The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-01-16, Page 577`7�� Nt T t, T 7- 7" � tt CNOWU -TH Ajol gtp 94 Thor 44 pA q 'A . I , I ". . .. 1,111111111 ........ ----- 7 7" Arcliy*itl 900 ", W, a care T Vhe� rqU ci, reli ion I b:� t 7, 1.. =, 7, jo be, UA �oi j�s Christ N�as t 10 China"'aftor"the , I , b* 01 17 tfig, cWser lie to,464,the;nto ge. dor- don to reograe: As EL&llp. us he� popular xplig gk VIVO f thie, ar ich ti hey brought bilne, to, #,6ting where'sol We, noticed' that souto, 0, ripics by� Whi 11 1 g, thousand �Id ii3 Pile H! I ere, told d sch6larja : havo started tol surface froiti- 4, qPMP 0�1 ers, wer�askod to speak they W size -the 13 th. bamb 00 rod wit an had, sinco. Qhristmaqa, 0, to go "on al 'tell what s yation i �keeA �Oyb feet below, in a id ke�ep.p­­. ohnf#ort RoAlston is PUfferXnq.; whae it� ae�er 6bout, ve -inches. t and Of ension Of a done for others cy�!R C te cold, at pres�n �(lay the Clliile0 about d ' d, -for, n: them a� ita, use -way it, took tile itia, Py lop ''PA, VIP Woul and h hese,wells.) � I I., : ­- , , - M r Roy AilAied of I b dig Wal - tvvpnty years to -,,,one, of t 'ut, ofy, and A small PaP strap. Queue was c I was i86'UthLi ld d fteen minutes to oring wear V .ell 8 It, took about. fli tie 'isit6d at Da:*VJ 1hix:1q8t'W 0 ffW7�4 3, bi&drawixg V, 00 at d' r 'd' am 5un'&R, -to on6 t0e-4u1,1 f salt Bull i�iting, her there* would be �ni-Y a fev,' ft`D� m the­laN-.­--1-U-O . .... . Als t V iiigp'� IS �In�wll`t la e e- tGes,76 eams. ey, T*yW1 is Ing will. liss Lizzle., Me f ii�a`x FA 5549ifa-H:-d-U705 --0- ho;, wou d p rsist- J, the t6wns"a wA in, 14e.'Areet d ixoupd Jqhu!s to ladle 4� t �ts, the P] --it, predei�t. Quged the in kiig was -taken y.ah Vi and,i 14 lomin 9. One Mr� .04 Mi, av The -derrick Ii-Fv'?, my- , e U -:no 6st clumsy thing. he lihd ever se6n, '4 smo 11 tile t to' that they what we hear,,he.1m O]n sik �howliig Austlu �80 h fjq�k we*14 qqlrx e which. inside. the o1hireh. VP &P ere not sure while at leak -north th6�,Chihcse.xv to, �i- - -10� m Inthez: fre Guire'is.:o Su d d bhe rebellion, -found 111-6913 :� , , W LU hat Wells � a. beerl --opplIAP --J- ky"t il-77m n -history M e 4 Qf their it 1-11 - Ile their - pigtails cut, Off in case VD A.; 4AIPMR lived fiv am ton's last wook. Of OOilfuscius. e hundred won , Id be successial and dic1,,,nQt' want who t6ld- i OF is that 01ii I I -�C, -ist. if the rev hx rith them o4i I's d m j4�rtetf.e, areinvited-0- ­Ye4 r1e . they ivet. 00na6wlll�- had tried W , Brindly s .