The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-01-09, Page 311�7��,W ". —7 7v iWWM _7 WW -7 FiT11O.U.-U, 1010ATES. Old: TIIM' "xi V!� v vm vv.j., 04 0 Y., v, UP 0 Wor,, Twenty I I... I"i, we, "Often, talk' enthusiast 'r of lilts' Wor U Ore )�91,lips 4&'- -01mu �� 1 , , � 1, Of ieAlly C eause� E4106 Poes, ... , I. Auto Rours Ne UK M so of "W1111tt oi 'IT ab�out ia U, the gool -01 CIA H I p, �b for,, I , �,li ��ir, jl� R04. 9 Do, yo# �r �e the dang Pr*ba4!Iy'tb, Ay U, 0 1.4 "A pf0pept. -Jd try to emulate Thbrilas. E0, I dore is al�' Aef�jectiedpough? UOR Womqu. ;OM vweal;, ye t" 'pd6:)v r., son i n- IvQ rlrlkg twenty- hours Q If Y010 00,16r,%. 'Und, it Y04 SAW pure, 0 ox 'te 't Then. why d4ret u get rid Of it? ill. T(ov 04ld el be� WqIld ey of the rilajority -of .,th jBirliw-thoy V� ij 1, k i;y e, vv4ivea, of tb e, Yes,� you.can shal. e it pit'.eqn �ho Me p4in -t�id -t�e' twenty-four, ac, ��rold' , ter in entur r His FP Ong tki, y. w put bi k 'Gilt erllig. any man cou not the 4 stilck to yoll, for-�& I ri­ht h fQ1J?n1qg--- �iv W -3f 1 u4", , Ul 11P,yont Erenytu fiiihv was as xr"7, riv­t ellwoyMoiy)y b b I 'eir frc� I hu,mawi.- h S, elpt. I Off- h0,14a - e rt F, tA bl k' d �wezity,h urs',' Good ypu-go nbout it to th i v ar a witat b -el -v, Mg-ifilD il�t ­. - " ­ -ink''t Y. V14 %U4C�:th b, , az cing �,-caw ltu.,Wy - n feeble-hab. ATM f Y -Mr gra M, 047. ou wor ou'' lo's Rom- lar e �two T-fnw- ru,Co, Syrup d-, -4jo�xjc,e 'W, altwevgr Age,, rank, pr6feSsion, -Idd-, Veadily W�11 w0h."n, -eaah.,A; �J ie n i�ading-,Y-­t OF -Mos il-ex 8,k4 L. isp 1, es, Ing ;LndL�Chlorod�ne.- Jfqr harx Ment h AD je�.e A, Sr 44.D:gr V , ratchin CA;P., he e Vi -ihs,­tna re"tain thqjT.�, d,,A thlid, w ­W: is; tb�, t re � M] If - i , � — Ord '0 hatitral L Uynir -ze, UTQ �xed& lhg ;kft,er 6e 7 1 66 4.1- -4 wliew34e ing .4, hip.se pcYf6'rM1q1p4qes Are 0*4 A. 4i 9's and tive ukor-m Ivy, lbose draggiii� backacl F�Z- oearl', Y Q. v0ntor, Wa wn es f rotin J­fs-pr­isep,�- �t'becomps d, v Ile (:-�,,-A &ter '.6f: his emerg bs �viter�r b ices of A t a uuUI I Waa n4ft :_and" of the s rVi th,� The' -ana Uiloro9_Y_Re­1vWS �1111 sa�utcly, no -'j colored =p fal .1 -,Pita -.