The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-12-11, Page 7IN Kg na, 4 1 14� 1. hi6' beggli too rallize IC Ot �the 7 7- -tra( W-4;Ut stiolt 4, his wp -f 6. Ver wa�s lap-­A-iaife­e,�,�afias Bour K, "Ii Nii not,, quenched. in 1ph 10:!i�qo,,411 b D6§pite net dissipation, one -Y S him: 9 NAY N ET 'OF, f Pff P1 she rq`410� TiI6li 11111fe - was su I-l:qEe A I 4'pd unusually- beautiful. it ento­red,probabl�, f am Aing �',Qfrice the 13,word FYy; , - . "' .) wa,� while in an opiurn d U. iscbo�j -; irlfQetant. Tlj6 most I N� City en at Toulon On., agricul, in - A a. g 6ffi ­ I wlll 9-419). E N N ri., car by ia oil tlle wall befiin�l the seat 0 hk� IF Ut nie0hanic eT1iP;oyed 4p .410-W t'101t. IF 1 he, NN, o nug ops J�ge, of Aj' T4is coJlep '4pW Th lqq his Jiearf fovi, .6jifig, him ioiv jbe French of �e ry. left, of 'Y juliep p *A" 4 . .4 RLY, 1 U , j Yoj�NG sunillaqnecl, him, to a CQ that III eD;,.,4 Aval es, -thej&,yq C, L ` justice in its PUW-q,-k--a-1 goldsh-e4itb TI e A U sbe filet Adii 'i United Stat W�tuated at a 94� Mictid and hti TA"t(Va"vil Am techpie* M a m g ny -&J). -4, It '' J 11 WriziE, ��­W q r7 - Ulle Uld P, a,- 'n t ol P 0 �`Givc, , - girl,-- ­ � , ry �%I-A AW RM%�, t If th" th. e Lor -,17 tq reY P, c 911's olljfq, M-li, 0; Icy, IT r 4 dd, 'n 15 �­, N'cr' Y, ''twil L . & �­ 4 �PC i sup foi- ot, his ILS�W'�- IVI., Elf. in nes. julieti forgot, his U4 the.'' �YoUjfg 'e�ssi�V j '91 :g' tLC �e,o Vill S;,Ybil ith the' r 9 is­carri�d- ',,,gain, As iti tUal, tria�l. for &Iline voman and re. (,,�jlsd,4 'd 4 �nno'sj' "jj!�J gi,acing t Iq iregimelit.�`,� E I . 4.,,. pj�rted the att0upted" J -Y to, his if le made biibei on cii r All MEW Charl"d e' h The Prisoner stands ljpL"V*"*j�,q The be6utlfuj soy ,was Ar� b on, M N-cident T w r1st class 11,0110.X44' he g U�ln�s§ wz0glit--pe-reals-27 S"nv I and 4i> S_ -iid -.y U ntSr-'', -f- ilk" w1l. -o a rdke� le --.to-da n ih 'el S­01�th­ o, In& F.'rj g is sword eda­S�C�h , -M -D de eir energies "are, cie'li r c "'Th -en, b- A-f-rPeTVA.S. al'Gerinall gov- IF" Pell PrI 'the 'N. �s lily -M x A: Pro ucv. is, I p13 s, qu i V r an 5 V d i`Dn"CJ �butte K9 to Ties lad -cottage- owe -r. 2 P—�Ps SJWOV.1344,0o-a�-A nee -fo, i -a f 01 If, 0 a, d to ree " _; f -'s orm t e V�, Q lid 9 ."NTk t ga A t4end, jkttte village just gy t wa�s All the u 'k -M Y ­'Com miI$S2 dLro p_s de -Ofj-SLho6bft ain­­­ "re -sent rX 83t4�,eip and f fai and ilpitle- of th tea :h 'AL,- ,r �Vlig thi qf P ryllfes�, "England.- fre0or t h at PLtie��bgLk�- "of Ian i V1 ta, es,, �qtme 0 the ser Ar P iiii er -61 FX'ieda -Sclibber-g- '1old - - tfi P T6,sing as nig eiroax abl, n.. the " , all't e fl�aj.i :han4 are tigliff c: ind''be 'd I -,- I" , c I ji sanl� ;A 11'aI I . I q . 11 WR X-' 1`100 0, the, Domi c -pperatiNre, mr!"eR I �c were yl�lp �o Arle Petersoil suspec(q of in Dion a a 'e- th -gain �Ai- rns�tie inquigi to Inqui Ij t tA bf Alji e i:,v'e enough, .. `.111. 