The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-04-24, Page 1Ww"K P7 7 1. j? .47 777 , , ", 1,; '.1!5�,!, �­. F 3 R if 7� Ai'll, V "7 Al U -7 47 ';4 i2 nit N.'! ,tho 1914 - ba 1per­ iear,jur 4dy44qe;- V A rF , "e 7- V-1 ON, ro U c (Is n 'aa P'_PL.rV a V Yy� Of, a p 'Ai . --w lmml-,BIE - CAL AENERA L he inquibers of th6 Board 0 i9try over S NMI for q Xl��,:_'­ .1): nat& Miss Margaret McLennan roqitxn� J Mrs., rs., 0 r And 61% _4 Murray, lot 2, con 14 W's thp, s ell nin in the b ase e arch. 6on- sy-enr.:( ing`�w dest Win PAI..Poilpp took'Forin I; . and 11. luiet 4edd hen their el riad ch V_ r. Blo$6 'add Ohve� were in -,unite 1port �El�ih-thewOek iY dati4hter;:'Mary &�-w ",held -fqr�lihs out to the bush fpr,.a, botftny'le4sori last You inus�.npt, enc f 49 lo�s rialre to jA,tnpfj A. He endrick, of Loch: LAQ11 sy -Ab nie McKeeman .]I i ret�r,'ine4' iss 4en he Vdild. After ti, q iohiled by snpiety,, naiii6ly f al'sh. The �erei.lionyw.ai;p othdr ififlainniable or - V'onblistiblel in�&. r spring prograin UiSs-Jekn'M'cK.,onA&was '7P 1ett, Us Teasure; you for you liev j .,S,, j ardilaof. Hot home af t0a,monffi's visit It4 reltitives,- ter:'-'iti- the JI tringela ile�t ods� ity.. i' AM` V 11 Claik,­-'�'-N&.rcli S A py d Jast "Wed A 441". WA 0 A aKen, Py the NAbC66' Depart- -4m ediaie-fdibn tie$ sdtit6d-b�-th'd'W-F'M.-,Aiiiifiaik'.:vvifh,I thwprPs4n0e-_,,.of.tb6ir , 'in e: our i an qqiP"._qqT_ - ­­­ P­.­,.'t;§A ;"4j�, _ - _ , t, l -and -4 bride wagn"anattend.,?" .1.-!,t:7.,:, -j- ­, 11-:,1.1 . � '", "K I it q� vem— o., � A 'bb t A ­ I I *w 1 qr9pl". , I , MOW NwTt A�57�P.N -M Mgt low N, $4 ;,'Aay a ye�l I" Ag, a dWiNsuedby tne, 'tbe� f0ero 1, ,rh fdr �Dr 'effect,- and, 9% T' 0,10 -he -4 VL #44 oerW_­ ashe 1&,-a out -to c , ­ JkAuA Q jjinn; o b AySti. rid .4A S'N 71. b MI f7 0.1�1...Wjllp..: fc. U 1.9 Id 7 77T 4 VA qorri- i Z!51� �f6cnt4tion�:c . , , r,­Wllite,� '" d I 4'q P Dss'�xtifi, and iRtJ P�ar�Mis�, N K" mqiI!p,ei­3j,qf.�tn a, 'I `;H, (P -T g�qW: �we h F-5�3PIPA6.0.0 T - ..It `�! - 1. 1 __ N " il"" "N", - iYO;f6ii6d 0,-�Y(?Ur -io,, s,igI.N. a pen(l lr A ITtendig; L W,11 "PTi.P1119? Y 17 "0 a -A*,ph, -, " �i o tt d'b' w, .!W nd', �'M -�ter.-070*6�bf.M6-_ h �T,T' pr&ided-�-4 th �@ YI 1� e- th �1 ot. hi' C -on--a-c arge-o _43ating the I Y; ve -h6,-' edd oNai 7(�PtLqn vt rediouly. t w-Ifin With 4 '1 y l?"PP, eciatftq Pr- Y L� d. ave i'lls, lar66 eJl:ull 1'4.w, V 1,12c, e kill.11cers WQrL A�eiL'P' At' ;.whep%w" d to :;,as. int.erest,o Ja; 0" P.Poin S", at OY g I -Te aske I ; . . . '­ I I I - brot in QIds'; G.T41, ',gi ith X P 6 t W gra. -rned -d& er-of-�our-Ortb�- rr3.,_XA#ray­heI&a..J ut0d fi� qf Ve P, - ft ".--to-date-� ' ' (�R`P iedby., 6vvE. Av AQ-. .,�011le 'all I ' .1i L' .'' ' ' ' ' 2 7 D 6 ap 0 S e 6y ejP '.Ve light Ila 6 the:, aLlS aCM- -n wfj 1par-0-15q�,— R W,. . . f 4dant-wag about t6, prepaie- he rid -7.41-,.' fort all I" RtRd C�oy, le� all e-neN - ----- 8 it 71 engrove_4 o . -y-, all soi e Clark, MerchaptTatior, own a"'( for thediffiOilt yeit'splendi&career o a; a 'h d ki goods., f Y this.lad e op. �sufitha' A 7 S. this sulill . �2­to'wfi te4ins C. Caute,!on, as�sistanuguperintend local team a8,04,.: --examp es o. _t fittin­-.000 bride-. and- pplyiuglor Ah!