The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-09-04, Page 5bursdayl tepterriber4t 1,, xgt Cuirass Carter* . visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edging ;of Salem, one day last week • ••-T4e440, Sept. 211d1 E, Erb has begun his contract of tear. We notice. Billie. . ,arson ing down and erecting a ;new bridge drives the • nqw The pacer was to fast. ;' nowu as the Orange bridge. John Browai Passe thr us' ? Annie.,And Daisy* Turner Bays return- • - J m4e Wra;itlR, retu •n f . u� ,n�•.,.Y r , h;: 'l._edldolaae.r� ter lac, -in a �e�v iay11�tn.: Tol?onfo. . IES; and Uri.- Frank -grim -met gu►,t7mot visited friends in Lucknow, on. Sunday. Albeit Thompsonhas purchased a gasoline_enginejor_punlpiflg_„ovate ' Miss Stanley, of the grove,. few days ,last week in this vicinity, Mr. and ”s.._SSpent •Sunday at the hoi ne of y. son. _ Fred Vine."ealled' on friends 'in the Eastern part of Kinloss, con. 10 Sunda :evening. Y, rl -`Hackle and^ tattle r ....; y G etta v ie with, Mrtir,..-)avid_Lug•Ear- last _ MI .. n. and M . 0 ,r. se h• • • . • ::. p, .....: gins, visited friends pear •Wingham' Sati'rda r" • ;Sn iia. y. ,_.Misses B,o•:.• usd •- . , , . onion,•• spent a few days 1is we .k v Y � � e �sltnii >. lY1'rs. `Walter g'� their brother, .fohn, at Fordyce y , y Mair. Fwd g 91£,thefourth= eon - cession -visited' with her sister; Mrs.; Joseph' =Ranma;a,d other friends an this vicinity. , , - 'Me expect to hate"the free; ;mail• de. =livery-iu our -burg soon.: -The surveyor Was_around .l w. w. :: a � -ldylng .,..vat° ,the - routes. • Denzil peached a very inter whit a impl ermon4n-Betha ny— Church on Sunday last.: The text was 11 Cor., e, 5, w. 1'7. • • A b Itl Ct e ;. ti' Mon" a . Au gust ,25• Bert"('ce• a"a a,., w te ..days n . Strat- fr oda st w eek,: a Uv a. e . nd Alice+` C`m:b day,at Peter Campbell a, 2nd,,con • Westford . • Tuesday, ,Sept. 2nd. '" , Mr, and Mrs. Archie McFarlan visited `ltd ,CheshirE ChceSey. , t; tork ." 7 L f VE at,.Ed. Wa11s gn S.Unday.' da at 1+', ,ik • Haldenby's:. • . M'r Sohog1..•re o ned' to -day -100A. ERSAlOUS PUDDING,,,!.r . M.axw.ell..Aylward :as..teacher. ' a is arch Browof he 1 th, eon. ,spept Sunday on '.the 14tk1.:Gon.�. w A ple Pastry It :le, incl: It W ----n- _. ... , ., , ,. _ • " :.•-gafrapled-tiy--§ugi� ••=�Apn qQ7iaaton- _- Josp�h� Z'urdy, :of Kinlough was.,s: �ickena,•'`lltaolC*xpy, 'T®nnysTrot. �isitoi -aniour: burg on Suuday;• Tennyson- _ - lope and V1�lsatl.r:5 :. .,.: 4ohn. B3own:ot Foidyce,.spent,Sunday_ - with relatives on the 74th-, con Nearly, all americans when • they go •to London make it a ,point to'visit'tha v 18s i 1'anees ' , an ey l . o eeawa� quafn Old tavern •hri' tine heart ,ot :itis spoilt t un a w• t( A. Sunday y ath Susy•Haldenb , Y ,new,ripaper and : printing- buslnel3, the. Master - rt ilr Ha de visited his , A 11 1 nby vt ate Old Cheese, .to .Partake of r 1 w F ranldfather.,.oa• the 8th. =last .week. its fa ous ud in ' p d �is' �', y It ie'fhe • . ;•• . _ _ Londoner. *ben" .A. s Ln.a;. S .. n1e : of Tii le .as vls:t= _ , , e..deli h :wb ; a .. a �.. .. _ _, th'�11er i:r a d'Mtss the , n is : acl� �', 1 s to Y 1 >< E g set _..._ ,.. tree t � wake a rush f or, tine (.la ern .Pudding;, :and it• is almost r ce ; Halrlenby of '•Kincardln:e. : -Thi•1anat$r n .f chs Antofll.bll. �x 0.Privet 4.110 ya�clfraag 44.01. the vlethn; o tb..a t Walk. earzed'to the •idewaiik :tea ant ► ,^ -etkftemrsa.