The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-02-20, Page 8-7 J Y 4 to. ire TW '41�­11�4-�� . ....... .. L 'WUMOtIft" :17" *"0041 for., Geo 1,ge I31tie last �Ve 10"A the- thirty,t-Wrd,phouo ou, ps" 04 4qlesi;�lrio, Chonipost, Way ta0p9oure one,: circu�t. �G 1,5erio iias accideii bt most ue 'S M at t.happo .�o a4k(llcl N pe9p ted W;� V7 OY'i S8, Ft 9 499 Is 10ereq 0 t a - ILI Ingid t ro io, le G uk W­1:110k� -ui L pry� bl .0 Y 61t -into i6aii- - alwa� %vay, is .,for in�orina the' e; fea tw RI's"G x Ii Ry., , X Vs. oBe-­-p !unlpe� ilton. y .41 si�atoq,", I,;( tltD P� T1 lo li� ,u I W a .9puried wltlil A: V'44 -ins L e *re -ni- V-14nipq d At -trfillfill 14�;Veps F iiiiig: 7�rad h ejit n 1pq _Vost 9. vr! , i e SP AA 'QLoinkitialfe-viii stoi). �Idiq '40y;�44,11t; this "a ig-, -n that. ilrevaii lt+vt� ­­, 0 Y. cjaSS7� 10-r: f- op e -e OV sbino Q. -,our. pe to a ni. i ��, a, burg. -( es Go, Y011.1111 fift, '0 M 4r.lisoft. ll�!11 very-Ilnuch. be pql;ur�d­ through the coVrteay �oi 'FOR -niquipeis -0, artm nt P:r g, -la Prairle iver�-, ..t."L,Aegree, "I.- -Z, A )TA arid e I na6rs -an ese' 'fiencean $.SQ inea, Q' pJA Janty. GIlj,(Y ains ar f -4rd qualitie,s and D e _WS ay, liveral thousand c t, 0I s Go 6d's" C Lit arpe��,.: P+int im.st-,mid at.. patt. ri . 3�S. I .�Sinoptlii'Roadtie(f, Mo b -0- '11; 1 , it sl�qp.AAK"�� eau Ply OLT-1co" 7L I ­ . F ... I 1iF1Fd1-:A-1ES-F9-5-1.I—n7 M--�-d-ra§ 4-p' rata,-gives-to-eacti-oul j4U10 '�Ioss- is attip-9 his y ,a ize in. & 'T f I misi-,,taple Irly .1119 r C -Vh�ttrig ligiii.e an�- perb, few copies. Boino of these. the a L eums,-Fllolof Oil Clot 'sp a- s nogo,tripto knitig,car. sepy tor ve reprea, -alues Ili Blup,galow pq ins. John-Gamb e-rnit4e W J r4gmutatt�e -'Ex r a v, Nets all Y, 4 R s r�tp, e aljo,Menls TjjirnIs�hjnp; ot aiiLA .'A �6ut, Jcir'. are Soon e ew Rugs;-IargeLl� ttre�,,, -t � d ije� 0#ce�, the few.'Ief,.qlv...,r, e to co 4n&�f Siiab , -, .? i-jifK-41,lation, iiter�it, c -or- wr 0, !-v -4�, -gronto,'.. uste t; ha &,"ank-upii da�jft Tbp­$ww eir- wilte'-for th then ,eii� ire nee fault 01: th !V.al o.id ur ay". kix=d- - x NVITA rION orn tho on !y have idafe to Ja�t mer 14owr, ds" Ila' general -1)] 7 ' '' h 'I V:,I� d w4utere: eVejk j, ilac t. 'Our. 'Al­ N'6W vs-the-41rr e''ettip for t arm -s' T� -store,-b custoMUS., P 5 t Lu.i serT.6-p h, S ''I �W, 7 1 ail 9. V� asant 6'tl-'io:, be: plier 't. r . j _1 �­ ooffe� b 64 06 toul-Al 1:ransacTil Ii. .44 cui"n "T , I .! ­ �; - ­ m.,f '10 Les I .'' , -,,wall 71 v �.M igsgg' bi'st ibyWdr 110 omid, -1-tadlng�,rurp'l s4o$� " 1' ��n -,� 112ljrj' i .'�' I'j, il 'Int: j� pu- !M��l !? Lodv Kf"ANY"5 tofii :,7 o�nl, S. goveirnlue-dt 1S I W P "I'm cei g� t etm to j_P I --�17 � , 0 W it6� .- _ _ N '-P g-4veirikb 111 X 7- rbo� is ambprive to'haviwrepriA�, h R Lai for. ...... N:T liltil-'. Hip 4-.U- 'Ith an' -1%� bU L� a [Bell sel e -T. L RE -s f.. 4t�7 4 4�- Id. 1� rA "Offr&ed. on' Ladif 7 � I . 