The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-05-29, Page 4TithizglaY1 May 29t All 'outilPorsi evier3t,TIWAllt .4tid ride.. • very Joyous Outing Invites your Vest Pocket 41 TOiA007*47:$DOI,'. urkuuut ;ovelar TlinrsdaY 'morning, • 777 -at• ' W. WRAITH '•- ? '„.„• S-VBSdRiPriON ltATIIS" ""'• 414,iffir:airaufa."1,f paid in -adirsniity American 'or European subseriptions, pe• aufnun; strietly in aolyartec, AIVJRTISINQ RATE Contract..Mtei; ?Made -known, on application Write for rate card. EvEnreOntSCtil,-Adyertisementsunder ---'0" - - I t: 7, i.•1 .1--Takes's Tiettix7 relf-•44--------,• ..,, . .. . : With single lens 4i..,1 ;;;4.,...lic., • l'i `1. e..1 .1.-1`...±0=-,,,,k•-•••-•.-1'7.- . --,74=wiblirtPlantegrapitAckikhiAells-':- .. -. -.- • . . -._ $7.50 . .•• Very compae t.' op _IF:11.tr;1110,; a . . 014111Yet Anethet'. VIM. Of. the Re,cellt. --MondayMay 26 (Qentinned from Page 1) 1$ . ' 0, 'Pa ' ' * ', . 11.440OF - iOS ..8.„„_am,turdaanY4_4:rs;:_Hodgk'h16--en,„„viited__:_at Anti-Locat_Qptionists as law breakers Klpipeah pver tal 49.13: !Ian. where „34,11. sand alsci think that Some of :the resi- litalgkills°a'2-fa'',916.' -4Merli..tE ol°itol4r1,1cskurrhisw 'nre'vottege icaaws,e'sas3'ndbuwte . .• R6'''• 0. 0,"Il'alT,IsaY, 9f 0441.111qte, 44,1-, take the libertli6 say and sincerely, be.. the Yr§b.)1q191161111r43.4 Oa -$3,19-4Y-'------ -eierTimPr'sindieed-citiieni-thartliere 18 is expected next Thursday to Preachy. j'a lieVe that we express the sentiments' of ' P 1- who is i'' Salesman in not one person l▪ ia DICklIOW Who 101 tondOn, `raptoied up fiere Satutday, inglinnd persultently -.vio ates- e• law Henry °°13° v' N " 1 th ' OW viifing. gt. Stven:Lon.' • kr; -locolcs• „;,,Icair..IVFiter..olf•.10,,st....45,n,e, oalSo ;States ,,,,,,,,,,,,i. ,„„n1,.0.e),... :,,,:?,,, .7,1, ,'",5, ,,,;•-•t,,,,_3,,m., 4 .., 1... t A.,,,, - -a- -- --",';'' -, ,i___-- ---- , necttou-Niith 1.,cal.0ptten. ,P.OeilY -- any acl-TvertA-Iirip.Otiteelelingroro-c11 .."--71.s. 17 --..-nig co, se)en-Wer4s-censtituten,line....Ne4e04.1, ,,,,.43/re -um thisdic-ling--5,, /AU- 4- } . h4...,, 1,•;%,,,,,i,„,:i.4.4,00„.,14,...„ .,,,.,„ .0.±.4-4,11,44=._,.. , -------;,•••--- ..--7,;•,-,!•,-•.;•,,,,,.........14,.1. Y.:. AA- .417 4..p., .• ‘... 4 . 'ffi'1k§AridOrit•Ifi,:re-;13etarincimi:• t it'A- • s es it -di-atm • ' -unklerstoo it, a":"rofUla_nep oator;,, .0011 Lib, II, al. a sertion-a. wt. '--• '4' ' • ' ,,4‘ .------. .. ,_.•.. ' • ,44;-4iii;;*••4M-46,..ii i•''t• •Jrz;d'i-•••tid,• het4^113,te.....vms P4'.43,'O):*Pg-cimugg&b&rits.0-11 .1ser.W. ' .7-!'48eZ' e' Tv ' J kand.CY•lde Mac4 ,ix4;,•'°""liP•I'mt41' PmP.8414r c'N:"ccirmititt_A•Went. to Paisley ey otake , fiet0aSalcotetliet4advertis.ementa 43kAr, 't4 I , .,t ..iu ;he inar ti7e—right;- bitA these eases have ki ii rs , n ,ta no ,direct -Con ection .w"th ca thtli, elass Or a,dietlig-.7lita:1-- se eli-,et•Ioawitu;id,el.. ithy-,or •torporatta•ertiaingoni•OW. , 1Y,' •!;,,,iNaloirQiigngloir-AmtP.M4W/01'-41';'7 ''',' • , • 2•14,47t_ i./.••••, • ; ' "."41,4-,41-1..;;;:g1r41,-'3 LEGAL atE4S440A; 00VEEMPir.T.A1400/140.