The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-01-15, Page 27 I I IN I 11111111 .4 IN -1101P "W" DIM - i V 7 ....... ------- A H lively.' 4;y rom a e' RON 110' A IS A !!D Y, 'T EA P, gy the., -of a. brig im b, th6r L 11"k a , , - - I nVqY pjlr� Are ffi�gt!jS, right� pling 'about� owners, an . va, A, SSON-, jQ 4.- b N T of. tin N­W� b arI4 'the right t i)* A'N�Iike' TNT' I'k 'rip 041.11P.- 114 Com -hl Unced &X V, 'Q d'i Sill nInUall'. .41y' kt Q g to q, LE� of it .111 gk oil waters, . I "I i t , I I . qrtu d' 'aban oned, oils file oid b )n th Sp- ­ Storm., y the forei6�, porl xls� AxN �%Tt ociqhttfio ca�ncar Te&earc4 iorga�lz- Is 1i filotne.4 sigpific habit, when he Arrlves,� is to Malta .,*#t4txs$, thp,� not -poly f4o k,� jhe Lktt e, W4to 0 7v, cy_Qf, tlie,rqq�ji�"pj­ (),P" he -intalligbrit -o od-19ainaritail P11 a, �;dry -S ii LP,,4,j0j,1 The 'G Firr 6it N�4'kem 'Placing Ig�noxancp, -in itb knozj� A# lit eVqlii "t Th' ng the, -A W the tnew �M -era Ayl t Til, Wit Ming. �,Du� ew. IgO�s.j ��Jf at ar I -Y, - 'Y' N� , �, ishly d 0i in -) 37- piit­ -1eZ1 4 b I �ba al�l XQ.' rolt �, ip;--bill. �,: u b i,�"%jatibil r.�o f irl'i " 0., r '. 0,uipst 46111, f *their ' tiny. acl�' t a buildi ­.'.��, and b'eairtSr of h �aac Watts.. ings vl' aU- id ipabliso is I ' - - tJ it e�qr­'qypp9' 'I � - , . I - - h .. -had' t,4 biviliza �tu' 0?�traulpr C pir opt lmag,l f I , i& , 40 grasp le' 'it Is.a I ., �­ , I . ­ aud­mothar �anip, 141it yi�ic. u asmucr as he or,. in �qora i�, "There, is A;�: lbng,� 11 t me e nag.19'eiep, c. )Veie ".the izar , b,%d 1M. 9 'a" I t thought at �,g 0 TIT UV'el 7 wjq ifi� r allr. * I %6*A wy-,a­ ;I appli--, C)��tp, he. it t ;ought that- -they State t 'kit� of, ippijag ere, Y clia C�s� Sh D E A h out"jo �­�qhrou�jq�g A btt�r athiog' i . -At iko, A 4 1 4 1 Mb 4, t r Xoa.4 t M 's.q h, e VIng plmlp: as, , f L, , I - n 0: r, the rest," eL fivent�S grouped jr, an ad.r -With -truth a 7 is e ®rg al 10 bar, a ed , I - Bdiiii3d Us'th �an beW Akei',45 eY Lh th the exid'! C is. IL d rder JI6 -e yellowesf at i Freshellillgi tine cheeks AnO th j�e nearest, gaZete ro. be ore us the road th 4ed i�kli" f t tty A ,p 64 in itch -pro 'P, point facts f ro b -e in resses stri'ed 'd Ij! 4 n. 4C) r UP7 'so are the enings" the pe ki bJ .0 -.of gay P y n. �'y wri an re good -Silk C on,' wl, �g -Ing the 'to'u 43 But Lord Brasspy u biaef UP NV ILe he"- Wprd d 'I�oly -book -a It 0 -impbrtanc, In. 11 than pie -their ainty r, I- cream a dded. Ing' condar �th� Ow t , e e4.toj1ie,treatment-,,6f super 'cia forr thalpX s " , r , C - e c be- 01 ft f' raean minigtiy,is a m4tter rbns. bef6re d jlr jj , the page M better t 'resqUe icalle j ri t a IDDLA 0 of �e hi grim; tr4. y n its'earrly stag0, by, ad me am, a- -this'' den shoes ;.hind,, ..the dea act uali , ties, of H ran . t . w ro.n g! go �V Itli e� . as 4ore woo, nreg- G Pal record the events of -to S cp past -,,b, i %'. kEl, There to H h inaste r, S cert p5,: and they v urling� floods of tj 111itS b C�- I th' d- . f 10 I jo W�' i­nni-P'.JiUtAJV .,it -on I ed g4 whole wbrld' will' sit -UP, Ma e,-0 -- re 6-, -e he,, the -'steady eritbiisiaslxiri� f9 'Si 'I at, the Strwa e f I e, sacred li, a a p� �willich -7is - I S I . I lasso eY A 4 Jig ge Th' A& § e, �,Ije: sea, that cair—ri�-M-iu-ove- 4un ay., i- then, they Suddenly bee r tP� a -me -shy! 46no b OR-= wit "e, —W-5w—a—Titt thosa of last S d, 8 In the dfiangele,�s proces,�-of t le"11711- ur n P peep d. a h::eT - ; T& e­rhouSb ""They-: 'r, this passix'xg- 6f fl�nc. - Thi's- is -W i'qs, -A ind -por n�, Vpd -the pd Mwev­il� �int� , hat ip behip4 -thousa�d­­ Six-, li -th be fib in the'rba, 'Betty, whop� 6rgAl orde roblem ijr Oulu -,s Ill& cap.