The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-09-18, Page 6ONOPPOW - - - 01070 ��w 77—F _,-W_7-,- - ' ' - ' 7 _7- 7 7 , 7_1 77 hlimbled a sslk.P8 vylkolft, AND ud- TO Au'. tlIent. 4,1vep.4''Ove 'of thought iwelit �broti It the.,chambery of her ralnd�. JNPT Al, rNo 0 A .,Su Jugr,4crdes4ro were,gr4tified, an4 t _ppoo V . �R. IN 67A out of' the -,way, and "'Posing ir site in I_.,Har4 la.lip6it.'? Woula no T ALL IN�GRLEj� r Arr eld �H AT IkM T� love her ae'i�bo loved h1a -Ar, �She doubtevI, _'N 'ARE PLAIN 4Y .-P'RI NT.EQ' 0 I on nevor did shower all the treal�,- WT. -hpoli, s� single- persou THE l,_,APr.L,,"PT�k.AT ALUM es.of their be�art ad�­ -­ yg�h wlp�,Fk- SP LP H AT -F A did foolislL. wornen, . ThQy,,�alwa -M E 0 1;, V' _ I N ebtriewhero for anptbvr,j� ::: ARM - a a fund, . Ail W cident of A man's riage wasonly 't lJfe_ the great, event of &, wonli , N -A, P A T E I S. N o T -P--N _r' -P- �r ........ ... 5R turallylfle`p'6.�ea looked riport it fr6m,dV, THE'M.. THE -_W_.0RJQ5_4'_F f4ront. pi: 6155 All "M 51 CH )intj of view. SordetbingAn bell -t�wa 'her� rned -now-th - xi even ut, Ra ijot It'L 'bo.lieV6' CI,S,N T. 7M A t'G I,C P A,A,,�I N Of -;� . . . . . . . . . . It to blk pd ',She,,, yet. ber pouSe told lier it W- good, - tbi�,,g, � A��, ik ROWDER, COST.i33 NO M6RF�,; t 4ko 4 god, -N 'T -H 0 -by - - thlogi'lor 'him and' fpillier too. When pile T,,H-A N A R ipasbil,-out matters, p,%,Ixn Nos. R gcoi%i 0my- ed y coul� But Ine had not yei tb-t t4i 4 'co M a �� She W MIR POUND,� TIIIN$.� Passion', and 'knew not whether r 'lie V�otuld "Ai �nt haA isink. ,or rise. The strong burr lior in to pdweg,.and at itrecent 9)ya. J�pr y direction.. ONT., 0 and fro in e.vei, W;pre. -'etill-: ... fixed --on --h r- t— ORONTQ. 7 �-g WINNIPEG" M-11 troubled countenance. "you have not Answer. d he sai. ed my�que6t;on,'Will:you not tell in W" a whAt . ..... Xl­ %i- "Wb tit we N7:?,nD. is nearly- always- imalt- i int�tive, less. ucthlh�'mcr& nor ��W.i(jhes. display'a A 6d et;Ito of ---A­c9Upl"0 -'of ''OoVe u in 0,,�, 'o d� "a R, t flt-1 fs, flavo I, o 16A 1d] -brii ":,RD.e'.repIidd eapivocall �eie" the,.� him -to -,Aor�61Y' flil ing., is `7 L i . , o:,,, , "I I , . W Jeeas, Pt n W. pp L,011176.� a res n - -1 ` h-, �Ma-nypeope, p�. WE it Etc R4.,� � " ': " " a d 'Ir A�, ta gmr..&V 0 Ixot 91, r -1-616d __ : i- - . 164 0 "T --atn4 zke - it�- tpm.te waX o� C�K� ;.0 F m, e, 0, -e-j, W E 4 �i, - i A n d .41 1 4 ill , 1. - 1 .1 t 01 eve if it did,�� the probabilitje.9 um �j,otlld JJQt,ProVe A gi I Aor'bVr -g6Qd-.1? 2 !Th.Ws:'W� trit,e �mo)Y- which �ha p he s'aid',61ayf"4�y­ 'VV111V� _khbi!��,.;notr he`inilli -wit t MA e 0 ad) "of 1p4its A�J,0 �had e;tyl,,' ;e I OF have .,often tlic; XV411:4 wo- h4d�- it, - lit: our power, to, "Ht)e_4Jur_,,o,WlJ iqigus m a a j,'the a., qeultop ljved;i,*.s,��oould fAilijon �twem-'�-plece4. eaa, AjePriw UY19. 4"l -m . " * , , , e- - .. ." nv� 0'�smcotbj�jsj,!L in,pal: aa� it w6 d t LJOL 0. Say b only 'ellook then rouiii ' led, their align �L4­h�v- -e 21'1�`�iii.'A $4.e. Aarlt:;eo into, -41 �bl gave ­ew, �vu, ithem 110. 'a groeWthing gr f maul y 'Y�o roluiscd to brIdgo an in At- ' , ­_ , - .. 1 4 � �,Im 1"s; - d' LL cauSe, �opo' _tap��d t- , , -W, -e6nete ��Z, -fe* -,f 6p— h ;dascpvcr� to _o r� rr petf&oiji�-Iffit.6,: �A SM041 RPT, - torten. � or a -1 ` i - as 1'4 u Im .Wes of bba this #0- ay -aes,c*rjpti6n. Of"the" 11 Annie- called, 0 -at-- o in ._ktstr -whip, tf6 Of, Stand ',th 7__TbA­.t-,m.ay bo;,. leertainly ciontriv- g6i# AN; 'f' ed 'to Ills -ro -6 m�m �4id j�iiqr - 110 L #�Agz7`� It es, ga an 'on he' ik 1�jrett2j, SaZ 'even, till" it'' as tb�.oyamighlyt b:,i the ham W It 0, eeprerate� venacity or, H a main wn-, side.'