•g61;ieOgict: *Wtn• j.404[ 90op. These •vd. w-iil..1441=-67elateviiiii- • • •Tie.l.iieoLLyik.i,4 tei3 .er :,,,..:2.;..,xot .'•,0,,,,!e,§8:r„?.0,,),4-F...,- , . , .-- • • • - • 7tind i l'itiekiiOw that i,}xfdilr.e'ettily. tiwie,6e,s .orta.thceire t.wh.ile then there is hot one case sv tc .4 a;:dlEi..y went tobeen r .... n . .,, oiesley Saturday, taking in C __. ,,,,,,,•;,,10•41d,,,,m,ilsokopleet4,,,-*44,441;,, ' the oucrt 4.?..,,,,-.iiiiin*ellar00,-,,i.,,,, ..,,,,pAr.v....ttne.,4,2... s' •.....-..........344.%,11*..0-..•#-, • • •---,:•-•••...- - .-,,,,.....,..codet _.. .4.i1,-yvp.00.01-,a , • ! .ey : - .,.. ,,,,,... „, • Abta:uill,e,,194.44,0meh-speels409.1,...41-mal4-1.-_,„,„_,Ha• •4:' ..,B"eadmo.:=487-fitiSlikti-n7this-Ve-etio14,..m-7, ,eit,-or•-.14i:•-*11194-.1.MAO•netts4-esw-w1-0.1. ,,,,: ilalUg:.the roots k arm ..,.. e,rs,,, have slack ,, . ,,,. . , .. a 61Ti4Onii0ited With7it-'- '77'• '' ' ''' ''''''..! ' ,.....rouri,s04.[414,-Tm• ., . ,, .. -...,, 2; rig. poSitiorr is 'i,eoil,.e4, 19 pots, pot , ine . , . . . all looking 9 .-, '' .1.. ...:. ...• teralso,,,,gnotes,--.'13i10.- Ili insertion and 5 conts.perlineler •Ranil•P;iligt. -414,46...i.lif .N.,,....ipv•-r , A osp•.: Ay ko go. h 1 't ' their', :-• adycytisejapats,c,onnt*mpT,t4T0,,::l ,' l'ilkk!.,13 g ,•et):0;:iiI.,,,fol,,ii.,,,iiliiiji.,...,,§d. ,•11-1,4.4,0,:sl.i.w.,:.,0,:yei..a,,,:yel::rr-clifir.1 ..„eql.,0,1.1.,..f.Aibri.-4ivpb4,1,„likdoioe.a.t#4-113:1A"... -..t.":--,.., .,..r..yr; ,. . m ..;.1x.r. ;ire St ri6S. Ainifi7.q4oe: Ofili,a 'pait --.,!'•.Aire•rieN•i .',3'-ivi..ies.4:,404;p1,7nts -104_Pr.i. ., . h. , -. : ,.... - - ,, 4, ',-.:'/:f7,-r,, i' , ,-1,inp4•ession-..than irleii :Citiote,-s, ,,,',c,, ,, . hea'cling tii, 'parti,es;0.4400#03., istyniknic i 0 ,at ihis;c000;,41,04Lits,A9 ,,' ,,p;„ea-Mtp„nS ,_,L,,L„v'• ."-- 4,,,.....;46..41„,.... - •.;_,-•••••, ''''„,„ta',•_,,,, • ':reea • 874 O. ,, aSti••• tliO, '''24 a• •,'Ivir•• ' ' [ ' IV '-'14,''-i,st,:43 L'''' -f.747- ' 'And: .1says''''iliat intow,claitgotAiv-Vric4iiti410--inser,..19-.. in, , , .,„„,,„,„. , ,.• ' t1„414,494,-,' •I'v;'?'•`.-,'',''.' ..ther,ill„nn.111iigi440 -does:. not...,..1ens ,:eithcr„paiitio§'',10,aitf$,Odta-v**--W-AMAPhirt• - - 7- '-,-4-7f„-11H..)'s ain..iettir lg40-tOnns gi•sinida, ...,-.. L._.::i....;-k Charge of,4.per,tosertio7if; q4o,cs.p,o-..,,,,..,__R-, •,,,, ..a a,a6rs"; s oit-for the. awn 'er.,."4•Iinvonewis ,rVe,'..o.m4JM.48.is:..tr:?_guotie--te,c-arae;a04.,,, tionof gib xn1stiAlP '''1.10)*uineg-rox,i,, ri.-47 in Mike' ths-9..,.(..ii,iii.',2.901:5i'roll'6";v--. ,,Q. ntt6lit,i*.ri,..„7._:ITi7;, 441141,::._ii140 siiwipm " -OtinStiitait6..aaint,14:4140.4*". FPVf' f . . ;,. ' lrea' :—TenilisLis,--,a,good-,-,•f4ir "77iffies'OP6n the'persantreeAt' 44.6eiiie;altaninanaveitiOamoutoRwifioi.••iiiiL • ,l),. . .• - ., . 'r .,,, R', ly CnVieted.'Wenrcl"P':-,..grpa',:rst!gl.4eP-,e.ti, in.,...doeiu ottgietnalifa_ephilati' §.;. r'''.9.1.w.tht;c1f-,t07.80,-PY1)94'..g"29,.liact-their4)egqilers-4epciived-ttiefoptcp,_,,, ..',...• alselay-aavertiOrr-freentVP0OPr'ila,Mit,43:- ••,bs-dri,4)04-46e-tiY De.-4.aiike,if7:bilacle,,,•-•-in %Le- ---i .