--0900 ORK Hollyroo(I to tak3 si,ig at a concertat that, etton scissors 10 ,ste�aw,ougl4e' into went routid: to, ifttro ace"a :But the'fell6w 11, hot, u�der­ ae.cut them o Asher Gry -is VA IT aqd.pinti.4d� ay -8 ' 1. Ing. -66 and Misses usiness, iat. staiqd,�lii� 1ea them, col' d A -.r s. SOf, f pocket b itna� and. thaVthe il , - ", 1l, M -u ITO t7VIF C: IS i b Ld tul 0 1 -9 1 tw �.-, xg Call saac urr Own, ay ga, of,:" ri�y� on on. burst and so: -.the -C he� Liver steajn iw� ti): Vi dill 4st6jl --.fox��ax WE 4 ie -y- - I � t fj-, in M d L y ded to., N't t e % 40- & Mrs. "d lair Of' 0 en4c­' IoNts a a, Y ha nand oth6r Vlaces 01 f Id ans, auddcterrniqy�. k i the. road d grea�s flilt-O eml Afers *efe,fi fSol 1. ­­L.�­. d eplylp' xebgt� q W i "­ )-und ey aun 4 'the, -r!R Ing, on-, �,a,�114 re Tw in.' -e 'd ichi'nery of th4t kind ul, lion a6d"V om�I( W�., W, -04� Bilh�, fij.v. iunt 4n S' t d�y last -but, that" OiAri'�, toll 'is Al b ;old Uqb - AI hiso, lilt, �Xpel­� "tulie, 6 �f e'Te ')1­c6'n i h K-fo Vy I UP -7. t lic`:4ov'6 'se,6 61 ed 6 the. Out: i 1: b6ild6ri 1�dra Od-� ChinabecAwe� Y- d6dOffrl id it ience, ffe -enkj­ U,, �­ - �.Vy ry;t an xi�'us, Ch - 144 XlVy ae f, --,the- rab DU 50 eas, --were-, 1igtMn'9-'2&a1i q la e---- .�ryi� hi ;,h 0 -,.t 'y , . r ' - T 61j�SunoA . 1 5 rd cw�� % . . , ' " I �b r I I - , 41 ': " 11 11 - , - I �.. . -1 ; - I . . �i. , . - irl b 0 Us eeu ry W. 19 11; k1bovr ey- Y T" t It ij 75g -d .7 andd-sul 0-086 L-Tuesa" Yani pa d4 al, G if I .. itlL­�, i,&, - -- L gi y to kill t id r, Airs .1, 1 re y.�.Ln-4p, =-f,,n ie SO1411tel b 'In6r. visite sj- 'In6rvisite tl y. -were It ��to%n sa a, iev i� A 7and Ing, Oughs,06. oul AV -AS -s d "kiii al'[ J t j1"1119 anner., -;ne iday Jast Y C eing. of them, bf the leadet�;,�; rie j3usin�ss 0� 01,16ge� i: gliam.. . ..... bui�d­ - --!let -T -but 0 ue�dayr,'Jail. s t lr� T Ilddhee with ­ � �, 11, t6r, d two, ides by -the o,-ean and on , �1 hl fa �­�­­­­­­' ­ tti , l *jL�'jt�a - Ad doq 777 -7 - din T`tiyes� g -wxt i. 'was ety., 0 -.7 M. he for,his: c6ltIitel d : I;. ­:­ k XALD� Vac'Kenzie,-ione�� t fin1kg­-.;,,, 4 - , 'i du 6- d '-f1b -by=wwhio e ls�­-T-tV e one, on: -al- -,,for 'the..m-, --fe-NU :g D�"nald: '4 fioini Clark, -1& �tlle A -Lr. 're 7 This Cou io, of P ey -were g, tin An lit 9,y a ee. "-fi 'e d sl st'w" w, As -itit Ow-thfg 91. el, 1pyi uilt a, cr a . - Mrs., M 11ac i.shop and: .e*er.yw iere -'. a t,-6-th, .