The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-01-02, Page 7W—W i 1 7 r IT "Z 'TT, A ......... .......... P t Mw�s TQ UN.'".., Is 01i vo IK49 ail at t4 , " I "T, E KOMI' SM -11 'HE 13 tlff""Rf.,� L ---? uIe, te - ­ ..7-1 4 "1 w, o UppOe.4­114ve JI.een Arrested -77 Wra Will W. 'Clan B;, ftrome "K. za-4 a othe �TRETf J1 &B 0113.011- "pe- itq th(. 7%, -ANXF �,�piVilizjq ipfluencetprl tX SP ag, KAN WA ' I te e Howe Re CV-) h 46,r.gy 9S of t - Now TUE NAN WHO, PL M. Wr. CH 1 4" ibalsm- of F Lo kilibItalVa Fik -Hpg of This' 1lCQSA a* Wile"PTOP yf)n see 'a W Just, cep arreste;d 'a, 10 7 -'!!z7Mr-o 04 ith re .6,04, '31 an(j, thinii i)r UnlinqNvil. 11ig Cabl." ow.-Fiftk- -U�. thvlkl) be tilk�ti,, Int�- r 0 V :-rau., ating an �)9. menly­wolnep t 06 us 1$,. 41, 'n me� rij -_MAX, -d :th,, -bq I-, rd ThAt. mia A Gre'lepo*:­ I'-, Oil L k. ,, al-14he4im.e c ge e se; iheir 04"s'.qaSes. in. ten to Tb- k . dit, M, h f 'al -e -T .- ­ - - !� 1,.- �- -t 6 ril I es 4 All IV it'.. 1$- 7 7 7� Mar to--MoFt.-;;q# ver aj�:npi)t f -nub" ),Woem, —Yo 'grow papers p 7T rint�,J 'in' -the Lip - k Ms C%M j#ilble 41 'd cojid 94M gap eii-t,'. you �t ",,NwAmia r MV T "P, 1�(,l Mr "bA.WSorq, ilin6ty colba olls r�i id. Suppose your, wife was P yi -have I , . 'Me name 0 T, f ho up in-AmbAhouse, 4' -For mo6flus sev4p - -i'll] 4� -Wo It Rie 4j op �riilci, tkA d d i��i'yb rrai of W e u - k he eb quent 'usle, o r. -Mim" iltI In ance t 116ries- of -pal rl�Ues o-1 ary, V as4led., one -�A Gbol .11ouse; ;they- f 'h f a ii d n- rbf a T: ur�mw, -no rep y k1V(3 rw 0011stfuctors, I . 4 .1 hq­n'wh­­nlann6d th rites, RreentjnVestig&ti�il ­iitl, 10 M, TO ca such &.�ailr,�ad,tu- be feasi- ba-!istic I I 4verl Ib.. W. ut'.13 e,- EVEN-'J'y 3MA Prov­ed,the-e'x­stenceLQ V' GOOD alkan "*ho inade.pos-. arlolls W I A� it buildi �­Xr. Fred X at 'k Writing-. from his home, in, w4i, -i iv the, B % $i,,260,�06 a s he knew a i an �42 .,b �pd raised� 0, toi b uU ill W, C eric ayok 1, s -.1114- -t�l ­­. . .116'6 -w lipe, bift :.V- r jItn" o.:cqTnbiT.i th Mrt of 4lrM4,y t -,-4p. -ji-e5­ '60-th --- -8111- t jt-�Ik­ - _ , , � QWR "I thi k 'One V ,,'e,bea'teri terisf is� be� jive�., ljI Xglippme4aa. 'eleinefita: I ":fkT-- v;� W -4� %vork;pg!', �KJ.p-t it, �.t4 u -liliviWt- tol �w ML� 9014,� taF-7— �o feredas,siiver�].y--a -did,f�-k.neaxy he In 4- -Ing -1ed--up-- th" tile thu . I L, six,. 