••inkr-sussididoa laza eau* ae old - en with conalderable `,"Thus stoma," he volubly remarked. ,te. policeman, "wee entirely . to lame. .She ,ran around from 'ahead s:ateeetm ar=d�nd•lel9baratelt-®r y-put"beP:: ;.. self:in day way. *fter theliad�3 he coal cart It •was too late for nwe to atop. • 1 couldn't tell , which wayalas- was e i5 . end was .going, wlaen• 'I -caw that She ;- was dazed and foolish, i jamaned .ons' ass ., .. left,` but':o„Pcourse ,the laid to ria rrlawe wra ,� and ,the eonsequenee wail Haat in endeevorin .' •' _..g to avoid. a baby " carre.wib •.• fig., with piing fn,it'end an old'. mao wh n was walking -with a crutch 1 aupgoae 1 aniet, iave hit her. Tint •wasn't going more Allan •�twe. 1p ` y t e last,-thing,who eats -before • leaviaig . , y OLnan ;•who :` i ,.; . : _, • ;., b hour- _ .. pent Sunday and .:Honda... at his, home•, and...an ig. he 1;t.,: d'ravelers,:iei: the.• a dod re,<. •w • • ,_ . • ;-'� Kara kba Be around In •,that foo ve seen , is es oPt6 , g at lose ud r . din an he hes `P d Burin d aha G, stun t be S a to t _,. , , _.•::. ,:.,._. _ . • „• ., . , r Vert .Hod ns of .L -can lfas t r •_.tine_ _aver �was,,the::men• shut ,wvin .,tQ,.$A•ron .tine; :entree ,' etiii ned Home afters ridm has boli=, g ..e. ,:.: web °:.,.. .� .:Pe �-Ei Lad smith, aot:AfaPei�ing:dsettmedl:dt • 3►Y.:guardlan��a . o ,tit-✓- y ar t ry 1 !r B a � �.`.� •, •..• gam;' pr. 1?o A- odd i.ls act k : • . _. .. �'. s 74 e . l .1 nn who tris been :. ..9., ..oc °. :;:To �C ome.:�er t M. Y ; . PrP w,.d► con a the eidewelk, , Leen . v ng act be;rjnorne:here.f a coli e o se s the -,pudding !r. tbe::S "sind talcs_-$-los , . .. , ., . . .:., .. . pl: , �--.. _�` , __.,. 9ii?�. •, . ,.; .'he_: ., k�.at�hor •:niain .floor•. weeks; hac•;rPt•u;rnPll %o-DetrUlt t .fit is' 8 `bi uddin a ` iia_ xec T . • . i • :.. g', P nd �, t to,"tite mnb-w°ith:. • the -pri e• of it is .just 2 shillings -that .•the'o®cer;;an�d looked' at"the Inland: 'M,'r. and, .Mrs Ben, Logrn of Pur le^ .. F ._:,. gi .to to.sa;9_otAreed_ - "w, � 7-- - _ e;;- asci•'-�• 'a and�7Vlrs;��im �iicKizt:n _ .. �S:�:i•-ie-2: eEaidHno.a e'er mate=creatuae-moo:._ d : � ��.. rev #m �su=esetiv • - �'-. �n`uc�rais you -please; ss -many -shares se •'teibuted--to •.heP ,own disaster.. ' of l3,iervae, spent Sunday at a 1iodgs>i's ton amu .poi cut and and^cane again, ally.. _ d Jo._it: weevoniy a; :dre�rs�kea'e. Mr amyl lira; Will Mn. Lrinrnnoo dummy that had fallen oQ the :rear oL ® de a agony` ieaelall -kinin 1i>ealer, 11X70.:1iock: e " y.. .lighter. s.' ant n ftv� ,. A da � �•-S' pnpszan l s M e. EdnaLanle�y, of .:Pur le ' Gl'rov .visited her friend- • , ., I- e' , �s9--,-.Cthe1 iiodgas -71 Misses Imary Hetherington and tear' • Turner left Monday to 'attend