- in one trip�. Oil hun red Yff-. h t4v -1-a-st:�dii:L--of-7D An�6rnaxpent ofIurfiiji�Sh( 4& out -ot t e -windb*, at �i p1i on iere r5e�m6di that iV,will'Ontin itable= U--bIq rY1",rj17.j­.Qt 4�p jil' A -W rn s .44 V VenEd a a �a,e ni'jt �r.x&-j-arru­Ary-" xat PP "V,,hioh th� Stb, -Ch turfied" io-;: go; on, -F -1 b,vvp,�:,vy� repe, c g- 46 -no cafes :fiothingri` 'fliall lqudh'rhas been t, Au She colonial g6rVerii6is h ;acpom juj!,�tt,6 fashion of the':c -I't -We. Inaly Skull with -A th 1� -a 7X9. d am UP4D11 Ae -qti� 'flitUre, d'ed'*rith ik rations- --Lqjr-.d & V.,'� - dn,'1x'ug1r;,� 81 b Irn e UP4L)IJtoM& e­,�Ppde erS.1 TpaFs�r all k` e4i'suggests that�tha wboW,' 43 ing. �Uxi '%`RVjng eir',han .8 14 the. yea-rs Ahat, .04 4 h -e ahead.. t. 4Y ("hajW4�,U4 joilt. - t rije innuMei passag UrA axis as U d able, 'nor, 45 ji ' 14 ' ' O� " P hirk _dr jh6mi, f parAte"ifi6&nf� When Betty.' 'took out" her HUI 3 e,,at ""thbugh the"v, �ist in& not odel' I'd peveK )­­ IS,U­JVq:W-­­!Y- b, ­Ah6t er-good-fur-ti7l Ufea.-M . .1 . r , �. 4 .. . - .­ , , 1, �. I � . ei,� 'MP 'diice�I. ifito the-, narrative a camera,,,,,-, oo -e ."greatly drea&-d-, is'- h i'te' th .1 'k id -A or. r " te -that, e qpes I, jB)- V F Ainc,,quar rs,� 6ones .,.in r, Xho llbe�tl (w, serious 'at circ �c .ef t4j..� ep Upon,, Mo is ah -d faifuro-�R not. -Much ouger­resist- d Labor. -that he- has efm� or ­ iply, -CohVani-; e, a signs ng ujs a 'is, made:.o an& m" to`&Y'.ihat� �St h er o a lid ilarfe is of_jho�rkjo e.-.. b 6 tit I is .. p6in t r� fc : ei� has -kqaqtiork­­, a IX 21 Same. appar nt- q run 'which n ca. tr patient, and idavo�e and iva& N�ith'bi trii�, "'P, uej, at' hi'-;t1J.e,-SJg ix) r� ;­ � , - " � -r �j � slic _XL 1p h,?WU4VP §­Ift T e might7Ukii`th "fit . I , ' I - Succq;ss�ye -111clue t 'i� -, hi� e, " - ' . I . - 0. .,h than an y -an all-ve. Mo�- 4,�ec pendenc,4. of 3 T ere 'S� Wl 4?Yerd r WWrr n e it' is' a'A"'.arl' as a- WEUO, t 16a confid baek. h j:jFjjT- J� 11 e�tflr-m-orp!! =--TYx,6,A-ittle-D1utch- -irlsr, in, 0 il P i, -4066-.0-'. Ir� j stud- s4ill be §4*&', b d':;of grgen, dabba6s da:rk. fhw L �in fit�rA i In VUL Taf h experiel�i lebcred wever Wit eaM avV 4 en JIM 'the, W I ,; f �Iflifjjjj� &GS h U;rt" th Z �: . ". -Wbe�yi-, e-. Z XAIMNI 'board 'Betty focuttd't h His h he pictu Pa U Pu 3 4j-t'f' 'that it ibU6 of blu& tit tie q MY eg n-sh-eLbe-nt, 4 r. head t A&t.'L-The V r! aVqUt -he, j� dz,;�h �Ulv-`.wwllifb� -a. ,,oat, � W ­'j . U. �� , d Ur -) '. - I It at fur,' b4t6ni. ; The - f o urwejy-�­W% LG�d-i T -- pe to -4p�n, AtA!�- -assic [is wd-111-19- Ml� Atej­atu ing-W hat.iS �6. Hai. WaS Yej;terda-�"' �Inid _j5oi�,,fh,&,,po.or ed I or plem% to 4Qonte plate 0111.6 and* geii- the�-sleev.ew� ai�id­. w l6kay P1&6es to,,, teach anil to. tht.-ca::mera, ajuj 'in orrow. pli#' 3A -an- W3jj4`frl'-)'sts.' open fronts�,,.:.Slippe.r.J'i,e. a'de-, of the intbrval of "tri iii His:. vo i-ld to-i� 'to. consecrate. s or. e tPir �,,igzgg', r bA of. � fhewleAw ­ i , a, --The- "lin 0 i, ", - -- IMIEW - - f bl. a �bompauy­ --had doub,;�Iea 3z --'v- --h ted-blu I -- -, t- ii4�41 Y..; - and -4 inob �46a. .. " ­... V. , -.W qignmg 5.-- a -cap 0 ue. ch the C4�iii­rs' "W as in Coilt 48� whiel� e &-to -h w6ke:1ilig-hill's tions ----- - tit as if,, *t wer A -.qg:q g' U`z- -a -about U'l vith fur'complet'6 this�:.,costuma;, k re And 8 ---*T -Ohirw-on &JUst An& toLg I A .: t 4k r � L La xibe­,-Y60�-- I—. . _UJOL& ether hat 'c4C) Me as- I -Roe, d sj�i gr�&teS:P jo will'--r-eNr al. His inspiisition 1-11-buin'- "d de,1UhW6' atlUSlivausdown- -he law xua6l� tridl;�fji 'or qiiiie 0. in all A b '0' a OP t t "'Y swansdown , im,' - P 11 -, d Crep6 'de, b1line anr f: it 'hi's have yoxt pictiirb -o ca. 66 read .0 n as the wurd.L- e t ily.to ilk take. . 