The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-05-01, Page 87 'WRI, 77 x 7 7, ITV1111� z "M 7 n cc CARE, OF REAL LACE. A 0 Aulob og T) How To Aean'Thpse R rel ra 1) tq: 0 M,me YU., ;,,—ThcsdaY A axid-AndreN�, of Zion, preached in Aitt"',the author u,ftutiolls E.'reneb 4c- i Without InjYrY;­­-.­ wow, Arrialva-U.-Or trw3s. lt r � B;uae- itle d on un ay. valqev, our, 066setna or, wc$. -iiffiong their treasures pickee '�f rpa I 4 ila- -�-who, It I There. are Wally .,W()mep: wj�o posse" G NO' ing his.'vers"Itility. in'the strep't.- 'its - - 1weri arot.A r.,Zvf,(�w (hyS, fixinq�� up 10� Y ace W le -v -beeome-so sailed that - 11 ­.­­ e 06d§ ­o-k1rts.,--­`W for 'i things aronri, I jilehi,et6ry, A� riew Dolter, on. one occals.101, he. �qaid� - You J111A. they do, not. know what to do with whit a, ininute., Ju A,goo, many women.�, �,h�s bee� sp ,and I'll make. t 4 P, , bl�tje,4 and ��e are'looldug them. Of P(*,rs d' --74� -1 t, If "" , I - 118 �" " 1: 141h17 . ­-�­­- - ­­�'- —­­­ 11 1 -6e�.bxow' ike -ill,jio'64 �e, W&C, to "the "ee - I-. A VIE E ft � 't 0 pave, bg 4that it 9h6*s, �that it is reit, Qir... ohe( se ti and,, wJth lien,d,I)entback. bunch- #r4a-tjj , d ni Aclils�, Nvie Arfp S- A, hg�rs who scorped., the or,, ut. !�; a. n WnTI uir�!PiL;� 5 ot ner KT of wearing, ur t ed.pp shoulders,'plache 0, reatures, Wit& 'idea 144i6ps,of UAI'y �sqr , ii ng,pltg�Ojisly wid t0tteiing- gpit. lie would "lave' 5ielly a9tonishe&!a,: sh k, 2st H0611S -&t,kegi fi 4 hearin d oL his wmk we have 'etie it a latge,�cok Wi d v"� wri(ild.nbt ash. e ear hiad sitiodeply beeonje-an old m 1"�Y I us; �tne,amorp ic of �,E� adi e clirts A] -in- --Aay qiiA t: wAi shed Alleil q opt, wuU dw"h 6ur,imitations,- but, as they J) 30th X V o -Dres§es�. dti6sd-`-1* 9n g 11 biisy­ seeding. eli-tbttered, to the� ',-Unen�,� Vestmixs - B ed--' tfie farmeA- "a paveinen d :Ww.a*S.,`tgDok., infinite, pain h thei r- 84 ling.. cK 6�of thezvoa,& fia*�.trcmb A `P1.1 111att- . ........ i t'.-', -S Kv P A, j: V; lb 0 W! cu ci 4� ",i"- 6�s,;u"6-4 k;4L. Am ."W--1 -0,6 MJ6 �. I -6=4-6 I j; lage coiriiig' t 'e"d b -Y-Wid- --6b[ s of -D s G d I fusion, g, , ad �4u care nieet�,nafte�rn eW ArtiVAI rp i. Qo.. s 'Pto.". Air, McTnto�q iq T 9 EX0011, )I wwtA �Fqllt,4- this a frall con - 4'. niped 4*' EL endegvorttd o t 09 a o on grua rp 8 *fa ti;,. imw be uJi-w j rx ,ne es., Mul m SO, ditibn -that, jtwoUj'dL i4e , at g- -irki'49, ph 4, be, sontt6 a- good I $ee -our jkos d 064Y -Miss Ne ljo 'Rrq�lc w.as ov t ' homie*, `!iand. it When a- little work- �glvl �cb ­- tempt -to clean I at - x ars �Ui D, e partmon t ly'' help*�O,-,-�jut,- T per% $5 iotia P le4 Any riderstand �-h,o R wl-to,,do, AC. '42Y wy -who- 10ould-42 alp Alma M­1-1�4izftffiftWh -.02 Re siaje�ly. .,Coihe,1hToi,1.gh fhe Qrd6Ul­'qU Misg2lizab h jjUjlj �r�j smnt.