The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-01-30, Page 3Taw 77 7, r A . .. ....... i#1d h "'t Tt. ��'ehovcs pne,-to be caief ul even q HOSeOW V or .--)Enjoyed -HOW10 P 4 cess.Marte, iiiania, b ]a 9 Ron 0 prok MADE kiLtIONS ViNRERIN G, D' S �VICTIMS A BEAMIFUL P AINVE 8 if",fOU LA''QRIP NO TRY: t 'qj� tempts#=. as. the pre, '414y� UpQ W- ;Ph­.Qfle.�xn&nioure�61 Qft Weat "Ji iitg,U4e.a,Dvg at I assIm y. T1dr een Yeatiii try "to get thl* f T�erel has recently. died op t �,,of One of the moat charming'young opul in `pay a - ed W i> has gny,,. *nP`-s fiailii, For, it, lis P 46,400- liv,Xany Forks, tere in Ho - e�a­.11tie� P the best known ohai�c T .'all, E00pe is �,Supposed that trim them ON C �A',t tIo saitiiafi thy�,­61BailaSheff,­ .4"Ato ho g _lWY: UPWAVIR JURNEy to e .1 fl, -00W, tb4 :iiery- wea and. y. m w. I rec6v4i umain --W Is, scarce tie, �Fh weekJp - .,or, - - * ill ` irtee '­­yiears -old put., Do .1 Y;'o Y" er I i*m: a: l is U. B6d n6rq.qU-nl.r'er who meilded,`the --Be.auty her birthright. -f-o i, W- 0 1 .-More. All �b ' � r, - , ­. Mh f,the, n,' esdgy� it'r-is. ulmost ta 7T eases aff lie Ty 4D,ves,- com a) t uring, thi 'i0t SIM �-"N W- rr 1 7V -01ro. t th oll auty, er.' s Witw esp G�0,3 T le'd P44.7- samovarii. '(te&- urno) m6ther the Q -of OUT W64 F, ALA id a, that mise , I '-SrIeeplt tp 009 � :- ro,wp, I rAncess. arie $CIATIGA.;' d-- a 'a. is W ewh abZ-it or,hej h' :IrIppe or are or ovs ea Ith d 0- your par I y me le bit y Or Was mQ100 "]a amiable` R 1, b, i y eme end bo4iteIl, It W und. 'r4�le. At itimee �XIlp 94 in aft agony `4t -1, 1148" , he :would -niaiihero, and 4 -ex lien w fri iAg ofi�-ia Wednesday;. b,iit, �`to '6 J 4� 4. P ----- - Mat, r the -T �2 -til voi'd tj 'I 'A ',ould Crown. L -mends thein' to e -r- f Y, _U W or:�and-­w The, 10 -o 6uW a' dog w x:� Re n;g� ol'A ne or,' oth6r -of -the --two-: -Isitii on; -9 -1 me , ' a � bh 0 ;<3rb,*1 into, I V xe-�reeom­ �Dot�itta 'o pper ition q --ptic �6,d . I �. ; , I I - - d t he. novo i e ybody eadaoh En A 0111I , �� L'i" , , "r, P ; � ­­ 2 ksy i ixe nqt, --wj 21 0 "Ulf a, h"' co -day-s W en r'i � 0,b­�jf.' eady li n -'are nlot V �Zs� tz = z,,I:,ty-z - �-M. � k. 111ion"; X4 017,ev Z07 - r$ y -h7 it liat i1i -.Ili these 141411 'etto r7q1d',boy­ P py Ila in y WA �,I, � , a . d vc d6c he i - fior,,sald ,sy. -wa's -�T�--'4­ r of all other 6ffe Eleao V -deed, the' the hill 'Winds. pryetalli In f t 1 20 6r L'osynorg to go 'yqpn d gkan4r. dilk-e�5 Don't trust 900 t 04ta- W, --befbore til WOO i 43ome, 77a- ta of the e C. R" Is' in, T �'Wi4j"'dn the b loo& 'a nd­�cautae­th SCiati�' ii; re 6f cut-:, to, a, th�eatre just Flancop. YS Vdth runining sor�3;i so them 4�,r stakt6d viltlz� h Q,4 PU LAV�P .1 A f 'the 'performimce. and , hir in "'d Y'Q" can vo'd; 14 t,.nd- o e, arie.