The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-10-16, Page 8.47 gWr '1V -7 0 ENTINEL LUORNOW $ le- ELECTRIC, RADIAL R040S T. OV —A, londay,'Oetctber l3th., �A A, 'R A W1 "U.RON'­�_ NTY, US V TE ST`A isi�iil M'ss Olt sday, 90 150 is v t h, I I), - ,, I qQabnt Oil fqot for, the - 6 rs. 0�0, COVin eu N , 1.in(!� 44 'exit of Wb;it,##$ Pee Dopp, VOT to the� is gay NOV ig 'a Ixloy� felville Junot, wo# A -1 40 T -,E H' OR here 'LAND, Inc 1, csj ti6n, kit 4'n 0Id,B �e,unioli In I-Tendry of A ,k is visitint, F lightning r) Present TI a few days� last -Veek, 471kik4 'Y lk K, ii III IA r'a I ." I �7- thome for 0 �s p1m In mi e 'Wee�, Ali� Ed, Q.Jphfist n,, is shi 6l)bndid ot 'ilfi "ithe NIX6-a e-state� nla1i -Irca!'w h 'D 6rdef that 0V j*rts1AQ, b �1'1. -1 - ­ "),",-, I a .,,:�!ugl !�er,q , , I f is wee J P, and 'NI rs. Kennedy, 'a� 'ee th�' pes, in -a gone, to; _BT lit - g , da POP T, d to"'ta,16"tip tile _q e n,TOU Knox: church".4ith- A14' h a- v e t ern in IOvPts�,S I fi -4 P fit sit�-, as to. tile cost and prac44bMWf 7 'Yer J �,� A ne'a lailN da wl� Show d vhe�. ellialney olf ilq throughout., rou�," it JTfi ly differen S lacCil ofT I i like 65 ( ii staple dresS 'go a, good "AUX "Vo ­ aed in� erges. Q. WooD8, w low] lio. was -'d 0 I�r B., -.,job W�hen corap S N' la I his i:ool this weQL t16 C aoon" tte foil leted., C:Ieht, Vr4,1W iu B Q, and. 0 9,W9 'b' i bouplo. 'of ment has beer ext% y, l-,9, Chits., Alt yeeks -ago, i given, out by't eeting of tho Woulfun, Mr, and �011, Sundayed' S � . . . . . . cir iv. V A:nil �Ai torvie this veek� having1oft his faiiii y in very poor -pen du xixi-xu,�,0111_ ­ _me�q_pqn d'u la 7 and 60 axe a reoue�i -.0 u -.',oats alle tie\i 'n to U �LV jy��J -defr­ "its public red 'by -to-date* t for rs, -%Yer6 Prei r iaturday. Pave �,of LO�V§, to L 6k'to raise i mbscri�tlon 61 V I good gbjidm ex� roinr the yffla,-6 f and --by, E. -p or an 'W loi �of choi,ce S Y e _ANK. F., Mo. 6, d NT vs. in. "e, I IR r . . ..... ress. f the county live j6s'i r&6ei,'ved a. thefamily. t is to th "Letiis star.t a g. 'had. a val _h ­J �ft­­ pe �t;ther begipuiti bee�s,a Quad.- z t , - 1� on, -a t Witi. Lannan uable calf 0 t _t5unda:1F. --Optober t9-,th­--, -eouxt)l II01 al, t,V' cl o 'le ce *water _Valk- It -of bee L ad, "b I'M ter. in _t at 71,ona, i. q u; I oth Jebf 41:4 -the s ra,� itwuy i4ce W,48 holdin, Kno.N 171 sp - , - f -honx0'JaAT 'ing ,d:th# ! . _P 1;spen -, par prLvate coriversa 0'r service was ressed ' by i,, t;4 Sunday,at !)lW­ a dye' ­ed' by, 'The .. we in b al - so -that t e e i, 111:18, here is'1161.b -bet tion, and to,m6 Se in 10 'the d fa T qron libel v0t� miall and''Tolin, MaoNixmam: f the �f, iYywhav b�en Win. La brat 'busi- preps Twooty-, I 'e Its, s Monday. Q matter a. vvblicl ijuestion,' J�pv,.Afx. Stewwt of Langside. :, mar I were in Lacknow on b ine Tom -ss men ot Goderi h bad a, f F4, wife �ie R,* �p The funeral o .Mrs Pzjul 7, let TaTab-eny-tow _L�_ R L- ..Iw4 G.��Dr. 1pre� pie. P_OIS6911 ril-U L -0.1 � . t i -Pr .4 d- th U, �Twtd pt the- pro'lelm au PA, fPie ` 11 .e. 