The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-02-26, Page 67 7 W-01", 7 hEal Is the rinat ter. Jerome!" In mgkili ersur6 th( g, o4kps,' in. ili'�doixlt know, l0u'aln Maste" ha6 the carrlaup.,wiih fresh IlorscS �horitenitlig b� ppacking''SoWly irit-V ord "'a" or, L�y to -Wenday -he �t9p With '41 to take ..him 4.11, the W4 a elfil 4nd, levelling Meet the- n1ldnight #411);, anl3weyed knife. r the , man, As hip hurried quk. qll, oF; Ila In making. beef -steNv: e thc "Good gracious, l,� 'he gbilly back � to 9 rs, War- beef oil&, iilt�) sillall Oubes, Thp lae5t town, to-nigbtZ­ exciall1ted, rand, X way to" thicken, it.. p A W "Wbat-on earth ca�wtake hird-the 13, g W 0 ;AFE-slame, o ` -s of oki- itiquired Both questions iverc partly answered -five-o q_ by the Goverlio� Cavcn-� Cook. ludget u nly, r.'j thi k tAP4,beAt u -n jil it 0 n Wungly wad;v liale, lind an t tom %vi t ign tfteY4 "hin and bo, ''A'Ve I and cre4my, if .yOq W, -4chow oqlpe�l 4 L WOO q'kii I- aq-jrxgle lour -P Coss the r the:ma fif 'cture o it tlzui� th&tt you, are uo,, best,,x "Charlie, 9, is i at I B y MR t" , rJaermure. k*,e, R , our iilim ornale t , 1, It In , back to- towki to-night'.1" inquired 7 lu uiluiawilva tarvituryk -U - 441119 Ptt­� Zen 14 b fihdi d 02'old lady,' was �X 911 0 r-Alue Q, ir 0;� `tom�� e.� Nil" Pelkv , ipsip" tol T� vi"tc it A AV' T SWUR D. ITI the_n one- B FKXT� X IL -half dozen- -red.: teiijhng�.d "Yes inother; I ttin called, ther6 by ge,.1 fit. 10. - , -kAxv 0 1 U-0 -a-Ad as fie, 11111.1 -led .111) tile ;*tq,� llw� t z, - , t w do�i n, f m ­Rtt 1.14 Ili ie r ever p p h p fine, an twelV6 i e, , per a,;: 0. 0 ;idd R -N T7 old lady, A ed�,� JJE�NUMEROUS' I FER10, OVFF-9-RZ 4 1-tc;cm W, Suppose. in fact -that, thAs '-visitor, spdiont brown' sug -_43eVPI V news.- that" ­ Vinegar, �,sax teasT),00ns eacli HE 5-T 'good, IV00 T ob- i' . Ve ser. ad the, ypullger. olie, s, a spice �V;n ei'llnamon. 118 � OLAA4,61p 1_1 a � . -n g" 1E.W. ��c 0M. V lingtft,ed near -ig room door., f C a, Pi 31 IXTT L the dinii slowly threq'hau�s, put in The sound ot ihe,(4rrflF�ga wheela was 'sp"' ' , If aluminum cooling VelMoIS, �qet G VO R ON T. 1.0111ig Up to thd And heard hall, door., hile'boiling, 'Put in glW�s te mom �Ca dish 6��je P n, o.fihel 1 .4 1 W.) sp 0 T. MQNTRXtA d, Rd at the ent Mi�, van "tit -Loiif._�,G N djie-lmlf;,PoUyid" h -a mep - his came dowli the, stai� ared foi I a; toagpogniful 4. of-godza�-wn -b " �T - - 641;�-, i�� Odden 7;7. III a:.Vt%e�t" Ch o'' He stq,l)pe I'S he op f' AaVoxink7 Call" c;. M 7--c4rr its, .7 A vgnt 0, XJ ri out --_Edtleri Mil pvs, er came,,,,, �1;de ie TrfYsterf trang s S - ----------- . . . . . . 41 ai M --�-,�A J Sep- WofthlVft��bf teila -9 3W, ��w �e a, % - �71. I rp 40 - n' on o No I't �fcoo.t c.11lir was,'tUrned up. argli d. his� A has'Uem tb je h ienf.