The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-06-19, Page 44.01 mxEm=a Win. • explainvry particulara ouNets Per- onOilCoolkSThey will show you. here tte-se_,stove- exee: =41; , r s.: 41 gill, s at rr-SvOires-ruT 'Come and eni ay a: cx1-• vp experts whether „„you ave,,a Ne Perfectjon Oil Stove or,not. insmit tier and repair work a speCialty line: To all t.l.tert-l: except by spec-tal contrktcl, FOREST ASS ACl[lYTi• E Th'C-POople.al' a llt ► anc ,t1)0 `I I'ut•4•01,.rcl every,`,Cbi r4a7t iuo do . pram provinces *at have 4001:005 mee at Lticicnow,_t?zats ri% ; i;ng of the Cana&.saciat1,O11''. • w s. WAA rr io be heti, in WinniPeg kin. "the 7th, sat porion 4,>-o z�trta .4§t7ER. and, 9th 9f ,Tilly, an 'opportunity of $se- ing in gncrcteform :examples. of the, Mtit+us1uF :°?a m cpazunurt oftzL,.iE.z3iuu'uTrz�to..RvaIc`Cf�i�. �nrt`.7ru,tb'tiCxsucz�r1aAhtitttiotaHn• nnS56e, ,1.54i' psei' i toobd$rwf:oil5mllth e1i4en'.i.t-i1on cne*t`13 $C11>szu toxhe$tl Greeelg 'rinowlttt4e a_�oLcf c5.n�o,tbfo-ruL9wQlfo.k '�o'i;d�.o�u_s' af tiQl t1o"heacsceeaBs, r11albza.exhibtt,.Of. ;iusectetztGtrDtes.wadokatotin oe pa!Dere 'Tice dor nate card. Evt:Rr.eopx -LPL ansa Ailrertasementstinder cetlti9n b t ntornol a rt ' e►f. �tl�a ohruiintf,r;>�eR#xlt pei li eueut4 3144;a tion xv+tii Y fie' e.. r 1u}t� i}z':ta c eu}te�ip�Ltxvn :tb�e paten Rf=�riCRll.t •_. prepared specially for the forestry eon uYal�ltreita exn�xit, Rcc�otain groin cave expected that t1is IAQUut gl pt 1-44„..-w cis constitute a lid7" iiegat, uune, k,cmes z:vaa � 111 kxc rnr.j,+ t•tmx 4i,Rhua iulcaxeahaiged trll'beiliaertedunggr�� e ,kietteent 'or titles Of • eti at -this °Alec, t5 cents per linp,-Witly,o, inents for the, ineeting, will Attract :•,tv large -nuniber of- -people-,4O-4L'ildition,--:to- The MoVernenr- 'for fOrest conservation is .reportedtO' be pregressing -45 t'a ot _��e ore iserne 00 S9 have 'la ge stock , .„ - • hi cents per line. •This latter does not ann.'s' to seteMastoss opt) Oak advance' notices of nit,ntings er entertainments, --Monday," june 16t1i. esse an be. f01; t easorl. t Rugs per yard, Selection of bek pat-t,eros to See what - we have irt-l8 -and 27 in widths StackinpFeet, 3 pairs for 25 cents. A bargain in 1/1 rib, at 15 eer„ts per pair. iss Curliss is still busy making Hats for Our Stack iis,,iisfklf assorted. -beading; same .rates k't.nd on sanie c,onditioos if yo,..4 eao„( bring yonr , sister to .64, this ,,,oi)-;,.i.nua:rri,.yi...,,to,t,,,4be:y.a.::tiretti..a30...w. minimum' charge of 5C'eenti,tper.insertien. -raetter Weedints Rebert Osborne ,hai-finished an artes- ian well-for,Alfred Talloek'tWo hundred for band.•cOorIng' • ve Dal 'Effervesceut Saline Tonic an .fo:r freckle:, ya A package 'bat' hew cents .per pk"'V • ammoc and -easy -to • Will give Oa absolutely fresh •eggs idney ills are a mild strmulant and tonic for weak di ey 60 pills in a or for socts: Awe. and. withTaitttte • tare tan be' -made. ,*61-ky'.-L.• eir-•-"Pa' 'Tht-rdlylL...itulgi-H--fer-yeirselfi.; -onently'aflowed to deteriorate' through' '-'11.0e-O-0'..O.e.'i,StOOTWA,i, rite;l'and••-it 'Might l'ot•the 'Cattle; range: at ;.irill,-;..arid. instead, . 1tott ° !Otto' ? .ge parent:I, .PO.savethe farmer froth himself, the .....For a glaSS (Of •cocoa...cOle.,) ' . •anid-give4tree4adyige: .,'. on tli,e.se_inattets..: lie' had 'inn in the way ' for a perSonal inspeotiaist.