The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-01-29, Page 8?5 M MF ®RE THp �Fl,ng� 0 NO, I'an P J, 02 7 .7 hfts� his, �cjtopp . L . n I g int STY Ntws A�dwy p914 alq�ljb b J Dilm"011 Rini it' ROL le orse wil�( rienlis ill Nor- W9 i 010 O'keep Oe Woo "tIl Pilt ttio dftWJ% Jo lit V) pall�L in oper,tttion, 1, traw ellgilicjq. tit g f saffrou� 00 Ere 'Yet Abb t toh\vp 1"i ut)w 1� �iss Mitty Culbert visite' 4 lierhoiric onto titi-4 kiek.­ ti L U bo 1 3, 'f"Llition, 11"i lie, lie -the A, the best of sat j1py the, naln'3 of Elijah lj,aVt6Aii U"P et 044,64 1�ti the, LA I $it bot 1 11 -, kifits bavo over Sunt tky� uoller C"It q) Per C W Lit 01' 1\:`hfleId,' 81) ablQ.tox.lin ')c ovor-8a'Al a�, 10 -days' Ben,- F�rp Pst� �b (If ikl�t ),jY, Purp(a Ol') '10, Xqrvin$ ffiditireA th e . J� -.J.L6ted at, bii, ler,4 .011, 4�tiy it, It �'k and 114,p With bt 8ani Ri: i 09 W ll� a for. t9fus J e"�' mgv lift, W rig", `U 0 'N "V Visited k 40�1 1-1.1 4� � � �, -,� 4 , _� 1=1 I �, � �.', . - Wflll v Lt d, 'ILSS L. AW 'Visit ttli-, \v( plir�lla-iedfrolll kol Wbe- ei be.2 st"'tora coiljdo of_(14Y��,,a i 7 t, 1'�� ��to theiL,�� r ivideir, �uvenwxed the 4� W. ME wi 2T. f s0ane ib B" `6 Ills �)i fr. find Mrs, "J"I 10 s j 4,' o Mit thithderm. Nli 4, ,qrg,, pab.i Iler, Dare L 11-19, iAtU,:b1G6(l-t Over H 4 "OQ -,una farilier I-li'l) Olt' 'r thetd. The s T dressmaking ore n .1 vi'd ill- a -t Ili's hom, AN �t buno I httetvwhich aver-, "ilf Lf V, bu T.Wil �ftlg Melody 1ackett Akd u, 'MtisB�Vina Ciellilig it Dunca­ N ei,�elr- Nir. Aoss Thonias., I ed (�vqr 30 John F�', temppsts rie �_at�S llel n a w. eit: it 11 ad _t. eri,,; qp,� _T4,)�Ji h-Bpent an,e em 1,_1 st 4 w 11a&ett,_NJ;sited f � U4 -,Oti W� _V Cf'Utple _ , " I)OW MaOtiii 'a 1p� rosy ffia"o co U." . 1 1, Itll,:,Q ' -et but'! Deier'1§1 Pe. lsrtliday� R AG _Cuym,.,Tt��A very qui [ r _to' s le D_ _ �. J-- --t -r -�-nDujrrant-d -�a�v -;r , dilir P'lling -J Al Lt ;2_ loat� line orbi elivored, -ery, itite, �s -V d 0 v IMM'm '10'', _4­Vatluable rdg�offtlie;,,,�aek -of bil, 11ingil).- fr�JWI ditY,_JTau:­ 4-M- AVI, r _11, 'D Canada Temp'rance Act, cutter, While, I when li�.r filde-BP B -L, (I I -each de.'qp ��e4t­pq(A' e - - " __ - I obirl-r-lia t! �Mth, -,t,. Ligbter than tb,. r IN ".1" q r, -vis tjo .? t 'f'the pth -verse of `tl is,sister"i� A eld Mg J.J,1r% ie Qulyedn� sil-ver'stropg at Ill P( tj)e 'holy i)QndB y Lio P XLUI -A, r son;,' K ill 8 v tile field a bidden horel;W4 11 et-- __-At er, ri .Ue (, (­...1161101'ablu, p iyl� i ppipB b� jer,oj Geansis'. 4, Al: T, nq �ri!y 16rils-,ton tis s�ehding ihei,­week :Er6 Klll elir, ell-aguu Una ilvliW,� s e U ni 0 V_ r rl in Wilighalli. ok\4t young Iddi'(1 VQui" RhaXV4 ni parkii'lli of: -Have turn ect o P I ti Y 1,­1_P12,W Be oA�_x' *.oi.