1 * . a. (j nrneht, an-( ;Sacrific - . I , --.Jo aq,k P �ts, anJ.th te I Miench spy,'-w�,' ment; so 'fha t ,the pr,�ltl 4c h,: 'ad everything, fo 0, VA,- On P llt� j-'E'e- .0 1, 1, (-;f S h IF wn is -on. �,e,, 101- mkafi C) Ple - if�'- ago, Co 11 ill --j W 4,o he- wa, . s families- to of ` ti 19 serv, tK7aTJ41Tkp< Ilv 4 'Of� e hA m dge Is, a -s r 1662 prominent gULrj. the Nvoinan 'o rid world" where, they 66 -4 jie st,the 6 ing.-I -S- L r§ lit C-Ijid I. U -a jeet,,. The fight bas,b 4 1-1 �NtIJR y -pajd for ac6 0 lt ti� An4 --as :, - . 'i ' ­ J. R-D-1--tY A lie�w,� to. the k A i r J, ­ '. 4q4' ly "4 t 'cox jell". -.colw. -V!� ­xjaid -lessonst h.: _we] na -a . _;�s L gits Bad 4 lio!) L- _it's q . . . . . . . -n sj6zi -044 1-e�s z Ty p- Tj :r foi; &.pe;r- no' W, le, ep. to, -t A 6' 94. of '�QC eci-tns,.�fwe-re 4 t ng Jl� -is -per, AT � I C� e la -4 --- --- -- re is little -k Jk` a -that­ih -is et . 1- .1 ­ ,, - T. L . fL :flat, the'situation 1`0 w 11 or no . ttap ty bfg,ods-,. :Jisbeit-' of, ra Le- rInU a,"L 4VO 15, n ", ­­ "­ �� N ­";j, 91 -.16' Ma of -e 4L, I I '1�1 I ' ' :I_q I -t , spun '�,of e , 1:1,. 1 ILS, W I e a y rythi de -ks. 9 i 1iO'f4,O-:g6 _11.4 i 'Y �e We i­n-,T,�-, -f.7t I the �11 -M- Lvi lie j'n Pears, were k It nd �6'1.dj` I's. j I� at; 5 eqtf; pDr- iu4ic a the exp.exlse s " I, ­ !'k- ,� -ba -'8L -a] I very cldNirn. 1. . h. . - . e, SaW thl, Pre' �quietly, an& q, d k� hIe- systeilw-b an, CI, tile -object er the j Ila: Ili 'N' 411 &v- he, -Wouid les,e r 'es oe,S on point __a but' 'befo co w a �allee Of . f! - no'Lee0med d t -h 'r'�riegia�q�-faxmer' forlt, -a "-6r 'B ti ou,l)g,*! ' d e er w ose, ajll.,thk J. ji,at Illei.1wdis ]i'V; II-ijk%P t !a J, &: dk 4"�a`a 1-Y remio r Y"'! h ffy had. NJ" a'lighf.in to ic ect W Exile i`a9qY4 411 N7 rs ti. 6445� a -he gtVi-q ter ' te i.a M:i kes--A--�hi 7' r, Point 9 gi 6k �oriddiz-tp e C� VIN g,suNtlyi,lat it be Mkf I se .1. wo e F,,,ra rf iii th& MIK. T, 11.1ve ren -t )�. Ow ai ne ta ped� le'ai i., -Rr 6it -9 that`-�sh,e --w r III, et - h'' -es 12� ­t4ev-( lelace- n 4, 1 callch,, 4 - -j Her, Ja &�ji �jjo cl nig�- 11 WD, 88 Vyi, �Wb 9,16 Of of �. i..il - - i. �,-- - , . .. Sin Tht4. goylernm K. Visits rY. er annum. ',- S,of -sq.bJe,0t1R9 helF, tq-�tho ness,"b6came ' e ":er4 is, rl S, la prove tl)-�Shoebu- te Ii 'had a li I "If. there, is! any 41ottbt in bY, n When "the, f&.tQ 'Re. 0�1 Cie nLt Ortllre e., - "),ozzlip bf de boot markidd. tb Jr- fre, Purse iii Spent laidirey, laN4jihI would e, "lop w.,,a,s a e was 0 � "ing, -that. fri-�Yib d- t*() kii-d-A-- e,,r-'.. IN' h iti 11 e ii cy. is'll r rds lefut6nani i, h Y,,:. 611 ed Chmrles V-jj'j�L..:.r MWIL--ef, course., -g -l- B- �A' 4e4-UtW1LNV:dnza1i fa'sitiqxiabie- "cli th' d' Oao.'; vil alpn ! W, "'ni -ilre n, W A-dbrV g: are ing'and -by elimi tiatin ti e. b'4' !r",Ve ed, -t-ILD, d eFr, b, ek sga rd' of' in, V10 e ePp'e nl� walS gb casual' Interest in gxthi� %1 4- JIL6 fe b-lat, 30.'ye 'The roalhy*of-'�t' all.' its, g' and naval, aff In "ConfiSsei ti�at:.Y.Ou. 