The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-01-29, Page 5A., -7 —, 77� IT" 'T 71 A To huq!! ,X 14 tne LIPCKNOW., IRNTINK Vag� - - - --- ------ Tfjl�� 1peliLTH SENTENCE. AVE Animal f rOm Birth *,to, Block.�' V-i6s TURT N �PIC E OF KINGS 4 1, iner6ton, 'th Wingham iii(tili of" Pai BRIDGE . . . ... ddressod a 4 ON COUNTY NEW i The' meatirlg of the' wo c"Itinel, 'V' hatige yesterday ti�.iek.worlc on the new, diti6itTt In "is d (By "NavilIgs") 'llegg's' faotory,i,,A e ill cbaxn6er on t'11.0ne Economic ..4mes Taylor S Ito Wolkor,,4 C Aridipw,�. -for -1`1140y yea'rs a, 1 1. AQ`� hilled A thirtA.eq- townsbip of A�hfibjd, In the dy rnrin� 1�(�ause T Xg,,t not kr TOM eningthe hall was fill6d to T qO "d tile rO f is b6cigpit't o. or I %ls6-,,b6c'auk' -,be 'bad tbie lake, w4l6known fstrip.ii Of, the Bayfi,ld, Ti oy' ftcowfing. 4WI�i�esaqhinspok�oq Year-Qld-boy, and,i, e Farpler'q' not, x larg 1 0 bodyof frieno.§ W,.eficn­'l,Ii ls U lied.4t bis,kiome,qAt. the Robt. Knoi, 4, place thgt..44, e forinany years , a resider The: Fdutzatilm-'a Ulu, of, fli* ti . ..... . �a%� �ms; -v ­.�J alie teagil'i shlike 3,t -�Wp -J nvii, 4 wa, -I, g bA kv 9.4 K, ta. eit,io"T60�utti wil'ore'lle W s 16". JI� ao '113eyVoncom Women,"' 4611f, ii Ily hip it, one y.way. the art�,. I!�!(la in, -futul,6, oll "I'lle, Fort, 4"b V -V: toldmi o 11611t.'Ig s,tly dis4gree. ni, d Otle 'ce 4 I ntre for ii1l v!x�s ott' bf'C xtb6n t-1 `d- d 'b of PXperit t -Ili �Q' suc Mrs. 4ez to of' Jr'�)Iiii 'T�ef I men it rb wr e4iiur4ti oe ded tin K, ir-d' Friii 8��44 lers, �of 4o -ich the n t 'of -the hospital af )00,,died Ili ter a,,. re pn �by al5fiorreilee 07the id,,q4 1k inn e4',c , .,e 'A erlo, �,jr Only it few, d 4,took place lie snotve�i�big,forii`i compo8ed , pliwifil aha,xi soni rioi q fic I d al�: bi k ­ 'T -It ho',j5 iAJU6 �4, tE6 in d achurch,,"d a'sebool, an JukIT4. hework done,throd� M: wo.iks. out 6.qly,tll� itfi -bo 's, But w % P cfosed,,­%* a -k--- -41 nalti delivery lit It, -mur arers are. Tb.e -I c e,, fhQ­i lvrjy�y . -- ­ 1. 1 ere, oo . ..... ... 9-- P, stwe= --thiv`qri 0, nge n,on US I --A]Veii. �ot, I )eo-olit, a aug iter. -i- -4 cittiees �n C 1`1 Full e-011 11 V it, ier; John of Detroit it oil, 'arkd e y Lneir 4 aw 8 e c.Jpse:oi ellso ten Post Office, store and a cpfivent's. Th6i rut ej at wh (7jh TTT, 04,c, atli. 41 6e is to I)e­ rovipwp4A A* a few d\Ti bouses:, 11 7 4§ �a reve Own' e 01 11 thg Is' si ii and th�ey are, c w III 6ing ,o a, w -A T Tit ()f- tfio NVing­ products, w 1, t.' ' 11 , ho" 0, 4q en4 )Kd, . 