�JeeA Of know, ',JQc[6` W le F .01" dew 4d§ begin to QN, 1*7 Pr,"O% YT a rig uiLY .'eiridii, of y 9 &Ivaa tilt a c. e, cl was Tile y6unc, 1101,11 tlll't' Vo lie. .1 I's SLI Y ''M8 Now t. 4.tn ot. gi I rewl'be4-to be U_WR.1. on oll n 'Ing '301.1 given',mvity by tier cousin, 'Hat -611 NV sto' I o;�,,tibe,�-br��jri isa( d Ville t Ere,'vot sigb,,,:an(3.,1ett4, farm, -li V. . B.0 X. '79 _7 A run T e 01' Tjll- (r.1 and h-,�,cousin_o sd� all U 'but It, e life: 8UQ0e.,i5 of e dint), nit3irell. �hotiv, throrigii r Y t ia'allroutit d bill, steady� go, a- b The sp apeft ar* ur wense b:t6eJ.aWIjy,�v � atIQj)P;, ,thlkt-ar lingpy rig, 6, _44614, L, 6, AKMt.6 lim, P: "Yo n�t�of, theI ballots rig- Sfi_ use in, wq�rld aw IT 11, a 8 -hi" 1p ",of LOL. of tile nefll� relati. fh:'iit thit were. Ps' n1wthe, VoWn - - - - - - - pr A AL, .7 �'kl$TUH 4gV�66r �bljrd w rid6ve n PC o�.l it $6 it _uy 0 1 Jle:, L .11ilig at. .0iiPP111; tVAU" n P ter geath A, "'15tuth.'. 'ne., t . r at h r spQrity I.. �Ifllye� I en 17 Being RJ Aer. Tie e at of tig, Peade tore v . X011 9hall llik fe. on 6 �i h( %t ev + ik 1-1 �� 1. -v� W team mv re . c en buve lit. c atjZrilt -the" ;pent.,S I--.. - Ith r Keep ey Acs . '-R "D Qiiju6m, tile T&i�i� patpr­�n­tbatgreat%ttt,§ L_ �Slave TrMlic., PTR U D jb� d. ch -f -t Statist 8PQ e Was". -at-' .,urik The -ndis' iirb�d lre0se he White stbui-9. Having served as iiii-lit havej u§, e T. Act -on �'Sunda A.mher I 'lib d,,,and abty,fmill Q., T. Act �ur_ re�tfitsi",wir "o r 3 f o i great lasr vi r �6 .,years.:., thts_, vi e sill- a.ttear" _:'di' 'gi iablii bRe C. �g d"to"have-a-call­ roin, Q 'XicMANY", g to A r one�hvuudre husband ImPat ellE rom their U may well oe..64116. vonng,horseB'h -ing c 0 oney W bOk 9�tj: s P ?ney, of�our oil t eto.;be iid,- or I ! am, Come #7 cp I . I n it. I. giller Of Nv in,01 Episco'pal Chur.ch-fifeAnAhe the' Utter t T.iovin.de -W, o Wit -e" tilore or� MIK he Kiji qiln�tbe �ast two 'I otit..� A11twel e 0 t -throWt 71111, thi&: t 6. ir�� anada.. P. W tifiat Nirg. Ra", 'but' toon . e Berl. ons -move to gh. Y een, taken to re h ' three, ps have P q nks b_ n shed n n akeTi u R� ers ,ears Xe and er, Keep 'k li Pe I store, the building :and -ieiader, it 9af a loss sb, _t & h 1101yrPod 'lion st.. We liti, 'i oil bli alihough'it I -b.f 016 V W V V for U with7 er-til"Ieuts, -,under i6e t_lt�%v rpc.6yPr.. _P--- ------ tTyi'd fill X, A t at-slie_wills�;6. -it: Itl _w6l MPOB*Q� n t mix Witt r exitbu-1_40, t b ,tit to,esca men a R rVion he treesi, -­Tapsday e:'il: number fro. k.- tne , ur& took Ifivaill-1011 It3 i1­!In11!J tbat sweep t itk". �7* QuIt n A:. B. jrianfey,'.the work 011V1 t tit of, the rector, Rev. 0 "'061,J-0 day'DiAt.-A-1 L �A_ You done. Built, i'ryi Pit 'Let. no ' o - Voijif.oye:�p.60 for. the . date of in the, MOB' Ball on has been f'w6ll �nfl t�,,uly I 0alloTS bidmis "o 'time oieAerts'-p tr D, wil., buildings -were the the jum- -witie *,,nf mpn r. Crow. When whispert 14 r 0-aflitlitf, �6ar -.squilds-11la-w- b '__�i L -th,tter- _M" ;�7 W & tditiin p-4 �7- C jU M, t N -it,olt ty, ­Litrg"t C1,17- ' 'ill be 1.