-th -,turned, �head et orf over ee atter-,, which, ... ... ....... ne. pirone, ed -s v�rh. 1pes,r, ma e tan. D "Vi :Th6 beit-rdan, if the l4ce 4itd 'Caps, it. �!Jtu , u3e HA d iol:iby -n E' rfit' tg�i hdri&' th soiled,,',ii. to: dry cle" press, )r�)ug, week-end,,'�t' orne. qny lsaa6, Hil n� h', tming, for.: girl, ii,ild . w bj6w, npd left her slm'ply� ppr,&, aphthi�oit-".y, spiritijfq oiigh­,-,.tW.91 f I Yo�ani Me L 11 f , , that"'.renowfiedii$i 1�Qbk� Shim-, �Iet is been, t K %j,- t8fid 6- t I Iii o, T�, bi Fog d ng, pri [A 4-11 d A g 0Y VA peur -9xxggDo§j. t _Al , " L t-,w�e :Tlra --u'. - '6 of �`�U�s a4d invit �11 I i � " Soda �'-�-ndT�e �cq "M Few daysthisw 6re 4�8 060 11. e 'rog;6 '- -- I— - ­-, -7­7�1,77�7t�-AYX �`N? . an '.dpey y -,4.J -0 W,411(1 Atlm---Q.�'J%cke "4 "1 - - , ­­'. --l'... -critica inspec ion: no jratt�e -UW. .as 'or "M illor� wuitg�a -at 'kiii.-Jo U L a *hite -M soul Mo kpkp,� j eno a Ab�t gibseft&-Ah W, -7-V 11- r 04 Ll L*� —11 A- .1 r jPg" tne r4s-4round­again-af 6 Etttack-�of-*-slu I r, sbed-but-bi-A ace pf, an t was I f) Pr a Ar r -kas Sold his-far'in-Lte, i -only, wh�en tlle� t'ol #ept fle# the,,. sja� part� gy J1, lit- P-1 .,farm of" . . I ... - . . �, 1., 1, , . , , I. I I I ­,�-�­ ­� -- t t:, " W or Wt-, urt; vm-Y sorry -r, 9 betwOenjwo -in Urn lose. 09PI ev in' ­Siop the 6us, for,,the,,b-,, Ue f:Aub iind' B�ys in'13 Sbr Ta he. ays. T en serve t j,,prgD­dgDr. W e, d ley �919 y16 or,",,ob, h t a f6i-' fiv h lue g a an nice pattern -we T1 Mr. and.MrA. r, and, fad)ily frouL Ye are . qualit nc oud'uctor�4o rji at 0 o q , e wder.,. . ., ., ­ . 1, 03 ,-cokkQct in, st�le,;': d lmk,4' 6 t th al o d uductor.�o ed,,L. Ispara neatly t� z Al�opt,% and our lnl A - 'Prices reitspri able, cha 7 y with �'it.. sing. boy�.�but­i�eelo� that.'h o Was h- 9 Ug, FirlipNe'ps of ornbardy...., be A.Dasselijk6r,.' and. 9toDDed the 6us. di 7-77-' -7he-7a d-, I riallZ4,111 6xilbardy,41fere. eXr heir. al- ­�-Tuesday,'April 29th.� , 7 w en. t,ie!kboy,.p4n;te A �"Whb are in biDrs bi- whldh "I th' kind of N isti a, Wdst edriqui barld, i1i"tho, as AME, ON lisi *iafiureia: ilaines �isitii d at, W. you.. catlin1-*1sbfver?111 tif r, sanie: + A eu :.Cha iWA-6ii - an&�� Aiiio it, kilg6w.n ,as the -y 9*fthL,,,0 rn o., ti��Thlg­ I. -:;10- -USS�713o�yle-i dv�th- AC and'is construcV -m7 e pr, Nra" "il -the er�,tu know AS Jos Ph� C ney'for the"seedi t n4rat `ilgre- moth pan pipes Id r ham Ing., , , s' e ed of'keeds fdstengkd side :by� si, e Y -seveiifl '� MiDt: -M-rs -8 "-Phillipg ',who was -laid U I Sles, as, Penn 1: - . ­, �,* , .:,. " P as Pea being o en, long, whijo,��t A16 eflu ix. 4,!-G,I asgapol ....... Week, q d duill Arqu k Y� dioaie� ind --giie.