�xajjjd,, jjljttel-i,-lg of the -p-erp, t suit'bLe patte�n Ek so 9.1p bq"� tion� oi ous, is no a a S al.11 . ge -45 of th�, fdxnpii'49-11�1413 blos'40,Tu 3tsh irorl �IPY "­eyep, u4s 44 heart; hot flas�ho,,3 and indigestion,.' for st.b. " v ru -Y on liot--keep the ib�md clotial, iz:�%vj in, the 4aonth of May'�.: h 4 'is e onil h6n -the f e;% P, 51' or. the sni4 w p'a,e;' t e ggist, call 1,k),,, em 6111, ere Th Vh� cheekg,^g,,� I he 6Ye a of his' �k.r ar,t3 �j tig eam COMP.L-exion Me 4 t 4 kibd. :,You 'lie A, iffere'rit :mal' , , I - e�,os lx, :dull iind'.the -ni�.,hted, kin e nioth a .6 egg'an. t eL hhh1J,Anci.ir th 0 n al a' Jr, � . �. , ..' on t;�Tqr. m�e�.Avft j,,�.fj ,re �-1-11--�L� . , , 1 1 .1 - 4 :, I—. . �'. . I . - 'M14QU��o + Iyou ;are; tired —& 4, Jf f - y q n e04 �Ieept-�Jm K: f Ott, ru#',�d Ch7q�i r i j x, e. r, le s­­ over-Aevelop8l it 6)rms� a, C-Iqn 2,q an 3.41aghan a, we] Y- Stich 1i �-r , -Mlas NOW t -941 a r - sl aried, �4hel L -W-6 Mut -t.h. t Pdr- - - lw"- edi ih -p. the jq_ a. 04) VeX th­bl ii -d rug, an Ch WICS X.O., S a c0UM n. �T -i b:' 7 wrire4 aFJ-J0110,%V� b, `l7ii ille xise of, - I. � -- ; I ? 1 1. �) , cn: e Ifid "b.urnand owt) 'Doil't, try,-, ki J�Vulg4t�ro� h 'wo.r. ing t6o "h- id s,�wi,th a, rasli:. and',v I' YS ,your ...:A d-ha-ving'161? ,WilEarns!�i:P,i,l1c Pillswai n ong'. for 'ea -v 4ettl g a y . . ...... I "k, ve '""7 n 7, w 0 r rn v, a,il -4) rr,, 7 0 8,"J" ZA'Con W" OU'Dome, ­-', ace inch 161: d v e0je lkrd' If Dr. -Willi -q� :­U�",��A�ljtflo,, Y Y� c p64": onIc - 't- " - Ab CO v ire* Ives ly Ives ljy m44�q a ve, good -.dIjP�Wt�-Y7Pr­mqs.:1 "r, J .076ring-Irern i J- flie hevv;�-dob��,61000 b 1� hvzi;�t d' l, 06ti �*4446-, &X4: Me 4A6 -------- A io - I i, e7ly Mw MW I,— � - ­- . mv­ i0ft, -1 N'', . MMI; Mlvmft U-11 W"?Ap4o amwmmi gm §MB& MY V.Plrio 'e Ic "Itom- e -'I tafte- :�:U- naf uies t r ­ ..:1 .:­­­­4:� , -b �,fe, C ra, XZ (Xr­�, ah -a' 11� - '!� 1 i'se �get Y! 9 1�a bine chan hab W, 9 8. ho d. '7 -0, P.19 W e ve ni - - -; 7 ftinollidgy,,, - - . . : - WX IF, ki x"I'lls sent!av- np.,.. ne T 6 FU n QS k ne v, TI ;4 fw -7; i - �z irF, vW(Viland -oo 7— -7 U. IN 7 'an be U I tI t I* ere - Jr), n4 iinting�trib 6ut, ajaqi�ts. ip pre & n . . '1 1 . . . * !' irdur driftlet Will"refund'naoney if P Ana -h ve 4aiv;' backi 01<'JiLi 18e:,; arld I fel-tl in, 0<� r,6 h�admch. J' was getti I A curi-Qua-custorn".ociF %mo a As ve-mied. this remedy for a -al ot LyT KXX Jifla-to-cure-4zi a e p il-, w Th 6 J�p&jbgor Protriidij �Ma*w of,., Wrnplos. blackhea�is redn' d t iBzft jq riefs vti-f , �--to-o� aril -at rain o e P la :a �'rnirph-t V �bl ''Su Y -in as,, to­m� As ­ he. -tissues., di a�d Me' 't ..... 7­ ,jr­ let of Afjir�c -7 cratiori ofi T116. �nalos,- all, . , . . ."s egell 4�4,f'r .- - on -17n­�A-17. 