_ 11 1 e e lluss '11obe.rtson-.----T 0 ei or, Wlii Fi-ve iai&w­i_tfi—gfiI6A 6ne'do east iLoss harti' §s,s:h �6s�. _ pive­huridred-�--k 1`4107�. 2 intei��tthe i0orts V �fmogresg -iii received.. iaumoious 'I) d 'costly, d. next Week. ek's reference to -the of P your La§i we I factory and' igh school 'tea ent Of 'Ho, We would lik 'h -4 and apQSr j lm�� itrfrion da. My, and!, qP§,.pFeac4ed i Jhe� Dow me Mimi ille. -child:' 4 withAelight--bbe �gifts, frqM theii 1flcu -a.1W n -t e y elfin it 10 Intion Of buyilng":,we Are sure I P. went , 'l0­ ai, St. Atigo,silpe st t I& gifnes� B tot] ja .-that -it was,� the son' of M r. 'audd -�f n. up 1-t �-th clock -train for e J- 0 M L 'th weeklyT The� odule will be draw B MI t be 7, -up�-YA -r-1-ifels-wel a Ov V lit. . qjw. ----- -- q1h �W' -'D--- This wail an, erilor­ "The +,I . k san a u , i I I . . I ", - 1- ----1.1 , �;,would ydiir. udio (I bb t'td 'tAke two e roit. ,.0 j�ic 4he'lli MAInes-sbou li'vo- Ko -C ",i-ihe, w iC -They_ AL�W jol 6,;7 t.'r aper iI.s4jflgr.­-,.- --bride, travelled- in X- brown -deloth- :t - Or I e -call T U7,06%me- -M --and ininec ",David, Dovir br oa Suit Jzrtje4hfie,�hzt I i 1 W ch-Rliowl vk Limber 't Afti 4ionibers of t ie� approac ling. is ei g 'A6 us to 'ktiow t j ''Abou I 1 0. 0. du6tion the eiiais for Irish lace:aud- large" whito.willow pluine,' 'FOR 9ALE: r i r6turn t 4_x Aig :ii apev. The r, Of, thel, rit,)*, Litakn6w.. -attehd�d­ divine ...wo I r5hip ill ewsp he, liew1p I Qf..ygur paren, h in Loc- aA ceq, - :F _I t J" 'R -in y ased.l 11 o -HOU819-F Oil S �'uo dornor o aVelock y IV J tighby-stalde, and,' IWeltain q he -'Kansas. ere 2 Or 01) 5ulf --t- '- 066611,-, !�-re­ 1 � day, W�zBridgbpor --7:0 , I ; centl -hil e RUMV7 McKitil�y, froiii qjie-t6,tw&iceAt§ and: and Willo le jiig, Apri: Ve' be so. abun'tiantly ain ','ei� g . sw 'th- -f �uivW17 -Pit all at living, qV611 yourselt- to AUP $train of wi _y 0o. Pek dozeil; cjawelei.r E. -AND, -1 HUI 4o 17 AR, W- tot- laying ivinie, L6giturns Ptli6,'Wb�t,h".fol4lo�ved.;fjtiit.. Refoxeing A-1 I anid �!P,LY_ 24 viiiie; -a poliqts, Cdn'1%, IS,' f 41t _410d R 2 NNY t- e t .4 List veceivW, another ciilrfoiaot I Ybr ask 4'W p J, 'hia r. in s_.,t Z�kkhlillll bi Our M 0 _N�'j M A�e pai&­fa�iiih c Ii oil Ae- . .. ........ . ... d' w—, mlfi_ q -Those, wwhlo� --t 161- esir_,."Coxpressi�gL -4 er 11 - ..,Placed I'llf' '�tL '-_`, j-" DI-SP.L.A.-Y -ADS --sit -1 iekct;wagesA�,it-n -_--and- i '&,, CIAN -A B t.Z t '0 -!.Wofth _of�,% ing- -of; �9,1' onato, e - lml5v, e y. x6ceive fox 'firthei in Tdesday committed for tifif on',i ueqrge.jx. Plituall, 1,ulukatow., hoardajl-than It :iise,4:W7� 'Edifle'Alssis 'tic ifiJ -ing your Work,, as.this we.e ina, -harge,or perjur� Lfteknow, 6ii. '!10adfiy, % 1�5 -WE�PK. MI . w I e paper .,eos a inor.e -;xve ask- you' to fts; a,,�sdr- ini The -8�utipol'li t, t t iled on and, th6 am of in ibr b safne is true or,, ypes an prosses.,:'.44,- f Pochexb!)4- I'm(tet pieaie 'b I aciaoiin a; soine, p ace0t these gi In �bfizieeil with L 'a , l4rge, tin k t d 1] Pap'& SL I including� -thatligiep ,-0 een-on-­�the-bo6 W,� f Old ones: q�i tha t thjji� with - them -the- whiell'havo�b F Most- --other time- aiiJ7it­*ask6,the-f.iiiv 4-1 rntitediat"e'- as: ell est.