- The Uotl­ Q0me:­C -th e. B 111- 0: "Ile& ­ii h t eir,­jn;m�--:­ .,of the Itru -arf!,, aS._a 5- 0, - t of, gtrilcin �L­ _9.pj2 � an ited­ it g. example -.-value bf*: T t-- 'heYL SYv ellesis h9jol -music, and, I!Oarn thbir - unes, ea: d RIDE R A-EINTT 4, and. are g-Uatali- -h6r-'ecitisia. W Nik,6u, 'vis solufeliv,� Fordy "list Neart­��oft��'-;i.. in a A SWAV 'k by A �Ydmai -go frq__�_ -- ggainaphone. t was left to support" bers6lf aild'ber" n eve )VM ftn(I'loloalit 9.. lt.� ­ �, y to ride. and glegrionsi HYS LOP: 't- -;tee in rd and i1s: said - -that the! pan pipe players SPECIA -11-bidy.Ole fuinfis4edl by -'and, fitted i with 'coaster biakb� rollei, iagai­s .6 inar �brea'k�:ge. U-se--onl Xr.AcP-.,MePheirionL- r , ­% I . I ! - at lglle,� extension hitudlebar. awidi,od(erdeadjug -tea., -g 3 y -If- th �Jif to- - ��ms 1�i A ind wh :,bwa ever haiii any Mi reemeoll applig, Sao ouple of es. Good mokeyLean' be.made selling our bicycles",' tires aild sundries. cation after':, _A,;Jaaj are -speudih�. a: c 6f Xi busband. III d -c-h due, tib.-thair b a L k Nvi h -�.o Rob i produetioii, tog VC �,her.'.rn'6ther,' M 10 ert PeFT _4aq -tkoptisand energetie�.-.bloi r e6or-with f uilainj .jj �Haines.­ _L1—eQMP tal ri o ars at -year,: 6- it- bad- 'alft--bee'n- Wag'g'in"g` bif-theh i0--TIiii ff.v _j0ositi ..'T de. 0 0�., �& �' . I -d"'I'li . - ead, to and'I eri IjaetoryLto _Cajrigjk and �7 user-At'LOWEST PRICE.S. T pe't, 6 gA­- -jjh 'the=*& -oil, 4 , Atec -e al d Aft#r . j�alth ourious hurch, at re- -�tjle 'Wif fie Went: to &.. Atr firi is not' uppleasi Y91:i'TRIAL we *11 'send a wheei,to anyadl.. 'ays? trial. 'It,,Mll n6f-eiist you one. contif jQu do notdesire,tojree T firm with Whieft'L had PE -ft -6f, of -e b0n; World agaz4nei. allow,10 d C Ahe�r, - 48hn�W%S. atterthat thue. Could not afford to IuaKojjjLj,*j o er. If we, were not which dest ypo,6y the'wind �torm. cerM rp our v.hep14 ape�.t4q beStLVA ue.for t4e,:nioney 9n tqe Warket, e. was -as ik�­ W. t �U` in�--i��ATAA -46 77bid-��u'ev�-f traetive iii6w.,0116p ind speci4l prim. -]Y(5th,- gui -alf y -in jest sh ---�Iie­ h b" -their new �-w 516-1-flis erepto -re Q� 6, e could -a`4d: r esents-?­ -Some; eljjidlfiq��iljf­ t,, W poi e note,7.... 0 LL er�sitjrp.Fisi� 'r ln�­ I Y1 S IF OP OTHEHS,��­LIWTM, RR write. W e a ut-them-b V -s e ---.w 'Wor(L" th-, _4 a-given-by-%li-e-Par S--Ex- YK-or thei.* -'wh'S. On �ie-23.9& W 4 N. 1) V I tT R, -A A,11�! 14-06r; Ore*ents: 4niay 'be hired for the, 6eca- PnPgDr whQ answerlui W -of sde rhich z declares- that', weddid SPHUTER-A, L' - -, NT - 0; Y- In 9 nee4l MiTi, Neiitl0a u4nip of is advertisinl4at, It qion.-.`�Tbe* --other" hoL-iS­.K 'some A- to;,,A d 'One, who could: -sitswer -e -brave show f6i S mak 1­�fescnti at 'her 00 ­dtiught �7 has -only tio"'go col USA ei' oddifig in the op �8 U . . 