! ed',14rdly,, ioniftt:: uncongenial sttrpoundl­ -The-woids-�w, mpularvely -h;' Wit X- Ariff .even where "any et, atiq.!!, Ik T --pi mi vege�. no _vsritboal t_o6rtsideration,-,, -It-w--' me tp� 19) , -40 it?rutyt:-Zlitr'�tbp�2�"_ Th e n,, pall.V� 0 46�v s ssion of th� topl 'no I - , oil" ,hgb� iiheri he ca -,�-Afs=_ - V0Jtt_. or. a. _r.e4k;_. f e_i Y'thg�'c c6btAia6d: an element'of blu 9,qbtad# Jcwtjug; Ae b� PUT 64 ikart tit r ne t a;"; ost il .;,bUtL,Tende d a RAVOf- Th, 4riki-iig,feAure of the ai�� nee, She., Us 4r nion th6xihegar an use I 4rd - eyi- steri 'Mplied' lt'dnli i- it- Atud: the gr that made 'hot' th 9 111. ing. � for stews and minceg. F a -A;7r In. , " A' ' a - _U�Onk. I., more. appalrent; Its , apantiri It was not JX4 �,Sh -all ave,' b Pr pleaeant eariu 0 e.tr _JS-JUAV� , I ere. ut� of dimWisbing did- but ad t ar- but 41hp]pe esp,6ci 11 reiltch; the, on t a T Tsa Gvah&�1-Djokjo_-.�; a of the: kit 06 acere. 'tpro"zu"m 0 B tQ be jJc.6t+ecaase ren -lone iness an gia�ndiiur,ipf 0:1 6 ast- It id t 1, i ey I wa-d olrt,�toL tr ally kind, Of "fist )t ',T -next to the`-'-Eimp6ror, th, oDair"the Rb&i�6ouldjfl _4;.; and'i\ X J . -ha dii � a Ifie re tu et I'l Ve a er r 4�-aid notr W�&IJt � RV oll N". iffill-1­1 j__�jj r' grAnitel; gral -mica. izp,,,tpe,,.fuII ex�e eir" little greasy.'j. shl'Ch a�,'frie<f he*�rrings Wives won let 'them. , Col, a queer litue,bits herself' up wit 1441, Rtle Tftb� dli ii the' most ihteresti R I,' is the-, mack'6�1' �V�X`i sma,11, .1 , I it*_6. a: d: dol i - 97 , ifig figUre,,in USS11 e. sp itrlw and� � ends, of­roPe, '1014i an *h iph these. She drew wi 4'ar:, � : t voted': lin rain L� or M Bed. hity. Lincre aesumed aL The pow4el! i)�LtQ t e' A ibe -Em,�eiror.-s fa -�birib --Wa*-h eF, . _ mustard 1XI but 4j...Majotitty �f thLe �,-C'30 loosely ri ke auto their surrit- 1p�p a IS A_JL -rest r e hK _4y" :e 'e' which the sauce is made. :4-Xdd - a )-ics, it -is h.6 i�olidei- It e 'h'is AT, 11�ighnpssl-'-� healW �,ea a.- wulua, ot, Sh show; 01iom, ion permissible,'. even-' f It queeze 4D e 1 on; "vide Oio 4 ell. - W1,11: b,6 'fe"caJlVd ".that me�,ntly- raiever I uld aid. -'but'I'm an" 011011 411 �:P Piie�Lcotlld'not even be guessed, at th4l diE('i not be a,wholly agree -a a' one. -Aus;�-d, a;1a#16=AiP c thZfil,�o Ilaq. timt ac vsi4e'rat .,,One and-' ::fro X,6Lr-49-s--�­n� I th�na Ver I � g in good, te� ho' .t��y tance -from which -they. w6jr.eL V.jewedil. fere felt *n&_knaLw_this in her r gon 3meo. HO �'Cau't, gmallplain '(r _ 'mix it lor a. -Plain w, ite "EffW1 a 0 Ut, &gA1n_AACLLsee ms-�-t;0- sauce. �,6ne!� feot;. I noss.. t`R`4hkA illb still SO _-appp a flioundi Nrllx�s- you- ...... db­nQt' h Qlw b,'' q * b e d sit e 6-d. tucked away in 'WrLbear�vabda !ad" Et-t-livis A];'. -itkp-6ar1AnoV4,--7 ii-eedlesi i�) sAy nv -,. ffoin t6ak of .,h bro - -Tons are, , ]�t 11 rin ris Any?,con ire, Ing be -chamois-laiing a ,whilst, at,'a i3olnew.,ba�t,lo*o�i.-z(ltltucte;l)tar.- "I canti.4'pilbverit your "Alck6i"_' Hill aily Sichool., 14�66w.; 0017'p' t4at' -Of�p 4C 6 <1 it wOuld hi to. M Die: a to bh1el' of Very -deli i US fii� Are ioorner where Ve "Tb Harry s a "but f be, tibit. whitV they' clusibne tbat ��'ou I l migin whito as the sh" on lie sei t3 tiard pl.pples' -Xk. �1116pperton, thin I t- on Chief -of -the' 4th Bit-tta ion of. Jil _Givat .-0uilled out, to b6 In'- e� -resteit feA And thk6vie�.�.' go tailf,` indeed; I'sttin �sutrii,� I ��l . A, , . , , )A.6hairs- ille rd. 16, 1hat s mli;age,p - 66 r P, Xy 'ta, and so narrovii'krd tioh, yoiz- w�ll "ifin cuftil;�, iheM distributed' all,lover 'the. room , -61. -0- hi -0, ".0 1- 1110 .1 3,t?�, g AV Ito'-were'an ery-day oc --wero the mountains, -And- 'the Al' to yours6lf! . . . . _.y. � �nd 'hos `f rder th M -6,Uth GIM- St" �&ptd,-,.pf �44_'O very- ,thi�. slic6s Then; sing iiii, c ell A- h it J'a'd' never� pere'traied,,�and An I' Hb`f1b0Iod.,crimaonj�' coughe4.",unbAsily L w . 1 1 . - __ - 1�-_ .1 rom., his- P'oCket a lairgp�� Claop- I � 'C� .1 kawer c- d W -F A 46 Ire cooked, fr up't _yV autrx "'f4b; inhaWfarite, ivedt7i bnth' after - onde or twi�,6e,' but did 'not attbinp-t-to rez of. sausages. -i ap- lybeOgiitse of their t �h-6 4'uickly: in,. t dri, ixig:. Tch ilt -".or. hL ­iWir' ;t-�:tree,�� pruned into,. month Withbilt.-onop beinp'�gliiddened,,by A ply� Site' 4ad'.given -him:& ireffailar, sla?p ait ains iurbrted 'the .peg, I thug '115 ht,l , of U,'�No-wondei­that, a"rding. to on the . fac , a, . but he could 'n -o ' '- I I" p iug: es lie -&rnitur0,-.