The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-01-23, Page 8A J., Th Ay,�, PAuatY 01, LIM,Cox, NO TIN M "T. ---Jew now j LU INO APMORIES residingio TarolatiN' A -few: doors B,�c��i vhii gLIA va.v�, C W, lived the, late b�YoP4 therli ys y ns si,e, 111 whopsalwa 1) '' h d A. mariner,, who,- to, 'my S"Vakp; a retirl P- 0 f1tinued.from, If Od �bo -is us it's Ulmtt' !!mystory a A the i,04440 0 or 0 Y 'S A Vw T' 4-- Ilet.1tinijake t'd' all. the f NG --TRI NO N E r ke jqk�g ter (Sep�. I t e sea. IE W Map C ob Y.."� wel Ish y h in N le, Alta.; AD, Bell the "I'lle�.co4, of w god' o 4, qgL C-r- a­jjjtje'�jjp Ira b 7-- hortly ,f Said LAO �W..,:8aVaj6�, 0 10; ga�,�e a y 6 the ligbi,�, -P Herity Huntan(i his �,�partxler lifo� in the to, kBia''I I . " i' I I ­ fear- tIjc`-'S.c,nt1ile1 dtn6rabl wreek of the,. the. qyrivalj,: sold f in -the­late-Da�vid &-Boyd,- f x1a, shaOf- ugsday; �0: '22. :soI, later. had farmg.pa:rt,of -thitt of, Richard -'WPb,5 nething to say unt .1 1 : �'. , avP Rob -Ri di- Wyk 11, ave eit Ellia,'Whog f d, Pro e C7, A An sp....rou te I, MIN' an 'Som6ror ne ji�gz- o -�--owjjoining1l­ avigh -hg�jeautned' Yee rajiiag7on­­th-�-- Ki Tdi e hi�--'Somkn- - 7 Mj cT, 7" ffiWft 0 U je,arid thenc farther -:011 moved -,to .4 r t br tL .100 4, -kou --that hill 1 'firs, other,Billie�on-Suliday.. a * 6d in thee TX2 bohel& to, ly a( th rr .040,-, say where whexi I trrjv6d.in the e Aw "DulipaRL and Alex,'MeTAVish. �te��was, bngagcd- if, -the A Woh-now4orAm . ... ..... M 'Zj' - ------ . ...... Since almost'that date be, aui�, is Ox, ttiii Was to.*bic putracat -cutting- wood- fat.-Johii-R6 hi on. for, three, ye Jennie cellent wife amil itL'Iay'the,, lijill.�p6nd'! which tuf- Ur Migses Jennie 'AtoGuire* and' ilyjh�,vo bie6n'aTn.QPg tellow ;Coat$ and f A. q, d, I' t friends i� Vheii'his two boys nishodjpdw.er forLees My, C OSeS -mill 7 t the aetiv.l les P I manage her" Mrs. 'Tom M,66re ter oil side, Smitlils, MR— idea- Vj1­$1io'd'hVT- R'S"" in a, tv�ive­ -PKPP,4r and--bliside, which'sfOod, on one' -14 I",'�­ - "' I g . ....... f if I fE�mI7.Hunt Burgess t �.Qli S4 -h... 6" WILL" fbir. quality, Mi., HdotL t, th, furie, sc6nted,afi.int eform-' T H1 N A TU ART 'g ­ �e gift th6r' ec Dar A;*M, 6:�V—ejl. to lu'lP, �jjjjjg�:mi'jl­,'-L '1� was surprm- 6iek ip'the Ga] 0IjVct In to, er, at,4 ime, w en -On Y.Visi t 1 0. LVbknbv,. .0 '-4 ­­' Re 74 V,!�_l L-0 y4t, .,0 -1L, i)U_ a 6,pi U 0 7, __to -- 't' V,"- - ­ifitjii- but.'Jugt; iurifig the, tbe. 161V If-- R -'Yeara.,,ol W4, -700�, ".I Almir stodek ere-At,4, -At-4-f6ftnues v� §gg uy yery, pUtL.tUe buslivess''on 'its, ro,0 '0 j6t,;�: Y biae, in,46iii th oi big#' t,thdti ed r6lbible; in _ ct,� ispPs 6ib$t , , � ­ , I ­­fL­,t.­ l'� -, t ia W d' 'ing Of �1i�d bl� 'L We, oV4iiment bl F U Fariif Institute, `is� Y, Y 4 - -1 ' .' � `.;:: - a l$,Oi thb Ed ormer, Mr. Hiint is -ID �.s nth q lk' r:,,th� made'. f h ess ps c6ritrat c Annel avildern -at, low!$ PW "W99 to treeak qw, -often.:'* on hirl �an s u of, H ,, W fI, � ;: L _.', ti d -b g.xe! q) g4i­ qg�gpli ng f C I . : ., i� 9v;-, 'Aii""( r 7�,-T, -, 7 . - ­­- �­ L .. tfon."Iiii �th6: ageheypf iff.;' d d- otartio L Al ddk �44�kA M.- OU,,� AK sAOuwIitQx .,"Pqrv. WIT. q'itanjoug 3 e(5invin- Tine 1) of exv igft6r'.