's Unf. erwea:r-,nas% d s' an.d'Ch' Shilp I 0100TRE opo"gi jo 'bull '4n by rs of atre. 6� to b p -a business, pr nr -:4bld to4W arf� lost �the'i little 'Our Stock o ,k �,the'lamP4 in�this� inghhui ceuleterk;om the kh.', 'to -acteri, -b* -and' i6­giDods -ar h Gw s i:ksent."lr of t; � WVP&,Z6 * . , , -� 1irs 'Powel was .5, OU I ia yea, v, . ...... T h itt-aded-11W 7 �atiilg_w otheI& ys �rnl 116 A 'nurlib�r from Aulf, 76rw I5,,aGUQn-,-V1Ur--M I - ill, - -- -n t g erg" went a lx` d J in 1 e ac, _Tent �vlj;X" hav 0The,"Stan e n-- V. e__ e� A e -&-ow- -u e P6W6r-',06mtfi.!4si6b, �Nljld ftiay�wer6 called, 9 loot i. at:,a, hipa,, qon -bfit,hopOA-i Ile, ft., i�he`�r" _` 1 e -a very. or pr e., pre iminail'*( hbw- fhf- they VV( Id 011 .7 h )rk, off, asc&tiii;nip�� whetliq out for1er 'recovery., Lea' ei�". I!y lox, (Yht.-� -F th 6h, an�"ifnd6rfWqg, wattid O,a ErE TRE�WA.Tgj�,_' A_ V, t J G' .4s. Y, I - $I 'Iqg b;* p j* Y fiu­ t .(,ran widm of sim-d, .1 t -ilt;9P, went -and 8,th, wA§� a bzt zpoft the w 6,4' eaer­ijiuce�,the r6d6nt iotl I ` 1. , ,,, I , wind going - 6 tb - T conin d thre6, pqns.. th place at'.9 t ka Pr r -b' -itho I- d' t 'e!Hydr&', th ounty ks night A] t ngi Ist, -by eat -:64- No; iw�,Iled -oud, - sta-T-6 R -e -is -fffit 5 f, they, VVeje Lv bvq thre ait in. T son, as -Yrn -an e9� k d ra rd""- 30 1 -irid 'other all the'inforntatiC-4 A6qe'ss%ry ,g,, e d -show-the peoplei Uaty no a�r�,jv ex- I,, the'co h of ore: he hien ill btit di iss, Jean to b &Dg_th _J ar j A d Th�.Irfpsola has� A -�r 11d, n -en giveli all rA' NloGuire last h radia: loqIQ David and Unteu ;WID I �T, Au to T I on TIM, 'b r c would be' don this wo at t Mi ed* I L Ale. _11LU, U, E -1y'I'lir, d" dviiag �2q and M T- 'Thom: and ee b :ab r. eC6 -t"o �he pro et M P. 'Of .-tied hom6 saidAeOtrid ow e, d last, week aper,.q pil "j in -K ��er.v pe, Aug O ec Airzi A _DoApb_' oAi ter adid ed ring UWT I to yato to every tdwma,�.village and,:, J hi, P/H:IIer- sr g, ustoxi,- diAtict oriuizer,,%of -him. �ihen,, be rsJob --hoilse n the oup. y o knevV 41, 1 the -the W, at the 1 1hursday.. �,ftom us now Gbirie, addressed e-"ome sum pait-A Jog;` olark e -d- scheme. Tb�ffwat6r-Lsh6w astr .-wheiYewfsvithou -and #6w r he came both [t ke�n oit 31 da'y, d� to M� sive for- A ongtime. tq come', test "Jock" his' fri�n uiibe�.froiu tfib­B6thel ul e a 14uu IT derich li!e� dro -he_co w, mi-146e�sai&to-the-@ V�esdan CTR G-UGHT.S. 0 iissi6'n, 'What:lnust we o of the omrr u li� this part for vices at, AmbeTle to- abi ihe inachinery in.'op.ei H heb, q . I Baiaton'. the disbourg6l; by: E - request s1s delight6d,with ijrst Theaters In .,replied.- 'Upoh the;: ki� �ssious and sid ------ d i of 1ple�.. .8ome retuxned ali -of��y-o�u�-�-40.ut)t�.yv�thatt were U Be 6n__Monda�y-ev- iss naLprown�.