2-n -6kc, and-t-Cutleup,4- Sold 7 a�N! 1� the - imv .. . I P _7 A- th#- P . .. ..... . .... a a -n �absolupt- -neces- CU 1,71 IUA N Zy lrh' e-- "he ad T (11RC Y. �o* IM f6r" U, f ',in thilrjod:*hich Corp - -1- - kFv-- t wasre matter.. ro 77 9i -, -d' d -M Ile- O� mimn Yffovmlie -Addross7po'strear :,Po -W M 4W--1 mE po -be4th In & Y-wsition,'4hi6b waq-clerk)nW in -to' its 'f Y eje-14148' a ONk:-6d, to -�W n.0 .8. A., r; RT i, "All 'A b!"re e LPoilits iii -Aver Dean �lw,illt 'V'�a's� Jii5:9'when hg -w #'Posto 0 -are... wherei course, U was ielf i D plaitieW .0, a Colletti- there is'got 'rid -of iii least s aIveli, , , j - u ica;­ ar T.- 1111i -y -caus . ..... . a �. 1. � . ! v S �, rer _J Mne-v A -,tantly Urt,mv feet. I t,00' P% ohn. St 7-.. , 11S�, ()I'; k­v1­­"i'd%`- '. biliousness, n( he've-1 -66 tit" hig- iu�­ ri a T) - jc-,--p box `fi er -gps.p "a'th; b"o-st .9 d bi, tb 'ek a Oj hai V -"FS lAtI411'ed. i 6.own!�r up, W1 U te ven e C whe. Aill 1171". h o bIba-1 b -a' a4d, t W., y most 0 '-b Ik :6f! hlsi­)'Wlori­'A��44 11, e -a nd thcr -h iw'xi ---"b' f th­- U 401d 'veh tlii6 moment tinitei Th do'n , , bv�rhoi�ne -C e., -M irritate,'t e, delicate libing of th4 . ....... . -A. n Ia time. "Medi-�­ineL: I h -d b few veArs.�bef<)Ye that Iff. U i4.. Xib'kston -,Qk, WA n;f /I 'bowels'.. Dr* lWorst'!i Indidn �R, �'Y f -Y 00-t nrd, nri. e;mv, to 5t r T of zo ax-ra diation, 's.e ALlik, Dr., W, i I I ioM p te 'd So- M all 4, �thebp�w ly, % Zl: Jd`�'Ttl I , - E' 9-1 AN n 71 -.Sir rth y': jtho,ut wejj I E E 11, Y �n 0j1AY&,R.EX -0-11JUT. �h-e -P v,- I& d to fty� a mil, � t qk 7- U -W!r7#I N � ening- -gripin a A q.a pp y, aw a ur 81 5- 9 e ;�.Iacerrjent ;of.'the. netutitxl poin :-A -§-rffe0Ws Illah rf�-� W.. " 'Ors ilp-l-n g -m e- -4 lid -f .,,6n ­L -published hi r�a .'. M., , V. a i aV e r. jo-j r al; '-�,ahirnes. erez 1XIM it- 12- .3. 'API ; M a —na iii --- ga-f-61. - a, 1. 1 'jj*"� .... ­.Z'k ki --th� pills --for.' .�rest � 1. . I . . -- -!- -:k-W,0'A.W; i �hi� illdlil '­ ­ r IZA A -1 t .1 ­.. I - . I . I%' L. L ­ . . � 1 .1. .. , - , mon -w e.ma .1 . 1 11 . . . I ibi o�.'the;. 'aiid t 'pre� ln&igL,n lo P &f. e I. n *.as;pa,' -sky, he:- J*. ot 111"al J't..pbrfbctJv. wel fiftoen'year's 1,''ji, h -at, 46., %Ve JL� I opr 8 X 'OXF Oct -,aqes ,x -19489 r%- Ullu ., . . I . .; ring- -aro Me i . ......... pey�p &C V."7 If r I t P _ _ kim. vn�7 J-�i n to TIOk f mite (61 Y Z3 d Ws. iiiG-7 10% 7- 'kFPt11V*,-fi '-�,O'Parad IT R -Z U V V; cklwpur" WaS Past 50 Whe­vI­,`�:`T%­-' I L ou b-41 abLI ve-1 no F. �Ry an night. to ovifiv said a other a surgeon. the A -Y a un e 110). in. 11 11DUS -qq.