The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-12-25, Page 4- , Z , � , , . . . ,, N- 11 1 WIN- -7- 7 �7 ce P. T' owl OW COUN . ... . .... h' fh6 'C�LretiV�.r ra t — a j Lialy 0 tier 7 TOWNRUP WUN 00, �nttt 011, P 4-,N p-iyq6 -t4Q L�� rpr lie authoriz it xi+inthappeiiO , I " CL 'A: A - S 18L 1. . �, , . I ni as follo�WP.- %.the aj� she4 every Thu wv't,p �10 )), � , i of Saturd-.v UK. 13 ay"nioraing 0914 il metas quire ot�v, ti for rent.61 hall 9tite4o. I L , ­n's Concert, a boj i4pley Cheese the. home ff J 'R, GqAhamo uda, .. 1, mms­ ....s 15 41�d!A)Wllohip,uall, Wo0tat near rl-S e WRAJI in anj.Buri,ter,0ott%pmiy, 2 00. TX1 k iple With ReOVel the,14,1;oShot Road in'Asbfield. J. Men e ;ill f4, 'By-law, o� at etg�nq�� e, phaio.L ibers were, 'L P 4, �-lit. %6- 14 412, to) appoint a ng, K 2 M'- b d91" 6 " W­ -uteq -Me,6 Jug wem, -,-,Te JLTid �jla.J,X f e to Sl­of­jak�t 'L,111411 �tlon 9 ar S I AY b- ­f I "' e Qrses dopte heii'bi? !I ih' W�asliro "pstmetedt under Z e provWouR oi --T- TTJ� 1)Wp4")0Pq,Ar*iq to,he d by 'Mm. 00AU h re*"tbeLj?L away, liiiA t h 'E T," YqOr S, Won- - orm, :,Prs lunicipal Dra�ioage..Acv`�.upoqjhe toolk, f i q' "VOUR FOC r We. a passed. viz' 7. L '�peution-o­t W. J. Crawford and 'others, out, the w;�gfijii­ b ling. -K t E R 'L 777= tiatoesfm. John C611ins, I ®r 6 ox turt verl­o, Le6d ;Wa;_ _d", signe an sea , 6 (Y 101' nianaged., to. h0d 7 , , , d, L --The q for sheop. killed by'doz-9. 1), B'� Ivre d led' t,4q.rg W, jjbp� tong 1p�" �ec redit skL p; be's KtW:16,'-tj W -t, -),f=-! 7 00, for t e. ock,,2. 40� for The',Coducil,upo.4 thp 't h autt ��bothr­jje-' 4. Poll Wre of to - SP t"o Y, our pa th� Ana I C v.e trons niied'aaa baAfea it)jj� 7`1:28- 6 Q " - -1 ­ I - - i rne; W., L, , I'% I n a 7, 5,0 Mo. bill with only e ta preparal -jehallt% W S�: en a, 039"aunno, IpSca'p r - I - � '� � . . I - I I , . ­ . I . .1 y 4" L irra� e.. in. i v v B '11,, 3 68�, for gravel, ad severd shahwg up. n f; jotirned%pinp d ,r ervice C -4gus M erk. tbiou�k the noq­pq�yment of accounts;. f A exceptionall v alue, a so, quick .,'iisfacto 6"A"a a 0., MAW L rtwf4d, .20, for 91 pplies -Or CAN ;G,Tmz WARDON.—just el -be e,v,e r y, e �j 111'.1, te f!�ppptrion nd 'rill lo extra, wod III Towuship, 'IfIkill P#tmenio, W it cm.%tea a. great deii f the blo:4 ng of the,D.ecernber, f _t� e -way of, bdokk6epiqg and �the making BOARD OV 9'EALTWS&L.- -W, the County. . Coianej],L od Frida 14�4u, T'he please to. s _bow,yo 1 4 �,a a I y�hin 0, n --e$. fhat d r diffi��rentli' y in q is U 0. �Oxford,. M. H O�, 33 00. j-' N "jjjjP K of lifair, to, the honest 1. 