The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-12-18, Page 4Y k 7---- _:1`7 em 717� 77 MOW= c 05 RIF �P:­i­­1­­­-­­­ 14d I. em c 0 0 N y ettlillkihipa ovory li'tittirsdity rilgr4killig Trxiaddi;tion �o.tlle regular, Decetpl;Ier is d- visited' Old at,,, -Win, CAqlte'k , kep�"ry'busy,�Lal mr. litid, Mrs. StOd, smiton Of t e County, counpil, `fu Witi. How:09 on Thursday the 9t . ip§t., epee §�sgi Ing grain al. P, c4jay. h wi held "Xill WRAJ7`11 art , a'. POPU P M t1te:A( I , lar �Ch Ist A boxsnoiol will be, h-ld in achgo Joe Sillick Ilktil,at wood bee on TUeS_ tertiobwoUthe 9th. at which i� house no, 9 on December lTh. follow later' on. by-law- W raise 20,( lity. �,;,Thp. datleet, will , , 'I ,*,Oqu debentures for � $��4 b *dge bqfl� in tyip!i its, t 'DAY, -DFICI 'I ul, Vfiiiteiour "I'l-, THUR6 `,,1)mvsou vitAW frieade� in Mv_',SIomuion of bird mad in years ago Count,) last wia�k.­-� 1pagu ursday evening and gave 'Ing aric sm� Tb '04,neils could bylaws,'anly'at i ed in addrtsa�ioln I CTI 0 r'.5 ttend " aliQll. This, irivoltred-. !�IuKlclp�iL ELP . ..... Jlie fuv6rfil of the lAte puii( �0- of the 10, gg es #Pe' F 14:� p *Session ind -i�epr -,dajjt4I_P_,0d_Wfx� ju­,� ororii� of Winahain. district. POC your, expenite of suebt A K ,R U'R 1.4- �jrj� 4ilw tovaugli% 'W"r A. D. MoKemle of Luckno*j drove ations I were,,waae ."to tile Goveruillenr A, 'd� h uhle%w- ne&d,,, W hav m��de P r on Ahia line, t�st, frien n P. � , e N. f 3.000100IN P 'R toullici l�aff;Itfrs tile pooltle of Ow to vi,* his' Inotbe heMaccabeez initiateit. a riamber of with the 'fesult that 4his was, etuthgeo t4eir ragn ar, r',��4ting v ipembprs lit I uev dat­an--,�o o -could., prbf1t`by tb(48uilday. so the-byla*,i _4,bq',patgSe r�� r, eC4a­j­p�cpa-ra-t-iohs:.V westerty proyto es, a: ron, Yew'. e,p,oltit a j w _g Isq,.q u I c. c a n d; ,,,�ii'is f9 to. fy W. to it give olAr''P t ji� - ru�ka­­r it ,,, , . I a i takes of ttk�§� in �.th� Won. Tlii� yeAr tt .1 And John,- -Falconer Alaished .-hia.con , �'At ffdnie tween,% ibhrist"u__9's, ex6 P66 again chang4 and the special sessiol rtal, v.,,jjuo�, '�servi�e� faivwilo­ i r ill 8. On on New Yea for uieinb�rsand thei families. has ligain becouIe necessary ever dep' i -n i t A b I. iipmveitiont, John, artmeqt'�._ W wbich they actedr wisely 'was to e V 1. e I I I s v o p o i i :and wi, be t t, 1� 1 111. 11 11 � 1. 1 - 11 1 11. was heidTuesd Geo. rNtleollor, reeve�of Cillross, wag tu jejItal electiobs'early in. -, �V I . I i . Ah. evening The Wardtn in the 'pleased, to date foK,, un. -itoy greater" �part of Iii it 7,30. show you-anythlijgr i'� our 4if�re t e alk� _j in s, Wt �the X lillPrOve A atteLding Count council. ere ps-egeKt� 4 t ch4ir;'a 'all memb r fid Deceinber. That is a grea Mao, Tb�wl ve of E istnor, T ii:!Eqri-�Du, III. f. ffie new Ree 6-0 it t-axi0V1#f4,qf_h11_Vi n g u aar�­ wj-68-� �1- . -,ti jr; 1'� 0 isli- --- . I- : — 1 ... ent-on-til ck i4a— cone rt-at,Lnelin Alei.