The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-12-04, Page 3__ I 1 .111 1 1 " 7.7 7r 1R.F,'jW7 _7 777=77777- 7 7 7 T* . T1, W CKS -At th6 fune ral Services., an e Oe rly 4 's V, YOW Bad. hste - ta., th e tra;x&port` chtnon��,, 4y, heard e, Vo,, -,t era -still s- fp1lo*-in:� .961loquy Was , Vver wp q �etween ',two-.4ged negro'cS.: "There ain't no use, in, talkift' TO, (Aiarr e77 jor Edw&,�i M k lia Ij 1APOLig 'It 4` , .4 ;h . A" , Q Th i -, . J ji A SS �Orj ! jjyin , who r-Q4e,. �the f#m6u- 0 A FIN L arker; `T1q1_. 3,Vil. 4� 06; liliTps %sars said�Mppc� B r es Mali, 'Wilfia*s! P -10k, -P�_,rcy BmRh, 13th lit' D, ragoo �Pep �j�;aflp� PC,, he� w th.�. mo§t cha ltabl � t B10'04� D wo _y This Volso ema forThroaY ars R b Healfh I's §i�rlq s1Y eoko 00 er seen d"V to'w% �PU jtj(;� THIS ActuaRy as 40p� tci Make. The, British. Mur. h . , b t Injmf*d aid. lt.ho Tit , " , 'Ile ,e7 d reckqg dat' kN7 ti oy 1p, $6des. 0:0, 14.04 a, on Hcm-, � L _tl -, �J 'o _W Thousands u_f worfie.n suff er f rom W, it it li� ing ;f Ra"r, 'Perl-Al Rm__ Y :7 �7 tilew with '4_k. t A _Wvr and Few Qjfitinent C1.1 re waitive 'for evidence, -op - , , r T affected. yp i59 AnA J�RrP4 py 41IT V'O�Y'L jea' &jI'0o,m6g �j ,Lthor,l)arclI�me icular"n M, ,but it'q qatArr)x blood 'd W "A just 'this t---- jeia4, ir,�n, �'Copt)e�r OX, �tate_df their . I . I I , I . K' s;ilft -d 9 1, Barker nj ii6 bad, r �4.p same. .,I red 11611, r ru l'yons Brook, 'N. wIth "YeaLll " co�nijnue 'T evefe, - your -The - ��e n�e thing,,f�� th' i he.Ad,' ftl.i V u the �tticuk IS. hTe. e=Peftnee t,started :0 Dick iliblam� _4e, 'ned Y n,; n an at - Me: % -a,,; p� _g�o -oxten --8af6 ev Sores PX I . 1. . pive, to, Inflanitag:-' Itir I, time :,briogth Is off a plu'g �jiat 'an d t,a ho have NO A durin xxty- t rd f4r their 'nerveis,. An, Ye 01 publi*1_1 Persons wL at. a.1i Oyer thop, al ms 0 d that. lok A�V�fw `p- hi L . L ri ' IL V -tioli iii.the npse,and thrq ngjap: were big craei� ain't,.�never heay, 10 V While i _ sinip fli0ent'liquor are� A An 1�eadyto serve aft�r,heat tt;pr, !i u S their blbbd mare -bban &u d 11 broke<)�ut 11 1 -;'In the liberty to w I cieli!QQ�114p discovered a -real C�Lij 4 to Tend. 44 4,py, Pee ad fdr q allity,and 11-2111. 1� At, ast K T4enjt op my head 1. conSed �'pcfeiiti L. * aL . 'Ile t oy-, that is th4 caivw "of k1l the -troilMe. longer at remedy a IleV fle marvel which -in scales. it ItchedlL.'an Don't waste your time in preparakfon,' d lem, -6ther'Ta rill, re b ...... r 1.3411C P ill s re prpmlists &A acts miw no',T: y d 4 an&i =.ore'. 'Bue "CAtarr, opo OL, -so 41 anr 1 `h' itp"" pe*rates on 4 becailse. they, actually m4k A familiar figu r e - in �Jiel ks�- earth. Zee�. It was Itc d L , � ­­;, - j�&L't 1 0 1011 1, 0. 