� ­ � -71L roades;t of galie �ty un Oh6! bctyg �V -it Vn I': bell, af�-i A w real, U�� Rid c �-- - -d"F I., f L the t W, . . i .. 1. - inaliam,thave.kuc'eededw011- 41 -K t wo .1 dazi-ew.as theilayoLute. 5��Vli �s business M.411�*ui I ULU, qjt I ju t QW!, 4' _j=CeS -mikes �Regiiiii-.14WO-,; W -PK 'Cc, he-zVA ger�as-. I= -'A "Pal O:E-P it- ait. 6P. h -wer When: Qu., ting game lu, A1494T An :until, v6i,y recently! city �o or as:pvor to gathered. within, the con' man OU,J�U LICII111. fili6 of'Oho.villa 6 E[jll'g�grmei this wd t �-j.a*"Iieafly _. IL0 , ire, �-, se -by, ­,t e-. -c 9 ip -P -1 T S. ou cred tiblel'i-66ttsof I., I K -�ustained - il,-� ovLere� I h, h" 7 warid 7 e wan a It TO �� H I a.rgP' to� the'stiline 0 hi 'bers, in- - .is: e4r7�, 14OG-B' W47 t If my �story ----ji t Y, �Or­w 71, L U -QX-'*APke--'k0X§- '-'US' - �jlqr�y e ni ji j, Yu k gtay-iir Luel tyelayingZ­ 'th warn! '117filldk-BAPPA, -1-n KV'6� fn-yx rv,.,r 677 147 P99S, 0 11 7 down to­tho�seavdw-shi 0 -Ir z.7 h6spi a Y Y 'talit --b th WU7 jeift 'ifo thali'Whom car V� a e Webster and'his IT 1W t p­�,Jfi t d... f pins pevm 7'- Tan� M n lived, vicaving. Rag-ciirp6ts at varying 'hucg�- -he�trted e'saaj a 6 der coiipl�� never rs '6m, cOvereu I"llu the product. -i6f,',his "a Theirilibme was-ou qnq R.1 0-1 h rd' -:The, ited e to wee 5.� Pill lbeen teamed out to, t 6 parsonage Many, an errau unii In wore -in- -ly -h Yffjk.- esgrs.� John,ana 'Hariy-, A - -thb- b-6flAgb an&I -liked W-�V Bit 1he rane Grand Tra -Railwly�: I at) 40, 0 rey, j& -Bru'60,, which- eht oft a` for;ParrA 'IIc­:l­, �7_ �thc�:-Wollirigto ..6.dn -though-the. broadlSe9t s Often -to- in WilIia-n1,:::B 748,- 0 "AWKe- quite arnAmber-All t is r 'Op" hi itaighborhoN ly completed. -This leir 61ai-wqrI&, -kindly Land gLodly-: U t _,unaccus� balt Sae, k 9 not, Yet _,,_y a i e -:'W"'i -tome&.ea ened. for traffic,­thoughJh cult �of practical are at,Present-suffeilao, frorn La-G.nppe. jjotL�lny- :father's experience 'Of ... ...... .. . ist; Sr., 'was am: qi� 17 Mi�' and, 41f -Bapi' cl�v or, T wil-6 week W. lam the- kindness Of. -.11r. W-6 "St ii respe to& and b ed by iill',Who, knew spite ol tile w n;l he them Xr -'Ch b -$D f di tnis and theii1family. 'In 1860-62, he am ers survived iher A,TRiP TO IREL visited, in. Rinear. ne, ow wee filled with k cilicuAi co mp . anj t on .! yeiro, �k conditi on �of thei "HOME ST was sfarfi.6316111 on any the Godeiieh ears� roa;c4oh Friday eve) UDY -and. Zion --was-, one ',Of --his.--"aPPOIn --kindly)niqistr: J, wherel� ing, a. aTge,, n!1m, or: l"L, h- K� sSej to. -. ---- ---- ----- visited, e AterWifiatlietj "s ']low h calls- -BeOWL41 �­ . p oil :Mss,mad6 , �r emplit �6f the An bast eing ins aro btL triictied in, their..' OmeS' C mentsi",' their puse, as`W h6­ a- -'. - -1 -, -6i6pj"g--�pIAcgt- hithor. he h -the ma C UL d -66" 1- t fie -ah "A:T- Von' y le 'Of repollectior ape r mother,. so gqqn� to be, taken 0 Is,, of the church arld 4' "-,Du'n at s I 6ur Hoine $tudy Dept. A-: P Fdrks be-, desire.. ay WeAherIbi.-the a8t:fE Ifin-at -a -at C611 SL of OWi. -6 rae �OIUM Thirty, d p lie-wauld tool on thi,`,hill my �inemory Iilelandtl' Far,: the berient, QUIhose who� finish ege if you he Said y:&I ­,- d­,"t-, L-, � 1 1- � - .�� - 4 , . ­ � whenever yoU, wish. for -ins spee y rocoyery-­, w ell p, . . - I- , , ­� I r. . , e -, 1. `ye" ­a -r-- - h' t to&' 66rVi667 Ba strange y , unpro up, iyu. nate' ou��'to-be pres , L ft ere not artni ell an-, 'etii- ' - .. i� j ' L W' 16thiat'.