The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-01-02, Page 8IN -1-1-11111 111P T .7 1, 7 7 OW ;t aty' -An, -:j, -7- 1 10 r"r lum" 7 . ...... -oil Ud a Brown of' 061 7— wo�d, fr. _ai Mis—S, �A' it lid)6r; -and W4. Wm Tqlort one -an, Erb atte�dvd the RPW� e% th F being v�diW m ? (I 4ngf-M Ar s ind'Mrs, Alf 4p, ilultbel, of their, frieli ro tertoin0ti-ill �y W tirs, 4i�4 ejo, Y and i1ei0bo 6,,Am Aim.mi., ;11, 9"A 1- -7* A A— The pleetii)4, for tlli� or tlxi� sehool las(Th4ra- W1 17 qli � y St� ar _W ich, day niornin�g kad the cU, gin m. ar-ficles- jl�-Sflverware Was txali�actO,' -,. _ Ue Q, ET. n, 7-7 it -UP -�ViAxw A", t�77 ,W, _5 tra-stee. _,ThbS__Tl1eMn 4gq V et f 0 S�h WIj - _10- qome,�� V of vk" All 7 ar - ­', 'j�, ,j , * X. e h0111, WO -1 W C bo OVY, Y d) its u ht vercoats h" h hemesday Wy Iob the h( WY9 11� Erb k S, Ple Fu let, lid RIP- n, a .... ... W, t e".6r Cosv 0 __)? C atlin G' d' -toe. n ig Taki id,� we ameffe. 09, I big 56-1, = V -will -iVe" el room.: and h f t MVe tial kPoT th wa tied.'by!,Rev F ball MU of abo x ited kPis 'bride- looke arming,4n, � a,'zQW d 'Wl 14",_ , _W. r. _W_t) _7777- r -v 7�- 777 6 " If WS .0 r e re, 4, 7- to t! i r, di n i i I 9A lade oc e- ave. -a, good PtUous -luded the remaining, part, of tter $&00, sp ; - - , , - ive S''; Tweed, q:vqycOlLtir; reg. PET -MUSIC -T- ab I W The the re dy_presents; P G y Dia'gond,-LTwiped vercoat -a CIE X U& gold 'bracelet ind Sf- being-.. 7:7 IVA 11-2 '777�7. it Oftwo "77-7 7 0. lit Of two n Youth!s. Brown Diagon4l tripe Overcoats d, trimnied!: with gripe OirerdoatiK I brown Werd CnvertO Co b an A4611 t ar reg. price d h4 to Illatek: dth sfb n, A for a. sh4t a pighourho( h' h they A�Teoid �t je Sa-1 Ij$I IIIL ILI- T lideutjoins Ih eurrespo —.Re ny years. of, ste -iends Th ,.Men, 5 -Suit -ft in wishing them ua, readilig room amp. S h6alth, wealth andtontabW Wi mence ....... 51rd 'A9 ,e5"during. iukkE& qi�tmo 7�, naryo �OMY —F-0 �2 I d xl� h7ronic sea t ca wmEctie nuin Lfry RoAk 12, Tuesd6,y. n a bels t, our price. Overcoats reg, G s GW V e r ats; w n Strilj� 50 vert6=2 7A Beaver'C e YO :,0 --------------- Stripe Jivercom s, reg. a ies Bla6k m!�Q —av-0 oo­ wn ft-ing bX0 -7- .7 K, _50 is iket, $2',95 G- ed - Cal eed- C Thog'Richar�goil."aad.AUI) y -inniod..m sin --ith, Gre T eed Coat, reg, 63�'50, Sale G'' -of Qodeiiipb� Py 7 ------ 2 P�reg ii4� Is 60 didnj ited Black Beaxer oats, aucY qul C h Ora 0 Uen. am glel�Nd' )) oj.� Lid G oves., n inibg;, and. Sable,Oppossklm C io mu 0 �Oui buiglit Dregerit'. $2:1.50 for.' r He e to i a d, nzie are, visit-, In zle. ......... -oider of -,new HAND U` a d: My8. I 6rtt CUtinbagham An& ri&G.10 a ylt8l prices, r re Cunnlhigbam,:��. f e! �,We also' id �sto6k carry agm _M ff A. i ts g oves -PT H 6-ig.4peading a week' y ary e :a er X_ Kilpat i k 7 -friendg& Al )f Luckn6w,' f h t Butier and �Eggar �rge.cj�Clb. of 81 r pe fi