---; - , ,--7,_:•„;,-____,,,,,_,„_.-,47-,,,-4,',-*,,..4-., , xippogitiori 4K,20,4XertiOtAtaii1407P-4 ,0-1•1VH9*-f, 41a;VabilfaiiJ7--71 - Ogle/ --a claJOy''VO,11.1 i... •:.: we lioice also- t , 4 , r. , years 1 . e .51-=------- ---- :": 7 's ''''R."- --•-• -7-*'''' ii, '--.-M • .A.' i' t 'a at 1inb-477.767...all'ifithets -.:..e xaept-bY,Speefai. contract 1 , ... .... .... 19'efits per thislatter,dos not apply. o so ves, adveneenotiees ornieotings .0i:entertainment% • ;• : • • • •resentd Minister of the GnslIa, g etc.,:as il such belhChare-rateaan ged fer,.(exeelit•nta .y1; • el.Ondon,.0.onferenAs tore.. option,of•the•publihe1,9*t7•Samo . , ••••_.....T.,,;7-4YP441•994310.§R•••iVP•'•bAcIP*-••::"W-g,--,::. • • , "-• '16.•". • •••1•4te •• • , • .'• • • . • . Fresh Stock of Films, --Packs, Dev- elopers, Papers, Tanks,----_,--Eic--,-,;tvery ng for Picture taking always on Developing 44, We_ will- do ritir - and PrIntin • rrnstron • Stare • 4 er'r7'•:'.ibt:_i71_, --' ••••". • 'White Dresses and -Eitilproideries • We have 4 very fine assdrttnent of-4.0,inch .Rnibroideries for whi(t0- , dresses, • I ho paterns aro 'new. and; the qup•lity wed; also Coten,. • Voile anci... &Ms ,i_n:tbe trade. .The dsignsre Veryttractive. • W4ite r 4;-,..-3340.:1040.0,..4t.4441.141inii to clear. at 8 lentpeLy_ra dt-wOrtl! 15' • • • Extra SOceiaLin :il.ndies' Cotton, • cents." . „ • „, • , Innalirnand5r2,14-W471',WP*V=9:iWZ°:'Prl• 7V4 ; ' • okents-A.eatipinatie-7,-k-w A Spoqielin,,Mon's Ready.made•Tweed•Surts at . oys•-•.. •_;-• =Su ; ';X;ti.,•klocuner;Tatifis,•Dar,krund Light gliaola.:-..k tli(L I ateSt • 'fats; triming -24:tin•nerr \,1* fi , • : .••• . 4*Partni etit i €41i$§-01,11ESS tt-eall4vvhilo''•tho*OQ1001iitif,1W4: ..,.• . : - see e ow' ' .- ' - ,, ' • • :cannot say, add-with-•'dlici: re-veranee to 7. ' ComniaBtairts:-Advertisementaunder this'. , , . . heading; same ratessand on same etinclt10.,.,,sals.: .., ..1he,:oolica_ww.e.. st4Tiittecis,dotypenityn.:!: : .01 hien of his cloth, we can only, write Auetien Sale 7lotices. - • • . - • ' • '• ' ' • ' • , an, linappeared.. tb sine...nf..'4hose• who Pal.' Cntii411'6t4111424141tetiiPt cents -- '-''-'-*'3'1'6-1M1*-; -41.18;41il;:c34t7:'":. °:.v" es' "14: 4; lirofeseienor -earling was, -'16-440,-filSr g473,- , . uron, • :. •• • . • beard him: it the .trial ' iri---Kincard.ine, ,., , 7 ,. . ..7. • ;-, .11r0, not kup*IOg al that time Whit Ilia', •-•-- ,,a.uatsi,.0,Axi..„.41A ._,',e',„'"-..".-,. -T,--cet,- _ '„ Mr and•Xts•--iigLnnspcnt:annhathe appeared,likeravonons..,lvo_4YTnI 3T-Iiedlee.'2"K.,,, " ' . . - • -- , .---t-.4_seglr,ing..s.,_co_ny4etton-whik_ir_a •..7M-1813 MAti.O4ulo.;...yitsited'at theL-llone:fiug.:thiiieenceftlndifenclant • ,Ii---:, .. ----L •• ' . C3:41 • • •-•.:4 , • P; • • 44'.44.w..4.4 3-, ighiest priceRa;i-cl for Butter aridga' s. , • O. •. • TitE• gAn.L'AND: RI • VER -,-,--.-. :of- her parents on, '10aday'• -.. :•: ..:•••••••• Igli., Aeajet is dcingn00640 :14entr41,*: • :... . ... _ ...____._.... .. , „ .: _ • ., . , . .,--•-: - .