16-6t-siglj:ah�fii d-hitai gR -ANIF "I A-4. of Was Xetflin-, -ie aleri, U RON W. E W stbres era --s -sUp -,7q jr- -a complete -.'set -of - ere K b3. ver4i ejd The goods -q(l. 7i pres -chlld�-Igy�wvitjug- pbIjtj'- -efaA.s- y., e , Ir .7 V�-Della,.F. patrieL- �-berqqjr-.kad, her - man, ungA.0non is lqsipg"�640 of, L d victed in imOw Sr. IV.. L9tt with-.6,�L 'a- wk,-x;or.rnle Thomnsoll. shbpmaii dis d - a; r -.i pe d -butt' --flimiK6 injhe-4i�ir -it W. W1 W -f -p the. I s ton,'Gord6ii­QAm6roaj fflamiiiy- Wr g3 �6,. ph idds-that W ny, 'Di. -U" -Bice dii 4�-gh-�,� �2`sFton�-J��- 4WAki.:- X.11�n-W= . I A Ahe-�Joiiral`L -------- Few o n ran ptly ncou 49 to FaLuny.,, couple,.ndt, yo -ver, Wherd,. they Will. ti 1, ter�-Ao,� Va ow Rome Doctor (];on' otly siiys �. #t 8140 Ing ha rt6. fiLik' e Abie Sm�tlib k i1i , d t .'% APAU1 thPir h Ing) i�i "f'lltur.o._ ..A WrA-LXj91ftT-0,N cl�, I d c6 =ng, gx of iewe ex at . ri�k', �.Illl . - Ire' 'n wl re F '§j�,,peb of the Worse e eu on uiu: i h"WrL tho Peo.o.je 11.1 , A" t fi� *t�'':' . 11 and dauk ad a I k, e I -..t,) Durnin, V on, . jifa PIP io do6 V. U n,- -kiw -in. so Wmin - 1: ter -than -ft�ffic-, C 4, of '--scrappers' the ffarvey,WsbAer. - A, erg If n thel '4 ooaL, 6mok Who r ei h V-�dilihj -Cetebr�iioiis. su&agjSL�Li. I It . 1. '. . I , . V-*rAA--ni;Id--got-,a �­--' ji� rm has'� demon § trated. .t -e I -aflv�:Aaf 'ikhpafredtin� edefti -sip r,.­Tkp 4�bqii ror� 6d� b QN. 7v -PeOP 1n 0'-.& 81 v` ow- Ore is ries e, Din ton foil tA. taking over o wee 'kilit, jab-upo' .SMel'je L 'of 0 ara& tb'd, ''i -a a ns �xoro e witml%n tyenum Pa r: U, Wi be,rt Pdriil *eddinj le- a in no. a ji-aht 4ppareut.,�etisg5ti to' accept tdbji Ali nnection with ivilen it loca I; 40ishwan settled. b roid,�-And ctos-(� S, ��Promoted­ . I Per8la, electric E , , ;.� , " I., . . t�: - 'as� the eJtp;I6 'a 4nd to� , t r - - " - 6 r cu do,�ngf b ons,.- P14 - I r exampi 9 7. 7- 1]- ther Z Older &MO N �drp clectkib were so ,tan ii I ay n: -the delicatio r., I lOsS 116ulp6,8ii, hii-tib astiiiiis the �.Htu in of, h -their smoking during the ro r - wring - has, survived with less. th�n any 1-teir ast'0n­­.­ In X qubeh . conso't d iead,�'W,Ahe Dig oiA 6f W..fire.' lasit,te'Spitier Abvitelr! and. C6111pany, wind Y oliths. P. e says, Is a;, poW? . . I - I med in c9riagua, the priesit, tli� 'coil. The,'Adji, taking.' roled;y bhii)� at )Jint,. is,: wil- OWSL efftil'drug a L: 'to lar4e aug-htifles. witho in �o ears the eo.. se ge only. anno e consil -acting paitiiio,'b�. the JAU 6tbe r�roqf."L: L iluin- ie' soh� Sarah McIntosh B aeh6, Webst, lid c t b e Ta id. tr e Jigger, t1i iim mediate n i hborhood ­G1aYtoii­-SM.Y-thej,-G4 harlie,41-aillarn. t 0 e =r &lid x e n4ffect on tbeheat It Was he per cdilt' Pt. 11--EirligrYgidox -*to quA k"S�el Th6' f1pe 'is lighted. ana:: there,lnstrd�ts the sh ot )�;'batteir�(Y wif� 5 h A �. oo."