�e n, b K. wea- 'a e�g­rass­i-­ 0 3 -1 -has Lt 1 Paifti MCI wq, t�or rri- tien-thd- ceiling, It ULT for a c6ituOYI-W ;t1lia a, s -0 ..S 'd romway, wa fed And'ilry,tremors-Put3 R,%bert,�i4sidd: t�iougl th n�� h :C, 61tite, but as E li: _� . ti P r ON let ea uib; s ina iou not 'tk nei, as r lr� during the pr a', id' 00f". oc eaing AhrIl e raph.e. of t y Ftii�* f t1l, T4ro I A _-,ib ar Web, '7P -Fr bo r And so Fore- r his brot, 6i constructed wn; cKinnon a er. r d's k 01A e,er -Ae- J ".Q on Be lrlulaly­.Ip�.. we. Hdrbii l"f" IN" uni e�s to!s; 1140n ay,jao tha 1�� ME,47 Th uldary �fjth. the day 911 - q�, , �L , r tp -;z=; I t :,. 191110017"1 q* � q �._-_hopie.t6_seejh-in NLn.,,ljM J L�.321r, Siwa;H4! 61 n.Q g Ah tie:�R'c 1 11 ew J A quill, e t bolt tin! P 6rti tb�o� 'm 'T in her a me-, A.Iriew cet iiigb,i.s brot for; Tue3t tty;-_ 019.1 ea � I - . 14f A I I 1 "112 inbi ti * ', ' S a ew ,er. fr ends, r, zo- ,,,and ;,10, nit Of a visi Ing I orj'44-etuvri. -.-:-D A'Al-a-Dol-lal'a '175"UN, L P es Yet 11teeP-Ing-.00,: let event' m, T Ilu nj Sri I Us 'I I, 1j, a sto Rhn'ICarr' 'p, t Bervie on u s. a 1 seem, ie , " H 6yr,b .1 al IP - -,61, AUP , @ - -i - mbsiiis Lizzi6 Pd li t Q Ft .,a, Liq , cle :� M, D ��7 1 in -I ecc, w1w CfAs _!; rvi§ iron ilraiett tivil , S. 0 11U. piton ort -b -691f 06,fhi It beeii. _Pl't(i a in tS eek. en I t r"s �on stox es bas e lit, the:v 4 -Webb spenta feW d rible. C ondneiiii Coll lj-. n But buohed' the worn Door as d 'hi's olin. A Leoi, 2nd U h Miss I old . 1. . . 'N - Titli'4�� is, 6611,veri:�­' oats' .'R; i -A , preservilig elomerlt, u a 'I ek, 't f6suillei J ki� 6P h busineAs, for 'd a eBide. rs 5�L. ,. . lie In :0 0 0= lo ro, 6olgeleii� �_,The fah6wiltIg extracts to. Sti th d'' th i f.. 4 er, -two -crenera. IV ___ � __ InIss. Idift, JEW �.s .4a;g �067M , I -ft ­, �' - - f---. In I Ave in '.Of­;tn4terest�, as,, rur _f, 7 1 1 . .1. . ruiLi otukinlosB;.-.thuxch-nL I . veti� , " Wif have -no lm�lll, larch 8`%- 1 h 'femiof-d-leir f r-i6i I �1,5 0 i, �ML�n Res '01 -A rn oir&:d- tiveriqn�­;i U"t --ticrthe'-propoigd-restor 'he�,upli1kh,tene&darkn' ation IL LlUg Wh ii ' her Bi'8tdr-5-.­ n -pt on e 'oil, iii "Secounts'' , I I em tqii re Uig Or — An wn . -1 . - - - b& Jibout: seveni`�( soo J -from the c Mt 6f=las't� �dk retn-r-n(-d`AJDme_� s�,a - ng -4t �tj­ i vt 1,g 1. _W1 _tt " , b,4 -�-on '-fragraut1;-' di rion-th, 'th-his-brothel'- here' a -and �4b6iitaL_�KtPV;T_ IlLbAek ll-i.i no iv 0i. rty', ic 11 wixere vals of i.abpw e Wq�rk 1116'. 'e'..k, - roluiJorest Ffe-h r*-qt`T-ft 159), St b0ngM q'n' A, hy. "and. -in 4. 'h thetWest. / - k -,-h k-b aso.- s�- 0 -P�isley- hiiih �seliool, `spnt 6 Qih 'age 4-h W. ta Aiw'�,�caitln,&V an end A-o"bfe bid- - thei aih�-:B:Vill�P sn�.'A _b yfetlbr�A tli id --w-111-h ;,"d-o-ler itte��icjreste in e.,bL' _7 131ODL� he t slgn,�open.;a b is p r nt:' ii, ' bit 1, .9, o-jiti, n 4, I -E­-A4rrisnn­oU A# 7_717f7-- a .7 At, .... I; i- im loij am W ­x eo.. A Lyettid 651 ifine( `t��V lat= ILN WE e- ei 6 6 P. �al ere and )me., ris n. aSe n,ds moy,09L; will -t ro n' -A tl ­"Titty 7 b 't -616 