The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-01-30, Page 791F, 7777777777 77 -7 11 4 "!r �7 47, F t.;, ry atia, cold' oljvo�5, macafiton -7 A few s �lem tibupe,jeave� mal6a�go�id su'la'd I on le flAvoi to 1`1.�ATIWFIES, LIONS 11. R, peel will give dtel',� U'' bread p0ding.. 4 - SM T." PH ANDIX 11s, does. a,way wjib lixit, F`� QF Np.",0 11,0 by 'W1 tes W E,EN, L0 E X.. OFALL AS OF rZOM V AN jJW qr ou A 9-0,04, -tub- T, i by t4,`q!Age1V a i a Ail, Its Pianokeys may be.clenned. IPTOM nton,,juice and lwft rag dip # ped in D; ­whitiii _4 - pr -01-t ? JX unleS,ItC -Xn� �P�-qpl�--tbink tile . . .... f -an ��l "4wr 0,; A UR�, pumpk1'n­- no fid 'Wa et� it -F66p-- - I., — .1, - pie 01 IM K­gff �S­W iie"id"41, -­RV—H,­T1 . . -.�. , I- ". , I " I w" r- EA T4 h w e I ullipe prgeso y abj�Lq 4esp'�it'�W' y e'':;X �not'en I4y,theJr.u#inAItpii ayierwitl li�ttl� q t YLLON "TEM—, r Ile :,c ­�,ested: -bei breast, Of crun!ib­ tiher,terrible grief C1 r44-jin 1 : ., . I ' ' ' h' t­e'-Gj1IelV`sS WI oi of ee� er 'lover 14 w0r J), to ffooa -Wai to� 7 els"seenied to cut' -Tile - world seeme'd MkI , W Iii, � ­­ , E . -11 1, OF� IT .11 . I I each layek of core of ahO 1�� 11M led very, A �.olate -and ot 7 b�oo �&ep d�iyjx inW 'the, very ay Q7Q Afid dei 'iiid add k �e Iiii �tro��: dark ifth bits bf buti ee h e e ov�i cr to. r n. SU B h, t Itel. ic�t 'him ��jh thpj,"ggle f row wi ghe* 1e.1r1L.jathzrt"9.1 disgrace 4- way WE WI no glyo -D U)" WIM bt -her. j How cvul-id -d -dmct "A V lijil: bili ace pSW,-W, Wgi, en,' ak�,,S a goo im gull 1, iny coirage 'Y and'.. I t Q -f r.bu nited King-, I Wl''I"hring. AM. t "bil vi' of the U -her :ace; e 'As committed by t , minutes 7iu -u s and kald's ty X0 t , The ij�nppr 'A.9, saw the,,,. eMotigit in, f j3RjTI8I( 1901. TE. I � -hear ;.w w ' . -' i ---- --- 4plie ip fr.i -Witslmin­r, qg, ;tye pro Uetib.It'of the, ex"om—I", -ng­.q"­ ce -the total - Vz­ . d6m` was b6 - ]not ht was 'oOdF' consumed a e t ruptp(l oung man 'H41 - A 'by is,. that it "Own. ri,d',plive The thoitig .1 bav,P-n)t told Mix o, and hisien d to rl�gojutjon b a t e, r: es it - two -plump--arrus-,b�ing An -h-s"l-but..you -Smpmy-opinio -SU h half .i in h.0,us�,.id orat e pie s, 6f the Unite ag r nee Uingdo mean Aq ht�rt, yaor PrQe-WoUn -Ouve: w e are g Wei K qpp rw _uld' u on ra-theffbi- ,ape. 4d -c e'k pi�Tessed. �ov�qi. way�goft. -of gtud�ipg to, -a 0 7-Milb -4 19 in ly. around. foirrith ur. ep., in g 'b Wing. q. S; -round rosy-, I _e e g p­�4ark­rii e se ii*fq rat ion 006 00. b'.6,8 .1 Y ­f, n my lips"You know, Wip, �W clo�'�� Ag­#ir-k§ 6 .