- Rheumatism !'The,�:trouble yiang.. a the. Sabbath 'Day. an opened up e to gripp -p h to nvi�liy -4 gthe b bripg, §1e.ePI]ess nig ts an'ozoasiona: -a 11 is, -1oli-It buy-' i.,:; ffyr entireV by,k 0 ever, Arive r f ibe slo4ga­ -1n; -he' vie ",11o"w pinipi�fi d mb A '7, sores- Of Odur-66 ockatebin ki 7, ''Use d, le per W . P§, el go, ,.:em- jvi�� aiwa& -%�filu "I -bliiDo '-s�b68t-frieni&-` '1ei*ho ffle d 21# V Poe .0 ;a44: rW by Ins' Tin e' sb�ii 04 -re R iff LA ANT 6 The,erulIi- �USsi *rl h ml��t ll:,hl�-'fieighbor of a,, as; $,To . I . . I - 'of Dri Willia ER. R W& k Pills� if you, ast iong �;U:s �ior,4 remain ito enjoy. JAM made It, worsb e ied the U �i6f 6e: plains why. she,'h&9 blondoVitkirand tions atipie . , � r . ­ I .. ' 'iq, iend- a�ed -on' Fhllllik 0 'and -r f.(zr,,.b .-t� - ­­ " ­ r ... . ..... . -- - ­ "' A ' g3m­-A e, -- 'L J --4,- �f MAI 'thi is -p"m -0 -- 1 g --,-p 1 �611 I . � ­ I I., ­ - ­ ­ � �41 �L�sh"- -rip, F ':t-, rise .6 rib: Alike <)ll. envy, til -nor -.n `to,bel W6*k,-n n., )p eli, q .e ly- after-�effect h The Yy Co. a 'thkbfigh th, rd opt y1ro x 7 er Rl­�&k,­��7,of tbis place 0 w4qu�"r S, s e, use and lame h to' Ifftoug it to,be af. -a fzon,, Duke,of Edmbil s U W '0. oet-�, Fhel "I _ . - - . ­ " I � 1 11 �1. � � X, iai s ad MA.y a m' ii1ght from,Ah UA ing) J;. - OZ hF-*c:bu d' C1 did not h d�, ]Q,� v I& #Us� V d4 AR ed G,` D "4"he'recei ed h W' GhIll -2 .,thaV1ei",he4r D'r� D W, te � .07SPAU is-&�o­b-44 th'a PeXY4 PA X.4.�14;5:1: re er,,� grap tnother TVA 646, 141 p� gging, 4�, F I of;: ri b u" �os,��­�pou :,are PI'ePaJ`-A rwAn-,,,hz y jp�.qt r!5,. come �,he�jrhVo;s. to. 1cm iii ex Years - -jr- Ly "ith. lii� 77 -1th U f h, - -I t2ri a-1j;j7, _Lq Sit t .3 w illo, 4Veil thi Wants, all"hir 7 d, got, Wilhiaing" Pink ca nes.9-- IF, emj�Tqrtmy", _q gie b�6 .0_ 0 J W 04d yiew Scia�. if ne,"DOV-- IPPIP. -r " � ' .4 '] *," "I er "I , . 11 . . .' -i say ted 4 w 0!4tafi�o y. I Wen o1a elp"Ilt ilf �htA.M-Azed &ke,,6 1 4111-, y It tl� q t -Y: oap'Un-d one II an with- 4 'seteie, gRe­ jqe,-"DQY a n '11,46' itor of,' -h. ;4 r A -Work- 404-wdth­-411-�Oexo Ld- 4ec to te'll"t Shoes ?,r Y er. w6n y n -4�a­­ apy a. �Inap:,w deliveka d f -,spveral, weeks,, 4 ri %non -A e, b I op and. pre,06d, 4 ument inscx`b d' The, Piiii,66i" are. d M b xtn�eut,,�' H6 se.8 9te#." t 1 0, 'lld 'ie me'4biout, -a ir' huiO main�in 'my h6d. g4� t Ie.is�,'W U6 41 W. W k1te -hagi _7 stAhe­' -ou Q red iapf) pr .. " 16 - "th er e- h- their. M.Q-' ",no `V1 -"431U Its 0: JL Or I t em bblthiisi��06 tlifalgh� 77-, -6.n- It IV _.a 164 he TbroiihIk,': 1 ices f t !iddd fidt", taking . 1� 11A 406h 8 amd do U , US She' decide'& -XI&YAL C$'. Nothij �g &;I be p ettier"than the, De n" t, -to r9ot i, n", Vi n, i e s e&CIe - ClUe Oln eat, . 'and niiie:da'sf t v �.sual. hejilth-� faith in. their. curaltiv '01, 14�. C 'd u-cba i0, . ured aluti- b�as iii en- t I t th rost-, the P§ . and, pre b i4ght � parp. fo r Au. e - 6 . " Y. that'this I& --Affi xrrk�bA St. dis e�k, ho --k It'll Ilouti it DABJ Wk 1e­#­:UMsje6--7W 4 -e Q AP at -M6 Y­- pJA, r -1111 -Cess, rl lng­wA�h Y4�F., 7r Oil 1111Se­ CII. �U, o 4 "P4 4 utleura aiad� Utic.arg"'o d 4 lei= �o ZY, w Ed 'gh Z= 7111:=: 1 , ' &�J­--�­­­­­ a ild re:.- ; - ­ �­ 1 t "slie W& -:1.6fo r, e-,.. re -g .-b 7- ­h- oud "1 79;, "'-am ee Y A IER -e -V-4611f- i3e1essfitki"., .id r. i;��er in Iker, we - -; � . � - r 0 q _ e -The-lgy On" ,p. r �rIOW7 .1 ai 7L . M71 7LI SAM 6 . s t t 4t Address 'posO.