'new, I . - "�n , I I atc4 A W M1 W.IKTEFI C -n a distriet hAg new. pl§n,;�. It4ff a go�p I sl,�r '. I �A,R ifor -red blood whiobL bu itisa �4,4nd - June'weatber7 wu _righ. r *A bl vprovail in --r- in fm�p, Ile litud 0 L lrd� the 'tiou 1 hair dame tly'to'the pot �thq lapa 0 etern'e".4' out: D.Wfuuy' ba�Ld. 4i4: -not & _;1 to od, Eat :ItX rip,.,Trwgy9nt q4encO anc le�411 -ug -oice, rea(�bed Craig 'Hou -be, n Vapor ls�ms aj the Chic on, erinon'T!, y jAn Paitoigon; �-e b�eafbed 1 wh eQjjT,6nje.L'1y by L oa;ir ilig il a n,ew health know at it -.was., W ba, ago ni 'Ile �spoclal -Inliale -t . ., EwVRII. .,new through'%_. '�Of t1j6 OW" Ta no 6ident of, 'pot �d6 &IY 9004. 1, gavc,u? my am�&�- the, lu3 ',Fine,, 1 kill b B Ucksburm.;'�At C�ed'a;ge of roAong-tIM"ud-It-dId__ d --rAMMY310-1h 4 n, r e etit Pr wag A, na� Ei!L0, 2: 1 &r. most �direcv�ioutes oz- est -�mxmrr�u%mudiinn �0,', com V_T e il pri _4Tik, "Ofith-I)l t a� �sy t -k ow. attl 1-1FZ�FS-001�7&S- --sra _0d;-Aq(nc7mY;7 h :21 6nL�,VEAr <77))x or aud_,ob.serva; x�, ��jr Va y, -e, -xb----dFFj4. -Reb., as 4�. TO E , O.V e 1j,et ,8ta-gP4--jt,_gQe5, further _wajS. on -In l�'For th6`-,, 11a�std T golrng fill -ii, .64e- IS,. eff ec+jdL awl,' fs.t.: time, in: -the as bottlbs,of Tbree iipiendid &aine;:'aai1y.1T_he, Over U19 In _e: , IV�� UL " Q�or' � - I . . W r;L, you -ca�n i d 6�o Aay I road Limited,' kf the. qli� ble 0.j,:Pngl&rId ored niaxi 'n- :,6age.p. iiF4,6ured,`4 n6t: do ianY:000 ht.d f "t;��, train ted 4- �Tjl�I'Ng lt�'dld T . 1 L 99 .00 UG A r TEdr, Iro. Y. WQ�u u ovalex commer.., For more', be ver I tEdalq_ The lletter.'Way.' RV06TT tS X-e4rs .4 , C .:,(jUt�jeUra­S6%P�,'qnd Ointment 'an w,th_e Agic City ;Df the Lan e4 -de -to-,t I . - 1. 1 - i ­ "�­. for 4.i-'x­m'en-th4.! np,k -9 -Ay ta, j _11 -an . 0 Bose Via iaae.�m:k4­(jiu; A the Sunshi,ne, n YranelEiCor 'PP'OL _ Limithd uble t Weak:,.'sp th -e :awawfutj 6d, -I, ubed�thb,4 till I SAW it'sto � ' 6, .1 1 �_ -StUIXeUL Up- E CA ItabIngandbjrnlr4r.1Vo- gotivarp block -elghni, '--P'.'t Of !P��ei :tit in &hli West Ndles; with a�,baa tist&, k - W.'aLs. takin 7�. a li b�rl, f ieling in, Iny: nb6trils," h i4a�l .. ..'' I" Iu - AD- -kn 4 e I ect e -iBatte,' D,<)- Sux�.�;_ g, tb," _,& Zqp­ '0q;:j?K,.0 gier, 4 t t4Qo:M WaS:.SIMply --"p - tai Mrs. r 1C., A -0 llff"­h - i to w tejjna�.,.�j Yj 6i=:r I r_lier, i A. ii)�- r hi.. majority I.Vow, an awful case pf' chronic, y t)j.tA,�te go 7j?7 - )n doe � L -r- , W I � d40 9 "T oic� -violtrntly.,. at .1. TM7r7S­._D, .416 -to V �41 t. -'of "AP"YQU S T. m fear -,647T _w__P_uLRd­ 4 was 001 It tarrohozode., -VU ba" Alor t 8 k raih r Dh, 60 006 has-been' &n�6: b y fire iii tfi(�, A f *egiiA a 11. _'o fyi t wid to@j�'ItL-j% bed -'With the treatment 0 'el ther Vrit ra q). :Or s -D id. 7 44 re I . . , 11 m bl my.,- `.'��ethdd_ ii. - 14r the -Wr, F thin jone. you JA �0 -hulur Yb#e -itm V en, YQJ es d" efttionwof',slft 4nd mio_3%.t. 'night., .-'an!, cure than -ner,Fe-s*7e.