-'-o, n- while the I I -up, -y-o-u- AE it, b J h e I egg Ye4p yo�u� av uo- our. all, rinief>, Volume N.!� iMme "AMY WA _not �q ay�bj �k wnlas in:,goi i6 e� ., ­ 1ili stiet� h wi� h m 4 fir -� 6-iit -be errX 'fice;�ntroj t 1 11 -4 , �y o ur. iou An- S;um ton, -since in WF .Bfie -1 1 . .. , . ., -a ia .cQ w Tf� 0 1K -."Pon �L? "T n�t 481P bnt, ei $at r avirs 11. q When'l -n -b UO, PAN RQ -his p, 'm is dull :"'I'v, t"to": �And pi rushed a ay the �atheti U them ti Z 1810,11 mile b Pir'' jig.-th- - 0:61'- 1 on,�a;, pierms -hear ",4Z �,,6 t r wai U 4' a 74'. —�7 e a 6 �bi h M f ittex �Pt-!,.: ;Nil -:1 ah a 'bi.itve:, ce A, , �d "' ,- �.il " io'i - � say hi, I Y 0 Li tj j':;,6o&1c[n P y MR '160! ulit., bialL 9 Mf th k tip, .1 was S :�i-,PuMe lh��, tlie it" b, J�= VIA. �;ev -ady ­.-Yii oj t" O�ld: �is g.7--,­t­h-eu­ - - -w-ph -A TT --rlc-0 ?r-.. 4 eL ,­aydt m;dI!Lzd W- ho- 14'ghf�01�`q 0 W r W'S, J�, lot! putting. On And "i d t 6lii the,'first` wx h graze. P., �Arg+, ` P UD T me th6: s, e ni&te� rawa an -As� tj h' IV ulp -,aise conP. - 1�1 up ii­� � , ffh -all ... VqV!ptMr­ ie F -Wil theOMR0 -A, 1XV-7, a;, -d ompi Ing, t1t aily. 'nai; or. Car UntelIL-an A64 "I e 7, V.7 - .Y 7 V, -flj 01-9 dirla'-M.'. "n -g-, e ooser Aiclesbf A' k4 "me n- tion:.,, It Woui Y, I fl. Y jefta�n, y. 'tooth C -.f W to a the Dip briisihiw­in "h i "' .' " . Z 0, - tid . I , 0 -y:bn'. 6" U e,. y .6,eps h0u§0 eTQ. SAW re; -who 'It on I care o r;yo It Any,, woi to diSilifee,t t�" em h e., a -I'd ibiw6r, ht 1efeg�e -4P J SY ay the Br g: W1. k t &,&her.dg,�-., -. .- - 1. - d ' IS'S 'j 6SL and'- am W t ' " 1'* Ui U Tek a f - P li �pd.`nxie W ea, slie" -ah,dLa - tay��riq -thb-0o, A ther­vnt ' w- .,-, -­. -USM ­.­,,­ ".­­­ wo ilfe le e;?� oyi long �,Vpo qwiij gr �L -VVegs:-t1x 'd' -sare-lif- wdll­sg,�­�no,-SIlx -th Qs 1,01,ig 1907.' ei -�Q-Q4 jL�L ei Al - - -- --f- rom, It -j-1s6n 6hhe it, tk.' -�- - om"tw , g.. y a U e�- 0 Met -Pa L &jii - r-ji.1- -in" re 1� 0.90,�009;000. ii --Ahe-r* .0 ever. --wero -.'Can ht. - �,A EN niinut Si r Since, "the: --day 010 a .40 e t -.,to.. w''irig �n, other MKIM�� thrown on rqgr,.q�tv �,j Rritish i p - ------- the fte­w 2 D00,0QU -1911�1� AAA, ? ntly� W72 ---I d It, �. ab,6ut L ClAt ain Ing,. ds,81ff� 4 aelie. �6d to. ..7 ILI -H nee. 4-4d a "I vi& 4, "Z. -b 'd + -!