ilite' I bought a S m agpone. Of tht; OYB�',wes �ee.' i "UH02AR 'PP_PV4., r dr. eh t J. H To the' vilhige r a face rw arm- e I by --of ft s () I , lictiolieer e a] I ae s(Itares; seP 1iet16A::.0prtnj ttbd,�its% 111legel 46116�i,sb6rie-an4 �p�tor.. an rd. gettino C14P 11 E heaid Ritclulav l, ho" Cj�:-Bii hit lie.' -oii at., ..nee, 'i,: B'i Nd Qv- 'ft 0 C ji batiids. imu n - 01 wa-s D, wednesday-anhffiel,'' ig] __J VL tj inp- I Wa K. re the, _�pf3b_K* Do Te &V Is lat deeilso Is: one [dorway Of 6113 V .,t, ai ev do iver. - doo J"J. till l'eSQn'B Wil a -,the'outer t "protlably- pig, JFV� h at'lon6 "time th 6 I ILI t Tr M init hiti.,v 6 ni Y 'Secofid.:06ij� xinlbss q gi e. his�-par.ents, _.-M lu,h- An -with ife perfect eff 6 ;in, -:03 e5 t a A ining a prea eL sit nau, 'd r uqum r - 4�L pe, Biepil -,Iebnc� "'WO,t . ft- . . . thetimb prActice,wha;t h6l hiteteLtui.e. lt­� is is 1i 17" Al. I., i vk4u, sseed'at 0 N Iy� C6116nlal arc! h at a Ve dis�� In Saskaft US ove'thie ",totfie, outer d )r -w. pil 11 f N4 r.. a p;sed tqim :6 :Visited,the, pasi wee& with 1or size 4, 4 �cur for' rba-uma- ;if . f Ketro. ej�,t% i��sowe, porkef a. k ood of. a person t V. A 1!1A rn V.16 A, wa., this b 1,'_te1ls_u"he_J glogg''gre;t In- a'-.nd-T_e.&jzk�arB­_, Jlx) R'- 7 tast,es lik,e VIC, ly-411 ill.-Ltbe, vicinity, A 's, c s p16-of,the -to*n.'who:,bave sq manyl, (.X, Jk:;Jt)Jjn_. in, s creasing ecau C. Campbell, for- b 6-tibe g )KID, 11j$'�',t,_L",' r 1p, -ufany JW eari;_ a Ji'lit'll �"r tltll� -such ",ex -ti -4 P'" (_i t fill-in ler n. _hi.tbe.J1fMV 'a�o gab t,4iotfigda and. ',T an 'with Ah h -arfep-,-eqnfiei6tc-df-- em t- ­ Just w M as" 11 A 1-1 7 �jj zie-v-- sive Ut + brick--a-fi f i!a -to is o of Kr It C L" 4 M& report b� ...... J` st ` I , hip had" 1060h, w'; w,t e I I tli­ lot;1`ilot' i J., W.*, ff'q i ey, return The story ,city, ;,Soutltv z a ori;Sunday. ast- -,u'- J.o-A1as.",siimu1Atcrd I --gol) -K fro, iff se, in 0a ar "ad �)f: the's us ci� tit! cit,66, but! to 6t, nrittliber lit tb 9 Vibinit)r4 ittendli ple Lma, I s.b s Ah' le, I tiellolson, �)tj&. Con was about falk si and [!t�, will condri en i0% .,qent� poll cro peo� 1� t _ight',�,qd f - , I imfk to iceq I odist Utowent over wit', emban i �� tb t Qr he as, if th"dfibib lip. k6',Jt historic d F -eo, Mef odist an t a buslAe 9 man kamiy� froin'. 86jIth,,Afr' cou n tity ligid -heard' of. ex. -Luckn6t' Mora allOn x), were it)- e- a. Vura bayimn ha te I d�Ui it,� ble SPP� w�l Ing �bit)i --Iii, + - -N W7. th 'no . t1MA, aw ui k,4 d 'no-.. tlm�(. _a�d s -ter s -Wid I �g _�er or -if -4)o ly �u Et Alm Xml;r jk. horseB ii�,cqnt ��A _6 Tbey 0-". M11 - v - ay fiif ter t b, rd frn il "Afialj 4i '41' -4151 is E _V �a onrar t M a -P, ad­,enoij,-:i 1to loaded -,.with - f 1,1- --th A, )& d eer i4� - _:gf.11-w with a ..01949, ),J& a;G a 94. 