The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-10-16, Page 3moll, 7! ',� 777, V 100 en 1-111-1 5 'Mad "11�vs eitrAo . .. ....... o is 9.1 joot So pi, Ad 6rces co derable The lime -p TH iA atLIL VO 'Res" f tAn"P. 4W.AY' Roughly. th' H 'LE Way rd -y pro NOW LUS 3'FlOR- "AM' i,:n&i phyl t 'C H ALK DAY �,SG ROL EA1 N 'LIV J 3 :1 iouply. �Supeyi E 09Awk by A mber Of mirr9r* which 'th sts Jp.-r �h.o u h JEW 6 pej*on' Wo ttru, he jandsps' , 4A m VORM IN R V pe . AW 'jp$ jaj SaIrl .1 A i iiter thttt,*ilts detAil',­ a a A led' S R, .p o 1p.r.g tSs 4qfIos pre oureA !-and' -!brought o at tly% �.K>n W]Lr, �ffAji[E V slippll�� Of Ume �PI ti Tjo INTERNA NAL TA. ogd. br W. Broken h firue 'qtid, T -E Affafiri T911BIR V at d'Utill" �y spee -p 0, C'� ";A -;N 4: 9..X' %V" P -d Ae)i iffie� pa- MA�CT", A r k-.. �q w. -4)lo� hoto rpphie- plate' 1�ranee to taN uxipr�-­ A uM Th� e 'Se4i with, jh'� vroposai in lei ch-. "Ris'', su 'a a in the -R" j ae�s'-' mom -tiers -.-of the 'community, tb�,2a U!tii�nk -�!u lk, 4 apa e [o�od`6 War - duo�ile 'is" 'to -hates, and, is -Go 'hildlep UPI-" lea F unto beii.',�nan,-lifti g kites and bAll'oons P'romLJ8e­ perlwo- �-tqaojrn- 'ro )V ew-W Leps�n M TheIt,eppiot'' "Of., tbe� sp Uhl. qelrWaA*-*,VAftt8 If ied t�o be a were utilized t6 take.iliem aloft i0q to Vhq rep -a u r e tA `i? of b Rga Afal �j A " , $ I I . . state supposed to bai �atraxniog .,%,s*re7 wn, - 4o, We Bi. 9�44` r aii I -�;l;s -n �sources-;�.--thoirirh=vha -ujip it , 6'Lfou 'olden. ".Ve.0,4 9 lon� 44sIP: on which I` nded. Dr; Jiac4uela c�%,bv, x4 -nish u 0 r: , -4 1 ­ p� 9 kened a nler"',37 4indL - X Wire' are 1U F rance at, the p t t r, -expert,--isays that .,8W P,09 NEL DEN I lr= with- tr�pgtbened �e. iie� 1hat pho.to �COLO 'eho �A, AS unil� r $0N 0 .4,60,600, celeliates" 1,44000 fam -7, es--­R-udol�h ATA scl�' le 0_*...4h'j4r"arX­ , ". with­,­tw,9 - pet gy.a 4­'� --6velo-Ped d. an, �faVora`, 'y qw With (ml Y, -tj d bxaced,,' djabletes� "is b, 1 .. L I-. - . _,\ ebildren, apil- 2,400,000 fami�iae, y, upon J_404()W�, ski 6 thit the .'Aid the one spp �­O. ow imme�d­lat' I "th- E "' j` �­ I , , aladit a 116a "LA .'al Inj wid. it is propoeed to fix the "c' pu sory-, famif, 'd n and: to 4h luen��&;� ah esp6ciall� gobd 'of the 10 on f I L r.0060�q, ',,�,,­TWel ve lri`l�id IrW - i�L ev:6 0. in aj m N d 7 at threc' childre Ss 0 r is ail' - Qa in 1 44 � of'Rounted I a4filer of' f ors AP &ad� inte w -w h wa-wai IVII-ega- trA-Ulw unique res Ing r c Ons. ',b triU6,. ey sa�y' "ng f�, 0 Elea 31 rap ne rpm eae' �$(jj d 0. V9 arp sea hk .'pp�mis�el t o of Af to r a childibir or 0 e a a ag to ..ex.p o.se hitif people ill add to*.,their fo�od, ae:: MAA few in-. MOst .01 'fj&, ne,w Qjr twon. -qpo� T4 a $6'00 per, arn I I i !: leadink-)­ �- . . - id blloudz Bri le land with a v W 44L8 -a tj iiiklin:�- Of, ealgium ohloridp, Stance, ipcj, jf� Ja zi�.ro invariably. -pa -6.v 6 p�ubjis 01 IT, illd JLa inir.,,ehor iiii UIR f Thi V0. MCI, MOM 't'nx the facts ociacerafiag �%er Th -f o�l mistin linj rs, aa� e 4 hed. cO !e y al UIEAd ��rev4qws:=,o no 'n c6 I- T repi, SO (ST -14p -54-by- YO �1� P'98'i; resistink- p o n s in j �4 r t ta; , - l7ur .15 fI 6- 21 r ion a" V Every- onb.;.a ce A wer f .0`118 rec g th st7ite wi C In ay d a to za aW-1 ' , L ' r#PPO:�. '-y 4n e.d cliseases:,. -so, ,H Sto,,Y� w4e­ ea er on -5.71H15 -e-,- h Ail, .?date camera AM. k results; any-'Coup,169- I. es a, p tograp In lead p . �A 'millah �Ooinp ward -.16ag' thiat they-.wjlj`,Z,dje 'of 0 pO Y) would -�Wijf�rjgjyL 'ga�jjflee e .'Zommamd- ing po, Acw rdin.- JiLV:6 �O, a f ra'atic, n these one Of haVeL� f rom f at"i gue, R *�ex to, se'ico ad wiih- bh� 're much ' to OJL t"h ",W J- IfireW have `�60n -resu- a, 'a sea -a di'' ­�V- P.iqost recent is th.