'he dread' aws generally, -afid", fl 1A, 'Dene LiLSO'n. undoo- ldl deal, ter Wrid' 'i!4.,DSP.e1r hifie .. 1xva.$ -A .- -owe a pAfIdudexs�-Ah�..get-, n, ave - 0 Ila rr( 8 Trove'o a pn e ak. ... pex­ -cent- of` -b, -'g] W1 -j 1' ii'lLider, the X �:-1714�u h1g::-1 fL61tr ofti6 illent af his. e unu.suai: infer6st- 115 d) lit 4 4 bf agi,6 -and handsoirhig- lell' beauTy. eittena i W an -be I aders froni Ong 'a *. W'i�.W , . I . . I 4oiazig �w 0 sl� -7 on, U re e- had, Th Mal �6.ViCl The Un Jsh­foflI�er,. on Inad 5r h7i lons of her rare cllarkis� ANh6n Dy k'rti�&k l5,§' d- 6' �e�-O is for th-e--jpqifit , Lf�t, . r' , - t mi se Sa re -i6 Ytaars in the;wi ernees. o f-'Alnb iii laing his I bJ6art to the C��.ti, �4 t i jig found her takes, -e 't a un e I'L 0 t: .a,h ans*, or I th om. X. ravagant,,an 'e id, So IVA r BreeL _W-elie L 11 s u fil 41flIn't i-, fhl� f.hf., h"" ect-1011 he x -pre, n 0 &,-;!bu,oy&'n't -sp. e6hrii-caal govern a, 11.1 'Id _S: VMS In the room.' 'Hc* inodo , 19 to: be�'prodl]i�eed' es' rtf4n ka . I . : . 11 , . - —... ;, . - �.V, T igrIat-iffeamOoli- -----d "frioni Sito .4-remQ er ore 0, -erw art P 4Y e i,. was, e is'. -So gi "a --to hav ilthei ..0 gi r The f u Shoe ji. pr a ­�en-� youb s re can have� an,. is S! ence* bee, a I e at fl I.Sf. Scoff 4 -6,eo ei The att-ention Ito; o.wer. I if h lure 15f ­toitulre iia:iic­. . This. -woman's that -he. might revlejiiili�jlis ra-. t I 1 1. .. I e a rogA r. s 4mmlanwhig Of eer.;L', :h�jjjf ai th *nd, h4s-,c e, t M. 40 razed.-w1bih asiZln�ally Nvanders and a. atiterd to a'mu� Oreign P e if, o141 on e. he, avrquis, de - LA'b�oisgj�Lre its if IT. aii theAdea, but &-v It 4- t, u 69- rule .1 breed. Irclin #ga e p -et'. �O'f .18 �-SLU#e "; ' - I f -L ne e1V Wiled bum, 'forms, a-1,a.6kgx,6u his U _nd_: WIt held t e IT h e car, S, of' .0 CiLL -sows," a- kanrie, f. o. leav -ca,vitillAfe ave' any t di-� t _J41 f _,�6 ­ o.quiestz; attentive, d. ef e Jia: �4-S 'o 4" it 'tj on s and an s we fs e lint he jg I'l I". - Ci do 4 _14 . t -h I ' I ' i -a - a agm�eed b� d 'h A. !as h; eaf, that the- ki-rl- wa.,s plan- One-'afternodh ny great. hd'vnIL W L Us trea.c lyrovea _e_ ople last th e < s -rly-' i,y Nva's isco :fe 11 -as an, e,�pe 'Itzi I T '7 Sin offic ),.I) g se r i e s, io f w itil e, sz -ing- w-Jth the e t A L with S 10,1' vered. - His trf� ou an select 'the yo,�nlr, in le ..a d of. abilit-N. s biri'the Crown are -c osi a ri'lattei of form T Ite. ik' n - 'the SIa&;e;,.bf /ft . - 'h6 w ;�� ., I` d, Ultu eir ally- e­ flail rUzjjLj..d IYJM jo. (mle e _W, 7 "" ' . ent -10,­,lover' th, J-bter- Mini Le, _i_j f4re­' Shel e dxenfULr- N Against him, of I :find, ress' t-��t the li; gs, Ozn Plans of fortffl to-4,6,rce the irlith can'L t lat I a, 'S , L, , T� f. I itirriatIed' as OIJILY a, da�zlizzg fie wai W a..)