts=00:Vortzamaxt. 4.4 • - John McKenzie, •nf Irarintz l_eft on Tuesday of last,week f9r Grand`rrairie in the Peace 'giver conntry,, ythe be- intnds t•o kiea_te. • The con hci I e ve sh p -o f ota, Then . have -uritter -4.1cin*Icrati.ofr •the • taking over the varion4 fecal tepluine lines operating in tfie tOwnship, with -the view of havina them run 'under natioptpa4L,Ailtipices • •1 a.0 r- :w 11°T.6. has returned to her antic in fine.14 p• t otinten has 1.6 _ res !NUM c IurJ coi:Ved .a-n-runanithousT(7-A11-14'6't • An- huh- -Mrs.. Courtney 4returned t:-.1.3„-lbepte.- !v.-441esdaugt*ter • "ooffezer*,0eustring- fo v: days :•with-lnee --- ' . Airs. mit,ehqui, Icinca-r 40gePted... He announced resigna- •(Awe.. • tion fr...oni.virli40,eti!..lreil last fuday • ••••.; _ . and WesVati-early-as-ik-practic- r,•--• ..-'• iilegsant Vening was spent at . JAI) Scott's last week„ when aboilit, ' there:_and enjoye thews -elves' the time° resi eats: of On 2th eon "Wee stfa'..hotirs o' morning ' • ; Turnherry„dlect.in Wingham ori Feb :--Tife many Ifo..tiode. of Time. Retie:W. •"21...After. as :will regret to e_learn the • very, poor • had . been rest, health in and, also that he.,,leavezr: ••'..fOr Kindarditie if, Where he'''.intendi. Vie• end 'f • t' ' 1 iinclerg,oing; ver y .dritteal operation • However: yit,e, Ir.,?pe We. may' Soon have •_ • Sunday,•••'" 2 2 owin , „ Tow back in Our midst a_g&,11_24 fthe * , • ;... * :•f`, `•:Waltt-O•VolikV,4g11.75-1.tif‘aftirl:Oiriiiit coropeeted . all '„ the. churches, in Kinloss".. Cgiotien Were Withett',eleetrieliglit at " •• 76° 'nig" ser'le°' Mod ot. t °-"'•ho Miis *Vera...›Ifuston 'is yisitincr'' With ever, procured oirialnPs: and wI.01 the 1-• Vien s ine Fier. 7scatztly,i-41igeht4h.usTroz4ddpthweeryices- 2 •,.. „ were held : ' " : ' .•.' ' . . ' Ms Harrison -5PPn ''i . w9,,!c: .w4t.` . .: 0 thii'annuni•••ineetin.ktr) .. trid7.-ilii.6 - lies brother it Wi•nihle., ...'grzeinon-itifle;,Clatirthe.....400.4;i04112-.r.tli.- • "•;----110.4.1..ge..i'"•'• '''-tiiiivifeciidi.h-i,Xialeittars cors were apoti:Ltide for the yea,.,141t If). Elliott, Captpr ; FILI 130".aP)Y, ' .4(‘e• ...„Nift.',.and Mrs.: Cr'en,, ife.i.i4dhaiiv of. ,p‘ii-,: :•ertotuspeut_Simday ,atimalake,,i3L re,t.fftrTi .-•i'r100........D.4....,Ireitsitrei;;.-4,..j... • flodgina cf.Bervie,.1spenfi.; '..Ensitay___!:_%ii J. frodgitis.. '-- '*.- .,.: ,' • ...:,- . .. 7-.'711. '0.19r..-OOd l'''...1°111.10..t(Yri---77.--- 7, . :Messes.' Simpsen of ' London: .antt.177,47:138.