The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-10-23, Page 34 P-lik. 1 A �Y j p, W, 11'�?"J,, P; jl�, 7­�, v 1 i, M 4, 10: X,�M; i� R", A 0 At' .......... ...... .. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U, thaC theitr- _7 k t" `b - T I I'll ;��' S", 'S U rked '-sol k y on ju q fur th 'M 4.g e,4 to b tilno."for, T I U & me,0urps, U41ritching- tb hortse �'s MT."NA1 MKONATT, LX, Oz- 9 109'r '0A1 $I, Will C ULIAX If ET11f) Q S jq�jtg plunged 'ablotlt�`re�q PE, m -B j -0 It scell'ted ji". REST f, R'. A-ID-OPTEID he 1gd hi AIR anxdW I#, jftliF f .�.develop �!*00,r W - FF ­_L4z . . r �?6V A .6 V the Uana:4,�#01 ept Ie this year live times' Mo 04W ?:'91 T !0 1 t e kieaw gigh�j�**** Almrog, N"nip,; �y !x" r inap V la R.4i i , . wag ite it yea an trQgetller they 4pxrled. to 0 - rqung q3Mper, Ve witlijtyi Ypro-avp,, pnq tuip, A house ,Presently reappearing ear it is tigured, t�ro Dand' e ufl I 4 4UP; 410n, - D in 00030 ireigni care, and Yet ;3' blanket _kpl liueh'o, PrPP At s laden,4ith rugs and 'M T -Ke, se--tite -_ Ix juriormoiw.-lotai wail-liave-to -be re ved +1 A. td -stream, pre-Asliig 't e m: we'JI dOWnt to the lake-fr t Ifto h nee tbo: aventp-Of ou 44, t , . _ _. y .of k 0 1 7 _fhj . , �thtr 131 Bit6k, agAin -U-] v6ni glice. :-T.WQ, fought t an �'Ditcpu,r A a _p.&,,i the , f Gurprigie4q.at their inability to 1A r PC rt pf -a"m.4jp-� ly �of, tji6. spie� the 'o rid - Xaga�gine., A le breez.Q qlor 'the,door quirementz, but ort Iniluj.'ry jjeX D.a!� .4, 6A t ___T1 m4s, this time 4�, -tbat7,-jLhs, he 11111, a 1 460:;4, M .111-1 e- -f-W, yea"t I bid IMN f which was more than. A-8 a. dq, e I loaping lntpr"k; made th 'Nature Me -ways could ftiji* de "s _b Y-QUr�vMriet 7 4:i1lb � -inwhile, ftealdily�' and je,lent- prov, e4 ior, b, 0__Qs.le 'he t sin acti i In yn e. that �e�sly 'the fl periienee th r th mth.ern .'.hgrdei; of Aviiich they f bi' �-F 4e f ront'i tile, �oi Y91117,&ocir �rd cam -on, tit, sayg Week-ly.. % not 'were. ellcanipe<f at K while 'the. Govei en e�sh; Their 9. r4a se"., 11 46 w' in fury,' greAtl'Uo.n4.qe 9 Il"VMe V, NIL to urge tl lie -hu' n habitatio4. 'W� Sald' th HK a, rt of to f 14kin. -, ..91%A&�,�,qk�w*;***",%,qb"sllu�.41- 3. 1 ti "" .- 41"'i I I-Clirk la hing out, t RW It l,j� -49 -o�,iqr 44,000- i -W i Ac duri ot�. cpur4 o- �,k ge and.jaith in Je h 5 q 4�, ei ht ears.; wo drder 6 Fre 1114�1 pring Bhi' str, rylr f re.it� we sh in' PtiiDs-ca�irbe-r6 U&.. �y thoruB�;jn moved, V E-axid-Ah Th E�� g�hCLIISP,_N.Ms r so ve- e�,been­_de- I in-st- �4" Zytr lie -D -or -I arge my,, hjV em 14 a �M-ornentj...Q. lose Quickly. �,ncy knpwn to, f4it"" + -j Q -F _E`R) 0 India: d, m 1.h -hb ha 'nit ;fie- , -q44QI e e -ort- llarlashipgilfi riisoir_. ii Ca t Is xiotice4,that ::�ma _n�Af, _v � JbIln,_ _6� ngati6h, Uy 411 %,.rapped _w �Ia. no* iqlni` Ly­��e­ 00�@ 000 'jl�tives� J _oji ten thap., geuaK Ir, 1912" f privations,unti, a w.. oe, gener- cl awl the Carnadian- 'f an ize- ia Stan -or -a., gi, n. me di , I. the, '#�X G 'ail did ill', I p P -1, in "a' rlpp�ng Pamoine radwitypandled, dur," G' 're 'b g aS is, alone M-, -$or" one.Zr two 'ou't- _blaii '4nd 'Mcli�en, r I e 1p,g her:�e f, in F.ra I'd _tie _t)ot �ihait�.po cl, _b k vLvsid r _­___ _.. P .43'j309 ­care,." Ith t 1 'the e andi /e ilic.r Seb..teinlseil, .0etotibr PliPes a o Cana4jab No do r u I w.i. t�viieBS_", xx=, pa -ver -cu r 64 bilified -th if Rip and; -:M6, Grayk4 -by Jlic N<)-iN' il-dijigs-it'- j4okM, dinjiJI&J-ve, an' sim otozoaji S d, , " " , g .