-Vorth*-.WeFt­,.W-,'e-:­ W, al. .W�...foy-iiiany-years,"they:,w6re,..,.r Visited 34- 'A ie,i,,P;c ennana; 116. ri:pdact rk' 1*1 thit t ing 161 Over jhe�nl�ql��g. TH Chidese TeOP e It bet,siiccess on h�r,irl�. k -ive them ftom cient for. r the rulers and d, the' jPi*8,entgd at, thio n.Tf thr6m -lie (11h"aj.je was der' -isses Mary Mae, ;enz- to f or�25-mftts-OnL t6ughi they tqe�4� livinj ',�ilght a f� r6ne-au M, H K ie and &-ilist-A -ults A -11P it to de'' wrth if�7they'� kep t AY141 A:i 1fjVq their, for a few 'CIN -Y weeEj hgd Ic i e Fy w 7 �'t -Amnie� ed-Ux -'-VAlham- Od nothi bin n near T Fe I�re 4ratj 0 iiii arokind 9a a s. tiio t Ripley'� repaine M -I C -c - custom Chirfd.am - ­­ -- ­ ­ , , li b `7 IQ s. - ave. StA.ftb'd A;' --t�-The­-McLean Tro ME - %e A- r e -90-rr -"p Ag.- ze U 171119. -w dy U V- -gli6 L:su;pr-.d- -e .6ue-beftef-�': -'.6rtiseA- - --------- fi:ih 1" ­­­ . . - 4 -Mr.6W M19-Ppo r tth I lfw -W to-bethrinte . ...... . iisselll� sett rno. h7as:been.rehew ng owee4s f r tlie-past-tw. old -acquam:tA*cs­. 0. left foi Chi6dgo last kri ay. William Buckinghhin 1i to which. he,. i t��(t� :4 a 6ru pu-rp �rxinhiiig install for tlie- ose of ...... C D IRD A 7 z j Tubsdsj, Ja&­ 141" 7, T cli, �9- - - �7-7 -s e -0, 1061 A M; A `2 ST; q. r. A 5V,14 d— A g, 4 .. b laie on stob )?:-A a. ft. -S- Vt #di the,s -16 pe�n ng ew Late �E a - 4 5' par m 'At lig 7 'a e M iss d r - �A -- 9 ­ae4; R -Roo -- - _y ays w 'S V 0 troil&enr Mr..;xn& rs. Da*id ertain-,, o g. --K -Yi9 a r nuthor S. !-�� 41 1 - t WMA a A bt er. X nt 0-M 0.- -e T;i � n­u'm df 4 rien s. on' ri: ay n ly r 0, cc orge. or elivered.a. nuiii�� 7 wz. -.7 46M�.­P- -.qdeffie :ev - r 0- -P y al - -7 64:�- mni .P a er %ttle B-6 �v -th& e U Tuesday. -Fe W,,! sy: bruary ann onr w: tiver 'ff f S.toCL 3fa;fekhigj­!)�ksAh6- itory 0 r e. fg� -- 11 - - - , 1 1 - . -, I -ousin.' Sugie -Cooke a tew.�; guest 0 er s 'ape ---d Uce day� -7 y re o&weekl wh6.wha as f 1, -N1 -is. Da 9 NO oM d-ho*0 �hpea v y, rne -7 r epeis;- 9-ri.ta, t eTl a -c -Rip ey. and- ,�e3 isiting7f :j rid j"j3-- pri k=z.�-f W-J&Tf L Wnic U, :L g' y S 00 n& "ea Tyles f 'h'' t �k ato �:gettin We 'h' h� we!. eaire -A t1 e find ;;�..,niu. M. -4� to gre, T. oL 4s; *`X RM. T ble-D rel�*-- G%06 c e X- a, �gn o re e - - - - - - - - r ai. KinlosS . . I..., - r - i Er -P. -yoftg� =;x U e, idi lace --d7 a j �alesf E6alj� -,jj&v.e� 5j���ace e sm,al.16'r c�t, All. of, oiir lin- 7 V� 4' A -el W;'Yy 'gi rne. of- e..: ffrtl i�§, A -T S. _W ar qu-6ta- tcfa r�gaL-H-i IVPhail. :4 - ss 7 agL+I- -lb-l"al. i-11.9" 7 0 en 46,�. raden.