&uod will'of yoiir ifi#ny friend While'playin-' ofi"the 'ilailWav track. eason heard 16W advertiaer�s wsp , apers us far 16��*frry --tjlig 14IGGS FOU K�.i �qtlalltify of egn ar� y - SAL. 11�611 egg8. at i�iioit iL 0 dhlirdh� We will itill follow Tuesday -afternoon the twoyear-old. 6 xre' chank,&I r lie 't i:'bjjt,..,thj�y ... tot- harldiling,from Polio ored kvi� 'not I& u- aS. :1-�. -orfA, )art f �those an w IP-` - 661YT 'r -6f- LNj6rrjS-T Farr e_ 0 urve) 04 44,100. 1tickliow Ahe:kdditionAlL�'1qad ��iaccor ingto:a-pr ariked Schedule) tie . 1-1 -1. 1. m� h. 'IS Aje .. y Been pa z- done: il�h; i _ _ - .. IPP, as Mi 14 W - ­ ' 'd---.- ­­- - 11 __ I -yy r-careerVi res. an vil o t --wandiighidicat ous'that this ca - best wish. for jou is, that On ill NO, th'i prayerful ave -not sse nnilt', biT our 41-Y 13 w, 11, Over by itl'G. U -lid-rubberts, P f nose; und throat; u4y& tested: apd­qiasses� �P a �llqjplle , �Eog--�;WV-RN& �.Lovidofi- Surg6 .111 -loagell 1 .11i- _­� . �: :-:.. � __�_ -­�:�� ------- - L e� engineer, _or Ott ffiyisioi 5 W loc. Pai-40, dellivtfp .h the -little -1-Ad �oy�� Ik P" t: P0rjyt*AKW,�,Btb., -Will ft', Jtt the C.1111 ll-; PUT,,-, --work to- i edl,, upon seeing RArrt MbivibKay­ -9001use, Uickroolii; on Thursd&Y,.,_�ipin P ST. ', � L � ' . Perimu. �? it a ro a e ree,cases 4. the, W o- iiii. or. ol' -du behall ;�1TY,��oixiivan, R"� OW. f '" n � interes. e.. I . __. ­ _ A�_ - y h­herd`_X=,e:-T-re The 4 t: -11 1 ''"1. . - � � . I not, in:,, tfm� j, `2 es iila.,' g. Sollicthi6l�l 4VOIG'1 r'ne it'. tii ratronize. the, ad' juee. on ay.. elvenin ision, court here last `146sday7,77 Murcliiion hec. Oecyv RUOAT, LOST UO'Yk' and Iiay for im-pc romis6d.: After. it 'long 'Bilil4fid'&nather -party, - e1i6`cIiVl1R1 11 Afi�a M��Kenziq, responding, thanked'. oearbi. averW We vertisers. Bu§inoss nien Who or an' 'is p a dent' at,,. jx, 4 �V4tjIAIfj(lj8i, have ;a 166 p --'ne*sp4er� a -hav�-se �tllingl�of_ Arat. ury-�Wat J :j�ew , -kcozi '0 -11 -_ �Xiqg�'Mafy.' prej: Ott Ili, an 4express� x pace ija-�4-Wiighti-tb -'be--:- 6&co`Jtr6_ ED; F1 Of., r 6&­4or-the, -welft ru�of a�r j6�"4 0400 coul tine 'that �thley' - 0 e. d_4ual, 11 ace, -socie Aes-connL _,je. �co ors -to, -p ur ru'l jiumic. our -pa I ot I-s0-r1,C-1y1-ng--., WAN -1`-.W.0- L;,&�g 41ior unwo. . , . 'tell yiivaa w :-It fflli6-�some g j, all e, to a bf iayi6lht.� of!, 'bi P gn -valu he, i,-besi=w-.-.i tre-of-all- Davyinan OU -B esiddli no haAi her, lit th -c Tk ------ to� cted-- ith. el hiiiq,h,-� ru en, a ove an o org & coll. -oni' d -b Ohize 411a AA, 6464daiit," was' awarded by jud' '1� o x t'� ij W­� a '-A-6 Rd.6 la�6 I cills Viol ge; and o, ��etur wh PAr IL 11 on Who jeft.:_eaq.1j lxitiltyjp,_� D_ uj� .1 1 . Uja lJoly. LUL't1j. Vlees, 1. .%,Al t- of Ust _Gajild _y9ungpeop e, ay you want', a cont, ortkble -Aittilfig. o -w and �Varda�offifty 1: 'She-,w'as hurl d, I 79111, a, bouggy, �fw;,.! P 6 _A -t6iAi6n,'1'j6iiii The 7=7 YW 11AX 'ffig -W- t h'.