(. Unt -con he.-" �Otet%hc Jffide-in-het�.,duties, �k-W*WighijC- =-REP 1�'j -*j Ett d'ar wall ------ W -b I% e anLftsSgQgP,a T Ic ki b w6wam in ei rc and t Boadeeiit lapparkitfy­w: ire6b�:Aoq­ I 7- 1 conclusion. nWas L d" au, oil inIpper. or the lcol.& ejug.os;: he al d- uWerstand puaib ment'L Soil -be. come' shism bride -light - o -town' J -didn't quit h ThQmpson.f , - id arn6rig�uthe'thihkj'.dr6vv. dp4a;list Idod Vesgels t s' the cvkioiw U, rdware, %k -m. 6al fj� Jr. � Pt 1--L"Lucy Thoillp Did, ne '0 of the habitual drunkards'in w I lxii� rig T_ -- th r -"L, hor� Uc n 0 the eitra sti-al A by 81110k.! n I e L Iord, 'and -ma4ter, etween It- :thnp,-W�nable j:q­g� et ::bjjfij) ce 911d E.� S. Millor, Teacher iiot-at,-gp�eser-t�6tilh6,-�Iii'diii'a�� L ssors, to ftr'die A �Wh6r! pq apiol� it b eye rhes6 w 11 be 1 e t 1n*. r I" i dodied booze,- at all th.e wit A. -copper 6b 't h k ... ..... . .. L - --------- ij y wen Ti, -11'..", L' --L.-- HITZ.; ent.­. 717 arS Lin tow.u, and-thal prohi tiai, wil L d' L' bl, '14,: an( n -he e "Wor be ow piiii d t' need w ere I is mos d � V Wjl'" t U'U'LUO apse �:Wtn H� J�E 0, j. the' S..S. i�, lk�l LD' A few Weeks','baick a'","ading, bre enforced h V. T66 Kick ff e neighbo�smho lfu rf SC6�0 it, A ERS A*H GR eL mother rupli.: er blessed with -five dau. e 8 to the w"h� to A rm- EM) �T h �e ed-tho'British Ndohi' William n'ts f asti was given by a tsubstaritial fa -Ra�o AR.6,-.- wl ba 1 1`:6fe � th e In . s Pai Jp4qwn, t o OWncy. -el t6 farniers I`Wing ad' con to,the Mur L ghteis, tb �dacross theLtootball. fl ja on ba,4n`­vbovo`they orocee� od 'to render e. A neigh- a py d gei h bo a, young farmer, who Was honored' f�rni near Gvderich dL tb oldest of �­Whola Was abrid r t 0, o1spital., r lteire'it isl pto ralte.re aid' he injur8d, '.What tidings 1i The wornAn MY she Elinor Farrish, Fred. 1.0h -V ns on'. ation, thirikiag no doabt�, posgidto hold he �rnlli Sidn d, f with'an invit 1.04,0'H(le I for wor eV erguson, Soil v, ke. Xi IV. Jean Scott that: he' oujhtl� 6 miy. squiethiig om-11 sigy.t)bd� a agreerhout,t(i piftlein. i year, hfkN'e afl.,sig,94.4 -Amanda Scott JgioBowler' Lojhe Fa r- They, trited nimn tier. Ith compal� plimentaiy upon.1he' event. 4ddreAsegi to tp,411 6fva great C S ti, 8 �n, their fa -vi(;tor.V in wn�i -the bridegroom 90, L�66040*,JJ4�ril "th' l4b 11 Imes. 1�n"VMGe, Lizzie. Drennan,-* "NY411; Y�66 see." ext4sibed th 9 ft very larg Wel -You �ha*e, ot,the Pick oi� Is Aead, maln-a-beuvrind. .�.rhe e,r . OWLJ�ng .0 batch.' J Ift ALB'Oisie L, lost, 6 Reed ta In of ilie' 01 fr6ni­-Sr. "II.. to,JrA.111.­ t. wholIx we',frigid the'llylp karried f foul b RALLS FREE Ptouioted, The faces. o the four Jim& the t,wo large ones w on rap int H A g weftii. ere, a Widi. Lond c. fouljd,abi6hii'�61 ee Latid the 'town -B flin doiking: wfjdl.