�Jl Rvr0:nvil-A­ iv., FM z V L o '", .1 C E a. ha (T e- &)-veaiied- -Wit4r4 W 'Would e) I-. -.-,j- --qbe�'a]jdoStL6 -A�u - . , " " �� �: :-N,*v-). ".0, A;Ae- -Li*abite� for 46tif. fe ny il Teet--Z ­Liha&�� -ever ve: P E51 Mo =-j7ffj , I -d I q Sun-, the 1 41, E 4e it co-n-tains:b a' th.e--a iodbij! U L 11"'. i6hi H� e . now, h4h w " illirgqt-,-�r *tymnt�r7716r'-�rtpf.,er fa -LL ­EL -L- - old, t Al tvvt ff9L - . .- proper ru 8Y0K&90i'3bx433 L geS,36n rug. oiind . w1W&,e.`)'. . ., . - Tbe Western Real �F t rdc-qlt�. -th-4 d -w jwnd li j 6 6-f. h. perso i . t If in lie re a q S11,1374 ree abreaLst 65 r con,�LJI i i) 'a I 'cannot tj .1-n' e r�'d. Y on �o -�'T-h aLnC 'Dri-age .-pt I ine, -.n, ad imit, :NTS'�WA-MT9b­. Lne on, -E Inc abd h g7hr P W,0RK.­$7 TQ ­$10. PI ':i a; an s6ns� -w'ih -t mbrell'irs 6r ",va0king ca� -.Pill d I ho�e this 'Ji�t�: the' CLI M1110,113 I In Russ 1 sWit74& FOR l0fer *J re�k4fpL.st,. :.Even Abis,�,eau.'se& ider� sori 168__ -n ---av my, reli We f rj� -j inx It -111L. We� 'warl 0 AS: F�etght pne,jg Hood' xrreer.-- -Xt A-G -Nvdll�-a -LAi7ie red togeuter. apt 4WIt". 1-te -,rnu 's,;V - ` j 1-11 , '. ., 11 Is A' - 9 , .1 . , . s, -_� -i & rl..tf ter, .1 &te: ort � U .,�77 ng-- eim­nie - I dylLY'Pedd �,repprr _1nu%�UA;l -b lwenes nt�� n- 'qte� LT! -w A6.2z, .h e -wx- - TZ -------- I ­­ ­ -a-. � �.. 7� I - � ,­ �xn �7ir th­ Tier iW� 0711)t: �%K atte�nCtant -t)-- U1 wntllt !g�.Dw wl... -Ur ­paszer rYMP OMS 4) -qk—a S" o )rizin, at 8 �941a:n Wbolesple Diqt d 4 astrib De viege phe- ' I— w t4 W.,,orillia 'bV.L Mail at; 5b MM -6f 0.dj!� a.,; he Pe W; . sea I N W�h,71. put. cents hr`bn-iz1cd with his f- 6.'-WindoWs 6r d4b,ors-o.t -house inalgeStirlon, SUCh h buili, t "7'A' OR 00 ep .5.0 �qiReRa�f� 6s,: for T­%�,­D Avil- sj4n­*h-i-q-h..., T Alp ation, watei:--��6rash­,L Sir --Me- c- �pqr atrn sp .. . tL �.. � 1 4 W- M. -6 ayed*il� mary::!, -lee -.-b 4Y76 eing-P, . ..... s di ine ville �7 �ST 'O.Lj�.r 'RU. '6,z f rpm the'61 -�UpqEtf;,- Open.... AXP U UrWc �s n:L.,he .:,Mout nerv66snAg`­6tc..i -o ­&,SA�axis fereiW Fdreigu IL �f�', Kafi�ial vo cano, in 0 re A in briekin Z N;6.-,6yh,.41-`h% :ainging, -brijil '�ff ''T as, SuL -6-i-idiin,6ii" th-6 q 7— uiet b - ­ -o , - . I ��VW - .._ __ 0 -� oenger r a P 8 Mt 9 112 k -�be" was a In a M S P UnW-4--king ostum F4 in ernaLl 'd It' In An Is Stift To n : : o u r bo -a lj ro -Aramps�a- rgeo.r - - .7 1 . . �r - �L � Iiobdi��-..