(..)1617-1„1.1()ZE:',.. ..;j11-7----:::114:mt'ilit,76;38-,..' --At-- • Olocuttouary''ccorittst' liOld .K.ROYie..retnined4OltilTir4egirilii'.. reoOldiry by :0() Sovereign Connell' of .West on Tueselay, after , spending We ' NV,i ri ter With.. friends .liere; -,, -'' ' . .. the, -Royal Terianlarti of TeniperAnce at „ _ •w k.11is hrother j()liti at ffolk.rtiocl. ton, Miss Mahe( OPoneld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. avid MO Dc'eald, Wit'Yetam. vtral successful. in winnios the first prize -a beantifol modal, • Mice MeDenald tea4dng evidence *hen ini . • he. t•k9li ,t 1 00r . 1}P. MissMArgOirPt::. ..9f.Kine4rdipp; .., tTeir430,. throughout, the,• Shortor Cate .6 visiting her. sister, MisiTlios. ii,eetis• chisel, ,firs t from•the 'beginning to the Miss:Sadie ,Elliott end -Yfiss, En41p4 end and then•froin the end; beck to Ackert visited•liermyfriends for 4 fe4v• s''tellief ba°s•gkiininngiligtilie74.th.qa9c4sti4olinsier;rd.7!t4hlett. .1413)13P'4.141:1:,teOl .7'VV:eili‘iesi14.7.; Febritia.ry. r".T'''',ii.ffis,, 441;ixott..s(7,•ip.pyi.Lcc___..foies. m.,o'n7,.1ea.: a'iss,„„.,1,4 thorn, in recognition. .1:4, gritli.i to Mr, uud .Mrs. Feed join:taw), o_•?. ...:.i‘lioftWOrtli.7.•:..itiall.y,..1141.00:".•ZOA:24"8 a°c°r°1).11'h°1°"t ihe•'"rteshit°tI" 't'W.i.° 'Id: 44g4t.P..1-'43•''. ' ... • -5f,•Kiny, *bile,. opiog w901 with ,'ASeenibr,S, gaire ina a, neautt nl Oerttli, 3i.iss,,,:lieigare. I... 1. i').1•'•• ince ine., .041,t.e,y., .. . ,.. „ 2 ,.. . ..„.,, • , ,, „. . , ..vi,s40,a,bgat fri.-4UcL /.. & .re.,r,t,.. aker • is , Xp ne . B. • . : H 1j.ppei.y fro:on MittS 'The a, siiptica7: .110w P p.in lt,ho _air. Enid; Pn CiililiPg do Y''' .i. '1.43661r12-1!it,...,Y„. „' .1...,'°.,Y, _LH... ,". c'll:-"-....).!itV.:, 91.1..:;t1,171:4Y.A,tvi.C4Tnle•p.t.ltnera'. inilin4-•• riii"ic biro' ii,..ei.eliWW. Oki the tight., tory Of Trnron,heid its regular. ms.7it, to„, oi.Kinca.r...din,e, Ivisit,e, a 0 ihe ,,h,o,lue. ...shoulder, inflicting a deep -.,...•9iind ,, an ink Ap.First'.01nateh SeOforth 'on In- . ..,-.• • . • •• - .,.. - . 4h..".4n.d.---a-,half4ongi-alse•-••=stelkilaif.,rhitia.: u..q.„.Y., ..,:..-_-(futntz.r,',„.,,,St-Iteetitnir.7waitr..........,.. f. .4.1: .1.; ,,,i,..., got .10.i.i. on the wrist of the right haniircausiog °coup; : ;another bad w.ciutid.:-.- ' • ••-...------- --- •-• • b.L.11;eir.'F'.----.A.- lim •ins.ori,. of the De-' A 1, ' ' •.7.00:, !,,,i,r,. , , .i:iti.:77-lu_ 6, it : 610,7 4. ti e,._,Iit,' :t.,,,:.a. da• . 6. .,I 8". r; , .s(:)f 4.,1:,:iii._.. 01:(1' i lit.,.' : 0 ,I( ;17110 y3r.,,- . . ,. .on . ,i14.,..-trayed in at the „ .. . „ • - ....- ,. , 0 ,.. , b : . • - - - ' -wro-hrgste asTwelt Unit ends- well --'511'•.-6.rolth-',.'Of ',340,11t‘ieeli-,1:sbiPPed ' va..r.'4.'°°°.`‘).'°' '9°,°'''''''°-q'et:'"°•,. .•.i. • ' ...-„•.,1,1%4Anlal,77,-;.,', .-....-,...',.....;.;.....,,,,-.,, ' .., i on •Seafipt,-..isli....4,0(3640„,:. ;•,,a.,,e,.41:0a,i -.et geloon..