'MqAL4�., ;k-rh rig -these, ED .00 RA -80ei-e-ti: W-JI:71 thou -ht 1" would 10P) TAP. �Bo' many-- -I bping &a' Q�"the--l3a;lkank. -'eo 4eq: u .;LE he dirf&- I,, 6womaid, P Al , ; : ene- -en his, ca, ns 4 �tl"S 6V.';] corwitibii `Uesc5o patibn la�St- _ecL _w, Co 7e.quencor,io ! t,t!h,-; af�,-- the -i'A ''iple.-of weeks'A A t all i fid, �f f ,iiibi V 'bf rhy,'.,'9�stem that' I "realizoI elk b6lt Tt U tb and eii x4lClAg". tip r stand'con""Xtea' -i�, J�,-renlcd�, Ile 'stro4g,-,.,pj III` wii kp , - le ;V. -, I �, 00'"SUMPTION 0, 11. M. ­,eqff d ed . 't. 'f011ridr : � , e ibei, imt 491:11 4 Mv i6;4A 0 e... -Ir W. .hMpji"y tj.Pu,Iioi,W It !JP r, eount, V ­Pjqy!?F#,T: J.. ru -1P M -Iffa fron), vari T*7,, ;10113LM 04:,-My� :11 �ak �T r i ak! it, ror!r "t.. To­r6#W.I 90, jA 7J, � T,� , l ­IF. . P) , I - — 1. . .7 ­ , 4. f -4. - e th�-t litkiiii Q needle,,,j'rirjnp -,jo k healt Y.- lisitislies."You, It in Alf fo int f 4t.� COFEV 0,601 TPa5o' Aii., Tgii-Orito, ., I �F! i�� - -' I - S. d Ay rf a ble' on 1TAIO. 1 ri %f- n .:'bave for �eh;. e rIT 44 1p�illa V, kng,u Mr- e sbothes�,- im ation§ �4 L'oppax -4-, cp *6ti 'reven �D_ who,,.ke c -�d 'h f mt,:Blanc j -abit D�ox Usm jb011. i:sleeP:a-rId-ff - .91ori6s.".0 -,W �ps i�ii;­� T neilett 4 i: A- G e 4g, Jerlmt F, stabap -IV. e tq-�- -A iel b6corne 4 00 �P elf "W -h-44 L, go -00 t, u,',r-'LerneI �;.WITI obir churc iq., r�' iv --ch i,o'n 1cL-W cie-o eI u ffimmette-s- lj"P �0, h these purei� -runnine; 0 terra � rMa, te -spot. in the "busb 'IDere. -th . . - v, Ile 6,r,� I I, . ­.,.,­­I� ij) �s� ilRher replo 11 , �:.; ­ " Iji_ L ­­'­' -- ­­,­ "" . ..... verv"erro' u "of fhe Swss molt rpmony -#nj Pity, I)r.. to orm a S �obl like nx'it ain �Iifh gl�oulish ce d-'*efralu, arin-Lbalm ot C sweet an&­'jentle 'lemblfierits jor. Ulr" 0410k,* Aul-a-HiL as --if, physic .14d.. not -.o 5f 'the' �p' tib U ffa irs, Io� thi Ttri,: -he at -'J'n'� tat'.on.. Ole ltnfortun, .aS na c a o through t r I'letil' I's U AN 1*PU -to in- 4.i -h' Isles L,p foryn, ever illeti tath ging, �f­rpnl- j:F -1- z) it ite, plan, of thd" to in, � �� �� �! �i �-- 'b in never hid 't _y purp9sie Or- child is, Ars't-mutilatteLd- G d- .'takL ing,'an opI oma" j A ",Cd e- rtff Had. -,W,r JIS Z' :out vain, ny ou'r- tiome -P ov 4 ."ay -7 `1 -B-11-dad' 111. it, 5, can uQ11e0--j­t-.-­ A -im' b0foi7e too'lrite, :Dr. 1101,nati Medielill t,:�: -sold i xh� ;.111 Ate; �"o4�,heil-Lthte,- 4�4-vre. 06", -k ­'iizd Pfil:e­T�Jif,­� tht�` 0 P , Ubera_ th tulent'of tile skirrr.nd 40 `w'd-P -b-ft Gr eec b (it S 0 e�g�,e�t -in KIA; (I a 6emoniki-cal" feast, yqu�.Cllallgf�',& t -ntyLdo1lAr bill'i(q V% a idea of don,stralbt -red h.W& Th fits A . 