- -.alkinjg- -a bibser uch- Aeg: 7 7d; z ai" I g,�j ron- - If practice ff eXPL. �G ff Keep - `d- e 04UP i v ou t tr -a -The.- h was .0 j, 7 ... Irl a '601 - I , F _ffid :7 1717itt 4ji . slat a are d t __A _Yj TIRWo6d. Ont I -ca cu6 b idd -a.- t4o, A r i via -nner *-d ikn- to, �Sffi P.� 4�5 anA\\ walk,! :s 1. A44 §TWJW a Ina -an4d nW­ u0rjhaL--col1diti6ii sth ",N,4aM'_e-0'V - 0 - y L.49I.-D --wag�r�siov4.2L­ j&n, Per MORph WITin L*W or woo nown., Will :poj.. di�r Stones. Kidgey 'trouble.- Qrav4V an for- "ead, the­ �a7. b RM ly, 'k 7RE"' W Ur, "-- FU uxKars e 0 tin -T. et lew MM th 4 e- - n 'Jnt� Vilj.46L, in 60, was i :.p4 it e - 'e; -f or. cic�arette�--mzy.�be throw 'pkgs. T I ib r, e ',i it4 one " ''h" d e $I SO. A-potlifr ­rermned at te a n, 1,". 1.1- 1"InnoY A 'li tue ii, ,.sn e eare. Ia, CKMeiil nit6n- wAlj44 t9di 5 and .6<5 drak.ai-fig.'ef O�w TORO dkur st r d1reez... Tbe'.Sanol WAnnfa -im - t D.a �r _: j?6&tu -� 4W ic 7 tr turin MiqY- Dr.'-' Cansidgi.-Li, kihd-, xomen'�' 7 ftj'�J- -f& 'toe dei 'EM-er Aie si Qne'L<)' his sov6s.-th .4t)e­ -jPoWS'that tl),L-- �W()'rd a Die OU Fring Ua,t ucing, A L I The on the: m<> -Postu prepar ..is engri, ti �ng­ejse capa j7 cr ICV61 tegap4C pf,hb.t bo )oin glps- e synipt6ing P r-Od a prohi i xdrifu I in a C nu .7 'Are -nl"�- -in --A.' .. in"- -r.- ste-4- �and e, mon 'an - -.-M-1- - & --eh A;d,6-r xe=r to U4- -, -W n, e., -H,.c) , , Y 1: vx �b' Staken u 04 ument4,. d T Slid rily er li�;4&L�irnp P. strai"t tPatimon 0 yr qUo, -gal n�l 4a k h J- 'the :footpaths -fr-oh .0 -ream riD t wo r upon'i't, And &Ske ers av�e Ch -ning the ; �at eii 11 . _eo d',1without* wai, i L. ter to'keep. ough' h d M t nt i rW, * r (L - ", -,. , ­ I r f of. rr. 'L, b" ­" L ­ 4 . 'h' ifb�- iheii pi, of Sh��V, �jn Id '10hat, is, t atl Uga r 'I -Wri'Ve'nien' hv'­jA ­­ 'L' 2ai over, ATr fz' to" n�,- an "'Th pv�, a In ryiews;; rom experiences such Agony in t e..q­ ej- 99 efl�,JPYOFR�.�­­!,�-­ pi dLIL -!�PLJ'j ­ .!I - - - -0- - 13 s, ap t, J , P. t -F�OM f4VA 'e --co u nte= 3c T*t"WT j 't"tj 'n -50.0 -1- 1- "�d 'th .10 JLA 404D 6-11vt P 4 (j ­ TRW: DIST der L, -a Ju1 atig KENT n �tj riZe, mi0 t'n-�:20 best'eAmIpJ65�nf ... S. rrn_, jj­�:', P, ava a et. 'in by, na AMPION EvAPORATOR. Ft:11 particularo or oodi,,xt,.,: 7d -�hold:6� onIL brs of our C� felt.' it,'cures s4i quickly:. ct% 4tbenti V�hen..fie. a e:of j ?I V'oj I �JLoff�bjjd sum -of $50000 will be 1% woe you on iequest. Eve userr -ROSUK.. I'Last. summer as ptrik)en With' cup trial. Ain 'Mailed for-iigro ­.tejj­,�� of - therCHAMPION RVAPM BY LIK.IE-S- bo-, .4 'ghtfUlr At( `0c at-sfajii p -`-for, iii qu— ram certs 72 e ty. and if rou prid-46,;fmir 'of Yoix,r I noir Is volir to In: Mv C A-LW"Istit'--ouitir ic in.