8h 6 �41wvni,,6�6` been iepoe�t-: tionkl'. hilih, in� ord,6 6' Ae� h- i I el ing words d axpyrs a --,a ­ombihed with g�o4.effe�t. the ed, o ut, -1 IUA joilt I " to them, and of:'66 famoO 'hymn. wh.ic, ----- - ability, a,,,� x"teAche My, T in sacr oia 77, ar4 lal�j ar c ChoS this "q,XT i 9,tir� help,: -test Hig'will blo<)4; ese Uri'� e i- Qqd Y- jsslte4Z ft r' ,,h r, f r -and mot- tak for an for. a n ek-likeer Of, shall I do to Inb*F1t­,The. ran on r a, e. . athe tILIX �i � cli�nb 0 beights 4 - Id Whjt4 pas an . God "oiil- hop' - or morer A& the max"I­ sort shou be long and''full,­ The -ther. .. , I , . Y� Llsne�,,S, as nS6 riMp.11 ` had agei ite &S, that, the Lr F�a,.Ce arnd �Jrigjle01­..,. 61 d hornt Whe ' I r afid- all' fb r V " r S.. to. 0,0:ule, Is Ii*t tll�s.th# 3,0Y W; -ent. ..-Yublic-sentliment'-will �n fifhe�-:reache --§wansdo7n .in �vhite; is per �'ab - e -Pri edgo 7- i Id m in k-- -;af-the. '�m - htird,'�Vii�ri At Wing Y .4 ­ - iuxe-fi - z ss f It new , A� Amtii h �eck and7 slf ms and- oue- re�at etiiM g-1 an"- 0 Is st qt o ealth� e e inj a, ex -Be-hind us is th 1,61t �ckn. �'ajjd.: Jionts,,of -,thp�negligq,0;,, blit 4pp�4ik§e f e4 edcage�ly. ito,find the' po _��p es q I ­ I " I.,- �, r I - -�� ingFof- ome, -ilobia saorifi "girtty. look C'ne Ygr -it Spiri 6 1 �6n b ..-thsat­-Re �sh�0:11114 %j-. is� so� eAsi y Soiled it C, one that was ts k k I or .a r gown. A Bti�u -Du�-h,-girls in 7task. f itsc b not "�'Jjjar& . ea, d -d.eia, that "nmie."a com: ill Y 0 t f the sh. 'Lit s lit - t�o 8' bottom of t life ne. ofAhe dear little jjr�djn Mo el - b. ould -lie I P Liu ting ftfi­ thell - -th`-eab -1 d,the; early fit _lit e­C&P y 0 d' upoh I le -slim d Conservar ed ad, 'I Y' oj 'age"S.- Th n. q eri, t 00, fire�vii M B'uv when she n t, clot pc um Own. T Orr Proper '.aC e bed. �liay sve Survey t. 4. . '0 neg I '&­tre-r�-­hiee- --iu--N-erda7h-f,garMen­ s, 11-1 a 'am tru tis w imelut of, . is '% t I 'd Sul & bagj wan I life," -vFas.fa;mi1,ar to th46. jo.WO h vent.x thi pan is It Pa. st J�%j Is before Christ-camb; a's tit* tbankNflrie Dutch. h6uge: 'an eLVO U lou oigaloic life fro d I t, 'Slippers, ea Enoch o i-ifid--p : "px�phal; 'br,a6i-o' zview' fhe tiny to! ia 'witlfconfideid�.' t -tijije a tilre 'rich an QI3 t j pre I e e e, ..little. gard' d fht:'cab a AM' iot �diur lielp� i 6S 'Past :So But tfi6 W .�h b ist, n The' ttiest shppers -to -wear Ter, I,k ib: r bu", u ae the, camera had brain 'and the "Zood C ag- de PgALel �,Y r, - id ­�­ _d . -4-1 - - . r. 1 � - �, - in ' - i­wh,o'-evsk6d­ bed WLI 0. w bl� 7;7 11 =­­­­--� , .- N-7 W -,an swans. o Nl.. It e young -mar clicked: Setty s. h6- wskK' 1&0 air t.; in 1040--Q. 4 in nwar ad" IS. th.jZ* 'n. lar T, rou g ceiiturie:,, Hail' to "the' n,, h .1 � a44 its 9.0 r an same. q ues ion, -flowered rib t* aiks' 'Dr. ]E:Van�, negligee,*L ate Made of 1�adr. an�, erroneous, a y.jes. . o me 10 a It A-- silk aprons -up. over JA'e r-., S ru e '#eighbor ill SWdI1Sd0W"h Th a 10 9i L'ae oila eSe' lArd 11ft jt�6�e�&Sily­ ­­"' ­11-7�- 1. -1' ' ' , -b6 -made at, lioine qu tion 'to this. esus ap- i's _to�_jt 'a lower's referr-6 r,.sugg Stiff is ,fjw W i Y A T' J-,�Jerndj � IOWA, irUs! the',ldocto" heads; Arid �i4l �i little rie. d ca The ribbon is, iAtual th ' ed rr I j . -1 - 0. r n o Re­-�ay. d 'hle ce M greatc ga d4o. -&ndiiib. 4he life, the but t- �6t. sclen . t . lits iii. the wffla er ano mitielre thl hi GsA'e- ed, _�U iiriW-Ae-baO -the.7respp4,6f--:his, Inert;, - 4...x�ooden sh.e..' [Jig. - "d­;6VbkYt overan was- soul. �-;(See c S.. 'lit th" b 'has "narrow 9 gathered' 40 "hn No -won, er1hit.1.6y had -:laughed -provl e' 4W d' this one th ns -11%.'