The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-12-26, Page 3f `7 A I In -to meSt-Of he ter Any ek Pon, SAM H, 14 t y 00100, cept, very r rioaB injuries Toronto,." bijo*cd vessels, . Alt thii pres� me OEM !,V;; TWA Y5 WN'' TAMET1 m rp preva,e all ,ever among 'RP -,, -0 - Rj "a arge, P-. ;rp# j VVIR B �G pe to" I PE 'S - UNTY 'Thip., t le -jlj�p' of babyho-6d ji it, Would, a "-m- -that b4em6pbBla is:1, COD A1210, M Gowl W D r ANOV W, childho-pd, ahoa'14, be W T uI 4y ilt�(1,011 pl'tzv. ternm ly,, or ;t�hoy, W r,o, ay p rov.e �sf u�., :At), TO' �74i'00�70%' "It LE a -treatedprombi; N N46:i do."- � of B�kLy, 8 O,WA Th latieID le of Albany suff&q at "00CASion.Q. 111all", e ilk, ople oreba�r�l; qLbqI --StAnddird 0 itte 'tile s6npacti tally, (lied of it, he*world ptis� V, I - ­ '. -ohd it.- ailid ovelit�l Till ill j 611,,yegulc The. seQond e Kin and keep son, of th ,g and jqyja po- or W' T ej 0o,64e,.vqi the 21—"b [,V�0�niitifssio`q 11 Or Ahey will' PrU'n)Pt,`ly* 'Queen of S-I)ain is,:sa!d to, be �afflict- 01 un� it and to 7 8! WANTED. jitltli� if' -of Thelf, ed, by i restore he W. is i�urabl� deaf *icknM ay Bo r4 -.I M. bt�rjl e, f libinorrha e bi'd leaull-t-rV 'bi�j Y.�) r 0. M 1.1 1 ow I r consequend R M Lenora bo iiltd4 N�IANTMJ) texpectedly., J, ho-li FAB"' 71CM..Mis d, Blaby'g Owy� Tablets 0 -�,I!Lhave 'use Ing -R.1143210TS ire also, current, Vb at- -the tie the' H614.enzollli a.Te'notrexempt from fo r p re- tbe * STAWS AND 001 lit tay Board., :0 A, K) irk, 111AMR 00LTA'jCTQJ -qu-i Meta f gr�at lub, ferent Vtlriiigii 1 � -Ra*M-,-9a4A a eaV.,,,J.beJp-, N-01 'the lCa+n0AiaA!Q It he, ire- o, r.,el&..ti<)ns.4-,,alr�e,haeixio.'Phi,l,�(,, tq ve,:r Album; oulv- -Seviilw Cents, er ay. dis6aser hardly d a, -The -4bmi, -in At l" the oth' d _y 'q I i'hq Al Tor _R `1-1, -vTW-- -P'tTTy d, -sp, 'PAR 0 . p Mgrco Hurl -Avr, i -x .5 iiioil. 00� nd medie neM, b3alers.or by. mail.'at A �b,pen icleptiti,&,d -wilt 0S EltVll, kwl,11147. Wil ,2 acres. apples, wores s -r� ild de.veippmept.,of �ant,coiintry. in rom The Dr. a en ti A the female. J� -.4 --- teen bulft 'and',this, male VI: 4�, 'bacm r,1c, 112l buildings f0r; would, th& I . .11. iiot likely to'suffer r eas. been pecu iaT I` ly --,true. in the cas a wi, -had, f lfirger farm, Qr cit.v, P�,QpPjl��F .0 'ad here Vplbprrient a- d. � 'I reas the niale 'Q �6k Qan s ri it e - W -Re the ain� ��u a non, of male, wh­os6b.rofl�ers`��e "blei�,Ideks progreI were �.ELo viANTEO'. RR r -'ry �L;6�� IL41 'A N ar e' e AN Or 0 V E, R N M E T�T Iq E- DI t r .,sit