­ ;7; a4 b V.hon ;one ried�,and' �,Mmishdd ��f OLttild ide tk'f:d­ an d' e"a, k :qars.. jnie �,.usb:,or.irraa rs is Iscoveieti. e 1, _re4_ 6' Mp 'fributilon�' aind.. 't U Zihd�r Am oLr.e _j.C.,".W 0 . . C I :,Of .13 d in g_aQ 0 U W qers, Jcr,4nse,:. it rin r t :f I es 1119''.to A-46 se 'and: d 14'ect Itseli!-�but f- 'th6 2 ir UiMll A. J; t. ,at t . -1: : VY 'Ul 7� h mv 04 �,.,xfxry shaekR, ii6ja - gs.wav to.,the I— Idi e L e. Tei "a V 0 t aKA 9d as`bee for es, 'ra=nd ;of pro. i �rlexer �b ern� -B dao-olng (h en �,Chb firo ';,aliway i0iec -ion Cif C.fie: Jig T, e h dr e - 111 .1 . - A h' g -IX -E i, oVere �en i '. � f In Ka- 6*f Aii b7 a-11 aiou� )torlauliced 11 vie. he 8t Maz,&. _44 d a. afirier ` t,V fL 141p) o,,. you.-. -s'' Ili av-vra ti, or� For iciaxi of Up 4 -pale -M-U-s n ra . i. h you.. Fbw db _o Th' mk and, its,4'a-tho. O'k- t 41.1 w as en e many 7-7.7 Or �'both enda'dUthe ca Th fikat mon'th�7T.b.'p. month e'spt in, the d`esert-:I`k8'&n oas�ls` d ®r d- it t.he". blalilret. a�(jund vo ere -'an l' ;is d IL Ing weir An 1.1 the -, passen g 4e an namel '^f&r �ro ticing NT'�'tu re - -':biA -no n ".seriolls hip - e aze on :Fornet',.�[ainlg nbiC la� n d IJ in a. I legible letters. Wy war(*:­wxthu U e "a isaxi or;,Abib, corrbs, 6 '1 whtcred-ga d aeeed "the next the f 3 Dr. we ry? dr -im greelli. with. 'gets. ve U.0 scove e g rm, t 91 lj P)_ T__ k _911 Ila j7ha wnp. a". ePilea�vorea l iq vain W. eak against. into jjeogr a tiny. e n t I St9n;nC , ., th. ir od 9upp Ing, bf do :Naii -he� altswei�ll W, -.a een s'ih,the batn­'-cowoietw� �i railhiCaL itab b 3rd is 'tha;t Agair vor to .00 ist their 1:6addra the, Pea fill nse -of rest and. the, name out, and' they returned hom&'. inbC1414t &'calf. liZaett st"'t b by tb..orr�ijk ")a 4n, Ai�.,Uj 'd ed! ILI t lhi e wirep.. som e more -By F this time -th WoPc S.'an gum6, aboundini,ib- 4 Prafri ' ProvinO es fro,lii. "the' biff-.. I h ad ae, to , hdat e y .1 a. tic i stink inf(irination on �:'-Londor� �e al autho'ribieOi cou uentl A djlc�ti6n "ji 'Derj)artmen�t lo ff h Vd.. db d, ,'stiange' 'ala4 th-r6af6l wire �jja - y -yure e caniba� oked. -TT4 , AtA- 3tCriQ th;jan_Ldied ?.a h. ef 4V Z --k I -ft -_� , INIg -resu'IV Vu-Me--n-of-E _0 : 'a Re U4; re, OW . - _T n �A s. in -nother.'and in', grn'ess, pl 6 a-Ppiratus dishIfect- I . . .:... . . . ris e, ex hall; now, beerk, a onee accu" o �o -a di Stan t :vieW d '�w ce lh�fi dam, :.in ted n _ated atchew.an,. AlbekW And', �en, progs 'b ;IN- -&­rf� - , _( ­steu -7tj -&t­:A -Way 46 1 an i 16 ol� aid TV,. A. i ho I valh-1- pT p g of him -yet Chaa FsW` . . .. I "... - L I - I:k, "Qf , r _ .1. , n -gr -f A...'k, - I I -rah. , !.w :_.. � t.. n. - M? AM.- -,L .%1 1. the pent -f�r fr r�, lill .1 's. :trulrm U, , e &ter--W1,th_4h_1L at� �ga th; -by omb 10,-,0 ahaf ij,64-h . ed---r-n- .6 -r -h- e4 - il� net's -nd4' Ja ------ Reg ly o qu.e�§_rlqj­�,j 1W t r nj -.6halic Aimn- -,7 ej_ _A3l�l) L &LLV.!V_X U A- kddj.tions-?Z-�Ver--cex, r 7. A t1on. -is T 7 My, mA e,d pAper 4na 66s-eir peQP 'to be gVe as 16 v drWPI b 6 seeming y ',3,n_furJ:ated by -fhe- esis- -sqUare )niles, igs in. %Alberta; - 8 ver eetiti left t ,is ol f Seho.vah'' "ltskriLtebewan "and 4- 1 per cent. ild. cott-on n6tt'i he vil-la-ge 'he. In t r e exPerimen.s a 04g hithertcl, ii MU anC61 of its Pkey. leaped arric is ..intended ille girl' of, his. bhbiob J." np­ f -h-e h n Ile st hxve'� stob- t, Fraged tieatmenj e hard k _13- i..ve g `w h 6 h fill -.1'.