� WLO.an "Wag in jrar6utit,, for-, a to k b" t '.2enders,16o tile sale at'. and New wqv'attend6d the' ow 'y J 'T, 0�4_ juationg b as tild"ObPavak6p etwOen Chrl§tnl e i,t.O�Jbqj jsgued urider,Alm ew tly, PYs recen. n calupa,ign 11 .4114 re�ort a good titlie -`Xust be.s =T 146 t, I the' _d_V ea' the elec to ton - t3 10 NFLTr—isfipas owt& 0 R "y fOst'v to,4 �Oricert -X5Hn--,N1 Iong 25 kis: -ap of p- -Winnipeg,, "A -w ra lttq, i0le, CLWI&lr��W A,�aiuoali , ' ito*In thj,, w yeak� -,A Cuirass; 'known"' "the Harknqs� Visit" 0 er ng he S, Tnig lot� -a:djoi -Mr. T'N'61 I , ' f ' d ""­� �1'1,�_ ; , ed,hei -cougi '�Misa 71 entur". spidju k'" 160 t bpening of' t6' 'ne, the sumuterit S, uk�, - Arb-, -.'givoll. Do -for a OW 4YIL e Thi farill. Rdo�s nald A large uumbei of, es ,Nv lin u,N ecein er, A�` k k;: 4'j"t, & '' i b" 'a 'D 6' t� t- , , 't, corner,an r ,, ouia, trea men Andth er froin ere io xn the, con - .4entdd,_,�aud *L*iently 610, q�a P, 0 ` d-... rp'�'thaiu' tiI 4 epri.ves candidates of tin �rattk6& it, y' iv� . . , A il�l --suit. hirit ceri Friaay night. �nd_�Iijq,eikjt, py pxPected-holidairilt, intro aces, ttirloo land, and, w be7 inji),enaO -,th­ " t j pi�tdrq I )�ieoro Neil, is, r an, -thigje%rtbere';seeme ,too plendidly �15 e V ivve�'on c -T W, nN �,ujopttb' rhi:1qdt6tibnof"Ahe apii6intipent-of $"POn Pride� il,4-7t d 't",is to urp6s he-IlAs.,, piade evei,it �vhat,thiiy -1 8" R-0, Are, '9�VOI� �01181-,?Ille 1 4 f , lind, I e SOASoil 0 p t�.Iapr P Ais�Icird, Mee !in - li6& I 1; 0 accoun " ':*' d 66 qay-. 111444 lPuknljor,� t 9 ad will. ch�ge, �,: , go and All *,v1thouf,aily,gqQ,, rkpi'tlite' ni�xV, four, A',tWe'pogt: -a -,-Fork 41 10 b-No'U'm 24---b-"4he�'Edueatidn 7�0000 Dept- �'an& "bPe_F s t nk 16�_, pleces_ 'WO . qJ ave, do.bot ktleiW,16*� the, c i , is' i Of 'thIs InstItAl n A-4asket hd i7 CiYA�n a,"*F ra*ew. M.- ir� IV S,,�but kt`iA gArding.. itz,Tlte 9treets k -Inonth -P` k1 Fo' int n r4drifed houje 'A ell ey" b oz. k] w it bv,. a, vote-. of s------- ------ W Ue we ge ill as receive, ver _t0_ d tin, 0 -Vavid- turgeoll loult"UnRiWion §Oift is no is Petas So ke. t e THE 0 , ­ 7 4 It 'ervice' 4. badk-'. froin1lie4eitirlty of Hurou I UTFH re' and_ s tK-ni es �et w.ere.obtt.to.. V alkerton n, 4, baL iiiide -more �:. pj�mb ev. "Ooz, ver eei 1181 -ry Tibl IP. treoab -,Jd6tFk� _dMi*Ue , d apl, e, I c Tile protest -against the elec�ion of ei,wottld 6 that d. V as a t at, er. tiull b In t e 'We have rea. many arnusin nec� e Ive TO as 2 irr 'Lip a gi ea Ie40k �Si k aspoons Afr, Tru' t d DIOXptutinittee i*bbarge 6f th iv ��rvi�( at Ohaliners- aw 0 F 'Araitit apd Elderilie Wy t' in �n eepecla y , �,.i .,� thr&ghout the riding, It is said that, M apil Biant,brl ges, reported n a have e th "a Y� ibOn- walki d theinii all. ., I , "' :, - fessor, diaburg� of" f intbres ag is, hqpe&.