9 by- -TIVIXY14J4i -),o d y. d and 16va 'The -l- hi d_ I'A I I I . ell attexide vote of tban ll , q.ir ol 6's e d 4ii in t 1� lit to -6 u hIiiii To%,ii H(lbeft Calill)b Oil e -voubtry 6 eco,nd6d -by water --e 9, are: C c, ex-Warde' �S,. R, 1�riik, was ere 11 �t idert-ti 6 Dry T� ...... . Bradley �an(i-. f, -.I-.---.- ­­­­­.­ � wj­411�41r�A" be -d ["op-pecL Er M B;�* Tile `%;'r M-bfti� �:W-QILW Soule w6nderf -4 oli ;, e ailluall better boli.rt.of 1.6view 'thaxi 11' . '111d, tl)e iltanag r of tbe, eleciri� I sdaWanJ hur3n�d4le., tile .8 6 4, 1"..; 111 notillelltion natiles fortiii redson. ht 91`1 lierillissipil to�� the spe�li Ulf n- .111 t6w". 0, 4 1441 7 1 fear f liliton bas a he v�- 4 t if on, que perr y pe n would. 110 k"4 tl(,+M ieq ail 57�1 f ilciici�,'lf, TUa TV ,on m tic the Off- yWeight �,cbitncil t6is 'year; Tfie' awyer,, .1�4er ;)a- S, T`ke Cou "-it 1ndoriIiia fhV: age -weig 'Okhth C 'ficu"Ify NN,o4ld-:b(�+.t.o."allo%.v,,t.he),Llrytt)+ '1?,lPrllaps 14d gt�Vhiirfwlien: js� pqr -Inemb( r is �.,09 poqndi�'- thi�s, poem Is ilif;,of 91 r)00 . 01 cy-w-s" I (41 7.� —"Lfl-k-er--cV­ 0- 7, ltlas . - , Ti... i ts Tile'rdiet a I eii Ijern ers Actqw. I h, t hun. T L-matri rid.-, -Jan 23rd. 156weVer there's niany a re: 'dei3t liere y weig . over wo 6i J.11. da C W, Vt vy coillp lieku y§drs that'sVIA "T,1Tr66'- 15iii, ti�r - be] (i iben ti6n I er' Ais TVIrs­j) -kad, e...lighTtost -ttip 17 E 1 .6'206- F ct�Ly nig it. Of'nai6ral4ofcos thal. 5 ri iriendati feocii Wh� 6houla 1-�, our (�uintnati -,Aeab�.cvei on6jiqq and C to* S' b '�,6'pj is �-44,dq up.suc Tilia ters so 'C Evc -J; rand IT -7 .11 . Ut -`b t -111410 1; r :�,.l Orn n_ -it Amh s d red, rs;.7. �Ql 1 6 ".. P. by T, T ofilli -.Kjn�rs IT- eyl. T� i- k,� ide therL3'' d"­­6rhoe. - �16r. tw iielli lit . T) John Huss -. t. I - . .,. 131 . li,*,iw'. " " , IN, r I I ��­ ..­'�L- :,!. a. , IT-' 21G. 1f6t`W' - ­47V7re-eVii -17 fl ­1 %'f, AV i -1 Y. in o -V ed. --6h y- idia -W, qf�q �Pn Q I uwellpy years 1111- -He ng at b Ali Quir -nioved pr,140b S, .0 a ��oed`saIwih I kiefid iie froiii 'to 11;; I� ilton, iti t of s:on ttlas alentl V k1ri'l -60 irks V.. title as blu t Witigharnin:1 theb 6 A'very To 'n6fit 'a r' av - .6 1 Ovid -b 7-7Z-77, % ble those who dohI live ve�iyze qafl Di -last, F g� 11"'.Tbe ftinei.aF 'A fid,kno A, iipt tli��i�iii"e . Af C. .0 eg 4, ur f . ..... do ''no. A rt .4 U.