'I , , " , .1 -we write fbi; )�fticulh� 51 itol e s. Tinpir, no e� I I ThC st� as r.e4utre.d. Cd, s Fur, can then, i . 'r .. : M, `e C e ggs,- - ... , , , I � �T,,, I H , ' -: , , oats., F 'R -NO VACAT .19N S. ji.ecomp Orr er4- e rj s. verc 'M �ur y. r -,ind, Tilt L �Nf 9. jj A 11 'it 8 -Nx r S., - 1. - 1 ., --'Hi911dA`-1 te:. 64k tt s F Y ­.- '. . -­­_'­­­­­.­. � ­­ ��. I I � — I I` . . il(t-Carrruffiers 6ile md-btht Wini�er�Gb Is. 0 L ge 4 IrWdentSr ot t 1. 1 � L tem..a inom of.thei d., -Da.v r -c 0 "T IePaitedlliis- life� 'on 'Wed-'.: Chas..: urns n, 'WIN Ueo., potto 10F.I. S 1:11 il H. UPS ay,, 4i 1. �­.­­...' .1 -;.. 1. eb.1 11th.,'havi ­ h th WiP53 Rat 7 -cieric.- 7 ,mail 6 "r&q!�d Dc%600�7F - 1 -4. �7. Ry­,1q1!qk V-11-67-1 1A WAS . .... 11er, inki eh). nathe. n H, �h Uatio: PUP'jii: spent aliday 6.. Oil t y,Aqi S 1AS lii'dmi), beee. vqs b n, y 'o haxt. 8 e .1 ­ � .. I -,, 6 ul Wtotelb. is' pie�eutei been b rhaSr : -relieving, jL [,w�ndeit ...... -rl,7,L R. i.�,,Grahax� owfi, 1. kd.-7- -F6Ar'-t1ire6.:yeatg ago PC r Fa-im. Rrod P Ale /117 %J. 1. ata tom. -erbe6ftiers--they-, L/ 1r; "keir v - . . . . . . . L .I ­ A Agh�-!. IiJiO fo -1 - I .- -1 -by # s -.1 8=4yed at"" h :Wxd Z, f 'It�-* meta - a pog. their ni Hit �ame� to Cana& p, jda; tit, ss F. A. Chspw�a of -the Holym. ,4i ,Re 1! ii- Pion- - as Ath, concession- of 'Xin'­ McLeam h rol 0 land. and, alll tb sett ing.6 -'Jifi hoal The . ... traniforinati6n Of' 0 'Follock, tiutc�liz- DUIXe y , 01111j; j I f- She ii.rl,ted: i' TRATIF ton ,.g OT S. ypars a er Vu to it rri4g( th:DA�id -Q- Arruthdrs, los T n._ es prac ka raining �s 01 - -Xii ti 0, . e tion. -or the active and. i goisani4k. - has gonis "a . ti n if - , - w iobd': �86W:ipe,4* SU me 66 fto bi�. rke r ving i) -the far )n-.,ivhj6h 'she -butdijo ;�.fiirei dreoarLitien 1 4 ., . 1, , r , , 1, Or n lar4k . Milo- - th ' .' : ' ' d- h d .. dr�*on ugly, laxim att!�I bers -1 d ey. rosi mercia Sli, tha in resi&d.upt . U 0 'na h stin: 77 eatk grap -y. -.01, ourses"ar' -,,pent: Wed. evedi �Iu i 6f ihe kipiess aitaff V?V6q�y-�wo, yearp:w.,hqA ug vic.1 I alcoluer -;bO has., toge the e Oro y kill TE -EIC JCP. t6cic t husbajaid , ib ssed : away very�. suqd6l R�bt. 0 , Teactiers" &&' of6uglt :1us -.to %ba. pfo- and' prracpqal. erD�.t, Lthe� cupers for�:.t�ig. the r ie,1166d diii) gr�duates 'Are 14eed in. Dull.. Robt. "AcInnes 'Aeav,14�- Uttar four children ' A I STORE ut,��D.,MdWiialds- , � ' r , , , goc�e t�robk h6m6- in Tairis 6: �re exper, .,NEW HMW LUCKNOW enieig�4 froin it, 19pqoon at the boft dq vided. in egive in . ivili :a 'd ed'in, ing am.-.. other "with the h :Dun��anana "itill launo 'iii! 1, �it an" of a'dliciii" back by pa e. dive' 'rijon at Rich- Id � abj---r1p liff 'It I I I � , -r i�lig -,Z7 d with -Its . ....... . 