�W!�M: h re main, -11 Q M. r pl� In ng e- �7 _eBS7 f-9:6 durible­­i d"S4 r­persiona �eq­ j ft-bolre 7., WVT� hzili, hard 4 -bnce�; Aleg. jurnitirioz- j- *01-'. mt�nty,�m a' ""A rioteja�q. 41 -411. 1,p, 94e boh t. an joyl e Said he,da m Ley lnllxl� , us `:1907� oAPj up 'lip jtIls-pf-inilk, 04A 'ed in 144 _tAI' i.a- -e t7. to .7-011 eve. P thqlf- an V gee� It Jery, ne� "Not a 'jehlou -hair, :In TekW s. muttel-ted., an n h tied the Irelind 278 i flo bi 04 itiontais. t i"t �,011o [ored. he, 5.11WIl F rj -U- Ciiii k, �oT' h i keq.'with., r t6 fish rmuc0a�. d- Txentg A, hoiiiie..A-h ',a* the ii6xt, two coppiar-omol - Ell UP ­ !�� ­ . . I . . w* �: L. � I I k,16. jvpt... creamy.. ea rig . . . . . . S" son wa, spfinkled T k� 11 ind , '. 1, linobi4i , ill 4,ed V h 1. lito'. a Ing a astries, -1 h -I hb; I I'don't- believe t r8r.,' dsked Ramiltop--, iai , an WrZe�ii I T -es 14 -M AY g -- Ins 76red.' thin, Y"'a ­ V i -YENOE PRIM J­�Iihl 4�4- doorw* -117F —s &;Ictj,�-tNix iri�uii -the robber of bu,tter. - Pour, over ;-10 ke will m&ke ljoth;7fl ana �80PRX Xihgdom' in, RAIL DT, vier � ­=. .. ­ ., - . . .1 '­- P;�-Vffr outpi , it nite W I hii Y so"�ioften there ijig -'el etweell 493 T"� -ear'' Ad, ra�S4 6e- �Aiid 5 b:e­ Itn' b ..; - , nate co -a J-907 wag 2" When he -camili 'oh th� threghq vith�.thii,dopr- had _jAk-pri the C!, -sighte reag�q on!e!ii mo q. Oy, d W., Toinla 0� tructi PU spar wi 11430- Ake spots.ou 'h'do* that'led to the stioet an ore, ut tW`O. 60W 'h* hand "-can. t of..�mushii;,--and ons Ao A a Eggs 'po - ache ... as. id q That it is iml knob dn" is, :iw 'YYOU Cod" the­h-,#&p�rts' 'of ib n-ful, bc9dd12rd-tU-�a-,i r7- 60 ,Said "!H-6 or -n�initf',5 leipe"d-.4hr-o'n-gh. it­,� Y6U gee there me, folk a uvieis, are &'0 Ile W, L - Bij- ';' noth I Terence. in -t:oesand oneehoppe 0- -011ii I n th-ein -exaoti d' 11111 -QVe Wantt'A- Miss- Ma rn�nutcs,,d exi,. 'Ej f 'cl, o' ream. Th'ey Lii ,I wit44 you. -hqd' A ItD the �ifiell-i�Y Is W.1 "h seed ich' It is -gobd f6r �4 -ent th`�d�ethle.-��orla an& ti tothi-tig -ju d-e,.6aDter.s, h" f-%) ­r, idling' k ',�d- who-,�is downi­, t 0 the- time when t5a a -o. ala.rm coln-', after� di;ca.rcling- th� s and . all �mj -or burii. :'to show Eric hei the ne`ne-�64 r-ingifig 'a' n'd th' n easy �bbi&i '' Y. X, uxaisir� e- unie - e Inei -eR *b-'- '' T -J, ,7 , U& ine. -7t way- to C ean­ ;ur-: with y6u "th �Vl� ife, �Add