­ i-b V 'IS S it Ur S B o ig. la ditions-n-i 77777771 . .. .... tb�it arns- jaSr­­­r-= oun a th-&FaheA-0 f Mrs, - F Cole -f ea --LT uesday'� Jaw, 14 'the -guest -o 161IN -- x! u er--- he Ifint attirdayr w c,,.re%t jjTneY The r'ink, here opened lor�Ahe, first call 811- th -Pg -ff t tZ.�, '111. 'of -met - n oft on.'r din I a it t '? � in oe�ple oi­nne� a '. � irw,�etz 6. i he,i6tifij: r '77- ­ -_1 � . . � I . . ---f -f - I— g I r 6A­7..�Ir�s Por f roiryn7 a�vlslt. t hig daugbte ey i in- Monday P, T dveni -7' cjdgd-jqjqka-ng-e thetimk hAir . ...... . - -ray Jackson arrived orne on k lj�N 0 L 1 9-1.11 ,y%. -a Ers atur- ------- --doll 0 rg-tor-WednesdAY ---evening AL even "af r- 0; nth!S, t e uro ryjili. UrwV! d nday-wi -,fri'iid. i I BL- U hows,1iviin, vN-- Nouif�g. ineoung iq� M6 ;et,aidd­�dbrth, at-leits ur'. 611 is.'fiom6 f r 0 drn 'Battle -�bei�g;eveiy _t�rfiate, ­%yppk-­--�M�edq�es in t t es- n.d, ft 1 t7l no. 5 one, �CeI Of -s iirjjprov!`iig� some 4W j%. eAriii6�'Pit.i0a is ford 'years,. V ist,church .3 special at 842'60,. b o r. affer an l_y -ethod U Fly pri(,e -W-,eddirig--�­ 011 tturn­,,-�,� an f :of. -the --best f or bA_ 7 -n g to g et one -2 s- - -,T I on' evening. h f­-��,N j- therR . wit Ood g , , ''t J out glass� Thursda' -the- EF on, O)�ktrL �TR*S! -We are goin- I, h Ev. Ac t -13LAC E I' k g , �t - jnp iy�r­ Ptbs��rian ev -missi4na ed miss Sb�e& both, bandsomely trimm al_j6of i� ikeK org b i, xy n the. par tit hfirch. The 'il" �64 Chhla,.deliver6d'a orth rcturh6d. to. lipr,16me holiday&, qjq,� ay e ill � gej&6 St Church a, d.,filw wide,46161 Ar 'de6idedll.' 7m;s:j��. w 's'k h Pt d venifig in e T1 ry comf is Set, is very,styiish'and ve O'lld TA.", is re-, Pu - tnain Niko�, of W -s-w6ek, I oburn, a afrt6f-' j - - kS' '00 to­'0lcl&j,af.SV7­;,, S t at the�Opn�r� t25' th! . '. Id' ­ Regu ar;-price�, IINVP Wee Will by t e ones presen -for ION) SIVIV- Er acqUairit&h'C0§'ar0U 'vices;, snap Large. Stole, -Wi ri -Old nd h�re- al meefitig,to tike 6haidb o(:tbe rit %I -ser- �.ewuiiiexice -'A Muff all -i tit f clidi. newing, 10 SET, B619ter 4 I BLACK.BtIWIAN 11 h6d,to- fij Irs. sy,even- $18.50. Clearing- pt'i L�b'; d* th, 't toe �egqiar- -pri y F.