� 'the 6 rtpav interest. will od Mig. Wnit. r - e ne1n, hich hevvas uneit the bill of particulars will contairt'.90, eet in a er Knife, raQ- turned battle after spo ding jja#W S n short time. p'tho'str 46*n0our. of , et S d7 is thrdiigh�- v�i -it --- �aygo-'Jtlridgds f th 156 charges against Mr. Trua­)( ia 06-Welst.' _�raiti ivith­hi�, cane exteride thing,like _e Cane, those who, were This And 4ppQju, Fueq .1ligh Constable', n a ill tile electicift iss; :Ada H6wit on ta:ke, equp, yvere tjuyotiappica�, ca ripaig'fi, V6. 118* 1;7 pup 0 M' to _Ti " - ' -L - ` 11� � - t t 1' 1, ' L f -__h, . ''. , , 'But I; Qr a hit tak h bav�, thd esecow absetif Mindedniiis., .0 f 'Cl. - ma -show l3royn: -men o _0unday a certain, hati tiiiqs,'�W. J. Savaae,: Chesigy,; Sallie this will Suggest that. th4 lwtlxe,��.ntan, that. grovq., : rspAt-prepent—d-- 0, s ide r is -others - I �"u eaj.,r hd regular of.cooruptiou-;4o it qp,a FIxn a setre,haud. and'' zra 1411ve, pi pe, arnper. Anto- such' R.- -B F k bi tt' T _P it, will: all th age -filin'gAhe 0 61 YY At $&.5q, per, set , *40�t ___. Drigs W&Ikdrton;-G,L­ ROW enjoymi le company thAt- aVd 0 rea h n very, 9' faith in of the ofJ�ipldy, ep Ve b Robti lorg# 7- .00 Ea' 4 0 Per t ly ill vur V1 C RF t: Dbut forgOt Xmas 6 'y�ay. j( As: 777777 h isb� tliey would R B 00ING NOW a u Thtee"vot6s,were necessary- -tie are-, irs rowing he, de ­led -if, was best, f so ght qq� so. 111ally. D P� NO 27�- 2-5 J6 P� Til. -sligdested (by the- of y School f6ac- ers a me t �Tfiii Suridii 41 nd it to go'back, .,So (;ho*fcd:.w&s :Inado.' Tlie'-Jirst 'vote -was av 9:41 P. w SW, No!35 Kholam arei bit t' for the her stuck � the: damper 'Under it, 'When x iLL B., Martyn, J. 8a, a 7 By - that 'VIE t le p6tegi jul��b ruuip� e prig-, ashe g9t hop'),�.li,,.-pliofi.0d,Lh��.,yoiing J'adr_gl . R B Ver NeI W .. datid- find tile ed up with a view a arrangitig, d t �ff WW n -1�ebtlfe-"a *56 their nijI iT wiih1lie Libera s it, t p 'arrivdil dampe.r. R A guay e cc '§Vould bii� last I'W'Cuk peet4b.,be running Ekp.� r 1) .ill .1 . Bn Wardi ere F r alld x "WALYTOPMENT La no such,s in MT uy either lia, T11 in s: V d 3rd., ww g ThiiaLvote-: l0. W RN ;,thor�has'beeiicor.rtiption,. in either or of' the firg 41 'LOA -A -'Dlgp Ound _ r g, b. i -tip-In -0 d6clared% R WE -T 61titt6t. Qjnbc in both.,el tiein let. it t _y- tow, --All modiirn :.tit an t tt g�8 -elected� -6 Ringhtg Bli�t-.'IUotetiais�xu]rnishe(i'.- the -light t t' 1�ffh ing' 61&Lw.e&fhet_Af folks; &-n�w--tipe.wriier-4.�6�,ord,4�re.d-for-tb6- f gly -With_60t t .7 the -orc inary' miliar t k tbeawarded, yout'xian�,'&t an bi TV tion on gis rar 4 a e ;co* Mr Truax as S ad yt Ing. -in thep, A w lam 6 the n a no p n F; Cargill, or thi t a tber elc6ti v� f ard are, bo( iii 7 to M dae was o b its- iind-shok dry mjr- yobe held, And thgt,),4r.,Truaxbe it gadg� or groeerim W0 lso live two Lit . I t4i �'YOUr iths in f of t1c b�st'blackii A niialb�r' a k assortment - And