- d orld Cic�. Ge ij�ese sinviBys, w6i.will laf 060, &from herd� report good t me. he f to of NA. Elkib, is the gulist was"'t-ne Adad my ur enjin6i instriuctions' -or er the Nile., "treet,�_ 8 Ma -ot_kusWj_on__HaIstea ne�you­propo% i,. W -est- . , f df LA;�es tbfi,pIAU� being in�tall.ed b.y- tfi foiAd Yield 'be�t -"p rLoLhQ- e_SUgWs - A .1�. - N ed dl re rn - 00 -wa§- 0 'd, d. d. 4�_ ligbting m of tiron p�wer -lamps. - _Tb -the, f,o_w-Lat11Rp"_,__ku*1 ictnis form, was rou t:07 the TWra1lnJGIpa V �L*Ilou__�'�t e b �ht where udi -ta' reer lo this f ---W, -ail �AH The - ------ of the Eff be6lc tho'll lit ..... . X'1-nJ0SS:Cn1iTCIiy41�Etl4e is�a rq3t iners bad not que t �ma,:e% Out ow T b an e.--- ouRmission Slog P foot shall stay good Tees-watot,' on ay. I - -.,,,e _s n 'd rs last 9 Jled, __�Iie. ­.iiot t in tn ne,w. lights:�weke insto that he: did tid th replied wil give. a, ow limp Rei a bunch,bf lie sleeps his, la cl It k a sdith��-grave�,,where he slumbers ili, it' -was' Rd P I lei bav6. Io' Ing -un I re: -organ-, . iora tine t e -w-,stone at 11, su a e _$gmted Mig.- Will. Hend6rtfin LZ,!'d t Bethany. re o' h 4 E -te n1lags- a m er t 7; C__0_ e I' t Vo n p agencies ­17V W�!!'��V ailided to. -proceed; ...Jin accompalning,�j L_xe�, were t Adauls? to-Niiishi _Jd' Tolin tla,46 _jj!�kl � 1. . . . an �Ujl'L t , e hipel fi th e h ecQnd act.. ted-tbat-th k 6-o-wi 6,sead the o sG -letely We di c ropose es* Al nd auips­was- -it. 'that ro aximers d Nvith' Tesu -e e6ff. therei;,., We, have zoe ne s cost I's a e - t "Price,is Wh" t' ou'pal -for' an. aftid it,erid ere.. L pr stmic th ater. at you, -g t7 t -th" "an now -ment b6thood. ated h y fhbater,�' eD oc n the 6d 'The funeral'of the IaW stager TaCtl0n.- h e We Hen -61d-� 11vert th I sjjo�,. pu t�& d are in this nei r�v . y.ing'an fp aring 'estimatos 9 h e and-, satts nion..9ouroe. street;. where . ..e. eglbii,ted by.. h rq r fin a oil WAS '96.* son on. Tuesday'. last we: Are prou. ta ids. This rout by�Lo Onqisfed. of two. at k fri- n u0vF,_,§ I.- , 'Anniversary service ir in the Presbytep �Arg�s�- ever:kubft i1i this, Jje �Ocefi d' angeed-'aLto a, r e,�heli of ei whil was.a maia...w-hos6,.sterlffi���'cha�Acter had �t.Pjli-nt_ h S d lat r aces-aroun. e se r re re many 0. . wooa7 ujirb( only' stiffidient -fig The e far' ron n --preach.,. - rviee fa -Ss, Y raT�t;ss= 0 his WVOIM� At 'is- - b st, sa _'d celebrated ing P - r I _. I � ho s will ­ b tbO' igrPa8t --- U wery rne:an&��spt ci ally �on th m, "W�he10 Y. stai-Led -&t first to-iniable'the, ush& �� 9 th e t ere� or e I �'i -late -the- entertainu t . %) 11ond, h ter' kk. � e progritm- w Ae' vimulty- after 4 heavy siege o t ly-- J`Oihauniverisary., -'very- sue-� t�f. a�nt. on. t-l6,6f-mone-�,t Use anyt ing- lit- QeM,,'en d*" ice� :',:When, tke, sur�0�_ - h b seat the du let,. road'-, cess u, ohifstoi 1. f & LTh -ielling-,the M rs il of, � Gor- r. � , , - I Th se.-exer. light tur . :r,- * e-c6atract�of gra, 'ser _-Nvaq .ned_0n_-,. . ..... :.,�.*After the.,:birigineers repor pre ar- 6j'ibe,firiest he"Id in otiFvillaje I --Ia car- -ssed on an -of d then. s66 hoW. ke p -calf apu6lie -3 distri t, org I,.,, ensatidix..aw g ed wb*inidnd-t Ask 'us how, cement,�W-. save.yu M n 1e Ing a' tremellf. 