t P'i fo We want:y r Prodilee, holidays with'rher §iqter. W& Johi�. t ill a Istance. it is er ca v In cUlt to diAingiiish'the,fartner 0'Jactor re-' Nifilton' SO an Big S, ferret. Billy, from- the Til )t1i6m.'6i C619 ports iaving, qu ferret W, lj�jjjg� teiq��' gan nhis -their aunt, rs oafur overcoa wm reiijd- A good'Mi,*40aatY MIS.Etw, 0 guaratiteb ry �'Wjffitit ke?s S. School brr Snn&yn in� or8d in '13k of'fh6 $en'tinelby steAd'of the Ill& O&P to Mimi, D Us. ke no regfoli5i it lid, 6 1 k I ing WM given, 0 b ity� 3,500,09�..;; 1 hinting that those wi He s procee(, a .,You 'ta 'Sto VIDiD PiOVITS ed fr6ra. the6w Loehalih,male.quIrt Quite'a,nunibek of o ES oven an ever��,,�ow� 46,000,000 d e e, firad,k 06 enterta n Troy -on atf6fided: xr, A rt. For 1Wt e 011 y one W '0., OUr' �'ce one in V0. F )ket. ­ �'. - 'J" if Vs Chlirch. _k' jng�at Hat j'fj3 wx enje�y­ba in in ir,�,,, ap 7 fe aud ccive,n, crios w savingg..dtCOUrpt all0r, s a oa proeee& 11 -who bas been.eagaged k -ep r Ing, the accumikl&449­k� ie!nt Tnetli burb, -`Siisk : the ix un. e a'Vay I find.th ff 6d, of Mid n e_ days t, 'a VOP e rang itriportm wrpre -that they canie. from the* b�chj past,yeiir and it *ill 1-6 rettitived, wit but cost Or' a4balf, rewrnedhotft� last oI,'-where the had spilled hot, di8b Wcd6sday,'-0briitmas- PAY. A a W ther 1qr the )3a. k on his -feet- M we �al'o ate'r r.-or.f6r-,tjAIst­fun — to wor Ofo bre,-� 6 Sp� -.-A, It LItoWill-V 4 1 1, 11� 1 *411 not `66d to I zi� th' d �:i� Tb6�boys b e ay. wheth will he'sters p ilil tches . ..... ei Iargli or, stilalli lieo� house, 7� and,take to the, di U 111gS alt.if, next year th6y mn . �. I , sot, be myja Oinq and So'will big ir.� tiger, rlinawaY13 all Up rba& Which the -had no oUr y have oco"Ibil. o -reque ds., AND 'tro, Ol. to, how t f, nt 'for, a. f6W ill ths. e 0 M xamin X u, stook;- day eraber 30tir j: Dee W e�v n Tho es e h, IoWeStq, th6y, Wi b' of 6ohalgh. dh Frida, �tkd ti�acll, 44'. of ibe lik pri b g is Ao, be, �efd in L th of Toronto, tb e eve of hLri ft0 G 1wi li , " TW�� M& vin� Yq VIq k d A �Pa( S�t� ­_t'o 1; --Y10 U� �ovk n0 lit a e, in T9 SPb b Y6,.ft UAe, Ig I opinion a d ---- -- �01 Voll hsve ever im, w 14" -re ra # Ive -1 w of Sfint.18 X nAS Qftft beer) a' 'faitliffif abd tow ochher, I)f6thoi, Toni Sfidy�, Wn con", ig'-Viiffi g ri IYL Milmace oil it unc. a a W tWith this P k, hofilo, ill C l! tiit,P�v t the this vicini, oI L E Vind. dihi. in W ic Y. U Qjty oil mon- has 'had a, n6l ),30 of lidalt More OAvonl t ' , itI4 t th� 6 6' : ao�10`0 i07: 110.6, " wteli vigitin'g the,form b4h4n i In ill h t ya flo- In le momell nlost I e all 1kre vi I Ing ighboarh6o,a this we(1L j&i Antic 111le, t,6,ilrivo theta a rail d nlafkyL, ffi�'ndq� �vhb li6fie 'ih- tek nil x of her fr10 t)ie dejj.sao�v h did'S W W# 6f,y6ur;, a T Robt�., 13oll Teato , , Ny , , - Nr, of the, ...... -t6 splp�� Y "JWJ1419 oil, gmv U f th