1 1 ,, . : %VajA,6t, Ift0bert 'UC]kaj, Tucker - a n, James Atontgom Augur? "0 UNTu �0 I I , , r . I I I L Wilkinsb cry, iy'for �',vhat t4eY &t- puichasers who,'p k L ClAt ope reW, (loWn aiW--beat, ry of, sap�f - �r a Wn a the door Tivish A .5 gal -oafie,,. n !yLRr-2P :for f We a Mry- Ur__, 4*ttle. a er ip Qoduioh d�l ic -Ilnp!31 wing ml" gro Bushell,- -W"6�6ehalf-1 The. isides% an�­thi-,Isa,iii�a gudd wl) h hqvv furnished to - V, uidoch, Q-1 the-- 9th - e --m A �o 'th' t he 6rd0k d6ch �Calup.Op uti D and, �eeve Of Biihk gf3 ild "n d' r:deq -A -Y0 L 7 77 Bxot�iV,��iind -the �-A�dre�,�s w� �n4aa �Phen, 4aMA 03 7 W. -D. an t e town -me, iV­ 1 -1 --- 11 A'. ge,4 L 11 ..two ye� r's' Contel T,�%ihile in qudra N. Evans or. the�, pa ers, f st -W,..4,' ge� Eli -Th6-mait-6rder:iwas(�,,,JD,--,A IfeCri6imori, 1*9� 36; L 181n pro� a f �digidfbetants On -06`-Boar te LS AVILY ;Ij L . L + 'in a "te vv a get-S'Lt 04 Price',alongvitjI n mi 9�­Ziita f , I -f L�, On, Q hw Warde, s at, pproplAa In a n Q� R d Vil. handsc '�oak,,."ca: Al _90': or tte ca onging, is rop �-iqeh goniza ion,,: d Ways h%is It"ItS treasury d Soe�ial, a (r i - or -da thanke, tfiel�.opu­ 'I ors e We. �Ift. Fj�ietl, I �'A%. for blick.�mith'�, .1 aiu<).:nqt o money t ' '. : . I I at�winh%m'hav? F their po erchant Aoiifig,a Sh6lt6i). z 50 'bI%cks&,ith`s 14. a Id, `ug t customers'.. Tho towil in. 00­�thb­, em nwon sL -P r'edit, bu�Tess, gives ut ary. 9tb. w it. rry ppb:W$' 7 d'' h VI -11 to F ep� a an L 'e] tombi -al.V- the r­att Con ave� n -all dtifti-1dw-fieri lif ec­- �4- 6. d mi.ted,... r U e, 'e B k tg - one tions. Ripl�.y -.0 -a recent Sa willisto of Clinton,' on: . ....... opp9rcqui: i, in - eit poc 0 .9 A r to el6!:rhted'- his �Sh 11" ween, st - An ci. ao De�' 4w I h . . �%�nt I -VIM -jo --do -W f Rugh Henderson, 1, .50, or,cu�t� !0- ;V town, -home-4f -Sim :,Whitafili-ld 16rmy 0,. Sui r- F, for t e battle i;r approacp.,:�q. r C 101, 61 in p6 service 'in W b idg& ou'Lake Sh6r6­R:).,W- for ten., when, her,, 3:oungest'. (laugh -e.viery D6-rclya� d6z.:'Silver Tablespop 118. h ­t6d in "M'al-riage., ilied- ua 9 n s I -7-461in Saw the to a -to Iva, wa-1, unt convenioilm-4f h ent he unioulit of $15,6A, aijd'fqi� 4 !-doz. &1ver:T e= U �f. P 11le douar,� is, tile. to t 'to nave pure -tp 13�6 -h �add 'P g, %Xk:en argement, Wit an -14 1 * 'ho f t6. john Glimble 2 50 for, hl�,t the nia� able, to 6,M- A.