Teeswater 'nits windier fioni around here :T1)ave retdrnecl home after. spending their 112c. aaYcl MrM. ,Sam Brown.;eiiter a t lneif a'nunl'ber of young peo'ple last Wednee isati _ Y T, Br ow and ova e n. fan. �R diittls-�i 3h 'r: g.te. intend le,aaring fur :their•home-an_Calnlra. et-ha•s=w•eek , . • Fred Henders.on and John Blue.' left Monday on the `harvest excursion fdr' Welt'✓vn.:Sask. last §unday evening. „ti lightning, list Thursday nfght. , Mr. Wiley has the,iympathy of the bontinun,' .itY: in kis lofts. rif.814.1p...thodhg or, :for:many day. week.. . . . • ' thin twoadpzen inehei deep, With ble. an elliptical white Mist' meete the 4-a"`" It" .we't•dad '1". the hungry gaze: • Tom.::s,s4 'his week in the.OulrOsicortter,-fieWs. 777 artnershiP Irgameron under the nanie and style of,', • The. ..4lorimni That •'Ciniruniedi• INhen He Wee r•i_91,00.4'141 hoPee' he. lay ph. hie deathhed...be7ealied alidabutitia nee "of, gravy: But 'the( he will be.; blessed 'friends,' done, •blit- What. corriforts: -,they-oughtfrom • years „of ecquaintance- '.0*hehle one., have , had. udhead . With the :host „to ninteratand his, ....symptoms:/or .stistie4eya "wideVAIlsie_ .0n8, and,' the drat onslaught:1y inMde.; himeeit, ihall,•dle-- fairly satisfied , tiea ring- $V1t11. "it'. die Concentrated • na,:, enitsini 'regret ep,o,giregtft0'...,,rixeivil",:-.7 bleasinFs 'ort' the, cook, the Original, ''uot dieseet ,z.P_Iitite,._when'. men :feel'. geed; ..one eetentillejdisepYerj.7.. then.* 511.111, -.1Por 'at .-.1east t•Welve hours this heaven • Pliniumiaalmamasata I image Suitt' Proitfs ' ta-:-schtrul a ' ,::: t ,, #irs boor oes :or •'the , Boys and Girl. "Wher Vic: .,et thr�best si •tin w t -±: .is -the �x o4� shoes g . ,P y •:�.oatt. crit✓"- _ _ nc :a e n car.f cul F bu n d. d ens � b sus l .ton r ,. offer you e bt Valles . an. c h S oo�,'shoe s that., . . . l; 1 S_ O 5131 rP.01' L 4 U[t3• • Grls',an Kisses' •hijes from $1-.35 „:up to . • • very Boy and Girl. Screen Doors' an e stocks in both stores are being taken is week r.--Cameronts-stock being moved into theilarge store occupied by Mr. Murdoch and_in_this_store the_ united business -will be continued. The amalgamation 9fAhose two fine stocks into one -- - will thus Tiznable- .us. to give a larger Selection, and- - alio than heretofore. .. • • Our New Fall Goods -are daily -arriving and soon we will have for ycbur selection the Largest And Finest and 'Shoes ever.shown :Lucknow. .We each desire to express our appreciation a the' generous patronage extended to us in the ,past and4 We cordially extend a„Most hearty invitatiOn to Make * this store your trading headquarters, assuring kou • ofa hearty welcome, efficient service a large. an N. The, pearl:hunters of 'Borneo -and the neretitiOn. When they: oPen- • Corked with a' dead man'n finger. 'Th evert! keerl grains of'tlee r'ete thrown for, the hns suggested, although- .• inostiverY ' hut 'along, the, coast -hie :its eau chew -.13ifietteh.iittie Songster, siltft:, Et-a;rebi'earteeUisr 6P1. 