• --; - . ' %inert" atid 4111,_:•.,Ku ; ,of. ; Swinton . . works' of the dev4-..k.7.91e Metlinds . he (Uiii,--.:•c. nu. . rp Page , 1.) , . Park, Gray County, .c-11 e . on . iss Mire.:• d4-11i*hii 'eiiiiitlilili*11esilii5 are i- -'..44 •••''''' • . ' •: ' • . • .19M. ' • . egii_:' aPiiittilin*.be on their Way to visit spoken Of 9.8 . : •being in the ,4regular we'rk. dam, but the abnormal flood ffnv4 'of. the. Ministry, we take :it. • for • granted ',....„.ditiO4elidefieeit•hy;AhtS:-Springi's-rneas4 • .. --- - T,-.------:•------.7.;.-7-". ;, .; .... ','• . '; ,,'''' '! . -; '; that the,CleVit I -a not ' neetig: viiiih..-Ve1.. liniments demonstrated- the,,pactieal .°111,9-M 41! u•Psirik ''thelr: 'a,,r strOlikinictiOn , and there,ill-haye:to. construCticinat.theliaCk Hole. • It was • ._•: 49c.it,-,•11,12,,,,t ,.;,..„„.,:utli,,,,,..in..•_liostily." -.afferent, tseties 15.040 the itnyiessibility. of utilizing , this. ty-ver a- . wa er, s n charge.: ' • ,,.,. -,., , Pees.,powers nf,hils...Satane NojeSty will he therefore . neeeilarVtc. largely ..inerease . overthrown such • • .:•-• ' ' ' . 1- ' -, stehvrehininanOstimatesaiAarttean7. iii.:-a0n.lth$OY-,Alrirer.4.etir:ia:x.--iias4a1,1,-2;atithwilithe.ayoot". •....1,..-•pefehittg:•-.,mmwemtemeilm.; :444 ...,we. nade.U:prevde for a. • masonark 'dam; ., atiaCien. Was.... 4depted, aa, :being. the 'licird a#1.1v04•4••g;11141300t-S114daY,6101i : ivillidS:13r.OStt71,'a'let4v:tli:Niic!e%inludii'oi)jef7•.,illii; • and the 40114iif , reinforced type 'Of ..eon •-:' ihg buggy • drawn by 4,.-POrfOOttigroothed. ieheapeStancl--nacist.,,,-Ocolicanical-after • '',,§n00,;_i110_Joaciolot-.04.--horeony ,to Long °plot 'Bi...ifor-•141d• all otner.'lawe keithicin:.1)00,1per-i;e9nSiderationau49.,site-•.0.41:. „lifinsialeilhd,y.f.arietiitth;r1st:itithialocti,1:;.:1..,:iml#44;ks'pf-OityjIlito;butithe,rights uthand ing'Of leen , 41dOd'ivateri• 0 '...,,,-g ti - td*,li-iOe ' GeOittin 'Ofe'Very..eitigonshould-l-ie7ptotectektthe ---Iti a general iir74,Y.TT-it-Infty4tesitid-t6,-t-L1-.4 Y•••-.-.0. -filit9-c-a0 • enue-producing7power capacities very mile tahfe..;' Iliaeire".teostitAdh, m. ir n,- 41glIts'4-t14eTnli4"PtitY--40. w•eit..icli,7'.t46 the conditions rdatiVe :' to .devootirei.it, Inifii!tEttiirioledi..1111ito .Msjoritt In regard to the Local Option :-. • incire••thifaora,ble,liS the loi Watei•pOverT-•• ' - -= • ., °In- , drivestowit town and secures 'the... ril-T,.,„,wBy-law, e ': have'Ril46413 d4 : . f: ikbut' tNi' ' e having : iiare' ' 11 1. i 4°41 ei 116i1 at-the-Blak. Itele-coulti-, net went be • . conditiOnS are such as to make the rev... -tany-r-of:iirgoldenhiired;'dalusel tor, a•-teu: pp6 0tr ..home pUnishing any person until it has been mile drivel 4t0.84 'proven, ' without ..n• doubt, •ihat he ie.' s--E-411,,:ihil.p4-116-d*idiiikip, divouoh. aisireivw.6;2.,,tylis4sitt:biA0,hritetp!tevde,L‘seculluti.;;.,iif, guilty,:betli'in iiitent and:''aCtiOn; and 7-. as -to --call for an abnorniallY heavy' •capt everyone Who IS' charged With a violation ta4. eXPenchture:for.dit acinottuctinnand.. :i Write.any more . X will 'haeto, invent Of thiab1*,shoUld,have the.'saine chance pernianentwerks.';.' The annual cost ot it; and 411 the 1,raditithi$:01 our race non,- that lin Would' have if :;cliage4 ' with •k ,'. genetated•i)evvei-is theiefkre-affeetedAky.4..demn*preVricatioa, ' ' ' --.7• : :violatlUU161--sy-Utli6i,', •" ' .. ••• reasairott104,4tlutt,•tlietteA--04roLin•, . . • " POwergettered at low' ' Siges-..OT.116.4e -.