-rei ftle tro. -in w, U, ''kitii 7 .7 time.' - I) LIFUh son, 0 -re-m. em b6r- Ao,­inti eacli t;a ... . ...... 9 Theire's lieunigers Co'n-nors-axid. Dalton d --T-.ee-g-- ater' erriey,&b1b tiiiI6 �t a, .4 r bi flid' pa-rf� at line at Pr&� t, t ir ay Oil I win Foatti0on' ied at -H W � ­ :_1 , - - .. . L h g,�-loizet, C e6ii amndp th Qii LLJ, fug a WnL.BeRs W" h in orr=Tuesda 'i W lit �c.onrlec ion wit A 16. b* th 3 �Cif inil�es'oud iu��, i ere s w, ile year a -o ilars. Patti :4 t east tseveh fa ee k. �O 'n Th Is Fol y e 1116re.., , -11�:'­­' FT' '. ". '- � L"'' Z -17.sbb ame,414 s �ewkyiw,,,- uce -,b Q Ta -fil.ws� 1tIi,(ii;dte of-`� 861.Ab Br ld`ln-jli 6 to n - ee 17,011,.OWI�fl .0": Q.147� -;t qu 'No ij tili,,. I k- and R. illy' add.;i k --fa -'j' -the,pAt week.- A U ihe sps tile irty goqd b wits "'idify heilth,, whien. sl% if Thdigday'. tfie .22nd '.11d 0 vall i it tonT ... .I. . . ad t, XO 490TAII Stricken."; The'' deceased w� 9, Mr.a. Gedd;s; -s'r*; 'r6firriled lic' , ..the, 8 th brokell. p.m. tt�'. elL We. le: Ott. rest( ed.: udiw `A --V 'if- WA Icer 1 - re's Griffin and, rreT,ait­­t�eWnt­1aZIc-es' -Wednesdiv­ you see -1W,-rs-- �BeAba- '�r It c�e L a iv � tc I; `kher�ts -ullivans �K q x. JDi 6 witillbot ee es, cearthys r nd,proffil tifig, 4ddr ere 6f T ..S belgrave.." There o east ee.5",ater. - titined a few eir. frien d Joy0s, ni,.Chatrl Ili -1 6 Wsi I A -df fe' gh -6 be kieki ut iii 115-7theY. Ot en an he so (It lng$i d' 'niteres 'Aulu KIWI JI "ha dau 'its lit, M r. and- )I rs,. Wilrel 2'1' ' ghi6rof 41�tei dhal L IT'HE LV KNHA­po� Wir. A R E COAL -GO iv -f ch r 't a b13 0 Vil- r`. -port an'enjo d- 11k6 t e ds "L� -th aft ;.V line- bAd a "i iiiii yable e. And Ali OF e, I- I I� rhe,,spoivts,.6.f this einoon. ypikr� of t,.b K '; for Bruce ering at tf V, J �� bpart;illent iu-fi�bri-li3 Vf: 611,1311 on ill'. aM b a'gi;icii�,ttire from 1 -here Hutlii -'Geo �tr, Of Grey ;Phlitsii ev . ening o v o �r'y­ -arid Wtai H iiif)irike! on ."Clovers arid Alfza"fa,! Mr: L''! g f this, week," A West , NIns 'Ciark,is. adttu�hter�'of job!r! T 'I -,b -6it'litlairli, ork., ed. ierly of the st..C91 e -here ill Kingsbridge althqug,4- week on-Ta- ywnsbip, were b . ..... ef6re Judge Hol blast -J� Bowi�sl. Of "The,-Be6f i enjoyable -tinio is repoi-� ulioiiii fora liv I I . I . t 68% --!Who A 1,�y.,aFF W, 6na1d.