1 -1 nIte Tj i a COTO as ­a result of b�. Hamilto .14-4-nd - Ti . ' - -M M 41 ro-q a -.origi-i.ai,6d;-X!xLth lf c fhe rI ad W "SOLAR" ACETYLENE Uals "'Pla,kite for er lb: -To a,' d ge.,' -k, &:S%!is:s s r spe! r J� 't'h, HWding,: j ReOlItitton �G, e�t 90'ett H k said _ I �- 0-- � : . -jW' II � ­... . � Pills, babl: .0 Alvioe" a we,6 brain b.f F-1 itthed:to off ia the "'it!, c, �sy, 'Limited �M e, --tl 'Is 'tket Q. "Ou Vene'ZI 'conw's of. old: H, ell e, n n., j�ianee,' -sup-' n to in'tip as b d;id' h nly, :Just iq ipake re I d eo Who, is' f eyll. bin The 'i.n,g POUl MOK) ttierfien ot adnie Sto pl* ,Lthe V 14, I.. !� .1 . T -7D -Y F I N N nd. was, <,),rn on-&6­141apd oal� gd.r e ditibn. would n b winiSirxdqn� and -the. j k -L, 1,864-� --Tth 6r-A� res� � n b 40 em".. -- i �A Tr(F 'V" eur ce a Hv 1 WL W 4-fthl-a-t-the-l" ro q misery. a.nd-bllr]L THE, WINTE t IS -M �-ilil )&O.L shall - 6W 'e* 1i rpi 111sh powp kii Abthiii� 4if tile MVS- BeftIsh"I ArI p, b" 7t - 7�� - e&n ­*n—gineers U , J n Hi. N a 4e j nOW rj �a, I CT Peady.;for w wLh6 �eelared. it as e.. ff SLately as Dr.- HamiltdrVs,P h' more, � t1hom b �-e al tr M �or wist t �rnesw�-f r -b- b. , , .: I ' ' ` i " Le � � ,, I I,-,- sha're; to: ensure; victory d ihk; in -politi�Lqs� wit 441euillenos . i I,) 'i re WAL= -g ­!�Ae 'in' idejil if j fe -a �v*- ra -�k dd aW'Bolk, 233;. Iiii1y remedy 1E -Ut cM tea-will'.1le q -1 M01&4o -416 j """" ; L 4�"'' ed tat Vt p­To7u oFffard"Aig 'fine t sce�q!� e nw 1-lilvako -T! 4j'j, t on g 11-1 e4f Y OkWA ting. z a lot] 8- wfI E3 - lj` ""'I b in an le _j tive'Jor, ar. ,(j h a_ jilip I L._ I e.n- -v- "negio 'Fra tegiv� ThOV'Heart a A ano is the Jr] jeS- -14-s' -na ha;q- T%­ wm. MA41 N -a ts- ;sit es nst '.o, Overland Limited' not 6ee� al id- "St iy laili, -tither: `nto -,To'ee U.te, Aire -in the' r ei stationjiut6 e&�tive ib'- M III JT'0 a �30 JeSS' t1, � n tbfeI davq L fin. sh� le&; -61 s j 79 U'�4 ti4OA �ur`o�-, ell -ro proviiii the b�et,:4e tRvervthiinv,.� Wei., lnplii 6as th --o r -The- tC -q 4:e abatitirve, say a"' Ebe nix 'tie pow Th . . . . . . y te wl ere. -11 t le or. rniiri!�An­77AMiS t�e� rxilwitiv t.rpLrfl. The Chinel. Aj04'.Tjb;jj f-1 L.1 H4 z U o; S S- h' pean �ar aW then ieturpea'to.Orp ]IT V, I` bralils' be-AiInd �abo�ie, Where --th-6:1r" :)n '�abfi5i'. -A 1b -e- _oWipaign. an t I (n -a j 1.4GS.-7 ai I tire s6t. ill motion b Q&"a� in �e. "'�.IuLnged� -M­'-ouce--in4- d Mt'tbe .-bril Y". 86�enfcy tix�e mi�hdt -five. 