The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-09-18, Page 1V Sim 0 l� p �J;, % tip C Q *v s y 4 7 901*1_', -1 411- W�.O 'S � NY __E, iC WCKNO P_ y nce4-'$i,,,25, 'OtbOw ------ year;. ri_�d", r �P-,:77 Y.'_ '7 "d - N:*, zi 7 1W -7 QQ A J K9,j AD MS. 00K tq�N U 1ING PEOPL�$' 6V �D ND 46 '016 jjm6 -Lu Oqlwter I -a DAIENRRAI"' -V FX1XAX,, 'IEVEN.0 4 411V P ft my d 01 ii Russel Johnstoner,arrived �homo fro et,. w te 4, "A Po&,But i6l 7 0 4 Frank -Th ki � � , _S , I I -e- kild "ZUW rmning;t W. A �P) Ly $y8te ..-Jj _h last. sti�et fio4in of -614e, of t Qw, -,w Ahejr-. o. nly_� �'QU J&k" A It -:1.4akilms. nt­ d__ Fred; -A. Le an Ott rp$ � -F py r a Id Y -0- Uo Muck, it ri r,p %,, as -united -i -',r-: -7- _"7 1 ye The- po .r'Stiono of a now- 134 "tist. "M 9- nce.-w it he, passed away,.on ts C ta ;�t a -i j N J.* WQ6Y Joylit g6.df lihaety ye -riAge. tp,l t0ii of, �'Jj. . _ her. .0 niai M da'evouling, jw..Wadkorr HOU Air- an'.. �M- � -d'Mr- jolild;fbynt the-ftev w ilud 10r.1j)n Smith, left on, Church`atRAnov6rj lai(l pA, th Mr.. h, Coi,jie. t1i and h" �Rjr,� f6g;. whithe ..":. �, I I. w�ilgt r6fledt-R- it Itr6n-.-those - VVUO I i wn�_,� L gr4flWiatiW31" 11-dwemrefh r t 4 'b 6 oe-t1w 6' e Bell:En no vU$e&fortjh,r' spel, n; 'id ye0_agd_, 4� Ohe'�,puos ev F in .16f 60"_ j1p,r-A j� e. i bp)y 41i6it-1 x.The-vents4ii -wexe4hrogght, to�j- -L4 -,reeenay, six1p th F now or Intermen and --a �sepvbffe� w s,. fitqL to, the an t 011y :4 Watch, '�qy, 344 *_Se;j "Out A 4,eId`-'6`-W Bottvr that it 16U Wlji� Txqrni ;played y': set t 1; - ­­ - __ ". 1110-11— , � - " - I - 001 ­!iPPyemeUt; IS :.X41teAw 'on q P t 111 ng,.,. edto-raje P ac Rks, 3611 �t eFfndsk A i-` h.' Ir 1 ;and d `di d # .-'� __,` _, P � - , . I - 3, 4 , '. , - i� -, - liixxi: d" ^,_"mA.py..yeaq, J Ittle;JaS bdd� alaitbp�lom t s, w6k of­bdot�s -a--d_ d� trainj: -w,.AvxA ft ion -Se con$istedt,meCr.ber. ldapite�4, 1,hea4..' S, P.l. Ritch1% 1:' "Enni' in, ruce, Oe advertisliti"a,- jot 4the:l f AS',-, ih9'6,kfP'.Pf': tlegrbom­_'T-he�: sp 16e_ k* Y, u'nj' ki'Dip I.% 4n&!�.Aifin.�oug :rahl,� -betwo 'j� ledd'to; lj&'V' h4q�-hftti'br ke& �'stAibl#­'. kowltiLed'L in ereMUL b iF ­"".- � ­­., ;i % it-rgAlii,�pvices "--? -and �_enihLtd ��A& 'oil V,hii it U Rvv�!Alt�,U n& -efffiff" g, -XT itor U0_ff .1 'V q ice `irqd - Todo f LIU- 4 e ­in-'A6wo­ -r t ry V --laii-79 trr r idont=4 �own.. k. kM ;,A is lw�ee to Cap' faishiou 7of Pot; Vh wa, Hilker 4 0. '.nipto�han, arin.'g Y01jr Slic Chutch has,' al remar all, in, rQ --wor �Ww: K e*k ve V -sentImeriV- n1a o v t ily�ipel Mee.- t g, ,in,, hive so"id out their e 6titL.",�.D,�2��l-v�t��-."d:!,E!Pji, �Piesbyt6riaif ys. _aced Th 6 'tone of the ministev?s- C 'aksisti ;en upon the - sellool', ��egitining witb, the old ks u lilies 6f the valley..., tie h r"— e: desEco ��-AgM u it UlayjyL;appropria,�e, a0d A, -,W=- ;bk h -�j 0��i easx, jams T� V1 pressi -gs `oqndl ditioi erO& to e 'a; oro �the' Parri b is *exec�nsld. chu'rq 't J' ol ailment IS yoa.�s. as con nuted daiif,..the:, ift f e, room,. be'in ferred from: iowiug S�q nee,,: Thelat fir J ve in'T a S gv ranteex for What 4he -ge "North Star", hazi leased thd GOd chOol.boi�loring -iinits-gro 6 �ffe' hadL -ton and r oro. -s .4nd' -1:.shower- oq, tofcroain,rbse�s, � I — a lat Circle 'of IfHends &MIJ This -com� purplia, '*fhood', w64 si�­- 'Cotlan '. ILI o 'or;. L is$ ;,Signal with the Option of ting in eveiy pariiih in d of the iii. 6y. The maid of a nal ho, _hasl�h.L tkou&.),qt� th, jluga, 3-1. o r 1 ---,ed, or th '7,lnr li".