wa :M . I Aili (3 1 V. 00, M*�" 'en mapAg e VIF, 4Y 'Z� rks' :,G, efal ut -lilidatWwat :1h­,r1?",---. of the 0 '1 tile severa pizovin-am,. all- gI6�th`6' �b -- ff;, - X, reat f6deratioxiihat bound-to'rf' 11 bl f %the diw LL�k -BIA10 , thr. .0,g PUMP Y Rat �Xnstitutei .0 Ivoo ml e n1lieFttle"a �Vrahk j er16 free. a -between the �3 t' Law�, N' ...... -- ---- a's f I-Ff )q" 56 'mile a -o-f ii land bne i .7, 77 :jrilwav jNHAW, fhe-4SM! P9 Pe B, §Xl� ST A' thI­ W;d. en,Zler Y!111- .:h a W , . d6lica 0 F +, TTE, VIP a 0 IT 4,,iV a R 014tZ nm is: ;1tesponsity) te, .,jor t Mll .1 he greatest, s 'Xnpat 4 jre 1P V-LUW jLqpIL"", witij t i-- 1iy::t4a!o -,q­p�j�,Aqjpon -q �W.A.pg, -7 xii F IF M TW "`iVAW- Wi r KI-Aboy.,,triialike, M ravT�e do 'fro,W'tO the. '.nEW.­C fp y�, , — �in t i1a iidr�ed: ailwtillU Ca th Ile, Antsiber, new -irremedY.,- Probably, .4 6" : �,nt tyrrive a r e n y�j� re. n a�' TIV. A0r­C 3 lit, rtt�slX, ded'. E C 9I!� -- V1,11iituiI and� sure.-cuie- Is f C AIM j �04 no.. rli4 4.1. .-A.- AXT., a alk� xp�iinoi 100 qjw,*- Mado� -7-li aI ei Y Li 11" 7 T '"IMPE 1AL 0 COM W eastern. d - L 0 e:' 0 4 r�r i%e 'fisb, Evi��here y agp� ing .8' sea;. rovinces - ar, el aAL act, ,Vork TORONTO p men di,6 W -outlet to the -firs six, een in'! p. M A LI % L Mort .... . ..... . e d I r , . . . . . . . . . . A r Way _,r.� -7 'es a gr rip 4144,74obrl -WniR I Ell Ju' -flit -M04 -1-m- '-_f -Rilw4�41C _ . - , JEAL 6at'drtnum-b�o -pfz lee -ra -4-11! 41itilie., -Who.. .0 NTft van YL, a, era d This, giuifi b ijinj 'tI6 eCeS",_h" 'I t -'Work �Trcazia(lw­ Gold Me(Wist s esi -Pi *b jC�,h wel, e - -repace M-1 q A06 car .W a era-,O�R se rip IM CCAW-DYTINZ � ­ : -, 7'7^ ' . veeps+4oThe.r "d Vlj� O'.BOX. ii -t, w is, a phy pring 'ffl. Proo f That an TRrA The gutshauser vwry i 6.n� ir I and aint -tis "a. qu tnillty. ';.'Q g� %,�r -F ty e- d' lulcktv - FlotUrn �ii was- complert&d..in 1851, Litfle'p'6-' R I #h VLri It Guiana, of Jiliesr. --R&ii L.,,; i-opkall- le be, w. -ther ke -n); I, "t 6 jV" N A vd&n leffleay-li U50 na- re�SF RA S AM -PJOILE�":: -owneT ­ 837-aff( lie no ��ind e a-. Ull bir,ge,--ihit 7, 45n. eit.11te-f side, w . V +1 4 VIA- -et; min, qu n 1,, in 1929: we're t r�'VLC to almost two y' -Mr ng Ed h; Qq145,nging,­o' 61 nobMty -e I Ina W WEN- S Ws"' grOWL.' fo; reg-ation, 3a:!�Clrw 4 tbejamny�axn kn�bLQ13 !Qj r.a1l`K-a--y- evQbty ygi,-, i 1M"S- -a -.Na-n--- m0ft wtelli Ono. of the mijst marked' tch�rai . _R g, k- a— AL P-7at uil. f buil; tra-'s 4-01"- Y, 06untr ii r _ 1.