-. Ba6ehlei ri�ffir - S &tf6id after*, AndibbOl-�tPlef0-- -,7 in r'L an 1116-2NWhbdist chai&bii.Thurs�d orn t if r, t -,and' AIM Eia*ion:'Briiale rge, a-" lilig,. Jan. 1,6, and '-will,zo -for" -twa! Man.arg.vis, ng a ntinxi6 trimnlL, 'w spending week with'his, -pareil 8 ReSton'r D` S .0 h 4" little and Ntrs. C. B Mrs: A.' - c 812 95-� . : . .. . . ' - . . . a*j6n of Chevioft� tcfj,�-,. b6tjj,�� trit' d aechler. t8. Jas. L 7.. r. nil W(,)L Aft: And S06"Ito ma U '- 'd M �tzf-,I"t I . o unn a�, resio to ea r A iai ­ ids as trustee of" - sP0II hufai "Y _F Syp.,� arge Acribed. ,a Van Vkw at �Mount­47in t "T a ssolsi, r�go Pj� ted e,, -s a-thi 119, r( Wi enta,a Via; I Thol An*VW IcLean and gorgo� d StO16, "both, rem I 11Rgir, T� �mO ized.,X- :,an rl� -- . - I � - I r, � , : -i I Tueid4y$., i an. 14, ditim S -2 QkT f 4 Mull. towxiship� ne et ---6n 0 Rory, Nf6Donald',,is vigit,ing timda" The: new 111 y 13. 61 reoular Price $8.pQ,,to.cl rat $0 berly... Monday ace o 46 : 9 0 0, verY F fondiaj, lOT SET, f hit id4omeAtiff, L 11 fl� . a I anuary 13, conm rduhd Am aj�. d. to, M:i _To ur b UU � i �.. the � i -x R -,l­MbnjWyj t , 1 24 b ig -A�uei 6i d'wi �4 -a. 0jy4ld,6pew. un ay� on one e -is visi ing. n 1�3 er" apman - as 't U tl�6 --jg�theNfianse i TI` Ch'' - h', e b P f ich'ri�kkihs:z em yeFj Tor'd The -o s, -n',ihere frien& -aijound t1ek I t1wr -Lk�VOWM -'foligth that.OtLMijjk, a, i mor �ofilplet�d t f t4 T)i6 stork left W Y M0 0 t up this -line' for . . ..... pg 'c4:- h e k a arrangetilen .9, jilgh j6fiiiie­8 07: ­�­ idlls visit d her'cou5in, ndct$61A k) -::L i r � �e I ­ 1. 11 11 "adiad thur 4 Rev., r, " I 'zzi6,8 I -t q es'- -at-., .16 ollowi :&�i* in.Conii last wee rx �dffs I�d omob� jjiss­j,,l - ell,!on�SundaY- reau at, i Detroit is spend- �: f �j W. J. 34ayers is spend iter ad a success u fl'oj '�r.en1jan is Vi8iting t6r U �e eihead',h 'Saturda$,, Jan. Ill,` 'th Dr� tarnardo'S Musical )a wl 0 ft week, under the,j ee g6nday At SWO. 'tic $j4.7-5., Sr, at pres6t- '6 'Q , boys.�'Tbey ')0 iale prico'$7.- Mxs. w6od- -p a th glig,00 p b . - ria., T. Fraser' oln Lond6nfro es, ma, regular special r1cc$,0() rigoll-, �6f Ok-otoks Alta,,' M 1, 1 1 1 ­­PaV to-Weancsda� ju r t red Webt 9A-ve ty-t6, ey r--dat very,hsa 90 Donald, Nfol s .4, 1.88 ellie-Coliftnoi visitelher &nn to We Is peipple J' assey I'll " j� L' 4 , lfall�- re very, SUC -Mink. Alarmot., Stole can ' ' Alex.XcL 4b0tt-Nesbit-.-on�Fr1djy­-1 Wi oll _0 168-- 7e d -AiYd­A0 er Mr.