The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-12-25, Page 5'T R 77 X �7T 7 7'" y) Sit my V is, L. Cx I m .. . .. I 1 1. 1 . 1, . � 1 -1 1 1 'It Pago �d Vil- MOM -7, 4 �mmjmign 00 360111 to �0130ppotomptit, twd a rw,44.re'th�ra,fsa ior%j'opqo w F In 7proaress", Oid 11 N W_ to have')j boirl- Ith' P BRUCE VNIT ar�' arf.6 n9f, Orovi ru 8 -in the, tq�vn last Y, w �, out a cent tillatile to MIN 114prls is, not 4dipgqcuntry mvLoh, RiM I pro05�icul Of flIkU04 froP141,ul- sOuve a plam to �p.end the 'that N, &,,,, c ni�il�t- asa V tione., gadlpr Me. V1614 P day Dee re The:re are'.,now three ruralin resoit� t1my peti d bef. r V61; FII43 Jx'eclinio,, to gi4e, �t e6f th e f in r jdl fj� 8 ot 4ff 4amp,jpr. 'X-,- r0u rt, c aqy feiends 01? Ae TIP'" _a _would, or rolites-Jout- of' W�a-IkII shortly o e hIgtake4'�Ix.ce -e- b e c 4 In-, m pp@� h ".w that country pouph, cell, Of 'coui,,,e their -,requeat wzis -Becton f9r a 4nont,III holidays�­ y u§ o iI -Niss S44i Pollpik is."hoine cI e object, is W. s o -me%i�,A&ys last. _7 -favor- tebip0ratim, 04(jily -gi-I ted, and the p -ving lieen, caII04 io, .air spent the t and., elfilo in -Ghderj&h'1 Dr, Or , o R E E.Tt areA !lut w Of QW40y, after seryip- �Nlrg.�Mij'on bi�'rlmun I X7 I It'On the'lary. w PD.—.-Hrant T -I q 4ite-.con tep t9d 1, Vr fp OA'SJF�'A�pp h FA­�- JbPeM the,wook d rove. 'has �6nter6d a n al w0lin 'of jacob 1�6' Ing tlle. 'C tl 8T 0 �j FR Dr "U.'Wake accompaniod-1) ar inakkq -i jal"1116 higher. 'PAnAim, FA 'ag is� SR -e- d ovi MA, en, 'at tie a aj�pp& age 4.6�� y b Is wife Xmas. peation, W-kh Toronto �riends, d t. which, reIbentiv.'ojidered 11) nevia,BrA � 4 11 mon .9 ItI ;parepti f mqor. j udg roo #qjIff n- t�.. --- with -its -f I-iliur,�s­jm Vim _Cq amile f' I 'up 'R a nuiliber of Kafdkinjte fij ccount o tie t 6ath of'he 8 It Ilusb, I., most- destrbyed -by' 'fire he� I in 146 Ol houW last iriday Iies behind, "tis tainnient agreed.,rt due it, is'said'to. the bad.c t;9I o,f 4qa4vi , lig, t�ndpd the hot.�llpper �lkiid4 la�'e : 7 � J Of jqQr n i�poclir was, a 've c W-1 !II i in',Du',; The 4igbMst we�k_ The' Arq:gta if 'ry aft, ts--berita&o. an(t -ex, o. act-vah6e, their-jee pt th d'il perieuce, an t ie gre4t ey m6dical on tiesda ejAer t churel the road- when 'an auto ,in which b( e en and spread ifl, -the, T e 1 ast highI q�. went into. effect bn Dec in ;,!scbo.�s -6a"t cai 114!uday, night 'M 0hodis n,an on w as ridw- If Set. -N V tf -90rey, of tile' I t usfis.j diglogge-5,, recita. (Iiia, .6oly, he 1paxned bv..Iivix)g. Tile, --lessoin, for the 6ix ppela r . 'P - v, er I hich, h( d",in th6kiwh 'CltilqIi�pll gave S�nip ell'oir": and repor t jl�, tf) and. 'lit t1l ..p atutiall win wit, I . . . a 6 1 .