-carld Pater., rag reg" k ove y :".hrq' f-toi�lldl 'fire' B 6k. 5-u n k, r '' S311�11�1.s� f�112�9­­, Tliq8P r ­Barry'�, - o in , - . 4, . A"t s�, -are'. no Afaiib cheyL. Corp- _idoj). BioatioIIl if p g I 'j..'B� ch. time Its; t eir­gbqen Joe g, -at, r tbout ittin .i, -.ep whi e r �' I .'St �ak' -to fippe h wl c and t1 i holds pu�: for -V ontir, 'Ili ja�dtr hei Alik, - -Ki 1'... dney ]�l I rC4 In but isurer fl�d t t them- may, '6&r- f. a�ail. Then' r in con ence, ..but apj�.arenfdyr without. -bhofee #Ate - to It t - j04Y th6 QI]te-6ni-Mother. is. partic-. in 't6 ilre cuie.' Thoy'rd -'a sinlp]e .4'*0 takin 7AY 1�v for ich; ishe-b1f'6&. half .&z6n 'k guilty �Wi 11&nli� dl, �,dft Wh it peop­je�..�t -P Pillc A y jnn� nnAm., ing, I. was, W, tiu.-Dr. I t16.1i6of G Q 0 V IR link: 4nd -coo In I *-.care -1111-11-- ell, as es. dra� Alway in crini.62' b -i you, set, 'S been., 'in: b t 'o x Ay the tune F li�d 6 an n. eminent que.­ji 41;x 'A tfi..e" 6th'. Know Wb-at-tt 'i �S Sor' cult 'fok� 't)1e P an 9 . 1. 1 1 . . lo. s 'o.'st -h Ili& di-li y -one Eight ed Tuney Carries 4 is rospdpt. -the -th' g, I -j.e�]�-Oxeff­ r . Ii. __._ ­, --r. -­ Some. Per s, -Never. -re-was- ecided-bia 1hqtj th eij w.�d' son ........ . 'N'ID r,�:".. - ­­­, 1. L.:. _ r - - - --r ­­ ' f6 thousan w.. - undf,64�"d� mi ',anythi -dY -Vioffi -9-11-- ­ d. t oLh 4e in y are: aI .. _ -L -Ijj7f�*, puth 'ay, �IgAy. q: s,.opin.jop t� IQ d -fig -.oif­tbe�kip, T, 0, IM ki�� ac ua 1� ..b- - .. I . ­. ­ .. , ­ ". � I � - r 6-k. jUS6. 93a r -h ox W-49 :f �h' letod Ahe'. t 9 am B27 864; w- e tR ero, j having fir#t'had. it,Analy"d to be A' good break ast -a' d WAS: the discovery o-ZahrBi �a � q, w FARM FOR r 4541lid to t He fav',o,�ite flit a . gop, dig'eafibil' -mean'L As, sooh. as a sing e 't in 'Ster'ed,in :Englana� Sle 13 CBIIQYlng,my 11 . asstir;d, ofits purity. -goo. appe The ideil;'ib -to marry, i's ;W V L thinkl'l. L and. :Pertumed'are cryt ng, at I W. DAWSON 111nat well and' th��ge ` : b,'e regi gi,t. e. yearjol Ff Id eaM 1 'urd'd d go ;Bveij ii ep the -6ffhe lily of �ho MU 1.6" ni�ah,_ -�Wo k`117 Uyei' of 2a4i�-'Buk ls'..apphe'd, fo.'a Aurin h th.. *al ey and the v he te T oiltb, o, and IDAj4�6Uff-6VO4 - I . - . '. r I " - . at' ��e su:, h t child has' wopund: c injury.'Is lassitude'�I`and,. eadaehes .. r ' n I ' =y ip e Ing DREDr to, the. 4*6� �or thi� H.bN ACRE r man and went,*.- I AQ Ez= tie- Wil- 1dr -the 96�nt. doing it 41 ave pi! h poovea ih� - ivil bf Dy 6d pstrtlab a 'Cheap I�Iiiv bn: T�ifik'. Pitt pe to. G bia Em r6o ri Y'. again.-�-' A15 0V'VJA"- S. weeh- iiia rnicaous. ­Ipplied_ I VWiu�kbb, - -Mew-mo-wix-ha'y ilet XpardX-IDW -Q- r-effecbs:. .. . .. -- . - '- F -RD -W herfi=man:46ks,�.' Uhl- -ii Q EVEN Y t M -25 ye to Us's YOUr. rlpj,*,j 'a0d: d 1 -vi bv I,,,)Ia_v.e d Idlogg ',and anp le men -par -URIX WT lire. Oth have enta ally 'Rbmanr iierbani anid, Palerhii6i, tieami ma& out of.Grape-Nuts �smarting That is -wh5�, c ild, Ased,bth�ei lini s,41- vchilt.,X....haxe; 'laever N.r` W.r filuch-Iriends of 2am-Buk -OAW �Olf, T rontpi i pilLIS., tr also 1!y eii�ax to k�nrs*..