�, Joh ingh sa $7.75.. - `- _: , ` - - 5� 2,o I Is: .T V & to bioen 1 . ,q 5, on be le� 10pe ­ - - -fo -for Airs ey wi in -T-( n GaJunt vho has� �,6,en : 4.1 '1ii§8 F' nny W lc�Ar,7� � I ... I d.,past. yedr- agamill. I . , . rid Kin 'Jail" �q'-A-Rjjjjey'4n 4an o a ro ilson is visiting. h ifalMinktMarin �ir tU,8-dtlrontolr�:,ret . -N 0, 30, a 2 b6aut �, -s 1.0,50, : ill I bvoih�r William W L the �si lai tJ5.00, sale pric p jIS611, at ck�jist, i's bletteit and his' ino -hii- c6tt a a 0 's qt, ria� M 0�.,00,,' ... or 9; ilier visited "d- 6 y To S' Geo. Steivart f oil Wednesdayo : j * , .. . H.. 3vi" rostie's n� Sunday, 0 s 7 ;f-6. of ir rienda condr C6ft, ML e prieb Aim nuiubtr e Pi RiVer [1y --_w" . a� g I an in IV (Airp l,. -- '­ . , . .. .0 we" i ffA, etilog­ 04- T t iijecting J : 24th. Ao-nday, Jan .13,.,. 'lontV a -TuiisdaY, 'January 14� ex I ab Kull, 60 in,`16ng -tegufar pitica, 8, 1 j 5 0, Ross, �PeAt,-1V-hw days last anr th. mia Bell" tr�day niglit.-, N2 this e lisfeeg of S. 'I No. I hay'a ro 'e6k,) usy, around 00-- -w I anies b D' r prj�e �5,( We P 100 -spen 8fjillfh,� of Toronto�j nna f u -the Raeoon 40 regil Le n, Laurier. with his sawing IlPd a 'new, heatfiig 4stera i 95. nei-liborhood Auff regular $5 - 061. r, ., j sale, petoo Iren, of o;4 c I Vit'llL her's'gt -4 Mr§ Chas. Collins, and I chili t 11 sold two -fine fat dowt. I q, 114 th d 0$ egular�$15.66j for 93 W J a1nQi'O t le guest of - er*- cousin Miss, Ethel as w h ` of ToeiwiatA t To 4V -h A 'POP J?Urpte Gfove, visit ad mitoof�--Ifqow, 80 -,*id Dave Idikli cjYo�ald,j j.nvi'jj:r - r 111. _Wp esen'A' Johnston has :returned to hi� e eL I tit ding l3vill f I b' 04011 Our Jim jt d , i f , � �A, -)risiting , tWo j thte "fr tud 4e6 o v 6 r i n g. -din"Atei -very successs, U ee "k I 6,-t ri :1, ..hcads,­,� IAMA� tblith 'af66F Todd.; m, recent John jjoj�-llj burgl� , : . I Rob tol� Ala$ ice $`10.50 time w r . ­ , .1 1 . I I Saturday,, taWing. wood ax 'h'efton: qua ity,-Vegu 3\1r. and Mrs I L S u- Mit,, Pet6r Campbell enter-' -'en-a-Murray left 18 r :st 'Wee all ­ and k' ey scho i ' Tr uf , ** . It in �n reg'ahl! 6,$q or '14r, -i �s " 11 1"Ne im Is,%bel it daY at C ­ . I filiendil taln-,id A number of othetf. hot-sUPP, b.. Win still' makes his reg, th �r'. s an il.47 16 Opposs�jp.ii,$xfjrd, to regu it, P 91, 1" 0 ' I � '71,,v , d' gbine time with lier siste n t,rip to I of t1l - akotj,�, , , : - - , ''.. ere, in e gouil, veningi. ano, ef '�it C . . ' ' ' I , , te .0- around' o NY AS th# souch. , Th It t 1�- apdel Alt t 'ne te(yul"r to, tepor I ale cry s try -gis %,cry t ur imll� n Bill 4be� f urthet quic t a jslX1V t �AjL46o-thayou NoPle, hAYe �94 4 Mink 'N foi, 63 7 5 Nli �.,and` N;l rs: Will, Elligtt, Tilow" Fraser, ill. I g ng 0 We �V Mrs, aftrl�cdon whe Oplica 1��aitd V'i8't1*'ig' her '�'W'ettS; r6 th b. 6 1 i p i 6 wi�& 7 '25` b. N1 i i -k -)J qnA vq elleo*� 6' 'Ve LAO-90-OrAft L near.