%t p a 6 'Hyg lid Simi, ar�� efte.., U� .t 4�r 0 48 crutwes, Dut� in, �6- �cqse 4f 'a d�ene tions' a n au M j�iejj'V �jVe�r- a,&, an :ehr hj& e�Cgpe faur�l "Of L;`U adopted p courso 4�il�a in�sf and;'Telegi4 -b� Lrli. V e �On in undeftakes haiIA- -�S' d 'Ili _n, s, rj, a,4 . . . . . ) , - L..'' $. eIVII e1nt r if: iliriee-, ip,jtw. minj d Joithf!r,e no,,I,L comp.lete ailid.,xiiclziera�x;ao taught -eeb anj -capacj�ylo t drc�!- . - -.1 b �­ h >ea destrayjxtj.dk.�- 1. 1 L fi" ' - , ­ ' " Ye� rd' a; V� e h dir 1��ils maximu.. It �?;'- If families A t ef �,M­ i ano kal ro�td, o has eaten.. qu -e Ter hi -:0d. LL . gerGUS-11a Pr!Ane:ira*re4,would, are ra h 0 Vall'i 4- H ;I? L k, ebg shavis gour, own kys, r err A rA- I. d b ith I ; .� i U1 eszonse 'Jk 16 -to: 45 da�s the pMtagr h a , L-, � - N lrae� L 01. alri xii % f Abt Ti*rson's nis;,the-matia One 'a gay, Toc :1) es- -WR -d that ai -z x su, e I s rap 464 61 . . " 1. . *J� ' " L' L ­ � , I,' , a y, g6t, 15 oc . u� d the th,trou ilea .4, ...1, ".er did for Av 00� r re a. wltn Jo PoLoho raI w. a Pi. ri.. of a tin 'Man 'With '$50;'L0U0L, a Yeait'istiorild. haVe '150. `AIR ne g Qler, IS, an � s ., T, jPOglf1-Ei-& 'i i'�' WOO ­. .,With w a sa t l4ingth, �0- t �Aor t. in 'b"k n apsh f �OL nd­ f0plale :l eare4. ty� $1,009 A. Yeaiviinmot Raye three ob ildren -the a& ed..;With' no Sib the �ntire 6d 4d 'j' - j, '' L .. t' , e re� t to! �'Axeo oarq-,u r1a, M. efl, 0 Ch�Voi. -,I isiiahy�a-rriinkbd iti that the %--distance- er- 41H �g- n er' -Fk-*"' h 1.8741tie- Empelroi, man'L with a small, J`fie0me­',h-a'j3 flotbini nia &�sl because ar- L e PH r bea doX;L over; the,,A.]p§.,­ s doX;L an. 'harm- . hi' 1 #4�3, .111� is morel V disitsCer, �as b of rhimil'y in V! t mo� qon� ALr.e.:l Fat And, iy. ;a Mp 'forty days. Is 10, a q�io4ol6roills is, the ddoosit of in Too est ly 16ads it bo s, 4oA the US y :.--�eers 4t'y' a tak'enj e.,, X7- le lkliiijht 'with, for i a iialry Ing,pipen th. ft ­-­ I t for after, 0 y on-- P, ar er�,kj the,. mpetil ion e lent' t4 'ev PICOPIP; vi. , L-1 - 11 11 11 ­'­ ji... - -a.-A44�' -�u -mb. wi-inde-4 --tres-, :LXe , "' , ig�� ir ��444 a in r q tr -d 46i In every *ran Vo sfdii Jay aroirs, -air"] ed nVq D, as, awar 01 10 agoir neis ;are al- t 9 a6emed. axVe 311 ve 6ii-know1u. 90,11-11 carryxpg,!.,6 hi. D emaej4Ve8 u a compars ii 61m,7' ha.-s'now. be. 'le witho e -'f lengt14. Exarnexiell' d -'L �on onl�'when -bh& arte, ich A 6e.�co-ad--:ed4t;o..n. a., e to L tae, iime' te flight; �Cheve foll t� liis'6. whi -medical'--kio-nc6 ha� lep en. mady-. un: e, wwork,,of whi han a X.- K.- 1!- 2- on imblighed." and )ahgli. aqua be i n, d- he�altfiie� ore &S SIE, a al) ar,45 ' OM v,�, AT vruvr, 0 fl indee refre$Alng , to .w to, test the Ion UeRce Df i6ji'Of his jLO is true that rie.- Tnus'..r �af ax" a �Vaor vriies yi, e. that 0'. 'Ina. . f�laa about MI, eE aire u In-trurn. was -�c n' Mi a�d the f C�t th 401oxide &e. �L -:aman­ body. and' n of a :at' British -Offi- 'tb bl��i1� bis Vows of-'celibaCYL I h It ill the ve e! e, rri,, AmAged 165'r6sult A ;sa&j�&h eJ r e Of infant I�ortality, 0 1 Of Seer -os' e -me .,cers Iave%actuai litera. 5 Well LF"'" bhe� bbdies'l-61 4­iiim�,�. The,, t 0 -16 P- :9- An 1 it .-known-a t-edL. 00a e2ve-r e.- eL no -Ted h A . — c 'is' y Soon I effoct: in "propt h' such =ry as, wil. Apabit 4 psite4iya-g�m Prr Q ,yow-ng 9. �6� TEN51 ff nl�. -AAAM mo, * : - I-- I -E- means infiefior.tOL'that s�j Bioirgh-t d­-.u-nb` them- w-' �Chvp�Adl . ..Mlli. Production., In C . a0da. there..:. bib -.e� e 8 ward -in a mo.kt extriardi4ary it Lit yea 11n, function''in th ell -Mo s.'.,ant' g. at ae -thoir` growitlli�'and.-� eight, i�iay be. oWn ered d'to. fore S, -u P e igne o Won fainisrid, flail securo-the- wor . -t g I , Aaron a d 'thc%' xPease of blood pressump wl 1 f ashion'. j betor -it fell -a der is If Canadian. ..amazing ust jh represili-ritatives of the.:pe Ty therexse e . iilil §fAn.e 1.0 mi 1,.ary wo best.riiiiults. iii. the vati, H fLi" 'ad t4be,in- Art ths�condjuct,of rs f 1 P a -b #ad thus IT"I 7. -.:explerirne -axre­-�111491 M. inj6ries"-whib W '40. 