*f&" Irrftiib16 re --- darghter4l di roUg Xte. ar I e' d am free vtiment- did- nt i6r �e �re�t o ----- -- -------- --- 15 W, 41 -e adPS 180ine V pa Fe. I tj lag- fs, n6r do. It, ip Ar .136W jM (&r�t 6. 49 anyt Am Ms were cl L -.1fr at In 11 or of ome v jk,jjikS 4 NOL medi Sell W&Ilar�6 L r Bin d bujie, �"�yq & curei irs ever lit ...... IS -as - oz In f - Llb, iltlr,32�p.' 640 U pjq my rou, e w ... Tb comp -tested r at lu:tion- j n at rl sel W -,wea er min ed sY "th Diiwin' a; Antee r n. U.�. S. A. "iliat 'h 'o. 'lie :1i like a he zpt ilisiirid:' f t arcr -eotit o -an:, le Iz -ill' S'toie aep6r 'SALE . !, - the JFOII, ��hde ;000 jin Was r, nexi r think, NEW&P.Apep, 0 e ifirr an t 4p veri Id' "d the of r or, an water *aisifi Rt *tE;kLY. NE*.aPPLHR Foll his r rab e. 'I 'Was in, this ffi.gitoA,',Can.ad4. Jill ofth IWd6r intn the- VX b gy P ntoWn; Lig NUFt for man b .,e -use hn-h r4h,6r s�ientist,, -died teedtly.. In 'itr,"m. ,:.. �. . . . vant, COTS �ny e h' ise as P.DA is D "IV I A t' P-� he c P� 'co, Nv:hi-c- som go 1,14 on, a r It uI46. Th, a ply - Whe j on. th6 eo n a;q, In.g. taken hivM a d'ien -b ilat .;6f d �d pl�ngin I.. I . 1. - fclt )r. the" Nets m n ip . �43lrder to get e vren -ER C7 Mile anlibble, Es e go p 1 �,,h to buy. IQU Pair enL. doWn-� d uld go -d- i -e6able twligs a so'dark'redW. W. retur O raham, Ia i6 for bree Ing Puri .1-kePt z-041, -takil* tbe* a _Ojr��.ry tlqr4 S L k h �GaMo M hAA., �t. t6 boxe am nek..' . . . . . . a�r'the ETQ,' 4,'can-Aruly sa they made me -L& V` 0. W. nL6,. . er We. IS, -LUMPS, n. c an nQj� lie-arT if-KI-Arn �br� land by Firmily. Joojjr�fjtega "Are ih- w ',CAIN �er;nal eurbil vr I th- de rs; dnke4heir­-m�b Ile, "01108- ap, , , i ;6gt that is. T f) tried. to- C�04k Vp, the� no kopfor, to 1,01161 d g-, -livii-i. now Ut J& til4ry Th latAK a Ur$6& 0, 'P KiDNtY A ams, P lj�ptod n wo, W44.1 ad, h 5U is years� waa eventVa �ly Lj. '77 had t.6' lash' them to slart ALL STONIP 1) BLAD. -qiAj�L suad6 evory woman -.w,hb .1 dicbvered In S I 1 835,, axt .. 34. pno a Som -throbbing- Up a steiim' en ght,. -.der, Btohe�s,­KidnbY trouble, Gravel,, e,X , .... _f glue,� theah.! OW". My -aM -b I I Liimbagb Uses, The filarnei:nts ot spia etaxiaes yoil. *ake d' Th produ -and',kinred ailmente pbsitivel or -e mjjbh h,6art nran'. V ....4nbiber--new-rem y., d is a ci reik. ar: Shoo our 4reathing -sh,&t and' Irr9.gu-,; _aiarig��a -,Ed With new verpiki _Y, -a&-th em, _an.. At [e yelled !61 " price st:56. athej.. ch f4r�D !bt6s--X`eTli r est- hi Th4E� w, de�pera�ts Y� web.5 gox h a �.F Pricoo.42AM from tropipai S:e'li a iiAnj wityre ss , I :of, fatmers �be �Sanbl ynn4fae�! ampbit ;a- re, compis-' and'i�domen, and cause hbrriblb ali D �ar)01,6 A.'riti-Diab this, aot.," !t1711,011"P orin't6 th�L_-w4ter with 4, :tre T. HOIUSA.N! " 8, ists br an. ou can are 1�ltjrolbg enQ`ug. YOULr; tt6iibie igl4t re we the lety s -e 'w� t' thiough eT ted. - di lurl -106l1h�'-se, Pill's ' thr.QLUgh Ing .30 feet in en. nw. vbmpany Y tiries It EL W iM&jl7,pj0gt. WIL ave v r or. 