- jhts orzo-L st P-erF� 1-4 'M%ny erei- og-u-n-in-A that'WeI`9jrLeZ'.0V' a -the Chamb6ig W ut,., and., t1ib-le4dr6i ;�V6,w b Lold­-Zi� n mcciing-� amongg t e n ositions h' a ­wWia Ili— te 0 pas- o0cralren(lec.1 wdahue a r el� opsig., of.1k rant to ; save: 4tI h6use the big:�- 61 gold ,(in, W, of'the I C6n., one niig i1 -11 fur ebs t i6r,".pC P`�R'11. jtol6ked ou iished with 5- lambe am board: You earn, t iii-tho. ex t riona®g. A0131 ii r -;boat )4 pri ro n -mQn- er,i L except ou-,, eekUnj r e 4`: ra EON - r the- r, ul at� its:6L"Vri dboiagain.t �-atriv NQ VACATION 0� 'tli�, age -son, -saf y large,wornen -*6 Mi h- hd6fso6i cir- I' . i I ' I , L , " L , I , , I L .1 . ­ . .. I . L. � - L . - or( I )Iito; as, At eharge,dfthe �6rvices, e -4aillcry,, and the !I-ImmitaiTne: fi" at 0 ��o e le� h6fe thii�`Iate jogep gestc6kof..Ahe ich gbad-n0u.r lbjuslnesszsl-k� go� St A ey would the th� were ;'V" we, 4., ying rap'. y 's, T , gbqii� �Lijdiiiidei-� --0i,Expres-s-*7L-j ithodist Chute! p "To" -Few cul ard, �A- . ID ed btton A PLEND !in of theAlo . oward ronto - 1p th-eir-heaTty-sill thu . .. . -iinkthe ­ ---uilfaxerab coudjtjonLaf,� hil;Ppeffed- itr- vcr ods.ring wi enPfl;�ilics-a ITOP0, 'd bn, the.'roads, a W, y NOW i4 -tWjourneyed Fa%er affirmed Granitewa'm- . L. . ; .� th i*hurcli -in aildition'to those. a rea Lr -iburnek- -b��Iiile waifing'4t the Ma6cab6o Bak So -Buigeisegj'iWalk� ibiat in the; school counted menti( 'P �04 �(t lhli. *an. Dcpqt,,�.' -the: ;east je 0, -F --E lipy an Pro u6d train wqLs- f 1't,� MI Bie�s Opu ar CMIle yfd �athqred about fhe1ittle.churc On all T er McCread b -y rorig, theip. il) -i�of Dant Q were t ' h Pi � -Y. �am -, d, ylgs - ­­ .. kl� that a Vigi. he. fami r e . Ate buxig-ladie 'an - S1io'r't1f's'c'n"dP%1n . A . cien c ai Of All mymemoties Of Ludknow none, of I Chi Y.. ate Invited to write Mr the Liiig& ()atn ffi evening � of "RU�LFW�­ d -r "ca Tbiit-­ijiadb��6,-i�68t, �e W, 7, ffm.`Miller:�:and his 'brother vla, WE craticiO&L ki a 41 -th" that 6 in -moilie -of- dresa. man an nea opening address; bg-.q -ioUtlib Popular : , d"' 't =Wip I. into our Vleawtion:-AA11 ih are gratef lki�astiis knaarson" John Webpber;� ame*' 6hel conv6ra Ej Mother -W -e V101in music was -provided by. �n( and-! rt bi. (fainiliarl�Anowh� 4 ",TjPL� J im") Web- One remark vas ma'de:that they'. were ida of. Father -E gar s ery� an er a­ LUOTT MUM IV_ a 5 a AI6. Fbfsytlfi of R d-Aii Mi­j�� 8 -their O*n.. Awilli M, A,%vage, - I A L" v Z I oon",le iiij TIU 'e--as-de ad �nr I cTxvig;h uts a ely t Shar. th" On� "OR' ;W XeTaxish�and­ poi: of "U-0 r eligtor,-jr�,-Jantes.Agnew, �'werseLner­ducks", while Oth id & n we"ehildren-were r.e Wh Il Daniel -14 d Robert M Graft* they ajj,N 1441�4 -7 Z- 7 C�2! ie z, ve, ......... A -my- 0nUUc­jn-�-T-.0janW,-w7hbn: ith more Tewu I andiuvry,. ourselvesibin' a Ato aSU op.- trai BAY -particidgts" treal.' Here w eral goloS in Ifig,11 slft6l. fiT e, of. -a In ie stylehnd%;� pbsior; thp ine U jivg mtari' Of r ana'rfette L C tk� t L . I .a.. .. : .: TORONTO, ONIT. heartily, app andod. I 'ki tik -in his, t neidon � church ill L'i0k tritvill i nj, tit d. ;got �Ozi ",iboard. :gv�� a;Tner.... J A - I ndly Ing ply hand OIL UIDW- seA-R,0*p&-jiLpd M !ess,�iy This, fli has* now e c th nal-the-xii -be. ant Aia�ae -Afte and Messrs, Thacker and Litt e, was W -111-6V be half' ed,oh' its journeyj 'And IwO,-were soon ayd, jaiy Uuy) ILI 1wI .