hf6E� A' me t 6 It BW' Ve, id, , , itmes, we� I . ��- R Vheh -Ith� afw, 1 0 the 6ar.,, �and I I 4 Mal, U, Put) - gza wa �o.r youriself'. es's a -iO -ilt. Simi ing-, lie 600;000,000. sterling �d' 36-�- Y -V -U joi hr M W. -M -w were rt d alf'cupf the'�de6aate exRo., e g P1 '. m: ; 1. in t .61 cojild. not*' halve 'been.;. a io�,�-h IiI of k ttiti. .'t ege r 004 w'olith of Ke---shojild of" 14e,,Jev�4 ;4.uestiqn� 913o- the'!flowe ace, un .nq, papir. DV to,:- h- ­ titput oF rifisli, Iae&a -4Skj 6, 'npL MAMIMP, emi)ng1l'. _y a there �al 't soinne cu s -Whon, -,'46,ar -!g ri g ga 11 . t] t 'In ISPOSI. IOIM.� - ind­bri -'to ie .914ss. bei-�- inarke a tliii:n, 00 in t, .0 the p2qt��tgj: 000�Ioo ruz eau ­044 k� -6 it­fiaxt iin, -dqt;11,e pc t u'. k W-Y" �tp 6 *Vjj 6r' Ulk­ 'erfect w ir, N d ari U-- stiit �,L, ni �'M H azI ripss ��An ggs. to. �an pi �i. t Y p h' I'vja.' L e- 'e, cou ivith Cold a counryjs 'a ma �dn r . ags d. long-- :'!',Ae- a t, cold A 7 F 4 k 'i ( re eiric The A ry AeT-C ajX14.6 but' aiNo Id "g-d'aso n1h iu6e Ni,a -a 0.11 t 'ofite')i' fa 'ied you. were. on, girl Is foir&iVer coming Urid' 'was digInIssed; the4 t 2,660,006,600� 4vIg4in-, , ne J .4, . . b h hink-s -h,6..-;s more ropriet won 46&toast e s r -Alf" r,.over a kn exibolle,lit w.w ea ca, E)- of, thii ;rebeiv fb' t x "Cold toi 66rie 'After y�u­ if, you t Ake her'ti6 give. no reason tort ft. 3 Your vis- er',�,`afi�, �IDb h p',et "717S' -.to -7pUV. UW L 'e �one who is, JT, eak. 'to ybu ­Hami1­t,.o`6­­'-'Sat:­ �ii -,. ", by A, growing ess 6 a AS afity of- om, at] j 40ALS-oap­a��,two,:or seldom niVeR never -.never t�- I'l �gk big' his .-e o TonIa. 19 ft . I i td.�,hhn­; as 'ft" "T `�i ��e":`mr -utt.61, L:daiib:g one-frair.th th�eo . tp� I -6-g6d­un eis fl- c h &,t'rb t -Ai to -N. -1A R VOW' ­tid-ki�kg- a er .,Ta e -just If =SeLf that, "hese' biisi .4re 11- ri gh hot w n4i 0�ur an, ei he mrt ;;7U--jj good- -4TIle —rql I Si- ' , 4A: .- -7, 1 & - — . - � ­ � I ;-e Iij t t e nd, on � A Popp r -cu it p Oil zo �Z t, I Jess was- to �jd .6 ap. UP' -A h L��nYu- " TJ ­r�esl h -:ba,�.61 t�:t-of­t ­- wiff��--Sxid­erio:ugk­ - -- n, fring . _e �---i6nce ..1-4 e­167b-llitsp�tr , - I MbM enti -cbjVcS"'­­ 6 1 - - -,, digs<) ching -a*,... tuation, W�en'the go and iee=, Aor zilince y 71, 'b h- so. 1WY p. a Z� a one .1.11-1 f -dirp .50 much that I *ioul&�U­g- I� L a- pair.,61 'heels", ku'd Tekla, had'va -1n;- -he Act,- so to nued.) bicoA�,4%tv,orf er b -,D -he� n1i 7-1 t �h t we b-re�k �ff-Ltthe-&Agd -IiIly�,-Gtei h ed, Eft i� '-way in pursul i St- ­br: - Z.