- ddl WU urne 1 th n h ing.� ri a, t le Coo t C. en. e're a' I Clou 0 1 n a -cross e t bir�c I. ' . . "the settlemellit.-U I tor such wildern., ss :. Manitoba.- addition- r MMP"4e4-­in_ _b 6U the -m-,- 4: i;V4 Ulg':r. y , 4,.. s ago two, determi again.. �hf 1'rMt- b' H f ftaaje biloW ert.r . -of. the joataKm1.f)u wl I ies. Sr 1p -an 11 the a Voung �tho ,,gua�d, would catch' A:i an, oult'. e 'Possl if With y,4 5. -This evil' place--4fie: place tu to P Weigh't'iforfw6ght, iq6o'di riva; -g decided- to, fijht duef part 'from th e . x e dS�xiajntite. They .: arran t- -i'� 9 I .. D. , Fo.Tfiet!,� h a' rid h d t�-i�n sical dis anidiiin Paciine in txikligh A&ntisi' mataro,ii is -as 4h�iy * it on ai'batro. ol na- in ".0 phy here- a bi o, ry- en,fbrcjnk the 1 jp�thodlg_: tr_e4) pg, The ranCher,,' was' accustomed ..to ls6li-: houlse t f g'r,' ass- disobi4ry res.uli xw a%alnist tieepas�,":.4011 figsh--buildin: 'ji "VI, US "Riia. The- 'I -i -w -b-f- use was altac e A— d A,e. ,or �zroad dd- --th, ughom -ban-- 1:e! t '&hind i "g sin ed- r'Up . r It - and it at tracks.� see the'ebuntrv. h Zil t it hg��tpjb daaced. -ksidl-y 4 -hey I UT6 6d 4 A- -t;o ittpL lne&ana-td� --p romise-­. Ur whi(2114�vet:juse J.), vek a wide a -eno, ridd 'in the POE& le e.P pal- -ed_in_the-,aco-r4rhi--Ug­ air.- Ghlo jndividual property, i1pr 11"' "" Vgh'to �be tat `15d ked -by, - ei!d -0 toem _d -OL-0-urse, hav_e__de_cide_d_- --vacciife­­,��yh7 ui hich`�-m:ay- hein in been:,t)IAt they'gh4'jjr& gue Fee Mg. Ire -company'la. r, pwre intb:l -a' land bveifloWi' - n4 Oer �sm in its T. Ag� luck biought 'ed oitt' �)f all si It Winne lessen the 'ill roslilts',80metimes, olt- ow ...B.pecial conersmt it-Od �0 'Ve A t-ff(j7e-k-eCfis--a-rFe�e liciii7c -1 i-M-� 9 n w wa; ins] 'with all', the 'a jl&1jj-arV.e jt� . ...... "boy 'I a bo,th--fuges-_1__­­ brother �I' fhini �,o ;keep Poop being e vaccina -don an t US -7 de4�.,i -`f - wol ­howeve�r w I th'?_ lj&­ Stiopiaefforts are -now to .f4.'__-_ '­, �:& . -6, devils' of lx�enio�a-11_81,m pads. 'as ened `bief�tlr the, -4y- owing f returned u-t-hori.tv of, Pr ry, iih' milk'anid ;h Save for hdi e 7cogniti6,n,, they. fo . ught to. :kil 'sttoraoe baUli' t be 10 . - �`off h it. lid wi -the'rivals. ,n Ving -,in- , ��prive the- Gernian-7-:aniti.-vzcc� najjolj��­ A,,i I Av, een, _ - - - - W olit" A�oxn� Ft I sh, :toil Isis r, year -wk6 -over -G eT-7 x -0 h. I . .4'. :,16. ala y is, so- - -per eA nl -- .. The boy's min. Was alight, flPix"dily, deo be -, , 4 1 - - '. . . f - wa d tha nanirw I\Nith,�r is -theto'illoy --water-Not wit tru s: r Ched;V; a d b 'h 6iinher ili already - a,$ -nine Q.x in ly� boh cted W-0 --- ed--at". this� lid - _wc�.ked,_ 't'h: Te; -it �1_ Isr theiiB 4b;.�,ut, -th r1o..%, -With "eadily aife , Tfa7fft;l�.6.-S -or pec, e .,of. �seedg_-indz-fru­l -B M. A". W e A o' 'nmo Ing �a. Py. m Arthur 11 rjA02h4 fro d'- "_4qndanti - u 'r jr - . 16 1 1.119-iZ voltz' I lop' seco lid'i r -saw " f* - tjoj n w, d E figl I _7� V gr aiP� it - mpa, isi -co el 3!i e*ror i , .