` , ... . .. A number: et .-..eilzens '0*,blieve . in must-be-7-cever'-arlreavy. # AGGEDOUT"• 'WOMEN capital charges and Maintenance .coats ••: • •• ' •• . '''' ' '. . . • • .• • • • aOsing 'outOf thenecessity for 'handling , ,,p .abuerniar flo0:_clischarge.: ' ' . ' •' • • Two esthriates• of thenbet of devlp-, :..' •. '" 41444 't • t7;,,4V k•44ko", ••••• •• • '17', • • 41! XF,iirr(r7,-„ • ' • ,,t,•• titx •Avaidiryt)% , 1 •. • - NAG/ 14. • PrItERE,ts. notjung about the home more beautiful or that , adds more to ,your satisfaction and plasure :than well keptlawri." The thng- most necessary for , ths:is good lawn mower.' The lavtfn'i left sinooth and even ,and ',the weeds cannot grow.:.- Our lawn vowers make,the' work • ?.Plea*Irera.thgeVial_4. task. .Thy_haVeall provements run easily and smoothly aad are durable;; • . , • ' 6 '," • • .• • •• • tAguitit,e; --11fonday.-28th.:_ -2071114,rid. • 7 Ment- at the. Vaelr.41Ole has been. Madei &eft* t,Oticili.P,,:and til6 for' 6,900 h., n installed capacity: The V),00 13. natiniate,rePresentS-the•. cost, Of ;develop ing.th• BlacklEfole site, as an independ- ent source Of power, to the limit of • d- Pencluble 19. hour capacity. ;The R"....kievphi_;:4.'e•eitii:ttaiinfect&iohpirioVoi.fw417,repts69i!silvtpppl,ulys7iuinoxsgt;_ti:heryd4, take-Vinol, and it .;:adoonit6407get_oat7t_, wwer,te,.,•:•thnaq•#ga-itEoA:-':::::--'' • L''L'::o_i:Fdr_T,ite7.Wdil;,_ NiFoiFfaoue.:Teei n g estinate7st16-WS esik 1011..Igime • andani... strong *igorous, LIJOKNOW'S NEW HARDWARE STORE - • ' • " '••• N • 7=th=7.76a erfect Blue Flame Oil Cooking Stove These stbves are quite as simple as a lamp, • abs61Uteliio danger:, Every stove guar • et anteed to give satisfactin. We have them. • 10. 7., 3, and 131.k:tiers-, ou t c tiSifig7gew: fec tiOn • 011 • • • ..• •S Oyes; ‘-a caltI LUCKNOW. insmithing and• replaii-work a specialy- • - This Letter.-- . .• rn-tiotwn • ',lagged one' wnien• who feel as though they haralr.trrgaibtkit;r1Mird 'prat by lelsS. Iticbter's experience. .-She says: •••!`,1.,Ust winter•-L-was-ComplOtel,T - run down and felt fagged out aIlthe linterWag"'ne-rvoura •Thge- .• • Robert MaAlhater -has purchased -Jas.-tunmins -left-for -Cochrane 011, -L'RerTather Winghain, Visited St4Augustinelaste.Week,,,p4 We are sorry to sttthecontinued• 1J1ttess of Ars. h The • rifle men 4-W9X9-34-104h, Will -shoot at St.i.Augustine _range.. on. •• Thursday. -- - • itel'eSinf$587';000;-611d.'rh. tOtaifilnUair and well. The Stomach trouble soon charge $45500,2 The., 6,0_00.1.;p,..,es,disapeared: and---novr-1--eat--heartlly- tnnate shows capital cost .Of $637,000,, and have. perfect digestion. I 'wish and.-4total annual chargof.01..00. tivery_Alred,.weak, nervou4s woman • It is evident from the.. above figures Could linvo•• neYar Stietit • at the pack-Rok war he. -hih,--ag,:long -Plu , , , ,.