ago -a �i it he -province Bat, lots of 3,oa do not' rise IP edipAl Rewlth officers!' & fit S16cioty �atds or eitli ig,*'as a cndidate' or. -(late d to nlvoting at a federal 6lebbion. To offset�: tbnee --ch tpresent law 'Ltd�, Gdelph gripp$ lirWnchitio,..pnerilnlonik.,_tyo�oid --teverrmeunlix ism. n, e Bc gilt ratio, 'Ft a il,� Inei 61- i— Iau, upwipaltie-Sint Croaij�. �reditj.o alit- I I; end d' t i tons: an angdr�L A 0111 d d 0 "Ski if thdtn..v6iy sar e salary or. by ami easAt' th ither:at: a -Study ae-t iaf�co re Vim 011t. 'A 't _M 144 9011 ear) -OU& MVEY J. 14INDS.& i, i,ilok Of t bit t befo�e winter ig,4er un� keeping substitut�& 111ai rs.�U WHO'nson vis e 1. in of �:v latit.'and., farm agents wero'gilty of giv'ing and -lending �VirgjlatnA�,it V.diiies be ji�efi p �t �avail thern Pl' 0 perfect order *eelc 'lesi sotne�rne icine is taken t ower 0. is for ,l, di tuuyu in, ves of the Highway Act without:,Ibe'' ��te, foi MC4,litiTe t a. 'oup, e the'body and put it' in cit -the -County- or refiain, frallk v6tting 41fogetli6r., 'of, hd' of­dftyS in Kineudind. before cold welitherse61n; interviintionof Coun -o an . C praCtluv, All" LLI13 a 7grow y 66. blood, 1 person, may be,detaiil-' kCL P- Xmt' dt' Vrin': -Jano, -germs 0 tD y to be. usajj-,,ypWery� xiii 7v ot- "'k -from d f small-po�' in tabe, irigarxe ill corrupt -a, e&'ifi- gaol until 06ukoval to: -an �aty 1 M' -Putsthesys,teintato proper aiid�healthy oile,,�,.S t Mi. s'.Anhie oor nurse, o Icondit - w - tp -resist snuill�pox. i Rexall orornising positions,to, in pence votbrs, The qubstion of it harbor �6ftefugf' in KTRAL' -Ili VNI ll�g tit ber-hoine - her (taken -WeJb4*6'ffie strates.that re S�: Pgg, 01i e-Oil-Enial.,46fi� is -I'd re a famo� fok"ibe-ir-' su'P�rb'.' v 01, PlOVI 1118,141eitt; diffik tini6fte If'' ag'ap th other" g y urg7' quaity appearance b "vith her -government wp s ton I! disease. UP an pr�nlltiis. welf.as rekiev, n words 1reaTAug of hir- Bince and perfect S�!rVice. They C., prese n co6wi the four 'Hyo-ophosphitei f sitdr, Mis.,Jce -Black, at us 3 ed to hii've-6neof the harbors. i In nd' , urni ung railay 'he vs., Wilson Hamilto Mr. hd �X -.tile Po brtler-:-re S T AT ORD'. ONT. velli - c es a., a vIsij. :reciikutuctided� -by unty brorof,refujii, nerves, iw& c n A onT,-t �hO 0 ickOis to bi-ing electoria� to th . 0 Po,g- ed Jits XIP 11 11 Y7 gRal ay- 9. week. 'bi4atioa, w -a s -are- Basines4, tra�vi f T tion a�lust r. Cargill or u 116 Peti 0 h courseq The stork"iad-d-ji ek et iini;UiAnd cgj�aniong-othe&thi 46onkfben th-eni. 0 1,ght up, dafing- I a.4 t by�b�y., Fitfl�:uew matter was br ufactuted t -wday.,, "ere i�; a lik bf ibe dift" % OP e �fihe. ba er6jit model �,�d it t d iline You who are. eak, and runtdoWn, an the, tittle afid atte tliiu.'cif 'y you. who ate -ently.