- milk -or' *sti6itwxnoi�t t cheelis -aria- lils'liat.'bri-m I)ul,led -it mo� doubt raw. ty "RA 'U, izv�er. his passa& them 1E, -TAPTER I: Jjf.)V�0�"tbr:' Al:h �;T e �XII Tt [all 6'rah'ilv, ( - �; It el� -bett6r,'� wh�. bre'.1 id the,4iuts a 4 .19 . 1". t 1, ­ - holne 1.1 , , 1 4 -_19A ' _ OUF lie ad iliz t1l" ­,fliatek . k ;l�er IS- and And tfib,.Who e -AN, e ha,&' 4co 111111t an ce fur. -E FINLEY, Q "IT A LO 11 lo- -M at Jilating.out, nex ouna 1) ba al�'nioa-�r�­ , '. I :� I - L _, ", - 1 -11 -1'-.-__ "',:1 XLS were sold -,under the mort- tit�y a e- -in j�a614,s in, t A r w wee" y nue miles.Outh or the cl fl4om,thls, time the house u -But I , b *k t i4oment .,they,. heard - thi5 9 It his hiorre,4,s hoors. vallopiriff,away. RAI _5� -.Iq -Fisher for'. it�iZ oou togethe EL'valua ed - his e: the, pretty' .,gage; and the household and offl. n ait�13 ut 4wel t� nl�l Und,once owned by niture ble `law Il- ­UtA­'� C dj�4h approach r lwt ove W10 'of' rbtil;,j�qbs," iind r �Wit; I relatiVeS. 'He' war. iloe,�I!gnd� jqws of 0 lur Kp alla,001145- k Ile aue- "tonlShed U-tes, Serve were disposed 0. at `publ Ali d eict lawyer #enrY, tytton, it bl-Ar� it d n d �s I'Llist@r-of-� _;V�.L I oftb d' wilonplace mai4ler,: or 2ala. by the nomin-c sleft for the heitg nl0tiOn undet, ',a to; cgripul, I!,the'.4664eased noCeven,ellqu -tile ikh,td­paY­Us'ne -There w I �g.' no sisteri - f ed tra;v, 'iy - ". , t ' Vtion,, ake,v.Are, 'ral Mra- said. th4.thi�.c il- ect me back jo ige'. 4"gl men." '-iA:s -;their- pearer -�o --I(in-'anCL,-'tll6lr-�na�i:urELI �of a Southern gu b biden of theIr-suP-'] ev coutcl%ex e leir. t , it'rillan, ook th4 con�. amazerRent;,. lie. a -h; ift IWO. L In leavlpg� the -his -,vherq- theb and e)s) % -he iethess* w, n.:ue- wn a i in th t g Alden Lyttoii'h d but tention, was WpnedIat;pIy..drA in a, in -al speaks' itfenK e% hast -the Lldhood, youn very grim,-._reVen d Vo 0. Tor, 7 U-1 n had been --th -1 1 � I. - - �Iie tair girl was,, sittilk at­th� rul' one�that Ayictbr� HaniA the. nds- 4,P e4 staye A -lik of-, 01, ts. Ilght, rJi_�glea, -diroo.p. t I b47- nherit- .1 wR114 neg_spread� ith b atth r4, p ry,tb6 ron �6 -e the Q, N n I'd- I -c usive. n, exam a re- ealWitiys oon Amer pf the oldest son� 1,city, for a lie or, t And, what ever c b bake fiften mirrIttes -in hot Ernerz' I I epw nl&nt.. ub; seeingzt -bad fils'owm Way'. at -th�6 e t. 1 6 t'Ve m tte It -e Charac-t6rizela bY lit h� this. misleaoinj eVjdeno� ja- tli;e, pre- hbeeh�,rnbpin the sfill q A'� ws therart of, A rioil I h. I a-afra id en h .4si efficie the -world. and being jL near the s that�gftl?- h �wlt:h' fil. he"resolved to f evening.' --a M -d-t riner said Mrs� J'�Le ley,,, then With 'w IPPo-a-110 tute,­Mi. G Fi I O'Hilloroi keeping 1 the mach'"' 0 go 9� or_n ece. a.11i and aerve at, once., him Into hearing., 6f the' co merit.. kip g: smoothly. By his ev' t,14thestudv t vern-, 9 Iaw.arld on,' the anxiety to sc lie in e, in h tra f - �."