*.hbuId_ 7: i`oi, them at. this seAeon stiffer- His had broughC it upoti himselU: .1re: ha 'T no ty, ad atoi the iron lible irl the �10`16 lik"' rn on sauo�r looks' d beginp arrange them IM *to Ilt"Is", WW r " 016,W-AlS ed 'r - ' lsluegs�46­-m-,Irka4hi - - , " , Jrom,�an unoonque)nble dv­ - 1 7 ---3 � efear�an qt.0 ii -fed to it " ich not'-f-hilreqi�e 7- mad -Ito she justly re s. mh Ace -6 the one that'lidd & _,cy, Be irh� less, no )rna e n 'no en P"'klipokett-qF--alipped out.--- T( 6440insist he will P1 e P r k -"_.Y.0dn sented it as -air* h' the 4;par _dJhp z�pmairider Y, tnntfta�'l aecordi - they V�19�pse As if pose. an rentely.rbttei I e je -W.or. jam I. - no keep it in the very' centre Ebefiezer had been dolur'Ouenna- ins 11 weir N To-dav the surf9ce.of_Ahe,-1a!ke­0as-bJ k :intst­ silimce-, Jt wal-S.-.-, -as- sure # I :Vrofound vp�� 1A bed d �ext­ 11 he, an sti I except rigl Th s 0 e More ring " ' ' a, into t, should, never I I �bpi produced of, -gold6ii-1ighk -a �sal-' 'h bere � .6ha V`is­h� noises.,froin ave o.r -glas eal -on� --ove,rdo, Jou-F a ey1ig M�r,upi 'soald6d. jars - - I tg� f ngg' wher e� e"5g41`iroiigh the vall H that the.how of the boAt.'. -repai ed th6�evil a,t6r:'thbF' fiooded� the dark waters with an -amber, "Yet, oddly enouehl,�'gt.�o Aiinkj h rul, I'S S, Ig 'y 00-61� -Ings. 11. you, &ire &u01iil'1it,js' left t _01d - t vor honij an i�W on ,04,orwagian fashion.' 0- SO ;­tbo. 6per#,.Ion rA. I W It glaqs6i almost,.to.,top.; set-asr e.an be In a T]ie clue9tion 'is Whet' ei L 9& " i � 460 and by ito. ftre,And forca4ipsed-1--sha It d �h 7'remirku-,15le h thii ig. 6' its �*.Atched tter ",Uii little th n too -,JR4w uo,*ant lfar, from, being satis of: the" , , 1, , i it I t, 'bril-l 1—- 1. .1 1 - in to g Itterin edium, she wats­very �cover wit 0 rue t idea room t. 0, S n" lie It h .4 R 4' p- i r I n Id, Much., t pic - ure ht"' u Itti� ,c ',,mUpiHIls� his safetk` '1� lianor I like orf a' gross d"' islon, ex 'som're�­and: nonW__ Ae ma\p b -se over, c woub emed timpZ to 'eit still' - v a taIk-w en..the� pn'_P_QU_r ki d'i" N 6 t A 9-664 ?;M "�r, ofith ii . ris.. I - A �gbt A ego lnag_�ifi �011 he'ehanote bout, pne or-t*bdays) Lutku ill -g,cFaK upon f 'Converging I e, i aiwlib "T"Ahe pot mocks, _'not b -0017R9. peak upon peak and. Tholi r' ppqrtn"IrieS .0 4 -,V4rph7 even -so d6d =�_wera growi 'd -trarer on a thin' lay6k 6f wielted n,, Man�._Wi� -t_��ncb__wri&e that ctla=,'101�3 �.%bp lake that he rarer. -an par. smered�:tay�%,-dew ton. FOR -i-tist the -sort"O'i _7� o Ea ..put o* ar% 'And ,Ter'i�day failed to d1V&t;of their dreary-Xbortezeir seldom relaxed his gnard:' f r tyy Vill n cove-r-� d - P -ESTS FRI' 'd character. .They w._'ezis,_ . .... . h1usba�dS.'j'OU1,d -lite,, judgJng. by, the lfio and, �desolate Ma _. _1 -I 6v�r. (Wash and Wipe_glaases be-' -if It WL a-, t i ad- An Is, I �Wlat� dJAJ_ wal inap ai'Llilin like --0XAxki,ft# -suc-: a,,,woodeft �pog, and -1 -bi 11- M?l . - at w An A-,qt;."_m.Vu. -1 Way t ey aet 'in - the" OU -de'at Timber La gest, usl ur pro -qw ads'6f N.6rth the tii ta . g-,yVa roV"t4­hi41ikin far-filoin 101* vietry, -xibbili are fh6�nf V ho w test' - I "' � IN­­--'­ai dings "kild that Y. 11' t 't)I6 toll,6wing metho"I, 1""' , Oul�- 1::Aut: lie did -ib d To'o-er-aWfi&, or fdr?" shei itinsed' diEeditteuted]. fbie. lie4ing-, Awty;�,and ta�te ',h h sd.' '!'But a thjroVeh �Wo Sit cess u y ry.. tb64r ty.'to have offended.him -without aary just Ca o I and -A P%io ln-�the Wor,A.,"t., fd1i stand ilane. now. both -of us.arb-miserable -h lAbeN on 9 1�hicb th44 sure o g, is-+�­Juyeaeh .R, arm I make MAtt t ive not many We �P­4�9­oh­J_oy_ OU 566TVaiLWe in- that "t 7 1 - ex .,to o _soon_ b -o ummi -a.�roozft like r %rt 6f -the:-1iho wnto _and:_:iJ er" _ConvenieA pe 114 �,nl ei, exClirs 011IF !�-F_ ing-a-way-j. 4n thaw'" ­aa IS Wi th a, ace, 11A.. M .-.I -enoug h of,' first 60'ki lit;' V�A�'V' <)us tra�t. of - foreit! 1� in g - �In�Nrt gratefhl 'I - li'if*t6, house is fiat spd4 3m - X U "' i ih QA-APTZR- .as 2M.1, ea es, an 7 7 tn.v,� . . 1.1- _. 