�. �he: 4-- -�, ornardine. 01otiohlb� 'M gh i pt ai f g9in to urnii ..A electriq. AA �g .2 How Idari 4res �'Loixghlj 6 ... ifli her ood floon . a a erioh* is liafic- A -- 6 asoa,, -."Tllby -totd� In ­ Ap 'toa"�DL 0.1ou Til 61 d 16 agelits for. xv � T ­-�Wondv 18' lFra-irk' hpel6hardt, , arol- It e Jr. 0- iro ft ro R, I W ­r 'AL 6Ufft2-iE- --- He Solt. ,6- M—Nyty --F-r-day t i2r, MrD� AL MAN. 111 R`& PVI�RALLS firm;" on. r5a u sinall table- --gin knish t., spo , onfuf ot Wai hing . So -in -a" pal u - ------- -Eddi� J44P4on,­,.i.-Q d 4'.0' 'Ij .... ..... . tinforturuiti6.i f oir =d Ern Ide intrfj.­C. 9 PI M "They I a .1 ay L t'N ek rub lar4ntee 'r -U -Mi `.' 'W jas �e--V-e -t )at t('Jm t -'s marbgj`ejjrjd.Should not beus'6di Se -of Rivek,sdale A. ilbird day ft`� ' ':L to �' .41 .1 L lialf 'full f to Ad' ra iz­ So'ap- y6ft6Ws WitfAhani SJr 'Alton, Stephed Reiii- litfle boy' Ifj,,`aWb1dL roui. ­sai4 bits; gently 'with -a nail bjush,. ait w, i h I�Al'bertl M Our stopod­hi-� M hardt.1 caePe�. ek b c general nierchfint made A, :bAisi. &6nard 010fighlin. d - Vipe dry Y�iih' Lutomobile:,Iu the fi-opib oi. nesst kiplefoh Mond, ..aio .2 �,?nts . faiev,6 A rinse twice: 1 rlo,to -oun( �Y:A rip a church, at 1. whieh".84vio 0 e. Be all r-. ."Land,siikev xclut"'Id ornaments are ial, rip, me M, otts, s.. D. LA. Taylor SujAAye4L with ah, Iottoi *'Is thift-'661' Aifi*lttoo nall'O"Lougollfill"t-ElliIa -Drent Wey� ure..putt-back wal her di,� h te' r -IM r' s-. M S X.1)6�ket� 'C' me ing, -party ca u ord kind-, %;A For ilevet' ut tr 0*m Worni 9Ar -nts,.we*i,1l Absent, for Part oi the ftibrith- lrh� " etpectid'h' in thelr,pltii�gis, tfor-if'not a'WdiAt meo t lid - dil'McDon4l Y ey e,- was 9din' to, be r Miss Mary"'01 !in ,,of', Ch' at the -base of each may irijuke the ly offered'to 4ri�e thekii to t is vjL I goj Perfect ationdatibe �-R. Aljj6n, S. right afier. they got his -tousills cut heirhoald. ea r Is -or...-a 6a theWay' he Qol 91 e YOU. Alion KFairislis Fergu- on table .0 ni"tel, 6n.*hi,6h`,thgDyAt&nd,-' g a(,the,lit).me, . P towler, 4 Icitea ilroi A)f J, T, Oriffi, a'O�ir, of Pvt-xal S, m. o C' k, f _"d J. E�eo t4o.doilling Sea 8 )aj ofii, M. Johnston A 0. oit for IOL991 '*ad; 0 got t Z tt, h' Miss N surp� visiting at the b6f Williah, ZrcZ,,�,2, h6lb . ..... / -&6-c-to-ra -ioww �r- -P11 I I -K-bi pibi­i�t"­ Savin 6 the, Podiet&., on roIL' 3.3 t Attvilda nee, Toian]y.4p ra e A .9 1 e. c 'Vet I ippri,o, . -bet.- Rabit 6t' J op, man's Wffeis �hfs (i '�C W'.' A' 16th. --bil' 16 � ter ba�f, isn't sihglt ihe--mddi,8'ne,, Urry�in'L rL., .o ex�, to U Mr. and Mrs. -George -Colfins.on farkneir was t I Miss 664 Va goy, Teabbe�"i to 'Nayther van, sor.L.!.