0 '7 rio o tornq6in evening. und eiicifi-ag applause e t. few Very' -MV-0n -0 C ey n ;e I till thoseinterest;ed �ns6m' �convenient'plac6 im, , e.. Kil has ta �qlf 'gs� their ings� §,p oulityi k 'Johnst6n, hog.sop -oke on -c ��ld ha in t cz ep] terestin-9--mi Jec.s­ fui� 'ea t.... o success _t1PgwJ t 1. that- Mc- p _116vati( EAH tagq� e th Wa r n r a OW cr efa W Nat V d t7qg!,� _4e d �re v out �wi b.61116 be ad he stag6 to t ly6ns, of Know w&� the County CouneR, Ver.du magazine. of presenting, itto b, a- A -in --them-td-mak6l '.'A dountr s6heh! a4ymg.� -A DENI A A Vi in d Wgire C t -the folk to6kJi_B6rie E-GURWSIM�` -,'built by -the co ty an owned b�,` the W. in Be Vish6d Mrs., Thomas sobial!l 4iid- roport s as - 'floiii Teeth Th�t Wlqt- h 'an "for Scr 'nton'.0 a]: -1) lis the Ho e Friday I t Stich .6ase -Rob. Hewitt .0 Y_ 4aid that�they- iwQulff,. float bur 61 Agents a 0 Or n y.4 1 Jilg`h Kinlough (church.or no ch-aich) 7�vfiss Elie Step, Neflie E dured. �nyono sna! e visited -41 '-we peaJ, w en compete woA -Sherwin-Williams Paint. -Colnes-thl , issT _ . - qub ip`� '.the k6dd free au,, lk known , tat f6nds,. bilild.'And 'a' abd -N�ithout fail W , sho d 'h -I le one day 144 week.. 4y f f iQ untry was pi!6 df dollostriCtly 13�)Tl (I t 1011 t 1IL14 Sniith_.�,spent� Sunday' the prither o iAb d them t(i' do s!� Old for wear artific pounty w e 1, Plaelltp �ort tliaf Mr.. R. WA -ter codin ..Ars. )Robt�. Cha lin. (he� irst' Anier!.6ans. to throlto.fil We aT6 glad to re t4dth, By, the 4time the war of. th0,. Toronto, spent: .�ndd he, had parted 11P aria co of h S tt he e bad s 0 will �oou �egain. h kh 6,Wl, the woek-eild tiriddi the parental roof. ost of'f� outfit hich.' Co�hany. with Ed e A b iiat re Ili ay, Oct, 13. C'anadli, YeUr, D015tAge t, I P,'SolW by. `W011 e 11 id --given hiln, An ge e can SUpp -y your. want' - its - - Y S' e. tt6nded. the I h the, YLond :t n, -,f wh -elty cq � ung in nions. 'unt er rom her, ."do Nb.�York` 166n: of thb. s�r physidah ft�d delriti�i�45f` afourth? then tinusifial-task 0, *Aghis�n'� visited 'friends in, k -the, 6�*in undertoo vioes cond jownd las ee Tlhe P , w 'k-,- ' :. I . aund_-Owen S y �efsl ull eartific '�ee(h These itrO. _the Iiitttek .9 ha., wf 4 goii6 to 'Ingersoll,, j)Teol tied 'hei n( -,V, of coul -T a*#: w as�.sectir t S 'o x c In oij- on left -for pruu v D oron,o ou,'60,,' all addrdonal Isis 6RKF.,.ikN HURON ',NHW Wi wa, Sol, rnt.presideat to':- It youtig-1, ilf Claw, occupied, . ...... Dger; NS and 4ab e§sf ul� _]J�i�tptay-aylo teeth for - in, othy S604; A so f r the putph Nal's church On Sun- barahtiee the 'thdr6agh,`eours a ndftyt W school of &Vertonip Lined theim ho'h&Vo -the OW Country, . 