- , . �C*," -ran ker street, Metbc�iist` efiur6, Sarnia 1.0 ly-Siig even fo W t pl� iAies c arge se6tte 51% haulil V�oniptljf at 'eleven O'clobk­ the',oth hi by' vttrv�ng, :S 9 c6� osettle oc' UY. n. er ud' --trim� Shore ofip� plant.,f t caslono Ming bttish, ak Itl well 7-known-�that many will bLll� - "Is 1) l 4SO Wn 2 00 -eu eF' glue -je Akabel LWililoa-,-d - �m is Y' -on, Pa. 199. Q f At:�Fi ing Ivt -a Ashfie)d, iiiin-dir-son-d b credit�-, ItAgs tUt.they*ou:ld,Lai:id eon & nos At I . UK le w r )ly, gow ii., of hi te Spelal Wdrd -pay aet al(in- with ut'iithe� ha& to it- ep, I Ash - - - .Mi i�r white".sii1c iallibroi lered�. 6av�e �bes airiok washoutpu� bouaaary o An,, f "eforth,: We' the t 4's Police T field rus- 7, as. rained, 1 '7 the rooin aW �Lrded 41omas t t ways _FUfL� dlice Vill Y. T"Wv- I i ' Gen-- Fist-mas tr 9 teisof. the �.p Of rith shado*, b the time o pqrc n Paymen al Riple' inent.of-Camers, W,,n 4gother igavt (Iri gkw� easier at-somelkde e ayn;- -w;ho h" Ly. tie ­�a 7, e6hienient it, 4 1 .� 1 1. - - id ' d--.-Wv- W`Mv.. e. Thu eii 4 'On] Prices "oM 'cererbolly -was con ucte t 6. T' rrv� [arA-y,. -7-the ui.......... --------- OIamber' Herbert. Farrelt T2 0.0,' who a�va -rom, a wise econ6myj- and Witt &W 1� I Till ong runis w i I -- r W t 2'. 00 ner 4 UNK '11 n v &�,,,30 0, e .,. .��l fo all, 66beerned. to YA 9 e Goll�G ORTH 6' ess, r ardW­ ge omp­ Li6c wiiWlii�Rfi, uf� at,Lots� and 27.,, G,'dor Sh t whet by a vh6uglifl N ering. :%nd 23-12:1.z t I �on, a good deal Irom-, the' 0 of-:- h aunbutce-that'on i4n0ry. No. 27-,2,,% P. culvert on bo S rmgurzt -41 P n rY, 0 iieh el �ln ry, bullett h" not, No. 35- 9. .,account books and goupon a ose their 0ii: U4v-gr.EcTED- GAMR.��T loads of 8 d6li ty. culvert- -i neA d them6ne�uiarketan theJosses, troubles, D. �abd d iie COUU�r �to thb. Fb�dyvicti W&661 bag- 'h 001 annoyances near ii b uu Ing rou, t he Puc n re� s cien a d' .' i " 6i'load bt 'th '�rh,the woo is a.- the-- ep a "lLT t# 't �ra.i�et at ace ted t, ;Ii nnqn,pu� lq 8 1 n bridge at -Sideline :i5 -,-:-Con: 12:;,' bl- it -j' d Mates,, croning ;a rid ga h at the T�eswater- d son W6:7an tand th.. Elumertoq, �5c.,. for battilig for - nw'--at of- rin a474 y -no M urdo6h.'­ G b4ft :tz4t t _1;& olaq�el bai H.a'ng1i1g,4# co 77 *t45 hidbe.6n blow 6r re in--- ied A u li6 A, h h ge. st 'axfd� har—awa­�ef� Qi 6t r -tow I dram t, is, uree eWeS y- b oq �the�: mar - DW id-Jali on� hauling Tads" 0 0 a Odit th;*IL dibrs 3 00, and covoringbridg, being ewer i ill 'for ibout. d, %nd in 6hants." but, putting ger o d 66 railine,- foi,them to' r:At Lo6 43, -bourichiry,.�-of Ash- the end was pot .-Iinex ET tra%.