- 'er Her Jameslind- yeaes RWE�`W"A614- -Viez­. tie- oor,� jjjjD RIU ea j1QR8;K; HA:tR HeLqw( �cj -wgain-g �TM AM= wa jv, jXfiii`do6h­T MA17. thiRfoil:, 'too 5.0 kC6 "Th - h d---' st, t le, tter a 011owinae-6.111" leete&�Presi,- Olatlk,j Neil�hailf� Tail _­ ' between 't eins cers wca:e I _ffiA­ h -1 , sii I). e 'V� If , , - 11 . . it i)ijolftr4lftt- thdijif 6 dso, a iia t�_v _.i� I - ---- - ­ -- uum zrii, for a, oJol fivigtit at--a-P t 19.1, lotelluvisull all'i LAILZ-, -Ktf�Vurre .1 6fidi-a- Secretary NjigEr �o 1kye .$XoRL W-�Lll Pay jol -.m.0ney. W,i4: 0ZOMIPW 4y no" ;-AILINevo.tomiel D —It" MR) Ft U3616 ge aridars 6f g, A t6f _V ting, t snial amount �fh �-pra�iiee- of- do n t1:9® -y- ill -I i-qn-g-t Ott 11011sellair, itrou a. ana .4 -utla ts per Poulka is: pr9grep .a QP_ Who, t&:a�s _dRr� C.. n W 3f Aga ewi.:,A"�.' b/ utfilevs, 4 A (I reg Avorabl 1,4110k ni, W .1 -1 ­ I 28W4 �LLI- �.A=not-hir­­g6bdi:.GahadiAu Sw 118. lltieiv6d orthe -_o0hvo§;, .36 strii6fidi , - - - 'ell the to AT 'h ­ ye --e, 6_i,66iin er U Pri 17 1 at T_*o .,LwzNsjb0.L-m__8out _BtM0e_; L., r_011'e e�- d , Of_&,� an 3 d tio :St %ita'6ity.: Te a. by: tinted- finin. te - 66e�i were, left. `�.fo be elected .'On the� inissiouers.- at Walker .A aiiiiis, w edia payiuenTf eens& COM MeonjV -'-­-_­-­------�-_d 1--L---_ T�ft__ a.04.1t I... - .j1derS Ni I , . 'A Oil .- lies sly -g 'h ek ex�ly 10&1 Iser re 06 Wt iii1id8s:" fit' fibk', Or' *t6h�. . he", 'eeag6d7,:7, T iLve J. mbCav ro.'. Is len he Tenders I�M-beiteeived .14, Ask to: seti�:Saigoh �_ "9.,. in D116 lix�dersltgcied es� i#,'� Station 'Hotel 'thrult! 'B'tt add the de&iid�,at &sir,6d; hi Wait freshn' ts,.-andi,-hie�rtyhand,-shak6,t r jo er ill ttl prompta-boati. qy inerit"t.l. litilt �ught­to-k=eloa I otbocued niany e r e -.thel- Th -c dd 06ided- w fort a :47 '0 gii�i f zo -�` - - -ill _&&-, , ro h y_-.11 U Istor In C :T 0 la� platreer, fioli - - ..,-tl . S 0 ntl tl hard is WERE B'stibil .. (ifi, tlie councill;', 7tfff to injuledi NYU an" deii; ded. -XORONTO PRICES� TB . btisil� a., his lea it to -.99- 6n Aeaue lti aloii of,dust au4.�. Tpfqse, D'.� H­ -Aw4y Y. 96 T 'I 7t- -6r f 'he- nd --signe up whic at in j` � " " - " - dieking, _D f -P ,Wheat. bus, r,�i�As li-auled 6a. � -R----A,-- dii-:- I . 40, to LoAlay 5 Ilk �chool litoxiiie: lit S. Oks oun'sidered 'unnecessary. from ark, r-: �No; u, wastem, (LLVIEILWI'Agnjiold� Parac iars t certainly will '16 t 59 to A this. ae4so a.. of the.ypar there -nisy, t Oil allplio4idn. Do n1junard Jughlikyll, bush. . . i:E�,P p e, -- o are-, thid 4 ale -I raetion.s. ot the law ly 060 hcl A' A .7 Mato 77 old 'far' Phillipi; spent� thevee .1 LA"u Y, 0 IN.ixiid And Clover.'..'. 0'. .14 0) to 1 '0 1fyou1want::,W:be well.dr M - AnCL. Areqpiri --§W -*elr e�7 -by �yofir it a Gi fa tattle,:, &_odAo�.xhoice..;l-. -.6 00� 13-exITH F k .1 'L -t - 1. ­......'' . .. . 4s good .;iii e , rhe . .............. K if lierifil 116r -i r Aie se�., On ;Nogs f.0 . ............. 