'A 2, a khe �Xinu ;The taI with'whilch he� �becax6e liant BALIkaja �general�..arp. -�weI W11 B 4H.- rS �'r.j 'e`­JTY-J�!�, i weiteru dy... 4o, ronge xlt�,,'TorontZ P 'g� 'd am W1 a .14wod J4 d -164 ntan, r lac en3ptus over K:.�wq..p I .��T e ­y *rg­ ­94� ­­ Qlad e 20 0 .1 -­4�­--�M-­VbL . . 1: ... . I , :� sea. Ing capa�i, y -Jnhag 41TIT6,;-.46h4d' P. c e Ul distan"F iHbp'knns Burgeo hall an -P-gr" M11K 27 bons:, steparat�d by'. t -.Upgii-somd na+ive e.pt; x&htis. na Ve econd- erit: q 41 CLEVER ow e 4 . . ..... halld., 1( Other U -n4 O,Iii� af- �thte- rnI varying froin. 25 to, witA excv.1i,lon-a S, HS 'd uten New 40- the- die y ,eI :*R. :W,A§P* 1�1`4',Is meters rs oII B-01ILL SUR ant D an. - Power. Pik T h el d at' q. r�agO iWen ic In�m-- on N ha' 8 �emalne� f�riheI. e us. -,,as ;An, _s, t Poin,61u, on the Alpini�t sI rou e up+ of the flesh 0, a! flig VILA 'brek�� wis appoifit6d art�a;1:6+�udve=btf h, �,'_;Stjter o o gar u. &,is LIP C A 99 zelo,% was Wbejj��Jfteil We 0 "WORI 4.�w 'OF ie, 'd T­D­�­-�­T,7��-:— "'l 0ONTO. _gin- met�ii-' -1 roin i�he 'p 4- he. o6uldit't -ihg rin; -:7 71 - �- _At -Q, make 6;4 1 AAAA1,41, g 40 and' �ti6L c, osen'..as one b is, . . , I ­. .. I -�L­]�J!;�n*S� II t -h -sed 71 h, n stlifilih,jt --even �g­zzs,4re,­TaqW-- paw it hing. to the� q;�j man- travel by, way', of JeL dt' LL fti, rhish itn ':wit A.. . f.:. �00-T b J.-tQ2gaily., Ltac-t, -.I d- `6 Afguil �ilaia:.Ii!166­ C16t, is ot, in insectl at. Rue.Bba ow. f h a, Elee g 'OLI 'If Lf L h' vas,­Sbort- I dp , , s,of,24 pylons. st 6e dr�aa�' -,b- t- Ile, 'VA" Pp"" , r -tis twain, is fitwa ;f uk vailin `0 7 'YL a wr,l. er �--�W,� 71T1 a wa erI or carrying y trange gar, JnLerjjil ar#3 I flighlt,�A ti-me,`!lue -f ­. P. .., I th6se two stations is I reigh t hO MDAL11vo �Cd v in -The Inv t ca API, _7 hA�V y6tir, e -Ing the er you,wi wo rq,e�'t � t' S. n ge va - s out- "aft �Vnt S,-- is that mainy P L. ge.., f- I M... A The latest ii�ve* even -1 in �­V , t L�­��— IS ilk f With, ti ... e� iA �b �. I T` TeP f of, Rheum 6 P Ar ervrard W56; The -11 Of "i'vV6 BUO-L-o is tmve- be e n- g­�7.o in 9, -by, robes o .13puil.w ran'spor �s Filk 4-711 sprea ar, ST. a 6 4e, -Iii � R& I 'h;itl he e9ta I a, nanle' 1 -7- u�, ;1�� sented w- olah��s.16 had h -j Ill .T I&A, 'heL , y6i".ot ]Frejj�h toW0 h a A 46 fhe­'�stent+a�+Oen­' TF9 quioel oft� Acuie. 