-Vaf "tjjj.'St� t - t :I if a.Etu -it ito .".that Q . AtiaL '.ae�iiit I., b] T�r. , I- 'Targe-ot-.-�Phie�-lt-r1res Ran .-C -S6()te aces on .. ...... .. �e P going ch d tie'paillett6 silk Ij toepj(jyalnU 7,esm.. res - very, man,p "t g�thor 4 y.in pa e or jr ndfewer. k.. Sly nioq_� rl�jzz ak Jtj tion tth the it,?&ildma .t o ds� S 1_4f,,�,re;-A�dr�--No,�e77 'jeL, to -mitgs,_of_shadLo.w Iko,.'__6kught-' 7777777; urgedi as e-deliglit to k wher d ths has returncd, dintill e --wff4--be-_ ­G1-i.n-_'_-9QAqg, I., � e. budg,;- and-,, ciLn6-"__pin e ' I - - - "T� , , -ati Throai__ fitted",,: Y -L ;;1_6&j T'- iat I Weduesday_ _ Sept. - Gla as ilia, e, not ()Jj - `_ ill -if— --- -d- -MSTRDW� sse c �fj'g IlInA P%Pif- V U -hi w esdme lLiij.i d fies. Ji . - I I . . -_ _. , 8, . n1.an.T6USJ.0 L V UL y wdrld-69tmns ano LACHADULE as B6 Bv ras has said, b t lie� sons' or made 'a ' C,�41 " ILilng' brid'equiaid,. M deitfuess catarrh and* failing eye�signtj P brid soul wbn 4e,rf all, 11ro"bonor the r isis . ar.y Hine, dati4hVer' he"' (jilLtig "' " * y pu hiem as -Well, ldv6d. at; howe gowned in,palia pAti.k. Silk with trimming's J!e`w_e,1e04'...4Lod Opt treated.' ofi an. t Cal h,,�d,. ut, late-�W. R.,!'H4 _The_QpzatL Wateh -t NL -man., of'. whA he Itician Vagi ring bar pins; �iiE�Sti6n made. -ge 'h'u'r h, nto 7 1 Je,;Wili�r hiel the, i!hurcli iaq -always' fshowuz ac c t wltP 1'rs.. -Stf4hall?s 'Pat- V I "n(".iy -i(�, e-8; .6 it I are on a� �isi h'I y 'it o su� Duricairk' leuni- ria !n, Piih?s J 6 1 ll� -A `Nro art..opQ�: top,;,�rd% ]too] 11'r. -pearl. i f QV nnises,to -be popu-l�lr -wit-11 -A 6 it d ai Of Iai t. w6l� --entS in. 0o A� sAtings -of- the lie _nto. the. A 'the I t' ' :.ed the. L- -ol 'b he_ jjje :M �oy_ Ott h6L uckno,%�,, flig i eat-ifian, Mr.J�Qh. j petf4iiicd on ains �VALIOIV, wa, -..those Who knew t io'wever, he illade it with' i"rlfte inz. �y W '116, Whilb doing f a c ope -L ie, f w i Id - i6a,j the pearlyL Y.ebover.6&f roni 't :411 RR9- df _01_6� cie�krt Plit-twe-_ is4 -Maliolle­ sionary i . " . . I I oil ln -the, 1011 1 o , ' L'' ' ' , ' t. . I I So ilv.. W;A­ wasnexpresse, - _ _f _�i _ f W -S evoh- 'ceremony 1V nl�. flit ii ei - -f -;:­ cl, r W, gt�� A Nrieaz TS ing-ini-beir-intereA' wUSL)jot.­to; ".fiold, Allin Mdrn,�'- --ftg4i`that 4 sabscri�tion­be` -ttiken­jl,P_` �eafovth &114 IS- visit:w1ri6xids iff b saine: -ffil b�ing� g6 pa 5 She' A up" or- any of 'those a retuiq.,to 1h.. tip to. Weanesd9y'-ftoon. 'ilisoln Shipped EdftY wne in e -o�- e eredted to:: fei t. expects to or: r,om n �blue: ilk with to provide a iotnb-stme',.t A'.,' In't'luditig �:'changes of, o. d o4es�,��k." a i4cal (Mbst -6flier,f: ibiii, is mem. -ry rs 'only. ye�on u -y- -of the-i-registei f Wid.glikin Cd re C�ha _h' ­G "Id -� 11 - ',Advp ise ted is with churches of. offier, a he ning. Lotidon,-H x on,to Tiv&tbll, winn' 9. or, Q -Apyth t7t "a—"Ff V 0 igt"i obsint6-41-te - nLing- el -� -Lit -W,,i Ifor d-, - -that wotil&be:_.ln­ ll'�CU race§ th� d. theL.' rian�ch& 6h� not be thoiaght of, as 11arry SbIdon, of- near. Hens%Ilj is di a s., are,c n, will C Calt el Ill ainotints 4 i coepte 'd- ac s y pre S )th6r.'S6rvice c Presbyte ice., 'After-. ZZin -arran eag ... .'day. Rather unfortunate th. appropriatig; and. the ek bu4ness., e -marquee on W An.. Little her Ele recefitty pure AS- A e. 1P na :fe� -W- ile-everyon -%�as welcome he'invited td, -a g6iP_g_int( 1 on Fjid&�, n , fi . ward all r6aired. 