9o, 15 to .9-41 . , , to one door',edat �oa�,*.djic�me ts. "e'r Wt., tiaIo 'by pti6liti auk;tlloll. ac-Iliur LaW week. , !. -n. :.. Auines .. residefit erdhatit tkilof - - . ­. �. :K, n e visiWr part, oflast RIJ3LY- Buiiwb.,�_Mrs. 5 00 tio R04 goss"s a xron vv,.atletev Tire, nage OL l6n6 f the nigst..1ealthful villa:ges�' Miss lilaiys��Othqrs is-iheo uqst�41er. 1` t`1',-A'nL­@der.1y, W�oinan *,ho residieii-: -a op t 8 .00 to 9 CW g _q& in 1.atwoloxleor. orb . .... . Sbe6p,, ewes,' qNt_.'—­-" 50 r V I yearst;'; 1 anal, aun toy A,. piouLaritts- fidense. inspector, A -Ot 11 -e. f". — - , 11 " " , nci 0.0 a er- terls spool oli.'ou Lne po. i* - l �' " � Id -Phippen,' and p- . h ji ­�--­­66 T ut e lb. 30 to.. ' :s(t-freejroh1 cOlitagious dis�mbs. bTirvin Of Nile" btrr*n*ed when a,coaloil.-lamp she wai. 6" WW stock Eg 25- Roy-' �oughta drivii3g' tiountittly... I, ha -gal 4L . ..... U d`f6r� 95 to� .1 00' i l66 Uin-� - , " ''last xvil ­ 1, . q ......... .. :soil well adii�te .1lotatoes, b7 -] ,u6k 6w�- -tind-ablaid, - 2 -Z5 to -3-50 an', -*11d -,I Art; isgizjihts IN rqcOil6iy.' RF�. Logan -we -ThdA Blake, G __(:;70=l` 7 - Week. Jt is coiliffloul y reported that on_� Was r. 6 Armlesj barrel : Mr. - gardening; 8 'siderali'le 6i�ployn,ent 6an !r7 qjg,!k,__ jqLig vWiled tli�ir dau' hter� Mrs. &I ne. af the time. oftboaccide t-he'v`dis'c'overed 'somethihigi but where,' se Niliple 7,P be Wid for tho AO wish it. her, andb­ Having decided to go ifflb, the Coal btlj§lucss rl last and arms .wece _pro_yisiOujs�iyt,kde_fot e nia(e� Ifite"e: and C vered with. burniner Only [nAV quanti y _ravett. OF dwg Kjff6A�Qmi Crewe; is kno 61 secoviniodation is'.-go.dd Lrgat lit, fhe u,- YAL!a a vacts'. Pat'! llw�e_ io:Lrudas -put,! ite WAS" 4 W ufaseda largo-swi;k; av;;jo wilt nave 11VIV Mllelgh Litdies' Wate`rpr-bioi will. :�Jf,anything forbidden wds ., 'I I I in. a� Coup ��s h- `h- te I dio ho n e. �ccvn in u n icatlioii ndii ' : i -e 08 esp r es Haoroness! lound here will'be it prb�ecution,'w tic wi stir- of. we espido A -el6th6s. boink, t k,�, §6res,' sp.. if r fi 11 1 , , evei-�, .11CL "T guarant6dd to keep Oat 11 gi� dingeouritty excellerit;ban An a. e' to 'preVent et "'WI vo,tlie.fflatteli mpfe.pu�j city., roun %� , , , L I . Served tifolliptly aiiii �lt I cill churches; aild'-school.' up-��t­ibte.­:'In [�ite_;qj_jqst-,�,burned. After boatini-tbe ftanil 0 --was q�lal- h, ? Iti -is soineNN a §-t--- 4119i 0. d u wee e r 1� it"I'l e 0 -vi. left Wall I*Lli,34 vow�o, hard wa . .............. -,Vrr- p ��::Stoct� ha -a an 4VUK te everyt in' 6e ....... _�.96 7� Ral find ther. Way tothe tiolephori6 to cill' pri ;.%a' many; �Av 'a W. I You d bi g that orderly'afid,ha antages fot his' eedy SP sician) ..and A6�Aay on'the floor' ad th6eoltaf6rt Anil.wclf�rp_of-Ahe "citiz6fis -ers__r6tA i --Stephen litoi;h u:*req.jj;io-. e!p, pryou ring A; Well attended �neeting 'of repre its any, village an Huron or Wducei, 'a ['I d- irned. %onie4Aa,tL a phy -of Ben J�je. Will "in i__,holpleo- u winter Areight, t.) ilAr`, Akoll o�con place in, 'ltvhich�to W k_A*_­...,___.­,. "I". we are I I a It's bu6S 'are , 64 'the. t6 four thurchies week.froffl' Quell) -A' e �jGreaiit WaRted met In 'r,. "'s, -ir& of,his -far" her�' ibronah 6d Alre. 