- my-- Hundrei 4 -N.ew..B-ushes-.Jw Buck voutlid i.''kil r4 e. 6 to on 'Winds- o---*"-- :WQ1ff isf�rg of the 'CHAMP109' better ket lin X 1, ST "M out j)Fyjj; TAVERN, STILL F Y eyes the inghtim Pa ace,Gairdens. �tbel confe4t by putobaising -We %7111 f tin -a' 611ture d-- write 96ftri -0-1-flile ur��r'q� ti en"" MarY's--.-fxv6r'jW 7­':----� -7 W.1 'Sil­ 14 ' r - � L i'L C `Whaf 8 �veins in ray or6fie ��it I I ­.­ .. I -L. ". - r " ike o"t0q.1 A.,)r.11 15th. 1913. u tare- IS �of the-mRAMP10V F an&zoin�e�hundieds*btf new § of"" w, ou _jj_ ry ff _,�, e 'U a -1-8;ete a a 11i'thc Djffer6n e 6: ae beautifill., vkivnJf�-e"t show ivindo-4a � Xo'ntr-vi. 'd.uri�nv, the4 iprt, -fwo--`�keeka sp A" M-gair Vkre t speak u -ATOR' will be Wevlaked 1by vmr,esy of tl!e Star vp,aiva6 - t), in t1i ft rt fiii when M oetitio n n qj.-46.,At. Buckingham. -Pala _f' U ic g:.' ord-64� d _.for :�,arIgAj q, h - ----- ­ r, - I i ;,r :-M W. It ® Vj h T Kiffo-M-k-W-OF t -C It., tIo t P� 4k­­,'-s;eveve *6 lidbded bi e -a U Lkover a n oil., n. V e wl va,of her atel;,,r, -swee tel -D ­ ' ;" lash''both 1;14AM"�tie and'ifielpaci, :TH M - RI -MM' MA -M c. � 6 ��' 1 "The, 'qPjrt!Pe �'A.A 'Call ed'by the n�a, ' Nex iline ib - 6; - -n4 th �,-.v r vite ned -Ice&- ­--vT .2 , . .. r Q )16.. h ang, AP s; thighty A�fa'Vb:�; 'there 6V 1. er be�jji;�in u -in the-eigh ee if if an in a idry 1 F lee�t� StjQet. London,.� theI 4�4'W -of­-York ah6-dis­ J§ �tj, r .41— ­ ay(jbo�­ en ed-, `r` - 'fe* Inli p ays. ajm tq-Wtkrd-Ab16 t`,* mdous 6m-a�­arwlljb�ojhat run. -St- -secoji&j �%i Nerviline.-hais: ning edJ9,ope�,an& r-z� 7- --w6nderfirl-iiMut in -thir' he-,deep�- nex in r. 'A gar Xpe, 4) rpximitY St-' and i's t "''JaV6 -lit ealled oming to.the p r&1- be a t - to r otok A rn. tO and w&,8,,Pr0vl ed nib, Chiireh.And­fhe'-fon4�4-�& dialIih�jeu jj,� r f . . I . S U Wind, r u a, l6se de'.�,r 011lection o, on J! bo*i6l a r a sor itOrfude1etweeff 1. urge all In V�' ge�hl a' ch �vuves it tI' O'li ib 0. "So 0 e 10 `gANLEX UMRAb.P,,­' do "' - ­ 'ik­ 1),b b eight� a �orqi.. � r -U R t - I - 4�uqohOld , h a s iti' e -ai` f. and the Evi '6r use Nt�,rVj]i frien,& JtV�n a royg ed by edxly hayig4to�s, which T1 his wps Ben, j'ohnson's Favor i t d to, I, t - � T - Who; one" jUn re or even onk, 1111 r <)T- onL I c-ro ie h' _<),V er a _j$,.