0'ats -30.: 'b Goderic rdom e th 6se of - I would we h ed si5c P41 6 pjpjulteg, wa F. T." 4 to'( ho.me-t 4'. P.cos.Yespeciallyand rL.6, 4 - a _�dkinty U likd-denblialip r The pg Nt ihe tiine "erponstraw;_*t i heiferiat 2W a head`.,�� T _bje', 4r tlofis�j fo &66rations �'were_'- th, 8 ­­­� f I us nd' to .20 ifiii 'were away,.L from: eir, oliur�lwg� Buttor',.. -. . .. . . - . Z,: c .7b I � .11 " '� ' ­ Vol W pi ilk,- �qd,;, w', tie a te of prize�%yi, 26' After; all iieiqp6neS �times re fts�- strangers in'the vi age, -to make this n pany fern. D flield, fOr .:),S " years ..,a 9 0 ;` i theiri.",hurch home." The-`health'of,.`the:b� to -stay In the air,- and peoplewho:gol 6 ide ''and 'L jrobm 0 6 ii.e�idont -of. tondon, t, -died 'At gea&thes� Ads.- J?ai, wit.��prdpos�d-a�dL,h-tting.ty,res�ond�.d�A.o�'.,.� e lushiesis, men --se6-thein perf6ifir sometimeg, at, h i 6 s o ii r e also wolcou!4, the ''k �V ou tairdqey z e b6erj�ilr "fo -left on w. peoplo.jjj� r ly,­,,go t�'th ei f siorf, I : 7 ,' pa _(a fe ng; - peop e, r --over ve�,mbnu s�--_ rs�- a &TO -Y -RICH J'aly r do 'heads knocked 6 1 ff At Port Elgin on ;id�"&--fe*�-well��chosen7-�vords:�-- e -em R' L the �2o clock train vdltie� tortell nd.,. pa :to .90 %Vm the: G. e k. eL: tato$.. thjtL �thin youF pa) 1#0 "atS . �j6jj­' H fi6n4as fieceissi es'- ':,Wheat.� bush ... 40 Wtter for the present, are,th-e,(,?,jd iz�d.th�-fa6"t'.that,.�v-hilel:an pcluca- LS- L. , -As to li" " ',its phas t. , awreuce' and. points *6ast, amid 66kriplintent, o f 'I" f1lifigs ofterra tirtuav sue try and jlftielj`.td� be" 467 T h ensa, �l O�Sor�df yo $66 at­_rjj Je Bai I '--Fair itd- ;ed,: 'w,*hi6h f 1.(jtjj 61tb6ii Fal 'Bit their- N. eL 0 L �Citiz( ile ato A. d The - biid -bttr&fi,. wh 1�' 06 many lay, new,. i iorrow. t T"", h.y:, _ , ) - 7'. . I - liey�,uld ii,10ilo- wi'bh edhea-' traZjl6d fif'a.' tw Q-tdned, bed,f6rd cord, 't. And -eaindstly- to -th I ;in 4bm it to.66 extorii�nate-ohaiges 0 Ii ari VERYBODY! Xii�ed and Clover ....... 14 00 to 14., 0, 'r y w 6 st' tBd,,the r6p( L Ion, hd urgpil them h ort� 0 1 ­ I h' rpe s_ `�J.4 0 �b e 'the bri al and 61106ie ea jSr this w6ek7L t At, id: -- of �th 0. f ig, 01 3thiatighotAH-tht� ejitt c e-� `C. 0-046--_ V_-fo­r_1U6,_' 7qfft_r'JqPy.e`t 9441. tl�!#- oac- h _! _ t affd�'A b t Ars ;�711 lit �"=D.'. X0 9. L 0 jLIjjeratUteL:_.CJGM�perscni ed. the gr6bn.'s father. to 9_5 l� 8 -S I b preaG R of St Ca� 7� t 7. ing-Ito -tbe-youag_-p66ple's__or aoi�aiiq� 6�. FAthee,White, V lg-W- ll�guests--Ave ­n-jh V V V V jitT 4 SID: d --d(—)uhre-r,-a rad oir e f 8 kei e jinil.-I 10. 00 a v 9 :to%lv r :1 -rom, London;-', Ron er Sa j Mod at �he marria �-F., POR.RF21T. -Ca ve4.'. the Church -to see'.the,old 111 batl, f - iss 'M' 'Fall .- air. d ven lto-th-o of-. llj.RruSs6ls� Seitforth:- Wingh�m; Ethel . _pffioi gPL P J . For terins, a�ply to .4 array : E 'Ickillop' arid Miss;,M*ilina, . Lucknow 6 SO re P_ F. y,, e, Olock. Sprin-g I , 4 1 Stubs cvvt. . .�6 56 to of hav, Ing" 's,­boy,to do the dis-,. of the congregation showing an encour- and !r-,mswater. Mr. a d ekart OUS 0116; Mrs. . Joy-ut .4,50 to j� DO - e will step - -into- the Sentinel aging intereSt in ill ist- -4-ho-v-onn e w6rk.�, .-Too. often, w-fif-bo tit' home'd--toi�Nov;'15th;at. -their, VC 6nn6r�.�*wthe-fth_iv in "�_ori i_SJoken1ireiy the �y4mg' the ONEY.TO'Lo" �.-'.