­ I I jl� l d- qiui�es tie ce- Y -r- Le, , .. . 'e - A fiid' f Ville. :1 1 `M' ; amid snix.res HaTen In iii t , sjimmer the. hem is** 6,0070007hdrttp d i lid a nlpressivo6 viewi, of the xteht �!w 1c.h. man -in tj�p.r ent 'Infprn&ti6n Z WateiJci drink,. _year in: th itiles: upo6,, _111.40 os iilln ,at r, C i"i f<),r,- ufi Mek&b. Tlhlei;�P-p�e f . gb r �4o -.147 y_ -L tAIL&W4" agger, 1leiAgjaw':. (.,ne* Itar .: Droi�hy.214,etio� an I t r 1D n;rro9.c1,n prod ou f t.m., ;in!,, on. San LL:LL� I - ­­ ;_t1-___ ti 1, , I - . f u and ZOO:' d 7 �7 0W -Age sell .1 no 'C' o re ppod t e earg 1871 to B 0,'aij a in 's p ron- Ur, t i -vfa;h e cIoud,- (sf .6he 'fl 19 .. 0 - 1, 1. iL, d, the 6 0 ctio-i. butchers�? lrniN-&,si�7a d1t, The 1 of Yeho' b ps A h .....g. pry. tIol,of, the -H ritild- h -d b jl&a�p againSt.thlem'.: 1; se h 4 pvpy r ee 67, etidic Wn s in -the b t Ile o f ; � - -"p '-. le - -ho q 7 .146%qther gid;e, of ttie sefflii 7 that a.t#W )1d V4�n- 2 yl. yj R tL ri 4�yl vah. . ment--Ihr;6f�i1 '',and Artijur7 hid-, U s , tic ont 9% -is -year, *as tho., h; ji. re by .0 P 0 w b u :hig to ha on B ad b ­ c Ric h9th A -Th q t 6 -enemy. Thelre Pas een in ill t y a Ip. t 46. lPr ed,r for ' �and�i a rMI, nl_� 'the, 'to bz, 'rod!.'. I taii: similar -7 of Ili' a" - Anron!..i$1j1ch hail - budde oil its. teTrible and out o I Q4 Vrl_�Vu-. �1' . . 1. .'. 1'7­�' . �., I 4M. 13f, of. . Zloob liv . �f B w4y) pt a- .g@n perris ep tT, ralte hais been .6 e ion it, a W_ as I'StUr � I . I I I . f lack6ried- wa4tw­ th e rectuct eve. hi le * is� , - , . .­ - ly d tributed anio,jjMr'jh&'Sjeve.. put ie x Nanicy 4t 64'.dinn r er.on the -tkb:Ie h _ffieft4i4d, Stood A Lrh let fo eho `h,,,1' that S,zirk'the salle'71. Fj�s - ' :tion 'a4 10 That is oriq,- of the most oreditllbfel�hb jtaliall�. I -,er iving in,, through �.hii rt by, the al Iler. a -'a -testimony .,or amod b fi�sied '.he 11 , W. tb% r ',little, k that it would be'possibM to,make Grand." R'eaUlt ' 8�4. Me he Then for 'the .'first time since, the, n' Paris has. s b' F6116W. fhe� Dirept bet, with- e marine. breaihinij..Remedy,� whic of - ­euefficen" df- R�v&ameint. ai.-as. reany mi Iles W ith The -Indian th B.Air,*st.. cut, an h C gt�Vy­ -fight' 'began 't to 'Ivw,�axn 11M..'llmd a el -c rr6n.t. at --clow-pers first u. u 0 -h 'd _Ir' 1 kj_ to'.4- cattle. it- m6ro"abub: unt r le -to- g �,4 t;t, . -,UP- B pep� the�­r e an, �.�b ran f y ree tiat the achi vemenzi hS njury� .1� jfjf4___ dgrably + uosequent,,I!�!�- 191 ver grewter than the 11 14 daily tur 000 country th what �eding, or 7e g � rom-L cOTJsj The Indiaii �s. 'first th�ir'- 'eitr Xan�y, this j� been rh IbSg 0 Ing indleater., for' if SalVinji, deiience .,b' � not :zil. fliumb. e jike�wise thatr throat',Silf- bIll- r. . ­­ 1-th , r - - - - *nd.-b 'Get 'th 'Joh' l . ale A' � fir,._ 16 . rye l6ur em: _ . _ feierS.ara making every.. on wi. -,youi 'k �4ed­` guroe., wi r k6a inade Mile' itrealt. `advj�666. -:th6!de. aves, re'itJ m.Ad f r al� to-, Ind as imp"§ive as, marble, d4F,'With Ca - first tarrhoziillne. ocean fl. eyetbrbws, `1 lo.- Gather am.,sure you mulst lilied, it after. lips,. sl would �hat ineillly haVer rem vined, its it 'was; -and--jaAfiot, ihe�I,ai r &ej ed the, silage figed, sc6rehed' in 'It woxil!