( ersuaded- bls'� father at sweet6n�d- ere -or io - . . - . , ',.',!Come here, Ernma. Let. me look an." the �/ iia , t . On )oit� city lawyer, wbiar-6 lie hurrled'thei� deVarture.1 1.1v ffie'61 You 9-sh hould, be: liiiiv-,d wit, respected for XP 's e Frui,t, a ly ,law be reaoks�and attend,,th ,n,.my sald', ibe old lady &,whee would. cer6iin go dor as V ea down Ifito hor,6asy -4-be- �-hiis fairness� -14--the Findffig herself noticed, the. f6i .'the' WG"Add I pe TM -�-W, prosdiei So. rt- seems tha t . I T"R , rom WE le. :is a1FUms- NVIII- 'not hot. P a4rl: ni h. con-victidn' of Pirl would willingly. have er, rm, atter of, le, -'to go - �orl a I itt 0 N A few djym after the the room: but at the' comma.dil Imself'the new burden - Per, Spaiii�h Steak.---�Tw�i P6111)ds t -te, -;�hc lingered. "r -.of th. Church. oC,Eztglan� suming He -is &,-meiiiber of ail, , thp� go c� g.randmother d b Jolig; vern6r. of tl - - _ _, 1 .6jr with llriore� thall be xWlk, rat, eT. I found, Upon his re AFOLed rettrIng., to Dip I odroomiatp In'tho'e-vell- mmy Child. I want iii,lobk.at h -table' a, tLh*e old la round a dressing a1116istii re-, av �e w3v'farfir y- - kb- - d 0 --it � . . in alsi ride� eyelids drooping 9nd bosom SU Place add three ei ''. . 1 1. oyn: He is'fod gof b;nct u e :1 handwriting. Surprised at tho Incidenti and curious nall' ra hails from, thei esa state to know what 14might: m ,;and built, a �tpe n e (I "What, ails you, f u, rths- c u P -hils7--diltdO.07r liu -Attitt--his 6't on -'thb ;-banka of cll0 -n iV, Celtic- ith She sh6ok,her fail, head. bUt,_her,JI.ps;'ien­r_ (�s 1iou-r:, bak S-9 G tinititaS Flax Cr0V- ijifd" A ninut tow IS& credit for IMent, read' theE�el -few myste lous quircred. �1-,mpe:ramerit iin 'a i the. Provirize of. qubez..: move, ect, lie oven. till n 'Thn:-'wbat 16 amiss. In:, mdr:ate o0d health the burdenk- The family*, - fiowev6r,- i f hiti Z "Oh nothing. thin V , the Gov krandma. -No ith dVen - 'i :father bf -6-ffie. - In hoj� al� club uriod.ar flax ia'Clanada has b6e,n r; I 5p.iiAle ;. w­!�, a, city - beauty. Of, Victor Hartiniva'b" bee4i convk t'�,(l "of rne�only-it Is very'ro lish, I but gi can- original gettl der of Henry'.LyMn.,alid li S�lt oiie'lilaif salis�oon -�f f' the I)eputy 'Mili-isto ma - b ut it liSmp -man as we rtune;And he the Willful mur thoe.., The set 1, t help it." And. she Turst 'ihtd','tearA; Gpo<�D 11 E(i-s corded. . Tell, �;eArs go Sepinz�:,*Ith her, in his new has been condemned to die , for that ao r Was b-brn'. nd sobbed cobvulshkdly tith a layer of o '2 th6., totid 'as' lit. 1r�A style, ni�ia,ln &;,cord� ;crime. Sir, Victor Harthian'd'id noi kill er wife is a da-a'g-litok-of SirlAolb�ourne '26 066 acr�g;' in 191 w The o4VIad-%� drew th6. girl cioser;: t6. ppet and cov in CoYjc. and ealIT6. dllt'60 CA110.9' 4J8:'iPrJde,Jhanz his purse. a g an, nrj 11 . ons ; . 'ti, � only L:�tton.- "And If, they hanit, him _er 1de',-'as hl Raid.. tenerh_; .