--..:,::..Tbelatter,....ipert -,of-the tallc.- Aril lam 24.cpife.0.607_,.,or...,..wfrigh_am. ,., ": ..., , , • . . . " . • ' % .. •• -.. • i• ', - .• . • • • ver'y One heavy horses. :. • One of - tho.. *PA illlistr01.1 •15Y- st'erEPPtiec° vj.-O-.w.."' ' Passed..tnreugh our bug th.nfi'tOorntng, - : ••• . . --„,-,. , . .-• , •.... i nurii..-ter, a • vorv line ,three year. oid '0'VOMPA 4134 PlaP"' • "Oecteq'''W141taking hoine a driver which be .... . 'i.,,,elding.- l'i.1 134 i*liasecl from. j'ao; Spar the .890,a1 aervien work .00-..1-0•18da-v• had Purehased,from M 1-1 ' ' • ' .., ,. r. arrist . . rowlpt.....rai,nil.,..1.117. I300;., .,,Ht:i.„,•*..01, morninF , .the first business -was the. . • .,- •... .• ,,,..!... • ....! 4,, ,,,,, ,,, ;a,d,7.:_iii.,_ _. itr tt.T.e_aIi,..3)L,,..4efi, ..04.14.,(56.c.i.o.,_!.p..3.1i.r._:_,_ ,.„.:, , ,4;,41,...z4ibo:f,14.4i;wN.rn,i1--.941:41.727(1;ik•killieiz.oe..!4/7.bianlinoot.,,.. ea, • „_. .,..,.„•,. c'' ;AY,: • : ..-..,.= .oe:zr."Ci•odi,Con. '0oillii.irseq, still loing ' • 4.°•iju't.':'..p.,-;;111*--tIci.o:eves, old..s.A.'art.f.e, re; .1 9.2,,a ytti-"i'lliiiiti,04..al.,•,;6-t.,4xIi.:- 4-'71- P'ej.,'''',', Ni et.,,,:,"' 17,p4iii vriees ..- kjear. -agoii,,:ti,tte.e ., e.01e. da: - 44% ''''.• - :. : 'a :9:' •Iiiis' lior.se -wolild ..naVe:brongl4B•50:. 4-1.1h(-5.7'.41.171)-Orilthillt."4-6.4E.V-41.'-' ibli°'71e-te. ' . n ''' 't mines.° . ‘:p,.6.6.,,,,,g.6.0.as,e,,.,,;:u.....;•if..,,,bi., ..,.00,4,._..67_,:of_Loiz......•.0,an.:eijo.,..next--.$3.1314e,th„,•:-•-j."..-':,-(1...:- 'f.41zied..7.-ther'le,•%.a4e-Ar.:a -lit' tle4:::,!;;;,-.. .1:ttifltital!".0-..q.ni-'da•Tiras.:••',....1;'e•40ii.tevrit:2XLt'olel-ei',.ctefsit'it -idPkiPr-ciiti:6'trih-jile.C.tilitirtn*Ii6dactiii4in 'f'C'''.4:h.%1:tile''..hltei.'t.i.1461.1.°ttinialgt:-..::t'"iiy,•'''''...-Wlieihfa.--iiIVeiinItt;':7;a141,1:: ( y., ,. Humarte Society, , medal..., st .,,,-I.. . , • G9derkii. a fe,,T:,N,.013010,4g, Is .: nOyerr.: ,,, . akr. .1-1,ichaaseil' i''.a,: ntOointed.:±0...•.1:0•-• 't-J-16"i'411(.?4.1:05.,'1,14t•lj-Oe6).4134geliktelik_gii- Ltii•c_Nii.,i;,of die ..,•eitni.th ,Ge!,.!eglao.f.,;'_. t9d,..,.e.r.44.0._,I..O.f. PretOte4:_.feithe.enetibeg_.1Oiii.n,:',iiticit.St.....n_44,0di..irit_line,Otivlier.,,g-lzotw6.1s.,,t_itee.....,rialliotnii,..a_g, „tifiiie,,,Ti....:-.-.1ctaitn,..-Eff,•.-40"as'e -..:0"•a..1.-neii .`..; tnn"•••_8•••,9'!'.. 9'-;').'"O•F:.'"..?'''t,t8.1":"' ail. tin-. °-.4•.t. °.ti. '''''.."'":! ' nd ..gaie, rier1:3On s • calling:et 'Nlai‘le• Leaf;. iiiediiLhir an-ict .0f...Areate ..braypny.. • , giegetions, were iippved a and. Coin , " . - - - - - • '.