'th Seven rows:-io, ft-ld: ore We hid gione wen f seats thaii co t cine, any Y Tie as syorses pal at 5 0 oeq. b�x or six boxep, en- come ot.%digestl6lik. whitli'll PiLitaguay f on n, s to f rm. -on e -s -e, 94 W w rom___Phe Dr. ' -11 d e" s.. pa or' ,$2.50. f, tuniveft--a :6praY­,,t lot arioua. Imes..: tu.; Ta�3s agstrist 6.4,k I ill '0 j - , : . �. � bile. Mor- ng cine CO Y f io.ni;, the hear hi vin Clue �6r',Spavius, eurb; buyinq_yw L fiii�fi si; a e e s o �V' 'k Y horks wotkhig -A $I tt t hi6h thei c6ir ea �ter t bo le may yel .:.nikn. my appe i e -W�As y9r,! j E a ckly IL _sL In % - . . : �ow' .p , 'I ;' ach 'T had �ear b lit' UL eeit-u ri iin.- my stom -you are in a" So Y fdod:f6kinertted., th Jones. MY. 'of: Belle.,-RIVer., Out. t i cau§es. It Ceps,. d -n -m- k Medi . : h4v 11, y x many. o her RY 0C reihors�foryoii. Qeta.bottleIlie T by, eil of fig Thre�i �i�nths -,ago I qg ime P, 9�11_v.heels :'d �"ts h -�$i a boitle;,.6.-,, aUr rjBilli -.indJgesttdn.L.:, AtTn-kht 'Onee- h eveLryw ere, r awquld�o d *sikem wi-.th sk.for a copy _14 -ten, of (5:dr IM, ­ L fitorie,_ _1P J$�.als6 a tat rie�!, -ch kah -heart.palp 'o Ik A .1. t lk, i - &�d %Trea'tiseop the%lld - - ------ the at orna in A. ;t �rb of d nt ... ...... . 'le in iCi 'E st"I ftlend advise& ff-Faiis.,yernto Ted, ren',ediei;',jhat_' -Enosbur rj�W my L IBM 'or JL 08 4. '-In, the Y 7 Fre P4i6thftl Oft -ainteillt-6. help.0 joijr _l_l_i4e,r M tpe 7� -a Ue.ff , �S , ing, I I " ' * *L` -nee Harnitut iaid eL In p e e, r e- g�6176 Tlay 0 6 cam 8FEn- ga g by 8 .-- ' i th x4k� goll 'M.k lio'-,sign �df indigeptou.' .1 rag 2: af'!L' vib any' -people. have eilli. SP reel.,youngr .�d Initial 0 ..IT 6 . .. n. ;1 weveia a thicki gte r oine one roa;red real t .. . ..... .. . , ".L�. Y�. t6l I' -6- -kipd '-D tbr6_ *as .,an _% r th pq - or I 'led, 'idea.: that asy 4eajt41'er'tjt4n iavisr before'! :-.7t A -can an n h Aour ruggW Qrsto 'b� aYZ AM 11C 1. Le --for- rour. t*el "'montibs, -,b + re�ff y roul e y -number-6t-theillb tyet 6ily 'and they 1kr Y!?L-y �zye d, hey. ei��P] a 0-ee �and KingSton,L re M ne.. rM f�ugd ontain anada, mome intense Ing. old: 'jun.46, ju Y. nt. fi led wit 7 0- lt�gh,'p.6rcentage of,harmful W&s� I�uoh abro nger.. than fri 'Ail jjust� wal, acids, an.d.� obt in f -douyx;. OePt� tha, Tspun Under noian,ii ondWoilIa' antl4onla,-' Then thq.re eamIe' a. t"n, o ultuie�i such tri4tating ch6ndICalLS . I I cobor,� bipa" ",home. a ox g anCso, tliey'Lmay. cause ta.6h Whin a man rings �, i�d IV Eilta�r: WhA4 th:filiniet'h�l at ....... . h, a-ple8hillill . ­ " and, eThe will -of n�es. . t e;.r om- Send us Your. a ill, Send: *a tike cards t r Is w1l e Imagi 0 aI r ."d'w Will -.a Vtyou- Ut. 