�bqtkejifteen minut6s.f lissi " ' "k 45 0-0- pany frequent you, 6W' you never. weep- with- -I a Zrown. W, intortainpd, com alone, can ftoWL Sav -never- Were Va Ile-barg out. ca,"e, Emilia, for yoll longer W. itl plixt- in tb . ..... &fA t e"Ureo ngIt, ster1caL;_:and_1 IK,§Irt oh. y -. tp� nr, t do'it, or r6�ent�-Ivutl-doi 0 mus. _oui. .lia - - -1 ! -, -, WA ,. _A , ifil 'd - t -day oV -,W hai-f tfollbTe-!�:�7ou i'i- ut ze 11', hei,.gamble& f as oir 3 the -true. statemen t., �01__ Oh, dear grkndnY never min (ffie� iolid 'a -0 -re-ligi-onit' b t, �iar� `Vye�e Who ,,At�hus'it:followAO'd'thiit'�'i fh0Ug h ), -�ill answer)-. she the t�m)i filiqhi is thO-VOSO va;lll-*__­ "So the?":L Was a memlier. Q the Prottestant.. In co is. ove-r 9 h.e- the, RAM DRYING UP' moral. thanvhls�d and�,aq The astonishment of the reider (To be'condilued.) went. by,he ;be� d a -d"bt, 47 i, as "M &Atted��c tore up the 'letter A:dd throw it into the promul- Ve n, , . E �firri:e­ of - Pon M O'children: wero'born td. lit ... �9% OY* Ax -oven,' lo,hg 'fte� saying: ptabe.��- , ,gr S -11S. EASE. a*d br. -P Butz 1@ -1912 NX 41.0 ha g i r 1, dven-the - lith: of-: thes� . S most rapspare ga. a plan - , - �ht that­�e I" a Y' -V. risibility. � e, I life ua -e:li heard" In, i�li,,rft D t; Thdt� fl. ��st a While 1, ger I xe6eds _y diknis�e'd the'. suject,from, �6ee and i�� his of Dlear7'' X-nd, so' he, ie: Qii L OR been at I fi& tirmis 't 'o with 1110LI-4 evil d tomao�_Is' s the -earth qqU—g up n .0 rllow th When his boy'and girl 'were respect Worthy of d, moment's. attention.. be,­very.'t�,n4er' of t), f6r. Ively four lnd�.two !year A:§ the - re suit Of, recent scientifi. duya th-6 inos Are' tro hQ' to I e growing I -et .beautiful . wtfb,',died. s' of agb�;�hls i ;But in�a'fe i1st h foupd ariott�er t adled And ' thon­,he' be d l6tteirAnAer hls-�,plate 'at�qho­breakfaiit 4, n' of P., morq�'reckles. ­ , lnVe;8;tl.%tIong o Insec. -vages IIthe '11A ever, as fr'he' n e � woulc -dro*n­gr1-ef,-1-n -Alssipatibn - - t -t",. r to-, be devloped—W wha, he.. re Ais hv.r tne tQ PaP61% and he- style ot A He was perh 8,-thd most� populax 'no -en , .3L..M. . 'o w Unkets -twlists d:e-v ap SRI n Were kit t1tely 'different from on,, o st ill, W5 own acquaint- thost)e of,th6'41' 9 forest inects An- easy... m1ly r but the-subj effect ter was: the sa name1r.,itp the d-estroied twent�;--Ave per.-.0ent'. of and hAVd th6m **as fluffy a4i'd atitraiobw. ry odiitli 66 �rofit,in the' buxiness. -nd.. be was, generally believed Professor J W. Grego :o. be aa.prospefouki as he was popular. th&t Victor 1 H& , tni, ufltleae,�Crf c -PA the sec -d be- ia, ion ive as the' �qtdo,ri -at a meetig f the been , ea 0 :enry -Lytton. 1i �-t h -C were *Ii�n:.ne qu 'To -one, knew -how'd6eply�h6-.