•ef wood land Of -the partr so -gay, ., .. . That kind hands could give; ' _ anXimthIiirLad-vice :, Will aceept. it:. When. i___ ..._ ..:Mr...itistead oLrespiring • Wlirete• 1 hest price paid for, Butter and &cgs. • aveloc 44, 's in iirevictus years will excel in th- • • • Tireleven ,,Ftea,:t Vrit'. li,aarata;Strattlilgatdirilliabita In youth 'brought, on.: ge-veke end 1.,:wka; often Uhl '110 tit- a.. ;Walt -a. a---titac Nty gamily , tri L.- AT ;:pleintravrtrietki-iiiititf.0:0164,4C4.64:„..rAVtag,e4ArliStS.St 5316(ley„ • I. C.:Alltataitrk.i.1 to )0,,k Ildeorl ail dryktOlt as DUDS better trier, ?tErtioto 'rep ( , 4y r•,,f,r,rti.....was somewhat -Mow .and. dining V.:* with a e.oropli,tn oute. 1 oon:id only "art], t ks:.' a.,,,fr .v,Ig Iii" et 4nealif tin 71 lb. bag mixed Chocolates Regular 60 to. 80c... per cent "Bachelor" 'determines 'Lvhat ...species, of trees are'be,St 'Suited -to the -tit -Aloud far thelocalniarket;., shows hoLv -to imptaVe the character . of the crop and its rate,ofiroWtli hy proper Further, inforimitiOnna this subject Can ..bet -obtained:, Writing t :the: Forestry Branch, -Ottawa: - - An : editorial appeared in recent iitteCtionif.tlioTgeherat,"1-iiililier-briying at home: .and7.--cutting mit the Antril order house. 'is worth.teprotiticti6rilere., toWn• there would 0 -hard times:- Let for the:goods. • He takes the. itha pays eat bill, tile •:1`) ti teller: takek•it and'. :•bays his . hill,. the coal dealer, .hostding,Ifouse, takcai-t, and pays-. $2.5.0 fp.t'irritrtit arid :5..9..59 for .Meraiiiridise. r.rlii.S* ..givirig. a. shell, circulation ..61 poldi -IS 31Ik .as coati Is one seeds: a •Portion of' it iri eircuratioo Out of town- ' cri ,•everyoritr',inifers by' 'that • action, aryl he then ntint c.iervicis Of the'. local -press, in :showing Lthc,,,,ptilillo 'by such..ttn illustration '94 DANGER FROM -GRIPPE Lies In. That COtigh and, Weak` grippe, pleurisy, .pneurnonia, • these are greatly !to he feared -Pt this tithe: • • To Prevent! grippe froth' •being rile, ',it is InMettant to driVe. tho last •traceii of it Mit of :the systens ;delicious -liver andiron •prepara.-. • tion Without 01k-stud:get Strength. "Griptie left Ma' vveili;' rim which bugered font yeare.- I, tried 'different ;remedies, hut nothin g _Seemed MY Is Minos t. eritirelk, gerierand 1 al0 'strong and well again,- and 1 Ant' • 0*. ,With the :certairiti ;ion. coln).1i14111.iY , 1.415104 • AT HOME onivAtiv.c,.pipIilireisaaistenograplierit bon • tions pram cert. 11', liter college any : day, 'Thirty Years ekocilonne. Largest trainorS V419 . 1140.1-ttem4 .0 GOO*. StiOttO Morse., velum' PIond'of t1-46VIctirri'and unams•notirely rrik.iiilatect. fff-,rit. the. ixysterit wilt cause . 'vitally yeti aro not die iintix you ttri4 to be or Should -ha Wa4 yotihet0 the dapiter oignalalt raroqiimirt -Will cure yott„,", What it liaS ii,•,ne VA, othetA it. V; . 1 ilo foe' rm.. c'on4iltini;ii, • Free NO matter ',AO WS. yrratCil'-vou, vteti# 'for :in hemp,,f, onth5r,. t T:r.ie a Chilleo: June i i.ettiY41( '10 ) Or 1110T11 e tet spend log a totned horde last LL eek; !fat 8pending voliri',sentitir -Of the; lihifitrative icettire. the, !tee Moth. orlict church on Friday bv(ning, AVO,. tut ,trisvOld St4 n Iv* II II IN • to Or :Canadian. Con'e511.0ittlelite 1.0 will be conducted in Sliew'4Selleole, paramouni- leaVing for Alberta, this Week -after a brief, visit to •theOldlome... , surgical operation last