01 -flard a el,. -0 7 -grr6ce6ded-, __Preser�,X _g:j;heEhb3 the w ir 100 ant :-z' jjjjjj� U t,jaideti- not- fftft�: an AL(JuAtle: plant KKT cumbs. P., 6-1 h and., niakin I 8uch,that'. the t is Week. yl-'� did U Wrltre for, out, 11re 6' e water. ':'Theni, .-after a ..... he '.out of.1he-1. ownAkeli on'r, r ry PRUPPIP, 'ta :t le -,skin y m 'Saturday., desire to' j,depa t ftom, t. . , , " . ; !..., '' h suddelfil 617 tabie loiilorg,vearing, entere Nverp '4 'U' ',D. A:. lACK t4 lV 6 On A I A;lhowe- IS n 1, :jrl .op.ik#i,.,and ear Y, .kotlit, *jt#:" joso�y fp: 4, M t.,: A. 1 Belt al6d.mis. 11., , C91 ee h' t �&:whi Gh *oo �4li ct, 'ibidayed at H. %W out their ghd� lt.�Wa§� t Pinnili �q his iijutuar A Hobkey� �teari#�,p��y.�Ojzil A. on d h. '.ethafiao- and as 61r frorn kt'r.01�jft cr�B`alU Sum e. it 1,&d. for the t -uZ;o4.. wce�LR-eal-,H& ....... 'R out -t WiS i6ther ns#r%� .."a d ji-g-1 gp Pat kiii'd riot withstand - te f he engage In dritwi at exj"h o 6t It ''Ore than tlie'-� We- b lnilii�ore. 4ei nituralisiO belfev4 i1i are sol tha d*- --0-V e, insect 'tswallowed 34 'Ki J A TiLwKEN jjV­jj We'jj6 I& 1i,� 9 Y, en: 11CIntliril" t'llp f'o uiva,fy F id over a year, ;a --o - left, ;abs6ibe*, & �'Aj -`,'"'14 --i—i*i 'd f ­ Ithe. L j.1 h P tit folu tile 30'adil wvre,'m atem jl�w .. I L' ;'r`, h h UgS In, y,j, stxokii� receive' 91 1 P, -Z Y. A jjgj7 7a!Ir'-b- 1gestive--organs --onl Ila, uoswrlp -V in, vd. IN"Joalied 0 creas c -their-,-mot ex an-irrva: 1- itiainc, i See 1�e`[W�. H!,D­ -66C & tjit We are glad -t A! ca Sift; 'LIM. surel, Pir. v,.e ry a tra�tive lCe and irTl1g,.--. to ed, 'blood,, iiies .%6'U j6jjtjlibUtj��j 'wiirelf jj�j-' Tie aroundr. again, aftei her siArlous attac 0 in I AL :all I vlo� t t �w r I ­ ­­­­­ r , " 1jt,,jr i - . , .1— - ­ expands .,the, 6ials, .'the me JA6U -xieidii 11 fjPPe lit sej -dew T 1AG e- 0 fe-&­ 0! 7� q. ay ­w �rw-Vml- t; l�iznm, lit* iition, Agent j4;.,Cl:Lttl otie�v. tit) loo'll oil fil-S joieceissa ;Aiell­ the first" Iiiihi 6 aw., LiAnii here ti, and lileco'n r -of -the L,,agside people Gove-riid�qntj­, 9 duct4�b;Y!R - i u-(�­0'1*4�trlll propkirt, parii,c6faii-V- gi�0 C, 0 A n-Ing.le. - -1. -- nov 'kid. Ma e a. � a 7 spea :,al!rvery. 0 SU cee c d. 9; T. Jackson. id trd IWNA 4,Pa�stor-of the 6 th c Joint noWs. Vi t e Inguranee I enjoyablc ev . e nipg a - t cweh,tu which, lilld 11 at it", onaIr 0 rr Itfia lhfv4h ---iMcD d?s �Cdn­-- ..-,: - - I* -in- r 4�'-. - I sio6etaime �W 11i4tot -1 ft t- i -A, posit �l 6,prod I 1`61Y,"- U-IVLI k� 1. V Ti it I , , 'H - 'a Liu lipip:. a y eie ie r JerTed in dragon' eq., Pin -A vel&'r doric-jrpr A nell 'relc �alu Ora iJn cl,§ WH& Umo -prVomen; SIR, eve `of- E1 ki. eye rom. a�. e, 4"t wee -ra.` i re9pee g� zing lln�lhst I -the atmoopii -ki�k�'!n the, f #0k -olo Life IT -c,- k-'i Nt mate ic'kl,. Ill, .\\­,��Ltiljei. -*h1ch. 4hould bi =61iateue4 ilt)JIgi ., 'r";L &li.