. "All ZX the 'Czar. of- ht5 t"! 1 he:has i1eir respect, too fof4'p�� �6 xither�­agen equtppeo t r' ib to 'Sntigly� about the ­ .7 1 -ft 9 -Y��-Cz tu--, x -iiro- w "TIj -&-th-t- in --a--. broug 4wa.lutia'a b 11 a. , .. . e,� RuEsias--will"l th hly ��-rviceable -and . I ' " in. -IM J. r 'f ' hu e 'b;o .'and mother.-r-Inox.- r , After, all, -bi enj�and. -w---BetfS0 -JaUghcO, i.,Z-0-0.,, too it 0 ® ij aine for'il,11i ht�. e- holi out tfie;!skilt which -es -th' ' n.' -all �otpCre urau, LT ij"gr,,ab-oUt---,th top- �of�-.the wl h Us $9 -Arid to thera as to I"" nc 'Whtin-she saw Is. sun cauls She. go6i -vaigf,jp b A i -for the boir. at. '100 t "o; P it was elt er neigh r -with �rneyS�; . e- the jok - orU - - -�!. :, I ­­­­ -: �- -­ � 'is R W-vl the 'Slipper. is firlished.rin fr ues !on 'Q�T�r 4( anjo ittle�bibiat'that -imos; boi *ill --pe spared,, --the --blood.t(ti-a-i-ite ab* calls -up-641', 6� I V Igo A64- is;;:i I p�ry­ jdL - -he' to: ­.Ove -AnONV to Ni..." wii` Itea-i . .. . ...... z r �world-7ibh-&` �complem` :wW-Hous" d� K� �"V-rb. 0 can., ............. . I Sne� lit talii 'lot' i6k de the 1, o tral _�rna Ve__ In&', The 3on6i: st n matinbe i&n TPO", I - , - -!� u.. . - 6 oft� h-, h- "gbin apie than ei-k4teew"sepmen-S' made of cb on, ..tj 11p, r halt J& 0 U C� --an his"sister"s WI 'has 1i" onopped Oquares; is, ge Ver Iml W ad" M. A ijc­n�fo. Iake­ SOU Illorl In -Feels Blue' Overp-uslne!s- JL'� e strength, K."j SOU ffa4a -Atf lace--an4j, 1C ee r Which ILL A ve' reports A 0 on De C- to zuihoiltatl h Mrs- :th " ilith, -7wxw��= -WqA-KA.-j5-v wk 7�-ta e A-1 its. progpe5s' Thi y S, 'fail t - 114.0w ribbo.n-ii,-run�-JL e ing''to its in iao r. me w 4�,-tltq�-Ziiilite - Ao n �'c6lh4� or th n. ha*e the tooreut�, Chriatm Dragoons, or W nd me thd 1r, . I necessary . w' . to V*ear a, P of: s;ome were,. wri ten o If' Alfte man must ;df :,sort ts -and fhe _*.ell it ali 8 ty fro 1757- AYv -&-ilYfIxe7 that "yl� haYe7.�b.q*Un j, "ding.. _to_.; &L�auxnber! i biw'n uLrw. Arf4irdiTC ' ol 4, has,. ed under ,&h�ftnr ,lit 1gre. :�-Uj to: and wojr, i lWe ;n YoUnt, be 'aid shopping is o in JmWnt- *otaiosed, 'of: t Ai ri.d Wh' _71TOOlf-A j With- -this dainty e ­4an,,houselic,14 she 1.3 a alu ch e---sli im*6xn:..:­R.`i AV�Fy Auls.po 'btttl�no -heilti--h -been--take ­dF A eti. ''o -shoulA44--te e 1 therr, ribife.rof its off 0 �g i. 'Many e A U. t mad, e, as: e With i d"p, flolin at64- h"- f-fort)[ne rie an' zsa1d­-to-be­eau8 ng V�uu% J7­;A11TP; vkf 0. TC "d" e any C01UP n 'AnO will -.wit low-4-ibb6lis: "7 a tn�d h,--y-dlr r r it wiff Vir 14ar very. liberal. wtth/ t;!el ebii atf Aiffou rQjse% on i6 boi-w ff ifi,6 to curtail T -'e, j3 elt'l ta� . 1. . u y 2 01 lndAstrt&l%,;414kj�voatonj. rest i *lid as on in .6bicur� qeimu"resL tthie time.. ji - S P. us e calls fom, toM �, � ' . . 1. 1 1 1 r� �, . . ( Liting,An' gir u li i it I rnr taittirig :hand e t -61 ar �0. �7 Iii A b' j fr�psb airi'. or g, WQ U- -031W r WItN`,'8 us ini sure, t 'a, vign -,ports, and mQi d, exN Fur Trimitted PjBttjC8&t.,iL. PIP Ell n4kiO It 'TInv nA oth 71ast -h. Berlin', A. f�j4��:a --blut dL ss tl�irmlf-­Fron� tj quiA-. L. :--7-A--4pj� . . . . . . . . . . . mnu- . ' . : L " th qr , . I . . - t". exRos­ ffir lc- " .. a � 4DI it*. Of'. still to.. the 'IM1904 em. ek-c6l.lent., A i o rvit,0ies 4ffe f"tur tiolitei-�h1f, -precep 001)..., . matinee is ili&j to 'the, jeWs. .It, Was 1%.0j! *jng jYfDERFULW any 0' e4W In 13 .114at primed full wftth.� faEd 611 en:11W, estate and build, ed- t;D* Zch',coridiii-4�ns witliout t:mearis tha�b t1i6neande I X 6 Ao �s The--eilem-y-di Made oze --cur e; �6f: i e -4�ff �AmmeA'�rit ­ an e e. j;, lin wq -4- 1ra, 1. 