'is; or inilldi oicuit. peeial ial take 611. 111 t I . h . f6tite it tne inamet. W buy Al.. call, 6 'beft eir Ahiiln,'iettle A- R" oar _nAtIbitra" 'AUQ ITj P1 -ju -Aown­.,in4the'.,OId- Se e ppriown, -last", 'the p pro� 1: 117 0 deve opj such-, _ail tktire-ss Pity twjod-v st ­­ '0_44A. .- 11 -HI"Ar'n-ii's-9- a e. o. -Or -del" 'Q1T1Zii,,- Aull tabli fill 6ke the sallie. �POI6011149o- W In'the Ve'in- in" $In - - - - ­. -, % - - - - - - , 9 0flPoq4TM1:X 1110, hiok. (PlIoUlLit PA004'4L Plkr). r�)C L ji'ding "A', 16tig Age'assion as blood t lAaee The'West �Shore 'Ifoad. ga g-parsol all 1j'atilons Alt, Otto".. Itu -8011 ritc: for at prid we. -TU&day; pr, hage -An inveUigatkn will gh-6rfl ------A' Sr �18lte against hbr,rekioveryl; J 2i ill6 sent ft It the buildifigg re, fo heavie.A 'wpitybb,' ERB AN -'not thought, advisable 111�. '6 � 11 - - Vat' -by, the OntaR alil-way� and Aunicipal if`�TED­' 11 baA shape,,it')Vas Dan 4et' si.),e, S * Voic U, itomLwlAt to§tcol6r, to dlear.at Board intd'xhe affkifg,of the. Out d4y.* Th9s" W meebit4 of XLi AiIdino W. &1j. cow7 �0,_ I .. att" Pe N� e h�orel�,j ,to: 611 the P th( who w6d1d,' W 'to: se Falmomon. Olit. ya 0& ,)a lost m. b 'A Sn V Appli�ation `C oBib JO4 w - I it m4t,po of, l�the hati, . ...... _thq�Iqur_ s-that-hAve.-guar- r ir d, - - atitoed- th� boads"d th&�danip­­. Th-" this iWe&,�­.''.."_ i Or e Ott] I Cur -tA_ I, - : - - -6 , j �AII 4i561- -T-Weed - I . 1 1. A' b b T69. kks�, obb t4b"b6ai irid-16un t) AmOvEltsAlev. Smtvmo,4'�' a�,s t6b6 that.ift 1906 t qoLne time, LIST $2,95i td elear.at 1�e - sure sitilati6ii a�pe. Dvi "Bradley was in Torofitd this 11, hear Aev the,' hey had, been wanting for find,Polish 0 D: 01 � MacGregor. of 26-�4-tf- Teegv� M i�� oil b us dicated had--oniv been SAi T r e slb' -d' -d"ll 'Parts-ih of-th d6e ��nd;iii uce ie niunicipll iw - Don lt�,`Inii4a`w -chAlfid6 �'Van elisni at th' * Arliiiversliory�. sei Mrs. T, Eli Hodgins has returned libme to th a ladidj"bt- `f Hous6hbld- 'urnitti e e tiei of Aslifield­fi- ' I I` .8troford. ::V� A own o'-_c4ief The _�P riess di ed on a Visit to yl� of" T t f _6.4k,44, F of. noltigei out ier. lie ejrjj Suit by of Lu�kilow Presbyterian',chlircll,' nexi 'hi d flullon"Po��Vijshjp to gag, T., -8 ndbr 'of the Afdrtid CO'rhpau o - t Towns ip an BURS I DAY, diiWon6 of from- �and W MA�V I l- At*W­ingliauqj��O­;�, 0* Rewitt .'have"' re- t unday� 9701.' Aqr. M"Gr6gor is. widely -t` - b � "A" ront;o, for &J060�gAbhufIxiliarY ptl� a tend6a'-40,,, all ee o, ds io the b1teiii'f 6f $40,6,000 Pump eral Robeft Mantgont- selling out,�.' turned h6li:e froilt th� wes I . - . I, are iring, proli 'it 1� the- bout 18, illilesi of I Works loparii out was� known 1 n3t tob ildAcroad, A for the wa* d P in. ery,, (op4 Only through the Work, (if, -his talented , S.hoes to,�#uit,wlmos body, wvon lin6 froi� Ooderi`A, wetic built nd`rails- homle after 4copted- -'Jbe-�en�ineef reportedth4t e, Marion Xeith, wlib'lids co,4tribu�ed �,i4l linga short tfine i1i the ivdst. Wif, b� angerouscod 54 one thenew'boxerwa,-, 'd, di�tiqn, �kn a Mendelsb 01itz 10-wrers _�and little or, no work has betind I V&y arge y to OUr nationial; RUA-attlrej:� for t i6 bilau '' of _tlibs' diftanc6'iol � Xfij- Mrs. Aleka-rid-t -' 4' ', I I r:C hoide Cui-. P b " I N d, it, Ai6d" t" 'o n d le, ce e . an iltbfi 'but aloo,thiloagh, his own w6irk,as-it, gift- cA;Jdine.' 