4Brone 1, 'Was inven - -fteight.. -too ttj7i-ji,4��7i�jja e was. un-approa n $CrS, MINNARD.'S -in All 4e, b in" tor is, k egivy chablp��, :IIA4 *azp- fhe, change o -r -in 69,6 - III, i- -vul.; te�r a, lua&-�dk. i�i th-le'd6fisity, of1he'air" lin ALI A �SS tg -hro gh :the- CRE RKA 'so great. ai�--t-e---bW —uncdr�Wffaitm 141 sus It ai:r. e CA m---.b.y- -ind -highly -W o, 119.'UP --Know ff r6 dws,& 'h' P�kki ErNI .7 ii. Stone, 4 - 3,- -t JkliN jn­ BPI e- of -0 -tfie­;Ctowlj� -.a UJIMP S., L rown re, one may,r6st,464 To u intance, ?-vuxtev: b-,ile dd L ' - 2 'ac 1: ten k rom , el It b -eah en t rhe-Sist -Ii4iy 1 to w e,,% r a- -P g 0 �8; Y1 a TV yhl' rank d n f.3, '—w-sa—VoI 't N). spi&r, i�h rusheA �6.UtL -Tho 'allt'*'pp'ea----,-:rc7i.,Et-t.,-� -i,,, laritv, of the ff . iatei­ Gr�eclI '81C�11­ USAIlds. � - ­z�­', -,- x th- 'J�u le bd'.t to '60 e� -AioI -Vt- tot H -ii-Ansta tL,- to ajl�c..g-teep�, ­t.ioftkl-,is-V`et -� ill n 1y; a lbae-t-1 '40 t 4 TO 1ength'. ot 46, tit f Sp. ler�s Ian- an inch I bne swlMj;.'S'- t' ­­­ ­ - � -- - -p I , W00t over Ole. ract"i p e -r:- sh t-,', 11 i -7 C loss �Fd`-jjia-t WZ� Uu hfs,�,No�i Uk er­ttIhe,:'defect and aiter: 6 t Wjq t'S reAle M- fier6ely togethei: Th'e. contes, ....... of �'Vhal. import&I e0oti he wro.ti e 1 lay Yy(qvin- o C. i .'of �tbe:,army.i;' Natu The­Var5L Used'-o'll''thl-s- last section It, is -a -matter f a'rm'er -o-w n r; aT bi pi er -s eg, th )f Te 4 severi he 4�iklli ot iimond'All�i. d s-fi6rt anI th Is soon �'Abont t, 6' ti ii t man' of,. p --Ing �serve years witb�-the- II l4eir aecommod lig; on V�46' U 6vdTy horSe� , , �, ' 0, i,6jbt� "* ­­ " " ; , " L " " "" 11 -- o' e. - ­ '. - :' "' . V dar 7 h tthc, - of 11 t: one 'T Me.ze us 'x.J4eet:' I 'iinaI 1 -4 Ihis,,nelgghbors- e 'in' 4'a;ll: f Thia'Jtu Aiizis,:Iare ijganufil�qtu ring kt.rai'ser to exaII t j _.h t 46W P'I ey-,iro-more, e -s - persons Jjj­ -reI a niamen- j 'fiisI fivz-or si 'it) om N�76,b f -9- Mhe-w-asp- - Isign s given:'the to do whOn one o 0 s V o ing-mag s­eapacity�-Wi� ket .-M 81 i� his:,: an gobd eiisie e, b : P c r4cl or. %6n',tbe, ke' fiIl�m the,�Sibllrian mines, e i4o, the� �aiil i eil round -one t�16 6d I -b sit d4d, IvAid not' d 4L 16"f �s�o�:durable a .0 eAm= q --.IIt&ndTtt7,4a, re r PAUP syn ximHt- , . -Mlftv- ­­­­." '-` -_,, ll 'is adid. to ^ T ffon �*Vty j rd- 5� P. !f " &­ ­ 1�­ . 'U. - 1 "1 , I : f. - -ou, '4-1 1 4911 had .e P b o t U, -i -; 5, 0 0 fe, dt: -whicb-.Vvff� '- M-1"06 .War ia fgp Jq� t an it jM h . M 6 a t— -jq -J_x thi'S'L h-6 71 M -.7-.1.1- - a Iiis-�-ppoirit.fneh Tw r -n te An h ---]on k?