-• suelr-a--,slinek:Iliatilhey-wentfionie • gf- ""trifivow04.4 Aboultsfo-0 0 , , iiiSSibriii-fione 'di event • sesioniiin . .Ti . .. • . • .iataiel -. ,, „ , 1,i...._.,,, .5'ivi"g 'Oe7lifel.b.f 41; .°61iliade-5-.-°.9 was - --..--nifcteiss•li...i members or-PreS7rPr.- -- . - 759.1'. 01141:41t. 78°'1-1,°10'.- . ..- .emifeclo Mr. Megar4atice:7reporting--,•-reporting • . , .. . .. men.. were ,, bathing 'lir\ the 'lake . at , if4tr...ettitutia_g0_ oujibiftees In dangeFnf-drowning-while the young. ' • 4 1:tv..Ny,tuKkin!,,E• , Mxrcirty..-Fiebru••••,.'tlie eeminitteeiala__Sabbtith_ tery.yere rebeived. The reports of the Schools-entL, 1----lir'.7.1-1171)11T4ra.t: , . ..._vt! M.4r:lar.-0.2n..40%.0..9;7.1117. i' at the 20. th tia* the sPaf-'sing .a.**.t of, Young •Pe‘t pie's ,S...Ctiette' Li,,• fMr, ..W,Oods','",,.. ' 1..2 .4zeitosiv. ..... - ''' ' .' spine' rewects a. yery,....rfi tin),00.1)10: .014 , tk!e•c: ,.m.mittee, 6n, . Finanto arid: . Stat. ' - „ ...cri;71.:ni, ... .,,a:_••ay],,ffsgt314,.- '.--0.1zt.h.7.6.+7,,,..-----••••-e....0.i4.0..6.v. .4„,„07....s,s6034,_, v. .,. 7 ......... 1 •rekii 401t:Of '11-asf,:.. Wilwanosh,- And- in and ;it vangelisin.',' Mr. liamiltOn,.. for .i.ilAn,, ,INfr..• 1yabgii.,149.Avas 1,•,;nettv.e,-..0g•ilitics:Plir....Sliaitp;40t4hekipitizaiitte-e'On" TA-beten-S1'Snotland-r.----11-§•.-Lf4"4#4"--41ieerui-is-'foe-the--M-i-tAstrYY--twoHAP-• ,to Canada •iti' r It:15 awl....fePT .Y.6114,8 dents, .beirig.:cartified frOiri. he ryes,. ''''.10,,t017 1O-7..Ttii6ilii- Wlidre 11O_ Mr. , and Mrs. W. , .1.. Time . visited lliPlet:friends, op Thirridai,dast. • . kr.--andAra-f.*.",--Reid Rent' a 'few .days Of last weeki:with Kitipen• friends. • Mrs. -G. W.I.Lai‘e Spent:Jest 'Week. ti e ging. a her ta.th it Mr. Francis"Ciinning-..t ..bytery and •trorn ,one consregatien•-for: i ......0,z,z-,.. , , _ . a ' 'o . ow-iMrlatit'vOrited,r'a•ffillif Ahtil ., Ira work jb the Home Missiou•Field„ it,' .- , . • • • When he refii.e•fto3elgraveA:felled. the a areed that it the inoeti.mi i.4 may ,......;.Mr.,2nd :Mid...Chas. .Alton ..-Wei.e tne.- ,.: a•Teniarkable merpcii-vi of this lie•gave' :gtki•i'ts.14 '.Mr. and, Mins: W. .I. Lane ',on ...• .. ,1,,Iritiak•eiening:1astr,- T• -," ,-- 7---.--7-", rs.. Samuel'. Morrisont of LudiriOW vicinity was the -guest . of :.her inother77 -Ars._ D.,14.:.;Altomrthiklargi7lOW•dayk..:.: . ,. .. , Ihe lad Aitii:ili'er of:the ilast few days haragain ended it a very .stOrtriy tithe . • 'March: Should go Ontlike a lamb this e 1741 igate •fercb.- -and ,;( tit -1161'0r. 14461 gatl-q4AY ire4ra:r1VV-4 V'"iii offer to lOtS ofMen' Fine 110e_frkc' S vs" that it to let pass by withoot inveStigae111.7 L.' • 30 'pair of Men's Fine :Shoes 30 pairts Xerila Shncti •in. - • on 'patent butt: •and blttcher_ • Ono Metal and Fp*, calf. ; 1,e4t:,:ien:ebget4e,it3/4?1:1;:ePrd,:7, .PO. and 010 I. ' 1.4 V314433 b1k for y r r orrie: Of tbe§e s.hoes .at lined 'tnrbiig Botit, • , . , wLth ' le • • . 