- I I I t.q,j(L SQLfI,'�XULJeY tO Loan. -vittee:., Midi & J. Will�u �iiy,, imticipal.01P.6nr thqX' Peaceful "eminteninoe Which Real .�SIPCk v I 1 -his I i me� n iiii-th vib ­��- I �.& "a &'can.- -h ii -S I , Iti. 6n­Kennedjr­h-.,,- <,bm iiit�d­hiis- ffjj, jjjoc,C:�, DuneA inua, ion, t,p4 surfale dibli Be .The fc far , H and is Chgagement w4t] Fogber Kliit �at M retuined.frorin where she' IM syl T n Pat x1ve. are "niiin' -h - , � , AN 1); 'u ldl ()i V- t; vuf I -i iness. s;evfjra alle 'W.r 'Wid -A -- ---- an" A", I- r .. 11. . � ... � ­­ .. ­ ­ I . 4K� � best rm!ce. e 6thi; Y ou .6he 6thi;,Qjo 7:(An 57 F- h C Lnj��Jtjq. ., I '. Yj is es'an eme Of, exiltosi d Q -i- r h" f Pipe ry.. ng o 0 ­Tho7ft t-that-liahe ami y !-e Prepap qg- -)-7;m is R ­TheY h 1) t 11' 611 [Aukki-ow --ttmd .10licalt dine., HT F, �oljcrttjl on .6C6, , Thec Gord giu I &ei ojur'o, -hook by. *hioh IV 04116e; tivoily Tuqsday. Dt after time tobite4t. the -entering again inI;q. er in, ual duties -a David and. - *oh ny., niove-to, Teeswater th�,� week.. h .. fl . I . 1. 1 .. I . ­" .. . -t I'li�knb 11�7 IP ey., Wig �V(,�ek Itil, Work 11 iss(.- 'by their !A"Yl ftin., el". wlll�.�be �be h in` of the p'ionel of, R ciiiiiii iil� 6 T�e P�bt� they hayiii muc ade elclli)N� ill eoniledtioli with Vl=n h -no, ni by R. J. err vertain y,m fas prooV.it at us have pnio. es. i friends here. v -iii-ii h en solaii .4XV, A& es. De age, the �greai "Yr6n0h lbl,; IM 'kIn ri TEESWATE71t 1 01ol een ma g tidn. 0 eve 7 -MUO 4, qx-varlmls,� iue�ilp ansulau.1juej 6� turn to; tho: CX*64 irt, Iffitij. lie'oos�'that:,fisfi're bQ L ­.r Oearl�, f'broom ball in' These. Oyllj�mllle'.i If%kix it6e.d. n ­,jh@,;i&%ei-Q . �� - --­ J, va lie I'o M -ritt'. Benedic residenti ag idol, e. gTeddiness 19:0m, 'abruary 17th' "sale 'by Mr. . er -and I a MlY All buojznq%i�'or -hook'beeauijigAh ir PHOU r ts. el6ys.. I t I than, the result' in �1 111 it, i IaLi­, i i i t t i t !)-(,I o f, A, t I N �,- e a i Y ii, fa vin 'of -a T -01',' r i0q upon 'A if::iq�i :pli�4 JV;:6rikhi'red �6­- car ou clu 19 —1, 1—— -f- ­ f . ­­;­ - - -Wm -McLbod-,-,ftP I d f ' '' i o6ner f a ax for �MO- 4r and Boo CA ... ....... .0 K -;Ca A I 'I Fiifttik :St, `A -odr& -'-fa I of ran -cattle to Torouto',,Wt,',1v"43k-"': J6�� 'Jaineu - I lei, �Pr are .1) e" e .1 ­--itfi-lit"' ie x`iii -CF, ilA g se urpTin 8�.r� alen s Do ir P, disk_the, ill Q 90 years on nu Sto-,M ens :very. fie, W71—RES $v W S E j- tid"t a h -Francis- '44he�Q- nG �(j jr I'. q ! - 7! . - aost TAL f,you cha of the LUC he�jtjjL prov�119 I 'not re"I ngii,6e coior S. at pxesev�y,�er' and Y'Al Jlftfi. irli led 18, 64adagL,'�Theie iti nothing, likei, Cover. '&sk�liik4e an- hipiesidon C ag rs.: R. E. wupbell -was: tlie�' lloste8!i h nd, Colds. emory. ow, y, I� --an when 1, " e6iistron i, We f -.tb is in W -itre, ving 4the . M L81' j'' it itihic, Cou0191 a d emplified'-iller4aA days.. w&k. v ex a most,delighit a:v itre�6ogjaized the dangervigual It oJA 'Strong,' vigorous men., il�A. Iw6m�u David Andre w, of Lucknewr Miss Xis�g Elizabeth �Rutberford... aptint"the kdieg yverie all " dressed i i�i girlhl lt.