� cert nIy,.jja,v, , 1p,� ils rrlble, drkma..went on until From P ocean -6 o a'nio F�6*- thisi, -p6in't' on 'the uch I ng m, rni g.' N' "d r. d chemically tre QQme, :leftQkS_:tb1l1ilg.of ig Id:, cures - y 09a .smoky ii-ce-, -,gir"i starjig. %, f e -nted an , e ecrease, othe at W, each%combiitant had ostjour'd` u 141 il�o y . . I . 19- aa& '�uroh' ;A'eit the coMI)II-1 A arrht" to, e,girl to* "'Nani Nan se whi!ph would`h&v�e German Ufin was. 11 li ive as it stands. is'. sli�htly. is She',- 4. -.to :p t the ii�jti' been, Inore4ged., he cried, A more Wehilleal detail.-Yet."On .*hlA.' A Inyen, r. g otato i T 4e. P n the cattlejn,all,ki secoau.� WIT-- 1,,,be P f"i 69 -,A EVJUY --Jy)r- iq�V -jj�-eris7;1 A4 -jr� q nmg. rl� ^: zi �r V�1.00 Y,: 5 �Pg_A�_ep_ talll�� �tRq_ n lift d Stupendliui:: a�tiong made. by. b ��in I 6nt.0 in- :ed foftard,tcl -4-6 li- U, '1boktd ffib,b, Atitanloblit. F1fjkN009.� in, f e ggegt6d. y, e7i�rgl 0 quiet her, en dfeinlg� to 9 4n4ti' and A e din7ner. When she'... retu rn ed,' to.; the ff0blift4d to ;tbb'ieeelit k�- spAdesr �sides, of -the'. wii­l I- is 4114ched at,first bidder, -speak e '_Nov0ty' fn_puels.- wn y �Jpahb*Ah., t4 kitcheir John! had eiltly -th wheels, You cau,., fim&ih I i .,e L, no.-th 6ildl'a e ann -sk tica -erd ls,.Me C ,You, r oz6fie-In _uxlombbile4. -&nd'motor'tdfiven -vehicles'' A70'cording to- - two- Fi An -other extrap. inaty. ki _h. ­ ­­­ _d� , M Wall -gUEIe OUl 0 6thod'46f r Ing, als td,-*th,e ro a yhi- haVe! he�lped Indio hap� j�rk...a.maxixit- _.-There, setthak, a dj�vut.6 thm' B king agaim;. Tr ent], -.he- 141irr, 'us .�hey fil e in 01 oduntries. &., t�ftal of. 1,161,911 14' full.. of pineyr Is h,ces in r"m yott coVla.. per" '6 ' - - �e* -11�-_1.6'..­: r " ..� - - - -1 1- . I.... - I - - - �b­ -h, I—- �­-­_' - _­ - -i-Of--thesial-r, I M,�913­�w6re� - --so -re 'Wood - le. e �Kan T Is ces .6. %had jut Ofri e line 'wood irl erm in, :�I. my, Nan: 1. he, 46 . 1p ars. ag ends ...... oy-; "5V-r7jj Water out t Is' mlc'k*.I' TbAhes deb;r;� old Jo,, n The.,U. leadg' �itli .6Z8,M % tli� Ac, PlAra- he e _se rial --quarrr e ru y, -xeplieS ' ": ­ - ­­­- ­ & I . �­* , . lirondicks.' irxe vap "Wo -a< .:-�,,D -eo =7� Th, nei­-fit otkettwisie-b aal, I 6-r- rds �Je6vah Idllessfrig e marve o 69ja fan'd 'him eff-to"Mo, 'Wlat - _j - . I - I.. - - - fullZill.: UZ &t54;- in 125,728.. France T,13ITd Wltn' ctlon oil _.q -is -it-xa ses-arld. th- t + -an Ing Ite In' Ila _e _7 reb a ension gripping ier. she I,- " '�j .- , . diro M -T to�tlrT broxichitle _7 K *ora� Hear -'no ve=�I 11" N. wisu en-appre trembJinig'' "little ing�..t e rb' th -C�.nisu 8-11:thel�-c �. - h= r jaondon ;6 er,lc' rh I ked of the. oommenm%i auto.: I 1ruc . Ing thq dl� him '66 'same t'ime biddin It k4' I o� ta_1 jnue,,�­ is firg leave. all-, the' ar irritating cough, prelyre-nig, hoa ss - g t em' stri (Ohl Alit -it looks laugh at. tast Then '. she a now approximatlow rangemelits t, , 11 fie W . o: Eli a an - tte nd .1aftetwa;rd pronoL line- very funny,"' seized 69.'556. er any uses throe il-ee fle mrIlly ish a, nati 'r nal seed testing station'- d difficult fgeatfiffij Yo John's pbbr ortched hi�n& and mo r trucke a'e 0 & Provide ill in w i' no u 'can P exchi�' _t Ing upon. ifit v.Ieastii%'p&fB (49,126).. as seeds'ni ust-'be s nt, to th find anythin't for,,*eak-thrQed With a, gigh.,of relief XAncy W -.d' tr 0'ad 6b'1 tbo world e n 'they' laughed t6goth6r.