-Alt It. May- ve roonw-1 q,": Tralyawarin-heart- It present', and gave -se ectionp which were be k,6ur bct z aw- This fahk w at; : I I mid gl�djndpbaCefullyi down the St. ill TO, ENTMR. OU t p Ll V11 scener @Lreci UwA"-Isd-rendot Wlv� 'y iver-i —DOBEL, 3iv - hd6ugh reuc&i--- --Th'a %N es - recei r, 'the -above` onea--I�dl em h eF,in,,,"Peola Y'Lin" ifib ritingt ea ove -aith'OPL:�, NV i ty- T -)a gra Depii t avoPithe pro "M�t& a picturesqate ei Westei VLLL _c e6tild not gi W to, i4d,-, rgahizerfor :*)Y� hood: of. th t uug� be- MegSjg. Will ­and b,6et MpC -thi e -an inter&ting half-hour addlIe'as: on Ro e­­­r-t"­1tli,­ Lawr III, enpe , in a ., e d- ginnings 0 uc kept tbciLfijgj'.,rStOj6 oturned homol,al ter, OUPL !a _-We�:Wtgh the fL' o tes W e, th now, she wri f _ a C f t A r �week's of 5t, -e trang-A-tUu-tff. '�th -yolin coill air. SPX bhe_w qf, j -h e ... or or.. The IgOM,%.,- 0 ID, I falcolmXampboll, Viait;.t6­ A boundless. AtlantiZ. 7Th g; t, f , ......... Journey was quIte* 1111',eyeiatfulL eX.Cep t er. gtorry,to hear hat Mrs, Atija�- biiing,'well repr. . r . [11 �riieach fe, or troligis atp L e Rev� Mr.,Di kept- the 218k nt laid --w re dis- re- e We are, I& .. i and ppst.::bffice -and Mr, Stituff6rA o Wj _gft0p6.,r of bei first saw�mill. Ralph'.' Miller spent 'under tile terrible m January- pitifully decorated bakes co fo Home resc, at the well sermow to, the, e6ngregatio a of, -the - the, few. djays, a by adctlbhe�r, d 'I arter hill. A ' Xr. Hugh e of -around pose ote.,.up on the on of 'mal d n a ew _Lbchabb,-,.- sj*nt ne to ..see- hei I*— r prices. tirst, h h -L, A-nglicau:�churdh .66� Siindiy L ndit. #,*F.� ; , '''l, .1 '. , 1 11 - rogram. .-T -smit -s OP, days -we; h (4, the iiilii9i6rf�.5f1h6 U k - h. Emetald Good Kea'�ir '7�7� &MeS C]46�&W'Clofie Mq �� . L I. L - ; McKay 'kept tlie first�, late pang Sunday 18"e.An O'conts to si.m.',The re- number from ihii burg and t BI .............. ... with Mr, andMr': A he t ag" gh ranged froyn 3 ffel I g;n, Arthur- of A10W from afo�iia' ou "-ttrg-'Attended digtChurch riow'sWids. where the Metlic, I41e. What a rill this gent'tilrotic; Are jhe best -tind �most:Prac ical, wo, th friends the ;l) ol rr q LL by onda3f., ar,6-- I Abso amounted torabout ville; attended the dance Sanitaty- -Closet..o�.. -the, market.,,. in Sul jimeral of the late L Ili PPIP , oflhc� vi� Ow 0 wlied r. the' firAt,$titcher' neighbouring naton, On It . §'ag. had,titt -seeii 'land ldr,nearly, Jr 11 Uj el,y­�odorl�ss� . aild jon,- spe'htthew6ok end Wi $36,00i, -M Dxv JoU week and 6gpddfaillk,� tL%ithiir-wi�r. land' 7 . e -g-h-6 p. -Tile fir8tininist6rltias . r. Frazee ell which 1061e- last ilriday the are -1,1, . d', substantl'ally'bililt:.; we, an :Wingha;r ec tory.­.: fall af ranab! evening. v�e held n odr'. hearts, a Wh a, vi sit e Ur io rlds- -this dear i nd %�hiah P,,nt, ar te . ' ' ­ ' Im and., Will-Aast � an ordinary jamilyr, L Wpg. Vaudeberg had . th, L 9. ortline, 'We'hadi-dome b� vi�it! Ve�io.r aria'nearer "Of his i 'eight years., t few dayis sence'of T640 f�ra, liflethile. Th�v ffiay be pl&c,dd jhc�,,,�as $20'9! M e y Id Gardner 'few ry satTorouto.an lid 90*t4ged. d' John, Marti oc. a r, .1ritzee js hl� nd bL( -room,. riend a grau d", UONY-.'