&�,-Iig - -u q It W47.-Uact d7p %,<14e igli t ich�-gj-lvd You-Su4nul st j—r - -- ­. I I 'IL ­ F-tj L e oyeA �e ... ...... lel, -a of Salt; pour. t I, 'k 46 1 his: -bea ea an ­M&Able ---set; �tol,.-mpp M- covex­and h. vgelntp .1 es­ hquseffioRl 91 v­e­ . . ....... -,Poa -'----'d thfi- r sp Ki6a-,g" i�- -= MIMI, )-iD-.- -1 -, -- -- Ing 'k, *hi ng; ig- ah­ersy� inUtei. 0 -�j PUMA% -E-B-iff ... it in a 11. puz­ .1ne, Aj-.U.rd, to -beable� b is - quite sin -l'-for-ingtaniMi nise voic to d ' go nother M lay­hii,�a g. ',�!WeU �since`vyb We- not� r wit :111"-Taka fili�-d:,.with geaIi-hg-wAx,' And ­,b -.4,11 tt ry m 4 e*,r., , . �:. 'I, �- I , .1. . ell.,-ie�-.-, '. �. th-pt roun, fo r 12 -tion nor cease,.-, to. at WRI .1 ­ 11 y '�.ii 4Y W g rte� Y ch �ok or "10 -_ ­ o r 4' - I ­­- "" �rkiii an to* m�e Uirl� A-Inight- a A`* All, ­W� -­ o f beet' 66ire f;Q g 4ftetww&M Tell -d *Y ft and - Shy' -I'd eri w i�ni�aster,,h b Fred. " itick L 41 mai ej -Shall --ceas wte 4 n ve r o�h 4 -are', t -: �11, - i Yp,u­ 11�edl-bd M. vshe awk At o a j ILL U gttyii�v oonfti f7,11 -f -1 could never. tor-� esp �s w Wo m*lgbt '4ave Uld' X good - d* 11 pieces eitte. Ei - e, wise to- go -,too far.'-- l, ; � foll size .. appe, ��u Ato itmii though I knd.w- It, is .y. to,,. car& :L : .. ­ I . .11 �-- AV %gxg pdo 99�Wel,j�,.if.yoji w -fAt­4f­­ ef. y re ilUh Ave the truth- !for so Utt I fry �:in,*,me Umlitella'Maldnei Iffawd,ot.... v-- to -rite Wt iC 'is iny fate�'; butter un -61 --slightly bti6w�` - Stir, &nwhil� Lan6ast6r-b'ii Ira- hiee-,dage.o. ;'S'lo n&--o.L -T-ba­-=Axi 7.- Wber winn,ink ihy!:heaxi you 'wish M0 aa�tm,6ii;----,-aii-d�-.-gi-ng--e%,,.-,-,-offe--=-ba*,Isl'ez�- iff-ot-,gon0a-ra; -tit- M-7 PT -17 T fte 1�,t& .,tile d jj '�.. . I . .3) 1 -'942-- �! o�6nfU­-,-­-.­. -.,1----,-r 1 17 P Cal diii �"Gtflls 'do no 2-2 Lited-LL oi� C 7+1-8� - - ' i h- ht---4--421L�dit-144 ggg, Fiji,' I nii&tii bi When h .2Thank..Heaxian -7t Z-�-be f �n -e �-�heg br qwlheyt� I . , 'i �,j "hour and a hallf., NIV 'h .f itbe,eillplo.3' 'S. iIT Ong hen the mt —j' Umblrella im;Bijoici foyi- over, k@g Mott th.., th 'i" breath, "I 6bug4t,,there. uld �be, F.. i t t:, in 'sa pel]--.,, a larig6 4V : � , . �4 � ..