-.' ble'on eatth more,.beneficial -than Ca.' 1 11 . r gyDt httg 1,169, the gtrai `66ttlements 46ntrjor�'teSti Jg­_&$ -.to" purit %'�.'�su4mitbed to be guidled by tairli Ardn on, 'earth .4. si6n 'for, their 1�dk'oi.e�hfidence. - . . E Z it J.- r t1Ij,6fd llif6­111659- If r ­jf,_1.­ Qj­r a. e -0 eaten it. V. el Vo-. "',V ed 4,041 'no 'T ozone. 'it lileans,44a ie"- to the door, We�v' b In', tan vaia an -this mair- el'� 'S I -op 'fix XDtb*rc,,o_-_ orii at 4h&sg,,-hkdM V 6r-� boy ­& r . 0. tb li­ -.1 11-- _._ __ ' k - e I �­'t,­q_" ' ­ � ­. . , - _h 'y the_� W7 ' �IL . . -,day h' 'Kit tainalble fronj 8 ain tst',quarte'r of ekr, 6ullui tli�y, ma� . e bkfihrfli� or t roat Irri of the 'narr 'i, U g&Ve at ce a e tat 60 You -at 1v Uusria,� Hun _rjhr- of.. pon. in 84) CaL 1i 1 . Eng r;c`;u Ill OT Portaga car.yl: lltilgarfa:. tlii�- b' lee a L't-he'pla realize this: the fir9t ti e lj�jljfl. e r,il 1j6jh f m u owe reedn.struction Ae­j4tid.:` the quito,' e. �boy _ 4 . 07�*TihO V�s . "' . I - -, _�:� . u __ b _1,_ wi M _ ; ly-6 a tb ve:as Suggested, aboVe fright.py- t-ligre s -in- ible'ar' ` o,.,,,.jatlx,,,j _c ..W Ki.`TC&edo-r�_-Eem.' - evi a'�& _Vre- on,, -e u upen o5d the, Iduvat, T &I . hW. 12, an 4----h-ai 6d h er th r' Vblh _b 13 , hip.; _&S7 t-6 mo�ment undansCious of'' ther. W(��rn Am.tr4li I d 'ta7fir-M- z �HW4' �w T o' AL�&, U 110. o [ally. -des1kned- fo eyes' 1. 6 d ci I I'll cit.- of- o t he'l r s rig weaplo �T ,,ne: -ej vo I is will.u. e to _ . 1. o I ry, ed-;4.-W.hit6- aa he recard 1jer.1406 0 -Mo6lii -and -A Pl.-floatedl' tubes.: _,06t,f-the larg for` "Mbthd n,'* th�� rate. for the' n i e erpar �'Whf : , __ ___1 -any..,k-ih;d, -w- and, b ifldio�rfl _-1-1-1- 'k , - throaf -�bbeidieiilc 6 th t� And iiombh,�� 9.1 i .0 of -Inste,A4, -her s,ho hq shot rubbed her ey6s Pitifid-,,cry o' &Uie.m7 -a pil �pi ij an in r i U om being e: lasts tAko" jh6nrtfis" -CO-Sts -$-1.00.;'� Mei 4'. t ind gazed agAiri­ -,I o' Vs -e -may in, no -irr, A d ouble. ender l4jqoffi4btiVe Ufil, , siz , do C4 sam p le s , fte_ r 2 , 5 &to relwepbrs A jSfe.1ij Whidh ao6maed of tlh'e 4&- Dift 110- '1 , " r th d Io lil e a: them that t d ot­b�6'the be it s., c. oud -of tmoke� Iri;�a. d! f, 0 IIJ b.titilt,4b '� �: - * r . W r U§0 okiglj�9,1,4rt,,: h in , . ........ t" 'John'll-sho 01 OU fourth cii-)ntaine a;. pollgoij arr 10TOne co uffs16 ing,,, Udob.s; howev e-t; q "'i -p -a -b tit, t4d:bbilef-atid At`e'­V6x wfe h 'A 4ady -wr e --can you- -�m'e'fl­ianyth�in��­,- Ail--�-hpuv it S w anyone, iph' and possible t dc Y) 1 11 1 - ;o . carried on -one, 6eb -of, whe h, W-.olild'insta�n es, , smoke, e answ '"Thoug 1 6 1 with Jmy- cis in the help's, r6ite.rinlly in -ei6irih yip the 'WjlC y ered staggering 11,6 Lrth�ur', Centre while the �yli�dbrg and dtiv- �'ery evident inibigui -of (05-1�111 lntDoi,�e va.M.. )de'bald-�nown,.7461h- own! is. i1i hot 46n�j if The. -�ivbjj' jjp�re-ed. . �th&jr ax 4, _HT 6 A)rdi"-d­Fdj�`- &c. - ng wtied t d � 9-0 e. . A. - � - � - Ra 1" e, -e Air.. lie T Sniff & th 4. lio arJrO th. on 6-" a�rd- utes 911 of.' -my enjoynri6�t, didi�, or he oth''wr dreAil' the.- faltal'� ph d -b 411.. 