� wit Obod program, g d be the if�rjng ba' ju ment is, ve ry u-Pliolluja or e enattge ww�,� 9q. able - ]lead way us, acteclbi,- part exceptionalIt Th ment :is announced of y �nd.ls`tliero is jno),,ui_-h w4d ii Mi.`and M r�, Tbs. ttoe a Bdnson :kr, S re r! eing, disbovered by, -ell,amd inade. everybody go houle in 4ai I . 1. �, 1. � Ill , I A�j�qs QIA' j?Ii­ elauglitEirof Jo 6, ri I t reAderit . fo b ueiI­bbbvs a. njid Nifr aind -M aid gj_at�,�M Ppy inood.' Ippen, hn ha r t �_Jmos re -P P _1D 9, "Woke wer, t )e i i"ad rue 9,11 e A:,n its, IF Z c x0o, e-� -it-be ill 7 Hrd­iii, om.,not." -i l- !amrrwars. _Qf '_L axong�,Jw-e- e ,t6 le J- -446(1 Cc P 7 6ndi yet a, -7,A. z6fe r rhe 7i fe I& Ahl fie lower iI It ra 11113;�Wn iijzdro o :�. , -)Us OVI + _'I 0.-_WntJxJcI rmet aTIA171 H F Lakeg,'now of Ne, iffiiiije- n.. urpontiv a Th 'c ere is st sogi.6 p owinp, eij� b % one! 4 re&'I - ..*,Grove a, -ouple -,'o t, a clu b a' d 9� "h e _w.j4te -an- ot -,us All, ufeot tbe' ew ear in t te tru,e, e -Xvear Y p. afto -there to'spono, al -beee ase -a A indI t w4 I-,- forInier."'frie'llds; x1a _�:Rob. i-isher 6S roturiie& b e in In ptis un aySc ob, inNousuidt- . RPII�j lf)g'_�­ es.ii [ton. t�.,b r, _, """, � - � 14171b, X Ile �Splrit-o ()Pefulnes­�o -olid -iI -1 .11-14 -W t'S' -h- I rKincard 'b" h D �4. t , :L L . . ' ' ': _ L C 'r j . -6d "an . 1 0 c0 mrij I I n4atyoq,, It V UALLUy 'rove-ag :* - -, : -,!., r, � . . .)., , --"V er f _to, OR! C PIT the� de'L theG gai n e * 9 years father. .2, LUN 11 e LI . . 1, ic, -n�ke. theI ne. -be-n tnei'l , hll( All) Vvt s6v6r )-filer in C6chra - 0 0 or 'd -le re Sill 0 biiI e. �rpre i0n, 10I cII -tbep�StLv' r,�m �r And t Di ILI)el ?,61iffifted fill. Ndani R6ttl visit- ft itc� Agi,�_ay-6%e Y -id ire, bi _e FIL let 0 tL " 0� no debt. we owif, t k.'. -ofi, t, . D, ess0d7ty, -0 'out- Q Vt V. IVA— . c"evt Y, le ongat '51r. ram's 0 W -I i)l Ilel was a, - -0 us, oir -W ­11oF -17 v Xve iVVrj -4pp-reoidti ills' a ows a- 4! -that -ac Lq telld d- he- i,�_reoeiv'k 60- J11 iA&`�Gtilbt�rt wft . o g.j%'w�6k- - Admished :�y t1b. ;d,­�'-.'w..itlj.iI idored,41M in,'pea.s .1 . . I � em -in- 'heit - w - autj 61 li --t -6- 4s- _ ' 4�1-_I ut, 1), Says 91�2' 4,389- eelI als in j7xe.-Qn �e on. o o W* -'to cord '�incardi Xcepticlo of T in th -7 fiM664eet��4oafd -thea st: -for-over. man 'th Tw- , I' sure: of Am, 1 a'-f- tev M- J- Wils6n, a former.putI - E _qsqn,�- won o.prizes, t (I I t VSI I amect ..at;' $69,47.5,784;, 7 here late,)I r T gVee'IDL& and.-obr fbest --c I op, -c 6 m 8L9t) 01'0 Mr, Sun- dist q ur.c�i at . W`w jiler. and, the fi 1,578 :343-000 and Mrs-.13en. Lrivan spent', of 16 KI ).e tijion W�jfll A a day, i6h, M Af wljljc,�a r. and. 1I -Win'. ton: ;iM -Tbe�ivj er,, has justbeeii 000 lath I' V li�Vifi,gL -pry, 12th., co t vg-tued At �9 064 a2l' n m in them West, have re turn ed f bit MAR) Rix. P'R'gj'* hort th,6 b 'Uc A bo�: 6A�9 to Jqii�.T o ald �C ve �'w ir _i.mtnes, piI J;_8 of -H-U. 111"In br- f�6iu the' Gro" jLW ere e. Js now- in - cl­n r(y It J� and a 6 'now kets 1),urthi and iani- . .00- te.:i P6 ifor'IaS Tlibre, o ' �Wifbert-.