801-di<S' e7a�� t -W Aack of ala -his -phenp-me-von'-set�k 'p'u: bra;iIIS' men experts,, to pro*ide, thivur -centuiy. W .- -6 T 0 _ the L ita. 27 It, owqd with milk%and honey' was W eb Lit ley �a rittiaix .'in th -E Iia �'Iy -in Ago�' merit. A: re",$eaTs more. t e. 'man o 7 or"' in tw6..�`:In 1�ediii P, guar, e again -W 4- 1 - 4JU A, DSitS Will' Ve �,rk a,�d &entual� Ili 9 thamV -w.46 w ttel Ja&tiori­ha"d­ owexp'ervexperi d d-- child, �f vid -dtfie'lib - c -g-11 �08(31-11 An eX re' used e 4 . gnabe-1 e VI&C 72 of the rejUlair. series oV Wa ow ig` h'alk W, Go -All Mel, ;stru cent bullefifi., �i h P--581 f rec LS' IlL "' - in ctor Of th' bine..& red ere.-, i(I.V:hulletins-o.f.-the� xlominaon­ Nky- ISO t Fam f4eig-a- 16'ro TUC-! farms, deaLls 0kh"G."Vely. 'w­fth: iii. Ilk P extrehils, fertility and pko&c'tivb- the',food g-jani Wor-' Op. 4 �- - obs. Li .aSL J L has m 0 -air- ipress,ulres­-�t at-- `o­h-&dvn`46t- urisdaia,' director- of the Tarms ,ae' p w -ic, w a, a- cen u ry ago. �V­i L Iz ReaX. Y ide: Milograininie,-.6i A�i�e�: I- - -- -6 -1-- CJLA.;�iare But Wvhea: 'a -H, inod, 'i ductibri-in banitda­ - Itia,authtoit 1 -comet'..., -ghte 7�i !neils. f �oil E 3. Yery, h -that AIM V. spebial study ��agraftja4 te Our- - 17 ler. 11: 5; n. 22; ps, Y gave!. est. invariably I n (compare Mmit t1he. . will 'eopj the''foi�,la'-df the'abix. a4`4nticipa�ed T�he' :iault ''Q�As So in 111111i production a matter. of 33 wll�ijht. I eck e. u000 o ear Se d -h4o'ificladed. axitionir :60: :P. th 6t ff th, h"oLiI -wh.e�n -66 '--rpon �e, alt--�red'­.its great l'iab . eko.� by': ­'iti.' in the subjaiefts treated, cropioxafio r� faith.' zek' -caoft.. plglob oince: 'a, thou- O�p -,th,9k-fM;­iS;' t us ;w par 9.8', ;Aa� !, bbly -4�Anllii ee, g 3 Lt -4b %-e- -6 ildre 7 b' L 12. ft dakry=ca-1ble:�a-" MI a clum pl 0 - ­ ' "Th -balhy -hr, Qdin -W c es,'L lare and managliment, ry.,- a, � , .. . j�,t% s on of e �OW4 coniiiderabli a r, .-Pressure f rom, i -xpeL .06tw '.n V&Yse 33 V I 'Cljlolfel'Derrls�n- An U2LUCed` Those divinions ghbw th;& fid' 44 er an r ne. actir th --r—e 'ad-, 'tll: d -C a' an -it- -was h�rr a: con ury ago,,, an thi� '29:.- Ar6dlelc The in4h: at 3.5 is a oh 9 T' dibt1ijr,-Ijj'We m: d �A been 'the Mitin P1.4 ibgLA,.ie-: I c t ejL -001,ere —nomadk`lis—soct w ii hori's erideavoi 7 af� �,iEo fre�- 'T b these, as 'fully. cle -Asible.iso-tha-t-the tin wa A f 1 o va Ue .."quently -d6��eiit coantry `got noi' 1iinisel.f. in. '.bb e ap L wit t e exa6fly th<� '-same oA- as were t 10 AV K, 8 0 L .0 H WN. 119, 1�l , -0ji �. se, with.A nian;relf:45� 4British -.the.�cai li"' h 111; ­chalked h pSr. p6sition t, ll,vdiera fa 0 ejj' Vo]Umo�L is pro ng C ib 0 1, f arsj -:�j 6 ad to -the experinfental-- �� NT 97 -a- o* --Y�-Aoachiij ss�. �Aa e ,9&iehi�s *eke weighed'" -The-pig e 9.� '611 After th i S "'th&. P-J�, noN­.w leau f ee . d� An -e'ID , th , e L n, o live farms', inailiiiii -list. Vho6i6; not 6�1 the-'JQt In - U i - ,bha,J-,' 10-­,­V�V -&a: S-0 -**e th tN Orn Unjty'..L -The', - fir+her-Ao----th� south �bf�. . Ift"i b-6thl, 4 "S r9t PaleAiixiI t 'At 'One -Clollaps �ming coin 6 f - 5% And Oil 60, L e 1- otig" T V0 rw- 6f hi origina. wor yin . ex Jje ­81-Ve ly Dr to'. :how ''to 'ciie ... for YPo' -machin& wdr e -stre-agth-exied w0fly.; -�ks: ji­ ­itir -1871. �;N)Ds A[Pary-iktaiii-it, 'on-:; &p. r thsoir, dnfints;". 3di,.O-,-f tality -Z;A�Ies d up . w,6m t -��,hd -AIe.Ar.a.-a- Ile rie a-- the� plic -7� Mk4. to- b.Ubtlicat1biis,:.Vr:andh. A non�&.mitib-*­,p4.ao�­ 1: rheAd- ca­b-j-�S- Th.4E� �si le �--correctibrr �-eaxqxtir6dy� n .1�f. al 7 fO#nd�WIme, ro Ac. �y--155j�gr- witli/a-�-,ftumibei -of: �jve, I . -it, 1 11 . �.JL' ; W I . - ar-r L -7--W -�rful-at7,01ime-time-.