000,000.00.41410.00~Ati.sz ..1.40.41_440.16.104.7 _ ur the _Preebytery should confer on . wOrM.,-the---SOVitir,Sumil.now bin7P completed. The Ocirnmitted o i S.Yetere. atie. 13eheficenee report:el 'through' Johnston and the. allocatins fOr the Budget were adopted:: •..The follzwing ministers Were appOihted as Coin has • ioners to the. General Assembly to he held in Woodstock next June: ,liessrs, . 1.)!' Johnston; Elder tom. 011.1.1etta 1r Mrs. And-rew (4--Liteknovv'ancl-,- titer Ars.. j..`„IVICKCith linaton, were guests ;Of.. Mrs. .Robert bunLand. Baifiel4 were-aisoi-,apjaointF.-.Rif b•:-.4 • : ,Sonie very handsome niodds m Ladies' Spring Coatiiave The -stylei=ateNery.-natty and 4tiaCtiire See theint at your *Yen - i and ,.plaCeyour orifers, early: for taster--d-elivery a in derskirt a .00 --TlieLptesen.L. .stYleA d-r_essaljs ariA This Aitt fit ni,cety' •in a soft g1ossy_satrn_ata_very_inoderatepuee Th eco1ors_rn_stock-, saxe;-tani-enteraIdrand- Tire -Trite- •-is-Srotc,-- 4and-Whii-ethere-are-4k.i-ri•sL.nlide-IO-!sell--sat;-a----.1ovve-r-L--priee--th an this, and we will have them in stocik„. shortly, they are net .;befter-iralner- - .4 .• en's li1 p. j. - . Thp--t .shipment 'of Nien'i -S'prin? Caps is to hand, an, comprises an exeNlent assortmsni--of stylekard• patterns. There is it Iciod-. variety of calors to 'Inairli suits if required, and the pric,es Tun 50c, 75c, and $ t.00.` " . • •.:11ARTT OVERALLS WelseI1 a, great m4.ny fine . and , frpecial-inake-4-Of-,Overallk-and 'other the CAltitARTT:-.Many of our cusr:- . tonters have aspreference for this foottly--. • - Wer....made Overall, and we. are' -pleased 14.5156 aib.0 p3 supply 'their wants: • .• . • Ross ws,,t panled .represen lye 77011,7firEr. usiness. Committee ofthe 'A.esenth_ly Sharp on the Correspondidg'CO_Oitnitee oftbeSynod Dr Ifuli,46,-Of aks-this-isAiis first trip-home,-strice..he fnr,tbe•--Ja-(4eFatorsb-"iP....-left---thirty:--thice-Years7age..---,-of ---. • . $Yned and • Herr idge of Ottawa,. The funeraltx.,....tke_Alittclora_toeship.„..6.L_Assetrzlity. The .thanks , the Presbyter) ;4T'eve 3liursdiy'of last Week to...Kintail; Ceme- e-oiivTiyed-w-tWe---rife4a-geeS and • People : try MI; Little :wag' title., of -the old of Pirkt7Cliiffeth; Sea:forth, for the; use pioneers. Of Allitelir *lid carved' out .6rib-err' church and for .t}teir. Most': 'fbrhirnself Trot oplraAtortiriant--7.1so-,-.-a. geUerous.