�X York W, 6rid. s,yle-,and - called. al ever, Ca G inear" arlit,'dthei ' - . I I— . f K"i dince,: W3.4". miss;� 4, om e. r arr y told;-!V� -on1V when 9' run d6wa', and vitality t sYs em 'is lot al w h 1. Est is arce' si`reApee A"go' many, infe of r happy,' ciire ---- iiaolgirig e Do; Brookils;:Wesley, inies, -and, t;alked and act.Aci as a h t �A, itt G, &d.: nd taking lit the given ni Rill lic 4, .6alif's(l, eb. T9' Poyock's; and earl on Thuf9dar--ni t w apv4rafl- 1, � , 11) " , , 6�,UE-6 ig ­ m t -.6e6 "so W -e. t-. a, 6-0t, -Johd ar - , 7 At ivdtfitier party a �Hasty is visit ingli f�'j siS )Posed to "lab Say Id. distinguished -p�qlcal k -t, iNfrig. .1ii hp I ]A Y a.. Hyde r iter s megl pend ­ x,(6= -tbat AM— -0nabi'le klilfa- 1�t&p js�-THg 41inW, m, ­Gu%,4�wer&�p' W�qrj- 1 41 Iflay-vis-1 e - ls:78js �Gr-� I s�- '7f'­­dS -Jrt - 14 nd h -JT -ew ith- r I w ay t9r, dv.r Trhursdhy'night the. town ha was, v(- your. Wld-� couvirilkion hapbeoid. to. turn U06A' VdiI0N'!i"s6id 4in that cold feet: sc n 16'st W�Aiaesday. a f . hi MoUrdistie gave a. Par -V stFenig& again? V,; jamie gonistili, to _y*t6,r'I1i§. I' e ladi'ls. iiid Up 'e*.j§u ject f v d gir Wit - an re res ng seep )i�d ty ab6at jL. in�drr d, e th b o quackery jux Mrj�.r Olivia Nilpatrici, Of crewe,,- 'had a j Qrsi�e k fribild t Friday' Jq�;q� -oiYeaif6thet; some bt oi*. Parhliin�­ bf: t I St I)Ur; .11aW ex�ieisedr his 6livietion - �t irgres§i ve � citir esfA:andjfoqtAi �r:� i gr gob bkt"�al ­-Vlt�d 3N I �a f kink fri6nds over Sunday... Raj zellg havl6l 6ntrived th6),lea: .4 plabin' :Ilees,�vaf6r La4ies' &Avino Soci&v,' Tlk !.hjm§ X., Cr�)' . says: '. tl, took Vino for,a certaln�*nioint of lt'waq esientlid: to r qhro.nic -boukh itt:k and - hi,. An�-i�s. Q,us. Wilson, of Port beAuxtiffully &e which had lasted.. -two -tici, adding, 'It .1s.. an', to 'ar"filled -With hoi water, between' oritte'd -,vitll guedess An, pric a a 'u- 1 )�Oirp, nly disap- %;i8itedr., C at N onot- -61 . , Vill. y, f rien& :h t'ie cough no 0 rc Atthur aie'vi�itiug­their in flags, f6rds and cupi'd hc�,!-Lq, exa�up e, o, e. pei-rieq, h P My the J)h,:qkets.I T us re, mt A o e around'he're. I f Th to it -'' ada�in latf�n :beat. Of' St. Valentine. lvline: -Gil 6il; of ladi&s tit it Ulf U 0V_,pe6PjQ" like" 'to de'l, 'Zier'S as rult dec 'F �Qujt6 so jWd, th h j- Trelcave'� ati ck-� A jV'b&"#P il 1), and �Ariai -'sta-l-w-, I '. , , 08 01 -anti As. '.LA( YlIr'�!.)[illei' ce e -r so e*fficaciou§ in-- -X r 7 one, present, give an 1�m . nb,000. 'Ruthefford we're home -from Wirliham- -V,7 eason )�ixl& is -yi�it 6d. he� .