1' Y- roW. u;i�sa, 830-Cla- have 4) , Y L en. -W stmblan�*.of tit" ru es.'rr e cvliven, iono, _'�o lig e:F� know, w. 1*491 t6- ii mic robej, --&T.. 14i;r tl�oni IS r �c� hinko'ekipAl.* -xight, tion �,V�jjh tit of G r U 6 thaw "ID. The dnly:" ffixid,.`66, had anything of this c� m�" -d sT br4,tion - Nor n did V�Iii n ex r crob�es '46'r wh�le 'diphtheri�, and each little ju J . -is ifrihimel men mu;liy. � alr Abl t V cAcket he- briage- sonidth-in 11 '. V", for � ,9,'*f -other V�l, 8 caused. by'..dbe, z like�6, pLatient,spiray -an ill turn to --f-dr'isix weeks. theedlilenIz lot", A Most wonder;W Y�66de i S that eximple� is -ink a p. a,* year. tree with tiny. ros'ebuds',of pi atin. I k' "d 28. This do�The fOrM 01 'a poin tw­ special geini, a cold Maybe a �sea or's-happy- go-; uc Incas ed iregn- the tra hilv *iU'be dis tdll efise W. inixii-e-dii ely ,after docressing. of t e troPIC call, t,,,,ity,r jj about by his Y, eim ta OOU ,f er-lin Is _as A th6. wicket shqwa !�O. v0rb.Aofi*te'a..contjnued 46tion - as The h in whew, prider in'' thet Class", MOTLiqjr: Out L 0A l&U- m ei6h otl use C exulng,, -7--Wor -f- -Zcg�-�� Ot fe ter.. aid, �tb­tlf fy--W-� d -d J lainily and"is expor i in, s te 'r I % " ,! �q perna�PS,,.L W� I �wealthr 4vo-foige;klAij -T.n �,Cjpbti 0 13 `410pedti �Woll d, Up hitr SL LORD, of ther th-�� a�dL There arb4redispogililg eau -se �j 4;lxtd,- . ..I j te ttoviis homes jn, the near from the­ist�nd'bf Tri"n-laad to 1j'sfay, pre n augul 'th" -of c.e:rfain individuals Vto -has `ritLjBh'r Guiana, 4 -it-, b.utle'r,-, Who as ilim _7 throng was a gellia 29,' Alut, hp, desgring e th, Normanhuj ex6dus bemn,so stes, e r , , a 4 - : .1-f B -1 i iifi t 't-xke-.-m-1d7,mc M, jj to e,rthat no 1glied- kpj Pps Lr -Warden '�Iro in- U110 iof, L6rd--Brzisey`.& 1MOO Im -Fok:1av1n,g v6 46 a-q.ue6-- ja�t­ejohti rn6ntho, t, St.-, Q. Hes A th" t f d' an it' breed *hio; being er .41,W0,Aesi Irtha itinte indestruc I d"' tion Uarch .1 w .9y ht�p je *q. ­ if foun Id so easily an- ov _eop -- :.4",d his o a. uttet deli.jilL tful jt�;ricl rhich he.' ' edit! f -jipj�j -- lfr6quent,tolds parri, Into house 'n. ill arn 'y" one to' It _ , _11 "of Cliqu" Ports e 0 to nd tiack the bor -give. N try a, kn' to Lo swer. 0 -4his,-Virao show, t P;;esKri� s In VODWPA10111 since 1874. ail- oU is My �neighbor ifi-'ship 6,Jr .. ... d dock-:buildin n in 11 n 'after, -not u4n, �6*4-f6,06110&te omati :ly , ka 1, y i it hii� master rdL Wh a iat6 of Jnirr�aiO _W, and, Q% alrx* 'to the re rC43. 'thro' A' the first shock ot her grief Canadians,. and the ti�,,�4`that. be, gaangs:, t (ities Vbr pfi years past th, Gen'lw $hip, the Y -ap impox. an floil X- ut-aa.r U- big lb'o in, front 6 Dise�yqry, ill Ve lot6d"thait they 9fle d the, AV , r - ' . I I 'L 6 _, , q906; there,­Wajb­s,,rq&in of 54,000'ln, t - �j-.­r1it.1'r- jj-(.n--j. L U�Slly 'i g :,�,i v I- "I I I I . .. I botil, � ii 't .'t 6; 0-� , -. L 'by, saying"' , "Nerer mind st baaLbeen comparaUiely slo*� �b 0- uilt 'a'r Ls resigned the Waraoiishio,:of tbij d jeW S.Zo t's firAt � Ship,,, the Ann� h raight ball W er,pz�r itba, $ow the'tide hasjurneo Ir wer of , gte en.he' r 11 jk� on:" . Oinque,ports hasi been,rree twelve me] �Oof ei4ed. in The'oarable whieh,,foll6ws is way. 0.4 e 'it ov tcr�iwd against th `,�hite int -h- a(]. 11 Ad a clean A the field- The 6iitAina-h turn,6d a, the "other the municipality' is .1. Wood 19 Pi -71 in 'he - 14wd­knd­thi��. edwi ri�-Isa-lt --with,,- -int alarmed ,over. the. departurte nineteen I: iEl if.Llfh�, -give th� YL W0T SpVcr.f3 t?,YV­ �ojj illioniires, in � t -� Devi; alme 4 cou.1510 . :. It hb� on of � yearg sintie he and, 0 1 oa �jd I-Ttli L question -does not imply - that th,*d '=0ntjjj,:r atd� governnien't, an @e ejiQjy­, n- t who -a the ended June 30 The 'United. '$i t'end �b l6ver the syste a ),s :,6w ' er ir�equ' 'hi ealin, erternsf, life,. a 'tririasponainily r - ter y i lamoug. y.' op M the 'Sitilb about. which' the law'- ciors: tax rebellits. i r. 