- e 0WMn­,"wvS,+h own tio.' t4,, :counse and I e gDound -from ber. 'I" OXChange or rotAhd guiltv, pub lely disgri6ed- -al' 04S�qf (I I fr f 'certain I fo h e d, fp, as It has alwaT:s� been,. a, - sews a ways j7h-en -Charlies.' e, T a. nce stafid d" weigh from lit, mout, med hi,� e'r cations' alad kindred sente . Jiu, to. life -imprisonn, ie the ekPerim,�Lhtal an;, n ina is a vast- iIespqnsibilitN 25 to but' the kirlL le It 3 fi d NT the W`oxk,,of At ten montbs."old 9 -*.0. tlerj),IdO n �ffcle-llicy 'in' things :a suril h�t 1,d -f-�-Ato-r- the the, Y 614- A "Oken SAdd 'ie tha': ave is M -6ftilently Girth. taotio -mo J,Iing , on, to N I -s. seem to have 1)6,h,e and L ealthy, prosecut�?19­ :.will t his coib-illil"W.- Tlie� J". Unc-Onstious or a "A 'nd'', th' the defe�ce 6 was a e . . �ir to el ��rld ' Mile if w e -tilla,ni-a-lo-zlei _§G I.J, ILI— "o _L� "4- pig's from -f e -fat -her ivo`ji ha, s senses. ce wlien� he: r,4�ci e, no are" .'. t I * ' ' I ' her- zn�a.rr' g &.st, w millediatlily r e, Pe --C "Arl' -i-5-st e 6 re gr,6�;,thv' This' 'is. my n­ hj, h.' 1" - , I, �,a�e tho)L or eported rez Wa s eing carrie L In unl 'Ir 11 -e. -wQjq-', go. -r , d -i ri ery 'to -aso .,,.4mn;sen:t to la, e d: to'v: tiie jaxy III 'b' . . . I .. , . Ole *a- 6 ! -'sn v e) "W -L -C, ecent,ii (),f -.ee ing irohNj '. Is fbr4��V id-- 1. s. -co "IN t,6 lei' tile dark Cha, I' d it 11 ,19 r, es , agree. . �af­ t e k'Sc'hoberg, belie -f ne ru e whic, essi-on R 0 A A's a Fri 'd all he'�prf iere, is o agC)" Y a mam b giapt strength. ma'nis- Shoul&­',he� c It TI -]ff'e. Was Pj"a4a U, 11 always I: ­ ed' Upon' &-L�riide �@ojl b i ng the �gall- ­ - ­.- - d . , -'-­ -, LL, Z' ' vqb wi, ness thie.'.Aife ee, may ­b -e- 'e J., A�n-�'--0 1, n _:Lfli r"E" - - , 14­"� - 4-a-li te�ed­ -0 VLo-hZN�j:fljj' r1l. 7-1 Mee ef- thee -""h ­a-,fe.Artdays lis� I lemain aer T [-a sp i lie tor i , I� I gilt so'that she re cono trap. L b ef ul;4 he was, able to,`1 L 'L r j.Wx Lp_ Jzi,-her- oil"- =gON,7, te _jes, Mrs a year o ar was Waludi 'b-p,0j3wf,: -th- g,;% g,. e 14 11,0111, One nz jor"N', oh� a JW h e X- A-47 -Aurtl­ He the girl be��.m:z,eni jr�­glfrft&riili"-�- , RO , . ­ .- ­.­- . "Croki5mi ir led 'Ale- was,�requestQd to an, SX tit S, - �-7,L until, F oats I de z S"le t ShoeburyRess. S(11 this o d 7' 1 94L -io S-1.1 Ie­:,t:o'1 I I of the sh �vxtioli fliat e)�Pec 0-1-61T "71. V& `Wd,n-t-to-h-ftd­ W, Ij, t� cotin-)E�e . .1jas.. j th oi d. �:h 0M, It n L, Yon - a. e ore It t unc h ba N wi 46 t(� ly. --ice :Klme crus ling will -be-jll CaiiiA4a, -A _ rat rew 'f ie -d 4�' �o raw Y. her jievei* a� 'kktL t Ile, rnIan -�§ee -`-puot "a T6,1illhal](1111 'C -:1 -ops -b .n ari , - His,, y vnll-. c�ertsdnly tel I the jur .9 rpw,. 