*"�tW%ii)�iiiodi f I t 1Think'ing 1 it ea -mer year d field :15a d Ps. ock- 10-00- hauling loads:of -Masonii:�;ailfd­ rul oajump, in Ltd' P lie. will recognize the 6f ND &:§ONS, ad� 'to Iie hope&t W­ eire er h-, f6 a*j6� of two lo' Ps 'hpiaest�-piii- -01�784,ugeoutR-oxd on this trapj an as t his' -e in rebuildinc� the pArt �pf th Ir ft d:'., 'LEM 6ed LUU . . . . . . toot on t WS "b 4W sur p); of 7 nawing r;Lr znec; " te, IM. iaoT put in W pompar '14: d -out. n1, n on and -..,if inil y"P�aid t6r"the-g6oda ing out -ditch f 6 00, for,616an] rom onl' W gott IJAV Wi wip W611for, oqrk� the­-gqoda�bbii d -"r i -f r' u Vly-swo�lleq n ore. -e ka the-metcliants-boo a interest -ow- bil 4p ii-on-Sidbline .25 -Con. E, inj the es 4.� Walter. 86,17%'-2-06, -for putti foii� ron ;,and-& fefin street Chuch, To rout counts, t W f atn:ob f6 r �-spper t !a re ust be 16ads-of gra-vel ofi,eub*tat,Sideline,20, �of.Atex.,',.�Mustai�d--,Briieeget 011ie. :,..CULR0SS`..00 CIL e ei VN 6i r, Val . 0 S, otk6f, se, the -merchanf-can o a. -,Let him do -,w i"Iaey 1.9-1-3 9;nd- 2`001-'.�61%l ver &r' hi b �ss `haC. qf careta40rW 'in -Sivitier� 96;fli appeara'ac 11.1rd �,P,6r,fer-C�I�,;.,�-s�crvicp-..,,,'*IT�hi--.Ly,��,:h'a w r ..ry olli.74 M. USLU4 spend [host; of the: intd -LLre�swa6er Decem r 15th �,ty extra meetings; total 1- 60. Henry 'Dah� u ril V �Can co rage a cas be 'h- kyst6m ua er lan& �,He i� accomp4nied ern. still further 'i6l r �UjjtjC - � r .. .. 6h i n6r. -4, 37, for �yotk �qll I The -06un t d prq e und son a -their -pay f6r,"-what-;: -f b '20, O6 5 J_75.r '-for and the�kr lso by ast: wee Ing wete rea 'and actg'l)te withok -a riva. O an - ee,, Miss, ObarterVis. instrong— -Thi e, aeei I ani6i4hh 'ber-.t -k an no ingro.., ing 40 yan s A ter an ss o ,is orb d�rhtio�il,' "tej' d work on said,. lifIl l"n fl]n(I jeain 2.1 4nps�n -Tj'iit -the� Reeve- wid"Cdandill6r case'.e 40in ctured to-da�'. H s 'Opt l'Business daysi Gideon," Ruttlo�. .1 1 illne f. en� is a i t. of ih6 diff -iiid el 'to inv6stigate thEi;.C1IIVett ".at 10t 12 6Dn We'llave tli6rotlgh "boft"�Q .,hVF!N0, BY TEtEP110NE. of, gi�avel - f -'O 2. loads .,:,f ."ston' tofal Itobert 4, arters, one. of- the nit* t wid!�,,, a. ut yolurs pr a$ nd.. aitkCl ty" P. Shortha as. en a, pidt�st against tid'prices In 11j, tin& rS o.. ettolln A41 -1 2 J." :'JohnA,161�0r* -Telftr�Jtphy, department &vert on Con.. 7 atL )t 17 And. 'It,ee, the in. s iind -ed i -the 6dlf ioad, tofa, We� oger ell iway. bi�-his h e on r� I n. coulpet uihti�g -Thatlas it i§, -Amt kewaitbi on WeAth Air. Char adviiitages. �n t ot, offer6d­ elsewhre.