- ' jLeLo;'�e of � l6il-ton '11 be "ibund to be afflicted, papr a9me one ese �an,J ind repri' M i . I "; I I ­ I s - even threats..' kA, W. &L�Miejl vou fears —ser -sho,,WAhegLgoh is jg bu'r M's) Cut o v ilide. . Should 'be,. roid tiSS116 d:ild therk�� wa-,% gtT�hnge -11-00 es 6 J Steamed Utmiine It `the-�Phcc ­ "whohi t1 -t. I Aid not- like It's: a, piece�'-A Ap-6&-615-dfif- the. curi y d' -t e'dij�s, rien o to , "' 11 �f ' t �,of- iD a Ellis Is, Ue."Lo knoW a, j.i�jn g, to arn -�yoIL.woulidAske , - ; -a�.�d -the jitme�ixyf -1-1-- bttqiW�ss that' I ---Wfng­i. he: =13rowt -ale _T :,if yo -on;i, h te-nip e ii g a' umbr6fl', ,�'N be�fftmperi ' �d- e 1'j 4of makin 11 a )reSonoe;-,of th' dinit 16dd in SUlt to . . Another, d D to, dry­-',g+.i­i14-,'JL� rbug] 7with flt,�)Ur shipilng tho,,hanciles, a lily is & 'i 41 '� -'I -� n lliz. d tb -f ­"NV-i,t-h'.Pqj)jx,.v an�t salt" f .� vm" try. th - Lt YOU -Whicli.moy th� trnth. ax niAhem..' bzor d - "a -if' th�6 me J e grown' :b6: takdn, from. thii, It t'n' g*s' A% hav',' fitli6 bbi into tbe r ng ours:.Mte it y611iself-1or- -,d,:. and, now. e- t `yo, u gi� -e- dredm -7� -the- v 'fa -ice- :ef-­biiie1 'nishin. s.6, 11 er.' I -hm ed ot! urffi4 Sit) Ion cons, 1 0 If aW:.;,on' the vrin e ith, "Yalat to be frc4,-. Your errand. I t '�&fhe�W,Aui76 f 't' Lib Y AOSE lWiRY L19V E 80:�Ciii over. Z 1P n AT.:" 11 � d. Keriie:10oA . . . 11 . p I I I..., deep pan -Surr-omli& ri ro, Oil 1, arly i e me, madt it %not 1. 10116-fdo ff with, Jd9sy. CA- f &r. 6f. tb"- iii -of., tu?the ye tab�cs d tio� break o tWii bxieath�, WAII WAh, fbAh, lical -H.., -.-Do -fit "Cup W: th spw of- carr�Asj.tlorli in. '11 nips i'and W- -1 no.for-w` e, 'e-t- a—Wairr I �41 h a he, 9 A 4AMA SUGAR Othm M Limi MOMWA - -1;!, - - i4-1 �11 ­­­ who t I W , Ini�r ry th wor, r -fi ve d iin6hjule 'I>e r<an toi�m * Our over, 'P S.: hei, xN,.'th, one-half tea,,` 3 tiog�,t Uis tiree cifps 0. 'eI,,jj f b 'I tit. Wt 4er lip fir We, �o,A�ei' YV Be If Ver her'101 he!,RA-� 4rour 131 qsto every tiirty.. "a to th, iii's. M." The.,.,vE V, -htr! -4i�4s` better to; Have a. MinIr e s - avt taunted me. wi py sight of 6e girl un ner 1W I � - -61 , A"'m 'd MAkrho'" N. lConcret-6 :jqrown­s;ItI­'ce M A d 'a een AidillcW 4, WI 11011t a. 'I e, no e Ir" Worm, k rd I shill- liv t ilie. �brtd,.6.f. this Mdre ii lio '69 -5 -6 t 16 pan, kv'feail a thipg.nian' 1,35 �tl '0 th AS that -kno :-ipilt o-ihe­ girl out of MY Of a La,'ffareo -- - ------ - - oate my �tjjojjghtS, eVj t - love is--�-btift -,.t.o,.