*ds involv- an was g -if Mber, th6y diAN.0 ohe',suspected that t ria'. Nation F. -o I of hot hijag pur'. ictpk iirt all should be Ig thi, Sie test,. the to e b6iler is ful "only for prus to in 'n Iff h t of 'boratecj­ -A t the, damig6,�dlne'b izii4ots last suan- wa;J�er seve t s when his son waslit fi t d M; file ottset or :essla to,aeplo :mer U len and ath r;1. quoted the Qpini4n bf bern blankets._. *rUe at 0 ThW, letter met the fate, al! It In , a. insd., P�i�rscyf ,a-,- ­But-tile-matter-wms- notreatect — a , emser- he biid-v. __1_nf_o the �eu4 _ry rrmere "When4he'ecroner and jury With'their With uite so much contempt, on the, pme�,. -.orm�. on Uie PU ei T e lasterillig'. officeies-had, left- the Y, 0--dkeelleney close-- 9pru aW r6red...1y'.-the e-niern'ti; a -ers-o hy- pie �age�, m 0M a,(> po.i I;hat there f 51 ow . ed 't spcial legislaio , n " fbi, bat 400 t bef %enougll XOL meet - immedlate'and Dressing na little; wakni water, txem 'brightness av orb th sister, and, es,ts ftha� so demands. � Some, wbehas and - Jewelry 146, ter. h ilf' fill.L the w�rm *&ter rs -hav Wilf -be noF telegram , lit.pq1t. or gr,'Qt4c rna� 4UX)tle, "':r their control: has bepTi,- heWere sent Out snd,00l I.. ­ _�'J :m d a no, &I the strah - ma, ;E ne, nor dispatched 4to� the ol lYtilint about GOV e ore wine not hot WS er, ge ­ . '_ hAmdr d in giandfathei 4!pwi -c era,. is Able,Lytton, of -,.-Lytton Lod e, near lattef . hey'hs;d,:,not even seen 4t ;Uhtll Ills -you, he governor -next. ioallbd up, -his ser-. the- continued ravages bf, worst. 'the wapi eath- or otitifroni Under his'pla in: Burgundy not -the. Giroodc, Says ay Wendover, to',tell him of the te, ern r�sult 7of blabkets, �Ound 6n.d squedze uhtil Cli Aon. water 'has thofoughly the mndi6it is a Tfie Maf�strlcken. old. � n camq, t put thein lhdividpally. -and col", 10. -,�everr- in, '111' nemy (the- lirg, la and reached �Hl ht ot d6tIV4IY tinder "exanlin4tion and brDiM- Sect,e 46h SAW orez hed A of the 'ov out HOME he-da-y-ap e 0 exatnit-t-to7n.—BUt-�-&ch-a-nd-A-11-deale te h I r empire to t 46-' dwindlibeg He 'd "seen, very'little lately o ttially'.-beco eage,or- .110jil The '90VIefil"611 contfntiedA6 ri��elve- -the -gr-E oRoin or. -of his 'grandchlldftn.� The busy -Aetters, Iterating, and* relter�; 'extinjA iii -0, aaadt;�' -one wri,ging iw.,6ne -direeti4�.n �&nd, of centiE�I Asia, �V.h 'turn-� 1sr. devottdi t th f, whole ­tribes�in:tomom:ids y-Alie- 'profetr.-�. mYsterll6us "OL 'positiv e-know4edg�o had found little a jli_�Jhe i0p slon and his pleaStireSir -P AIM th condemned nisWo Innocenee,4 and ora� 'o bt' their 6ro tftnd�Lt6_ g dL at �_L ed failure of f rnthili�:-tlimei,thsit lid'ecitablishedhIM7 alon of- tho ir sJdntLiAce. ber., 1'�Vlf , t FUL ii I 4-A '. iii due iargel.� to, the feGeil W ro essor Ise � a ht ho'had, never once rc- pr - as,, oing so of0a t:Ke fi They till reached their'destfilation ravages 'turned to gil& the- strangest mannei-,�one UJing rawn V tub� �qn &A %� �� in ght threetvr�cfour ydars,'had' 60'mie p to" the -anotWdr found In . his, hat with his en ih6 EtAnding tmber.and th Ing em 0 1 ic, 6 -pt. tb' drou: re , Afiter-vals-ot IC6 -fir �_ -ior�, in Arabia.... led UF P ilt in. city 6 mad his son. 