- pa, :ioiicI - 1? � With a' a Williims' Pink.. L - 1,, r esr -OU nl , . L'� . ' I . 1,; &-t-... a girl, and i Ur Is �ItWeenr Cure �yl :�Ike. to t-611 In u1stri. a G�n� I . . h; 'd 'I t�egaix­&, per y ov Again., 0 k if, iliwbdd b the ., an a an ta� 'k haled fr� re N going, Wr,, ioot, ofi&� trolible in, 0 a honiie' 16 r tlI4 'apOied "to a wouri Se �quebtly, it tyill,never'fail to vi 'I�T NT -COV. has done. tqrieh,-'z&fid: loani buildin 'W6,&dL;,:�W�h--,-th*--,' ' 'J" JJ- b oold Grape-Xuts 4 o,rAo. d" The I.Czarina, loves, the .-odor, of: the -thead in' t�viaqfy�four :)ipnia early -age u in, g roggir- 'eig w4V-� V e .00 n` bus� . Y,-' I r -- ' . 'fills PRIT] th6naand.. -Th Selves AV the f f, ruisell, tJVJ.-a1"H,1 th' d t ""th 07 -Alk, plu I � a �,or b' to war et a d' a4d,,piii!B�'Th6s;e, .1 . I V e 1 n end -i 4"", ol-theee fili�- ijj f wi-2 -sp ustt�.Upw for -SU "3211� gi rfage �a 0 ., 1 0 'i�te Y- ea -0194 4Wi W an Awa'l- h -M- we f -b r bl: W�4W, W --bad`- �b -y- 4. rmi e'k-ilTaperial, 1, .. ... lja*�*Uth. . 4D 04P "O'COINS.. 6Ven *6uld 4ta. -.-16i ee -an -If to il. ' b`- r466msr P, 'e "Iihy SSue �t ith birthday, b ihat This.f��ming, o$,frish h You `b. ailing, you sh� 7iiart t6. n fth Tirjr (lot -g. td- nourfilt, her finally. it 1). nn vereary HUND I ME q4T4­3 "or rRe. 7- #y. y a f her twel 'a' from-below"i AMP COLiAQk0R4--' D� DIP. �ali�onq: V4, zitloleS­ it h111 -e,n;ou h 7. 'th, ali 'tJ rnied-us, Je ret med tny'A-e n�n­-Ifl�4 reL icine. by all,-ifiedi- ro - b e. -.6he-triled nil 4,,he4,4ighti6en,, hid WiU at.50 0 7 Al In On- C0Ut"'-'.r!. Marks St.arnip ents- -b -&-re, 'Or ii�e'sufface and lite idinifi- &aIeis,,'ioir by,--' _&lid ih�6.s4a�T�.,6�ake"fdi�,,-'Ius an r T.N Pre -7. -P-6��. :16r-th' ', Friff"Pe-Aut-S. "S U, Twaw5 icli fs---Off ffie SSU48 V t67�D leane- Uf any-tha am- uk ra, IS -W Y Z, ra4d, V woman, fq7E in, Mungary ai, mo e, un., �y y F-- t -h -of the by inth T, Is clelic"O eUr,,eB_. &rer --�IM -15! �j ­,�- 4�*' � ad -I --Cgtb�Aid-fai --ma ce E.R. Ai4"o MORS; ETC. with,,, Mee-' afid 'United 'M�Igs­ardl .-he tr iv -e;a 10M t di. �.e-n- -47 z he -day-wM X r U C On 0. Limi d cpllftl�wo `the onqui e -j eall --'aiPon, the, Za ZZiniiiW Mgio� -N ROLE S -iiM before tou iter ii �iopjz�!� in Every" e Pi Combany morningr Sh, mkk.e.i a rim0ny- -while ilipaii).6fth N. -at -:religion. i0ust rea6h the 76 an,4 e, h #­�4 40, a- ftedtt L la" bve .y,-LRa,r -tff - are -&LL-STON- -IDN-E-Y, AL,tq tai* thewl.tha fo rA. -en y=, ai the' ape- -U - v -it od: bri-eakfastoon an, Hb,U an, '15pantard. ' ' en, ji;pt as, it 106m�s from- the,'p� en an� five:years e W-henlovr, ad U. �14B':,'bclh r al�d the m . a . His- ha "i 'xinle iye Rome -reeis., Lutnbrago- �a�d. dred; 'ailments positivel Wiih-crei insAn Spain..; eeze lid e ta one Fine -Acts Q*uidk�y. -Try, It* for.-,Redp W gh, 'der:,Sthn�a,"X, idn 0 o el te k Y,.Ro Th 11y -fab eak, with, the. new Gerpj�n 11. 'U, Royal' .