-A3.6.tfi..P1eAdAA nnt-. rhere s� e -u -nit d-walacean Murphy L�'nd the.Liate forLtheir -trial -was, 7� 4n 'and .14. ,set- �.Tliosiq jPl --Jul iy-�,good.Tfellow ichuck X1 e4 TnV �bi 4L=P iere g1T:e.y-&ud­,Mepqs U 7- fteV, Dineen.. QGn, rc �Ad And then thefe is "Wa:t i tin. and-,Hickeft �ccwmitt d the 27th'.' of Dec. -6ng and Clarq�and O'Loughlin aud 14 or a.,Y, E oup), oRm. T Jeajle"' thwmanagai:A of therfe ri :,,in' Clih ThT but I�l to tit at's all now I vrie- d t !�.e, bu'�� -in t i -a 0. _V o get ter'.. Pf 11 bink., T; au -B! t -14" d em again-.". to 771 N CO.) ani forgettn1g:s0M!e o L'Ieel; !�.,,.tie �cenitre. -re usitag L f6tin. - A,6 t1i lxpuieidber now-­Li-t1s­J­ack­T0-1:-N6 il tthe W -7 4.1 Ao., di-- jwn. 4nd inves raut6i n r S d "T' bl -olf"Exiz.ban e at- Luckno,*- Mill' Fa Ito b lawned _upo� :ttees.in i�dl 11!� 11.1 9 s 9 iai n thi follili -f4?,onl�-th,eL-kni-ifi-'��;- FA 16 Andby gQq.111-1 ahU0Ab­fbrg.otPat+,0LBrteot -mi a as 3 . For -J32-4bs-. -Sepoy"Flou Warmi ter Tw T q T -un WE --s !I k'e6kcia- I'd very sti -fee s� Brarli. I , Ii I., 60� 'I bs :84b, r a n br. gi;A.. fo-the'-atf6atic, 11 ager H -4h�rtffw�­.!� -4, LUbby, -nit taken ) i '". ers7--T -W - -.-hi V6! ti.ng, qompan be - jeb"r A ori bric; and so enong i. _n� t _e--94 0;. ur Vle, pick e e ru f Sit 0 -t-:-wiii 7th"', h e �ery I Wil -t ra ti&ng pric I t Ire are. still ryi�6-lt 17­a�gri iiniv iY UsL e- r o m-- "'66the L ff t a T-, The, od-.§74 bu pub h -e e- tised Jn th ts --issues, o -th' AL6 once 8en6ndl I i%,t w _p CL" -'e So: -M st,- The hig-hest- a -ne—ar d6h Tor t ie'r h 't apg of" t1i t �staff. leam -zed-Sca-forth-fr6 m -f, [i�-:iWMLt last' k -7 ip c -to r e t is, sale i's oyer ibt�lll I �w 7 7 e33: -P -J-ohn:­­d 'Tb6 �As. o the, tleata '�Q an InaW Lei, ho'neitfarrn&r, John some. eve w1i th e f ninL. en Ili t onteeirs. t It# vi�elir "t; 6-i�,dre t-his-ou-t—i B . and-;--hie- Iiin a-, -7 77 i.k a1k linton.t-' The -;are­�86n brothers, di6d --v6b ob $6.90 to C2,00 are Oi I thi5 q C. 0�j�6.- that Wore' d -s'o'f onean tiler, 1-ohn ot bids, has the convincir .0a 9 ew. a) ib� ah'smer i tho W. a oes, 'not. 19 'TV YEARS jJFSj 0 se, ho s y,it,d w, 11 erts a4dThofrias-at Miami :..Man A the farmeirs. are, griStin' I a -at S tificer,-, L W.' ts ac. al took lil-Acb oii Alofida�Ti And re :.P, funCr, 4 q to: grist, W re 9 J A lot. f Coats that" 0 �Wto $1 01,1 LII'La-e�j 89 afid'..fbk- 60 �Okls. a A 110yowere aged 'S go; goirii�, gllp�ss'they know Wny. ey ipi y se oin riWh eat, Uln- 1 le 'to., - - -­ I 1 -1 e-aL6 .5-0 0 re.4ider, Walkirt;�)n.' He ca- ed it fai mftLu H�hM reroalln U.0 -0 (Y "to V cr e V�$- - -0(� .. g lib" A_ �,,Vt6ar Job 011 lr�rtotl ted - --hai V.4-- rr:.m th at TIT'a 111"Vel I'll I I i -e o � I - -6 1 . f y. es -Go. clear lit: ff, - V61 tdi`n�, i It Wal s tai i a, n wbn.t, -tV �")4g a� lin�ii' 4r'o . the co lil)�il 1oi;zli,;Tand.TbbiiIas to -Winni�ieg,­:T ls..salie 4t $7..50. w. - w f lowifixt"Pli hit -to tie. 311iLtly times, and also hi the office. of Xhey agiin moved-JTo ar in eleaven B' uck -0tds-,a-nd- Tlio -i4,­­­t-`- :e-4 dr three leav %V, es widow" I PIT, a,, '"Wra s if d" S plendid Fut Saicr _p 111U)IMING TH.E�dX. P" -,.A, new :and ba-- To till g trN IS- -ur, Vime. . .. .... t Of, _.V,iet it p r e n in thiA, Abrb -eat le;a, of tine principal �anr S, 16 'it, going. con. d tea6bef coria ''bile, Al-fil-NVinu --A 'I�Tcvel Aid.w& du t a -Ing (I H novel,in6fl-tod 7b b p -1 we.- V I St,)l 4 r oit uleed'. -1n-",-1-)rice oni I r 0 in or. ter re - an( Al 1. 'every success HILD �'S MAIR-i P .;,-1t1s'.,bhe�caMng afid eoie h%if -t&- 6h -Giii Ml, -an J i JE tiifa ]argo.' Be..Tsire. ai Solti.3 Of' blic-30 hefore, C M; e -W N am --es, IS j 1 t dr: 6. 11-: 66 1'�'155 h -6 7u -s 6 -6f a it 1-r0m �LS. g -'ree, ep Vie and, -no wa S1 share druin. A -pia s: formerly F �T h ... .. . ...... � I L��l �. � -,­- . r L. � ­­ . " �­­--k­"�­­: " .--L-:- � : A- ;.eeswater eig s ase- by- sing Parisia-m-­­ pri�irff-ectivo,. erg ra tford.04t Wom, ell"S, ice ft ' ' . ..... tir s at nalf N t itnotbqin­b6 I all over th(:�s.; lie, 11, Uliiirlle�- of �Ije oldo,prupirlt, I clib 'at "b!jXl ry-, -*ffye;,ta-. "ittly Sth, 1911. Ve kt W it I. S ufferer foiT a lon.i� ov�tistairs, and.1 -we, hit V r Oats Vjhl�jjr,�O a L rt, cle S[alld&ill'thc &Jsetuei d Ad&m WWa9tws -I was a grelt s boild rrice crjes� �Jcrjll,� These ecatW f&e of Varioxiq 4'-Iwith -Bilioxii Sick ffeada6lie ami clin be'libaiTd- ',ill oTi the troLiq jZ6tb4nk P'. t '�d to- do in ros Wire for tor lia-t, tfi& fl, t d ',1n, d'u'rin-thesb old�' (oaltq' in 0 seeni at"tecesseg. Con - It is Used �Also J. P In- sidering th6-fact that'8ome 1,50 child,-�, d tile any goodl I bad. alincist given u e 1`1 despdr wlieii 1 d' 6'14 to try 7 -fineI �itll 11 3avv Yin li 0 I onlY oltin, tru rii [,met's Sitin, ienatlba. and tbt,' F6g­g LET Sy A FIG PWLS cle ba.qetrient; for arnusiemoh�t, the o, 11 . pridii $4&00, sale '�ride. 60 00 - w, rv,-�al 0- ... ...... . sit 1:1 b Iki-­6 `T� u ki �a.boxAhi-heatl­ -:�J, ITT Q 77�777! W7F ff p6nt,3idl16F E 1),F 1) j 'U"ANDUR aches 