11-60, Olth, of' Elderslie;- pass- the'YLa're:�ter-thed-.,-e-x-tr-a�,v.ag;,I-Dtj on ftnd,,etv it r.vices at,7,30� Q�w _S�rjt freiiii 11lj�y lif w. __wb nd� up eli). iNTPJeiIijawoli�' und,ay a a th,� Is - 1 1, � f, iti, t 10 w,'ookat tfo,, .6. of 82. -they-servd �c plain"Uit, w b oil A §S§S - me- �th. Lo�e Re 1, it, price. ble- nn� hia%cr-ute -list -years--a- e" ­ _� "i . f ­� T In I rei -d :b e, pull t e rker., days with chbd 'in RiP-1 'ita' .�on ! g'. 11 . I d s Be I't ft had;b6efi for T, an T.)garit ri My. S'. R, Johnston'- 'U� th 4111 .0 h nestead to *bich, tinile.he calls, gir Luckiiow, are riding A fe al- hour- uzzllng, iriv _Wvoto. lot-, 'on 4the,, : or, for ger MeLean- Sr.,, 16�,. on 8uri& rjY L tt - I., - � I ­ ­­_ _, - -Y')oj*10 . 1 .9 4"." �tvegideint continued her inother, I Y, us $7 hiisband'6ame in the 64 Ill be WAs full of:rIt tbrit ilie-and her I., tbe�,*ater t , 1� nn of Han;ijLto Isiting '.NLf'eJ(.6,nzie' and 'Will. K�inpton Harry Sitc-I[Achlail 4i ZQ'Y- a! s feeling': no Ili any way except ... f er I 1., 0. _ "",_ 'L ­ h Ttv' ,tJ ­iT,­ '4 fit X1 iss JAnot Thoillp otiIt"':hA� j`kU his Then no., ravel' fro ed PAranion ire- busy hatil i to ttlie Jakid, r endw on the ton 4Y. of seven survive th4t t r-st. allay' lift no 6411- A, fain, Wild­�g 7A Ernest -TOM enier­ his VD. iss.-An , I .. *�We -ti 010. ­.­. ­­ - ­­­­ -N for over tP just before,10aving lj� soal.ked 1.1.1to 11 C 0,31 endin- ii fe kirty. .-T a J n 4- Tl4niesfi -t i -fi i �-e 6 1 ro 9 . 9. X 1119 I l4d back', to 1 the Bilp, ii�th&.-spr, tained a few. of t.) rie ds: and star cd A -bo -4wi-q'i -on %nalt a- Dille -a o 1-11ne A -'s ic I War r8. Y- a the -RURA die�r:�Tear, Ili It, hol . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I �!!� _eti 1.11 -It To��le,arri-Veia -t-­�,­w _64 thore th Wolkeitoo; died oTI,goes, he vegiii%,to feel'str"O' spen fe ys le rd 'd 46 ib iiiill 4 J-1 Re t Mise, race. pide, :spenf .1 L 1:!n ) U,.ns chasipg themselves Ov im's abroftd,j Igstweek visiting- U ..'Mcr, 41 vi C nu intit.,. after w Ays A j�id �4 "tang [rs: J. R.. The rp: *v-A,zenvi 'ef; mill b6'et litl ed n dr&I er G A fIerceRrjd1ji.t'itLr t verygood progniiiii-lie was re A b L . . no ")Jiyet- Methodist J,6biit["6,jIe diseassi I &'to d' Clitrecil for. -day. ftlidl, OM'P$p ran- - ---end, -A] -Nkviat f I , , in tile werd� 1be.:_'week ly�- T Aft K 16mpp was-ttle,'pioneer-hotel.4 kedpet'_ �11. Qirtilr wyittik -0 o, -i)afy- -'-'U A -R Kellu-�U-0y)10-y" �reati+ed ice c, OV& Mir. m 0 IlAgiii: death, was'. - 6?ei- the f rtizdif 80d the pots9l, fftititt tf.o� I.Cl A. ft .4 and nt f Is. boekn, tq " 1, or ation at, %Gordoli _Aldxandik;. 6, f. ery!"I 'SPerit . 'ae. _-The MalkerfrIA, st-firgned Join 'attended the funerill- of box6 ftt�tla, Jr,-tt-i 811111 td, !� . ­ t�6icks�--i tA­­W6,yt,__1,f hri,_' 1itl%twan-_'.pind` hio_ I ' ' ' - s - W - .1 -, 13, &_fl�e:�-serthpji_t 'feettlie timueri I . .. Eo -j fin -URI y1cotuld. -:bi�t� 4-arlegilyih-dY.-Abe, tethel '0 I glunaily ari E, e ionic its .ql -and- Y No1rse­,­ar#,,- -cot of th6i "V,"r proba'16 onAiinday_,6ye " 4 N o d is Ine f W-1 114 *�e-ofdjqy.