&ihuitedaino"tW 30 �to, to resid'ene� ROSS Street� LudkilAi%; A �on fi6t and see4mi mor 4* 8 At jesi-Sonah no, day for fiye (nititit, oupie will inali:6 ir. on ,qt'er,,lb '; �S, this 30 :76 de 33- ragetnetit 'of ]Rgpli we, will 6ndea�6ur-to malre.that. un-' ,pepple who Ja&,.,the -encou Gray, Farm, . Mck L .1 '00 n �noecasionil visit. We are gladlit. Potatoes, bag ........ 90:to rge -Fiod-of his fife.! eve] "OKETT, this' case 'an the older fo tablb'pL d. TRi,LFAVE%tg7-HA� ENGAGEMENT AxNouscigD�-M.r. �and. osyi jpj.0n_a­ 110itiSk F6R, le bas, ' . _, - . : - 'L ehd _of_-4_B0&nt,.. 'T Aopi s ka-'- ....... ii:�' H6useXet &L10`:V'QrY c W I . ers w waysb.eheartkyive�'6in V I under4ified on: Stauff 'half ae,e. 'k4rden, iloni, memb residence. of m Tohip �Whit6h 0 V 31 SITUaLIOR' Haigh, P� _P1)1y to George e— ----- -- eU c S.. 0 -�Was 7 -, _ -L ­. , kitcbiin;'�P-affit-ry: andi,, ol L -a -t -afiy- -of�thg-meiezu LRruoo adh6unce-the enoPagement, of' �A aug ter, 0 ackett, Ilidi'di- �R;tid 1 0- r. -LO now an -dining-roo 7 jl�'Ooul 'thr�e'-bedroouls,up 1puring, the eveninga: duet wag. sp en-. ind., ''T jg iTt 1JQCK1'!. a la� long cr6d bVb. 'N arrick � ai' t 'loth coa Finder pleate'roturn."nie.. L fjjjtoit­� -ettr'wedain rInqat o . each -bedrootn,, fefid� id tho,s�4 *ater, the ve 'Douglas., -The col dnesday, September: loth., W place oni:," Sept, 23 -rd. LU ��en their st�irs�_ctatl�es_ - ff Ldidl �in-Lo_f �,K�_ry In. G- K N OW - �j best, � la�ge 1,10any ISO' hard-4TiA.S,Oft" Mlis Jean a woodshed, c( see ift" wils i1nited in" 'ontrib �o� ghoul of be and.jgood cellat.' S� )aYliouse �nd,d,a�ghtey, J r6ni.aliy ohe, c 11' Hano`v r . 1106M�0�haken,in errbr,, froln, a: lb�4g i MAR LEV Is.: one 'o IVI rs.. urdo I .. t'go, to, Robert �a h as' de.4ire may. McGarry's shed, on Sabdirday.eve enjoyed very miiefi, solos by,two fiivbr-� BOY ELTRkY.-Last week s; B ORKS This_. f the ' snuggest pla&is in, ite 1 4.: � Ch. �an �. 's 5 marrig large7sot.altas many .08 ad the following: A, Hoizie, r 61 5f or I or 01 y .'A, Newto'ii� Te lark.� At'. the co eltisi of prosperous young armer rewe., P 3" riet te n o "town. Ap it Ion f of .. 0 .. f * It in this' Lr or'leave sanie at, M, rr s have an Opportunity 0 s arlug, straye - A,�a� _in, Marble, 'a d fit�bllot 21,'con. - ----- -the, address hj tde: On. Ilia, en s. -entertanimen t -tit n must r the h_o'cjLQqk_tq thg sirking , �ad6_of �a onum -Vi UigS i See, Flvliiii�ftichlfie itch -gaya by,, 61..1 r,-, und 70%�� L_"!. I. Promptly-at-ele-ve &Y Sco6h `GrauW orM, Ft id - s0t�: t garofS I MVU 20, year q.1 3ac i'd A t io­7 ill' b owin of, his fe _e b f" D 1 9 91 �a broo a II0 f person . 0 jr-cardine.- all Fair,' b ersbn �being giv u penci an 4cKett, sister o th taker Johnstone4 an revmrde et ritte 'in .66tify Thh6m&s �Fii r will'tie re -poriq'p6e-,.--`fhqlF.'1C -fiffir leaves and, 86ni �`on y,, graceftilly took -W� �-, -'sAfs.0ounell,' es" 1.01nov,. e T&U-fi thdii way to meet ivedding�.jjitrt hrdQ6hj WIIJL pleia4ei 4 9. pecie xain Luo'kno*1 tit ;.paper to,!P6 F. -Richtirds 1. car is Robert Lim u an ur t&6� Old. -Country, and 'kin _.ino proe., -a. -m�, xefufniing -leaves,,, d* eir 3Vakerjoojn­the. -form of -A places bonea6h...4A.-Larch of,'evergreell ni Han'o*er --prenlises NN a;i =n -8!0 9:66! ­_ ­­... .11 . , son, .0 ­ � " L.- � - � -, .__ � 11 , I . 'I, call, suoplk your every -'re* o-' al. - Rorse'races� tit Fly- large blackboiirds,. two ettrafg Cate iy tfiinme&With:�- �hite ster ofis, o Sualm'er. quir b_' h ted It k at 7,.30.,p and e su)rtll, ER _j_ i !JOCX�.'_AS.HH_,W .�Potet Arke. ihe'undor�ned Lot 14, Con. ney�__� -- I L me s _.