4ts3lipm all 111ya tile Improve st _filji�sllo(l tlld--rr1J. 36" reglilar pric 16 Q0. ,3200 th-box-and. IL lill.tfi W� L ,Ulonq It %.1 s eIi I can heartily ol!zl;lg.,( kiioil �f 4argltret LOU11V 0o b. Uo4t, eurli h1alco8b, * 6§ fino a,; Pwi,siati arn (jut erl 4 as r Hii h1illL, I�vl idAll Sith llo, itiph6 �bust, 311 inches re -plat, lillnertill"PIGTIULS. for stotiiabli dLd llr ' * J). at-, lengtb.,4. 4 rec6 Locli ridge, of WiIkglia On wei e iii'i tr011bleSI, Iiiii MA10.1 VL �e6eived by the'-Unit6d Stmes� district .00 Sold' 'at all 'I'leilers in: li'llr Q;at, he, FarmeV* "txi linin'o, l( 3 '75 at,.([ So.c. 0.`3. 1 IT 'Tile Old. officers' and'directors polling bootli iTi ward "wileire..,Mayop %J.y -n th It.! -lit t ree fill] �ti�, or- �%t' 1) V, 06 S So e 'fil'I I I ly il;l yea V t 4T(,,,1ar 01.11, fit .;'I Olit, Id 'gi 11 1 lot, t6d'f r and 11 o6k.�n' past' I 'llo was Georn t 'Arinstrang ai'd FiWd-fbi: use Until Of, anol, let 6, d' .' 'quell .4 8m,hss�ra Nvillicom%land HdNW3 WOM.,Itp Sh6ppard, �f Grodorieh,- (11Cit'll fbi crl t I In e as my b neede va" -60--615; 6-1 e 1 1. ofl)"ll vaii i re t -and wit i this in view to 0 d' I wash Amberley 10,bjet S. Xfalkiti it i 4 it on vise I lo,pri%e Uy ittees �fot 6d ot. ditectcra were k Ove 'ke, fio, ev6rv, i A the IR,,iH iu�­Vresent-t4lie ii bei �he iia &ni ill -, Now" Alffiri 6f Be land'submi6, to ITI I L I d - r - '7'; --- 1fast, is visitin h ei r -v I cc ittento 11 JIV;i. :1 1'e yvi of O"er "qs, kyr tlip. GoVeIJ1­m#tjbii 'he ne-tt, card me0tings. Ili o der to Uondq Jan. 2ew, _jo 1106. Ira x8ed I,,- Wm.� vt 'fq.d oil h' Breiii if I aboli,31i further 11st, fitig" i �V qc In, ill U 0 spee( or 'an oX-rice av impo r n revision t st will c ioni ing.00LDt6St$ tllos�eond n Smiday. I P-1 ily, 8110­� 'Melf rd ol Sun&�- -at 'fild lit�afimt 3f, 11 ss -hinic Bro tit bi-e, -mide. fif thia �d eijartL t: ron V. PUreillili fo- A -w ii indiy tn6ftt Th.e. 4,thn. Act. 11&11 y;' Or courd lkfr� ali4 A We.,�: Wond, 6'k Sask. '�ourtney,' Wore viSitf) L �Vitb Cilting -t 'je 0: be i li�rd�V r aLsitn-,01' ...by (lite. ;f t fl 6" title iq. well known inollarn. Irivinz late foe the 1914 Vair will. 66 Octo r4 Will, J11eksoll ent.(46ined s, ntim`bej',: J�N I st arid -4-11d, P�,;visid nall Y.­aNiews overt-ei 0111brect during this saltri., i ther(, f(ir. sonie.