1 .1 1 we k Aniii try. were held in ly. )ni Ivory (L�iin. and sony, teetb� Vere� (igrved''frc Mrs. Nek M le The Atuberlv eh&ch on 4th. Md� Cn Jye with .7rien and rtrefM "WITTO Ancl c a "e cis Ito -Ili 0*dd' th It 141"d. Xah 0woo �Qufld, Pon M w6od. Dam d [son prl-rticular;69-ilre con- I tiag. Ux Fiaser has bottuht wil. Large1sta 0 Specie; sts;;'OUOWU,-� btuldijig"'I 1 3 6 it .8horMy Friday of la Ifficuity,: if.not acre bf k bAg ND f Ili th Carr's h6, d' in t 4� roof r of the 'Mon use an pace, only, go 10, -itIr ;P an A web faffti , C ff 0 ree T re7 were tin- tipper and n W, of. Pore, Elgin, DuP. It' cod thb mo�gtL held. �ftj'Ns U NME L6- PUPILS �ailg.nisb; he i -all offie bj�cti anit thLoSe t4king ial t'h' sebool Ainono, the su po� 0 the. m�a were conneeted paif] e e�sdxyj 00b. 14. )U,reiatively by� in weve Mlas,.816rfing, of: Ci -A; Plettil -C �... I:, � ing, AT and h6d bells - - - 0 . r"191, 9 16 -1-tsg,-, Ide, says a Alen of E4 en: Ctr6ve,. spent '&h f3chool - also Principal' Nel' �itml on elid ipir si5t is,4 get lay ft for the' fl, X ­ 16 the week her !Mend, Miss ln�ppctor Bald oft "Tibaelidt'g" Datidli'll C. D. Fteriiing., et Mq, � . . J arpel�ls Weekly. to 4,, b&n1p n. 9n tb'dm- Alaie 4N!Cxay. D', A,,Caineron, of, Sout or( ithhi is Wo i�g 14 iong-and Oil rk k Miss V � ny, gpenf. tho, wee tnted ��djtjcN 01 Art We NeVertbeless WAR jAci*-und daughtot, iWrting;!� Yli,�R t4iAeK of Paisle rid dY h miss Ing, �0, P� fi6n& In'Rip ey'. teotb,�ftd -plate. Com was Ke Iffiw D,4fclntyre��'of!�,Xqw, I theq 9chol thbrapsou on itr t ih 'Visiting ls,pa MAW . , :" , $ "Bir e Thq. coavoil'16n AT el property. of a deqt�l, "t week,., took. loaa VtSlting hor dat as'heet' on aV11 A. T,� Or 0C fAqt preltiloll, Mu' BiLe, IgOr, who h' r' the . -but s4pent there. 8 Lab ,by th able day �v, 8U' j8jmPj0�iJlgP, �hqcatiofi aha,hb, WAS ha. Y clloib'e, -(III yo'ti Nvi.b!. I'loKi-I ttre gfitd- Ida in ftft6riI4)bft III wre will be eOluill'6thbda of flu lon to OaA PU Vb e 01)� -Nionday, a- efto inAt1`ft0tJor1',1 7 �t th ober I ll, `lBob situheiv�, and so* 6t Al�rf;A Xirktown 10t1rs, ks i n ed, thefb, ig 6usic will be ou,SchoolT, ask Mfllin�e6 %xithl ki ba�i, Strpud7g la�qi week. and Veiti6 6drill of Nisle:y llig4 i�', odanoir of ever] hatil at 6'e t otnei o ai �f. but; do su 8rL &Ida, 9p fit A46w, dity�,Nt'thdf hoMp's, an �Pbrllaps tho ite whic v q�ba;tbd tlie Coll 'e. 'fided rri6it debate was thab bi -11,11 nifor"M, W 3 stea,to men whn kiqo%i what tasto g Cyll horeL �xbroif, and as. we, Oil dy li,, LennAi' ritfen.'. 11tonio F0 :'1 .9.1 Ggo. Spdtt6hi i, g(lj ar 1I r vit dA&diiko,: tod M&41 ftl� M ond he "A v fr. ain arrie, r.,, 4a o'0 Itl b,,;tt6& for'. 611 pofin, And Is Nil 0 s r WOV ter. 918it6d: voning the it ffi6nds in'40'yillago uid Oft *Thurs aY file, t118I t (prin and Ms" 6owfbit t sZVOr t 11;0 bi bd to it 8o6' vidinit HA Y.on Thur8day, Woodso YOU" hAVe tried Y inor, fro sale 3 attendd the gedured '�6 sie Aleit w ed to jlrbaoh ift tbo laptfbt �enurch 'ob ry t :the thb Itirr-ths, Th tfie past WOA.� ptoa6hin, is 6,rg hfir nit, hi, th oli� 'A"rv, pre b 6ro, tot a ij 'rite N.. C McFarlane *06116 T )Jij� 'no V Y viltr b Iwr, Xi & Piano, S 6 1=08 Of hx 'M An gddros,8 tt t yottligest Tho,fad,4 la Y Ilk, b wpidlt se JJ et rtitell- 13 df Ung r' eha� D, C w ftg, day, fM 'go""o other fi&WAd IrA06401ft xla'�y "-rido(l -t tiedt t 96d It any Ila .66 take 7`40'gL c 40 M K1 i u f 5:, `xet�sf o ed 7 )w f �,ha wa A,