�,.hitr�eryj­, hi-spis(ii& �m­br"milk`adAW.; and' ili1e`.1i06t& s. wet' t D T Portugal a red A, 'IrAthblk-' ourioirg-r4n -th - r ­­ - t" ' ­ -, ­Ied h Watery. Ey "�Sanolj!' M. ' .1. " S. � ­ n,, '-but in n4ssia fjL&xi6ny­ 0�-jii Sor'-cio.1yer -i'li t es and, Granulated -111fis- price.$1.50.- Anotiler 6ap �jsee t ai Arate& B66k, in W packa QP. d 'ie q -had, to Zfed- M. ia­­29�11 wojider- :11 ­ � ­ ­­­ Foiufi�- 4�av Ay;- -7p. W t d 9.1i ilipPerl- - in S. pi ille� niarriik.Abb�:a: _-.,gl-bv-- ided by - h ..---....d ­ L. - ­ - - 7-1 raot: f een, yemars, o I'lle 11IM4. rugg n ib a IS eal� n raim tice for m'any, gnit. Xdw'.dedltated to or If rat. 10 AWS lie and sold b9,.1 rdqgls�s,at 26aand We op �d 77 ",Wiunipeg, an.. 7. 1-1 fo;'od-j fte�r V is -MurMe.'EiO St -as a a --iour, a is bi6cted whose eq` d YS ter his ciir6'. oma hid VERCOATS. 'at C AIWa 'B ex�erj�nc.e �Xiafne' Yourteen and'-twe ve. YOOR 0 ty Am— K"rs=Aie is still cu- .,g beAerr It byAA­by-'V.anffAh&n:` Boi rye,.Xes, isA6- minimuln, marr�ing age- �,M A -Z h5 l I ed. f and -faded, Suiti Ayed, tu* -C -is:--no Ito Aireii pigur -*k � 7 - -Gold tin M*ntreal,'Box'33. edr-list - Ttul ff--� Bad *itz -Uid7- e Car. iey --k .'iiThe,RdadAp %lIvil.-I t.ieS all before .-Al -t -of the,eqzema, -o-in he h Each pig6i&q­hole is el� Smell -'4 oking' Made im gfil A11-4ruggists,s611 Zam-:1611 aC506, M-Inard's,-UnImLerit Cur*4 Olpffther BrItlsh A me s�­� - r - , pkgs.. :ii"There'.� uth of i ­&qi egp �T, n iaf. 7 - - person dlilel�'-'s` rh-i-s-'..Tr4 �-Uva&s-,- hib-6`�A- Bit �028­'- e"N :if� a r- - L�­ I., :, � 1 7' far read the abaive fettar?- A new,vine grodnis. Hemthe� Wkl�mio TL e­y4irp, and,:, -pigp o, e fio�rfiv d- --Seyeii -4h4u-saiid--s;1x. -4and-zecu-Sind., thew -7 rz -ican-w4k- n ­ �l ii� _--pro ez� r n r90 -e Of -ganulnei-tru n 10117-dif.-IfuMia gm OU43 -amp- CUZp .�. -,w and PoWer Urposes­,­ P -in ng. nd; Wal are. -per- el % Ps. SMOKESTACKS.' kgents' for 9tir ami, iandi 16 bib of' 1,6115;ikinV R fir"' ­',­­- _Zram U ed -A&I-Ye-W wierem . yo Toriont Ce uni d,.,in.-W memoria a, unuisual-Wi6w-a-dray'S poor-�itoinaiehi- OBBIES L �j �� --H, F.- diiiiini" �191L GI .0 ea lie re. an excep N WoR�S lea& of -h, -a miare�" tiho Ilk- nkngS�. TORG, -e ;ac ti;0 'k F, LES CURED IN 6 �TO 14: DAYS TLIMITE At - B4 the -proper t "Itt :is 1060i and Rpadgeai., Collected by -At ever It as� -�-ourself this. fr ma�"Lbe rellewed:­"'the erid,i�f'6' ti6n, POLSON. D. Y a Y. er neyAf-PAZ'6. -siixeL-t -maki6; a quick­Ojijerii, Enginai sisd ShIpbuildo _0 -.�Ill roi"d mo, �7 1-W -can--a' ways U rarwi 11 :be tlTec. co.4se- OINTMENT fails 0, cure all -611 -0 r r. ami - 1.1---, ­­ .., I . . ­ ­­ - -­ � r Ing is lj:,�they­', roAkIr -th-e� 9A or , L . L ., , I � �17" , -_". qr. eeuiw, bdn e" th RM, isteinkr -of tl4,s t6-- ess; wo . r ilier-!, th -P 110 i's '' r " - " �i", ­ ­­ . - r The greater pa;r ir rijht� tq,:-busifil k- cles- -more or'­Ieso Intiereostbi- of your rou e ncy; therefore Yoll fe . el 'prob�bly fe bulky air wailts Actiom Insis* ailt t'k i ra id N ini ia. 4E� &L sle'p -tind, h ve w, go ;n�i r p-gich h dut�ing"--b you An e Horseinan Sol. G_�E A. V __L*, XR-q- sir�r"'­ said ng- - - -- - --- r ;g� -while- p & ­ Expeii,6te c-lar6d.