�nlo --"- _: .1 L ' d Ofte-­.ques i o n S Vosh-in 4uiy;­--.a-*� L e,ques ions.ab word- ..have8ame yp i"n tl I BIN M, _HRI7;8f66V­F,1eh�;- B ----------- Cb-' rut-- 6 - 9 AfffIF tiori -*�i -9 - , �-s , 1. lit -iri;-th6se_fine� _gU �jjj�:tefi ti -wdd4ih - Arffl*a' ly- histoy OP"Jock" b rovi pp --------- Y, 041-OP9 on t hy-1114. 'R��j �vriters. An" �r� Rev.j. J. Duiraht oncorniuj the ear And pairit piiee,.;... he Aul. -with-,"thidi An. ... . .. ...... -sheep entri, 0. a 17 peK orthe na tWni�atib� W o teed. Sjuiday 7. 11 17 7 e -presence iefijre�' tle:_ es at -invited, guests. more, is., been p blishi4. -A qua e rId out c6ilfldient in se known than ha tiMBER FOWS�&L*g ity. of fa Lrvyi w -k-d(fwtFi �y P r -op- let 1411"COrb N -f P­"Il� of -Bibi uiow e --e, re -H-e- Thp bridej who Vir�t h �5 On Yes., aurely, 1K:inI6sS' beatSL th WO their sitqngth of' about �efity live ori- tu n dz f6�' was,given away: Ne t -after -the ­10 by, liei is F t, , seen at any 4talk r6tentl 'bell baving-:44d I- ;ownea.in white eshi se tion� for 0*fo&d IJV' 'Ayo twelve c .'t a kshfleld. In. 4.0ts of f )orted, comeS a, Stalk seatff ai the, ting, of th&- father was exquisite yg wis-bbirujil, C t y rel 3 S to, -his e servo as r pricked A. and, in roanger ays ewe an ap S. cS ]I I fq6tjovg, gro,*n - on tile, farm. of V. the bubble of , their conceit ducliess'sath'i �trirnmed with pea flat. as tie p6 I �llt v . enic . e la ' ce, ­ in L c ' 1:%v re. -a bn -veil 11. MqXengiQ. ausing their' rid& to f all ag", dal boy for' the r.' T Orman c -eo AV. Cr�dehjqan who f6ta' deeichAafia Pho. 0. We don�,b'know-whe�lier p re s a- and-,4as great e a, , weave ,in yre. on ve our fosdme'tim we 49, when- net -arrani-ed--in nlim�i`oi of ioars this an b stir al pancbke� 4f -gilk, em broiderqd-'� has ca�'Aed drug -proVerbi, tliey"Uard the aqsw�rs'which were easy 'Jillicit Oss his 'in or ?54. he' Came' to a a !.an business. fit -W'�Ikotichi, h9A ma, e an N6 ico d6ubti., c�j� with 'i;p�ays� of 6rangWii * o i ' re eilt, t !6 he becamh rrj'.Wjl� 41) all( �u4ttet of wfiit� ios-s about 60 years ag �N,ptiqe y given that a con t no ill V f _And naiaen, ],L � V t 16 lily jf the ftl 4 ditiZeij� li he On OA L I Aen y -o kt)ew- I carried saii&nniefit for Ue.,b 3nefitof crod' is bereb �COAL L Rem. Aife�tlje rVIng6'refregIll"onts 'y hair ern-.�l� --in- Ln6lindw;-alid Y t ;JM 'A� we by'.100 Houdur ti -W PA rhe bride, %V0 at Mr. Cr�derili I an W&S �of the County of aritce y .a� consfantly!,� in mind the', 'Concert onin-i-as bitoiightlo, a, cl6se. by r linded"by Miss-tVelyn- �'old tiniqr" anda uc now -4t Luck uo��. oil ffiel$t 19t3, at one oolock in � It and 'a we- dak of gept�6tub6r, 11 2ordeeii, that ' ' I oro' Who acted' gest, "Sa 434F wid deLimmitic ot) l Coal will arrive yegu ar ... peating in Ii. NY 'y ar"f activity ..on. t4.ie' j er' Inlan e Oflic&r. itternoon to h n �v 6* 6e puC oil - in e remetubere. � I `n which is b the t tit -third Weller PC T- bri&�- th4t J60 will bi 4rdg d�Zvianu' kutut,6, -Tossed in pink duchess, "His,ye Ltllftlt Octobei, Two. eifielent.. local men hiZVe XC . � .".. 1, �jnaid; and)liia� vors And omissions in.the voter's -be_ 7 James- nton�-Nas- 'a 0 of -M-lulnic­11-ty -f xore&'-�vitb a compe=Wn, --wit i " "if-in-6li—aige; an Next,.,Monday 'evening a I A -, '. - �d` 191& :, - I I die report qVr satin trimmed With, pearl..1ace. an' . car- istagp the ;tn' 191 filled. 