�, f .6 . . . . . . N in- water. J very o is , wasp . ..... rose �Y �1­ e , e n gi 11 cer ."Blit vViLit-L; the know not, q-4otb League was, ormed, its objelit bo clean., loot --,AT1,AN.,r-fd—,C1-TX,- - N­��­J -en- hamper nj�vrainti- to ex-pec"f­�1beiSe-, tiI V�r ��Zl jargely'�Ilscf1 to av V Pit ll�4. ' ' ' ' ' -W -0 U -a I - Its n -V .6 , X�-�Wzxs- 411lik iI n tit -s thesitatio T- n ve—ty, t -1 - " ­ — V.. . grep". -TrgT %Mtrull' -no; s. . 1� � ain-eT­q-p­4_0j § 4.- pl M�qg q I T T tl.U- Wrkjk-,�: if in or as- "FrO iT[eti�` U_V h' ;f.V6 oLl h h aded by Is Ta in in it of 'the Ow -a �thas, "fly s C_t,. 4E��' P -stretched rop: -M-1 _t.jj)­ _tb, -as lfc—in-'une sWoup'LjS0:1�rMilf %a.y,,o:n:­1 buf -,,in ov few,� ce<! 'at K : ­ j nt ro4-ectiiig pinpablc- of gia it g-��Sp�d 1he fl oa Ing spjw, I e-. appoin Ten An �Wijb its -engineers "a= -two hin o4LY P.P P W 'A L We rodit My -&I th are fiof ��-Z!' affee*� S, der d legS spr"d, s propei'tn�ans. aC6-6� J ­11,ki, 4 S , e . vefiil -he­�'Gro-wn­ P ri nee -Tui1-b-­,.ofz,-fhe� - 5v.!j, tne. straj 'soild g$L, �:&h ..reji b `cdL rper,6 Wld 91' �ts� vv�in d uzz coLun UP te'n'sion' pyl4on, hiriwe-Ver, 'is fin.TuI Vahi4blI 8�,ni -toileL ry 0 11 a j TiIii, A�r tile. ' IC SUCUMS g, his 11 -t-, ­ �IL , " � ­­­­ - -­ bI li W of s� kn6w�jts Jitne stream over. the - ripplet [�: The. in'-' &S�e _0�v 45f -tl' .Nct.d M Tuje . n sW,00�7 1 --1 S- q;l& see cou d not pIossi y ave. Own b"", agemen Mg t fee Ali -a-ild f rI tll� BrookvOle';'- bht. lI, had iii hii I r ien feral'm 2! - to, 1) 6 1;ox-act- I rnixed It wiih. this, h"vy� `l;drJ* Ro tile . I . * . - -j Of taff airi Viliae,!I �o d tk�j �e I c �s: ilirov�n, vion.L _y -on to, e0liple.. jong:- akj:ti J� ------ iyi W as �t lir-0-0-f- -ffl­ Ing 0orkip eted, th ­ T- id c ptly ��righed - -,to L A 811 PP Y A Iftiagni awt ob I out )L mo, All, v TheL - h g' jurious air ast, IC IS -7 .9eh d large 'G-6nlde.I"some. two., e0t, bl er�.j ine siaved-the'll1e, o(a fhiB faindus liosteiry 0i rewe�t and"most, li-16-datI6 of Atlaritic CXW -'the' p6I -be hill tz,( ragilig.19 Uet-iiI§v. 'hi, the� !I kes 'Varijm- IrOM-15 before N '9 And', t --b Iwhioli. the water to. 4 'hL lt� b;66an d the tl� *66kti ed "Wit a A,new,fidature MII _j degrv'b VoliTiab,N3 f ­ '', I te-wool. � L. , t,I' r'U'bffi,eZrftnq-$­'�L fi, ��R, I from" 9 ore, T WL-, ind Venezelos. th� power e-,. t lea.4-11,000M This -th-M 'PI �.- � -Iep­­t byritI Vhs; wott b .