� a few ts, Mid W, I o pson at"t Mr , d 'L r , jr " ' ' wgy d th -gr. antong. us. gut' f, $10.ro in bed last ce, win IV1111,11R. '101aft -to a �vedk Visiting. her glst4r," an J ,??' r . 0, � aodkih of Nvininpoaf fill rossing on c A 6 for $7 d!jY8 Ot la'st avel. -road w 4,1 PPOPMU11,11 We -wish to cogmtnlal A, 4 Whitoebutell, iov ft)tl t�446M' Friday inorni'6914 i 1). 1 a� Uull, ghlar 966,50", iot and 821i,�s COUUN Sablo 11, -6. 1 0' ee e.. elected Deptity. JR V-, W6 itu 04t re V (Revl), ill 44 06 bping t is'belferv64 she had�,`beeu dead atw&de this winter vigi6ng a0virs. J U, 11A1 11 .00 f rein ja or in. 1611gi 0 1 th6 �eond P, one: e glad that to Ila lor tire holillel t;4�o'dayA j 03,116IT -evou at., �any buggies OP a 1 'id there al'0 about As I al La tiYA Otlrrio�q t 'Council belohig to, Verdun. - r r as, - a r -I -I Urg-A to a num r 6ap year, is go spac V t 6 Itters, Pra t: -"he 08, on 'kind4:, w; 'e" 6 � A 1166 A Pulll. s inuch happin a. w 0 1" ---for . 0 n very "h of vatrous. 'fid Xentleth. auldrof �qn or s thd Many r"Talto 'TRO for r 06i, good Ili Y tecety�d \101fey nlak I jte,l)leZ :to report ihipr6v- . I I ­ 'lit, r 'r ­. J.car �18, wel 1 tion, hold' 'girc he '43 Y'-ur ft 'Prec iitV6 - thing to oft Nf6. tit 'this 006 WIIHO't 1690 Ptic b. wt' k 6� t 61, h is 4 OLY by buyliq Act the skilliul darb C;f -ha G[Ov.et.jj6iefiV prke lot t Pj� g6jitlefilepi but a w6blan would ing 46 0�1' IOUs vefy nic 6bittil in, t 16 gon, - ttfiftg alog Jilu Aver, , W., J. �jjjitlj,'. of Ripley., 4tities 60 Mr. and an Dr. iertain� ' ; L Coll' Wake url' 'En6b t�ke !Inrold' V. on Vri* a, &WOtj.i Nfvq. Thom4s 8�ott ell 11, th hot stipper `h f their frieAds, d' b xtions. �e A num er o y had 06didt tall —,but. �oj' a ad the 11 �nitxji The o. eve W, A at Bethel left oil, Saturday for, Ti- to forni o i:r, in�fetl Gordon kl�kxtld&, NMI] W " 6abrkx wKd, of, the ;W t., whic; a & V #04.i lai, . . � ligs.. ig, J - a, fe "it . �. ��M j. Huston, of T 11 , , . - hkA be �A 101AP 6b6ft Wt VOntui'Olc V60 " . , - d, 0 f �A i+k,, 68e YOU Iske Ill ib� this "kee 1.1y 'iq& 'A14A, clim, the 0 fUl k Th A ----------- I­ �7 4-- vney e tl W Uy k �d -�eafp� §t V Y'rand"'Wo V�f 6V th MA t �y 0 0 A j Sim