- w e 'the e'lectl kbione d ntrixtors; �We'offer you pa!d blic now, b�ut work 6dipitiot ift 'A d all­siiz s. ME you qa men a ilon caiupaijn,'� rS ;ard liable to. s , u er, rom, vaitous coldI 7" -wh"orri'lib�had'b,verohai,ged for: O.are p eased 'done _to:far'ine' dueitI4 the �ear* o6're& 'te ewhere. rs what tin U�-to-dat ist.,e e h to h ofTanconver 61d Olivet b —Th'e-Wlaxden-i'�,,-�l;�in-g-t�-e-s�ssiqn OR— shingles. �Je Wotit 6 tha, u9 Oadja h a aby­boy�— sour-, Iree-catalo can o. or you; utilesp, hiwu* i -b t -the inein or ail-officiala 1'M6del 10- i,6-00 yele Favoifife Pd� nervous,. et Ila, as, eci e to"Is nd c!iated or 'the work of the County -during tl to- ibiniburso' 'tile Wirlter-with X(ilAin 4. ­.ArticSpeeial givei onee.r 00 WE aving, it& f tw f "I', I A. McLAGHL.A an cdnvaIeSejng�I�gj4wjrjj chililre _:--itged d . e. goo ce ing'whic r�hd been shown N, Principal. r 01 ukort, Specilid .125 y tby, all, ple�­,ivis itibld��aid t* ve Huron To fildno 9� rna praq leing.jindet t ib ."inatteki'a whi6h'there,wis 'of Oritat 6 n t: 4 .1 1 by thn failure" 'a tl­W6�t "-Mi-Ws Afituiie nriuldtft and tizzie Mc-� �treii�,rth,.bet:ter.�,4piritq, glowing likilth. aerable difference )fqae� 25 M topinid ....... ......... 41154T r. 'wa's olebt- ACs Ing, a-P� A. tree in, tit]] -'Rexall,OlivO 0 wi on'Sbilrdliys. lShare naiiway� if sed C &W iig;rrnitairung no 4�_ tile mius e ad ifutteVEi gerous drugs, you'll be as 'IC _F194;h -6ni L our 0day L �vas gO b,fi, ednsistina It to cat All An --JL of readin�,q �nid �singing.' it is extretuel� enthusiastic about -it 'm we are when iign, without saute ta RATES in -g, i, Idd6t Ats-:etr�nit AR, oa y. henifi -art up�- Ise PrOvelDir. �tingj-building4 tr.,, L. ow�w di- --poetry Gy J,5hn Purvis. t tion, P -.w DW !it th g Offects, If 1t dces not. belp",'y T S 6k x1jV 24thiiijd 22, 23. 24, 2S eied wben there i's no intenti6n. e way�of e file -,glvelj�-Trl C " Arninimun) foe of fifte6w v turti ey� Tile _V Y.-Ol y 4, uhtff­beic� 27; ut oe c erson. -iiii �Munl es,. -&C­�Zoht 9 my aftern' it. St i6f Inoto than 7j0Q0 jewling r -Batkitt on Wedfield tit, ja -he sth. Cot and, it 6-3, a- r I A S, td t my 'Grrk I,() f. rs. of tile' drilg-Ares in the United' 86iteg Can. well'ipreaentOd. at, t jirqtaj,�, Sixth, While dn hor way d n 6 not� to ihtly underA ow t6 visit -.o,r vallil ro and 16 Matt r be" da and Grea I _�.'aarnet Arm- the Neil to,'ndeit at Luckilow an Priday Ili jau, 31 d. Mc,Doiux;jd b6- ununtil Y,(L,tl%ll Bill tuodermte lfgll t ;tL,, k elling; 1914, all or !no now, Ont, ng sthe ka:Canada ' ' , JfId­ or Joy SHOE WRE al _5j_jti0 , cc r otcAts be. oft- aii- 'Berviiii n Thutsility, Th' b ey we P s0 kk Rtturds V of kinloagh., !'Ott 1 "Pilo 61d­IFd�,-.Audinj ilid ulost thei, araa began to Shot& and her,' crie's 4': ebuiber I 5th, A ttiqnber-6f people- LWV r r to' no*-, a sale -At t ox s,rOI)or BGIN i"ctom IVet y costly to tile lie .0-ru 1 T1 - TO,- qtu6k faa�' in the. to� Mr -and MrA.,Cqu. x0fel'# 400A Vic Ilit it iWyrood. by brrwke'rr;� r dri& i's spenain'g,lie'r The ap6ok was. floylr 0._A�AT Agdj�f-- otyd- o boy 'andbugk w. 