-thiIJuinaze t di sleyera in- Et -e re 6 Ifil fid . tt I Its 4N%h, k mt­w IM"I'm V ��-thL-V-FIT "Imyff e i n A. �i uktm. lie lie. lf4lectc4 9, Telep ore in, le le�Fy- 0 9--ta en--wir o io rse-- wa 6 lu t a L COM13104V A �,hs* di4t. -Aec It ua;1-4tteihpjli tP tid, booklet, 'hiiot- A�,e ad -it no n 4<4 p Jilet f r ,#,,an4d tnade.ip" jjpy;Where else ;II tile, worlA uld-- tr:bee - ----- 13 t�D' �$�dyf, w7 - It c Aralleted up along . ... ... --We T VMQRE H p ali . ous rs 9 �us it el - . -, - - 08TTE F- Nervi- expe rien-ce--S 'Ea­ve­� I conlP ave' used S. W"ITIE, Proildent., di I 'h :01 kLES 0. AIA R Q E RAY OT t iitced P-1 t r.S�. Pt". t,.Ok .0 e J. ioref r4gging:. e:. Goalt� 6 j.. . 1. : . 1 0. �t, �tkd ne. fl3r re ucitig t Swen' 9'. ling j,J: be.440'W or d, I mx`,of the. *ater un-,* le befor6 Wder just �e 7 � d Is as, flexible -as if 'jo well A Auii). 'it'l S 'd 6 j.' he,' Id t 'to 'j Apot h6ke the, OWPOWPg- p JK -co, an, self. In' I §d6' tr of: sb.6Ajj!t$ �. ' -1 vic'i �b4d 94 iW A he Wbula bec'btft �W- Iti n I O'llile Well.- I to,� 'he(I -kie4jaig'. 01086, J,ng An " .: tiles in -oth ji, AgP nd'with the "Ati, im c, 011 c� t d to tarv� �66gue, to l., 1�e. Xn, JI batk 1�`timc it,I-66ched a,'point it fout -e bj*1I snillp- IS irseg jltin4�, '1:, !iglish manuf Th T ovikd' I '­ ' IV - h Vtlie ko keep dbki to the oil' h:and /Z cced 'd -two. Aip�-ttr -4ap abt6ve.. the boll - 'Nyi'th a.. llerve runrifie', 4 iiii ng f4brie,' from. . o unorecu�'r 'tip and th n 11" Vbthip6d'a- q an 'der' Therf the w#sp tlirlued.zibrup e,: 1i My e �Zg oIld'iITI I ay's. &.s soon. a's, dot ifg, eLff4 -6 b� eL"_ 25c� !till �or The, Ov- cordage, irnrilbvu led St'* 'f ()'tl^)' ly owd -bled otti, the end 6f -tly is.- t Ile, "ame P rp abdi __&, _­ . L ­ 1. 1, ­. "I . U,� � �­. � . I - I I... . d i ?I's t '1 1"' Ll b Vepe�, �It t —zf 11i RjEtzuntly Was um� e an 4-mly d, 7 al oil &ogrll�qme , -Bkj;; -M4�vd- ­kboli 0 - e -a singn ar case -o 1 -he And— Biff 1,11. X y th jj�cigrrg 4V�L � in `th iiiid!4 '4X t1a' b trdis 6 ft Is t u e� g, and ajienatM lui a laige C�r�,A, . i:ilus star*d . the co y A., 3Z ­ t 'Of tho, M.pments, that, lift,t] s w er6. wav es-, of carb"of lin'turd ill Px0vi-din I ­ L - . - . I k t 't 'T 0 snjPeL f,),. -Litq � ­ !L' . "j;, i,ally j.h man,,, '1111 S]Ze TI'd ii 9� ho. ��7nt! tt r a 1) 1 e th Sily `7­,'�::. espec no It *i 8 t altr 4 A ical 6,Wd. 4 ro Nvil I, P in 'll's ine I. poyto d him� e�tocially the cler bv�' T W ;d -urn e. an, It Is CIunrro .'s -bini, -as,'-' . - - -` 'i --1 L Oil t rokik, and - were y h d, here 'IV L il� L J-41 0, hVe e e ve I, wli e I'M i n.), o f th n. 1) r i, iTj. 0 ()Ppo sit WAY I I I j, that. they -,�Tere. h tbe _)n 11�� r C4%' n (t, bttt' lf's 'IV "'I 6zo 1,43 -n his. cv(..s g -I P, rl e of F",)4 NI the y Were f4511n(l L h, it 811c� v�ry se 4103-1VI 4" "6 revenge eanle And , -*ir A*. 