- . ""' 1 1144,9. part . I 0A 7�how--,t om The. o-n-gOT-Who '- - _It f ft, t ,qent. rp§$ lei tesdl h repyC an.�. unimpo An P S f th -oonL- and their ..AvaXa by- 0 y wi the lit: so -nni6. iv U4 rl on fteforir' In this direction ar m, Ca aceirr "y req i6ntly- . -&V r I .� 't ese'ina;ny y( y' �ars ind boiist,�4bout oi�­wiith:mqnop�ane he ire T Vul e y itt,16 cti Ppa .0016. h ar, Ttawa 'that -Ho - in �­E . t. � ..., - ". - . - , . . - Sig�:havle, sinc,6%b6co h;js t m Understod an inscrip. at'.O"-, � L Meiigaib ;:rid W-fjoi,16f:­ hiteutg Wlth Axthor * u i4artaiko4rtbte Lfe W "a ve 'in -�d 'i" "the -�P Tli n. P-&.' Q -is. �a -k has- -q�.re -te ',-in krd -inod6r-w- bEff-6- at -e ght6p,.�th ing 'fi6i4-'t i tho-:- IA. 1,This assiduous �mari d- ix�*Oinada;, Thisi -,'*.Or in vi-hicii Q its - ag. aie ta an, Of M jkja islig. tre.at. )Ast. ilsome 'be� a V 0 (0) 1?) be .6. -most. 'b gaven g'-jj'j1 d' h -d ring - the- - If n1h g And' mAn' d6.e3,.,not -the/;B6sorigi-,­a­nd. f 't' h* e I up, but 'the = I 'Iijk - -ang,11 a-- A In up d, jb� -to am iniaZ One prestsi n orcrx n'I &�rliousde-' alt-6ratitlid" of Uiqn, o 0 Wn0ia` nall nd fpe4th eatu*Zies. B.. vie. expreized. in ca r6f ee�n JIMO p onoug r Of, ItS' 6V#0. ItS' -h in U -veniten i6y _pb-y�ejrfu,-Fru-lers in the C-6 s,. alroa Y, p], Deep C�Jfit'ant'­ 116 -t a b, ethods ilie r6f a t 'f t he n 'on. baill es t A: were near y Afentilibn is also made' 7'jt, - �takeh th- ea - V .I yll. las on for fhe yqur�- ili, Th W- . o I'd Van V, a z roe aims t -an ai`l�a g h go.: pullist the criminal -for his glinei to -pro.- a as !of, �bn I., 'C�61j.juS a Askvxia� f several - madC'6xj$e�ip�ai; Lupu e h 'n- p oi. ethin- in is also:ariot '614 i scri a -5—ur-gra-Y-K. it: 7x0olon ii Do: s rl a in thp� ing el - )k who ard 1 Aevid,6pear -Ey- which ha.9 been purpose .0 1 T� wool ozy rl . I , poorly 6d 'e 6on-sists of a *tbbo `-­ I ii, -'.' z. I -!--- - deaturi6a Fa er.- ieir. f roAglib-id V& f. en�-tf4pp 00, oi th' eam6ra�..eq -1-01 ------- ni Fj,L no 're'sLi' 0—d 'r9ber'.-Do sixner ir m: nerve ail Ril,6-� ht "very"alio.wly. Ciohisid;6rtblb 9'nder feimi �h iornie: 3.,000�-ye&rsi was" ro-th 91 . 114P. *A' �b race a. p;erib 'Q O'�JJie sa ta. ia. the axtiries S' - r -the 0 inal nei an e 'nd j�tnp, ogy reci?k d % Wile andJ.tqn here- they seem to qttantities of. cilcium -Wor P -PO r flashlig4t ap 6 �.S, -al 1- re ide :'*e re paxatluk ff ib-ubtiFcT-b-,n- -ifia �th-e -., I jeft'- fli g�o.jb�h tally. it a . L i. L of p4lmetto pr -es.,, mue V ­ . : igestiv troubles',of Vaii�Ais­ki S.'' 'of ..their I'M tho :'reasOn -As of6vereat. ave. -pene rated far to, -ifie. south. added,.V't� the -flied'. every. 43�- dl h an: eleetrica�lly-, contrblliid SWIVel. *4yi boen'Jo'"arxive ta�llo a r as "ar ar e! -.a,. rule *do, n L, I '..; � 'k, L ' , Is for Th se tej!Vaito �. W_6iolt Wa's fiverite W fa­,w,-,,c'+ea�mL "I, I!The*� Jebu-site---4 16c 'tribe i t cl t d"sch ...6f "the: ey afe-�­care at6 fe n" r --t eme ts 4 nc, 4P v elqpTce nts. u b ri'l, al n W-66 nd th Rj -, f, , , r' 1' -R�s' About Jr eni­pn:­t��s r ii d- -v -e r-4 -in A c -a .01=the rainir __reto rl�tet ii­ii�s ltme 0 acK mi , d..