week it,,hethonte., born blind; •Out oil -being' turned ont to •Way,Lteeoverect use Of his ,,eyes :and_ 7., los. Geo:, 119bertsoulventiPyOliceo last week, .:Sht ;aceempanied by her. son • Stuart who returned hcirae 9,8 4001i treated and will likely have -to undergo taori;:petediratio,.p_h,,p,:pre•her sight is frilly, ret - 'Fordyce June ,17. Miss 'Margaret ktintetil altar :her illness: of a Jennie:Of week4. johivForaii and his three sistett, of weeks vaeatiou. The Coultee , Mies Julia Lionettof.Wingliarnamfiii. a couple of days lait week: • Mrs. Jahn Nikbii,,of St:119014 Visited. fot a couple of days last week. . and. NIt4' J. Sttiigeonniopt,,Son- ta.kOn libuiekeepitigonhis new site. 4)endirighet holidays with her parents and his friend in our bfirg Stifictit., OU insure your hOuSe or barn'to a pretc.ction a Inst. fire.' . was reliable, against weather, it CoSts a."1-ote‘Inore than lire inSurance and 4,1 -wOrthlat7mor-e-becatherr-yr-itr-inSu're-ti::tuilding- you don't know it,is‘ going to Wily dowli, There Isnot one •' chance in a hundred, that your 'protectic•tl really gbing to benefit. yob. Dr; and Mrst,Bridley. nesday very •" \Touch appretiated, The football' • if );bil use good phibt you, kbow absolutely that the ptiitentiari building, to dir*ill matte it' last twice as long., • It the . paiht tent geed thelitoteettob is worthless, so,'why,shohlilo't 'you de: are -• -Vise: Men: herd- that*Was flat that•COlinia bus wag bbici—and::. that he't1 fall .oftsomeWhere if le. departed from: established heliefs; The 'fluSiaess World is. flat . to some .men.., Iheir.profitaleArin'shoresq:4 Qpportimity Stretch only e0 fai as their ,, :" .to Autumn-hnt.jifst trMslietinO:bea,SOM3, .with.: sawed -:off edges gall7 ;''' They confine -their aetiYities,,t0'a Spring trade and. to a rall/tracie. To - -Ahem there' ii no intervening .e0fitinent -with•Storea-of waiting. ...f.Weriltli. •• •-'1 " Their World:isfiat They have not explored tbe_lnici4ear #401tbs of • ' Sunnner trade. Julie, july and August- are never-never lanilt*--. ' • , ' .the delusion that the earth.Vrag fiat. People. have just ai mnehniariey ..i:n the hot Weitlf.er and7'sperickApiite as freely, -as in Springiiiid Fall.. '. Granted that they are not buying skates and spOW shoveld id August, ,, ' yet they are'bnying stanle articles, Furthermore,' they have au eye •ou ' luxuries and comforts they ard.connting upoo purchasing id the:Fall:: of oldbeliefs.• • DeParting from established habit, but* have Made their 'energies'and their Advertising an all year.rOund proposition: , your Spring and Pall,'Imt, 'precludes rich harVests from the Sumner and. NIt4' J. Sttiigeonniopt,,Son- ta.kOn libuiekeepitigonhis new site. 4)endirighet holidays with her parents and his friend in our bfirg Stifictit., OU insure your hOuSe or barn'to a pretc.ction a Inst. fire.' . was reliable, against weather, it CoSts a."1-ote‘Inore than lire inSurance and 4,1 -wOrthlat7mor-e-becatherr-yr-itr-inSu're-ti::tuilding- you don't know it,is‘ going to Wily dowli, There Isnot one •' chance in a hundred, that your 'protectic•tl really gbing to benefit. yob. Dr; and Mrst,Bridley. nesday very •" \Touch appretiated, The football' • if );bil use good phibt you, kbow absolutely that the ptiitentiari building, to dir*ill matte it' last twice as long., • It the . paiht tent geed thelitoteettob is worthless, so,'why,shohlilo't 'you de: are