'The- entire $460,006 has bee Ti' ''oil, on X II d' offere'd ;tu,' A1111diii'' P .;L��diV6 lit , S OL. iting in ivert o denianded it,, an �ay prtaehdr an(( loa&r in chrifitian - act- Flo 9i �,df aft waitud, absorbodailid Mr. 41pyes has Apparently. Aliqs vi Cliff of'cliqwft� is- the guest 'the bogt'of inspection if it, -was njee e. -d Ak Ii es' An''itibiversary contribution of-. vothiog was don7o'.- '0'f�,Iier .6f IvIt AFI� l. � -1 T -W A le"i ire to t th' loyos"claitTlE - . : sdlibof I iliat- e Wed imid Oeoh�ldql, 'h- �--t' 'o -ans j7.'M -d' interest,.' The -Sunday coq efid it iq, clafthU..'ape, bi ot.;% i , L �L .j6yifienK.6#_fh�,, _ an 46-tii&�W­�h�A on k _p, -I a� _e, bei -ha; I- - ­ ­_­ - . 1L.. 1, § P 61111, 0 11 t 'e, 6 fi - �: q �� Prululu Juod Tuosda di woon .-:-Brusse s prise up .11JUJI,je A lively . isputq too �OWe�§ An ns NL?w 03'itusstLs CHURCif to date. Vic, iLpaIj. wa �a, grand gum&ss gr, e ill- erect a: eniployed, Mr. ei'V'il eft'gilf- M64sia. 'W66d alid M �p4ell !a ileogapd, di A Floral: Desl�' Pr i P 111g. Reiside 'e�bytqrian con w Aliddleinist, a gati6n ' ph - 01 he! Dan Nicholson got 'ill, tKo W.A Ne r This decision. waa�roaclie Toi,oi ito,. to: thalce ii, reporCon the! new dhUli6)iI d,_ . oer, of posi ion Ili to the. I wdrl n Art t 16 0 611 to' ervrap peonir no -into Mi.. W� "Ofing. $t6ck 'Of -�doteji' at A_ c6ngkegatioroal 14g -ilecetitly, fli 1 iks'be', wi t Islip rates' redtvt;a by niett the,'i-oad tls'i'tond6,d,P Ripley, Oal� I go bilp mod 00%, 0 ph6h -Now S venu ,, I, ' ' . . '��veeds 44ticy Worste S A 4henA6764rd,of manager -S -Iiresonted and. what ain6unt had �oleeadt been ex. the Millar bbsine�s this,'0ar. 0, 6 fi�oik- the Wator sofvio� ig" attended ',to, -and "hipped, t6 'big re -t � le being iA, reconini0idati6ri, a vising t a etec lon Pen:&d.apon it, Ai;cqprdiiig �to T, I _q'iql1tilly tneed fig of die. Ladle, 6A 'to,. help� make -a' beiitbr "'�any 4, d W 6�ur6l­ eal AMA:diksmithing -in $200,000! ba.q' been put- Institut6, -old 'At' ebotbe of 'Sh;i�vhig,ih t g t, opart, ean- p6rt less'tli, a tie and S ed will lmt' It he oloctrio, i -Geh Blue 4d Bluk S6rre§,1: I ht�v_ oee, theni.*, No Utiuble 't cs at,oncaj, aii( 0 'Itei re: Mu rec da, appli- 7th. toli(31n, please at ring . onliilitte& will �( 6 ge vAssing o Men 011' AIA 8 by S1 r So t t ots,* And I"Antings, Call' still, an iii�oinniehte work into the fitiol. Afi#� Wityli t A- 104ii Pal d i �onditi6ri that � C L�1611pal '9.OL',lXd- ru J , , Wood,iin -�Sec nded by doditidh 0 yllse 0 TAT16. -have now iecumd-bb ea y I ial supi otdions. aell of. t116 4.,OUI,. fujilijol )jjj� �j ellf'f"a$ it IS tll� busin�� liftpotL. 0 fhat the p06 weyed. &Ir,L p it- a-ran4enionts will, be wade't It y �Ifiilf's Of "tho fng.