6 to, grunim- ktr`71, g outeri Ai -0 tbe' - Saint ­Lawie�be':` iveri IU. V le i&th� quicAes I.:ray never seq b 'do lbrij ir Iniarites -moret.of eshod. the� -bye alomi I im a�qain' int6ndi': to' Put antitie-s-. just- _ciove,rl. Boil uhtil' tenderi, an' ,span al up �$nla qu he, iruri'st hot glarer,,ontaide this: as . Ave. if.:the, �hbasand alld �One rid, brought, at'a time.', Xethod--�-Hkve all'uten-1 then 'kib, through cbll��der ' Take pr6vib06 6t 0*06d' ari'4 Ontixio, ble little s 1w, faiitnrssr.'- Jehv . fodlib& it ±Jm�,l �,_ -r-taiJ;s gmrtreA. to '.bar eyes, at the- 'ho_uis�v _* a- ',At thi� poAll �:t p, rozi ir dupfuls',O! Augar to six 6i., f6minib:�JOILClies:1-ha t hat tender: and ills, sterilized,. by'',boilirig., in- clear 0'J Pu P, extend*j- -ugrtiliwar _lto _MWe Ifith thought. for she Was a, t The�di c MeR�mi�ej&it wis 'aii par't,of li** truiotingi�'agei`whpn'!& *Qmmd believes no�! ahome are MISS ng. a 1113sian min utes, ,FF_-add-�hw1-f-,Df-thL-gu9" &Trd a, regloi ith I the t Dur-eav ft -lar -Compare A!*: -like tho: popti;1-ar afe" - 'is L eply ujar and b R a good -db de - _�-Aq ArA tpr-��' 14 -eT1,11ales a man.. E. periah". li -yet ting em -on*4n.- iw"W'rin ,"Water And I an hour then Add: rest'of s Burling a Otutl 1,700 mi;ez i� leno;� rhen -�,a love of Ail not VA11149 fr�&m every , uo*L lid then.: I ec, hl�joy of 'the tban leak' statsi of'th n 'am, taughi.befr ifi, Ackleirees". iw tuagol, then boiling., 'Jisrs, alsb llnust. be boil to a blear: consiii�ncy. 0 tdtioiri about A red:,impos- him:a ea-si j.6 wet.,t".Aind, ig I h411p boil no., - e 110 iis�, when his- Wife goe�'tOi cuse 'to exellan might 11.1 til - a ;little.' t4k, ge on� form ,if labor for. and. unstability, 'else, she unl pn on saticer ' is -ed -covers -after 'Wash w rth 4nd satuth, 'Of th�� o'", n ry. ;D -e cot -&M _id - Ni -011i Of ten ft of' the another, 'and to wipe his honest. perlsplirl prl%6dAt so'bighly: 'Of b ih clear &iid� stiff X:feii, 7rod. pluing By -wh` some ek e, g -41K `1,"41 ' Fronted Ing fitce� -with a� bright: cotton - Dooket-liand-, -be.placed i� c it is'lield that. mi n an Ifurry also gav-611tilmseltuli�to, ir 'of an unplfta'siug� nature. ;in be' ddde a 0, Ill i a littf� -,,in Tyi:�` 'k V A.tMended ydr. '!It *as a caddish _1h`ing* of me to 99y.'l 59 ?VsWU!, a "Afen% via' tl1te'1`a§t ost r�itrnd`tli�- 'b6lile ��itlCbut 'hut' iN, raf ii 'ready to 0 -�*� �7-, W kerchief. ing4ater: to simmer �until tiaf A q� % W1.40d,temoVe. Jrer' going, to,.11shr" Inquir.6a s6re--w­-',.on-.,:- T-J-S�­fte*-rubb`e-ix land exists. iii46�§Itate'of W"hing- A Itorl V- "T xn 0 kin . e -I arry I e. Mk4 tit ­�-tl'81W- ai!�: q ifo TAU! �am..) Ulve h, ol IT (PU in rM R: -4of th' get A�. 4 --flo IS Suppose a ki jr.V1J­-bpj' sbr,vi�es day appeared to III* forgotte Dear little d t i,% & f1Cr_fi7­out-at:-.rT4'1W­tWe -Wo,7i abe did, 81p, r1lu via ton 'a.r.d noYt�*�i4 thfough trltG.. 7 b6brW bef6re.fill_` Im a r Akin it -1 like.lier. 911 the befoo But this 4 'w"puld 'not -'stay, Lft6t,,,t_this, Tans, g6ttlwz, -on�" 1- g' -o, t. his ter,for. trying mlto hidd rV9, and.,.'Alaaka, it, t6 like aba, i .-Ing TO handle Jars during, f ri�se KIM, n5 and 1a shot`hd he'. :u"app'nes' h V6th6rni�iifl,�xi�an:<)f'hot:Whter..- -Of tomato., p I Ye -Pi contention 'is limiteod. to' You d. find.. him bick, int v- YA. it It regrRfully. 1 It shbw6 that she has a bra - spirit of NO 7eolitary. co 'Ameri�* - w U ted..than ipp ton' thintites Ito twelve." her own, and ref ,evewby_ Set r fruit': th emon4 six :01 ar, 112-ind fotch0s& the;tbairs ba, "ye, 6v- - Sim.", ; " I , '' - : , . . *liejiving roiam ivitb ill"its'lerriin-', to be piviw a wide'fuirnel"M"dAt; ree N 1pfuls of Hug fo�, it' 'has b�aeh' pointed MINN!, a "'Answer,44ing- with bl* -a s ag rc*sti� the -v.,�llpv, �Ii_ L go jars, in neck_ Ai then 'w ­h mall' spice b' Method-S61ebt -he I --..rugs -nd:�- -ban: lio.'' whibli were Jeft In"' t01116d'Vabit "ll good- Wa. Neanwhilbi'libek- had almogi; ttleachatli t smaH I red O'r tOI 0 W 'A r3 man. Til d, b' flin i *- -- AT -:of tbb' lake, ere "the, tdoiini.