•hospitality,• : •' '110%1Pe• r• hi• -•;4131. • respected . - • -agar-lead -.An lumble inffeujis- n • --partner in life predeceased hini but : 'short time ago. He reached -a ripe old Urre exceeding: the three scOre. years and -ten by: thfrteen-years.,..- ev. eond•uctea7the,r end. Joseph Chamney; of .1)Onny brodkwere-the-guestsT-of-71fr: and _Mrs. Jas.: -Lane on•Fridaylest, ' -Mr.: Deacon • ••.' --HTtiesdaY; March teplzetri1vin1ies-heerlends, for -the -past Vivo week Miss:Mamie Roalqton s inWinghant :...fatieralthersices;,-.TitoJaanly visitinghsititer, Mrs..11._SoloniOn. : , entire sympathy -of friends- and ,..neigh-' • Will ,.8teele. Sold a valuable Lorse.last bors in theit,sacrbereavement„ , week. Wede!ivered it 'af Winp,hitin 00 atturday.. 'Miss S.f.J„ Maoist); .schoot -teacher pf the South line, ripent.the feek, end at ketiliome-herei•L, „ • • •' ' : Walter -Walden Was one :.ef-,these who entertained--a-large uutiiebee4n:the.Pi. River,reibyterien :church: ' • . •Wilkftison and Vileaef-Tfibliip- set each sold a horse last week •The hprs'es, were :delivered 'in.L.Wingham. ob. Saturday.,. ' •• •• A pig belonging to, a .farmer of- this, •doimninlity Was lost dnring;the' Snow stertri last, *Saitirday night, . and. Wag foaudnbdeOonillytp•a84ftee.r a verST•:di hliFent 'search. , . mcentilottlstonk, sale..held on Thurs.. -,:ThesdayMarch 3rd, day of last week was a splendid success': 'Miss Florence Mainprize, of Teesdale, A hirge. crowd Wooded uticf the ,//is visitineher 'Cell- Mtir.: • • one•edw-goifiglit'31ie-fifict-ol-chTeh., -$7104.--yriment eXii-ebt-s-tPleitve-thE coin- 7. Nils. Lizzie -Wilson; of' Waianosh, 'rnunity in "thenear • future for Icsew visiterf her .friend,.Miss Mary St7.uthees; Srunswick. tie intends to try taisok horslastwi-e-k:.•. . _ , _potatoes His man friende.. Wish him 'i%rs. Clarkson and Mrs Annie Clark= , ' son: were down -With -the Grippe for Couple of days. • Jae ..:Witiali.AirtizeliiMW,„lasi.L6Oen- sszwing,'WOOoesonie '(if-t;he-- neighbors:- - • --;-Thesday;•-ftareb-Sed • Parties are the order of tb6 day. •• Makes afopile 4 outfit. going t a dof rails' to keep theay, . • ) - The latesf, Song out is "My Perlin ,Mae" Sung by Melvis. • W. Q. dri.vei-a sporting outfit-41imi% a days. Keep a -smiling girls: ". Mr. and 'Nirs,'Dan garc,in 'of Fordyce visited friends here lat.iy. • Miss Enime Woods of St. golgts,- 1. spe...nding a few weeks with'hiends here; Mr. invi. Mrs. Bert Reid andtamily left for Their home in the West last Fri- verett •.* , • • 0 • ' 0 . : •,..._ " g ir in. s • • Every persbyrwho has used. Ever- . -eft: Shirtings knows: that it -is :perfect and, gives the best of- satisfaction in every. way for mediUm v. eight Shirts, for little boys' wash suits, ,or for *wo-. men's or girls." drekses.