-WVhq a ti�g ttwifled the1Xnia$.. tree. and, conceit in. $1200� per.' ear r. V3 -was, a. d cr6a PR SI�E R6 us; - -AiTD HA r �e loug F e c. er 0- '0 bet. 1 m -,thitt s oi�enl F '.N- W YtAR, 61 Uc. axi.,Abel, won. :ce ii th of.1mil, ro rit, n . e�.mt . or a -m-.1. ongram' or tho veil Ulree p'rize- -bil peas -and' i wee�� y;one f ihQther 191.1, this de6re"li'talcing-place in 6vel!37 s 0 . or orth Father Hal I 16� the -past �v I . . . t Province extept. Sa'�k,* is The- school er, ear f( r oriss� seed, %tchewan. there child gliendt n, arb havi ng a .&Vintpr-witl�-.,h 'brother th&�*�' C1111111*01-at Wal t qn*- Went 7 in to- I I.. _W_ XVaPo II and entertclI eht­Tj SED. we're. �eight� dej�i4jj&Aaat e�arii,�no III the enty. oin�r:eill` -,kind, -EASVLY' PLP,A Two you0j. &I t f -ji;y' woud sawn for, 4" Achoo Frid�ty,afternpom- us-A,xiosing to J)eelinei t y, yea rs e!-; otit spruce III tq -get r4ral- iiiail ai,.ifjvery� - herre.,*liL for, a. tern) to II -take th pla-ce 41 Flither IvIont I jki�&t ci�er:om)-thiiid.the cut, stid6eieded n a are t, at. not -C 'at The r��so�s' OAL -14 'A' 10 9'ihoot6d"'i� to, 'town frorn Ila th Vdifle T KNOW HARDWAREL& LUC ;a m 6-i!lid `io' Vor novef III i -.h -of wdrk.'-says el 4, to -yelie- -ay" ]agt'i'h ,rearC e order n' nied,�.' by white *41 A su fliiipieni irillin) C Rev. mi; Robinson i's t[I the, tr pilI th� tuff] Gaefi I who is, awa''V''on 4661 fir -and heiblocll:J tariied t dAep �_Velesc4e­ They came 'Tj At Li'-'afrt.I6 Wed'niiqday evening, It. being. the Widikeliton ;ro w ..o e post �o artnieh of'ill healkil-1. 'Jor" ------ it I h &s,a_deI '­' f -!�QhAs: Sh' X".5e m iid-t-1 0 1 ig I lopes dt'securing qnjay -is 6C-xb-.ATonday' 4- The to6p V'hich. 'i d' F '_ i0ght "but British 'Colunibia. ci�t, I didates'. em e' people of. n. in. the du inber of shinglie� in .191'2. froih rp�po I rts of Niarto, ..hey 4co ar ent y sc amost �one Ill f 'WOJ�be' place 1d for jr)U Jj jeip�j' file -the quantity uiling W teim ' Red 'Ced ea . "r honors. -'It;js thediity'of ra j 'rod eXCI tepayers tf) The, - p � III of I -b 4 . reS6in.t­­a,-t - -thi - '--iiiee�bin t; a ecrease of 6.1)'pex cent, sprd6eiiiakidg- up ove ne� tliiM, 01 t r'(+;6Lj8e Of -nie nI. plixdod b difbie the 6 � .. I - . i . 'duet. eoj) 6, oe'election. prQ p The �89�-0. per cen:t ia6rease -in tbe 4 10,t0w tliy` 1. aMi. -dTc idn-bf-iijuare timb6iI--iiK RuTd -ek-t och: itor for'this is the first increase- since 1 8 C s St",I: Vaterma'! �77. nade. zup,-. 6 3 Z-,7 ­�c6nt�-� -n-d Pe,i a T ]I .88'� uegdlan- Imenj er 16. 