-,vi;pdi 6iii though I Iftive, to a-II.d cl 'the: jud&, erit,.--G.' fresh 6r 66141'eft IX)Tn roil,; s eats it . j+%(,d -are W, ing to pay 'more if, wollid he, is. innidl, d a b AWW-11-fhe in, ..for­th�-Aime--J1eing­to- ge' or tin�ril down -and, 7" �i­­-fuj-'Mtjjr thartdrMes fr6m fi dean N d1O. 59- If'fre:,i beef '111h--,�i, cent 'by, hon whb- -i� h 0,fi t� . weal th -Sanit a -face brandy, -t, : . ­Rve, ­hal­ . ery Urlwa 1' t:i f6fic ea -k ry I 4-06-ifit­ ­­ ­ .. q -. : iii ' ­�J ­­ " ' ' I ` � i ill t,4 -1 t6, jizSE66, the�i �M �.t mi 'Po. .4'1 "o; te�f-4 -T-o; - near y ev Ile f -,R rt�t- Ate �-d -fl ary f for, Y-0.11 'n6ver­ geo you and called for a: glass of,, 16,06 2n AT, Or butf-icr In 4 satf�ce gi� It M-1 4,w-- d chy such dairies. charge from. 50 per cent. to 100 per cent. morethan other§ gain 1 1, Stamp"ouf 100, 7, f _ij.T arid Soda,' -and 'even then 'aL eve 4:4 bl�ql jS' J ` Me "gkv rse. J. btains.-­iProfess-or Sna A as tho�,gh it w Stl knew 11, The m an behind the b, 11-1 wl,�--. N'w d (6r am- iin,,..thwb-b 08_,A)�tl I - -­!PJ,­A -: :�,4 � . -:supply the, deman .,t ey-can. r �bi avil going he fat tilitil PUP, in of h m6i ht ng�,­Si 1111i -RYP­9Yt8MK;�'t Ing, �4111 r' y of, NYorcester., 152 e V (1 -Te, the ­phdWgiaph- ko� ''o xhild­is,-6o- &-trelop its',"'natutrQ-10ire, -broivh., '6 1 r cows if yi�u i S .,.6jAI:icd twO tablespop in -�b e Axis more w o eso jeisi �. .1 h'I me I or a c er price,-. V 1 1eh p'4i'M5-16M' e W fo the free bd-oi - - ' . * � - - --- 'r- ­ t dre 66�., 1b. * : milk ?,roper y cool'and st re thei vffiich he had pililig i Stich is fi6i: orily'' h 4, " I., I "' '­ it'S" f 'ean be':' fd f �Iraf�r to ";i1exibast, cover Vo Wh -I ­Q.tp tun ity, This' 2I -S: a� "�l �ilfil� �Whl' A : 'Ik' h , "d 6ut than -mi I an led by Odin' ipethods., A P r',' he th'o. nibiit is' r ith 66 Mklyi,6 air of about �o-o'rt 0 %dy:tIIIcken 66 g'r&v ' v -it is ,,41�0, lower -tip"'i tw ret -ave b It ce. on worna pbur 0 �veij�ijred.- , - :, . .. d 'Up io ita, xtibiltN vTI-ri thin shoes of. viol-b.fi I ce stirre C M n 4 , wild rece en '�ibtli`�Iltt.i toagt rthd' sii Thil.11 Witat, h Ailst. p 'J 't Lord it Mcha Har wi66ti6' ly: i,j "It* shal I be Ai 'SPti ;wi156 i know. whipt srou ie r T,11 e. 61ost 'gladsbrrio" thingt ift tb 6 Ur or -even SOF 8 65 do, not" Aw''S day night td* kiii C" -s T W -to cr te e III r(Y". 