-hoWiina TX' prockes, going, or, kloo et of. ti, 'foil- Beinne (L Y '7- d �,Nfir, s As ­ 6, i(n a f 'JAva, J th' t in�lst- _ , , . . 1. 1 1 1 . fol -It iDust, have. 4A,, 111111n,"li-A'A'Yo "It-was".FG-1 neoitiragingt" Pi. �g ve an- farinot , D, 96Larqn,an'd Miss Turner __C�'leln 'Dis ad&60 rn e carriag dfed told, the 6 on getting �6 h ed' .7 1 ' hrittes rag rig, "hiM O&L"t(j,"tli��i,flIf day nig! t, oh- missionary. 'r - &1L;&d'6h­:6dJj .- �Jith Wed -ifl, coming, Sun es c Ing, -if co'Inty a . I ftil' "rhe d' e %fryfrg I i ",vatir.- �,qtrength w their" in .0 e4t4i 4bp6d� bell' the Wcst. each �MO ALI lonely road;*Owl, k Th 'die rict, Dae-diesi :'t- bit.. -11h bef 0 1 opse . " ) rich, Riv.emdfl `&'�,i ­ 4yj a mile rouiltber, -1 by; N A vbry'�.rvtty niaritiage -too I with 14s, e vilm, Sti, Annis hai DiATIX- "or Jot!N up iiiile" tbitt"il)iist, s d is adAress'Cid iholit of Joy"t A tl)6 weary 8 E, Shic tit �4"etl 1h the AAA10 60-1 It4 1L t1i o eer, rec In 6�4erdd he gav:10, A �9 - - " -0 ' oM­rbdeiy�d- uite, shi ­­­_­_ .1. 4, e , tti�osts�- 4- b , b oh itsload, 'And" staggors 1Y �t7 B' Fit I ain' U U 71M t f I ve -6 If 13 - tion to the c-` -iV4­­-bWPtittr--61 .6.1thand gtoillt�r atten daine that . 0 bla., ­allt bo—ld4b g rat -a,. luribet.-- Tlie`ii(Ta­yl­' itlf�v' t Tfi conditions idl Fridity 'evetra. italis , . It r When the iiiew r as- h eu tin _�elldo It never eanie ba:cki and' t 0 B, ail 8�ti 15f 1y; t'hiough.tompests' beat,and'tq.tren'ts, th(i ca rohi o n y -waq p -V Y41-ev". t er X 01 Ing -I the 'of -- 'A amis. wa! I' (I riI 'ISte 'Tib ige u the county h �orlril pon 'fie fa Jolk i��ed -iijust'..1i v� &P.Ir oP.eu awl u ie�ti I r v%. V .. I , g BhiL. . ni Q t the pe limir,L t riner s tj f, e e,�, lie, s 'erect lecesof Pn9land's t` ­I, ift-, ve lit the PonY, to -i 8 T wreath h t0i". the t ielite- - fs -,:,- $1,6.-,- wi(led and the malty e in at '90MA den.. L*o r --off- the Voet tr i I li d! Jv mil. . At nig aln till and wore , cUlo§Js hours after t e� fic ide , 111A. di'a" :fianie- and The -,cattle -Which were adid at. J, re There are I tkt s�inrj its cold exhausted. bridminaid, Miss . -Jenny, ack" _t , a nee , s, 'of 1. aujeateI living,- ,an `dw- hjB­b7d(l-tFTe -V�Wl We:- -sale, bro�&btL at point, so as to. Mee - 'h -i d e t atmeni of tubet t) X -e 1.4.(tr o Gie-grooni, wore n . feep s o -hir ore Vol. 0. gtojal.theL.M'S�3es Bridges, "The prieeS or hP, colt's ;and. f the doc d ef6r�_liled a! aid'-coIri1d4_ ft. �Zt,'�`r.sii- 06jr.,- to q,--Vos6:, _]Kjrkp! tric . . . 16. I_- --F '& �, home t trute" Hu-,r0t1t,:-.0ftY--and "W "D. silbell in a- JIiB-'Jjr'0tIiPr;� lj'�, 'arrive 'with indn dbeBL -prices, be s n To- I' oid altht)t(Wil tort, who. have 'a 8, interredl tersest showed a pooit-darri, lolu d round, the AAM p C nirbla, the body nn* Fiiida�, which lt�a tile laxne,ol e exhaust nillbr,�i V1.411vr of dlp'bride. After tho. Counties. rt of 3rit 0,6j,was-in gdod coriditifjn� aotid delightful Pa , , , . V wit" These , I Ooyjjrr.