-11 -s en -V -ons.. C ­wiTesj a it4D eat.'t 0 W "art -IT h- Fa, "num er IC I ig tle ca. (I it b 6 . an. on hie fello* men., The e* eritsa -em an., that-inL't Vill -readily-bo-un- The A L ' rite�Lin !Bibl II " is a, vil- ri t. Ilt him 'to.:.Vear -his own i6ng sort of'1000 slm�- Mb 8, re- .4y-w,0,e ' Its when In Appear -Lupink pl�eed im, clo-se proxlffii h., :f�Tri'ag'. Pri.jaeir J,&JciiIm­ch]b.6d,e'waiE Ae rate t b 'rd 4 eaten V t- the dP-!rsf4)cd that,­-Jl,,� �r�smj t1i n �; - I 'Ply b�oause Arou pTA-an&'to:.'b6 a'heln to clety ;i 1a J-4 jr Ora 64 -hive nii&i _the_ 'one i ate firs a o,t inere'ly A ry, oi.. aValr bl d' :b n whar, is re 6d to, thi d trb;3;i e o gm !'WaS e'r le d' e­�, c, :ear quir One ey�e.'Aad vv re6'mect i rn qel f an to' vesti�t., others. of Og laxid'Silion,. eait: of.' thel-4-oi-. than -in t1io wei-elos When - o-iidina.ry by ide"it fixed. As :-tbPsti,wq S Of �aj­all`�PIX flies -are in Jhn narrow sense -of thA­title Lac hds -him. to *or in a the -ravage. it Y.' it teac ..'N * * �a -eej� their phrticulax body in-. goo I : jiist ji-nid *t - tra:416 will:* -not" bk4nd :hWIm stretclite - -, bilt. r arl :,e iticil reiview- o oo WAS g .4,qV6� Ahb' 'h� Aiirim the inder dim'-; .'In sev,6-raf - P1 'Ces'-­ ho�;eve-r -'j-'. d iven Th`�r6upion,' d that d pe p b le'is, conner iat�. atu�hcj war' a r Jail Wol ng or r. Omien � i t-' , through Ze is - 8 *his life,as a adn)�nissbj� it.. h is 6'w'jf L'-- . 1 irr &K.e.nara parole eye ca`r�le il� a`bZtl�t ect wili..th�d h,l 1 'Mo ;% _ 4 y... intrudi, Wh remal *h�.�h has been c ride.. WAS - I c-oun ry :waged &,gain en 115 hitiom of:, tlx.e_A�j bird. lan i�r are:, often a t in: -C ada the laf ifif . . . . . . . �;rne - inji3rip �Wj* w k 'a n d` the. zo-o After -tlie�wpgA!r- -,.t 7. xio3-x-ded--:ih gre -=-11rd-rOK�-Qf jbi� 0 1�� b quERE9 bef bef'.. bef'.. bef'.. .9. bef'.. A e -ss d-ph:,pningn Knifri wit a'n d -he -'to do. a -hereif,thq. ..... . - or,a CA -7*:— Ahey-have aaafiites the- 1n -Of' aninia body hqj��---b '... I- , --wiresIL tlie : originally. - inbw4AW �he-:nil�d -tbe een-'.. industriousy pi Ing S-, t6_,V;Ar�1 S ­­- stewi starfing:�onr. toys And automaticaly turn -1 ai-h � -alopg, -vi, T -ar�r 'nAir ill �. _ _ ­­ A U- i lig. -he 41 In -of 31 r I ',bh6r 0--max4ime the,�t ster�. -fb ixhi- e s, a fJh und'thia­n a m. -r,sirr4m.­ A. - FIAE, J.jNL. JjjjjUj,.,Sjj "tO. - *15 , , a. JIL idedge-, _noV ___ g ':.'# - L .. area, e I N.'. - . "I . 11, . .. ... YVAN— T'-!Q� gi a id i�`#ear­ -a �'-in­fe",�j- animaclawi-ibL - - Befor� Lixpul) , Lr. I , -lifeL with a-zon. d.-kno ge -s ligh is t -fla b -6 1 fired and, a av hot _co.14; L fl- sn a We . pre 77 to --have AW�lf -jI L, E�dizl;i;t� PfJ-0he-,Pr1nI4.P11es Of hygiene, 4hd 1 the IF - I'' _ It fi id e-J,�b-of-'4,ife eC n va1l&y -h e . - Z, C -ME- '�- IW,f '8aleoi Drifik... -AV. if Y. IR tv:"' ax.m is i- AC- - J- � 0­�Peffeict-:biimself- ill , - L A -6trglar a' --Ahe,,Joxd-gx�,. # -h ie so;iis 6P. 4" 'tr OtS. it ex,. linded at 'the N� at w alt rich. Pek-ieiice.'*hAt- will kelep eir the.Ocoult-r-4t feAst affeet, -tho-dir-essR 'dk Irtion, IAN f e -f 11! 4. 0 S-11 -They fig ires I p e,=. 14'hi icV t I.' Many -heve '.,4 6, �find­ I i ay f P li.rao who come �of' the Xe �hili' n their s6libs, su a' larget .DO Th6 pon iT�pticF4 of �o a, -th e'- .4alv";Ja simety �-to-, zinp-ress - th6L' Vi W -Rt �f `,es; 'lls.91an �P�r IT c,, s4E" 1, R-1 elanscxipts h diiltri�Dts of -46 So" 1. f s d but, one eye imprint 'Of 'his f baturts -oh ey� can f e1cl `;J, �an p4tch "great staeur o 1he goft'wato,.f. C.'ainW)T0�10 -,an-ima.1s at - th 6, tim'e-, :As a, result,of -yo�tbf- I sb-o1Vv:s �vbat -T -:cit, �is p Cfd th the very tre., inhabito.-Og,V', u tal I'lifle:V I more- coiiib0 with Lo-Ae otherof hit fp 'Qb-L"vith its gfa ce refb�]�� --�Iklltjv describe as ea vAl 'an&16i�� da&, s, ies� N60i th� ceptio, A- -ly -b�� muse mmed,��Ielo s;Jas-1 mAjjV__OftPrjb I .' Some 1) g Act 4 cr-1 , et ay f or 'eir -an- .the ta Are sii pressed, f 'b y day and night, I i L re theibe� t inbibit� aiia. . 1;i,� . AmWis a, itiaril: - gn ritme vith %flieir lives' at.d'com- ..and Gale , compa. i'9 p ibVby th�. �on ress hL they axe, driv:ezi., b.y,.,' im9it'inet t6 Lupuxigit 'iiliisels 'lip jTT Aec�rding t� A'reee�i li6te gi 9 IT -M 5,tive* early age. There -is -n6 1 0 p jj�.