'Addr warm sensation 'whenl first -applied e& formet-ly a 1. . bokb which by, 'Of -6afidy' fO c� dragg 9 their, c6atfullo.d...us �ns tU�*t nP,, q leg ren . ;er skin -and, "N' is ALnd_onfX- _dbteriorgte_� -4indT. Ses0.� r rod by--Jea .,. " 'L I ges. thlertib 0 U IS e.. 'all, her 411 n..origtqq pqCka, -started .:in B L'.. -a -to JUJ,tL* S`� iaiiaseA. -1 -jr 'to� theii 6ffort*.. oueha:ffi6th, refinery yolir, or war ou a�xW is, then I b u bb -M-: :An' Ulsste'r -a- -b� endless,tro I she. ihis' 6en r�o w)i it, doct .n.4 Yr &he for ten thite, oily .cup l'jnjMehtL!�d pe, .611, Ire ry. 'Wh P ing m*n or, -iorgoney yie d Y_ rom. Y(?l tj "ban nj%V &I-1 )'Oil _dve' johr , L omfh _w_1 ay 6n Jie_�kna ent, can't. to the- dt* t Als, th miouri through the. 'Pa ".coniTu na� 0, 166n. foYffied a,L covere wJ -k-,a, Y s new opikpany of o, pat n. id reach.thq. isnd k dr GrAtfulat R Pai -Off- -So6theg-E WY --r,,k_ . i.91 I . - -_ - We a*ja fjjj jfj Whell llgk6d�hia opinion, a 'hi4 Un Li�lifir, sod. 'jaiset,conectorlir of t6d Nfurine Pye,.RemedyL, 7Th Iet.t. ickeda three sizes ?f r,,niixng:­w&tkr., 61 ents Ulij r. -�, �.E­ '­ !� -l' ­ . 'r 1. - -..'r- .- -IMpoLrtlljlt­_4�phygicjgu -sta rema, V lefl at, ths Ia. cye, a ve irt" Mep divid_� n.- h3a - itain no _tANADJ" ��" 6 lb-sek] jA j --t x- rlanc% larger. 111ii, ano ?!b, iW�fa LAROE ijilway wi -run. Thit 'R IX a- a .,Niod, Care. and,5 markets'and. nljt6t; :1W--tebxnb ined - t,6 �Atrri-Prurbduing- lininient,' sue' -Okn'Eya- *nit 6 I'd 'All Eyes that ffine't to'' e,'superior to any of fiter. All first Cles8rdealaroxan mum Y, Chica a emb Pli "Nervi Urine. Ity:0. enje-dv C *6 insist. "pion r aF;n# Ship diract to us. -Q. C. athe white flrifeaA. ''The f ilb ric in th, a 1zcnd is not 0- nIY Lawrenci Sailar. day flurs ar# reoelved. %,0 yjak of p tm, iiur separate, on _rEquest. �celpbrAt�d Ili ttid -actide he had; threall,�,prodice is much ji U.S. uIttley- el't agerd ' LAWROCE 9UGAR I hold twent i ift I "e. bt�tj also d UMITED.�;MONTREAL . st r ready. Write for It. SSO(f eagprg Of 6rd U11001n: now d AM JOHNSON 'LIMITED, olOest: Indiail in a;ry �ilk. ��ri oFall pric stmP Yn7 offic6r, .% .- L" 60uld son,, co s' of qment a'S, it May 6'jjdSeL ca,, apa lumbago, that mre e4e- Po �qally! lie ne na e '404 not ire9pohli. 11 ts- that' D,03 a �,q .6rdi rY �tr nt 4Q1117 you'."t),ink 'good U herq 1,061 el'40 _t&b% 1.6r *b cured hm.. ame yqjI je�l n aspoke of.th ysan e r, 1% tile lurgest number recor&d physician great ad- Wt pre'6xii the 'tn6si Instr vafitages'6f keepflig a Oreparatioxi like if � of think his At tj .1 of .exp0i�tnl .7 �,�; 0 aS- introdced.. e y W400 em in Mg- rk: CHAM0160 006KATOR little E "ail. iordinar on W becafise t jn,,,the__piodUcfiorn lnexce JAC . r .9--p 4ar-achei--ti _.1togh 4AK entre, And; to Cxr- with Nerviltne is q lin q 'db*il -the -to thto. o -Al 6t*eeti such. minor. At the 'T R -o-,- i ebly ati as. ur 6r. exterital, S.Y. R. F Ij ac xe ternal the. spi- in r4 id a'pair �f tweezrs. that, Nerviline, WOW 4n boUtL, 16 the' titn� to'jilve, �,6u rAf 2PI C. I)AAeik-d of runbapg a tiew o&bw- in m6d0ne Ia used. Fifty years r0nj J�& 1 300, fr., I i)en6flt f ri�3m the U06 of IfINAM)"S LIM- UFt banis S.