�Aine :cup' or-.' lAdle fill% With Ithe , 91 mg. "t, theis lie� a fo --Aarta 6y1i' r o14. and. infirin ter'too ;d0ep Must INDWAlb top of do laka+heaO Wh 116 lr'ry,�.Put on his'ea6fing- Brat. Ettri,begin W &b.11 w in hot- dveirflowing-', �SorW-40 unge. :in� c 04.6 a trift,lmg �,p J'atifigily- _Aruif­�6� ale- Attn::� �l Gui-- 'already... _becpme-,t�n­ -itok F4 -61&a�ip:- om-t6 -1*i th-elil'aft - can-' s the 8kh in", gv- -n Via; Ecua,ffo Col6mbla-4 d­ yielded--fo I aviing-., -on�w a �.rip,bff' alla, a regl -n at - USA - lo( T W, nox- IF 7proe a g y mu- 1-b w- e r'.' twistflig,'--riveri. -,*hibh­-w*IWd7_round� their' 1.0 3 in, as er run, 4 -".'W "-shes,,a, 'An, shoving,.the boati'#own"tho, .,�b or'&,foldad vU)th -to '-.uv .4"y''e j a r ., it' iad'out into preserviiij ket-' L �r UD t4lile'!, tikka W4.9 now not. Ing �grp, 4f dey rtad. basps.-_ .-The latter h. , t4 =than -a rocky streamlet; ;but its e. 4 -length by -1 -000 MiMs irk. b_ypad!tb L�� ESSE X "I IC R hAt. each top -I n"tr 0 mpt"'Pla, wbich"It, ley� into -the- lake, 4,anYWIt'�M`1 off and--si��t on,fiinirr'otle�',Ctit four 'islices�'from. 0e -S Ift I It Y -N wero:, eyqll atarked 'WA Thc-h `t6 irtli's"t. - be obod�jd-" wuq Thas x6aissured. aniZbelitezerj iiter_tha� Lisitely-verdarit, _'befo��, Vw9 -men to do this, as a _Sett� lig a. y h7lemOn, remb46' t6- seeds, Us(. -Wj� r U oup,erwzlil- ditloi&, 11A 6velle �alid Utz pr' kPpV_-Ah00_�fatisx 6d' of �'St area Of -;C h Bulifi6ld' Strue. 7wii­4 -wazor, p Ro �ieied th&,fbre �Peri -th-q-t-d4l Wrwe from sliflulding. yrup�Au -and cledr--pulp'froin e oilb it, Wit v., un .4 Jq#glove, aiid,�one !or, two solitary white I d 11 off houti _USe,�bajf a's Ti., zmner.,. a at� et,,.po cottirges -Pe6pe ergone. aving _IT3�q th _the ZAK 1W. a I &6ut.fiom 'tbeir mUc sugar, as Na er, IeM -tomhtoei - � -i - h t bn�s' and a6d:'go- gap, Inilhig hpr_'.out�wlth- ln� the most obI1jJi4,Jtfi' toon, -and-_ 0-ij. Vguen `shovel�*,tllat­ did Aut is pat.�Iias of *heaf, Arid d:srk g W. as forwards' dasped I& li�Lnd b- 1�ng ehough' 'to_`m'a'ke a �wholeL.�'ilifiim6n The;­sV­n--Sro,,VW;, esoaplildg­ "fr'q-m_' the thralddrh -86th thO� -Of tb'e 'The;- question o thie'llofidling of wbi UP knees in 7��4;h;W- nt,� f 'the unsinkable lee and 'ptreferring 'All iL plrett�y, -Kom a r,- _ipobnfU1 of. blOVeg--id zi� of the w1whty 'an r il in u 1, h,611r, t eir oil Zambesi �hq� south A-6itiotr�ivgi' �bi h", begn. !oMuyi,�OgLthe_ruin&� �oxv 1� _ IN I., i i., be very ;c Art,: d " bric, -a -, -more cheerpilLtholi a airits`,� 6 '40 �'ipt led -W. ranks, or rorli[rl- -gar" . Y` -ibdli �-for to rest, and SIMMev fo7j_j 'Ahbfio built of goo'd'pinp WoCdL.. itq� bright_ traym. ve " ' _1_75_&t� I I RX69 1- 45t ed'-44adily­ Ut Ahnlie_­ 816i was 1,poking 'tit TUDI, benfr&71 W -of. iuventors- siin.64; th,06 Tt nic dig- . �jl �L t gin -off -any-Theirlidd--"I 11!6-91JP�il a *hbd-ovbjr'wIflx a'Yal)0*,�Varhmb. 'her __�Xon�:Srtay be Jena, lay� i fbr 'A'ttvi_ieconds while scum that krises, t en rop, in the, fo'r lihlf.�ah�,bout. X,6,W-. I like, ing It 4bia Qa h d astdri -iild -a Swa�na,6a, (WaIes mas - that fitted bet to porf6etion-inda-sallor 00 M1 01 In mite,,, o�c;k un A tender, b f 'it, - begins, to 'than. 3,0' lengbh­­fi.6M- 6r,marhier,� �'Clifton S made,her wobble about hat r6guigh, he prepared another' plpei.r, "Goo -1� fru ut q sugar., i. I which. suftpd_!]S�r � round, D a iit,� and' t A 'lid's inout:nnp�eai3axit,:and,:irise,-ure 146bibn. -young rabe-ifioa admirably. ere:, IfT. $Mutch-'ae, oatbilt many orret in and w4en ldir�-: m, -test on sauc-0 A- -v ff I , ittle �i6hld have oltpdized bar at. � Yet 1, a nb'b'tiogW,6h.,now'. b I ACwore.Yin dig Jiiek4 f 6 7. not' broken.: -Pill and, 40al I -': . � . . I I r,. If clear n6rth to 0outh and of. vast, devigod. a which in 1'�Iis �,p 1 - iii- """'fi' Drefiln 1 0 ':0 'w ern6vd s�pjce-bag. an ffoM 'ion, "dow , t ad that t e a -wistful ex it' waig a little, 4holtere4. bayl-, Whose o�cted.. andstiff t 111,6011 It co tsjoni_ oiother -'U -was also discover It- f ' Well. (11 put jhoi gh-n�at� fully �knojil;.I�Wth.' a"111A tl' b�d 6i 01 Ildt" eun, hJ*'u- actim. anA OiLniLly lie -RC -h S-PatkIdd-, in tbe,sun1f9b'i,aiJd 3 eaSk to WOost. .W- 0'.111 ­ 111;eoll- lookedi -be -becam-e era ual'117* � aware. It e6qu-8 I ked, �` nsitiorably. Jena formed a yellow Ifild'-6f 'color.i fhat-�stobd -h In _glass�s an oth�r enJf Cut, int*� halve.'s, . ...... I I . 