­ye�tts befort- I and &.0ift"li to j)otlIti ft. Mr�. Eph. Lin(kii tnei 1 1 : t of his friends-l'i"t T --fortiiee -16 le t T11 -1\ sl A sleigIr loaa front the shore ',,,pent. ail ONITE . S GET XT . tETT StindAy with. the venin- lit Vill skott's la' A­cqoin)i*Irc;,Ta-Tvi 1tr*aiv1 Nfrs. Gray, of �tilriitfii were: C) st week. fli n four peoiy.�'inerfttly. I T. J.-Mexinp-ay's un, -Capes H- ar,t, of one Co�, -iij- 0- r il T -p- Rural T,-16ph ;Flu- --Pr�,!i C. -e Phillips sp'n p, XillpLrton� tlr-.tlrdr - -aiint-. N4 - -T- 42 0- phoi�os. \,vere-added. to -the, -A .. ... ..... -.W`alf�Wr 'MirUT &"l I wil J'T­ 1-1 . - 'I . 1 7 ' f -Tru -Pon 0 '��tiliftljLng- - '-0i g-- tp etll� at 11A 7 1 tal The''d' visiowof nine ehreuitg requ*ed. -ciettirl)i W0. AM,�rlcbllg-t I Mr VaTI110. Nv�Nft' enf�,rtained qUite. 1. 1 'AtT, I Iiii I, t: lip, I I I., r .0 6e, a) e or t `ii:7 �filrdrirvtftrf' � 'r I -I I I , thp' pUttII -i6.LA"P'iJI8.f& elected f ward 6 wats I . . ­ . citing -K&I nixtre zorinfa b 40 a I U Ili tie 11 Of -11", y, rt dfq Ifiss &Arnolcri f Tiverti ipend -iiigt 'fittii ivith�-her�b le -fte w -r­n16l1thjr eL 9 jili:kFtising fo, 010 Iiiiissi, 0 r I W, 'e Ot 3 es an -is be in �IS62. He h, -an a J. Artiol 01,6 1 d, ITent at. Larnii Tliai4�s;day nigliE 1.5 ill it, .11iletallic 61 'uib.- Water, L �bsi(fentolf tile 6ity since 1870, aild) �11. s ATfd Acti T008 A "IffEl, I)IIIII1XV 41`0111 atOtifid ow 427 cirquik aild 2$ p vattq Itni "tod With were micists, at obotge, lili n r C - attendod' Clio job 4" ell nn ' also ,It e ]Cno W '�no to' "S caniplicills f'riday %,ftom �01 iti d biTt I � w)lkh Jast ;i bve' wit is tv;o trunk iiiied eaph for big beside t -O Giand JsL'ffo,rqo ttepoStbor n c4pil Me Will d 611.4iiieshq ile'llas gairied a' nfortii �jj 11. al;. Alexander and fanli I cot �,I prq' fri. tiff$ afty ivilir i�,(. tTl),(, t)f1i( -2-5 IC it varioty of One to Blyth -tie 8xiffic lot. eo'ti.; "t�lljg (.)f b b(, gl� e, 1pi I Tel: r- 1`xtr%. 14 T *a �11)ftl t 'ItL JT( fir iTi, g,pliTtiJiiId(, fo theih- befitt Jbne for %i�JeTi atId R�C�l Vd 11-1-L tj n I frofn the'Wea On a Titi it \V. it'll pl:e T d W111 V 1 11 elK tJIL IT S ! Ocilbor6o.,,liystorn, at Bottillill6r. y��r liareattg, pat �liorft ou t, tbl 4lone daring t hi's W6 'a t; the low p H 0`0 �! 'I T l'i it as, al:z(ra, canklidate-f illMialll, w 01 is 11OVII op.�Jfi d tn�jj­ft­ -L'"',-, p n wart ,i )u wm I, cIlTLS Oil flunotia, Sm h ii'm back fr( bitildii et, the, Ica , 11ill-oll �A'hii Tie 'll cce u ai. N -it 1), 'Puesdayo Tfitif8dixis'. Sout to -c. w% b�n� ropla. l!H IM l3radu dine" 1XIII'll., 'in g Thi(, l'bel defeatec on 9, Vr:sit J()� I)LiS "ji )ofr$'�' R G)lltt� ,d bv 10 foot;'polec' tet I NV, rwe- -a- r�.T�Speit..,i . ..... 