'Now. however,: live ....... ....... gloves; one drQpped. from the L foXds d b on Lyb ast visit. Of 'pr4C)Vided. V"t feeding seconid tub. This s,e:c.Q.n ub e. n yeari; had i passed since his � I t�he his, llmbrella� and'an6thor 'laid - In lils L!�dal.jo, n�, g � I&I of soap, G. F" ed tht& if ihi And, the son that he had last met in the ' ains path asto wiilked'b6for6,iil,.,;.-oWn-dooi-. thege ihsocts. -is f6i' this re�aso It fUJIL vigor of his life and health, lay hill, lillated and.,dead in his coffin, The utmost 'Vigilance' of, the -police T alla is three part rt was. to go n and the that forest fires are S.9�much areaa-- a full 'of o it mu4. ielaid to' -further'. great politieal, TW, Guari I� lii &nd- girt he. halCt JaSt'acell, as bloom fiEded to detect t�e Witter. thie one! a I p pof lited water.� Thor�njiJil;,rinse +-be Ing children :of twelve 'and tenL, Three days before ed by timber-o'wnerz for It is liot le dnd sad youth and were now ;L P Ictor llartman� @ankeis,io thiVRoov water, wr ran, in., e popplations Al I IKI nde of Mth�V often tihat, th� fife deigfr6ya Ple.Lt40C I Governor Cavendish, with his faintly, 'h tor�ded 'out, of th,6 �enterg inf(i, for, the ex�cutlon of V -ing -O'Ha-11 ' an. oVsaventleen Ant 'to d�jrv.: � tfs�ve rench abit, of wag born wo his coun&y.seat MM04 -chantable value Of "the Ain1ber. nu sind *hang tip - I,.' . e uld b� valirce C Idanil-Dook" to,aAd Ao, hiaz further', trduble.-their., do g''the J-- �qlor ca4 '00' Al� 0 0*0. ti f Rd hi.` "ir 6- i- n fmo-1. Rlch�LrdsaaCo.Umltt All y I LL - w _4_ 'd—i 1-nf6 this snhe Ridge- Mountains. w1lero it Wag his irr tefore, In e - So prosperous and ealthy, had 10-d C. Slonl to. spend W.Weeks of theinid -,d.qv. b just entioned lilome five years, b the. continen rg'TlgL. oil Ahe'verV brink of'bankrUptcV -gnd sunimek'ofl,,imch Yq�an *.Only on -this oc- fol I aw in th',wakg. f nill air the second ma ftftl 't call scare Withotit,Lilome., d �fid` d�obfs that Id' ',earlier. ion -*h t7. _H pan- --mai ;cr .15-r, ____7 th4 sale of all his, personal pr ertSi, and tood fedson,. that he went for lumber" an.. hia'v lairge 'b.%- out of the way of, 'the Tublic. tra ns M 60t'L are f U I thus l6fellits bon and da Mer desti-"tO lilt Will be and Flnle'y %Nag d ib..Ibe Onacted the next 'eatit'sing the 'ibilli all ther'�., ged, tute. 14;W �h' his fa flqpiptstAps" ilheLLY ife-wen't. �lie wife: c an d evae. th e a After- --funer . ..... . molint-a-In_h .......... -g- e e� nad V. 1cr 'fin ly-l�e Was zant tili ace rdarice w1th 'the late lawyer's 6x-, OWn tMvellirir carrtage met him -by ap. University,. where he took the d -e - pensive . style livng thari With his. pqlntment to take him and his -party to To' aiiempt. ti I e nig NV Eale. co.tn�l, d'_-- ki Y 21, a n rhildreillb destitute ' citcuffistan- theLil t r 'b led of- adhelo h -Irtir� Anclent n kv6;mn he- r 9 resta llbftsion es .9, be h b'in red order en.. in- nd ui � _old Able M.t.t -,as Hall lva� a et a larke. zra,v of" -Civil Laws two y6ar.4 16W r.' 1�,o r OP lim,:a u grall 511 and gafiddtitt"ta _1wh ng. tit, the' bho Blue. 