0 r e ' 'organist -an remilni 6f her- 1#1 Tthl. 6th. daYllf SePtOlubc prProptly, A�dersonj the officient, d in, Tees- nk"roses� and maiden Polley; his part -iii, the old ' Ae ian announced. tfie.engag, 'o* etli6 'be"givan on obvention' ried a bouquet 6f f1i Thoni. ed at. 'Bell, In t6,1ii6kil. dist; the C 1610 �s for' attki and ada choi-i4eader viater..I -1�w6,atft-6Joa&­O ttendied� 6y.. gialn�s.; adzit 109 4 f'Young,�PQ614c lmirjern.,�,,The,grbom� was,a - aughbors, Bprtb#,�_ I from Lacktio Attended this Conven to or of 'tile. I A, y khar'�ntees its munca A n n is rtialitY, Haidware, or hureb, I -exec ence Th,61as A. 'Hackett,' brot� pp, orence, the ortner to rl.�G 6 ice Nh thing, Hilton t e, Iattor'td, 'While tile usual pangratulpliolis as Un- kecegisa�y- No � i 1i - nduro h 0T1Ct'jSH9j*l,19HYGP N thftta As'all' the gkfaranwe ii jlpda8eac1t-r6tumedfujILof enihuSiaill:j bric o'. bric�a, brae- his MdLenndiv of 0 IS t rd.,t good wCrg�'beilj� gb Haektttf fl '� granite e6litinn,'alikin'ds . W Il- be held; ptil-gil"t to the Ontario 'VLO t, -NO 9 like it 19,4 be'e- n . iittempted,here efor, 4r whiii he bad seen "ilild'Il.ea ten Miss Ifelen indhingly A4 R6bt. 3�, Ohailos�vorth of Port' krthur�' se- -, 1 t, ", - ­ - �, %t".. I.- hL*. t" ' ", . 7 Solo -t, by 9ls,.HonnUrL the- Ju,go�jofLL A repor, sister41th bride"ialig',abeautiful, a ntSr, CoUrt nj theLC6jin6,V of'D U. 40 0' 4t - i , lid the very -nature 'of: iho�clelh an c6iiaitioiiti of,'Weather on. in at pllie. Vrac left * .1.11) IS" IS Both. marriages will 'take P in t e C at of L inter havi"Lno more clothill 'H 11,micknow,du the e b :tull . 6ge ntitles it to sum0s, looked for, and ibis hoped, the, njen 'ors :entitled 3C�iiuse.' Shortly L after the dead w nineteiin'th day 8.0 _td the L ii�onth Of Septeirtibior. I I 13,.at 10 O'clock in the' forenoon to he r a er iqie,, -ord tha'A'othgra' n4d'in suinni t' but will.all-be. present. cereniony otcratineLConiplaints 36ori _4be gqe'sis repaired om ss 0 "Matti �o ;-T�P,`:C-*lT' OF *ALiHR1rO,N10 --A Maui in� th� Wtors"List of the ere a, tasOuIly p i�&;V, all,� his simpficitk�alld hi t6rling X7, W for, 1913 ' D e-6' h Mossm! Thoma's __Web4ir '411d_ tank b1linent Wh r6pardd 0 1 wc I The pres� 42,600" steam yaolib-know, 3 Ading, difinor i�as honegty-ofohariicter� �vhi6h�niade,friends, jl­'.As� AJX'�o VL,114,&OfLttdknowf6rlQ.13.,,,P. A -lit, So cents p�r p6tiiid. Old rtiblieiiC Served. 'liolls it thbVestern Vairi Ill d4yu September, 191 5tofft. Perlb.4611voic& Oldliop 40 to rft. Tate, when r Stly. in_ of everyone; thes`6 ar6, the characteristics, 80�4 W; Clerk ot' e ct -per mg 1101 e s 4ii(crt cimcelletfi. ellts wer-6"b6ih numerous and ca e i10 1� &gdo ­ I � -olta � old -a ina, Which h7 Citpof-W.Alk: rtoa�', the''pr6porty' 'of the' inageLgt Ljid 175c. Pei Q;�t- demoristrating_� Iiiiperial a�e 4' Ade bit "kil 'vhi and Shall tr o56'5Pt0&'.jj VT, tubVbW. ch in V 10' we say; tIv.,b h_ 'y Goo man" plo 0 rie nbe"w-ith oh6gtia has d6c_ided�, oil Ing 011 9. a verwa e, Sleasrs,'J61in Kormatift And Harry had k nerve-racking exP0 Luulnow 0, t6 got r b:1 fe"', 'were i it 50., an, t e gift" of her Paren t i made tie -re'cei t r on amp un'W who tried* itntri farn' linettsand etc., a so a con ailt, tt 8 t . I I h 1 11 1—— ­­­ f -his- 8uperiors- in�. Truax, 44 re idden. visitor account of other, attracti6tis to postpone trip a ikv their sle idg a,partilignts.' AS they flit �onccrt'advqrtisea last week. - solbe, 11611 org epi bili A P Y ­ do *"a wes 91 a, I. V _� ­tc� 1. , - - � fi­l� jaksduit 'Department; ie, 11 k- ­L", ­ '],,tith, e4ucatidu and 'busin�s -feet' ssful-7inAheir.