1_brrin this. asgenibl .9 V __Balc�_b millcial-yestilts-.1tive edn rai, n , e a ri rist twor raVVSL IM -7 lid ho result, -an goo te Jf�,st.e y vanoxag n 4,.ach tie'lligt I , � evere penalty wind was 8ettingrdifectly'froin'th4t the t1vay. iri a; fre'll. d ­,doubt mid, 0 si, f u It jg a'folod c� A il ". : .. . . " -1 T nd a bly M. affained-by sufferlaxs4rom so e dls-' i4bo- the land -.A a, ide ifie Y: rage, no 'eageg._ y atifther afid' fof 86 wrong.not fully explaiii'hed in zy ' Spolt Ing several' hours a �P'rl tile d At ie present grea d" � P., t 6 elo, d �vidiu' . . - T e . �'uld; n it L T b e gan to. Fo St tim, 8 yourg !P_1 ----- -- tomainiAg Ifolding xa6hed-anldrlmuch�ban�.' � i I 'Mw st t cloud to the little homestead,' fear..- j�`rritaii-t-liko coff sion h i'' -Th cto 4d bllr� bait ative (compare coffin"ents'JA d''h' C u was a urrying, rag�', V4 the "OM Vo- k ' f lng,�­fclentlesli p'airi jr6!r N. hlid hi- led _b Ona -h a tidi, -rium fo,r Wa aged Naney;.ig if. arms, fio lis�,eit� ago, not because 'I 'C*h' a men t,&n6ousiy--,_,and a mont6lit 00 'new garde�lis ever d -win -io ut- glVing �sll _br �two �2 000*,acr6-S,iU f ola y ed' e y jjj[ tbor - W ller­ deiarll.' eitablikh- -iin N1 IF, of Meribill-Litetal., lips,. for one,:moment t . bi been 4 t t6r_on;�- t the- -1�&t­& coitilkgo, ailed he.t. S:aVe,for John _W� W ac 1 le' a in ag�py Ioled, made m�', 111ght hi% lait this wity out j, glA, wit� the, gained", g�,: war b impractioa;b �,Thankr.j ' machine r Th(�k clf,' en, I a dxeh 1. -,ifie said h,9 -he periods.to be d.fe has th6 a,eropl L pla-litel's of In&a,' -and C'eyloh have sthe was alon;-&nd with two help-_ 'I, , and purposes In n, Child her -.care -1 tory, 'le, for biisinesq 4 ane provc thus far sa'tigiireto�rit',�,'',s�lved the vicinity 4" i L with. "lld eJ � , j . 1 4 ; , th. I ten A,y . xadesh. ils el fro t e fact heard bell 8 th d that tile' F &tniv has attniched he' Jouble� n' 6 e ah 'of 1:1�1_ 800n ho J$'jifiri(V� 'To.r ]qP_.Se WeVor, the knowled �I'Wqg to lt�.g aeria,l' I . 1-1 1 . . I � y Illel -aWrng ithd'y Id. by, 9V "And John," She fiAj,§h6,&i T(,�,,%­Isi 'just luo iiij.1triel)s INI oxp6ilt inachiniqs _'jlICy- b I g. p y " I I ­� % , , .. e-veryth"h 'de - ended ,on lFamr-niers gav that jnetrodg�rof C it I ti N her iu,§t wo nderfUll' 0 ronlid. pige rno- h �ation an' doph_iS frequently-w6t-, with,:, as Ill H- ot I'te"j, :,In C�ro -4,xv.-or tl.p, �M ili.." m4ornth' V��,,r ll!iailuilipg. , B" wn- 0. Q y4r- er k -spoll. mcaxig� flie- v -Id 1. �ly r - , r .. . r " ­­ - N I - -_ 17 -A rong, an 'On�-& vice .0 a frik&hd 1 �'Sf o be' �.er,�F e; eca, Aiag. in, so e_ ca;so, etn,. . . , e sew lei a,, WAS 1st, CoM40' li6th,th-bugbt.&.,,of What, mig-11-t �,ghop. fot.luaking: r epaii:� - in thA61d" in j ase grwv_ Pel old and f s ---'d i d - tea led -hq'ner'ves --John Would AAh--f Nuffl. q1' 14 D&ut.'� 01),�,ana i1Z Tr P k ­ d ilk '6 Nibies tr 77 7: . 1 _ip -P ,. inj t ... . ....... t 6, wtts_ Th6 W; - ere %e Vabi4�&�graci67us lia�d at sug&stM oo th,e4jackago. A�i I xvi 6 1 sense of reveal o, 1161� ne5ts, ife ei T il­: 1� 4 Ak nJ 114 t. her, It'' ho �A. ft"ikF T 'lid - i jh e gn T 11MOd jii� S. 'j,�C'r�lj, q' lli�'ejig it'' chkilge so, It r t4gd. MadU kLF, mMd and, _ki CA his "About, ithe m-e-fit't'n- 'ti I --ft-ho st �44 , gain.. I r- ;6�ifo, Emorl t it. thur,m6aft tLo jo� A e s te rd &y,' e tkeir slipp:)r of T trin or ing oil a ei j to 8e6 liv W, llar 0; s Dob ant, q it- e yeAm S Must arnos bin" -a ss 9 Odi 1�ig C eal -And frag" kn`e-�V--�4 - -41tid: -F, armvr..