'Clirrs, of tile 11itio, Rldg6� t LIden I hiti9t had a��Ivbile, lie' prE d" go 'may P, r L �v;rn rei�:r7i hdr�Ar.a few weoks to settle Up. endi4h"familS, frciih the 1h%t 'set_ ... his- father -in his na.Vive tbwn, . . 'It. - k� '40f A, -ees are o or s'. affairs as well as f,5r hoalthy. ir 'e*% I 'tr�e 'c0Uritr1/ �re n t­-,Xpe0t to haV0. g00d iftn' for there Is no else but We to . The Wiendovcr. lip 011RI but later m6v6d to 11*11trOW; %vbe�:u oHall wbunt through it beautiNt Wood without,fre'sh Wa's ?%ILI dnialderf-thode for ;ibout seven Xt was' late n &v whie� he ged .,The niourning',voUth gli4 sr no ansWer. but to each other 'in, -the evening of the second Journey -riagq' with the tsl�n� by 11() 11 - syaney'rigel their. desolatlofi. The old man weiLit on, wban the eat tile �eir'ccntag� of lo�s (1111-inr como hiad'of h6 P rnigarint 4or— jh 'm�d- biEwf should' WTs 0 us- uhgoverh(>r C.& al b j. see, thy dears, that It would J 4 The w1do*od sister of vice iW the' D-aprtment of Airicul" aur Attic o_ V __ thtlli. wl& aP bn aliv sirnil me 1, The sooner We, have 0figs were, prepal'6dL e north tv, 'noi re than net f6t% th ir the' Fbi�eevjy: 11ra-p-oll 4,11 -Tor taki �,,btit b a sale add �pay ciff the debts and I&Ve You are down a i A-- lOr the, lim - the bdtter,", -USUM this Chatl6s." N�',eg- thd Depaktjn6nt of'. 04 Inter' Iieity df F rm rr(ydOO� sj�ak - " , " * I It- think t,, -,r thn oy, _D near town, ong her, broth -r., enough t ing.part. 11 0 Oun� e4id Ver rflel,b aiiortenill'g e6kas v see my raulefs ­Ves. Sus�lni: there kre sorhe Part -,k Of That the departrh:,611t�ovet lliA JnVLCfflela,1 d,Ut-V­_J_, Call 1 1 ly,sect­ r Al lbran 6fi Sild Offiched, bts,j�os, trem/b Ing, and his black without arfd—' eves flashIng, fi-ri- "I ud6rstan�d, Nignffig aL deg t he, lla�tiorial 43fe of: In t 'll,not 0 you ha -e in 'the lib 0 "Hiish. mv 'bay� huh ant Is one of thern be hung- but:,.you -.1 Lord riptaec et gee And to 'be fratilk wl , th you, '951t foillid that -YOU !should. -The gUtb.Qr1tle doil here to he ollt of the is is ew ijntor dr­16f� -b�hold gyV 6-xecu� -ay of 4e n d h g f th ill el g all Larin 0 e do _t sihould be Of t 11 ne tht sun rC0ejv`eg'freL_-h 1) roof'- �'Vigry at4a (�uve<! fish t -toll, 1-tv to. bke-4 4elicai�. ake. niurdorOr of, his own. fbthet Lord'for- Ve -t, and then Nre are, OTn Wh ro, Ile (joy froni.the w4-_�rk A. scientists. Inks In t e -oven. bid *that tho, should. Now, lei ur�.Webt.down to the dililig-.110 k L N�% b of some�thinj lsi -,- L I and M 0, &I'd the 014 TbUrill his his, A n 11fta re&liii -ry! all Im- aJr&id1$' dressed and. j. -Pirqlbv and celt 9.1 r"ollit ihat �ecms v� be, oil ma3i' *talk ot what I t�W please. I for him. �e ln��iit lamb- 6tew4 a�§J*tall think only- tfie death- of' rr!iv Thei;, were" soon - Jofned by'llig , tiAter