�jpo - 4 hi j old , , . 2"r -6.1%- C f�s '. fr:­Loot dL e was ne, e affacd .-to, aa� 46 al' r thirty fp in- joqpdc�. N-p-horne -is . saf -or. can Wj­(� �,ch once ': L . ' .1 , , q, .�, FAL 'd0496" a'�8erWd ttb d -ertd ie , a�ci 42� towering to, IF, ''The fij st spee.cb� i*.mY �C&ti I ine i, hand: iah, 'h, �'4�$�i , , ': Lf rhiss-the lijariliold a vantages -of 11'eight of RM r,, c,IS6 �dclic;V -of tlic a4c" Wh I , arly­'two hundred:f6et- th ese, T k�n tU qeyjjtb' ev", to 'tile. Be i 6f�aiYvMent,',,jr :,i6��--rgcnt Sickn"Saa alrilly qy.,j Wc; C J� ab;- min - S m.,ore prosalo 'Or I hazi parte w V f r 1 end a e 5�rVant-,.. C4Q 11 q1je !I t� n c tile The -itside �fl 'd, nt� -ry te bottles 'f N, I.,v ihe h4 retirbime;YA. d o, ot file 1 d.I ali d -.q'I - Ye�.i.]JaV erh I hod drank 111`1��flibc. -"trial sizi I 2b IM 61y At Bucirin--hal, 41'eilace. And thq.t� highest wave vetib(,asured well that night and, had br.�iIve no- ers, :�x',Tlj the h itseholdL S'Aff 00MJ]'r1a' had all alti(tide, of &�('Aity-two, j'�� t jj6, oLCAUL o ne., W..", Bu&.. r- -Q -o- e.jj'r 0 jj Ife (5. -id It t Sitig�top,4�_m�d -Abe�-Jood­pwov . P -&--i c-elitiv- leet" That'Lwh on 'You pu A. n f. e, sout. i ',jr ha erri , 1)0 It, tVaa 'ah6 lh6 rc ort SLIJ,IL '-d P(le o d-' and. tp . '011ebll, 11 d, o� it". lie said .-�dvc 6�to your Child'J'SkI �All 11111C, -1,011t 'L , ­ 4jjIi�e b ( t 'ey �:J.t�y to qtl it c(I 11 P4 ch in to,)- h &the ant rize, as g A ftle r 40 f ic thr-o�-' ell th�, po��.j P 4 A win - th io t 06, UA.a M. and Adii`W�p ty sobicbbd3� - 1 r It �izsei ro yal o t " t, 4. a V t ts re-' m- 4�'6 ko r�x .6. ffigq alidf 'r -'n e the bL Ood, jUjt '611"ay fLI'OL h li�-66nlA L "t 'th, c evIcr S 01 0 "1 11 W s., _4 -�,d t rogion Aid not! e:Neeej ag 'r Y 2S�'j -,YOU� P"t bi oa'"', so 6ar`­ IMOM0 QIJININ 0 Ul:�T I �1 PIL. JS (Ion Urv)vl"., sorvod-- -in all ('alf 'Win,46 LI v-,5ur b the X A'fieA& , 1, '1 , ... tdil I BLC 'No 'D ot Ab t Th ­ '� ""iI . . .4L I . 'Thot VE' BRO re a flilly with :the- mimJtj�i a tirri of. i6 LAVAI�l T6. highest IN*, e V 0 r �Ob 1 ino the c. fiikj�j 'Stonj d' L for t*4(, 'Ri gLr.at,ur6 of th Tn4i p Z,. ­ A�V�l v l(ij I i�o. tro �iIo y �:�: ­ � �,.' yars htr r' L . son I, S I . i (I . t 4�,"A' 401 1 t.'j h tic we ivo e, g Tr th �df!! j?' M ?�t_, n WT- W, Men 7-fiff 7-5 4 P -co ore -f-var-ious-minew V bq 9 T L., Y�la ex., e.