-first, ,--attempt, to the br .1A _.gr.4on,),� a6l §40-1eet--lontr- �,-Wefe-unsucce 4 silver se a 8 et� the Okept. Dominion Ailing IA&si� t er,pefts ese or ce, Day jq Dungannon, beantiful t� to the r .�An&js prqp oa'. jiew:iaet6ryi flykjohic: to get -Right -of eyon OC-' ell P wagmBrigh� "y Jaborxt6d. on, b ores �nt, to t46 organ;st AoVaie . th wide . About tho filtitto The Do�� of' the stoan't, on but -somohow. b 6A Alliance' foy the Sul)-: beiiutifut�g�)Id cc tticl&. S, S� a ­ 'casiba g0j&ting. soat with a topa7 and to, the prokfent a n6df Address o Books Jack Hawkitwiind -8n�ie reporteks of: pres�ian of the Tmfl!6 in Int6xicating I k8tin, the'.. 4tye&r-old',011, J�� CO3 . . ..... S j­­L­ _d' in Ito DD Rjj I , . I- Ity., .1 111'ijudoubt� 'y kccivo�"a a r J&V w t- '1 U'ng- 'Okiple m6tored to �Aykii Mitton ha(l A: ch -khh and is N`ffl- dentro.- its,, forces in f It& ,grrj t; hi,'Id- -the; hiarly,� in- tho. eit bfLu� N_ t 1 ileb. 10'. m6� �And t is 18: 1. CQUIT Of Ilur6in on 0 theo handq of - former - acquaiht4tiges 'a close oall from being burne& to a t 'bur i2jp 'Ili connoctiQll with this, Mr. 'N:. tiieknow,. wherer they lef t oA the d ter-' Ad 3atuxaay. , A LoND014, ONT h- I , the ioq (tol, 'Pts, Of& by Sundry,. Sepionber afteen6o timeyol dead, he'Free 'Press I"t tp dd monaiii6fitwhich �vili b6, ino4fluLp the' -,tlr n, 1V 1. 1 rownt y... Some ma T jW;of- the- - 1, . rocur ;ruled. NIOsArs. . tAld i 1181we T46nto� mn Vonn' Ift t t*b­(T" * fjamilt�ou Averagej a tiken!d sincere r68066t. %_, n' �Jja_tjlj le Pu IC, tance4 ell oionfedi for TO�fitb Xia�iirx "ai4d.seV-4re to Papers 10 "qf Cl -XII* ­ the vroodshed. -,f- th y t i-pu pi o e. uilgap, at �Lz les D, 'Th- -SUDID1. id �6ffi6,� .,b I, X14, _,t1h1& ectpry �troo olk '.V1 I 'Occlivy, Ing re urn. -in iagona panne mariled Jtl Qul� ppelteo Sask. chii&s pArentg tirrivedJust Lin, tirn6 to to the Sarno , Presbyterian Church- t e trklvol Aqg in a sui -of t Ttiesd 'tlib t he hoits hite -satin hj& wt ow fo in# Ang, the Thoilittfo la& h' it will speak iA' tweed -with s ea& F.W holis6.Tbursday night and -WAS' speedily an& try, the aftbtfio6 n Saturday'everl save AM' wt, 'pliitno. - Aniong t ose p Sent f r6fil. IL taken into CuAtody After ocoiipayas Of Presbyterian- ellurch, at I'loif Alt to, p16�t�a and wl h6ble of Mia'�� Ar,4. and, e I hogt'were bfkdly �bltrned., k- ' V'"' the "geefie of it th dlie] CaS%Vcjj ff �, a Son Ofj,he I�P_V­Jas- digtane� vi�cire- Mx� and Thomas. "'6f tile liouo %�&thdr, A. Ili �pi nd Mrs,. T� gal to, 4'Ver C I ' " 11 L , j�et wedd i `h�n Afis Htttld -'a gelte�e for his A6 i as 'I" ng the ormu N611, -be rei�etnbet�d , One- Actat - MrS. Frea Tteleaven - and-,) lgfg qideration - f j L Ste 11 ell s Aanes PrI es is in 't Of TofQtlto"L '14r, Tues(IfLy bad,'.' b6laL "Mfethod-i8f in ni E toeswiti�i OnTI, iwas ot df t 10 P1.011 e cApture., ry.-I Mr. and: ajely *oIl: 'Pall' W'heat, i's W-ser't6fi age up, 6dtglars sciaPa&At-;�-w(ita6 P Vrnited in 1111.arriikger to'. J� -lit B"' ­ Rt and` JO: fho Tfo[oa of Ripley'. Mf4L 'Ing -qxd'opttoniiijl�� wel AL oug'� arre otit NfXtilloukli,n &osper6ug young fakthet ��i�g, tb elect Mrs, Alek; Von tl�rosh in, ti 1, M ", j3ert T'telo jeae'�, D� 'Mbl k 4 bdots And' AV f 'in .96W At.- M&etifukftl'� lZesivis. had t6ckllqxt's� gt4C�t P ing Ali- 178 n y- _o,, a,- ar r- I Sed- t'lle visitoro" 0. eer �16 The yotind Couple �n. tl�eli, �,Jj, of,QiViA.Ppelle-distAct- "IT-lic-terein6u� house arou Saw a 'The P 8 yteiy '-of .