-R"I;ufflAll 'S*t-4 busi-nass serious Attention,' -LIOUJO SULPH; �o am ex- c6thiftubd tifid. th6- Otid6fae is ; UP,� M In 4'66ihi TISM. hs�,e �:oaf' KV000. tive';,iinder its. The, i4illk g ye, hib n-' I ment of..tho piofekalon hre. pfoof that proved it to be vjery rator ln.:�PlAee befo.�43 the cold rliv 0 1. S an� English r .......... IF.": 17OXE ': -t, butits W and IIUTCIII� SO "Th say kissing brilp -on, PRI, e a MONEY IS, TIGHT ge" seg."' WRITE: OW 'THE, GRIM* FQ, CO,, UMITED otiffers, when muS xn I h, e I a ever3 heI)b W. 0. GOFFA S&W 1p TT *10 Inardis. LililmOnt Cure ecured f ore- 7 IyiShman, s V64 ohlyl J?U hip' aiter serving for Some, at mar ic e & man Ij lieves. tb f the.L -doaerii. .. .. r , 1� i - has pateted years as one o o I,. 'b e c OEER -PL <) mp 't tric the huw�ehoid e -x -s 8 ataec al rin 6 . , . q r 9&* ITHER I . I . . . , _t . 7� .: c I OR "7,,o'clock in 'the 7m' �N� 0 if he only. Yor work boilneeti6M WWI the drip pans. ing, bogan his dotie'a 6j. cu'M e n AB g na�y P�ance lia4d, ordered 35, -in-ore to tuj,ft his, busn he 'gdn'g -to <)rdelr'r.. dirigibld ballobm-8, LIQUjo, SULOH the j�ob'. 't<j -Ull. qUe'831. gifty' 77 e -s 0 jK&V I A nd he 01111`06' J _w bf fL8 ir n �d -Pt, of I *ra fory bits -of choice L fo. hiii-naa etirs. A 110t� a Vr I -,bit il t rio i" f t Ly ono g �A6TE LIQUiO' SULPHTUR �Idaft&dt and, heAl' Zin a. - r , , 5 ated.to Sib Spp&ti thore i. ng I'i 6k 1 1 P era "I 11"T St .1 a "kag' .1 - tight t 77 I rk <C C, e put, by, 1xind tj 'trij) . , Priliqj',j M 0Vrj N,G' N Q yo Ili can P CTU C I� U t ).0 gh 4) t hbt tej 10, 'b 'I- E, FREE any 4 th ie 1&" 11.6 -v*d; t. Q ro MACH' w itioll,l't 1 i�o ob 1, 111 g., N, thi's pilp'.71ilid dr w, y ing, lid N1 a gid, 4C, in 1c Unr't' 14 J. Any I)# ec all ea in al) 11 . . , . ta'. DO . .. i . , 'lit "6 jjk­ t, calling a� an' Tf4b cot- . I � 1, It �6 lilemlaut A qs �1401(1 tildy're a, Un�6 Ud Sce), I a se or, g ollt &M. Ile. 'Cerits , che ' aper. n ot-iced W . j�jtig mes, ELM 'ch Mnfly�, -9.00 . PSI N,&t, 6t; gll(y Ii. U have or'oved Zaino 'T' �d which, Was � -btA -ind I aile roS6. 9tepped 61itj PF tiralli Ile, jq tblloudh f- 0r EcZe hIA4 vfitig 1:116, ov 6f ythilictl 1i ke id y. it t I t1! � f r of 10 CO C We Owe' llr� motheri yo -tc�-. auck. tio'd t us t 'r name. 'to YO a -e t Zatti-i9tik-1, Wh 8 tizat It "A 'che cittdo to .64611. an Y Will, serA1 I biw t 5L iid� tie Money 'tj 'I L," �", I rasked I? r I . i whold 6titt% *Ith, the big (tint ill 1116 hoa.�T it fh6 brick that .11, t id P0, '0111 re 1. C. AA ft "Th; t1tik Ym 7j1.1 W01 hitch two RRI ediv� it ka U1110K, �'l 77