- We- have a -nice asscrtment, of patterns in stock. The price is 15c per yard..., Ask to see it when in. omen's -fitting ntton Boots •• • Second 'Con. t;tilross . • '-Konc!ay, %arch 264. Miss-.Edyth Mearegoi, Of Lan-gsideuii OD the line: fittigiOuta n1ni- bernt1adies witlipeiv dresie4,,ete.' . Hamilton' 4ndWoodstock this week. • . . TheWomen of this, line held their. an. . . nina. quilting -bee for the 'MeSSionary Society at:the...home Of Mrs. F. Week pt Pridafafterridoil laSt " 14re have jast added to our. stcck Of women•'s rodtviregr• a new easy - fluting last in fine buttonbots. ,They aremade of .fine dotigola ktd with . pat- ent tip....and will _fit Iles_hfige.Lialld_high: insteps with eake and toinfort, • The 'price Is oo:per •.. " Mr, and Mrs. Win. frodgits, of We4-• ford,' were gueffilft. Jirilitry Irwin's..last rhursday.. ' , ? ' •. Gibson is assisting ' •A, • HaYrieS ' The hard frast has given • considerable' with'his Wprk for •i, Coupled. weeks. . ••• ..°"tible to '1* here b.''' f.re,"-44"Ab., e'r - Mciss-rs. 'Fait aid- PlaCkwelt ohlervie. water pipes. . .. , were in our ourg on, Saruday otening, ' The Social cl-fut. 'have been meeting. „ qUite &tog: ,"tr you *tint.* joiit them ' o..e A-t",e . glitA tk'Y see David Fidger .give them apatty,..,'. .....,......„_..r.._,_......._......kro.:00 a4fti9 kftOr hilitet'int inn 'eSS. We are.glag to'report that thOseovho' 'XI:*:Nicir‘•'si ne'theritlf,"it .nf Ow T.c. pave: b.-.icti,,under the.. weather -fot---,s(P-n-e- -0.....)-8.0.00 S_atu'"'",taY Pnd 8•11rd'Y at 11°t4 • ' -ineiSt poPayoung gentle - time are 'able to be out again. , • One of the men of our burg attended the ,party ,A,Lvery-- large crowd attended the the ...110111Stoli Side lastIl_herSideM_ UPd_latnes•SthnkY's' - " . . . report everStlang'pliing for.e, good fig- . , Quite a nuinber f torn arotiridhere itt. -are: We ate sorry ..to lose 'a young .cilded, the Scott Iltot4: gale last Wed'-. man of 'the line hut' as we lino* he oesday, •Whieh *:7-0 a doomed snuoss.•• ., win re,ceivo a' grciter ivelemne the'tit we . . Messrs: 'hemp:ten, .Turrie 41...I'lci ''.11od- can give him, we congrainfate :midi-M- gins have Completed their_ contract of come .S1r. and Mrs: 'Brooks. for cliPosing haTililig logs for Mitchel, of Lmilthow . ,..vtisobettertr.l.eihome, a . place on the Second: Owing• to the:i.,0.1.1it i.,t), Sunday night Pitiq'' ",t9......hV..1.1)„. q. tt(ItC". 7,-rcY..; iiifif670P:K ,ftfitlfifieLN " Ili2-1--,0"-trigkrt" liettCir people to liVe. with s:upposing we thent . weekW ly call On , onesday night, do .s'ay it ourselves, ' : . 'Miss Curran, of.Kifitongli, and Miss,' , °Staiiiev of The 10th Con , vistted •Their • tiOlyttifid : fRend,, 4M.iss 'Elva itodgii% on 8stords.st i ., - - .ind ..,:sondky . • . , ..