-L: �N Kilpa4kk at B( -,I -,- n,, an� As�it�Y.L­A- edupl era ail ixie., igs �IfbbiT(; owi, 4p to al Assets is because it c 01161 -Sunday.. Tolv �yei Hiscocks -and -N1is8­,Til,lie -�N, in,, af: �guch z0ft- mtghsih li�iltvsdent to,thlit and. '14onda cLe . I . . A 11- 0 over ig up EaStein AYMIL nlighP4�'J"t thk d 1:11iss. LN16 "d6licious..'ecii h �ktd. 11k.well $48,000,000o. el called We. are.. liorry to -hear o Illness of Sill I- brm* all t e eadiii/': re!Ma, known 'Viriek-on the mraj each �gtltv`e� �46 ne8ntrated f 4 �-nfs-4-,60&, ­ju r,,., oiFe-, ii6on to, h6iif -M' "The- jurblid-- homm el W jus�, x ren efitst6r"' b" sicia p Y. n;- rmg une. n n"-' T indw, vo fi- t ockis finie very.- b' fi­f­ oil�, -i­t4--'tonic,­,blood­build ing ilidN t"d -tu I auspice 'f r agiiii Wit. AN K 'OF' 16her. ib6y,'�iisi6ok )[r. -Poll 'wits, er r$, API)efti Tees an ur`fi4a9t':*dd�y ev.6iing '.Under tile.' is re Chi na- mmigranta coming a. oil 'of f�rinfbujldings ot, their' a�li ncidks,a SCV1018t. i' e: feattire, Iron 'aLdded,. set b "' i Alfirch I st� water.a Th, S.*( tIY6 Epwo,th Le, tit is"ted , " r �11. o� theI ptogmm w�s a lodge ineeting; of C d "to he. ;Gdiat W6, aw -c6 1nr Your 3PP I- hironid :dough§ and colds y1el ikvar� decided k6ee�s. Thevroqr, 61 nry; 91, of 'so os, quar ette, R7Nra, is cii tak- Vitol becau9e'jt­bu'!l`d§ u %th,6 �reikv Fe�,hapg 4M mos -curious, nestInil­Z­--- H AM I LTO N ion or forlit'ie0eation parli is not known. Ynii wouldd�'Ilirell:t;'P 'h '."giou nds" ele tb�W ,rl ga catio Uillid. ffic-7� rso,- aSo a,* , erta After'.. iningad1niiss;Wii to t 0 n at io jjjL" bndd 'run-down s . ys em. 180epeleld of'-4debLAie, "Regolved"thit, thee 0 a free -of dhiLrgis, they Oro'�4-eded. 'to turn. .,..the' Part' bf the 'very wor'� t �',habli' IS, that. of. - Donal&'Ruth6dord has sold his rinstress 'foi, -good . thi�, the t 4e of' iiidid-, and the hits tliey iiiade kept tlou;.ean get -your in weaviDg. bird 'to bk`10und. '111 A.Mca' , greater power, Toni*g drive shed in or a V'iffigmr Rltherford and, we'. w ar-, the crowd in' -'rQM-s The o a:w*e rAy,.. 4,.called 66 'social weaver. A nurdijer ')ijr.,'. _ Richard Johnstob and Rinot" j e, 1.116...., ��­, -Sense". � Then after "loo),. -i the 000 , staiidr tefi&- ...going,:Wes m time if '�Inol does not d -b 01 acj "hilt in t to examinatift or t, el 'e- er, d doing the Ump am in 3 arch U `b lb egln� elubbing, ailld ow n ucr Stom.. Gil grass canople -1tkeuu!-;. .7 'over a skidway of logs, Tilin was-sucC888- grip, brought' down' he �hogie. Old' build I r61 g)ts, wle flibit ens yo 9",:Qu the. to T -S Thii St. Hel �so Efael Ilenry and'Isaac Stotbe ul in, it�arting th6m.'eastwird.,., . )(our ubg P66ple.itd tak, .;arpetb.ags ha& been fegurreciedi and la, ps bi�' tr6ej; *Pavffi jor'jhL, n6'a-tjVc` Tfi�e at Urile ile., 9 9 n a-- liat will probxb `9 Ad anfage of this fi e We�Lffiei. A les­wAs -Ahat­ .1t6 -b Vi -so­c1'oKe1Y:- to"ther ------ r -Hig- both night d UY, �Mlj heii. �Tbe�. are ,.qk 'chat i,, .4nd. a c6aple cif Am-' t .. an ftpt�6j-r us as� to the do.tz- sbuekletm,­;ttmd:' -A nio be ableIto Ileopeffiavilo Arc", a te�d I rl ay, ii�qals ble, arTiVal. r� each pair Ev�ry -,dy i6 812elt�, :of bir4i -bulld Me �bo oilic brethernI; Dr. F`64ef allA T. -j. .1 - jroba I ' - J:,� , . . !, Do u6t fori*4 the Insihit .1 i? tin i j g1v8s: tb �ii te meeting Ha,�Iock, offer6d �'the thanks;1of tfie , �J 4 1�? -k ovirn Ve#t,�Wad tbUs o Aspor ,H ti�(� �c,,'ative Ad". scoied t I br-11 and -Miose, ues� on k riday, kfi��bon a- nd evening'4 The 'g' ts 'in a 6oUjrjljrljj6ntary �eolatiofi e fai ed'to, avail theiusolvbs .6f le oppot- V I;. Viry-, rn os t �oint,�, an'd, vi-sto -in v helj)ro�ff,�­jlwo "j() 'the: ` I � ' �- I " speakettueLF-.-K. Afilleti, 0. - �A­ �0�, 'whic I tarried, ... .... rr��--j ox 11 s 6,s 6'x c 6 d q i es j. I b 0 �:,tt n' e? -ed M y 0 8's . , , C', �­ r , �e po-e; �44�v,, 1�1� ent fo ye'ars . afid am, an wei,e, t1i Ou en-' r -;.social on Frid4y nighl't scit'rosly have ur .turn. Wat6n�)r( 0i h I ' r. ' li -. 0�� now hav andw Y. NIQ -the' 'ehAnee­to,i 1� -IfUriter,- of Pliiasan't-- X �x a preson the: 0 sn uc,, l, w0fort- 4- i�`Avr &v.i.­vrdujd­- 0 tlme� ano er jually , 3ysten]L . 11 1 1 . I . 24A]3A devra button onlf�),t. ine before Lt ten CA, fiaidi `&tdthiSTseas6n., The' trograiii,.which cordially i iv�ted�'- "11 ill favor tO wit, anotlier evun.' _R -14­�;Lvi-i!j 14 t ` �C4 the foltilda-. red, 6' in itt-iiiell 9 ;dneistect, ot dis�l Oquiev, 'The� e ruar rgel L - I. t' r " 0% , .� " *00 'F b ni�g of the w6ti, W`$, ob citrada!, T 'AJf -AW9 j-, ­.- �- ­- . -X-� . ..... 41641"of lm-te-ra7if-11; T fi-e- I a ri d- -%re- me( Y 11te-1 A and several" gelectibris% .1 stitu W, e ve on �4c, richE�r lalid 1a§ �`Lr beent -found, i1ia tied a t­Ypf-�wrfter no a se ca-whostra, and the Bervie Miq, Ar6fite Anderson 'a'jj)� �!- , ., I Irdwe., I ha6it that ft, , I Than �ours, r6in 4��a�st. t -C , Ott I& lo I P"Oil ­ I P -Q -CV,- ­ ­­ , V, , L . .0 P. TH, iated 1), et 6 h*'h I— Y b ,a aix,­zran �19 , y 4ppred l�gla(io_ I , ;, � I ­ ., 1, ­ I f- , . .1 ­ 1. 1 1. , . . 1. 1. . . . att Alvith sqpatllsaw itiountain,, , 'r 1, 1. :. . - y all. T e e� t ' ment,te- lYbe quotations ft6m: U�g-' f; "k, N P w.rIN. H,, f �n z, ec� 't�j()n',alld, o'ffe h' veyi7g's enter ain ,.in id WiZlst�Flipe Ilolle'eN jil g j. r g1argol, .. . 'T Y8 i y oltile 1. , r Accu§ no' 4inall creditiipbn Niias Stewart 'fellow for r'O'll calf,' 'a;'�reitdin 'fat: farle slunde- a 9 (1 rnaple'tree �611. 1pade a, b ollo-- (�-Xtmqt C i Ingrill iiints, ]NI it tllatj�otf 6illild forlij, I �s work for a, '' * . , . p A� 1) G I . . Second Ch4.Ud6l" "AL. Week I I Tile toxes. .which 'were, tli, triallsloilL fdr�:& dwelling the t( 5), t - 4111sinti.q.4 trfjy�'to tiirda� wife. -�,11 the' ladie§ The sel t bude'b�, n b"', disposed i V well Piepar4 busy �oifse lotik iT i- 7111t. PI to, bogitk.by I ii, vo ilfl ol)cn �f b� th6 king,of auctioneem, Sir, PUrvm,,- wel�Oine- ..