--'.-- hofok'OL tho-jadjo-rocentlV oL B. L to Wh i fi ney, ,were, Tommy's Vop�so­ �Ve are. Id ZgD66h, t v old afid iva riteed bv 11:4L -chaPg4t,- .'Bat it .'must have been one ..of the' -of or '01 Y, Uns, - 'Ile son. rhen ft a Wn't a A Sallivan� Of� CA thiirgig I .* , -bi U(ift an-, t -a eg� Y6. Ut wee '..td,.th Divil a bik-aor Nayth�r wnAxio"' k GODERI ekj) r t" I IS So fe�* & With biffi C, e erb,-- jatflor .411C1_81, ot r d h J� ' �Ak _h -ffl$aJA­N8 e- . -k, --�- D beeabne,. or t e its surd. It must have h ;gorratid. game -.in ',dt tt' pac R k6l)btihLij S�ra ay or,. t 'H- a -&njurnlin" X, 1� thif -Ind hi r Qtjbj�jgi wall d wa'y and' -'Th Miss Lill6n' M�Nnald­en6,rtaitod othdr,L -you- know." than ii� 4.1 ay L e'. 31 have jUto ofi64j­;-askLA1,.Ah8' eon trai ed Itib h616 on- Wa* b :Ah English -on Siturd4y ­� I '' I I . I . lip vT 16o roet Mo to snu I, me, jud:ge, titter the, fil al)� collapsed I le offla Vtirdlotr *ftn returned Miss Edith Taylor Sp6lib.'i few days The ijablic H13rary �vill .,b6 closed ill finet ti '.11 C. he; differed f roili, jq'o -.Ta. Wa m er �CuftS. 11,,�el' -The pilrefiasor, ied 61 iv and in ou I r b- al I - cc c-, 0 OV 'Bi rg A, t'w `Qh�' Satinday qJ to this. we0c, a� tlib 6,�rd into�ds digift-. 'tilgi -down a)nd lobtll)t,� over tile' he. di's Jagdfioa` their on goin�, r SoUi I _br4l M 1kil M _ ­ . -bi h t TQ warili Ov 0WWW ji, I . . . fro%h wr' 3 a y re us r n fitst bakid , dt. t4j111u*AuuL&�de. h' ithout Wetting w p ain Woedid wh Qz� 4 Pill W 'into the L ijjij)sir� I% � . . rl: (7din"g fe cd a boflot, t6r of ,the R. -kettle of aidoil Ave plent p y US lip -that .... of., W atetr 'In 'the eater b rer & 4, :Odcrieh Cpnipstny j� NTI*9164�­-Whilte'vet , e' b _ :s- tj- -k - 1) F, lfain'lin,cl�. ejtjjf�._ .. j��- ­. ­- bid t was th to theL take bid *6w A jaifng Witir the snerro- let L�tl]6 b -CW . . '� .1, , I ovine h6tha4tnd it Wa.� I . z �11 t towft,(ouht'�l to''S )Intt- NOhd: of -yours 'wfio. o4od to. havo jjL boil I& "i aten, A ul ftUgginsI� L four dayii-befo lie was enabled to-(io� 1. . I 'E.". - jjg&*' rgi Sfaidihikeld Crop Com qopp f�w �$jl,(,);QO0 t(I 0 �( a o -Wlbg, h�u . � I.. V, I L 9 � ag Soo 01 rite IRAT 1 4 96 pin& tho"y to burn? th t 'tors 0 A loderie I I e Dioltnow gti.I I ty in 6 Tho4 t, PtIA/ to onto �p". oil Cip P joG� f e ove Y. will dn'Ve' the- C�Ultlltal Society aving'decided -i S,.L, 0 lie Ste, real mpo, X�d al'ri4d'fr inestic, AU .6,16YAU Ns 14 liop Co �j�iojj jot r 6d ODE18 ]Bulgarian info: do' C, 4 A Wid6WS are t Joe Us,r ea ".!A �11, 0 iggal e� At A A. oin Porl, A�tht W thL r linerl ', - fth�d 11, -1 k. ,A. , , D .4 001 $tick trold -F, t�h,6, , fi" L t I tagslly 01 gid' Pield Q grairl ft . 