* to break. his I g b falling',on the ice on, kftcli�nza'r ellar -Mi ­ 'L " ' , ­ , .. . - : ­ , , -- r not 'gtop U.' �V'pL 'riday last. ere;. eg ip, inove -om an we- a 0- any no.,, equi �e U "th I tives, 6D, humn. id4O­NV'ft1k--, B -th hi d li'd t, old w , and'.,-.le4UjM In IC "F wag romo,� e ;h(, the f iday ev&i JiBi iisi Y� � . 6; "1 1, 22.l 1*e, :in Luc nowii erto� b6spital for triedW c 0"t'tfifj; island' 'W plumbing illre guaranteed San�� n of:4the Stratford ,oys r suppe Fathek'cut., . tree ..k attdridan 6, anqjo ard ary, 0 WI ier; andpvqry-�, Wr 0 Ltlafid we -iped. ­, We landed, it' that he Julict&I gUeStS utimb&l6d ab6nt .-M"a Rebecca ned to. D 1-Torinal, Vas, home attendivig't anar 6116 'W'61vrce, bears.- and deer in the, 'and his. hiany friends,hope o soon see itary, Fifteev day's Pree Vdid or, 0 f ow qeen ity ;;;t�jj fearpd by' ii eh- - money refuWled jL. , . .1 1. . f cij _ r ��" _'L " L ­ I. dy ipents'pi6si olt chil& amongst -usagodn, .,: - V Of Gf, Fir, $al e by� be Lilt, evening-- tr , last Tiletiday-i re, 'hisj6Vialface, an asgow ana g, r Mrs.- Win'. WOO' 9 'reeelv Ahe'sad . E, b.'. has:a: cuitci,' b" '11. ih Oi� ��Owin to joyod--tIlc ;eautiful cry o igl�js , "it, Waltiu ',-Webb re -P.UgTii�- To�lilr. g 0 seem to bb p -I 'Tho'pPa'sonage, into. which we ent&ed t�ary qfiaW," forIii, ROL AMR '0" ind"rIfta' news . on Mojjd1jY -of last- week, of' the ased. and the gurroutiding country. We'spent t&xlident Ju couple 7 ": - J ­h -- � -j a . ur din a it on,- Bit rV a$­Au�' Klat:qp' f d house, 'now, was"' Wh -crossed oVer 1 7 ur Wrm 'Yog'Pr ay in. I lif&cult- -to. A B.0mo.000 in-8q4land �j4lting .�,dj(fore�t 6 take oaj�' rinj W Q), ed by. Xtgi Ill -Y. U U. uggy repAlting D. Maclxod 8 li 'b d Ot a'n l occupi, The plae'es; but'soon �offiblalll jjUmbjr- rr' r L L ­­th -' if.. L' from, qodetich The class of vchjC14 ljitjaeg::�B r r ii�d. hine - pro� -the',Shilmrocki The- pastor to6k, , us 4 stood inimediatbly south of re oj`cUtjdj'­' bn Friday 6W 'ihis d,& thel. -fjjlIor9­bf e �Pllmp", j6h'8 formet+6 e Wh e� , 'ad - Dauganxion,atten e sday attend thA, n4r4l tjb�luoro't6ii.A year but 'a m or he h spent ltqf�'i TO . I . on d Y In 't buqioesg tri in 6n,,Sa6urda;y Tom San ade., ip in� ve li,ved.lit blew �jog6lited'itge f to everyone v 0 ti ck�jou and -conne -John ixe hil ne r ns tvWve ajid many Urg, his-qhildho6d 496YB'­'L The. old, ar, r Xi ' ear, seet . . , I . .. attende4the Ontedginhiont in this b! T ction with- tha Natoli, to IIQV:4- t,th ", g i ren ft ""t e Po P A6A., 4 SHA SL the. niall ,Mrs. Fre . ..... i e s, 61 n LV00- er- Y- on t e d- iys; sev-, f f..th *, 1�­. h6,Ve,te­----d`-hdffi6I A baps the nic turner ter-'sPending ;A -j 'vivi& &Fihoge is a cbrtectly,by ttiMog the whee of the incilloki t8 of his bo�hoo rAg()rg­of fj CHOOLS, ElIet Tho4nor�b�r�. 