- o, '6,01th cTv,,b far T&ompio.nL45o6I&oii- j-D�_ c9qrsp, dpes tpp y in ther 0—e por 1665-76T' 10 b. VO ri, oblt i e .2.00. wire todel C. T is. 75.th.. �year, and is sar. .'Cycl y7w ere id,;,Sideline, . ., j .1 ..,Of'' hne of roa18 j5. (, C1117 i, ife —on I ui-lip-to4Zate g PA V, 7 ya, put on ertain u7rdo or �egir y6u Nrk. 40 an a . ami y. where inciSt, ll�ede njoy. �;6m ginning, to e e, d f `i�ciived our� fr c.�f repairin�bridge 4.00 A rt�i Spe I ...... 1.50 't�.io� it'at, the -Advint P, �Con,' -.8 at 'That, e/ the�'ratepay of Ages- of" eivilization a Lot 3 M L . son -3 an( wo da ti ters. The funeral n onee. Aflim iij, 3 ptitbirig in e� r ei, 116, V�bo -took place on Th t6 A "know if ifie�- dO A �e. den4ens r of' t. et �md�y aitlaild tun.ity io,.'vote on it to mcLACHEAR Princisal. ' . ­ . ' , I . af� Side'liio � 26, ' Con. Allan , , & ­ r-, 10 rd. q,tay I lve gradt'a 1`2�c D JL: C Bank Cemetery. would be"Willing to' oecasioi* ly stray. rom Neiv Vsca 50c., repairing brido:e. on on ho 1;i sliort r 0,, AV, B4 Me' nton, ............ Ines thb stor K... ieth McLeod,. IT 0 of a -farmer W -n plovla;. Xeni P(_ Ont ime since; e,.on- cem, n c rac on on­.� 2,,at ilitary Ing Vq1 p 0 SaW Ir ino se near, i*;. balane t ebi ost, no une P procup -L'6t x for- �g*�el'i�-rli---'6Wb,rrii!�6ii�)n,:-,as Lieu- ve 6 190 yar s new 3 teiiait, in'th -Ist Huron Rei. go itig grave con r - was oil range. line -and of for "cement tile frorqi�"y�h6jlja$ Od 66 D" Y A., w ne as to'b Sapdy�s' A.a�nd putfiTj in en in n t�wyy headqui 7 "MAS i� outdon�, tua i0mer Ile u ivert i2 75.: chu . ­ �. -9,) - G�­ 7, neiihbou'r b 'phone an Vner,.ocontract grave ing eyeT,. -fqr.-gr;vyq, 4,74A 4, Sideline 10. Duncan in eulv6it con . JkL o, -Kh IBEL look t. for a'GII WoOs� goi i. 1� a I T -E$ VXHAR, ��e'coiidi armor was rea 33rd Atirm I Permit 3i, 6' Re�iment, is jjt)USEr FOR S.kL"iFs:..iN ALLOWXXCKS.�- THE, BUSY H -01IOARF. 'pbtWn'an arr I 20th.. sidetv .47 *4., ed the-dioose. re tre�, epr66 b n I d I -�� , L - .......... . a7 Wed Fr �provslo aserj,deputy-,reette, 6 10. 45 0, Do6.,22, 2.3. 24r, Liz�zits CO James 'G. ie. corps, ntract are nfor Tip, NmT WAR61W.—' At the �ouui- v bowidary, .34-07 'J F AW'decht6i, -5:i 2j; jlSo 48 0 jdllld]t;_ 99 'Wfti _V00 Rodeiick' yards-grve nuntil I 1 4 66' De�i 20, 30, 314 rown, cout 0� A 014'' 33st e. , Aydar4go.an QUAllama girl, adv God reri a- afy, 110, 0q- filiall ty council me 'A ft n jatl,., 1, ptlttindl -1913. and Jan.. Ir 1§13, a tiged­at'ii. cost for a husb&nd. a y .0 week n, Wasi, She vas' succes aturd e . I � I I � � I � I ". 