-Itex -m rn as a-di,8ti­n--- - , . 'L�' . .1, _ My 44 -ntSL The�- o -jeefs- Aho.&6�!icho 'lea pie n At 'f�pigeon;L Tit- p 13 p aiice' U, boj�5 ing Oors iik6mer. .1 e- X.'' �cti d y 0� a<" r y every a on, ten. to -Some. re 1�­ - in the cbiir;.. I to r's = ­� L � M the man Il � �T isecmed'Lt�b mpo�e. -di b is� Nefiiline.' L Let , ceme ry - - I com. a-rativel are the 6 j6dt, .6f his�desirei.­ P I Piano on C *0 st' Ma, `point.And, "be peifiect. iu.. itii.�k' d in My,LS Pie- r Mr. Ralph qp al'so,-the t6' Db Writes :H�� 'dooi� h Y. Nou, r' emmons y a rGr Be ex --rience in FRE !-'-.'iu esqbeiiess k,, ow-aver� �Pito Newbr dg�Ii a;',, afid 'abb;-,j� 0 sto fii . reasion in warii"tabli�L, -do uopgly abscnt, no S L imental had L�h th4f tailed. %in 616me t.0 -rest., Some. iim6 �go he obtaifi "After fiy y"rs' po 3*1 .1 r I And ake It Qr#w. .41 SPEh TkEW NTERAN CALIFQKN4A. 009opulte * fiievis k.- Dig sires. an virtuous praetice. ed for' a,-; it - w�&uld be in, Way to,, perform ifg wo f 1geq-, b co;nsideia6le:�ost ai d.6or thiough'. a antiful head of h2fr. ger a rn, at rujUJAUK hoises J r-aii 'safely ieStify the more less arrested, �Wbich, duri .,the kr 'n ph reyol e Rea -on and`tbei reaso-hing fa�ulty ve'�Lfatea *ill, lbe�t . itwteh V�0' pbiiisiblie tipn seemed, A fhaflio.:r'em y glvet-StIahl�g�cid i�6- but are- ';h iablo' f6iiites, affording th� fiflest scipp. i� 'ie you absolutely ass f a perso n, W, ne)rVOuS: tion Xh.rie ignL . V roe one treatment -6f. a 11 buri�cd" in, and I grew thi� - yelI6 Oharlottr'e ne ed' no oro stinc6 r The'J4)s _V ri ch. b�cam . distended, -Thu p. Cliic�ko daily'0:16 p.m. for Scintli-arn Cali- a .0 �it. Acnly 0 geon olie -so -high' up th6t a 'ladd6r Th stoma and CorJay' Dant6n. .,an4' llbb'espictre 11 . a , , scffi , 0 OU t in opiiAs , I rro 0 hat t coloria e lr�Ev- d . o, rms7 its own Worthiness,, filhiiaIil the �ari' Francisco- 0v'erJaIid,'.I;im' od. oft the sg" liair-sind .,was. need6d to`i6ach itii'. To �uoh im apparently, th action,of pixtsa their - wgy -rnesfL�Jetter�r itzi�, tils h- p _.for f' ..tlip very ;6a UOW; Stop!; ItC 111g, renno­ the7heelrt -night it .2 imparts to othe'ns Its p�d, -and 'ffer kir db ans n Prefer 'the 'bld4ashib ned graive's the 6 ten at' Une" f;6 , -Who -lives- nea,r Wellrifligton thr6' 4hy;'eff route, proviAe 't'16 Vest of ves dandruff,& ay. g eyerytbhik* in e . li i na, ir, of pan of woer4 greaf iani or _,�ispace �6f woul L 4 d 4kain,in th v�ell-'beik rAlI'wiiy,trhv+,F TI)i' IMP-$ nobody 6f'to4i ' h �"11 had a very- valimb ors�� t�at'. i the., At r gri 2s,,Ib as. a" apli Jaimu-Ilail4eaves', 0Iiioa;g6* - a L 'at, f; . "r ­ fj . - 1 .1 " -?6U bays on 'headr ich,,;&- mb 6' -ferribly'. - A 4trong­de.sire­tro,, bring -t,0910thI& )-45'lmm, ffifi-an Fra cirw a 1*41 n IV 6 send us your addr6zz the �jje my o id, eon,l holes", a h' too istemper 'a mont most pb ular. L Jose_ hi What vma be nioii�-- delight I ot'Llod.".1111irlitrated it6ra-tuire oncloo0drfior m4intiguhd packing, and ii�� friend who had been,' c.ured of a .-grew variety ­ of, L teas aaLi bfiliffS ago, "I�i it 1, 11 , . '1-1 .