-Yelar-great-4i6fth eStrtffj b0aSrt*8..I -trt. I Ityl4g. JL - jW e a.n. lvico6nt t fit ejtis�l r 4 dollar, r0weliair was 6 aloil slei:lt thc tide, M_,_.( ed i os ti�rtgly.by,.A.' , hkago, U -F M. K"rg 11"roix -TY-U0a5T-,- ur %T. Mill 5fd* LT-Q� o I'e 00�1 Of fr �Vbotft JOY W0A w ilfi tn4iibarie' it�, 41 .� '" '­­.� .. r I I . Wlw�re belts ol wheit stat!fc! exit coinpilt,te m; �ll "Im (A(fftv ith 011dert %'Wives S WAY -be rbliiid, In - fQ106 re - A k�04196ftl [Al rlgan non t(Y day and froltn'ltlwnc�.,(� to' 4", 1 !"(ft. fiA Itwi vas- "0 i tl! �:4 f4�fiql t Oil Lfke st -Tfieidity, Feb, Isj: W1, it I MA11 AV ra .0 bbi not1h, te* wpor 1?I es 'v �q, In '4,tth!� �hn A�n4etgclb Who liag, beela"i ts'and Glow ita N1 r. M'GA61ey"Rioalc Lilte gettlg. Upon the r6i��] :crl RI It: what blit 'J'11(, paftS of, J. 4 .4 CUMBANOR'UPF FOR" 80 CTM ay ` fit, Wag a. de-' -A hurrtbde of the rph rom �hdre' at- vollf,tolNusalld Cities 's.tAlld; Saunders. flm' N1 I -tHAT,s ow . T) ]p ji #](.tj -Rjjc�, 8'jj I'l)"18hing J)y f ... ...... ... h6l' `tx) arpet Aryn� 1� take- no b 17 th. 'tpon&4 th 'iail ]�AP­ ,risk. 06 G Yr, wee li�. 1151`�OUGH strem'g, the rug"" t, to 4-a" 1-k41M Y (.)J',th6pthrt� g` Do� it iti,the p"its Ustor 'I our c at 1-r4rin, this we'k" I 'lvettol'it ri 'Urg 19e)fn6, (V out �001A�, n 0 FOR i. 5 1 ceii t blott) e ",)Vt li 1.7 V o'Piltr Awl,y6ilr coal' ., '.. 't (1.. (11 fffth i f6U, ft 51, Oft <if PARI,SfAK Sdge '146 ffAi,rit �Urjdbd h0**e 'w0is,440e, ant, I fo�46h In the tow TK#201 on ri Ary wag d eivieuitig as proadhed On And �asf Amol!M9'(Yf A �A t filii o& flit A 14121'1� P I h 4 found Wi f their lifillitylef aj)r)6ar- Of. 6jtr.-- ff ij doea jj()t ejjf(:r t hOAit, - '. . "t1jL(�ir' �f 11 :AnA wh6n1c Y n 4 and i�ill Ju jwly k!"'W I �e%vft- w1fi, 11 ��a 1�16,' j Aft yodle, 01 o fit"xt, r fti-ri,yeti, 'I'll"it A06, C ewe itout d�jjy, evi" t h: ceftar;, 'oot - "isa Bramij K ijight, Jar visir 9�ent V6,ar f6t ixn',el o i iUy i4t­fiv hvf(l 4 FP(,�j I Wee, vgfi�e Y tg� rY ­jmt week wlth'�110'1` AisWr, Utt JaMirie" Ith ifAltd-, if - the*' aystem." iPARISI le-greM" AN folithIrti of ill(! 'Val, I ight this w tbc� at "Bannockburn," 'YoUr P i gel, fo, x*1'uffte,! trjilie, aftel 1141i. "v-6-wer" Jt-� ily VA Our (13w)y beA fall lulpwmf Used 1�yy a,r,, fir I is gilwapi'lied -to. tt h � i, o Y f, la V L ie Ani,11-46, &411111�iold­ WaldaL A o I n, "It X tfj§e '.v� d OR, W—�7 on e lcy 4-s0 6f the, em Ify 9114 Wait wasr. mar, A The in4ple in, �'th Heil, 1,6t *"k, W, 'tail 1 U. U V. 3 in Themil wa ,.-Upom Rod 9441; q �J, ,George of inot4l1i 'jile, bjeln 61 66fLeft g Mao llifi oo, ...... :�tt� 60,01-- ANK nfkawyli fir%�'f'qtttr , �� l4v tfs""ig au6iidiug e eftil katid 6deriAh t th ..4 j 7\\ lak,