1 4, poad am a q tay iffeis sttiddenlyi, struck him that: she had attered tiled. to � vIng her with a -bit of cork, but weelr, hirp agAibat, an: dineraltl ,f.n fliv onet :poa6hes Ion w Ich eonfinent- "My. ship," he, (11 6ttt'elear � and a f i e orod freest a, good bit in thelast -1 ec' a- iratqr 'I "-AnnJp_'_ lie said, ln.:an,.4hdertovel��ton� b4d l-'Tt-Odil""Ttfffi6d"�f'ti6ho6a - �' i rkrouh& 4qf' td4i has fk��,m 'th; Ji llr atraight�--sidod 'th-1-i-­ h ­T;* -11-- asdi e- grIel �6i accumulating by do %MlA*1 en4C)Ug I Ing water �to VO 18906 t6 XterA f-0#64 e'�'Orr inie 8 'till d I bitir 1111t"th7mallow ring.,to, aiv6i die lit other light -by 6,n 6no', in that*i:t! hA N o' to dold. 0 n place4a xn an. A 't f Via* rs ge in IrIleeg, ­:�aJIA #s I . anti there -Arain `an4..p'lun VbAn-6tdir's-ibimbers, liy U. d;DuJ look is if here by W few, Z�llx balls f Covert, fer to make ese expl.6r6r, with ',Of '. jibe white cottou'plant. Whi o the CY, il ing. ytoureelf one. bit." Jruit'firlh� then iilip' lwAr.4hal-at once takew-in the iA- hl , yes. L.Arill" she answei Rio 6:v the. P;, fit, A' -tr (julelili OL swirihiis., hattitro-of tAto soil on. which, hnold--nat �'be -lis6d'-witly of tfie va'st �'ne vvbiA- 'di kntgkudind- -vivi viotilre wi an, inne.r t1ley grevr.. - iltuation,-,got lit 0" 'an, eri tilet way - V. first, �nd. ne t r *neself-in' a ry swe t t`6 laidh �id ;2Aak,fores1t,8 of Sibo- Any ile et dish as AJs ap obloc6u . Ca4 himoolf at the bow. -H -ere, he0as . without lautblug. and talkiifif -.7 ches,l A few stoftes -�can'. be A. Aying tla.i 9. An out I rug on tl:164m4king a nbise. - There was a thall an ded; 'tto the nd�one ".Wi, in 'Pak4, the� fliv6r, Jathej. .�10ying�,, Mitt: An si,r-vp ­�­ 4 i" 'it a poili.t aboiIe lalia'who' kept on. s, _Qt _ A river* on the West, to -the V JteyL of f� a 0rake,o'j ptiddingt Anke,at -the tboft6m. recifned.thera full board - the �F _�M bow 16 lying, 1011." 1. eria; rom e p, �tlh -can� Then, �make siiu d eaAi w1h4 voyr .101i with, a. proud cona6mlo;iess that -4,40 p, an t, watbr-tigbt xrf<v, �'d ttifie, "u- p ­*'l, ihL a,�baa S.6 ­ in tb ' ' n believe can as direeted 'in 'foregoing.' 16- I at 0"subliradilm I do 't i� lAtle: sii*gar 't 6fteh :V6ry flie 14gbiiia On tNe eaet ernbrac- 011' Ve'ldng 4,f triangu'li�r',`.shoe be appr4clatett. it(). Wan faflft, -eiiititled to' 'sc��klery, -half so mudi; really, A'.1 Ill V. ellie t 0, basi� of Jl,'e wito 'went', to, people a *bo'fjaid nothing, Gush idoi. 1: P I- I hipllt�"l Jjr hait the ol'.orft. llirr�`bocujd6d,tlao PInca�JJSJ"4J.nere6ftjjIy mean 'appiri�,latl6b." P4%8�g.4�re' And' coicy thenf, Alrdess yZ d is �xdepii bf1h� YeneSef Olieb6k -Lena-,and "Trinsvtis'e -b -di"i'd, 66es Far6 Ili 01 ovi It 1,11 "Put It% Sal arty. lediMcIvifa�1nic her,, xnA Jtno who prov. "Tie�bapo ribt " - Id it' Ve �r sliced jood V�t not .'t.00 all�'it�Adj Y,�U- had better not vm6ur Yanit timbor' tbeohi�,'-into d a, firotratlo 'Alopwitd -of' his 'to , , , * ''I titat, I It is not ;ci*0rNl not ieV6 oj b6,lt T5 I -tudinal h house trying- Dilt no, off ike -king - m­�5-fl"­�,X&J- `66iou gh , t­h­ ;-- I - wo you wi , ... , . 0 6 Z., .1- il� oit�7 . uligmy pel�Fon oni, the bench behind.. whkoh well, th, I I Y� s6ft pears, -Then Iwo-- lik6 Otfigr OUt, the valitll&, lroiA' the b ul�k � can a0e quite at yoxi are dow hipp 6r-�.,-wbo-woul d-�.es ai�era , -in Olt- V6 creak,td unden' hf(4 w6ight '"''If it would trTi IT, milos bi4�bd"W 'f�,bni 11 OaI�ing' �f the: -,the toot 0 More value get j Iff't16's ream: t is bettdr, t�u s, -"Ho* very alwnys Ls�, t, to i6titth, b6nq ffifly 1,100 milvw VrId6 tfghL' 6amber. or t�ltihg, of h* ­h, it to up expect - off from, tht� 3;h od to i4 upon"the, heights," she retnrt4d, thAnn diiav ide --There Is a ring e� best fot' canning. Prick each plum� pbur the vanilla'oli to at'lump a an -attempt. at VlAiyfulnoigs. , ont, <',,_fiJnp'6Jit­ ore, . - ! � - , I � I . -0 egei.dl4riet., ki:id �Uving vi Ing Th .1 fo�gibg -to an Englivh.11,6bl(11111-111 ln� Sev, . jak, then, if-f&O much in t)le e a O,W" otimpArAtivoly it. small one. k6u. oral time,�-With'a WooJOn tooth- Sit 'domell know thAt it iia, an immonse 'ftitukV Jen4th 4,toM eitat to vosti bf -n-of being,nott, Shore J�hmn three bhgMh miles t " dulge'ln low spirits noyv and.ngaln.P" kk�bich the �plxeq bFlioho)�. formerl* `k "0 kin� ;a� direct' 6reak bt p&rt 'Of -,thb "spo diTT with th bolJsr..' 