-ifii3771*-greir-iii MY' life. Ibat Odom°. so e good as tha I spent or vino. that/the annual.' cot OrgenOratek power' h D i it lyti li asthe interst and -amk-fund eoutumuk .?/fari r , Thousands • 6f- -vroinen • 'and men • e Rre 'Le 7 e ro c • • • to be an annual liabili.% the more . • whowere-•- formerly.. weak an a y ilikanae the'ilirrenifikein•Siteh,'botitinn:-• ', owe ;their present rugged health to. bus power as 'Can be ganerated under, .the,•:Wenderful..strength7•ereating effeeta: pnnclitiOnA4.inioinint7f16Nr,r10•41Aa :',•iie.Vini:' We guarantee Aritiol' to•hillit': have to: eatry:L•tho , bulk ;04_:„the,nnual. /on ' up -and ' make , yOu -strong. - .1f. cliargoagainst theclevelopent..• ' • ,' ., '. • it' doei3noti.-we' glireback your merle): • S ences Drug tore, Ltiekno*, , - ' ''• " .: Dungannon. .. . :-r- • • -,.. ... • •:. • .,. - .. . • . • • .÷..;,•TuesclaYMay4-17.. B�.—On Monday, ay 004.1tre: Thoma Park, 'a, "aori'.- •-• • • BOU0n. Friday, Miqes.s• to Mr. a0.1Vii.' el" Ryan, # datighler.•:' • James of Elora, -i visiting his brother4n4s,W, JaMee Davidson. • • " .1Mik••Daisi.••Ryan,:::••61: 'Port • Gredit,• spent ttivire'Day at her home here. are glad to repot that -Mrs. Medd recovering froni--; 'her ,i:eceht- severe illness. • • • s• • • Iley.M:edd,.. of: the CetrAlThisiess., si)eiiFtte; da:ys at • hoiie here: • .•-• • ; • • • • Miii Le,tus eibsop,' Ebenezat • itd her friend Mis- Margaret Medd, e guarantee everyone t� ' give perfect satsfaotion' "Vhen-nnak,A;snan,117.expesuieanara„banti,411.....11M4PC....-..,_ ears to corn, you Ounnu afford to boutit • • 1 '• A nunther fiotn -here tnded the • striper! Ettld concert at Nile On Mdiklay • t • ttckii_oevr•4•1rdware-f-., -Thc , • ' evening,All re ert a god tirne. Pordyce Agents for Paint. . . • e4 4 27, Miss Ailda Eqle is at present sit- rng tinder the parental root • John Virebster has arriVed hartieagairi trip t Xew -Ontario, • —;--Nomez, ' IINCORPORATtD te55 Th lOt PrIOGOZSS FOIL • 1906 . .7 ".",:":74',:•"',1=7.-•:;',7.'",$'3;0-(.30;60.0., • , .. 0;0000. , • .• , Loitcts ANU INVESTJOINTS., 4 $27457 • •o!)st:A '4444. 44•o• ,$;33,00dy162,1 few frern armind °lir burg, spent a ' rsodial 'evening on the 9th Con lalit• weeli -- • :. •:'• Mr. and Mrs: Brolner, 4 -Toronto :1'" ---- " 7 '•. • • • • aft atpm's-era irlsitiwg at Jones" •DoW' . PAVE YEArk. . (r a while; •*, : 1 'Mr. arid M. born•ge ilairldri Jr, Ara • , , loil viaitlue,at Alfred 14.tylor's, itb Seaforth'' 6 c ' ,;606666. ._,...,_,,,.,,o" tlays,, , ,,,,,;,,,,;;,,„,,,..,„,‘,,, .,,.,,,_•_,..„.„ „„,, Mra, belie cSimpson; 'Of pdlgritye, ia‘ at $4,.fl00000• . : 1.1.di11n • • .. .4pists 64 ,:31. 1. . r . 4 l• III (r N% II', ;ter. ;10054,861: :, . gfallthidtiler' Mrs' .161":IieCA‘e" ' • : Mark AlASti'dlig 0 pent. Sunday in $487.,S'84., Winghan. Ile •carefu, Mark, that Your , . • new driver ' doesn't talcb. -you too far ' Has -83 Bratielies iniCanda,. did Agents and •Corrsp9nde,ut f min home, ., . .