�JPhe�e was a -fieat X [saon' City. two ladies in hoch'AlBli �liemet(try on'Sxtur4V af ter- fng,.t:haMfless"t5rin(.I, the journey over every antin yol'ing _1) sirl,�ly, _06 10AS 0. IN t L 4 wed, firstblass Care. -Ttin,.27t,b-,1 "!I �ears; agb A, by ri, 1prge nugiber of f"fh'e bittor silo L lip. Tku ul ngland s6me. noon followe frozen gitoand, 66 facinvo to!, the -bri'delB. honlo bigtteroW U I W. Wils d of ba boigli'6rB.L, the age(i inoi-her �jnd. L The postimli does a bi,ros stunt ibl�, S�D 0-besley and bou''hi land In 1ji' C. Ye �khd g all, ter A E=�:. �,-Tgq -�L' ts: ibom, at* X_ d -in two. courtl h, -iif _e� 11 41--i of f'hf% entif et,o A, liti-ge- niifnl)61� f forn -ivi L 1 '0111 Aittle 6fie7dAy I§ing chiclie a mid ilir L th onuellf� I _M ay of.' Aroillicr A -otj, U17 _,8eL AhIfffit`3 be b An the I Th bili �&I� � -trrm t7 n_ P�� e el-ijore, ftyrn .1y a ly upon goddi-ideal of inter0t, it un (tar a b - 0 P e Ilatti o b ,V.fjy�, re Obtfle" on rrt iA,J suddenly., w -h 6 19n6r i Daily $tat. -A. IM'cKob&'Ot h, ijpdorrll�'. -a 4 hoW r.' obert... rt as, e e wrl 6 dgtE;, I by Pis 1) i e r 61r trottl6t h �a, I tier, Blatt - t ft r IwQ6 e Iliting' him F6 r iieived 13117� ''' , 'y Conet, or A dlik r4pila a, I I , in a vlo� J Prelnie�* A i! th tit the decease .,lqride ied� A ftof� 13,6et' Laureate. an, erda1e:-_-. Info th app Luitt'j, WK. Sza ra n $1,5 datilageg 0 ope fit iton jor f", find on In Ripl UIY lay to tire appefid avi �g fly, an vas n t;romner8� hound Ae th the,_ yij�fqiQ farmetj claim'eill burAted jrjat oj�eVioUs to a tiveathei so far.. I . t 'ef I An be' ,cdDAdlaft n derson, w o 1A 'had' Is T Government 414 lost bearitifftl iv hte ki is. qa(1io has, bdo ill this� iiodk' , j '& -;l' '­­ - ---f -1- ­ J)een &f'ber the daeased leaves it widow stimll th,"Li th6 b6un done W6104 A e: artists 'of' 01 Ut we "but Is tit VV I 41 arni y to Inollen 11 pill. the feel Our 81;e its, w4s. feip, L e Aichile Clan�f- fith fi�ltfoi.-�hejtie,& i'll -ichick6tis and, he, .61 r6n Vbfte4 -t,mkiti go S I y'in i it i.� lw!nlitv, y,eldifto. dod, a bill indorpoftitt'.19' YHI� , nd LbaS'tj" 8ad�j f e4afii.- b o Pt'L not f0t W8 itig C6 so P is, S; ill Wurk"', 9 -and �flb%V&A, rk. n. vy.igj. cominpa f" PoUltry, or, 'I ol W,th -3 .A, to owners, 0 nationil gA 1k bereavemen .11,6 B& cy'litA b ht aild 8 on WO, 119 119MT 1119 a VA(Alk such, cire 1114 full. ulnsta�aces$ $]lot dian artists- hAve, e0n "0119 at tv'vo B'P I IN e The Lkitlies 41, V , Murchy is 'iil at Ptea6ilt, which ill lait; boen w6i;k" jt thd'ho me. of sheep tit & 1:1,judgp, V, 6oril6is 'of th T (Ifth 0,4 OF Twmv in i -'oh 1, L, arson 0, plul globe and make two heafts'litiat tii otle to w d,69 Ju in.be' fi8t weo� oLilt thlte� e kfe' Ill X19dly bu� I, We,.hopc foil, h 4.4 apeL C I th -the gallery, w. �di -o 0 polt itt �f Ultarl io Is *411 hiA long. t �fide of d,, tfied 't A cs'3e- �,;itorthy w(jik' fide of �11(,Ie the C'Unde ly '2 1 -it. at- ii I TJ IT, 91n y hao,fi,tt0tide J affmt n 'Ana M 0 V Wbidbt B 11wJ0 4 XF LY, 'Al wq - _&I ful_� 