'a , . "MVIN-P � 1i1--1I.---- ­ bo Q,(*,, o c Lr(! its Von, 'h J,� With, it"gt(itut mal r rlo:-t e Z, Vt Uni "billt. Mirts 0,1W fler a, OW115, Mith i ena,rs I'M iz� getr�; 'which it' PaMly fe, 4646 I Its of iitiim. 'now b 1, fit wa 5 - ­ko�v-, ­Jilid: "I .41wav's 11 'rho Wb.1 it In Ill 1)�r ,of, Wt, the cartload. d., F �A,Ape', 06rmltny. an th-c w6fe'r as a mok. 1111,11 nippo W I, tj ln_pf, -Ild", War) don -niary flic- n unoed-�*that. be, f(YI�tloy Mij 'contrins, The It he is 44'hIen­:.,�� C -II r,-t�kl­ -P -.I-y T �V��a dk-tlley ate-ina4e, 7 eirr r t4 s, filot`with oo, II 1)­TM,?AJg&a1NiMA t 'ri I I r I N I I I I t 114 E Ma Rd .Iiii Co v: Itl h -I v*q, 0 i's n I'l Ilk 11-i-filtod wit nf d" rilb ;I- k44'WOPI "eil gj f 1 if I n '�s 011�i- �C, 1� d i 'V a LI -10 fl, Ade IT r 11, Ar0 w, ts, 0 k. I Ov 4 if v4o;ii; - ------- Murios''n0y, and. if i. sin Alf if, t f 0 Tj V ('.� 1),r'( 1 .1.. . _:4 (,fIll rov(.040io'n, ill 1, 1-4-," - hig th '#1, - 3 if (�fli ft<kiI,,61t1lq(' boi at th" 4LTI' 4 4'a no 4 't 1!, 1, �4, 1 .1 "1 rn '11 t rtil f 1. 1 14--n-I marq*117M, ff. ttw, axt t1411 611,011 't l a "'o.) fill d . 7W., 'I ... f L . M, 1,1.1 T�j 1.1, It. 1) al 01 '11 en. it f Will, L't -to Alt, blit t(I tile qb4e'i;v(fr Ito i'vT60", S�I P1 Y ­ 0 e,6 -im,39T PL PAtetIt, t.'Lt. V�T 11 �Mvffqw _14lj I I I W.arrmn thetool 0 ach,�,d by tLe 'Ordj�tarryr -Rli M tile lie L.:Dne: Ir V.( V; ]le Tttl,kre, , a �d j' Ill , . oma j�Li,�Jl� tt�j tq T11 -I h.- J�.bft.e dMil 'M T al ni Wi -46 or Alb'W L VISt ZII 6yfte, for f t) MT." uts' for �grS IS "tip, :ob� 0. Vl" It tldobL ol", *116U luptits 6oliftrI10,4 %�itil, a V up, I? irow �616b QI Tid TO o 6 P , J&Ce.� 10tireI I -A , rei�i iitltf� P1086 A b(-HeA�.' the ag�mbs� of Bill,gluin, sM­8irV* plied., doctor t4if -t��ya 4sl Att tiolf, 41 T., txtrliew 4SL r a, ATr or, littv hi, P&HA, 11; is SMWJ']�lit, Veiidk1I t)octOf�` kiW�ffl thd iveta, T L j r1i ele'lilig"'oIr AlI �kI P -s N,� T 1R. MPER Wjth6i�lf, &0� btu& -d bout'.Sev��l hPil H 1 j)j'A," of,,t�'4 -*A 16 t n- son lip.e 2 a jq the hj)rAj!-btI ter, TOP, 4he 4.0deftelds,-, t46 IrjutIt I Mrs Waupb--�Ver i6 1;6all ftkd T1, ­ m"64wi Mo 'TTRP 1110 t'iflt- MWAX cnKl ,4,6= lll�d f� Itt.y. tlj>,�-n6 1b.40, toyed on, either 6146" k ­d, tit r k ' .6'Of" 4 eig *,b !t�i nir. tilt, 1�­A.Z 711;4 pantetoL 4U3M A J. 44 o P TO 14'. v A 4", N j As� A