• in all, theyriticipal.Olties in. theWOrld,,- , .4 -: :. - Mr aid ;u:Si•is, rfarrY NrAll4er ,, * ° azikignAL DANNI,NO DOSINESS letttisActtu;• oofrlie,it.e;c1 an4 atiSt..,4Pleu thir sOni o n, vsi e hill A A N ft. E A-. It M T One of fylin a eattle.'broke • leg one day lad Week by getting into a • ttaftBranche Znteres owdjghost currnt ra,. iiie itithe 1'64 SO 14 Shpts do. * 141.1CAtiolit"f DRAt101"". tf0Atto:, • . CotLZGE • AT 'HOME Thougands cif ambitious yOurigpepie,are fast preparinglntheir own lioniesto occupy lierA'Plivt,POSitiOnns_stenoktaphrs,; Aceeperg,telekrap_liersieirii servnts; in fact sph every ere of Daftness Activities. 'YOu. may tinish•atc011oge U yOu o wish:. -Poi-- tins gfiaratfeod... Enter ollege any ,day,, iiistactio, ItxPert 'teachers, Thirty years" oxperiffee, . Largest trainers in CanatItt,.. ' geren. concis. Special oursc or teachers', .iffiliated with Commercial' 411-hcaterEi',' Asstiatin Of Canada. • S:funnier Sohool at, flainittitS.SnittOn BusineSS College., tainson. • • • , VVinghtititBSfSiii5 Cqllege • Spotton, , • W. 7`c Morse, • • President.. • .. Principal -• • tspetnuteli con rAcs in all Bustricas gablts' lead-. ing to posit ions Bold:Opera Stetb, ographers and fat' CIVIL •Serr de and COrnfri4u,cifil annonationa v411 Tie c•Ondifil 'cif in SlatWW.37choo1s, To- ronto: Catr hlal Busines college 1 . with coat y Branch Seheels) kern,: .1ny 31•11... to August nith, this year. &lido) ts easy on11111lnl ti rue for general co, -es. No vacations. Write W. IL -STIAW . President, for catalogue. 391 rroono, /C.7'd•-• Yr." I k• , ES"r.:•6' Rest practial training: in schobl Ontario. Three (ietirtaletis C4n-3: Shorthand. Mid Tele- graphy.- Mr,cOUtieff are Ahorotigh and practical. Teacher§ are tborougli and praetleal.'••Teacialul; are eper- tened and •graduates are placed positions.. We wire tivill/rdnal ing and ettdent• nay enter at any tl_tne.. • • .; • • • , f?„,641411c1,4410:4yiN4t:17 ,4 0 :thorawkArfalittho„tecently.,,went 4nder: an operation in Wingham liospit4 al is improving. Mr...Land Mr. X.: Walsh and. ,.Miss Magee •• of Torrito. are yisiting the former' parents,. Mr. • and M. .1Ohn Walsh. I WiUiam Dronhy ;Su. tesident.of this place .died on May. 14th " The ftineril whieh took place on the follow - IQ.... Friday. .was very lrgliatitended: Kintail -7•Monday, " MbuissrgE.th!l Taylor -spent lastNleekin liar Miss Annie' ileGregor visited' jrkcn: in Blyth last week. ' •" M. Dineen made a few business trips to Ripley last week. , • • 2...TomSueglass took th"Belle of our hurg to ctil•cli Sunday evening. Misa11. Griffin, Of the 0 0.1.,Spent thte hOltday under the Parental roof, 4 • ' Mr. pigma0, cif London, visitedat the home of Jamee Griffin last vyeek. • Jim Wallace arid "yoing' -lady looked ' . very swell in his auto auto . Wednesday aftermiss Rose ORilley who, 14' teaching school near Iliveradale; visited at:, hMenthly meeting of the Women's Miss Lily McKay on lune 3rd. • •• toined M. bineen d Sunchiy iht. • good. Arnonnnold • boys l ". • • Mrs. Allin andhildren,. of Oamlachle, • hiVe•rtiirned home after 'visiting -the forames parents,- Mr and Mrs, 'D. "M-, Leod. , .1. "4„ -•••••'.• • • ••';',.