� fij, 11.1 1—, J� �1- fill a �n V. Me, r y. r Ihe� j I ­'jy, -6- 1 1 - . ... -4 X rtf b c 0 ih6j'nie' t -b ,:j4't­t­4�3­j-)- watches, b -ij, t by" oai&- 4F Is plio�ted 6j.,iitem o facasu r an -s or ants w 1A f,. "Aia lime- f, -�hio i�.*ah's the"h;u eto , . - . J�. I- - '' t t A, th:6,t t, , I There: Is ba ': it il�� ib 9&r.. An �E4 TOJIIAI�- yixb1i's$bo4 by th e. 8 katlis -.Qt in d,insisie, tic f a- th� Mihistr as go -the 0 Mrnenvf�' in. , .1 . .. 'V r� . . . 4 � L . Id'T6 on ill 6 licaltbi fads 4', -%v .1 ere, T Camera. A to sk-6 the� L Vierow, Thesia-me: ifietinct impels doine,�bi?-- *itcb4Q'ry... 'He niade,-A.hings�-mer. he 1, T(1,r U W lit the'e Sit ption ol,�vodka dur: hea,dwaY,f4r Ilia This' -,,occurs ill Ge, fi,,­-6 h -,exy one Ought to a. I D 91-06ke, ho t -gmew IV -a, lu, e-C­3-MP--.TM-t11 r gives, fliq, alariii, and e� li- J V i tile 1,66. Bus v�drog .(t iS. e e4glac-S a tnotorl�t a gejl� iii, the eCt4tOT is k . ,se�' out. sp OW ihi a ut sib C L A tno 6 eed. jimit . they 8.761 1301 he V.dro a e ul rnu%ed,�no . E mucli I " at � t 4a 0 er e r b tio exceedilfg Val e 7 gallons,),* s ail 'al he a.d t'gulated,peri- releren lihs'litfle' a diin' jn ties ih tbioyi�-s, lungs and ji .'.eb&sLd ilm f obi .e reserva, h1dwing e th'. L If - o S x ej increase o j -os, as com- b � 0 :or b c4i nd. -the a 'at t e-cligines, Thiiv -al-6 primi 0 r b dil Jan.- -brain; step either in front moll, b raihlai'­& is'. (io Blit-, Unmaglit, rq6nageA Aw, 1,452,162 �6dr the-' AV"'.- bf�th Me atory n6t(4 thr.'Dw aux -found i exwop�tyin the'. trot -'Out-. his witdhingKp:ro�'JiVitjP .5,PeeL Ing ar 0M this sp�ecially,d-�sigqed �ahwra,.-, Jjl]yL ].Of the current n6le"p .0'eallt'"St'Which will', tutfifthe -sati'� to -t musa os,- whi &­10,0"Yq d� th-or .61 the pas�sage� it. iieai a action of �4,dvefal. hundre to L A 00 This apparatill's Is-. Acs-i-ned M �ilo. �llixlay e'vesis refer�,o 0 to f bb body At -;and ot4� th-� G ce to 4 mita, 1 %4 theIr sb:6ie.- e di.ssatisW -youiijg men of th6 coin afteenbiorl jhIrklitsk; conflyi work. tithofit h t- and' 7niki'. �jr' njin t6 0 its brain--.' aaimeeie d k6thi�r' On ilie Crbver'rijAerib 4% sup�11111ma,n- P t in.,utlityj li� too they fillo� 'W plate, one exaptly a 'se6rmid af te r*, r)lq, sho,,x,ing ka -in- gich rds.6n L. Wr book, clr�aaod. in :6011- require Ume, quite'' as imperati ano ierjungle vend,6�vous, ight in 'his the otlier.- As a. result, AOien the 9(A ""Tli*ioiiKh 'Siber fa.ct with'aillciefit 116rew allwdons-a ie.0ie,t-niad0 tho- .8�40qu-ilint tirpase,,.of .5 6.11 as -awn- it :jRjos e,*. -The ance 10 a 'do the hon ej�,,, A 'to 011 1"'t ho 4 eis .1. Ip 'IF "1165i - s e Ite I whi'61l.in'the wic'red legendfs.ofothor is: Neeesqary �0 4-h -t IlAtF4-h! "6x�, 11 !U,0411al: Mot Is. t jidlo larger thalp ,thii -other, cellent F4si 6iix,, i troikib -mahy'. Ways, and ;obtainf,". Tnoral "d L, D es�,ert M-, �:Peoples receives mit I- x, 13.11' eang'-of an'in Wells seal .0h, in ofe top" 'sit PPrE iind Tn. e I.-- Tilt :m-elliue,from''the State:vj,)d, t e a -ill dilligg4ed a h6ok�;an the iltbries b ult a The chief je tj namely, ce, th - PO ai , figure but the liza 9�nopoly s ii ffioe a to- support: thiq, 1,Iddpr mrfilfge. 04 l' -tile earri, Ti ad.,* 4cius treatmen e--4n.6.at, br6ad and Fortl1wi r e .1 le 6, tp -amp-Yes*m I wunst h th he 'Miled into h ii Tath '� b.. " $ ,art afticlies�of die, t"] L jai dj,ti' qpeed of ibe picture&ca' army and- na.-�,v and-' aril good jo pignagin. a ha -ad, 1 -au . ..... gia�,ts. , We- 'ry r to a f r&6-- -leave. a fairly. clung , the, f 11M howling, Cos Dd�y, 1699 not' W thifik-of A Aepa fruit o tho i 'ing' Dotitogs axid f ipsle 4ndl off t 'the b_Pl I hon of A mil� �,Ok toaf6' 5iit�ltxs. -t eaeks.' W.jtfi W-as�' helnl.eta jarhiti-ed but, it. failed,$ N_,p,little !do' t heur,! a�&j n )a me 'but ratbdr.