- �� mj� �'W e Write to-daY. Address DR. PP OS S'-.-­­jJ1 th­6.--f­­­1­­' f 4� 2 .29. -lara-er [Oki -to 13. X- Ildiffidtf - 0 A �Vwd roll Street. ontre p a�TVjS d me L to 14O.M. N,.teri Was afraid,1 W&S-going to' In 'than prudence?� -To 6a f rnishe& , , ­ t �­ � - - - - ' h � " L. . ", rift .., I is day, hj4L Man an ­ I ....... PiJ1tL'regu ar-- Wi. Ai y o 11b" 6 -and 'L ........ .. , - --v -Rave T e r ah whlb& 'keeps man ro ni X1,17 a "it, Y, vit" WE esu In My,,,L qu ring var4prifiS, "41id.g. .0 le::�hiad "a icrriblL coil ­ 'L 4L . e& _a e r; E bnel 0, -,gim pjyz -marv: ofjs,� &500 'pos4od. tol.be 'had �ftt sbho� s. The. 0 S reffioved,th� b�. f4e� one, ��Id&l we :my . r r f I " " -fortune in SS, re shelves en- t6'relieve' ho �se o lis pain, a ud' rice,l t an 1p�to� 1,,ustic�c, is on of th�L F. 'gaA -n e VI ed s wh4jic I 'York -City. j, i lorafit� Child 5 ng1heh 's, of, So4h-ong,. Bbhcal' �suffering till, 11 ttiod to- - ii;e Nor' - ed th ac excited with cabiste� en often ba, �dLjl4jd"oh� .9 x-,,-supin hls-14ittiiftg-'� �Js U ��Milt;6'n'.S P11I ad D,11 hig*bugjn,e mos ''Ag r �c� t-' rina -�'Ac bh'-4t been co staht i iii' their 6bfio0A a ve t/0 h<)"' "''I tidn e I gation, I I ease '.of e x k'd ongou�. ekoe' S ild. oth r i Oine, 1' mix hand- line axid'-sweet, -oil io� ruhhed the t,endo'6n'ee,. and tbere h�v,.6-be�n vek.j. npys iwer4 re d teaS": find 6� the' -i With Marcus AuiqcJiuf-3. never Saw the *,Ork. ]a] Ind of ini 'turo, on: th� thr46� id LL " t iiitelligc�.t �nes Ayho .-Health .-soon grew W-1 "s 0011fitiniend every ki �.h-X L an -W-es ln�krvs Liniment Cures.- Colds, Ete",­.L.-L - r.6 , "tifljfj�r; an "Id stuff. kbat ----the -c-ol o;ctox.� 4lw&y�, ask e L who' -atio' of, a- 1i" ma his h�ndS s In 'exblan n Sca nOt unidey- er D6wa ge� Qiu4f�­ of, IL Th -e "'Tri.l')Ie Alliance" is the liame, OLD FREE- xce,ly belj6VC the, rs G VEN 46rms or phrasies'it 'can faly is. picked ti p; N7 rviline. cur&d him. gi :.,yr.,:­� gtd�nd 'Who is 'ffeVLef , ' 'JJ* r. to v6n wi Ing r6- 'Pill -.f6 the unaersban'ding::�­b-o I- . f, 1-1- " " ' * 'we II s, sure to, 'do y�ou go 6 d . tbe'-possessor of an' ��dd 1. 0,A I* er ]­,­­ JNREQ pea pairro ce, ic in- - v or ...... U0 RVItrEBW i A c4JN#s, and ear. adopted 4iE-' I-, C40 ectioh', Alsb-have Austri tb.a't' whi"Il '$1.00.;. imi; all on 16t,liiaii& nestly far, 8, m keeper.8 ' it by An- �fu_ �sforw 1t"eoznprise4 t,he -foot and 't6 6,V erV ulait th'at 'is, A -Ic.owp':r6he:n -outstrip . 'k I "q' ' ' Iii6n. WPM ducation",'­-tille old' �hb 11(�A , sr CUiqlt-4­tOLD-AN ONE DAY- -MI arrATI Fd'thd OboLVIa -',I;t is 'said to in- 9prain's' 'rake LAXATM BkOU-60 ' HARL IN 'I I'E DISTI a oti".. 13ugalo, NN.� figs -rosilig S Can II' 'rl&J, L I'M r n-. arcn.t pis� i&qenco)-otrc&rrVroi t -i It q6 th ptr#64;1�110 C= Make oti`th� I irge$t,lalm rw6*111 ill goet on* wk TP alinille� Ta V,0 r I � swellinrs them. t)L.eA &� A" It �# , iCFolidr- ir r ru.gI1;t6 174�fllila, mo4w.'yL ftj'S to I24T�L- �-­-- -:J� nd.-co qi�L C k . q ­.i , I - ­ , ­ , . h T bo)(� 1) Ilan, e pm,,n ni� lin,g ti'd thrra J�, f "4!I� D'i%rg. '�Vtht onle in.. the­,�Sft.,A ad by it it, f hlinda -wor -airr W Y. $prp. ��.p dI Id �E­S.W ja C, It penign ft'"4�ng church';" fl� I gy��q eryw ere.