'b' ' 'b"l'. L6 -geryd a,t c all' checked'in. the 'sA'r- 'I MUsit'Opay. fXo� a�t hdrkt)"" 0 f reii stAnc e ks ot:, t repot sAY971 'been 00m y WP Alltll Q-4.kdnci�aj c6uld"be.-tobtained. abd 'iiie mau. Nv e t s '*,t.' ZI yoli; yat as. pd. firet, yo�r L�ordahip." -"Wh ateebrileart .'hag to I y goo O-Ifim a, '.to do more Ahati "i. on bors4-,on the Oreat Lakei, Lord SA -works, Mars to. lRile 1914,,- MM4; Thsbe4,'Ass As. -hax-yesAo�j­r.oyer­ tbirk;� with' notliink.­N� 'iir�i loose 'in ithe kit6erk Brab 61d -G�ifi­g T0111 in 'k V -queried. 1-jord-Brasoy,-ifill: �hlrough stand' in c it: -you jjj�ouf m6i -Thebe�%Predicts '1914 will' w-ithege lie heit' birnsfilf Jue. Y I 6iti. 6.ex.34."Venty-seven "ars dov n f J e,tUSa1b that have. reniaii)ed J' was The fiouSe:tt 1 it PrCiaigi*.Us, teS, It 4itating. *, 6Well th6­'- d rday 'couht, bor ,w 6. Ahe� ;ft we'-.­66nee t - W n ­ , r t Jericho, A - is litit, titolihold ilro-vivtin, h Ults. and jer Wier. o handTed-year� Th4�---e:gain WAY. twentv. M 'ad to4ericho no disast--jr- for un " 'r e f f s IIJOV, PQ,�., -gliffe ft'�JM ne' 'th, . . ho Ainbricn'. Among kir.vt are in p, r ec .7 , , Ethort,orde r I ... . Res to Vj;t�h, -fly -sotind tomfition: 1A d is eqt in. r voi d,ctioug for th coming year- sot S' tlio­ I t, -3d �it F! . tats will, ptiodbra 'IlMibvwdl�,gm .7m tag* he. makes re-, throng a MOA0.4,14 'j)je, qxpoed down; h-'-" W�,d"Jjy e QU his patirell Cd; N� 4ie�, �C#4, cook' 'Pass, menaocjnw­-­:1. on 1;oth, siJei:s­of­whidh­&r4 f e ga to ql rd I _& nosL oNvers,fie N 'of � 6.reon.� I the will suffier ��titlo&l DAMAS heife.� are . I . turn" ov"ard,'' �tiialleiisj bung,,' know that I. am the on. 03 C, daV68, : Even veri!0­111 the Liverpool Aocks� Alld aly P h !dgewater oil) r :Ma�l _W4 b&ttefi A.J�attajjorl, tr for AUS . of t 'ptlblj4d bk fl6r the JoCi�g e 13 ri. Dif, Wo himitilits, of. r6b�belrs.' LoQ66 will be thwatened Ai"�& a biscuits, whose' Atilt f. _,C&ua '6 it 'triglatia, ate of gx�en- -cej4ibl� I) '�rtlth "Robbeis who stri�04- and '084"itoph6 'taking, ?likes i rf 1 11 . -an ingtiriet. t&- g*6d'reputad-on. 4�as the bea P.&A As Says Iirls IlL I th6 ' ' *1 4 L t1h, .. .. -ft" 0 AOL_. lz, t6he logridAt bug rouser, e V" oc fe.q n It comba-b a pie wh ch . *111 pairs ...f .. I-- - it bee he rd- Portugal �s to ete�'a.rest6riiti6n, of the -the' Manthestelr�. nu WIt - e qreatut his t�ons. When thiB fir6t-.6t;Eiig- )am lu 'ancient monarchy,. There is no oil and iviteii 'it 1;, ove'r tbe'.A,.�r- quent y. t ilk is I vrqi v nd6d qo IC(It -bb tjey�.Wa& 'bt,Ahe�i-heiit .9e1-*MchAesc1itd&l.4o "t av!&. V sel,1011 36y�rely beateh beba asiblis, , with aken, Carl&] kte,made of it; hiffs garments, i -1a will bA, red -asso-Clati6iij, "'it% 48 M,684ues, k'nown l'imit to, file durabilit� ot 0�.r. as Ito more.troubTe. with cokik. was In' no other pas"Se does Ing,' Theie, will's b6. blo�odthed And fir ro in 41 r shown -over the and' its clus- -�ffec bf the: wood '14�'here' t 0 Ruch TtAmin to 31 a ji-gafes of greenheart.; n pfieSt �or L'- the As aitusti6n 0 tomb of e evert worse n �t jr, Hungary, 'arid hiadqo in its world dolibfje &l ill.: 1�� tb th Rras�ey works by. their �owu,6r. -On houses, jQ8 a Man the, irori aceau n t Mi .4)ldsi n (lit, '4 ters vite�. Tho, story durable I -&d ii C"qY'A Washed T4�m- lea ng. Stephenson! jo 9jS and jAsi#ind, tr ra pe bolts and other. fastenings.. When cin gene.rally 1. xvdi 0 , ' A"tr.