7 per .6;efi-t, bf.tho, amoun't A of V e ex -p de t rsoh visit d friends, ortied I ms Tesgie;Ya K Ing dom, 1.4 per,cent to Te 16-flifi t7riUe4 d: in �p 1, 97.5 por ell iy6ift' ili-Pinkek' .1%st week-' P n y, o on .,Ie t WaAer 'L . I . I , �P, m -tbe-U.-Mted States and -A i -I P ent, I sh er. Con x JLI�r_ljz'jb��,n L11I , I I -P, III a fit V l6g r6ld McLeod 4 -7 7 T 7- " Y k m �f: Detroit,, 7 -very stockbreeaer .0 r esirim;�, conjpI Tdesd a GI -lC$Ljj" a V Dec6i -results from -nows _h` I 'ea n g to get III e, est Wa ;'e fix 7? 6 s. a I T �n J. A. on returiie y�. , p ch=4s4afl, F. ; . ' 4,§y§ q r mr,- n T d bu­. -.b xrI X ­ 'r ji� as a'visitor- att9-s-0 -W, be ren wi-r­ Ive -in, a, pro 7t:'L.7 J- ell. e. on to hx�t`, v0I _n er- "TORP_ onday 40 and astonistlin resu �Sl -ed n a '-'s IN'T'is S R ate At "If: L jL - Ty, t e st* 'ta S o k a III d, 1.31 y T -ax y an ajI in T "h 'T em-Tii :ant im -T. ew, Y ear-., e are p1II J, y- .:s U Cie -it w edi' 4n-d._!of!,p'rf)per tempb _aIII A_�_, P I , . . . � L P I Vy$11ang tier - paredtai a f �Tf Mrs 6 R, Jos. faiI f tb V�; -7. �-j­ _7 f liicheg;.�w 11r; and' Al I of Ripley, t-20 'n 'NicDdhald 16 datli -Trough--1 �ide Di6,o hs: 118110, 1 N e, in -i h PbLe!!-;-O-e'p�t.h,-'.5''iiiL(Ihes;-weiglit 06 4joij u -atten -0 (I ds; or d . d ng 5 I A_ -Ii egchwi -_7 d -here 0.1 _j ;F -vp-. -a- b and Mrs dg 'r. 7 Ih i_ �, �-The1l r ki,689 i� at- . .... ... as -w 8 r U 6eq arivien on reques e isI U e 9"tb ' teM_e&ihe'fu I 6,f -flid latter' -F 11 matiomabcl' pri int ei 1166t 7prograiiiiii nera A A e e. d xervoae E . ..... inl Kin, -_(h )are y -t- iesdholars;a % c -M-clkeniiitt .0 d7fashi6ned omliibus -draw"ll.;-by' AilL I' John., t.�.­ h ac c - or;ses is,,a Sight seen. It e.critic�vj f4tiker -till h A te u V -1 te, 'of 111 bvi n Q -'c.?f- g -c U or tural -W -ne�i 156 hood, r c conditi n F -IT er fr er.Woo( K.F eA j A1.ek­'1jje4g'L-_-_0 ­T'6d --th re a�ve e p imire it its 6 d have carria tit tied h ollid, on Su�riday - after'a w 0 e�s of us�,i I I g ges r 01 n W of tteir cI visit " i th h e'r' . mother, I rs. Peter -Gielhrist. has befin aj,)poIntdd Tas: jjarri P L Presideni ()L fL the- tioll The 9peciiI-,serviceq_wbich ba' 'been positiIoti o'f H u ST , IIIIIS6 the p r6gress or 1) , ast'.66 wce1r.`s:in,LV W&II. id " t... se reta:ry ment. of 'I. OL is , c tire t to a; ft" 6h, .­ -b h was I rl). d6pai t U& cicgd.ml!�8,tinday- evenivig. go 4.1 . the,Co.?sb ng'PeASIl.rof blie AI 6 -rV HF181- --y Ile' Fdin_gW'-,,�;e T. Ross Sortolh of �1161,14ster Unive. AII s jfow.- buij en o pftst -0 tire morning 6vehill Wee you ft �'have ied npo-n 11 a improven -5 k *i 'the eel 61ii p�eadil* i�n ibe B. ente. ebrad of the t n the, old, woo&tj ity, To r6ntii, Will b b an d g on. SurldiiI D�' "n is .'2 1, an ­ test - e a t Se .111V1M-1.ry­L0f the V�ry:, g re .2 of c, st' d 28th. Se L'ill.' and* 7 r 10 io NEWS FOR tv�ll' kiiowili ha -.30 'ji, Ili. j o tonis. 