�fiurijorn docUrile nt of -it p4*!I6biVt(- 1'roUL, 6,,iu &L __Whl M.jjgf. &I u. Und my t e"Mad u r* g. V.er.dmiive�esi. ed h iihtt, iqlchtiohs here t . Y - tb flinqtpidft W ith �Obt - , laftj i�iv� s are) "i�tarlvZ P.OPPL 'Y 'Garth Vk 'en't Cures Ca*t Chif A, 16on an bi cia" a.7 of 7 , ; t, %: - arn r -`tA-§4.d yqu. *j-111rn in) if,.h, stoulAch of il"t PL Whej* on 1WO df and t di r, 01 u 1, Y; f4C�r; fifil, " _ *,j �L r' . - I r L d, 90 AM04 < Toijr�00� ­w,:arVei,4�A 14116A t do-qftti Wv6: -0" H�c�.e kly I: I , ,n trAve _*t t -j d, W dm�k, at, a sjie�,d of ��4,tl tor �radp y.6ur �n �Ijojjr' L So y I L Y 0 , 40 Sj C, Pof 2: Ise publ per6ws, b4tlt8.,,. '61 jyLe�.. AuIrktod JSlalidl. 111%ihtmi4,d,,ji(volc. -0 lbb In tfv fi v o- nifles At VVa VeL tdid mfot e asy -;,aV n: er an Sun . r 16 "Ch I'Ackago. M131UNr le c',j t d6 A, ju jild& we I to xb V pov% hei,cr r�ijldvd �b� 6uj *idn for inoney. �lj,6 Taki pUfe contain -6 mnd's h lie it fe .,3 and wLfiL 0� tfijt� 'i his rner�v and 0morfit !�,Mbus-' t I'h -Ith' light Wor�j L Ebbs 'tes, b'Ai '�)ns o - -,v L I" . . . t, 141 ' I A09 clmnf Pehltled toe wany'Yeark. N(. D oul Ar, Z xnLUtijr,.,- can Wilt t it if,;yoff-w&Yft bo,ftal UOL traCd'o aIj8, &nj1jj&j 0'.1"Oj fito !�Our thin o, .0p, ri14j ior6ijak"is 'I e, - sit ffd' j Al t t., 01CO is 0. s V a h V 11 r C, to e t e j*vOk�qt.;q1I 6f ottkli Morinoi f �k6i- e, epain, I Ap - I �, �,Pjo' Mv�e to ightfill M,ra, ej Irr 0KA4,13", T111 e, gr,�tlt S'NcIor T hif *net' Fbiit"t" 141gl"altal .4 _' r:*tt . ­ I... r M niz. gfivs. At, f,topetf % 11 ',V o up y9o), 10 1 �ftl I A �ho pin i!.�'JIIA A `Wi JIL, 14, L A ..... .. ... P 0., a j) ki tL veitibtil, rim"'hM e hid-�titd nor, lc(,Wqrd jletp-Arok 066, A, lot A n, if 11 . ! I , '. . 4 1 a,,dr a . - I .. "-how, 0�iI i atOj* - # A I, eho; en P, wester!y gale. I -his Of C t I r - W.* . _, 2', d c- i�, v P Wh6tc, A116 tfie, V I ij . t "rig ill W 66, wiii , 3, A:, �� , , a "d "it Ige 'f� CU'tjsL Pile.$, I WO Fit e r 1-Y 8b Wh 813rjj�)4L; J;P, IT, 111 UK 8 J011K A Welf Miry 1§110 W� id &A rfc�,C t� of.4r. pj;,� UUUFI.UN WOS'VeT 5110�C' �fh(` k1l vlotM WMU� 'The, nciw-borr� Nv' 4. ind h-614d,06VI'd It" C., do still riiii'n'i THE 'G`00 "e Uvo 4Ajd. 0fe, evw'll jt(l�bg fe-o viotnt �ktig oil X, MY jil f�, E A I tj s 8��Nj'jj -4 1 1; C )1c . I. " 'or, _J,jj)� Waggon elm ox �u4pia ot &ha itaki Mt 7., 'fo *nI, t6,,,..j N 0 011 a le *t L t, ." , ..'r ., YA�l 'PAN -W Nk,W lie -WAN, hib- d4d octfaj, bit aim, - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ty t- wit t45 je �1 11x 7 UW 1PIL Un "Ali f at All. V, t ov Sh6p'91111' uikm, if h� d4 vid j F[ �;'It­, A .t,