­1 ih 'lie young,. man', there 6me true one othe�rwige Jesus wbU14 not a, severe .,d all ru 01YIS, lie'kieenlilealt d oc e�fi. tgke-n bY k.e Itid h.11gerg. It t k. ire] lid Z7 about truth _1 o fix o F ii city of dieams..,' b Oi� you, I see. a I attributed -sud be avigr eavAt, bringin prbfo 'i thp, Why is it so fasc-inatingl" pool] harbor were.reM v.,i?d, in� or- - ing thiv'bi?4ro.rYrn ic tbory. oeas to' vite, and a..' Samart- charaict�er -it i riatfoboll life. A, tragi M, it, ply.- : . I - IL . It' wo�tlla.b- VWhy will it. be fo r 'd �l might be deepa field for tailway& jjLr d ' -Mr..]Efitch�ns. tan. Y, wfil-witnaw it new vopo'*ho *illl' t the Jratpd. T�ere sboulki be, ri mouth by the, Passenger w 6 an - for you to follow my. banjft� r. 1�i, The' be ftie�dller, to ifib: iioriateby, eVerL a delicious My tjL v"c orig- meln-04 in , w, �ideiaiedj, ilie Fdttiught it zi*�Willdo W' 'lie Ktt6d'*44 ed f.roui,� the West Africa YY in di 33, "t ;orrt!iqd-6X, ergy baA p'SL- it will be the"good fortune �Of Alit ypun Iiian did, tendered fqri a'por' mkd Two, babl ,qe,1n',Ahe palkant. in theli ud Abr'�L the to prombte po6 ojjL 9 r -onMroe I wa'r a li5wer- part ot re er Poo Y e edge 0 Crpnipassi R - .1 f. eamE cein,ing oe qW -.iiparc Prance Is to be Afflicted With .60 g ­Arab bo s lean. oil ih 'Auffer6r,,who was- Without d4o,ubt t arid induvi,tr1il t=fei, I wag''usiLd ittobuildlng,ithi� Jrewr` ­i� t I i a t t,- 8 t "t' (in e jSed HOW,, bl�kAshe4 & 8 the -wood' in' tlia gatds',4jf -j P ftAfne, s 11 t I U� t iu� it A& 'h '11' of rticiek Pl�mo du dng:a. �e4�qrj MW --9f-tihe.--basinL­ It to 16. hox , east. sttii4cii�n' of retmix is enin ItI aL h s t f the, *11P A". , I u4 W S: v Mileg h".0 fij;'Of 't4� Ij -moVieA-M 'PiL f a Vao -09rnk w�vd opfming R- tomring 10"ble,ofi, siLQkr.$leaxe, And -Ae U roluate; man. It w en.the, v tt ill tlio* niiddle of 7 our. Aft6r:Rr. trial lasting T14 dave fferr 4ohna. n i kndWil.. "Hero -�Tll AlUthe silii- 1 ndi)w t liA. L ter. h dra'w' slowly at Zito p woUilds, p Nlede�deiiWho O'ga c - a r e p CAl r-�, eeri' Ma!trj'er b At in I -on the In.g ouL -of the v�oiiild have b coiniks 0, mail With b'tsv-,s:VrL hi�, face, as'lle squats e 6 maniging director dersAnAhe lock-gite's'oi the al I -a Xptya of'air. In ad d I whe i it,.4ir hit stay in E�glgind.. his har ift il and wine -Note the tan4l-,,,,Ddrtmund,.�06rr�a�by. Wl6d. I bra-, 'legs tucked Unjer blrft� ical. doills giveA by Luke in July 0,! ma Canal are of'..kre�ethoart.* t we. rorord is efinp-tv fo� a short timto 4%6., lirass in 'his gols 'With is th lia 41 I 1 4 . . med 010 W4s Be n e jetelt y0'arA' �n n J_ h(.L. wirlidowst-inay -be 04�,T. opened *id 15ass o and i 5 BriO, He waA a, engel �the, 'e - ii , - bi fianlk� pjg�ud �flitt- -&e-- hif,6 i Gre pLiljjej( wo iatin -is irob&b Y Ow Tt -it 'good K) �v eA r foo' pam roid Fore-adot, '611j.4 oh; ay -r was, th e de cc ript& qi,�-the fi welit fo� A pitb 10 O�C- 8 'is. n6't gQ, a, pro 10tatice �,Ourj e 2krt Id ,th -.jjojg6 M. T w 6 shill ai) Art idg s.)ioUL of xibich dernpli�ds' th4t 6f*� thd city;' In (5b, as scii-teriefid r 1 1 1 1 1 -f 1� � . I . 11,,­.jjjk,,, jj i�: 1K, to resence of An alkaboid m6ch e transfi�jedL, �Jiillings (A-� V.,', pE de ef cbmmauder,- detided, t4) �j rv� Ulj.,r Av-ty Is bibifine -n this lofi& to %mall 'the ��jl an iA bu r, o O'klier ba known as d ........... %as asmire To Pay r JjA. PlaCeL. n ter a 7 "s retiir�p�d f1`01id a, '7Rc0r10l1ir1.g vby- :ppliatrEtt.6- to tl' �,V � let plo , s In '1611f U' ilix, tain. Goirerbor.. Lieut'. 