�) 'y and nays* be J�ho b 10 5 41 M Z i 6fa606APot t'an46xp4ie4ce'd 0 0, a' e, itieg -to, lilvostioate. tfic the, , I �_ aa. *e J d �L_j de_vel- -:Wood as�e&that the yfts TEXPLE iho' b the, 1 new,�'edifiee,eilected in 191,4,_ A,,c4n-' �lv,41'611 -"Oku' be "(1ono 4- rd6,Mdo_d. and j� r4 oar, Wo6d, Nvita"foutyd--to 110 . W1 in A. inittee was appointed to sectife o8tj-� 'legislation Of liigtsosslo"O, 'All, 'appl)i Sul'th 41@ ,Position e te u, Society o M-0 A Cklk gri rM A* i� t nd atilt's be ffi tie Who',�voted inla;Vor Of. e0i to �ive,ehp'. publioi safi8facory fited to' th ti joynt� millog afid pl�nsl to beprok nelitf h" -b' A: -'-kAt the rnatt6r., His secO ed h ith, s rvibo fftj��' line' of, 'gencrid dolio t- e'etIng in' die '8inde4 but -so icttoi�rfor'Nfr. A-loycis 1WAk'Lld - TIle 11 W b'­4jd jL 6ga ionat'axioth6f *in " �f t e U! Ing will Pield c6lfipdtt�iou dooi east of AO$S near fdtirb. aldf 1611 vatitilo"agitinst the niotipli.. by -be flot-soine,de, 1y; it boino, paid, that qle w as 8 ftckmithing, Madhine,AuW lf6p� exp aliling- -is OTATOES,-Jiist Arrk,ed o ni�". �24 t nioA inod, "e' 1 Al fd i seed -a , presen I e, as wi 4 sL9' the SotithorilLStateq. It is' The Nrecto o A niob-061-i.n Bicycle Repairing erected, bri the 8. t 1`9 f the,, LuAll sjoil Ili dogif� to hear the dig,� P _h load of De eWares r lilijtnt will tn te'q_thk� the''SheaSL Whi& �Wjll he of 'I &firlbanced%fibW thAt an appo at ti4 -d tor ';s(iock 0,,1 11firidLajing -&6ietyq­-h&vihg Wide& ktif "Set., Tlle.� �j th-ke-1-- t - -&-3 �6_11v_ ho'ni'an and not ior,dio' �besf; 7 "1 det --- 4',k l&-,- - '.T ad','voted tt , ...... tiltar 9 f6t Abl �'t ."t 116aid.l. i it —0,1 &j l6t- tjjc,�_&464rig Pleid.crop COT Uscu$ "F -Po Ading 8uf- the fact that the, ''princip 6. XL 0 10 ly 'If 1.) 13 L efitties will 96 i*6eived W, bla'&ni-ggeln t4e .4 anwhile, t ie ed the refusal of e se re, ry' a'id f -ft 6f fere4 con'st era 'def"t "n ul) to the �001I'day of A fqi�'fit�fldre' h orial of Oood FRAY, ' The tower was interest oil Uld bonds� To hairma'n to. allow itents folI expend'. the faltious, Nvhhti- D ntah� n( St yinent of INbly, *Not 10,98 tha W L I . . ..... d jfs­baS n' A enthe s -a Ing, 10 So fifidt , Ld him t )nie ptorect4he intet6st "W ffl bo' f -day laborers Th& kifid of crop efios�. ittiets foe 8'slaries, hire 6 moelJt d 4 it 66 till HAL ae, 0 a bill Was in fsfill the PdAuty A.,. extont'iG W16k 'ell is and u)6ntg to compahi4w to be' � I,, yielded. 75 e OP P. Gaild; have CiAts, and Pieldq entered for d6rupet- pay at bus, to tjIld a e �e Viciiiify of tUtowo- f'oii 0 - Sedated t jutilt"ipa, these -6 the, IR 1, pal n Poe. r e. press. 00 q an Ive d fo' 6 .&s. c tliatl'&t�' U'4��v 1 1111 11 8itic iti, jw foof ill th �6118i8f lle­sorvice,gi� f ov. .41; K 'The, -list 6(ilOt less' �h cdPib P N. a 14e. f4 thoir tneetip Good At t6w4ak Was S dlAt'h-&vLI gluavante,61 the be 6" g�jVa P. "." _A d" i6ie -afs, and t M '' day flight, Mill the, r6moved. and 4i 'fite 611 7 dbIlius will 6� nin rize i, ivid. iii, j�levftwr A 6 ,n,x. ., or), bjdd6Ljo`.tjje tig hfs.' A 1* 6 boti I " a h dAy iary, ot, e1tit 'i, 10 Ili itt Al(kokii ried ift Ulf 90,01A U Maji. 66A, 6h It tv"! AALLLLLjL+jAjivl AA, N �!X�qqkpp jo lust- INV-% &VALT jv "4 ­ IN