'I . L� ij tLa , .. ­ ­ . , jl� o, �A­ r '' I -", ffijA ;t, tile .91 vd-, fitjilu will 4)L6 r6. APITAt.,,,I­ 1,000,00(), 6t and- they: ly, becoffio, cc -to ii:g ft&t& a 6 opti", A on Yo lin 'Se I o o, r' A 'dinpan "optfmfti�ji'eros, e., W. cinatlAied laiA Y*thoa 'y ftlJ46 the, 20tlj.,'dgy '400,000, ... . . . _"�' L'S -;j j;jjj h e P ,fillS C A MIC U16 Turrett F R%$E, A 1 41. A,. Crown iffil.f. 1jej, itilit, �66*jioj�� woks, 0 OU J.'r, nmoe0jjLg'Y6.1 of 11., 194�' ��rrivo(l with,ginin for tfie:06dd-,. a �6 - '04'�. Nnnld, Ali, ift6h, 8,6u 6t 'less - than t;o� entri� A si 000,0001 6001000 ay,. 161.1 D MOM 311, Tkulsit comy")axy b 11 Wei— will be ge� te'dr figii'kind git crop oh -64. 677,1730.. ]j.&jtV]WY �j. LjN ampton, �qohb, ba tty of tje S ot VAKOUS linv ej e only ''A j�laas i doMj) ig, t j�r ' L' I St -� - $97 67,000,;- $38�548oj, fadies . I I in .4 Y now, n - 1r, &Nb, DS 1jLucx 0* 1 A it 4 't �niii4b on is o-: fial h, ]do enterear for dotn j over a gir a 0 c - ;ofJn9utanegD,rj4'jfCdfid Afe 'a Oteit, -(fr#t4gDL-±­­­1 VVak4tdd idit �§Ingbuiej w6rd her teed, k W. of the tL6nd6 6SMit ion �jj.y ill th6 to evp�tyr., '�J(f 11 r"qeg,�P. tjjjq, See mutual, n u r . 01 village W ica ingy, JQ - - .. ., . I i. 11 tly,ruj,,,6,I. I 'the ' lbrM. D " 'It bi givei to s6hhol hot go 6 tiofi M -t` �wa ft 14 tea divi �a 3 �a' �C a a I n g-�Onts -nd Cdii�espondcn t's grea Al)(,)tA. o USv Ad' A ) F 0,0, 1e�riq -Can,' d i d A h'- ji w as af,­,."oe 13 W.; ouaid it will be to ed f of I o%#' Or," A ftroft JL "If 1, �IAIA, t 5th." $8. OQi 'in the ;nib� of, I�e 1 34 i ox.3t, Achmn ne� ,(, r, ofis gif,�.-his 4 h n6Pa1P-.l-tie81 twonf,"Mi vo kveM, pto.i- 1vt I (n, molljb,�rcd, foll6w�d '66, Mot P b, ardi, smo; lltifideod V4�6rd ot hreodfng 'than in all the d `4 1:� Y , . C ".10L in AS­*ou b U, VS, of Aedl&ht and Me% 4 ey�, Tha fir8t-p.fm Aw' Rrj)�al' (,)'Wn Y�S. M Z .1 0 , Y " gen or abic. tit the streets, throwing., oth, '!A WtIZAA ig ItUAM At 4.,bi'. , I .­. .. � MISINEO *111.4, 1 r the Lon on- MiAlufa. At tho, � ki t' f ' the IgAd AhadiAn jtb.� . . . . . . . . . . .V&�, Dqpf is tolm s of b, 106t "lit , t in A6 sooliiAif-p bodkht pu�rrl'hg'ar6uud:ifi her slght� After y.o. e en riesi Ub I'Ll'' I RqM m,nd four of, h o Adactiptl6n 9S 4 e4&d at, d.06 �Re4l lid'. b jJJrL­­- sputliltig bisi add a ri ging t , 809 'fil U r I', " L , , t% otitti lot 1)( -rm - �Avntrdd , T Alt,— N K "'D Fi A �UANO-�, -1,0N I'S A-V It] In. before 66 31ng ft, 'AL. at allBranc terest a11,.6W0,,d 6,t bi 116,4'�Cujr Nblitti W.Pte� fine ,hnd t6 judg 'Gol h 0. 'A. at rate 4o 800,fl doowo SIDD w 6ht, fie'A them " A ­1j ull tiee 03"a, 1b: high[ n, 6,61 1) t o im, r8 Do 3900 h on wIt �1 S is�.' �+J kho M N 'I, t ... I W -,Aod ; I � -.1111-1 J� �d` ,F1 Wy r Y�d T; Ow t f rof A I 7 Pp� MIA 194 1IT1M*Ft`, MA111 __ _�l 11tiIN I tj - -. "O*rl. J mtv. An AM- 4, OC 'PAM 41 p, 4 A, A ZI A A '64