�, 5� eV 11�i �hebdn'gied 't,6 no 1�oj U M'Lent, w 'So erf.fic&Ci_ foqrth laige't mmlee the �Ji.a a Sea p p ill provi ft 4h -ou-s-iTi-th� swble as is ry P. t,bn,0,7 the.". good for,vvaq br b�.aq�t, 'f6� -iyl�: atieh-ce, nlay 0 SL virtue, ;or -I Tie qu ..s I Do not. tbeck' t 4V oneep - -An On th;6 Eifiipre,�s b! 1EA Atu'falr' intelligend'e, for '' �whjbh ConsI116IIi . t1611, 0f:,1VijI Redneeff i I o Sotephino' -and' d ternAl r <yy 4x el. may be sini ly lazibPAg. if 'i wil use, I Wh6reV.er. neverk wi %rf; there is pain, ­ at T ka -d0hip-bb �ate Perty 4C)f Ant� 'UnIfflbri 0 Ural. D L I L stenipar, I ineffe, 7 e e is- t e gt 'A -�shlp -ubde-T The g IS U1 Ej 10 The 4Yre i§b a r ;I, fleet C4)in� y" ffrld X111 CURE f y(lails` S0111e .1 li at e,-, Plkeaftbile"L ly OR b p&llaps not, a M or "dr Vatarl,hozon''c' CO'L' . I , #r I 'L 1i b Oru t" ihip"j t a �fty mdohines 0 Tf "A TILP T16N r . I- - . . 11 .1 . _ ­ . .. ; , , � L J- Carr q, i�W'f the .11 . ()N '�S N, 'P'O 14 1 -'A 'b itl f ft &U firy d UroadlMw of T %ti f �. () S-0,06, of H., .1101, TLAANTIC, .�-,oqsi*�rme& A.J&otit thk0e. J, r I. I TMAI It'd 5-11TIQAM� tfir;(,�L? 6wo ----- ---- -- I ot gin -1114P til;rd tr rb b-1 r , -C I -the fo"!T�Wfng 61 -tic es . h6i"'lif J# phes f?b c 66 is the JVine� 'bowe.1% P jtg ard not &ll ktJri['14N",r'&Pd th t 0 'llat""abd 4, other, Mob-aadh 6;bd 'hay TA0, oft' T.)I.6 'act' 6.OW" .�L At'iw�orfa-ft, a gan lie whit 91 a great d]pq1 Such fu Ma I'Li'.ji'j"66 �jn�r laxativ�L'i1j�"fil6atillLfit to d d' 4, 'd line. in I wine, I uke, a Ah" ib af ekb i'll 'at fes fV '�jbg�ltltely j" 'i DkIngi Ad*i6b A . &IA, fake, ;bff the hat, dr! I I . cry, thdi�, k P r5w hr I 11PPO Scll pi�rre, �S'L4�i age .0 realffinl) 4nd WhIN41. AM, bow 6 I\- 6 - ti:iino � S' At, ev Aiw k kqA #f.6 Ciao *r pot# _Jb&66fi- n Jh. the p -dci Tt4 Ud ili�e .: i I wAs hb* *A-h,p"�r'f Pot: ­Vrdhave­ , W b ing, sfieek take off the hA ithoilit boov-1. all the tiffile-i- N' th I I hVe -w'ordin gr t6 A" 0-Tilbov, � a. 7 Y' 6',W*Me�b -nittsf, obe�y artOclll. h6r, a0emea do. "buffailment itfnw'st, to v&n1ghing 't.bigIl , L "' d I all, �,�Vjlj not I ey .9 A In"d F, di folf i'#,f b6ibo In, Baby 8 Own a e S i , I ' lhfteir� etfi g"Al 'bake aft p6ifA of. the di ,after ri 4 nt tOnt Aok h& thiA I'Mii(fill ��n§fpirlv fli -e alll� w0i in the a W raver -ii t�eie * t - "same' docre e� fi - � - � 1� J# t�lo lj�l llo,il St ftI6qt1T1If)-fo.(Ir(tE­of ho I I . �', .11 L . m4im oylW, fli�e ist.1,16, "of yno'n, g� 4n& "men'LL4 n6�V foiI:tlifb� 1,161 ftl, ql'e Of flW, bea Nic nu , 0. 4 "ly rofl'eVie�d JUP t P (I Jill r(,,, .140,&,ones' and quid b6fbibL ly, vimv, 6atb. 0, b by-`-, Ism Ta I�111,; are .60ICI. ft; y r(-guillt,�4 by Thi�rlfl&drdt, 'fer,4 t �J �.,(S Tned A(Wers or D" -mail at, 1151710111009, Qf g6. hi, A "i., I *;*,L- 6 Ux'A:- A i 4 -tt*4 Ke --Y.0 Writ— tr4#71. Oil MAI .00g, awl ff I fill re lly d WN 1,ft, fit. gf,,onilbal, 06. of c To 4. T� 0 if . . . . . . . . "=� . . . . . . . . . . 7-777 m - --- ----