10 1 "'M m5y. law i wari-ci is 'tfittt'fi iol �18'' fal;1, �Mfy- build'a' con e milk 48use or r ticrete,Aroun hig I, d `ot d,'entirely t6 thei'subject iii'whi�li eydry progrdsiiiv6*�,Wni�r ist., copee -hii, Vbieei­ -Sal r nil fl- 10 h, iou., wa n to', Y) 4, * , A t te m&f . , ­ d th­hbm­ -A--rfd wvthe far�!i- It is not. a cat ogue� "Yotl will 60t- W* stir- - r nedy, k e a s are, ey e '0 it skill'p't, unt" 'tilgln cal. be' troubl6d Pi I' t Q s wa 0 W48 ra 0 here, 6 p 'Z� In h4� -Ott T- MIX it -T- er e talk, 1n A cz I On y A,( 940 "'. � , I I ". I . . A": , I an tail 6,- ' 17'&F"4- tontri an goit-fid-64",sbi gilage 61 that 'h4fid" tAT 0 o joiii in the i;s C61 ei; 4 q01XI6 &CAP69 And. husk, �dsy t n tesf. o. lao In -'aqk titIN forA6. book. We 9t,eer,fo ffi,j 'When' yo�l. th 1 lAt C o f I c 1, 11 i o g 80ar ImH -6sthat ot, t,6 'I"Out a OV A ftt plate "Y6 0 Ale U 16, I'd, A�ndt-eWL' Iiii is bout -xnrd' Pfilt' bf bol 'ntd� i'They gA'Y .0, u9t, id Ite _if evcf_�,trt' to voiiietiiV6 41�cir lwfioi.� "I us hwve: vefi ask that you ilarve to. (Ise eelitlellt, eq �Upitxif 'AaAe to thig do a e6ve.r �16 I t n td lrtuos and d nideod th "'k. 11 kk K, Z-0471KIS yes for 01ell d! inicl. Alo y A �.ffiy bL 4 ghfl�­ 1H gn., ptTfj90#Vi 61% Spy "bovid lidw, ;T6 �nokt rnOi ho, is taking his irn [4neat As. 4*114 q ii�figljtjy heard h onit) P1 'to,.hqttrt- PV411niiii, nowsr ;#Ith bfittet, 8A �tA� 110biwol�� -And Se roffi the IAt- -�gl oII.61 and she 15 .9 finish� th� first.year of Ws 's heapod,, wit n6 S�� I ;( - . I W or tWo f CANM unt'i 'Flo ­', CIIE4 M Very its 'SO 4�. , ' fdj� do h th6 0 1 topera'as 1116 1 pors sity; airid end m bno'� oonnecte Wi tr' I* d1d-11­­.t'­­b 0 bw I no � S 0 pro'scout ii v lidg.. 'h 461, 1 eiied anj rid eir an3 eartS . -& . - Hal teal;. 13-5$4 1 mo�trelj Ila di I - I , 0 01 '", It. wilt, be 6e, . ........ It bt .11 . ., . , "-A It REM hA*­:&ohtdJthtil ch- 'ittorov".8 , turn Y011 you­bit�)io niohl" fiiitnlboo roasts thOP, Ic colitifiltea jI 'Mali, .4'qf Cdndda hai'm" k 'new w0iiii e jbtt6d ihor CanadO"I*ti -1 �'k thefi And' -that the old b fhet6 while the Sun Waxil 'bad vi) I hop boli bring myscifto Velidvd� dad its dkiiiinIg '4114 "tho 'blut sky Ni ti�ok,jbeih* iau . i b**01Z �,g 6difig 111.... 0 ell I)ot I I qlbudl4mg an U bN d1i io , U ­--­­­.­.. 'qbb�pry . . ­-�11. ­­:,.-:' ;. . - ­ - I 0-#� : t 0, 1 Jolla a. 1.'tAll. eel 93 �d Aamil, The-Arwii I savo birig �h, i 4ft Ai el -N4 cwtg ip�JAy ri Ar'4k N 6 M kd 'o m 7- L I w 19, - L'bT- a —c e 4 J