1.., 6 ,-_ - j' 91,60 Ddnal arfd- -f - ardeaShip­for 1914, kood f or valid for returu sful, and, on S� RV'h� OS.. g indt`ilg6&j'n.as 2 on gr d 163 ave, r6A lotal I Slim Vrlcm NOW Tet=A. 1000� or, pr, 0 Of $90,988,-, 5; Aboth-er installed of , t 6 �Nlaj ce"Of ulary:1�60 x H ne% t yeilir It is th torn'of.thcCoo inspactiog contf�ct 20t1l. pidet#?ad, 1914, 1 1 . eon JOYNT RE ... ll�( : 1, -tyb'7�lerk Wlb� 1 0 beliefits� of adV and Itidnery- b� a�,A(qilig 6. 4ervati'ves tb'h&v6 �heoffice foi ' 1914, 6 Wrh. lumber 15 70. Multi Values Quick Relar"s ,�d f6i the. posi- 1). he. D40,1cs most, favoi nty 'one half dap i�i ceffietery Aeeds, iep chos unaG Dit f oil 'p' t Arthuri also to Detroit and Red'e of 2 00, 0. ji Buffl, - gjant� . 1 L If ff B east o �An( ji rs�� Aa�, 6 6& -,tOt&j 03 35;. ti6n are thow'oi Nir. 131&in, .balance I . . bf'Clin L . llla�k'k OCk h(AWN. dOUNTY. STAXISTILS. -ha Dintelon, Reeve , bbundaTy 0� 0A ukolai '6n. COT)tnitt, . . 1 11 W 9� 04i i I ! y ma �, ri ge. uspepsision, --vin&stone eb ve, o rey, n Ri'ple PuTAc, Library a coner, Con rac gravelling, EGI 0 _ga S H 2 E "r 'rtment of Ac-ticuP a 6. Huror caltdral ton, N1 - r. L 44, So Ontario DeDa 2- 6 1 Towh.sgio A'o-- r i' R B�d Pntftidg in CUIlVert, Tfickets'ji6w on W thris- find �iun liln ng in 6U foi 2, � days' bo�rd' 'A 1401isail entWed Society, .56 60, for annual grint n 1-11 didwerich Statio re io Pon. .13 fe St Ll Pal 8jtjStic8 frotri. *4' h quote the tenP-' .713T.9tilt. XAN $TRFAW 1, ot 511 00.1 -ng W. yoi �,are - oin 0. MATJ! vl�rt,00n. It is time- to begiii i. foll fi h aft for- Nfurdmb. Cal�pbeil's ler L " 11"i . 10 Owing gures, giving t 6 POT, ul on. orrespondent� says few pedp are an AsAe-�,8 ae fbt 1911 dthe " 9d Valuft t4r%� was 13�iqg dAinfectd tib -b &�milk while house i ti'wate.: tfiab W6�v �th,6 aitii, oli whieft' tart, Casliek, inspectin -g ero4d, con, Th6ma4 li,- sid tion,.4t., for 19,12 4 90, for codneillot,4' a mlin postage �A good- - pair oeg or -a nby, --appropriate rt. 8 Ever- iA 9 and etZ' 8 fun' P nfeet� in, p6p ljoaT, ""Aerick Martin towh rl '00, G. "I` pl6asutle �,110 tbffi.--foft ilia I ALsWt'� D& 0 n tea.mrer, .10, or intere olverdraft for -h a strung. current Ilt f4ltionc 4(-r ax eevi, and Ooptl�r and wit Bayfie-ld 490 $ib1-§562,$ 361l04 in t6wnship' ac'count,;, 71 W' jaSE all winteri W so. ave Lie rollowthu"Ai'st u miss n,r, 6 Kralpor,eut- way, if, ' , r,,, ( I hi I con. 9. 1, 94 'it on Fin e 4 by skiliql 6 ing, ting select fio m 30,�, ri--ineej jo. i,67-9 27�W'5, 55 35 h a 5 and 124 65 for inter u ce an ON Oli,ontarI6 a note -15�7 r Tannarv, Sth. 