* In 0 1 1 re , rdi 9' fiand at6 and distinct people, 6 mor n 6' to th� �,�&Sparit� biAween tho,t­ do Win � o: Ver'' their ears -who, citvrivd La.d�--Poo'r ffian How. did iV tha; spear lind a�. bufdeaisoiat ar�. -net rey6nue from, this source. was in 'one lqx,4�­41p,w -tli usila,l Size tind I-entifil wid 01iorri havo, 'a to, fail., of men of -tin otbolisin hapipe,. t7 -.of anirletz--whd. it�or'y ng tf ill Of tiTred t'lle 'I, 4art o`-7Tr-amil-" a reng i�tn . o 4- h e-r�-e- an ere, h f. $Ti� Te t an"-' '-t d, ilf, - itnitiob I lirne;- T-figsf 1have -veTV nrue;h- ay th, ii -ds". , , '. ' Th& -whole thi 'boo) Aven owe. �Iie aiffe'rent ttibes.inih solks, xab&a abd stra*- ba, , : Of Be-' e r f 0 1 kt' a nd. 'ge offieer ',the, law 'has to:. atnong bibit� lime, ��M The be I' But ri3O u d rmore'. h -o iristailed trios, still i.�Iore irne,.. 'h- F rth. himself cbevei,' -the. c hipod It -he hoolt .,an -J ladder Nva t -lie citt. is, nalk.'. That is, -wib v :wWr IL9- �IIA of 0-aso'hg.1' And It vhij, 0111y' t�0­4DI*Oss Ta' r e W -C bOd Zf '6' dis&' h,,se-citrb,- and theh,canlei. a han-d- g .,the i&al both, fai reh . oen'. .�liJ'6"fi`ftg4 e�rei since-�� efi�t V Ii, * phottogiiiiph8i, a nJ xvht n t1im 'pl iiie A s eilgirio of 66 i-yP6 Our gran&atlitra a, & a4ultli. mi the ; time 110-tcould' epare froul f'L pe,,N L' f, ts lftelquolt sk car -can to' JragLio that," ece-nis, Prom, the o ecatz.. ddpii10j)ed tB6 -flr� K�- A. fwt�r musing ovbr he ni�R EVdn, I ot ;whliih is riclheA in' twb woorWs`�`, e, a t1it, �ajy, g4 illigeiCl; in Ol ba4cs- a feminity tll�Lt1lis trusty, V� g, Le, ftekafi% Ing... iffillpe or �w�li <1 beean., limej 'Says Emw6ribh not ;�on-' I ."V, . .1 ition Water, - 6 4, are'. 0 -up e le y-ift the .617- 'Jain,ea�ftoh,'+ And p t a ound-ed 'up Aft 'the ly on tl 4ojshe.a4 ft -w-144� 'Aive, in re to ieve, - , do if f, ld"It"fl' co�6rt le ilek, -ad-di -to ,D, eli - I . I. � - el, 0 1141, A its, it J k Gulf and oil the. gre, night' soclil.calli dn tho neighbors: i,11 iitann;et -of 'details nce�niljg� Tht, %�nlcad Ese i Acloll a ry But- Lupungli appaieutl� is sati5-' Won xidr f4Qr lo.y*arir*itjh C� Sian at' ban'ItS. diseases. , -Eve inian should there, k* f accomp th� - Nnp I is th� �ar apd, it's occup,%n-ts;'%vhidh,1 ill' J li"ad d t b -V7 iieaVArriptij off the northern part f6Lr� eiit, dai1y, a Cerb%In:&Mt6iint 0 siA of ih0v$oreh�bexfia� �fi'eo� aten. 3V i(LIP tifieatjoT'J�' �PL as 10ium t ' , " of tho. weg6 co t 6� Ceylon " &t� a -h " 1,]- 1, fi�d -with his' lot fOi he� r6adil aid in 6A 6, lot '01 &thpliciil, c. emica, 1 y pare, caj" chlioride. �a -a %Voe Lth e ot. NV, a f distattoe Of 1 'e, � , i_g.jied,­ Uats- wrot-6 Stetil, Woman, 8'11pphl er rat, oom, in le a e Sj�teefl. j twenty wx of-3� ctnta. on�' eac I,. &poll- W" r )Wn f 1 e r, �n oppration i i�lobrllorl& in tw'o 81ifferent Mc-ffi- -ate g: "'ecr,-Vd in! V-4,th.t, is kppd;�- ell A gC ( . J.y Which 1i cA. -0 the r dewl 6 then see.s,tb from the shore. Their origin tnded by the t efy 11 of climate :W were, replonishe'd. 'I due, fu Ahe presence of A- IiV' her, 6, A t ly a Pair Of, ID r, WE+- Inks- Delovea-stf,bjectg, Ing T -a- d e. me is a 4%ald,ly d,os�' Of ow. 31 g 1-pr(­4'slirp S.efvt�,o-,, d -to oil rqcetours�,,* ra8lte betwoen f,'46 shelf and the - xd by detectivom b Lit jl�(). orye fo."15 gtanis of pur6 cryc-61­ Ole rubber 911111 a trille-inotio aissido- Its at ratil, I, 'd . .1 �- A 011uge.