1.1°6:.)1•'• i'Palitostdev0ofo.L•191470°._Ptqge470.11,1 :the -pudding s Lid still yearned rpr,plore, 'Hod theie to another reinarkable nar- rative ef: 'fent ;Imen Who 'Ordered npn4..-, ' it anienr them - lighted. •With. it. "Lord BeSCOrisdeld' be; .iitoWed his ',approbation thereOn;,:and Ths.eltei*Y. Meredith; gwinbUrne;! Ten!. Bala, Vial I litaY--tall no4a of; the. heat mix' it,: flit it. Let nny Cook' tiy it, Leta of'Inooka :h ere: tried:it; tiiii ...Thole Was a man who once;ren' the Virhen he. sold' the- ohl, hostelry end took„tt.:, house the iTict 'he announced that file saine. Pad- ,IMEgaent740.r.::reT Selltetiesitli'si'', 41.10.:"frO. In to Ilfty......seed_-.pearls--arid-twiee that number.- of. rice •grains_carefulliesinad, ,steak tis,su.Mes aAntcy.',„,tendernesek--Oe'.7VIEtorniP-helieie as firmly. in the. en - wan bronght into the Midet Of a. inai ot: 'abet large and unruly Cenci:mai • *WV' 'A what hone tonnd the'rtglit side of toads "of the iproPet onyi it, the Watet teitiethie to boil loth On an ant hill. When the, apes beet. .• take .each,--bOne -Setierateiy , into ter.:.. Thus. :_inay .the:' ' An Ancient •Aetlionemer. -,:kbotit• 660 ..entteigpra. of cen,ree „end Own' of troth ,.solint-nrid-E Inner isciinees and ta give his follower. planet* -AnSin.- died' 'agar,* He seas *Welshed ter declaring thall theca* •Anetlise Way Student -4 want 'souls -100h tbe size, but the aroma vote wanttng; abonc.• tbn•lotaisik, • odp' poi!' there were tii171derltIcal materhilit, tilt' better write to the keeper! Atte* the intim'. not 8 ,*hit of it, There, Wel ,fetikkfijl-tondon , sit iiut of hand'6414phOeteiL.• he chred 11.ky the gkeht fruit kidney and liver remedy, ' leir0 PIMA' Voir metpdikie:i PAM, bas worked have piitirely left the iitut tii$ 1111104.1 ',SE ThOmaa, ()lit • newg And we ".hobt this rt kOoll8 People Are ttitifted Mid live Itil0iftekeSehOols Ole We,,Wtitild like te • both in size and styles,. which.,we:are sellihg reduc- FlieS -and insects on•yOur cattle and horses . mean dis-' • .tects them. from these. pests: We. sell it; also_Sprayers.- .e...hityv on -hand a good supply'; :leate Leather noluy-liaritiyare' Agetit for Scranton Coal, Durham Cement and ana 1410 • 110 NORg DUSTY fitIDAY5 hantlitil in V1-1EN YOU' Yours for health. ALL cRpcgit§ Schools and Public );titildhigs. Sold hy ' CANACIAN LABOR , port ElAkv.E4*Ii40, IN WESTERN pANI.kPA . oceeitio6a Kinmoilifit.itenittitto411:ditel'A, mit: ,E, Al joitt'ii', 61-, nue bait on ,ikkiikktroscre.tilicintgemi.ot. . . 1- '-'-. - • 1 Grand Trill* Lind Totoilte te'sitnin nfiti Enet,et Teti:Intel:6, - ''-'' • ' ' , notet:.Wrike%inittl*IneourttGlibtyra,iinhbrio:Ttnirtottiosedt,tetpacophovitittgo) e_14;iiit'llitietolliti,atee,,iten.::30,1:hitaiftobrtoebitithicektilesistin-44tteltat,-tictiortee,wiletitotaito6nnt6.,fmhaidiftebtentt441ibtest40•1111:m•toth,:icie ive(inik:otintiadta:::thenen,tEical tiaso i:noyfittlettatod*o.:At.,ioLwinctineg en tb.,' 7nttadian Pliclee", Clinikti..6,0,14,,,,,,,." . ltall**kilet Albeetti ' Seskatctie*itee tin4.1.4itiltebit 'ilia '..et - &tie "'eel • *tit MOO' ""tin''.• Pine bait cent par tails from Virinnipeg .ne.,