-- to; b ng, rai� .4 Park"IN W, P' 't it Said hd", 9 "d 'Watt. A' e x as, wi B:6i: nk bl T)re -------- yt�j I I f 16, C 01) an that iii tilm 6 W bj n jiso'th . 4 , .. . 14' "n fook�� , :1 �'e , all &C,01,111 -S Avill. mu -pemons _" p 19nee P1 the Cjxtv roof ot, A 9 LIL �,,Lv �,lft 4<11 tbundet sto.,riji bfit t)stq; A large fifta ill VA�ijs: Fr; V N h a 1 81 ow llifn ?fly 4, W -W Nl�( ur yo U 10 11. ust HOW., t�Lftyi. g -od at w rk j 11 t'n I tttst,4 It r ne in& re Ill 169f lohe ghtoliyl give Iwa- t pieked up: it M -order fo nt, yl, 'trjed nvin:,� "Stitt �4'9' f0t' wjjj�jl j' $11b it S' ij,�id U6 b6 iii1sink Xkilby' �'hkft6a on lo' the'lad C_ coffo-o_ , I w&s .1 (S sk t I Uqnre�S.Sea. Tjj y#g, IT1116 r&ft, 11-61tpad-1h, hoti4 f,(5 tjj� jill 1, fille h I'i'Us'-fou had "eill- _b t�_'j FY flod AV 'th. ii f) ",§' t, y I - 1� use ill th& ly. 9 pfoba-blei hat lie would' le ecafte to 1-�dull a,­ rea il, A, l; k es g,, a f) I J� I , j Q ,not_ 0 effect, a,ld �ffi,,44,4,t - il, t - oLj�n a &UM14 Jl_�:6'ffj Vtigllod and" it -m v"t mtry !Aim th but jaeh of theo new The, Ams""um"rd, I sho'UM vv`lin guish ­4ased 'hi idlTyr A§ rdy� tl f Ix t or bViMt, hill it c o, I Jluatt'tie'sses will' tN�r6fbrd, ",ps-6- is -4 wide CiM6 of I &.lid jprj'dW�d hri I'd] jib'.. fo,p t All, r ;'.),l t f4 t fetp, g 1 16.- qbr �Ire not [tvain, . nees, " ;� �1 P , "i t* the inipti U6N'�id 0J blood r S 8 It g(loih L im*g 01 a ew go of.,6h1pivrc6 j A4 The, hamp i 0 i e. ha Yeen. gtic- �ftbm fti. th# "i o . z)iftld the 'J).raific' haiwt to W'drd Thel tufo an..,.Idffii,r�tble litt-T'd rait. I S' 4h tl�e; dild! fe ftreg C. 'Ai W nd, ces. '11 find' nof;hingjoll fUe T1 Ki ff6$§­r6 (�h'�jf.j KIN-gl y alla la I lwfu . , I ; fil U_ b .6ftitIl 6� '. pw1ydU.t;61d 4r 1- if � . ­ I -tie- v Tfic� gualAg, *hulb, 61- vpjkitt'�41`:-tho, hot' I ' 1 Z� V �i 0 it 4 the N Mfil&&Y, wild, .1 Mitth'. 1hy 16,6� AWAildh ri, b C' A` of' N u 't" can- seep Ali, am n C 0 n 1' uIllst 14V42.I14 fh&att ry, grsgs� a, sfill wi�h h 4 tf6:aitinefit it is I , , , 9' nerv&jS:"r* t"'ii4, , 4d Chat infirmity he 'fe 0 th C 6., Wina-,�6 i- - 'O'v t ri fy, , , I ft "Wr (5. 6 for, I of gh-�iljd 011 �x ib av5'.-bel kept plol*.od 'a th 6 h,6 h `ttf& book ',"'The' iW' f o w. 8 T 6 r 0, 11 a, 11, f i 10 u g I Y. of t -fing: harn 'Ili hU, '81i,xinbgrg, ffe.4h; for� lipon' thetri. ft -ods fib# C '�C:b ��f 'ho wd!§ A sup fo whtfi. a, nllA. 1w 6( P,51 I I VIN 0-d' to jfVj tj�dl I�i J noe& 66 of beiripg 11111l, 6n, mkq 6f :bcur_� f , A, 'Ile'. case o lbbilo f _--.--_.,__j-' t tow iho �urfa,�o �ttho "aa. �&g�jjj. *i'tfi t'Icility. �"Mat 14 IS; 'jhriat� 6everj6d, JA-fp, 'Al bom, 8i'' "Ity they A�o�t��iq sawy M v,, &flilo i s, lijipiobs§lble wiff�, kal-i'l 1d6d 04 in�g lfli her, woman s 6 to P, &o� b6c,8me',gr quite -in drik 'k 669' hgve� dd�, fd, th but th' &thdok ubl4o it b:e, j� c fii fff' . a A 'jis plowi 'Thi Al straight. N k d ih6,g, od 6� TE tj Jr4. 'ffim�` 6 flt,61 ill C) app # 1� s, IS ft6cas, aeL A ladwi WAR f 'y 4 duo of h MV . WT&vial Le q �r_ i [iltv 4M 01 arg, ,,o "o, "A 6 dtijilie hn, idd hou (�r, t6i jyjUg 1w "I UM OU, OW Ml -4 11, 11719, MU bilch, 61k, 1" 4 .0 d 4 r NAN �j &M -k -at, M ME,"