6006 1 th 'Th6_S-a4" f e� W rld Z TH'F ViDg�bpbn stqd�nf astor P 'W, I _T 'during. F e coI o 0 OC' on mouxi e ; - It r S- S a go D pye. Tito Baptimt r othef's because the J 0yous 'one o youne a. old an4.-' I 1 1. . . have b6gutiflil'bait �RL - hdr6 ifin ier, montI .'C 111�_­:,'_ I.. :�. ­ ' ­ . L �1, -, - , C&F --wx -r -a-ii W. I: V HAIR bs�,h ere'of ­ d w men is a ways;a j. their X11m. entertain 9 moixt :on T Po sday Begin OLC�hjvbIow 61 givop proper, intelli- fit ge Pidrey.-of' Wij'rtO has; -461-ybw . vo",,19­1� :g_jVj-oP:g al4d care . 'tion, er Lb.'�_Jl ojh�rs envy you,' Use, '.e OK and then'L let b. L �,trjri II engaged for.the-ev. uW Meniord-te-this, mostj "W -ei e t' e. :'I Wiitit ib" ighly rec6niniend6d �fi-d a.good HT 1-iquid. he j�g�Ltjj�j �Xpre mi nalilat iqiT eaila en Y­P­ -a' -e adverbi'S-001-d-fft'�gfffl­ -M�ff&k7diii­ _.tt $ ............... _tIc ake "-the aii glo, ecia To Ili, III SIR Ly'. soft 'a ii & veNbody, colne'. Silky. to, hiaku it easier tq-jjutuIJihi r t e. enjo Men Of wish 111at ea6h'hiay, h.a"V 6:'bf sim d.. ".IsUk vat), )Obb� -wiv� fol to. restore NI Mi�s. ;Charles '00'khm�n; AIII To to ko.ii�..Iiair.�thQ,�Lv�ell-geo0iliL-(I -Chr" -ni' Glaillisi was th -erV HaPpy'... J�jj �L. e scene of A V adal� �,rai mNn0e t �6Z��to 'A. 91, n e ' xe . Oe ing we4a I , ng., . on t ' te L 9 - the ii, L -.the, unpl6asant oily ador of s in -PlieVIOUs yqars Wi ........ Ali .: I j IY overcome 7. dayI becelliI �6eh.l wheii'their diltigh a -it J d .1c, Vl4 in--ite, I a d IwAfftl dainty, fro�h. rose- ftacrrance-:�Harinolly toe� Sarah Frances r,"I d­ uni e I If. III Ili L_ in qua 41. . I P`31 ri,�(ye to.,Nfir,'. Richard, 11or we puit-6 hage'd, a, large Hair j�bitttifiC'r wfll Please you. oe ypqf y Mabor, of 'OU C soppy 11 1 1 d 'S k The ImI couple iver6. r alendars . lnoiiiey­bac.k.: . Vcry ea:sy t �I 1= as 'You hAv�-trie(� thex ;'Al tinie be -I brilishing :it. Contains Xf�hon, 1� tiede o II bri.d6 a6tcd d olor of fhe W St. III() &I ��' Wi I I e c o tr�: f6,i� be, custombrs,. -site that on,,6 should -e4c of .',800 - go in G not' dhallgiI Ili 'flowef, girl. I .. The-: Ieerein(I -Nvas. I haj�,. nor daiken',gray'hair. ii.. -by. 66, . - T, form.6d at 10�30 -.A. I' Rev 116 g1j, %1xistor. of, St. 'yOLI'b �t' C�lj as' m) (I. sciln d4n6tiff-frob- h61nes. a.Ve.no! al'rIIIiady. received OLne. wedd g breakfaSt.,� thi, and eloap, 'tiII;c H ter. -A Lihty, in artn'ohy'Sliaih�*)6. "Th' brid(, Alld,igtqolll took Jac' 2:U 44- I(plid 8bAlbpob giVei; a'rich'lathet r Vour's as, a e 5 train f6r. r *1 All -vOo 'I fd t oiA� JQ III-1-tum-c-Ul y -1) e, - -tro.aJ-4-,vnA---ot4m — -(, Nf(, I netiatues v5, 61NV ry: 'y KA .3 hd Scalp; in�it6ng Ili q6ick, 2, s a hafidiome hangin Ia_­__","­­ WL ­h. ,i g a Vie bridli.4ns'onb of' the ill st 1)6j), part of hiir a, 0. litl p r p�i,, . .... . youi-tigiladies, -of the dist�ict. tid a -ho ;-, AS e:d ClIr a's Ti�de f Vi�'n mk�y 1vosperi y hatin tho-Amir; ftIi� Id 'Ch in the, V#Ie' 'Feb - e ea urch Th 1) r 0 & ell tire,74)erati6n juiekl.y" 4- t�&e8 6111y I.Jen s mi wis The "' �V,111 . 