9 -lie tha,'� -th in ME son the -t g"' fQ S tL ad, I rule this is aboilt'bre jjZ;jA f"L-, ­46-ii:d- His -�oo�nclV�sions -from,' knolvn-.b,u.t,, t'll vi n I a 04 1 dw;--sth6ber I ened iagg, �b "NODer' -ack 1� t G, C f in -wa s. I -fa -Y,&r' 16-a' I I � Irk— di Ili 13 Ao, hP hiq hj as P - albp� de 'n-�Ju' for...' d pr..' 1&.WKP a e II w ei Kijutliehd- and,, oe, 'Y AA. Ff IQ WeiC t on b W -i .?t it proseetu -i In -e-r It -7 e�� l4nTil jr days of 0 g -H NIC -able, N�J.11-� A D Y "T- cxttiorier§�j�.w oin T., ji e cou. el t It 0 -ho d Jve A� Wer&, -qet-eiTce,4'L a)$d"t e PKlSdP--- 7 --g 3;a pp 6% kmepin Malone he th 111-6 obstinaQ� r T Fra 'ed �b 4er i un-lue t"M s o n, ce er,.41 a W-0 Y nee fbr nifiii,�'.: 'T 3�­ atte, Jild S Y el ves -1 !;13e ae; cloc 'Un- q1tj4F I k 51c for th witness-hoix- sm, 'in moa is-sed'from, 61fice i Dr roi s��­ ­4m�44� Ji Lk a in O�W�M A-` -ago -A­164474fi;�*4r I-- h Eli a;. pe, a r., ai as and dii d thild* -Gourt 4ie tfi d Is- hfa-m-p ters was. b t iz*a.Ppe a red'', his, -ii i f l4aTk I -t -i -10 ne SN , _ 'benrirn j` --ti It. rice il at -1y Will4g,'V in Which -is es. lie n'd MUM. - " 11 -* .�;Oi eL�' ij al's ro nl.�, me M1 ed'i sl�i -ke; -ohl�­ ieli , en h; c an, a t at, ;0 -efforts'.' rf". aro .,]III 7 Ont]y �I,44o a- 111 c-teH that,"" t e., q rp nL -j n 1611111 , 4 "as ..: ;, , : I � `." " I - e', a �-ex -inatioon -is A�e�adlyl �411.ie r, 3. 'so cui J j­`.i,'­'­­. . -,[ ,, � LAU -Aam b. e r. -Ue�zi 1.1, 14 4 u1j,keui- Prz ass .ts�,' 0 the growini. flocks' - r I.V vil!�Uv IT f h UV these �ua; 'ia; ca im ot 119 st was;. le AIEN­ 1.111 A,4hting 'his, 'duel lin.d., it, VP.e E( �,,gi r 44L, -s Tj c r,� is to, e. i, eh,puril�sfld W10 the coiffidence -and affiat�' 6'ain ga. �f . P�66 r, ry bie6f 71 ITIL Ll a tIon, jot tbe 'fTig ybil, 'A WFe - I.N.Spi --Ike j, Ot'a OnIN; replied" E �f iiiTi I Cl� 'b W"'Isoo e hi fo rma . .11 in h e.x4ei,scZ4., in- �ri6 ai PI --3t he always scem�d tu,­- '�,i 2. ai al i E) ne- e i A c, ave Un imited . Fun A -6- pait MO. 44eiaI --�k AS, ;6�1, �Ivpo HL 7-1 a;nsvv,.er. Jt! -as' is -n t 4 f e In"J. her �his rtain h&- t Presently- h 'tilIj jLjTjj )0174 _7 -6't E"i Iftirinatioft poult N With n 1 ag the §,Wers, are leadink,'Iiim. 'Those n er rei 11 Vloost. h ri.A. ind. naval 'claim M RAI. what enou'k fh-� �little ruips D.1iltry X for ot re A;6 �ottld­ Vie IF co-im'o +;i 6 cre.t '9� -cot- ­­ I- tions. A ISL . . Tliat is- �,�ergwral f sonle--exp ion, � Nz e.- .Liv. n _4" tjjrott�, en the Pr -h ctA was expiDefe,d, as.jake -tj)i -oked'1'rp L Z, d E, f -a S a d chicks� are - It rf. is-� work's he ris �i their, lives tp -n g: --0 et : .gaZc�­-a,d!YurirIglY. at' iby;- dfjiigjjfc�i t- ..defeltee.9-of file c -ro]TS. Untani y. the biti-e:'aina S--­t-IjLe­ g, d' t UY eq�i� .9c) h- lituilted 'ev�fs'­-, - On 1,1-10s�tlzey- �e of the citj4board d'i as 6 8�:­:'­ T .. j.. -inva e-­MUst t Cf eCome Mo re Oil ail - orevents fr e,u Ives, W'Aiiestesa 