0 in Tfa. r ed - -for out, you can oven harrower thacit f( at g, 'N eXAt be , Ss�thA;n.3,00 the 6'vil.�nt "Of, 1'.Ilo shil b lohir, hnd narfow in proD6rtion. Xt. looked �butlow' - 't - 1 0. 1 spin 8, are riot llar"? Viv�n to' pea on, can as'oilier� fridt. . dt, ­ 5-h m�t owing tu , ral to, , you'" .. .1 1 . d".1is-m At , s. Th -llimp� -and f�ro, o 'y f6re-sts 'tho. hO164 In Intlietub they af� 6t iiht nral to". It n. &'hit- If plu Me 0 1 1 -: F ..to th4'istupandol beight of the almost Vill& Mg.ar6 'skin f qtian'tity. - Which yo�u*require Perpendicular clijE-tbat WAlled it In. and -ifei�is of tJie,,'91b"n �.ialg&s ar,6 -me-nts-`b'-(4 t"Ril, iZt ni3d" add sO who. body They 00 an' urt'healthy gro-,Ih* Mali, aw &b i V'�e' _fttesh: � enloba IngteA4 of' qo,lofty platMolitt of'6ure guelse testi., "on 1 0 J � I - , I 6MPt,3,%1ng-pine%'of when settling"ClowlI (!Igt� ftme _�rced._Upow_peopleLby -tooth, cost no lesq,A&n three lnut�es, the� take f6m -out, on es$ence 4Vhene*6r yOiT t �evei�aj 'varie r -1th many a afre Ciro at Ist - n , ge fio�d t,6 t1lei-ekt. "o fews mi ..An 'lim ",des, and eg tiez, firs and larch' i t�-, w ate r cica. qUee-M of -tight belti fl d they were, ii fbonsand Six h I Ad. the'sugs Y4.')U o.ftn -Ptit. 4' 8 Vice inflicted by Tfme'and.tl�e Clemonfe. fifty dol-, 'An Can as Other th8ftit. -On ah' "'Va wodd not' t�fk tik that. it you 1,�LJ's ; but. it was the 6 %!ive the skills �tet there the�v renroinod, �olid.ana stea'd' te,,0,6 of"si� k fmt:i einfurinj outlivine, wero,vo Ap whzitl.. i ale A relic' &331e�to�r oi p Ading -of $he solid, k fill, U, ind, but areelf. Tell in^; rk 2 d JeMOn" regibins Aere &I�e tgaitds- e effect �n ko-ephig jgnlerf� , tfb'4_ur It , froth, agto.6 age i n io, 'Must no of th.0 .8&Tn sold it it auct! the sey' d dul� ' b , I , �.qukmt mil-o-,where-not1t, --tu .. L I __,� oil in 1846, and ving, 'As ikivwlm.P.1�rt gop __. # �� 4 you fg,_ 111110 Mt_ to' -or and. UVOI - ------ ing, a. miin rigs. and gtl)l�beikidg. -the -of, sorts.i� 4, put it I ap .4:�_ k4- 44141,0 glacittl. 0Iot10n'vtb1dh.'nlan 'Thanks; you a voty'kibd cin. The,1opg-s inme p as ever te --who -b*ug�bt­i f no�em*p . I __ �PU4 -greAt,Xrt ihtei�.o thi0'ritilk ind- Ake Will ers pao he� --ship age a Ow, st in 'my �pl t -aib� ., DR At 'a' i'l -,h ttih� *At er ave,. zonlz� sirkip roL thin- I oy. -,,%nd th'Vest9vJng_,Jrriud it '11t,lfin -111) ine 04. �e,Wng woUl<1 r�-P ser I V�Ptd-� an 61, t b, in Lie" -upoT­ � I , _ - __ - ­­­­­� . ­­­ ins'e'a yQit 1 0 g among 0 0 in) urY, 14 r , '. �... I � � - I 'i �im Alittlj� ag. elie'll, c "c C, 117r�_. .- . . t, I lh'. s. r ex.- , I e y 'Ji ffic !.d. a.- -b-f-4iw r e sirup t.11ih, le ul I fo 480, OR r i Thii-iWill make'tb ri,b knd let it s IT -%rry_"'Ifag dilYthide firogh lifiplion. citp.� t. .1 vtteradon -of, horo, vtor� n' Rn 'ar .� t 1 1. OR 0 nS8, lo tom �65fclu& th6. Id oil wdirial bu 0 4'ble to hold It' Of 6nifiOrni richness) ]k for- a 'feW iftfn�- fty TA 'Si, "..to' bl� stin6hinib aiia She, ie�Nhd4d. rigolitlowb`hf. eon- 116 Ail . I stra i n6d1k tr "Tior that I au a*Itte of.' What &Itrl, 6t it;s, oWh,,-ftliLd -,to <1rft* iroM, pr - lltitlus�ft_ 61�' Aarmall .utes -teri ta e "out -t ilind d pal h 1 lh��: . ' 'L . ' ` tng..ck� t, " lsde.-Md c stems"' atid go on itr pild Ing., ok, %qtl "'A 'IVO of 'th.,,% "Ob I. I don't l4a biemlghas fi6m- the, ":plpr�B: -YOU lay`� ru, z6. -,6.6U 16 bf lumps of 6 g�i b'd b6ptil?" - , ­� lh�r At�rtj� gp'ftll ho -9t OP.!