0 ��Utorqy­:! r., of w tei , i L'" t inalitkvith our� it -vin r popular young fti'ja of it-neighbotarivig eraIr hi6h he in6ritioned'." With tile: as Or me V181 Torontc, Canada, t It je 'hi h 'ted niany plade Ili] W ar t Ol- plItettainmoh 'Ila, g, falL Pas BONNY, JOHNNVI e -.prii�tislng 7f6r. hat� VI viathr the: p t :�h6lo,,%toke-upon-�rt not -wighitig"1b-'.9iVe N, school 'h6n w r thin'kj�k a include Edinotiton,'And the apologies to all colicerned) bleak,hill, w e wt�re. forced to WN11) to him,Aorl, tilso many of his friehdsafid John Tiffin of- M, , liife old a' C,ntr ral Business _WY 'r r 611�je The Clarkson , Of' muff6w hight� of summer ( I . - I shawl's still raw 'on cquaintances.' fhe scenery of tile' ourselves jil 'overcoat's 'and ap and R'lailroad Misses, t dre, a 'L a fellow fil-dur village, ­ Joilt I my MacRa n shoul (I d -itmount;1wore -'fame.,, AP -known Emerald I 'i ' 1. .8110 ever dream�, Central �L 'i etch b-Tatiket ancl-b'ffalO robesl,ovei enewitig Old akqUoLLin Th nlan'6f Wekefti a buginess,iiip qt 8 U. ground '6fLfor some other r6agan IS L we n SdLhooi, -Vou� City Branch .j cinity on un Y'r to' Kintail,GoOrioh, Clint6n N81inghiimqih, d6oks, to Iceep. Out L tat, io6k tho" cutter. Nowi od, Id of gr�it intelligence' the pene r in of before. The beilutk of the streets B- lue" in this vi A nian I � only, to"himsel Usitiess Schoo All' provi e L of" t is h1b name. and'Kifibardine last week.� .'Xohnnylgayls, ndst. Aniother in o"mory I L s ' of, the n 6i �'igh aii I ir when he and parks 6f the , towns, and cities, is Is. im M otef, And Johnnie p h, poihay 9 'the got� excellent,corursos leading,to' good, Mr, and Mrs.J -'BtLkor -of, 'T�q a'1?buA-hiizn where h6 jets good errnbnt, atnid8t generaljam6nt�tion, 6�t: 'but. whe t con! �Posjtlons, 'Free. Catalog, bit, and ­,.Mr -q --.,1N tell you ail t inghw ivio','Inore ideA and',i�hp d. fail to love su6h a Ues, to, go n 1--- � iff L f oar, r venture toBtit'd that thd beautithIj ndt iveu� on write or aL unem o Won , ta e U Inch lixi ation. dog,,Bouixe,, v�ho, like' se6 I)nring Out 86joilftl in WqI6*crcoI4 -attended the Id it 011ifaithful house ptIsgengerbi we & j leg , mQn icy. g 'bad ed, Us from lly,, aria Irelan&thoro was one: feature of �Irish �opY, W. IT-, Shaw,'. Piesident, afternoon, Por he� a,* SO Claude Macdonald,, of W-pella Smk: it true itinerant, fol low cutter .would draw rather lidavi 'the latter's father.dil SatUL Y oojn�l " And handy yiith a bf spent'the weekren4 at the home of his I it to circulb until he seemed) almost W� %t Society, which appealed to. us owing to Nqung,andGerrard Sts,, Toronto; nother of the pion- th 60t'L would be'kathof Ato e .speakable e spends 41pSumnler 8.1ji, Rose, an&4'�O. Call family. 'the, p6rbapa"he did not,m1nd*i*l' "slowly, 'its rar#y in our country 'Thls� sr, �jle rtShj�, of Mlifield, passed d tl�g.onp of, the Ottlie- V h,' d n a, nuthber of o d 'indigbation of InY SIB eYs ovel especially 64 t e j y hoind. hAbi a issing. ysician4 will toil n TRAL' UECTED EEvF.- rom CL ral t 'g �an. he wood,, of N F �to our bei. Z- is 6 tanij the tfrel t to -Z6 - -t ­ - I I frien a in 'this "t r the srup� eers The inter S L at't k h `61arno h ddb ,�t d ts away su. on Thutsday evening H flie 't r. f J4 hn-' IxOn,a gi pet mes sw. eps lue, in 0 Arid adin4i oul -The not e pritott6t k with 04'Ud btlegB WftAL Ar-'XIxon. was 6cment�could, at.bo, (argotien age and shoulcl b �d b6b ; ago of,8,%, Y- ­ft published, -in. Spott Alta. is taken the Be AN'. the . O�n­jjj"�. the He!s a fitvb i,te jj,,j,,,jjj,,,,jijj. -I, Ole logs real U folio the piisttir, wh6 seems to be iti,favae. of -He, wp b, ndw-�iqnqc� d Inete to' a former Bfuce wing refere v :its