111-11-11.4 -*-1 nde" -At) e Ili 611 T ys-4 - M OV. 10i M .it �� . I .. t L 4-614VOTII4411� VVttkt­ q '11ii Ole i-tt -flli 0;' fy .1 # cobet. of il;4fl4l jj�", ---- atiIxu�- VE I H 6 u 48, 440 11 fl�144qii HdA 1 4 2TT 14 17 '�tlid h-ro, 'Ieci di d ii I: t uAl". - I lyVivt" I 11MVifl ;,v&$r re And -ii trinylbdr otsfiiiti, and drxw(.vis':du, oflod lwalth 'alth- I Z"ye"Ll-Srr givell in, t, ics, 4,1111 fft� 6) t e inty TT� -1 'L . � 4 ""r, . I Ir, .1 ­.. I . . A-,�, , q q "�U ('�JONV 00,4b oil V( 6,11111.0,11" 1111dor I ;fj[ii (If )t ft ata'Withy b at.) i 6f rilare d1lit, t te a1v tht! L. 0, jo Lt o' th on t � 0 t3i ir-1 of` r I 1 :11, pliec" yo, ri 1, 0 0. 1 -6 Ward FE. I ine"a G.T�, wil, I S, I J") 0 So . el . "Ify Iiiial ill- otitiq of the, D" t 0,W voio iti, t, xi't-od Vri(lav bilst Iwas. it grAll'T In tnakliie* 75 c, I Volflig, ItiminiiOn'Agri m6 16) Anill.e."Tovand Llll­all� NT0)Ir,di,,;t cu:tural 8,0016by T;i a Wflil r1our tho,it §miid, bbili, till,, , �f th _re, 0 ly l.0 r& b'tfis. Vml,(�mvvnr to I . slicce8s, 't lie VTOLUti - 111.1101111ti ng 0 $4 clear" .1 it. k I 0:161116-wom It ol, NVOA c." lield 9i Vi infores(in til lotligh. flou,--O, oft 'Nlondq afto'lildbil, C, -lip 11­�w. I,Tllee th-g- fin 16rmgit vi oivlml kily 96)�` A4 1: er t tire will li�os 'givm br l:,J&,&an y t 11 a H06 Rinfle; Tfio� tt-tendaifed largA, jui,�ti tbo I* cii in Kfto� �IiqliiTc-h oll Vck-s) 7 tha st Thiir�dliy pv� n C� c 0 is A �'fogonlfi -at the 11floo, fi)g .. ... . .... rt� all 1, . ... ... of a il&Aibii��ry crvlr�' cli 4,�*tiiqogart hso'bq��vt iletifig' SplretTidid' la .. ...... . ... .... . lllose�okhddirecfof� b2i IV. Ni lit, Otern �Sfih e6ii�oian op t lioalA fol., t6w.wook" t I Ile I IT 6- w6V,0iI 114 will 4�1� Mt �;hov�n and-Aqr6priA,0 till try Was, a lie f&I j,4 IlTL 'OL: tile C.fiolf, �;,V,lIlJIllJ I wel ,,ii all'. pet t, -ed b. a I cofto for aliel ii� 1,ure to, be dal, go -gfef the I-1- 11'ar bttccossful you, 140 tj fol q r to, ensuing par. ­trtno. A"d, - 0A0176 repa fts! Werti (V4C Z, I I) I " �fvo�q iii 6f,A 111^60ting . of i6',A1or"itTA,l:hRt 'ro Very worc, ineetift'OR-A givoll geta fast -ek Tlit 6 ® I Obe Slitp wils it. c v 'Anio.totarwliAP14 for 1116: y 111"'titale IkNd at) Tharsday, last, 11(t I i.,;'o, an twur. 'lie i' J Jf blie Ciety �fyia tl' fo 4 :, im , .. ....... . , . , 0 4-- .0 0 4! 4 7!pq W :, im ,