# d' Or rubkA all to know "Ai tiny to he V it I J'JL y ally. vilder 'the, -oy 10W'0-tk is One tha,t m'�ts "lYri: your 'thub a3 1 t 1�h*4, ti� I fa I dion I tug f1my", P,% C46-V6'� -W�_te_r" in� J�res6rv_ sirvar-.161i .04 v --I -lem, -Ch rity, S( 7 'hso of 81 Y.Onie�e.vvt - 19 twin i'*qf.,_!enthnslas q � g6t dt'ar ing kettle A ift, till they tut to wid i h on soon es ven."the yff�qtt events fle leffert thAt-w*- - nd gimmer' until, soft r , ­ A, ft 9 Huko.� It is k fp,.. t i� f4irindil t,64i- re is , tr;1401 C d d. j Rub, � 9 t pr4kilsing dw , '1.i rH.11I,&d , . . Xst-l)i�u-Col b "ThAt you- aiid Mr, Thbntilgoti �Avei juic'e. is. *611 "_!�ktraat add, them to: t'd u. diug. Wig . 61, 1�zb 16 f would 'in heavv e �3 I I - another rb*." denco n a glass 0 1 , ), ` IAA166 and'that,is that those -tablets' 1 'ea, -e iA rJ thmu"gh a collarld'or then M flof Ve�otlfl t66 denge. kl-. i6r.� V .`ftv tbolt no notioe of the reirRrk. "I)o- wam, tb fflakt:s medirpi ov Ainly ci�r� Itny kind' 1.171sc '-puntit, ta,%,n. fr�-TA7 the o ropor iong AA *Ithout f4kiilg: the. p.il(%,q"t'ion ii the . i l"i j, -6, H stew" fitte al lo to At�- .:Hhd 0010+10i ft little' and preforrinq, I jh& 'PUI Use qaal 1P "ohigh, WIt'hout, �idttt- 9 educed t6. Atig 0131ALwaf, Ill# -flotibdr. f vi'�Cto V i r t!"10 Aetltii;t .1, , I , ree bf ftf 6444.1161f of -su r 6n vi h A rpm - i" fifty yvieZ6 of' 16,ft: in I Hiie', is a . gal law said, I - Ao#� hapoll p U i 12 'Wi.,4i to an f4 'in this ggxd'eiis atbgw ad �to ;ltlay 'Fllti' '%'IJLg(J*b 18" on. W4vinr.*, " , I 'A�­_' z 45thing dVel d boil'Jalowly- for half yau J�nay citO h driti and ru it 4�� re -P.118-1 rdeft witht1farry oe� �b fe slices 77 0 L9 I peas d lViritetof t 'b 'if trbill :A little Co6l9d on �84,u y J, cc n di ,g own, 0 Meat. Or �U -Ms. ry, S' foL(,IJf1r1g , obbei a f dw tliotyt.�p piral ke jam, d to . KKV� Of eg. li q9), - y 10 _'%_k_bIetA­lSA;Ve ViOVOd bt gfdAt- Via lit, �tiffj. P of 6nion, withj,& T�t*tl_ 'h lit in 'gjag,§ iiiedy after'ierfit'dy t6uld notl help, AYm,`in(th1i,. 1110 W19 01 a dry.- man V� t1rw� vi<m,91Y. that, lie Me Wlihon`� any Ins -lit hors, OM*bb� said fit 'el ing' V& 60 e n evil T1 Mot e, Aloiie 'Or. -the bottom'df,the' pan w '�Js, 0 In rw-,�, 'L-Logr Aing,966d, id h' Hh4VL 'r 11I.- I -A 11 ok y1o,tit tablets '�mtihg 64ch cases as -W g& ih� ..r 1,6habard .001 1. VY K_ mr," "A _jafn,� ­Mt),Z I _ zk 4�rld, J IP_ -s Xces* w 0l)(1, U71F W-211 -L U. 6ften Vash thtn -9b6i 5, A- ­ TOT ME v ud �kod�'affd'ohe tAf-'4. Nj�,vsure and jls*e equa A t i`6 bo 1 18 d 1 IiWiO�LC61 y J1110, onloii, oli�PPQ Ilrid id, 0 it succe� 04 1, 141voruht"Atily -flie. gIrL, jtIft,' t'lle -6 1 iii-" I "', 1 J'4 V) r tie tt� mpr V . .... . P6 itioti Ofr Mig&t' Of it Very ded to rthe. grtenqi� i� cad 6tilly cqth'o_ to, on, hotiegt rettit.dy, �Afjo* 'h do r Jld t 6tUtAnd f&v(i�rite �N veeit and tlky, .& I �ttle les�s, gar, �aavror in a, w6pldeifill 4 mr, Itl6d idnoifaiti ck�eptl T11111 throlig -,`usea Place cboi�gh atek to 01 to Eiii oil- �'tp We bluO a) A ehljldd.� v!htli-r of P AVe 4�,qn J-10 1) be &v e e 11.1 or vomq, ov, v lr pfege'ving k a y good fcitum ik J, 0111 Pore f* ingre- hol, o%,l mli�4 �sht, know tW. t ey T� e e,tno"t� is, If v",-LgArlt i 0 of tollill f �6* and lJtAd6r thol dwitioto W -,dNt t It 41 (It� .611 t the�� 06 noiDartmobt, of Akir h�k ''ke , bp 911111its fohi settling befom i6filture I 'it'lotlyles. of W-flyto '0 f6b"6110FS' of Oritorlo- -Ab.,0,Jy f- CiJ_Jar olAr biailgM 'gbout �4a-Dru-P-0 Iift - 'utj I)tol, '�# <4 hcro tiror6itl i's, Mutt of a juiee i -q extVL1ct,0,d,,-' Boil slowly. fbi, 'good wiffi afly elish th�t, Ontairys, ur 'fill I 9(moe., oft st a: 'd. 4ild. thpmA gyiiit" afty g4n�'!. I an 4v A. A M:, �ktiowfi, 'tqlliN�m.l vho, -ew-1. lil%lf a'il b6tul; ;the4 IlAlf 6f the y C OCTOBER nd Cheiftital i ff, & -91b,41 ToAet �t� 'Ai 'g.ap:. &11:d boil tilitil quite thick; 1 thlb 14 q!0AI& --N 1� iAd dd#d s'o'ru'A,iJV lvdml� A 6&� khl,d, M ii hy w,90 flltd�iglldtii I . I �ifj , oni'ak 41" V1,9d '041 Woitbap, hour,. then stir. ip..­.m.q� �f f6' Peop "i - .1., 1 _. I L . ..... -at' I" tat'li'M to ar ehftin' e,0,1111d Aliq rietk 6t, Ono ig he 001 e, hAd Pat' of qug�� iwrid boil tintil a lit_ Ul_,,toa f 1K, 4 '�`, "FPM51M.15 Zk Q , Xr 1,�4