­L This bow; g -- � j ­ a what, Nv," the Ili ' tei.. I was i.n.6, -oil 8jV I &h4d'heir I s,114 am*ng crowds, to o,b- rise Once tO < I %thel 'V'01 A)�.', dwi��­ildthe',.' iveek And got',s(j in j�16ht flia-t` the Irl<tft�ldhns� ith of thiq. in ze," f "i %lty.,s t thi coines g uax y c9vere en, 9..,' ..This h� -ly 80 lb, 6, food with '.gf-e#t gle`e, I Dit:ring a- 6 re sex- bealftiful I'Videacen sit Atance'Lwith lic '9,. Th 6 1 ex T to, d .6a, 1 -1 �ho e, a:kl 64e('1110. im 51, 1.", .0 a s�trin$, P Ig 11 bit 6 divi t y 6der wAy 19 '0 ter farnigheli its :Ph UA P Ail liltol& I arw 017 TAY N1 in wap-hq w d r i", dissOlve 106 gkAills of. tlie chl" ijd In.' the,�:Se.v`enth b '�to. g"raMig of t- d" to t&'k46. . ii hem ick.J4 th-6 iipoetl-w afld;�6ii6ris this st - -:,; j a "i, 1'. to try AU Aotho" 4illid of P-1. fil I od lild, V il V .1,114 the ds A I ill, � W� ��A o 0 1 hi -- Meill T -bt$ff - 13`�� er� -A ig-JIN 'fedt, IuOi a f in ja� b,.rtfj(.I 4 btfull siz, and'pbr bilt alsa f,,o �y in 16" T'Zoulj',keop bVok,' ea� k, ffiy vittoo. g tes ot 66up e er - imd 0, 10 Ow b, sip 111(ld hunger - th�o W� el 1110 1111 8 r W �7, jhjj 1 ik th, fe lit, -In SO .81 'IV I � n" of ontii the at if the .00'rhmon galt .",GtjfP0 "�Jltg -bru-dd by.tpeova Taw,�t a"Ji a dU 10 U fiL ell e �tnd cream wa:g tIlt w.,tic" 'captain, �61 hog8lle�d'%L hm(h ni­ by in j)CdS 4$r tj,te�S bitt kti�f t� �, e tiklftg a NA "e u 6, -t iem &A 8eemd'd to p % $ p ha-Mly"i fro�p Nii1r.oa% tile t eiielt meal The c o ba, ki I i e stor, MiAches 'it,selrk' to t 6 13,m i6 Votild F lim ptfeowse,�. ot j1.Cf(+0,fi food I g4d t and i��t fr piivE? e �abjq, :D& Able r lheth6d- i4 to 6M:�f (einAL Oe as f6 satisfy me like''It 1 -n hAd spill0d It is 0 ligl[it lUg b,rea Pr 'th pj&S;A� P ly P one scending if I I!V "Ap, b�o'ttora, by' A. a it )art s,� I t I ags ab �e' timoi ihe si. bo:i%j-rApli6x,5 O"SI.6najly h !,t 'hive a nAtut-2? -b� f4r S �. 5 tile, 1p#!�, At any r&0, A is esti- fh M .8 r' mei A641" -a Munich use, efio eQAdr&A4toL' 0 &VO. 11ad. n'o,- tptj�l e"ItA for 4eyr to ffidfg6 oil" goi-rigged dd, Ash� r lad Oomrhis� Aid' port. t n1 It �nA d�s' I 60d' A6:e �: r ria. 8 'd PCO 0`1 e. ag- is' 'to'6 1. this food, jaba h4* flee't a ivor 'k out thils - "X&M rot", -6h t ia,thii,cont at thb i,04;t icannof�,o cours e sa .!or 6er- MI a aliort is The bt,.md is, eAdi y tAli the t&k-O.ft fto -medfplille ,6 11-1 t* other tiffieg, 'if his luck be plit, very Q Pet, photogrAph.j� qo aw 1 h&t '1� 4' V &6 National, Drac' ind i�' h *1 1.0 of $iif ;vi,thin necti6h t.1je df&Wibtjkk is' he s6tu Did W04 W' bute" tb ti�t� 1, h.6 W- do- All my, house' he Ulviel� gained ;o in� 'atdrlgth Canjda,L Limited.' ir4v�rs6 hAlf 6 ijj6'L tho b, 14 6 ­soUnd'ing f work os g a nine hun, 4> �,p 60 -�t ''of R, oheliIi 6 know t I It 6r' 0,8 ion tut�pob;ft &ad -feel- �wiell' and' 'trong. My bat wo "t '�f.biljg S�owly�., Overbe itli, -1 tit 'At &64 mileg t� the *eStwArd Of A�, A very 141�.gb c Tho wilt'" 'fi. I jl� Va. Y *01 ';:Reltah Abd fioUnd. thW-depth JLW'ft'n6W forbi4gL aj&faj� lit f�L.l� I n: of Ju6t a no NN tl r ,t4p 'd 'i6rd 'p. % ... ..... ... V to 11, Z &M'. �cit j' F31jt MI j6.q., I le prels, .... .... .... . . ..... f &S 'It. far P�14gg" . L , - - . . . . . . iw�, than Illy on*01 a , 0 Cotdro oalorin for Ine, W ", , I a Q 11. t.% r1g. e given b 6 W6 ya 6,M: "4 'LL"%4 01A D 0 Aj 11 q '666,d thd, --m- eftl 6 NAmi M AA&M,&, bh694" bb. . 11L. 6y"� 1b, wiit�r eldve'�� oly N I itte -rdA ig. tqtlal, to fifteen i - izl�lf �06�' A140fa. il -te-a'd Of, our won a o �1 nh A,� u4E$,� ;�Jm kdo* brk". F� oyii vt- -4,rj...­­_ 41MI—MURN M40 ern, 0�it. -R16 w Ad alf­ �Ab.6,jj t rear, t5e, power -In GO . - -­ , a d P 0. f rith rty4j' injj eopic cAMor&,1 N.Ires, y uy t ii 46., Ad 1, r( d I rces iia romp y ever UAR 0" st� cl tj Uri i r I lit, x) n fI4 J'j t% 'nd 4. W, !.VAog tyn b tull and,thd ' fftehl 'by a I 'a I" i4itate "ittif6i 6,1 Watbr, 'b ft, T I ib. �4&614b 4Lilb, 1Apv.61§- of b,"'' b -P 49 a TMr t f 614,814 ii]� 11 i wil ate c Oead, th ab'61NNAM a posek, Mill ar; A itbild 'TO IT'' :4 # Money- id4b JL 6btain­8eti�iI6& P ou fil, " fi: j�L , � nd mb,u ea'ah tojof6y-whlo AM -a half -mil� With tkdt dvd d 0 f r6ni IM6, 'tb it fi, a IV" L N Ined it ljon S(j�lar# ph true;t: and tuft -7­�- W. . . .... *�Mi - _ Z . '­�' " i; fj