'in all depart and kinloss Tele�horie` h te- -tow, 20.1� itighi b� D as, Counoillnr .708. -267�05 �4. Wbi�i ho6q*:' 14 -ro; 4en's Fine 00. rrar t to nubibbrt' d 7;0 clintod I s -am was wcovered' .3 'on all t)'P#, t; the j�ewqtiteif` the t'jot io .66 d di" 0'14 - I ruetagotthe Cenir2d- 6109ifie§is, ''W� t 'ov t1ulfattul:i6o at d)i 4 6.0., .4, ove er 319 '144553 422Z P ta 6gue ''Goderich.' 4909 2240433 .4MV Via " bit, i1g, litied. o5(reeiL. Tordbi& 24 we.0 ei attisottr superiont S aser,- y i It quip- -_-tforth 192 .87680 '�T J Th 9"289 4. [VE�CiVed Aj 10 14i W.j 'Fto �j be ts 'Ment, 8'Utff,,,M'ethodg A-dd Reb'ulbq�- wibgl�Wfil. �615 %fra; M, for', tew te lot�; Tri kyr NA�' T4ptg an, 00 missioti Von a -uni ri gft do g n. it ii t I .. ivr 10 -,. yoix are fdvftqd o, 11) 00,"frVorn 16,eo. Stdoi)TV orma" Lev i OfI KP of T' gan, gUl Y,() t d Ish, -feir ee nald 'Cii ritolf johu',X� Raiftg,' for vv6tk moo, Locha Mldt��ry ot; D6, 0 4 'were each V. 10heigon, 36. yar& gra Rublbprg - which. bfin'gt bes 1 66� (,or dit4ch. RWArd; N Mers y !tiod' Y, '61 bec, t(dAl..'24 00 WAreied,) Court n 8 ,66k 6,n!8 tit- OYS1. 1110 .... .. ....... to 'Ap lo*ed' to- go on 148 have ;tr 6me fribin Ae West. acesi.. L. gra, il, in wit r 6 pttw+ ku as c, d itting in tlijd er s, hot�l keelie 't 4` , t on1W tick 1 obeod nd'Ntet Matbe 6611 P M -A lAewd' ect k 4 -and Wr Pat an a'd d tA minsWthig the 'ploug4ing of, his fatqi n tl:ie 12 tl con of The -tot ftiihors� S�b. &bo�,e a tie hY're 40 *00,' -ion `,Za I u.htLt,thdp we% tia sovbd, W4 S., 11) sdi�is AM ,ed to legin. �Afi S." itio Chilldeeii! t8ses and sat 0 aw ItT tig y0ittig DOniple lw.6 and bi) Ganibl-o,� dierk. Rlib" sub- S bui Offldr n Misses' d hildr proving after the rikett heavy cold, ni e 5 t it Wy b N�d, D Wttaket of hall, 2 W. C. e "t L tj ;d Ho A R i kysoh' asjot, t cAt, W. F Orabalm, CleA I An S s411L, ra L M n in lit, I ego Why (1, b., Avo fine.,$ lunlbei,, A& J. S' ktbi ho icc �Pjgcd'to 6a dt 0 ConimisAi6er 75 00� �f tbo t'r"tv hith- the lub.'ba Tl h A�ippef tv d'o and Atrg'l� Irj),jZ;, D; StdT&W& U,�4 gr Ing, a t ld Witill next after their 81iodt W" a gt and �Sudeeko Pi4ihig 8`ub--divisi6tt Sn. 6�- N b,ot Can_ mme J hulkr�* biVdlUght ev6 0 0 otteh j3usines�.c Colle9d Mrs, lob'n xie -Mvid ba:v� I m uaoona D 1L Q, &nd sohn STo jil M [ehritt"4', It was quite g< prevj()a yea io�t I I I'C'bat.1% .0.', and P. r0k r�iling britiv, H-01 W A W W t-Mi'iita 77777 �ery T -to .k ,�. LOti 0 g, Af to nlaw 64' At dtyftata thqt, AW �di i, mr th' I hh "Oe io I* v�p 9, very ts;Pidly,1! ulftdftoon klistead of at 4 ab -A.,