of"fiffeen' ge6m-' 0- -16�Aignity I L r- L AhaL it T 3, fhis, land, says. ape V. C!i., hiin seepied. County,boy-,­Ifiterest in locallmunicipal .. - 1. -g b Lr , , 11 , 'r where ur y yr.onej ag' gentleman not" am- ndxy ceht6red around one,- dlsealq�j­ t: t And fo 'd ' spread ut hat A� -ove."', lihllAhoaa luirs, He came. to iie's a girl he met at S;K(;al. that You �tions last Mo elei VIA% STP 0. ONT. -porj�­,with4ho­i4duigehce -'of li Muni,- -B'14- nO­W'wPJft dt'lielantl vn ii-gir xei- f1h­ Ttaniping cjjtj_i, id-johnnie-likes-t1l U %- e e rpovos I. t of, he put- out -of a y 0 training school in ship of 'A�mbllg'tho'g6mbre, memorie P Alp'ha 'and Ornega 0 . ..... L, " d, 'd e, g Ge R it ' ' r the Of pot.dogi __- ­­ '1 16 land ur father f pa len 9. COtnik As,yoxx may we] tt�p6ie', L ality1nd, the-sc,oti ffia'yu'f�l lest Practical h the to" 11th: -concession .. Bitch evening, w en, i r s , W'a gave 0. ntario, Three on We, ftlAks again . : �L , L' h rk i lard a the P66t r 'hw''d, a - farm the is Es., Fie&rOpbt fiand fatni.V Of e YOU Inte'rJO Rccvl� "Ti har" foje4t, a, fj_o'thebig stone houbir, hoftic- oil the hjjl� i8jhat� Ofr A a majority U OiOV'or th nd tile, ii� vir e fi Teit l6a� out _bo Ili 1858 0 ow _t BWam6t-,.%u&-8ai 'ap Ato ough alid hcrW­­­­r . ..... fi--r d to Mjj§k aid 1-tor-our-7own- r, "ofiniii con 'of lig�t ho,io b hift 8 a fill" bL, land' the lindofthe Maple, 1�o evotits, Anil praoiidat Teachers' afe; th jqr Aje they in ffi 6il father. (a dece 6f6dgh himi To all tq Cast, who surviv ihe'w6oa and lit indilgiii011 ill found that not o, 4 0. was 'of part,: UlaeL 'eXL rs when $3, Itiated Lby 'the Pp And peactical,­ Teache tire per - e for th hight L the breiLk of'da �)be r)'L find irlgi� finportah6e ha ned,on the. Jane'Johnstoi . I g6ih6r--th6yetidir�At�e�-,haraslilps and. &nd'neVerd1., hAt6 d been- ibi 0 Inkofie -in itl"t�e, hay.1'aij of, 6 6 ­ L- r L it, divigion,6 ha i.efided ail()' giaduate's ar te L p aced i you AsOdaje.') gts� e., , Those were' o L _ bI A Ilion dooiltk retilruing ofacer., togtes"'ut hjV..jrI r, r . L pos, kive iftaividual rivations-ofiLpioneor.lif6f. and,'raigedr a� Doeg he on W Orn tit retprnVoyage, StormBanfifogi; delay t I' the u foftnuath� od' 4 Per -i- t .��ctfforyr n oar We train whom are Now her mo er hir tef` lu -Add- - P a any th d 66 no I q Are ey vn ot pt� tapping, h ag-suff6oated by the ci�v� ne: r t "I -think) Vc-, th '�r�q th he n6jhbots, a t1iiiii,' �hffitaf fjt#,Y,0f I'litee 6hiltclren; all of :Ult break .6f'r' ti rei6cted by rettij.ning offt 'd ing afid', eud�d gy"e ,h --ate, -,Mrs. W OM yo h '­ L. acodthe-followin Agi 40t Y) w a annou 9 grog, ence an c4t c u ca ain, we- o an e, so, at en -d6 W A ch ma:, again. e- again %ke A And, an ch Ponald, W' 6 wh, I h WAA k,, h (is 47, (elected), Ti 11 kan ed.6ft "terra h" g'Withr Morn. eoigo ch reet ng4 10 I� e boarded the, tiaid"itt, Montr6alfor"roror - Write, for usm a W q 'A G Ljority of- I iomewar, s we procce( 0 9.0 17w ­ 'SOA at4Ik6*x0-,-AuAt4& few V U W. ;a a Penj doorB- soutU'16f fOjughL b thel homestcad Mt. Nuton was a ma rs !;%Loa s MT r # d a Tilt d ed up, the line Afird board the condu'c6or e, A got., il now 00 Ija r Ily I Yo�ffi'trftb�e th� loo' ij­ , 4- returned HiiL was 'hbno' . . �''fi -;'L L , , 11 r ,, k 1.." *46 ODA �Vlyj( e , at ,And 'division, -v�onderiul 'vitality. d r -g coining- ome eac, You want w, no 'Ong higfj� inth, 7 e rescuersi an, VhOrh call Lucknbw jif aw '10. *tkht in all his ealipps an i he'd AblYthd ; tl� -tad.r 111 of ific t, ZL ab you g po L .,ItW�.