'De a V,,t i 1.,6 d f4�iint� "ho dr wts:' the'e6ui on w ge o .0 mop t each, ell ully itgp�-giv�eil by of4bf Lord Bra.98e' 66 wells: i a taborer. rt was -6 silver . The b ar 1).k W"L anyfie, ytiri ago hilt lot, -thow, Y 11 oil Y �or 4 : t�116it The' lat�teir­ wrie, ireddiiih- ie red houmg 4&1*64, vi the b r6 W' 'of living. collt thitj e opp4rvahlitv -A gt AL111V the qhUtt6' ..himself A oppon6nts at tlie litnq ings. those' b hind tlio� bor it toiti 'thi adittal viltie. 6f w hiA wpii 5n'x'amill it ii 11i'lLriv, V"Ver- it I to do, to by the Q6 ;6t je- i gr tbsrn� On ng as re'a ak 11 ;11'16W�6d jor fretN�o -behiihd the climb - 1 TIL-`t�n luti tover bee r 0 wood ' t��-& �0.laesea to d�=w and -w%ih, solid '�eirw Av'R Avipt)l.v the bost kind" '�q)f 8f -o" abotlt'seVeh� pur � r Lzt6r On the titpftal The Gover eath Nfeb it t'hijIL it ev6, j - r knoW,, j ­ bar:, , . V 4frtL�tl, �. i di this bt&8q hi itig flowerh I er It, caviti,ei thit, the i "t lie'. 1 14 -og p ­­­ I .... .. 41r tqlla'l tq d otl't 4-- V t'd the- iiji"�,4m y uhtfl it re,fivhod, A d "��o' v61cL5,dy-ops­d'hwn V t i I i fifty cents. in 4�tijrf ini)k ­rj Cr' __W The 4PO ence 'jult; back raudulefit en triej JaUe typer I'll V ttIr' b), and 11)11blighed e tj '1 0.,. 0w A1,14 :1�, ae -t iell &e&ail ran's '"'hen 4Y,- ob6i�ed (hit,'O'hra made 1) 1 eT C I JAE ,V ge0W VRII jk4�A, J'I a h er M ak 'Ifi"d iry,4k At, ('Apj. �17jlc<yg. Ili] 6. d f fitsjjs�i ­h'PArk Labe, Lik�(­ all a 1,4 6, d'(4p, stvrelv* in id. the ifift �6* rdiurhing b� laylt�c 0�t�ts� w'cover up' tihe'biink'a 06' bfutk,l 6 eif- iho, b6it, was wkFI;e.d. I j- 7 * ditio �arj� he pwqq n. tWiee, I , geSttl 'Iltk eoMeS OM' L V�itjt, go' tA") Yfii dziievitch. r -whr Vac,6 �"f)jj q�rj In,. hi- t Whe the ftq.of Abraham. tr,04J� s4i� t opiAl, tr�es, - :4,i to, 604 for, a-.0)UPIL(� ()f and 6 ilt, of t le 41.11 % like 9-f4wth It n g�. a W ay 6ontibuoug ' througlt days) 'and -by ke and U"r. PAJ.rjid speik, 0, p�rvrrot a*& &,Jigndk4er,6hkf. .4 A, long timis �1 firo tit t6L. Thc�'JaV�V6r fia;Kj .&SICP a .'NV h () b#.0jjr my b Th ar;iblt vonio, p , tht"ie Are.fio, arihU,�) Ali 4001,09t UbeoAS40iout 44obditioli liv, rlth�r nature, of -Which bo 't Zjf tho, �ajjjLjl fo and -IV Pity"' 'TA t robablv db' -of fsxp� full of treasar6w.� 1 - Australia fi -0.1i pit A I A- 13 ` 19. 6 s owed hiffi. �that he i6tigh f" 'r ad, Alipgr6ntly no,�� it 1* bAhiffte� 'a#etTo ec-& W 1. frj&trUfjjV 0h on -M, Ajad! tbAV he 260 ye&rA,,'A quep I -wh6l 6 o�f r Pflopblr- , coneR 'L rn ,hifh9e4C*bfi th3, kit U6 16 hopel it 4r, undet op 441heaet 11t,' 1)'.1in war, $#oti, i1bold, tweifty e e ill t�b� WAi6r, ','Doing, WoJ) 7' 1; INTO—& T6'A4 ot- Am I tubeniilo,gis of the b0jijS LArt d. twg for Wpo Wh6rxt rev to tr�d An. -re 'to tist fe it I by' an bid,,,rly, an.1 7ho 9ph but mis disappeared, W ditliry� ii�ali goffit. Re.-wu taught, i4 the eitrfi6d y noeo. my-� ny inont-ho aq tM_o o , tj ng. m little too Meet who, ffit' MP. -411d bot to 0, c) po'lblifth(A' A 0�. mid h�is y a j kj1# fitten4tibLo the j,6*.yj, ^The 1�6)t- into h'i 46004,r�iio 'hiju It ii fiAke.d fhjt tdlt 13 , th '40 ft yh�6 r iniztrat-' A 1 0 � U ilk siued- him, �t, thlic b r t i Or fr of tbe, nonit off o :gettli)A' 64 1" fl' Mirk of thb . British -4,na thoU HlNtvigi this� fa+�bioii, .1 eehf'�Y-fj;e p,)j 'IndS t�tj 1,P it # 0 ('Vy 'o �dt ow - h 'Ir hjC I T16 SAVO, -Tbe b# thb, st ..ithe t l).aft -6 ft Mott of b,i*r V696-0, 'Ift veod 98, tbw V"fb­ddftrL)tbg 1.4, till too ul L NVI r(.tsi,5tg a, (4"tgahiii. b Pots" d s r46 hi]O ifiteift Of, in thingg" f" g.4 W L 6wipa.- d'66:ot in the worka. $3101 4i forco oVt%Y0'lVd -thejus nd `poii'lldg it is jitiiji. p6r Pot)ttj A A Vum A9- '1y do, lik-ewigi,." b t.h4'� gqjjrAj filth 77777 p VE h 6. n mt ft Oul: T -are cyntle V1. -t c P Ne -tuTaed-UP L j . 4.1 7777 44