°•%;-• „,... • WAV .SYstTE M . . it.OMSEEKERS'' EXCURSIONS, • To taSktcliewEiti, Alberta, •• 1S61t4tlesditytirlifi0eteber23.-fiticittelYS• • aeibleago or •• tvimxiiiuo• itt41): UtiVitiNTOR:14144151tIntril$p ropOrtfOnate 1�wrt� other poi zi Return limit tWe!innith. . - . • • • Through '111,1111501010tiel8t $eejilitif etre are 0#00d to Wllletpeg without change Via cagoffld••St.'Pid,,-'ktin.g. tondo :ititio' 011 ' • Ilificete. alsoO• ti Sale via. Aatilla 'and • Nrifi1eti--11tivigatiOn .coapan•y, .• ‘• • • Vu)lPtittleniars and.' orand Truk, Agents, �t• Witte ,t.• Herr:fog,. AUnl�ti ftift Troti•i Pit00 1 o AIKAt- • As in previousyears will- , excel n q _ . - You have tried the rest •Now trY the best. . • Treleaven Bios:, mailissmorisiosmixo• • • . ' 7) 'K'( ' , ,..,, 'Mired by thei'.Nisw. filet Oa I..emem ,,,.,,...„...„„,,..,.;.,,,,_,_., ., . Jr • 140NAMS OR otioiostgED wttiour•vReprot 'cNS- ive , . . ., • NERVOUS DEBILITY ' ThOuSsu , ung and m g men arelatirmaily Swept to a premature grait , .. •, thruh golitladhitottioni; Extest ii aniPtIcrod measew-it yoii hare any �f •th01614-- '•i;:ki,tvIngsy4iptOtig 'consult10 before itist03 late • 'As Yeti net -iron§ and w6alki'dnatfaii debt, atjaklotititY4 speckg before the Oyes, Wita dark. circles finder them, *oak lxtelrf ,Akidtieytiriitttble. paipitation a the heart, basliffi4 dreatag and loSgea sediment, .in urine., p;1irip1ei On the face, 'oyeg sunk -e, hellos* clieckk eareWern expression, poor memory-, lifelesdlittiistfill, Itick,energY and strength, tired Merninge, ;•estlegg nights, Changeable iii6604 Weak inanhood,, premature deay, bone' AMS; hair2� 'Sore' 'throat, etC. • . Y 0 U WI LII., ....11 E. .A..!' ,WREOIt•I '..• ',- .. • Our OW ethod TreAtMont can cure yea and ina ea inaikor rid, • 'trn er.iinflu-, .;•.einicothebala'bectinieS•acEire;31fobloO5lintct iffe7g6that'allpinapleS4 bloteheaand filbert; '....dtaaapear; tlid,nerves.4dOitte strong aitieet, sa that, nervousness' haSiirtiliies§ and dos. :'• pendency •reid6hheeYOr'lleditititofibileiktliofitce full and dear, enery,:mtnynste the-',, b�4 ad thhiOra4hketetit.iitiak5exiiagyeteitig.are'lfitintatti;lill-drairis cease—n� •:*-orOffalTivastattoni the SYStena, • Don't let (plank* 'and -fakir:51.ot* .yon, of ' *jig" hard ; , .' • b ' EVAttirtlillid PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL i; . .. e9471i106natte )1V4' will Cite ',you et no pay , .' ,.,:, , , ..' • • ' ' '1 ' ' . , .,, *at. ' D '#"01441M tit' la* thOtte ,, 64,6-filsr9--iz,'w1116foriqrhoA11.1f.'oplziloii• Preer'''' of—tiNirge' - - •,; • 4 •.'11-0.6161t1ii 0,04i;iihtitriiitii”,::(PlifEitt4f,ed•; en Secret nio.,Aiei a mat, ..4411/10:1160 LIST ' !ok, nords.trEArrivitiv-7... SENT ON REQUEST Igan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroiti Mick All letters from CanicTS mustbe addrea to oar Canadian Corrpitdencc bepat „ motif in Witasor, �tit If yen desire to ee Us Ptaoial1y call at•Mir Medical ineutute in Detroit as We see end treat &it' Windsor od4te wbieb are for CortesPolidenee 'and *1-anr4101ki Catadiaabaalaeall 'only 4.ddreso all'letters 'as follotlia t' leas to, 00 0, •• • • ' • ' .-"a•••4,1",":"• • •••••••"."•••1,