1*1 r10 g. e ff ad Ti - v N + J i Th o i ., _Lt or rig., if iioQ1rf'x(kd, ill(,, .111 11 +Ji I n vo I Ve L jifioubt 'a Iffoc I"T I I d-- "Ir & I .. I xrtyl -11: -the vv�qine,�,� b ­Av., 'm, t PR ..ti6n of did rha8ter but t116' 66uJ.,, d, 13461V f6litile,& ft), N V: I Mill U. I e .Vt '8 V �y c fee,the fd ch, .11. ! a tjtjJ �S fJJ'fnJl'ge` -h6l� I , - "Ji" 6j:jL t f, -cl s. Visit in Gh 164. faclior"'. n e r The , coreffiony dfilg f(_rj� ojt­fiVj��.J'ye %h ilt-ofia., ei J. 'ff. Ittiflierfoid in I rl. ". . ': Mai _'Vol 11qY: J UC (rhoLr I# do as - 'Jji�lf jr).qm a viine Ing its best for those'lt h-118, V 'it d i r .4 to �qt'f JJJtoL [I),(, At ft -off DO n t6L troit on W � P.drf6rl�'ed t)y' the t C, (It aiiked 4" give Y -"i f ivet k a L. the'. 01ne'81 'V,; n her he i lie 0, 6e rti-ag, fn%. coe- VC 0 ILtl�n tl%t(4Yh6j`,0e, -ff I - �ea - lisq' Aldlt iL L le , . , f�,, I I a'.., i. I I I had' tho, Clarko �Jigq of al od 26 triniediale �e� i. ,, . Ovj,� of l"t wee, spent t all 6Vei)1ng,:9.t`6, 41 W., ColIttlot' r 0 v , a8: mot, to Ing par les., felit, Oft d led that title 'it),otil" 61)tion Wks given, it.ra seventy (Idendalit the,", late A IxTh6 Su do ru stlw� I L , 116NUgd'B hist �i'Mc lie qoHf)rfsI ya lid, by oft VI.. ISfit, thoy j'J )on J" artar jjei. a, tic 13 , 'P' 1"ft - .- L , ' ' u - iliei,ow n6t, Of 'tile di 1. 1,�' , ., h �d. kit 'I U. 1.5 h ling,' 90M61 de. 'te". fintl 4P"et iftillep Ap'Coft'nell wfia ghbom b6ing .1yi 4� b vkiting, theilt' friod.4 flt(I rff� I i;jJ Ji, 11111, :qtli Bro vri ittlgllii6t is' ta OW D611.11d C'�Xf fijob , , n hioj& by, t it) d Migg Ada,, dfAV-,, lirtxo, rcti�lriliad' from Thebrib -an eduitt(A itild, �offl)), 16i trevmsltia, an �Nlm Bph conirlitioir 1;)y Hip dhail 6e, of gli-ob The I I -ffd . . d14sq i havihai ool. '0111,n 6fl.g 'Il,frity dtoft'wq. -.lboy i n lisli M. en 4�tb Go . tlli,� 04 llkl� So, �s jJIL" bk ra.111141"A :(Il?� r!ollha( hj;!i4hys a '1(� a for a 'UnIll'of of �o�ais, whi, I holl I t1fly ;e&drvo� M1,88 'Bcssic. VcNf6riflly and hot 6 tf- 40 v t4o" nd Ethel M6( L I is' fft VVY, np�4ul i.4se\q da�a,' kn a Mary W OLA f`)nn6Jf !ViBitl,"d jimer -hild. ar6 0"he 10 ,6,06 had in Geides, 0, Aftj&r'd I e a ar Pfoglyetous wl,t OTANI' fee f�ee "'64L t t1w. -11(46 nfls& 4 1 ��, I ", I dodh �d ljoe-A, - 6 d..y I'd Qiisq I Mfes re�cpi v(t (I t tl�rq.0, briwfdot Wt. Trall pr(Y1i;r1)ili in( 6 oti vr r ser Nf i_gs' Rhod a, Doi ig 1 13,181111 (.)It UM crops - Archie took fX-4l'i the­�,4 bb�ath, `01 a �'66fl htteftd of The. bfidq­­­­­.­. sa, T, 'Y xdit detl'� whei*. lie I Y lawI t Ii. (Imp L11(i, coll'I"q wlii6fi; Aridi 'we, won they SnA tx v we o v I i w rider wherc 'ipen&& Ila, F' st Bltteks 99 by Chitllev d, W_"ta ,1� -, - - __ . . . . . . . . . . . . :TV %W PAN Xlilt 0L TXYI)l Niv er M n 2 ce I =2f= _'y 6 �W 81, -4: for k —,"AW T-77 [T-9—Al vau 01 Mout to 44, 777 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ".4 lit"liq't- A 11, ........... t L�;Ll vi, 'I 4 V, �t, I,q @Jtf y I a ni, LN