-Maitl 1�11W %rdttiru wi at A ow .. t..." - and, t the, aiirlj�6gs if mie'd"by-the R -.'A� 116bsbu, 4"'bugh6iLi frOnN 8 a6ios,. oats 00.1 j. &k 4.5 lit WaS ev raie on the &)I1,0tr"ind' will sell' - tin o 9t Statt WeA�tl.;Ijf4 on. itral per or -1 OgteAa,� in, gr6oln'S'f gllortjo`.Ar4w� 6ut -tho� Moes w. e, in Ow �ftl �hd tfi8a�,pbar good�byo'..`tb �jt"fdegt 1 bar'loy b6W 6 d&y. of the. I � " , � Vh4w�l, Eit let With 16 of f to, olisdo When the 'Rov, V A' N noar,ci6we, . . drA A 96., IS t e pre nee o fr' nd "t'aill. is, well --filiea. o I' signa ion, 59 T R e I thom, his ro� f f ow o.drawilv+ tobill Ott dr�p -titile'v Poor. t t" midiiigl and, South x in I O.s 6 tbilderet . . ... .. r e,6nt6red t af,,� 6'elo6k; in the n IV ver� morwng ft Soma tvd tho: dttfipf hot bro -k I L!,-- 1, - G a&i, JULft Ok, V Vy M A A �1 to," the Z, acO w" made.. -6pfegoptifig session It vw.all putch"ed- in 1911a I U U et ge Ang c Ole ONV (abrt to 'tbur4lic ana-managing , " k. 11 �� ". , . I ­'�_ __ t -;s owjmg,u� the o, T mil chat, rcga� �lon We. jji� %'v, L�N ' ' 1111fig lwa gov U Ulu th. b -ata of the dptig t X6 present, lyall:­ it e. ftlu6 'blue oug.i l0j' ; ' L " 'no 6Id, Stock i is, 6! 7 . �­­A - 0 ft t WO iho -OA I a 't, par oft th vn of -k itnU there is Rff& _M__4V z40_W_-1Qr_-_XR4 mem ers o bL 'd to, Ptloft arift an has; rganm TO ... ........ . .. ....... d--- 'foud-joy "bUf�('f,_tfi6'gi& of the gew"... -.111q1t, all 'pu ing,in �w c a 0- , 8 L iq� as wQn J I -th'6- bilide *dre be . Way _7 ftb& pj U pis b 68bytefy aI$d'fcAtj dL o "Whidli '�eil probartilg-6', WO or OVer, WO ftVtfi 461ine wi i gin ri i, re aqd h4� 10,08b' 9100,00 1' t, -IONV Witbv m8L es'' p)) d e 'A --the- t A broken that w�,. rdalim t 'eir Atr n., i, y Pro. JiO - m6thttty Of th - law so 64 kn o1qtiih1%to4 eApioity 0 tV , 'tl 0 , : + 6 �foye,. po ers,,a d dtV&8 It is -fii4a*� of' en Ou 0 k an L it. . $0 gujt�bjei tj, � b t6he to ardA6n siatot d - 'd the gittlation their teg�Q whdn 'ti6ti- are', tll�6 puee, -only o -d' be efectLid to A 1n6li,4 r for, A,. ft W g;ven, sigha, c will be ro� aftd.p6tir tPlftjnjlhg.L er ddaiti�g wig' an w e n �u' o rging Ora h- '' -b na, hag.bedh 6 .�o hn K'dabis SOAdflOtifts de'Aper"Dite 130119 ua�tof ved ,tit The 86ritib6t, bf'Uo khd if ig dinner e &room tuuks�­ gifit �gI6 i The b tg 6 a - toask 6 the bride ali'a " Th6cbⅇet� dsof§ d6_dn red d th 60 g qftjt�ocojd.�, hen, 6 ch at pilrtll-, cel ..." , , 0 t - -, I - I �, 4 &shl tod, thitt no, guin 6611s and ti� dollar be, - was ji�6p6s6o,, by NiK X, of Po pot yw,� - T m16. sugg s is 's t bf, tion�. )'%plied to itt il A ffibst 'able. I igdl�ncl by 0jngL 0 ft[ifil y Py coup 0 8 gtve�an oppo 1 L11 TL on. A I t f 0 an' of, ;ip,� ,, idea or f"01%- il, , " -A'111 i�kd e#qt it A' fewt 0 Ty bile d6h ft I d6du 'T , '�re I . ad,6nniLli's: , Alan" lhl,�! "I", 's J11; 11�11 tortg to �Ioffio , '" do, 'Te. fle A. and 9lst6d'fr6m,h% e ceo at PENCE e itiabW �dvto ]Re; -Was i"ke to AA t&o6m b 'L " ft ''Chbtg6 AW weeks W doil'tti'llt 6MO.111 Jjg eWOO caftyin' ia . , I � �1.1 f , 11, fit I I I i A& dg-,� 0 ev Many ISOM) e� o A, paw a aeb k tt lAt, i6pp6he A eeinuppoin, d 6§e6fied1o, the t6nse�, The Vote i y 9' 'Ith t aaL ' o, io I I I "L , d� b k"'tteh whd, tt'd liad bcst MALI16ii., of atol! W 0 '61nii1itted vAll be gdoet6d, IaWt, t6 a the AJT� t0a& �Lfge of tht WA, lu Ang . . . . . . . . . . . IMP J i "1111-,��l "s ? . 'i W .190, j� j �IA lrM