1IT'j, �tnore. ayS -s s c o in c, boXv e I tro �bl L' ;J- th, &�ea:s68 pt, that.. he i v -diet Sol. ern - her ;n h. iet pri- Tnent th a t, ey e 0 f Th6%wcunen. J ,n n I t e, bf,ithe% .9 j) i es COW -p f tL -6pean -and P' L 11 o I' h t e; d 'flong. arid. ino* a <) ns.'ar r(, �iz n. ove -- then', U U 1) P I e. wall"al "to hi I s Tier uro t ie.r' natio e Ent itiorlod 'ed llknititd' most I n - a vne, a,b' th "Wb lC1 A" joii! noC fnbd'�­ ..Tl!l y inqN, . 'ea.J'S Timent, rj,6,pa,.t 'fliai �$Clin6ohe hands hirn-a�gl d e. n on(, jn,�(,qii iollqi, Ice reve . ... ... ........ at art �Nvllt-s Rev Nviu,:,so long kin se]',' a., V mm- I '�T o I g h ie­dp�cj�7�ga�m-�--� 0, C1*4,6'�-";0k)A;e­ - !JgA TIM N� if hout jMWvj*r)- the' 3� the� sa 6VOte all h4,s.Tn.i'T)d,t4),, bjirckl�gowlj, 1-h e fi; ates ib�):; e r'. ''lie pl" not,. f6rg�t if agh, do v- y- b 9 *0 o q-jj 7- Vic' t�v'�`ha`ye�� Jj;qVs .0t, -Vic d- a- mail '6f -the* viiimp, and the ��11�6 s.er' -d d h "d ro, enrolle a , it. f6i.j. , . , . I � " l, an v - A f PiellIcts. The p it b lit, A' fe , , . 11 1 1. J(ij'bL it I A. -1 \ " - I .. ...... .... r�L-thjs "'Wifts iflyl -ago a e Q veo. t WOr 8 w7th he, 0490 t -or, G ji Ny wep Cs baft 1 e - fie Id th' T' And e Ell ex e f ul lo se d �,N w4p. h, 'Ve­ a - gtj fin or- in, tj 'co gel vs. Bix b, fl it! 9 - poinn if Iiever, -,th tr fls--inore IN-i-th-esse-s �Iiax#� was adjudged Alulltv­tilf Vey F,!v ­� - .-I ­ . . - W V- LIM v cail, e.a ga, ant, co-iirt e r.. as 0'm 11, "Pig lt- is. collc(lde(l, was], op VVIVICECIM space be-lbi ade. Th�" j-udge b'egi is his 'suin Power; Paz gjii t J) I st'have Sep and cornfng n h�lm'9011`1-9. porhaj),s one or t 4' 6 n f the g 1 t7ly `7 a ­"Ale 0 ilia n �T. Nrhiiali-­ hA $M Who As, h ng(� ..NvA;s, like- N I'e, I I e r h a Cl bde'll, suld- Yes MIN o exer, i a Vi 0o 11 fe.-I a f 51 2Wiirefz`i�6 6 aid JoAi�� i coligin ol hiil"Ot'ittle 111131 t- flight 16r hi -S )bio r C, bib J "J"'up MLn -to t 1i jl,� it) -s p a 11, n t Y Y W'ON, -'Jjj- tg�W tjj 'k' I Cl Egy p t, 11.13 UlU-` 117-017M.115 -��h lit iW 'Bafley 41, ' crowd li Lh eo I I f"41 J)6Lnaj ig, fpi, When slip h�4d finished,,'-a�&-Lord I C16n't 7kno' - hi ' ­ ' � . !" Ingioxa - 110 � W er name, sQid Wato it."indih' , hi n g the' M." T­jf&�'6 is ch(I.11 bald I jov bpfl�jizzg, %yJtjj' Ili 1,14" 1141t U h6r' riespte&- :�q .jj, . ­ �-(- ­�.J� - -� 7, -�j l -0,t - Ito 11, d f a.0 n a't,6 ftl t4r�itdbek.j -wh-8'j*,-gj)a­ - v 9i "th 'jj6AV erilp'llAt 11 t d -it., N gooL (pa (11 `j�jt. tvue%th�t N-q�u lidike, IV , U.- 7­ s'i 7 t At Y611 'M* not" Tz rA )110,4' 1, a! 'm a Miro n a IL% li � - i - �­ , 1.) . .. V11 -11601111 A )e 'bio es . ..... fill him, says t le `I rvai f reign. Or.Wl o' ga d, in t it k of g S., Id !IT' U!, -Oro I al-, t veljjj.e�L, "g�i'jjj o le AvovIp lie, - C' ro The jlzj'..