- : . . • :7--Tueiday. March ard .• ,, • 2. . .14,1reday ia waatog.a vebcoad .8/niga,.11orT, ilsii,rieht tviselk.,Tbeire , is Lott -tittle time -a t At ta e'S ,t le , le liclliarinici,liaS decided.. totrain for anurse She cornmentes • this 'weekAn Oace BoltaL Detroit. We wish her every success, though very '8(;rty to sec her deicia4 from one toisist, ettitOSSICorners --Tu'esday, Nfarch • id.„gMaltss5E418.n. ‘C..tietherington putchased a fine•mare front George Belt, ofr: laSt week. IMIIIMMMIII=CEFI6PPMSPK012,,,,VIA • e* rt.1 i Ts:/wwilltt4saicerh s•s Bigniford Cuttert Ad:ans Wagons = • '• , og-:Bit.,B '• • O.- rir s rrivin - Many Lines elq.socls- for the • Spi-ingSpaSon _ • rior-pri h.rd We have Grafionk...-PrintS--.-- ' at 12% COO per. yard and the best..•,quality:-. Crums-!--at-±-1--,4- :Ducks; .qingtiata, " Cia1atePT4ues; v-"Nrciites -":and 7 .RalineS • at SpeiiibIac1 1j ,es•Avideit 1 25 • We have good a.ssortrnent 'of Ladies Suits, Skirts-angh-Sprintr-eoats just arrived: _r,1141111-10,6ry-Depaitt-trien On MondaYMarCh-gth.4 Miss -j -Mueller will:. tike „chaige_oif;the Mtlltnery Departiment..... She comes've'lrreCorn.rriend,..-d as a' trimmer ;Cotorners-ea-i-Open4lOn-gettingz-the-1atest-:- and best in'hats and trinitnitigs. WILLIAM CONII Wer,t4,)te Better and ggs N2• ERT:.•the-Clsh•-•S -stent-wee-Ar nvrfor-Three .Weeki; sPecially low .prices on String, Bells' anti , Shaft Che s Heavy Winter Mitts and 'Glo`ves • Lan- terns and_many_..,other lines -too attinerous-• to Mentient- , • •• 71,1" Call -and inspOct -oar imported Geritym "Alunlinurn '87cra just arrived. • The,i'prices will interest every .c0stomer. this Aluminum is the best value Pogsfble .10 ,bay. Get some before it, an: pas... , • 'B1..pitoriwyam•51,014t•E: tikOSA (1'4'; 1. A •. .: V.r-:..;. ,.*: #.% ''' V'..”..,-4.• 7; 14•-::---m-r: • 4.- -t----- - 811 a a rol-to-sa.hool-.41445-tiithitilly,...e.iimy.,-,.. .r.inren owitzer lett' tor '..natitook. en . , 6 ,t ...t , 0: ana typti`t rt.tting., 1iorii6 net Wednesday. - ' • ern,•Wiles wiconhe. i dowel's', --shoIld ' We Are settsr t*, report 6atmt6. Ma. zio to "sellool, s i. the deiVer COIN not l' gullen is setiOnslY ill. . ' w ' Prevtnt elle "little POP titan tut -filo; ' Mt 6: d Mit McPherson visite-a ont4 sroadd. lialcl du ii; ilttle taglItet uelt,t, , n , . • , • , 'Iliteohurell Ititild*Qh Thu;cult time, tutu • , • c. , V. . , t4 alt tottec.. tittrostottto•-witit ,sit.Ittottdst-Oneeont4tift,-- 'VIOLS NS 'BANK Ihcorporated 1853 " d Fteerve $8,700,000 85 BRANC,}4gt -IN CANA121A • TPANSACT,to CtgalAit 1.1,ttl4tt43 or •CREDIT 1„ TRAVILLIMS CritInt-8s- 1-188criti M018:44X4;0RIAR8 V NaS DE mENT Lucknoiy* ei tiager.