­ a "'i ' L", 9011198 and counnP 0 t a peool7e, c y X A64t4fo th--6diq, and. id PO Your, St sally. es ewe I ge't 6616 ew -t toi,led, With Qu8jVuraw th 11, The, to jf� �litij. '"�V$ At" bf� Maloolm, wal to litill of -joy passed fodgh. A re igioq 6 dty her 0, to -carried, by-.tQQ�­, a cry litico"Is I "t enefg'yi 0 go was keen as shown t� e a tempq it wilt t*k dnd,un iring Oil A - in 't , hela:ct th I t *­­ �bh i �,' ettl I 6f­�'�LR- 6y". light' ()fr =d fitiand qw. AVh6r6L tile, o' a fullefil ta6k piticei talljftg�pjft IV& � 1 ��* ;6or fellow imPtig t, sav one, cas Ifoe. hewill'96t the resident eledto t his, v6W.Jh joy,it tile -tho You le jutenSo qn again. eirg Ila ti6o wa.� . Whopel the, chic: 6 thil, b in , L, ' " . ', (1,i A opl, ng"�a I ' (6 � . .." te. ep I -aga 6, a. yo r a, val I ­8t�.hapgo�.A Aue line we, Asturday aftern601' to Greenhill ken got the 4ix I 'in 1�1s. - . , �­.i -Ifta the The majority of 13 sectured, by , it. H,' f6ried fo�i and in 11 ` V ­­­ -V".-,. gain b -lit t atfhe�v'q wag Im. e d y�fio A Kit On We y Te a largely- d'od, �14 -gqeii-"th-8un4a 7- elle vices a POP it " Ali '"Ut Aii leg, co idettAveted thd, got d 4iti', OWong ill b6 6" Blind or .9 . qpporie,4--ol-bilith "fl-,", landed�At`the. r ft�yoii dill &6 jodd# th,,, fi6*rly of Oa te.n&ek hears the ilciftlan, bo'd veryerude acoorqut of, the vivii I descrip�, t-mpat y isex 'Al � 'M L l -h ­ � D. , 16 Y014 naltO 6121. is bear h--4 W�ftl 9-M A .ri lklt6r, � a n" d 1W nlY t the. gfi"06 I ­ , . - 61 b Much 9 of gjjrf, they brought, tile Y k U C106 ri titkis wid.. to tjj th Rnt 0jakda it at noise. & ttj hair. Iib'�, was 11 of' the 1'.61).given hy� itiv, bunb; w :-6w 4*16- t Damping i is no, o ar., the ddvi and, fainit. graclop., A h �A I., Pri the most success Rk Wnbar is A; talenE&I 8 upeito , C�iaalty it t6t1kht'. Y.., I I b6oki?, jj' noti" Y64 d., r,,,,,. k op don or ' L i r I 'J�'jb ­ k 39 zl, as we i "by WI, PC e L TiAburllo' I . , I , L 1, �1' Al -k 11 1 1 1 1. 11 wbEingaffiong: the turd, 6a CathpbbU strt iiegipidneerp of t416 partoUthb, c6unityl humbr, this loid �p, littlor ', Vb6n he h , eiLts abbilt;,., �ct lid&f' Rogg 1, tti anc Urun olo h6 got t by, intermingling with,thd at, To' S�ftat I IL ited; 1dr �Vj' 'gto.'teflif rfto �Prddtt6 Id ­ li&vinocsided In tho, th Zk�l' af tK& I)tog't 6od of ft ciffigo, 'M t "" 6 d P 'The ietn'ain,da E, ­ I tion �6keltecpor, f4ii6v& ' I No . . :L v lygincoA006,, Heigtinkt, v6 of - 13mid'o I t b"e, 4-r T h6nV11­nl9,s e I laneVe h only h ry Tfi t e'r gg h Oda,", V o pure w rcse U ZZ.,5 Ben '.YO Mi h Wing --!I li�*6 serv-64-6kii McKinney, of I l �'6evie, Sim wayg, Cep EL elf of* t f4it 'Iteeve Wobarda, plaY be of PUPPie- Grove, and, 6tho§­ Paye't e PP QU4 And the girW u aPor's. A I , L men Who r c6unt I ' . ' ' . : ko4t' al Ih- 9V of Oat mod Str 0 'many up, as oftdii h ay Or' h Nat d, 1yed Vvell knWfi ill -a mfsmgie who Wa� laid I t mil�s oar' to,�,usd -ji 666rge and a .1 . 60t�&Wy­o* NoWo UP914 ej,A6' ' 0.i ;� yet, C, never means to dwit; ii 4hoig Widow I epq 1,14 tobd Piround ordo t v0t 141*14*004 sib. !'to too it, 7 the rim