�. fil Q ilt I(Ij( -al�1201 �. v - No t, U v,�l e 1, A Iti", p itb'li _Aqq4to Coil t. I q, f rl q, s -ff - V-1 dianship I'Mi. l: 1) ei I 'q` ("t I- Pill (I '11"i ......... . Ctyl t Ij lit "n -about- to -be exe- Witljin thc'4(ev j%I& Iftt Val -di t, The jud,4'e," pp�d In fn� ps uir the, nniol, alld shtn, ljoei JL)' lit t -t V`a a-ske.d. Nil that., inay I 'Aii 1.11 In, ,:�'COL."_��t th d 0 t -I mn. iond-rill i Al& Orm6 w h, -e 'T -I ll,�! bu VS th v,0 i tsl 10 xv s o inii'l, :4 nsel for thCo t nn'L 0 _ co it S I d, ges jis %vay wo Tie ,UT 'I I oo � glI t." Ii o6fit n's ngt-'Ic� first below, te 4t t-0 41f. . 1 1rv4WVjl(, of 'Ej agg, g1fa i � f t I I ?, , el's c -a t an4:, Se tL§ Many won -jell all, . hilliself At f 41)i", I�y r, wilU.1 Nickilaille; qudaem felt. ng - to I - h e �q i", tlie' N�orus. lrillc� quiet to d' Of i'lle zioarc��t any (tuj�fjjg tlle Oil' an'd of 11 ii� en OtIwly� he" h ad, to Dench and fjIciy _8ls niall. waiti ng _i A rr I C�q it Nv A I tMil i- 11.1 Ji�v, ifxrobleln of. the If (j, . of, thiii iIi6val '31) t ji, JL(al,.q ns. 11 PITY -TN%-16`-.-` ii� 11 N%a,� W _t,ajQ�a NN�a, 11 1 Is. Pap. eI Iv I -i f f he am) -d: Q v a &r thils'obtlining IIjil:fta7 it 01114, o 1 J?I I v I s 1i I t (7 e 15 rini and f in Iiiatf 0 ft in, by Tre, sm, )a t, (I I _is t" XY a ttip I Y an 46 no th R; -ma h (I p.(j N111 As �'olllidliave li�it, thd 1'6' vy fhnjuidl� thi, 11�611 a-:, rt lo. 'th4 4Q ]I but tic, be a. disag'�v�eot�eltj I which file j.1ri,f%h j -,RTA A ytilt .... . ...... . . 'runt P. 197, Z aUSZjgV`e�Qjn w [�Ui; :,I r-od. ax�fe-I'vil Ili --i Willi^ -IM bunj 4 iff'tbi& folt: a Ru WOMAH. ant '111-V Pit's 9YRrOjAeod" file ]),I A Y' It- 0 6 r h tf 0111c s I it 114"f, 0�, ppeis, ,i bi rs 669�' ' The fifAge titkes -.h t tlatrm a Olk 11 Hit his *01!48 he 'rnaode .13 : 4 L �OM2 ta A t'll C� 'q. as Aj).1V gl,fl't to ee� s t.'tl t 0 N i'm I ar e� �v�.ttt di 0 rt� blvi lar vq. 'er.) Tic it 'ile' gtej�jh�.% d;tj!tL, .4'. j"t a ing '01a, �Rtlss6- Lkl, Ivy. tll� 1,11jif'.4 je� a I jN.,,a lI` Not% il (IC k_ 6" J., vt III '-wa, of hlod, 14 1 1 - 1 l4fa&,8 the I'A s,ft 1' 1" , ffta J� L �.i 'E. ?,)�E �'(b bt evil V TI- t i'li: tly4filfftfr J., nicka'mine"d- .01 MV, .6 'U L C L-1, 11 S QYq III I'll "'Y I�f t1lo "li ts, 0, )Se L ; r desurbpc o t�it i'd to, )I vo, b� lta�j��Lh.(" 'i ll. Cfp" e 81 r All' I - l� 48 e Cl III th all Jn. �qjje �c.ovn(-ji� of th d distingnished fanflIl' aficTill i'j )Ivt TP. lice- ci, R",&nry Ita's A, -'h P 04 zitiad tis Wj,, At' INI lj� try' t th�� Klie"T. 1)"! pal -act.. N in cle ,pi '64. 'W"itij se r she., revo, verg ot d young gil at 6 (le CC 11111'41 c< Inni I I ri- H v tyl,44 48 Nl f I f in% All, TO o' ja C jo,�.N, n "eitki ir r1g. (fifil ,i it ar ill �t�j�g 1--- 1-44:4 It; "vid, 4iy hvipd-sli life ff�-) ktj 0*1 � -t 91,V- -bo, -lit-ifif-J, 7-, T li - 6 Ri ijig, I, n - T en :'Aftdr4 MT V P41, 1 Sha 8V q f -Ss nan 'Whtj d efi. 