dmitte4 in - e ' t to.,the _ntmb#r- of 9 flir .7;n. fh6�,-whA6- 04,ety: M( down.,to Co d 'Ait), 100.9 - of ef tyle exelcididli of1his murd' -e A slori is 'that kloorbily rApiled the bory,: gpvper; -was #'Ca . eelv Ono iluilreid at-, I e goml fo�, ehildrerl's partles. f 8aid higl� . .,�jDst is the of The old man reftalned frowl , The meaf t*pl),Inw to th4�vkla 41-k words,'and then thrilkikh, when a 16uA. khonk *ik te "me k! f fat t6l' an w6"t on to say: it.' 'Tlj4b,3� h k� tins ft t -,hat ii.ged in 1QQf1C'rete T p A at tho� hall door. 4OW, it 6i'� Gi6flk' th t;f the farm, In t6, ad n6 oil & Tr _(), had, tdibe to id Air teaslng, ea e N mYC,r I h e�, ,he Cai:e. eydr' Leak (6k# b6th with ma'11"i"V there Wout(I have be , en I) the old tqfkhtatii)n. ��,_nd so efrMig U�Aiaf 11) It'.' Ut 4�omlng nS VIlich AN1101T -t�pf. 4�g or un u--l-d ove 9 farm,� a th the door of that remote'. tb6un.tafn need It, my hotilt V�lll us 'ti)a.+ ll`bcyt�,. the wrke(l It. 0 lll()q Pr jVfleth'if t6r, It will hot to- loy leep thi�m well Jf the or ri t, fir -4f. night of- pl--'Od.0 c, &)u. le Nv SeWaa.f.,_ 4jl!�&bu)ltof dry 6.1, 'As' to Aj�N' 'ttie learf, rathor�Staeflihg.f ir4r It will be a fibine of vand - Dxaco silid frolif the -�uppc e il never riddd- fio I OP 6 jrrace.. Ti5ar- old lrrhdT�nothtr uihom table to' ZA61l ov�n WS rn'e� to hold s;ren All c xotp U have ifeldom koe RAYe At eA(,,h Ifiquit'itigi 11tit, br.- Nel tistd the hands (it 't�e fit' 1196ht- lAt A, WIM6 tH gelA h 1"11'111 WOR101410 : tfT th muilw seortion entild fc�ek I e T19 601n the ou*bul'li have, fo.fjs ii the 4egf- of 'th n d" pa t kL Agriculture. 1% told-, the lh&t 't othe hall itintered q t"Oftle, *11h Inli. 1�'Ut Illp sud(J,,n il�pw,� Cd,,ullp (if to Iiis j)fiep. OTJ' of j(J­JXtI a.1 "rill f,a Sldh's death -peostr;ifed hf-t- too rnui:ih 'hit he it, rpria ii. �Iays, Whon t-1 0 ean, -W Tho governor rq jilt oolor, Fn quclkl�, tv,�Ij. hi,� nit.- _41.iPP404 by t116 616en!� tern -i a great irriprut(, bomind ' & lut-al, nin�ver eg 'n ett r- it� at"is it ahtflugly .f, it ftl,� tj I o, -a te ir 61 tilted- it DR -U-66 rots of 'the . M411 ubibg� 6tt 111404 16f gaiia, k6P it lco� il fhlt ihf� 146.eg, 4 U oirt fd t�aj atid 1ncu1>at6rs i's e 'po r f,.( A, K "b r e, otit _n. too FT rqou roe ox all me, of the into vi�l tatliclt I 'WIWI t tA6 0 IYJ84t. Alin- I n, o d thqt *-e may. the a. i far bvwpd. A i -he he A�_, well y ao N, I h 'll, -a is inessAg liiw,to da t�3illgS blt ajqo, ho W fruits, t sp'"Ings Ot A- 6811ghatu, 8 A Iddi tit tol g ry r i n g fi, "a do them fro i f ho5 hrs qed T no, �.()n Ci A P r .4h rl -tytaV.69 bad t ik T -1i e e Mom' witlimit rooming to, kno�v that the r t t 6d anct gd6d �6hdt bet MW ''Alf All 'ftfl(l t114. .14etJ4. gu. r% hit State git X 1,ta dd il�ft fivbst t -t th, b 'fai '110 6 'bi*t &L.A_ 4 P It's IM, dr��6kod Ii - j'lf. ftt)d --I.) & it m �V' etho djftj� [11 to Jhe niffl. T111 D 7.02. Mi rO _d nits -74 .. ...... .. . .