1,01do, in 'Rask' vileIc they 'Wili V6 at h 1011I 1101,11ar lne�,,S pr sioickinless-tJust, After t, 19-14.. rtia y D, c' -b I' o dd 0 rojm,ktf�hs- ell s iIli,.1yod, R very ornambnb�fl hottlesi, with SprinItler -GREATEST OCEAN MYST toP§,. 11-crillOnY F14-ir fk ERV 7 NEW Y.Ek IS -GIF 101" $100.. S, T, )0c �'13LOtj' 171110I)y Milli, o1je W;II 0" t J. are in ppeop e's mm sI. olown 01 eted With- $Whe 14V I fe is A ­t:wlieh, we in ',ha e.�remeibb t(,T..d to safisfy-* �bll iii 0ery r t e dee.1 1 4! Just now Nvhch tra4djq8L II jug we �0 yom, Ifloney �ack. 8old in tjlI4,c(1)IljJ orlous lafl; )p Of III, t )ost myst 4 III yg'fl CC:Urs.,td -tfg �llnnity &fly at�oil ex, 11 the n a, t E 1. 0 f file tolry will be- (A . ` . ") t e h4s' - beep h4d mI tlyin 7,060 le., d., stort 1ifilid-WrTO Ofm "tes of t,,,, d did� V flit cre is A Girt t C�_fjr kils. 4" ofli 'dy, 15 �,_,Seft -V -rw(]"jj ` t" " Chr6 I— o "' GroafqAIQ, 6A 6�,Y" and' tW Rfi 1 'big ftarmohy Obra'tf)rics, TorolItty the M S -led' h Sl t We WV6 Stiril 'a 'la 1 '1�1)edfI 131. act es tile ill o n. i,ftpi'i�es nly I t1ta", Wis 1 0 tillen, i n tl4a­ h Of pro- �y Where q colebi­II Hli� P d d tj e, rtit 'Ard(I for this PbrPOSO And. s ilr� fil-kid ';L4 ' k -Tile,- vulifof ildbittl ffiy� e to ber do e larg, e,,, I Ga'i, tj et kid i III collstructet ' I .'a . vrd fill 1 S"ll d It clasg. 'itlid Toilet PrVi)A N! r of flin %tviii, 'CqJeSte j". tr n ' ' ( . I I -Lial - -'N' "I hitdd, striIp -6 eft, 18 1 . StOIT 'Will take pl'I�'. b 4110'W.' tile which I '1108tob,ifipFetTtllarv,� �76.witli maiI ed aiid e a h I � liet'sII oil bolird'L ijI�jjIdjjl'g III va I, n ts d. 19.11, tailiI "aid lit -tie datil*41te i,80111 k6e6 On the 'road w U W6 Are's�ill' el'�,oylll other. Mak' 8'6t ist ei� slid' - off, 'B' weeb si er,s te Nvaq Sig ed off Ui.bral, I Mr flobhison ani littib bdaes drew board. 1 2 sizes-' at-fd4�4"'itich ;ghbeiftl�� w 'AS4.61 son is e - - ----- -- . ...... visiting q Nif", Th6iII r)��Sam V f,6.�o was Abalf-consuilled I� I.IbI:IJ�d II 6d balI f6difft'not a sotit on b6'4.Vd e le I on' 0)e, ch'bih table ft cllifd's' i�,Irlll lit a6d: the, 4;apt�in'svimt6h i'mijoying 'his holl days under t6o"pmm6trd roofi. by lit belith II e r l. wriQ f*,Circullt h pri yas )fld ty er, so of food and WIL v lastI week ang, t4t a,fina boy at g If 0 V S Aeif ei. n /Th k, ft- 6W, d 8$` )fb, j" to the J 01 who RLIled I tOW BOI a I be conlra 66plo tulated h6i ?11, W" no A 7` 1. 41 T,