'Illife, �6iI- kfiit irig I NVOI(I d gla' Ife (jf any juall. b-1 e P, Vile ON Orvit- lita M, 4f 1,4' F. 4�L"� jj �tf i't �l to-, 1-1 . 0 , - , Rkt,�,i NOW, an� ' A !�Tt.4-kw&i tro,'olylid oil :01t, voii6ei ot 'Ifi@ NINO Rol40, Patrovitbil. deabd, "141, i T1 641 Ax" ThA Ana -a -;ml w, 6 C, pin let it 0 (),l' If Ill lit) . f th in -4- b,�,friMwI­ P0 Jib," W'411,0 ai, 'hft�,h ing 'll *A' ill, Cr e OV'Oftdifts of 't It a d. .0 ''And of' 'tfie,­jjsfi+ JapaueSe M It(' �a is,%wiitclled: 1,V, v(.1vad., b harles wotib.- the If 'I it vy, r loudl Nioiec,rifIgS, To 11.4 11 n. offi4lidibt e. taid hit, gard to 1h rtu'r A I one by her b flick 6d ..q i Idi e v,. it eaul y, and iln the rises. 'ith'r the OrdSpeet lirlv V �oy d' �ie jr e ofl,�,.eti, In, d -04 'on, to �Ii fl),mlIt 1 4b, 'it] Sent. b J. �o .2, �y jqed.s ie . - , , .0, 44) In d tll,Zs, of beL­ -e I 00t, A` filf�atuated NN PI It'll flitde, 1� 4 �' U ' 'jjr,d,"�f, jte, 11 tor 11119 'Coni ng lihild fit the .seS alLong th 6 eN,oilt W It 0, Wl!e,n .11'e, 40 lai'ge &h'd, c(Yffiffi nId� 41�1. pe�s(yn,, comld* ng ,4D n �,V. &1 6 J�j f I d ppowftdi 13onch-the, undor-Acriff" f- I e, "IT 4g) i t g. qio f CC,, lie) shej- -P ayed into ber qjl(_,�N, dis.6vor. ta, 'Cl, k4cle ff. - I t 11114) JIL.R. &�I- 1'qYqi.I Ij kj a] M tibu� lo�'Altx' Qnd patv.10tisull I1,1b, t 't, I I ilIg si�ppuv wldl - ilib g4lltdn'e,�e 61, le�Ag of t'iIi6, 4' f bi 'up4tv d'o IIAtoner " i 'd w , Y`ift . ,.f t' lito �pa" t I've tjrt�lv-lft thl-Tsf 6t "VA e 0 all vI`)j)d$ Ii L 15' P - W "I s And agroed to . ruvuj� o fte. (i tfln�j'bjj. i)6 jbo'� j)ul`j)1'C and �,ll lite 6. in o tI,tl'PrIS'&n- orination site ,,�o;i chains of oft6D% 'L rn e 7, ti �nq've lle, J��, all iny e Lai, 4 1 igj I IR)k if n t i j b It f. �l 4111fi; A feflo'iv officoi,,, '11ON dl'iI5 Pr'4.1QeT1,f 'Prx'Miev fif I&PUMIlf �ftgls )"jjL8JW , -Olviyi "ST4.-eti M '.IT doflji,�� a till av,­ bad 1�'arued the - , I I I" ji�:C,) I . , .. . , ious, i ti; b ee, It a! 0, C ItCiso Vv'vy h -NLobody j g 1-by,48 th4 X., �#6sr)60ded to jllli� 11(l bl�ldjv�i 4ftip JS 0jLj'jT,,4fl`d4 I NO f o N�� matter 'to the MI. ,_IL 4 alt. Ot le's r4fl§ , 61"t _eLft, 7 ,]16 4§,ked` 4V ask He a ­r4 el -11) ine, the I is­hel�,iWs' Itho tittonti6tr- of, jjj*L 0�opie. Nii Bile un ITR# 'gnperiCif.-Ol Af, Oct. �, 6,ill'� . . 'L 11 0'1' Zvol; , V I �, b,b,,V �, , � j�, _ ; , qf�do, , b, 1) a, 8 4, t 0 11 11Yve j'�o � 66ibid&4 I - 01 a ;q'i sto (A well T rn jove b ovv'S, in �n tip A 1A, hWTVd'V,)9 �OVM? thiriv-six So< 1 ji' A 4". th�,,y %4cq-e -#�q!tej 1'yt With! ffie e��ecjjf,jb .,i­:�:,.,b , it f)(mve, III uttemit i a, it Wot t, o In I'l is e ILk-LUI d n6r d&jfg)Tt( r, iing It; t flf�jtls T%W'�yf"Sqhp pqru, .&: Igkfid' t"t, 'I, 11; tio `-Yodll A Aga ....... ... fir J>Y-111'3� SLIG J�es 't refarit 1, Lney I ­� il frv� f - - - - - - - - - - W it MePi" v6ptdc(f r "ITOeil Ali .... . .... .. -4 V� 211211 QN, 1, R1,; n;!go Ri"'RD, i "IN 2 dn R