'n, fr and, soniiii 41 the y I ight, ere goo Odd Oarb&6, liolidays, at tile 'hoind ot h6j OUng POOP 0 on 'started an ]tell' In ",hat u -ard 0, wdok, No Oro playing oardAA No - �-T Miss Ethel'Augtin atidToln DO I or;e In -mas p r r­Q'�" t ' ' Aakdet Va- Va S� d nO ippers i Atire W ";V Uhittft-t.4 Cunitiiiugsin Sl' W1 R Culross Wen0g., 'gft9' - A NTE last Trlady6y" goo pair of yelt, S oI-o ve-,t e S- N gi *'OleA�uri�' otfizi. �-Omt i'iday, Dec. 15,. IL god th 0. MiN 41111c tuckito Uj6doi arry Be I ao roit gAi our', j ae: v .4 1 Ing i ionc 9 , oaceit,in well a 0 divy night, istti� N). a in iiISM gone to. M t. -bot; well At prosent, 1. , harli Tornt,�­ oftt SU day wl Pbktt� , - C, f I _ , tile lfrie 'it 1) eaq brig 6n Oro; a&w.dxi�s hist w4k, amVifig on friprids in, winghauti 'Otte", ct�tillogue_ o.6xp atnq,�our Superior ty d' ip F it. a Low OYS' ItIlbberg. A (j,,iP. - Aokor� -.of 8aldffl,. Pii god tlpA6�klt w6ut 1, ughl, kylifwi ft :, % , - 01 ft. 0 N 6. furehy :and, 16fin ogerg t 4V j, tile' -j�jtt 8tack allow in Oucil woods. 6f atg. on Sunaq, 90b our b Urn, I�a Vou d'm Iltotwl,0, write 1cf, ay, Ti havo e;t� di d t o r- no 0� futeiegt�A ill the tildof k1wol 'ard Dbi W *0:8066 W How ws6,� of Luelaiii, YS 89011� gS swoon- Wedklsday'Uvdhing,� dving. by -the t 8i t fid rilte§& W.: In MO. ji'll J, Tr, �Oriffiu afld Dell 06 96itti6a thi.4 psip,4, Av and . OV61411, Och. oa ridAy. d da Og OCA fb 14th Can" Suit tA, II11da Vy, ndb� '1�oillov hit of U'l Weight ithd J06 C I I . Mr, last week- *aA ill VO sbusy A06tting, fdad' "the 'Wet, 16 it to pilt tit) twu'd ne"tt, AwurtI6. 4� 1.0 TA 'U6 -a taugothbft lid' a t� V&Y, 90do COLLE is. Potta, T116� 0 gli -now, nA;­q)PW:,ytt­_ . ....... our groitt, Nvor d,, Ali Aft hh 0, TA AT 14 M 'Wed field 'in, it, tis dittposing, of' 66, Illar) if tho, Aifib nlitq It A otmil, pooli o 06 6'( tho Nu Mt, A doup16,ot o ng took in t�� t'o to 4 ft, py, M4� 1 ne: t: a bo t At Is 'Eirg I ]'ill � tV.P. nf X-fril'o g tt'd W dten si the- A ubbdr i A, 4 Till M it ' __ 5 es a icurip I , F d 0 'Is aid Ift it g out y6tin a4A Hock Y.S11.6 fb r Ladite8'*' tiht% fill Ali-av,o 10411. ud!4 dl�o 1 1 d 4 1 ft '0 SA olloirk) It 4 mm� year, IMd aud g., a A, yourt 1 6 lisp rit my Rig r i%WMAtom I iht:Aod ke- y it iVi,4 ulfithitg0' n I ay'.. . Place i bu. �ou'Xn) ('61 llA thaf Alit) Ong travel 'B that is whioli wah Ile, esoilAbout, fiut IV.'dg of 'hotli fO nYl 9 1 In0- lie, She 'I i utit I Ill ley have ''T e Ifirl 4 0 nhinher h witi baill Awtliog, ceoilep ewipt6h it41*61 thi'"It"It. 11irst N yout, and �jr- tith of 46, Y,6 rider -it 116: lq� i firii us spo .1vith thei� lady It A, to ptaiy &tU AOr, tjV6 senu%110(1, lot nw .1 4 fb6b Yoii did Of hoiAly WO eArty, d etbol tied by th Its" be tat ver Poiseuts,, be4ideii'tfid h r g I ;. U% W64 U `7 A 11 t b ot& d t W, T", ky of Wo h apip, yen ev.N t rA