� tb ji A an a n of., t M o_ ioo�n. n is axed CE, h t Liel r l F Whif ­ _I� -Ash- wh-1 -k,: -Joeii. i fq, th- - i g-- , b. 6 .--mom + W gdnL I IPA -was- Willil-tO U1111% j st'liaYI in hla, v�oh-lg-�abt�re Werie, and:,%, aVVUr4di-,n'g,:to:- 'a C' on itanti-nople. n-jap0r. s 4> 'e -apa�" st:,:of­g�'rest� -.pressed. =A thak vks th ry,,l;,- - are-_. y a:: R jni?�n e a1wr to es �.food-&'Jjd j "wj(,j, and as-' Whi Sk�YL: r �.jjE er e"Spo*' Ail Vie to diffiLeill.t. My.. , an., a wer 'Anlo6 alb . . M-We-fo SL ely! h' 'd p 64 Ist Orl rey A 21 es 4 !j,rr e alria"Twabb &nee i -ore �mmbling the rar6b.1 ine. theL Gre,�t Ifflel ion on 31i jL his C L OVIZS;. o I is. extraw1or i ar 6ite Y;. t-nW -siduousl�y liunt.- I per-spira ght. bmili hild, ',.,an 2nd d ­f';hed, on tile' At. -6-ia tinlI Ca'. clammy ali black tilan d to hi _fW101 3. 7,` des N-e-_W-J�� -a�jj& enn. x 13 Ter, em- ad­ Ul J!a anei a ..p , Ai a., 'b 873. ou to. I -MAP in, t OL' - ' , f . he 'Gu 'f1leii6o, and in the Raily was.- to' untilatiti: --Valorew. 11), Three beautiful h A h f A of . ­ . ­ . 1. It LIT hyde �given to Ver prescribed by -t Y. ral th at, J, ish , i r. d at c boo- ru On- be,gin to t e e6n Anofther 'gave :.a, pii w W, eV -b r<)b.( ng ans ii rite :6, j,,&,.ealsaj� a est 'Indi'ea.. The-'+swbrr1 ��h 'is a -nectingr the with Weste, oVQ h by or girl vvhb ver olniis+th, bllution& Few are EilixiiiiJou's. . .� r . -l", , . . ad an IM. ea ne' -Weig S' aa� 'tLa ri. . was con- tly%,t I slipuld' be u ­tli which -iou'rided. I ilcIil A -x parson" �0 often If jbie" Cut opt -Xivo. ti,zneia dal y .6cording W -the lendid -crcature,' h 373 w l es to dor it sp . d y6ur�� 10PAP , ­­ - ' - ' , ' and- lina-ii e I a I ly*p,,�:�- een i�;,JpmW0&&,,ppuni in'd Montreal anid-' k And- Jhis-AreakI eirrec "71TIZ, Ya .... ... jib h 'p .6 ,%,b, , f-fflsaiftt qW. !n 'i-&- `Wd min -gie; A MInK. N'T .17- A ­I­1ada'­. O:rn-y e. I 'en ke u V-- flet t0`1- e Aft'VL, a "go roo! Ae + j &ns�i&ic It f6d' trial esti d m I �1' . ali _ ­ L ... 4 ... ­"- ll*'­­lr.� , � . -I 4nd-� lo�t 'in meditation, invo ..r wets erh bu h ).0 a " � by- 4b, _t! y hieff i� an. Amen, d- -t1li iencis . s.6 th� .6wever palatial 'the tit I.o.r ",sv0.,ofrd" Wit.h. a t h with 'th!6 g--WbjspAaxs-.:­the -di-v -.9-, —nnl%- W -,V _ql ing q4 -- S. er fiar or ovej, railways an b. ii�rior ma, teafi�b.,jaV ijae; e 'd Iivt a t It he'* Mai Y meet a i- jS" surroundod �,hy'., At ex 'gave, me ie Yst I h . r. , 1, It ", , , , ' '. ­ Pan -air f b_ Is , l$bet ahot e Mos em.pr !er lin V rom -n w4s- - ith e� Y ffr, �a� - d: f it the . 't _1 C�-,Jj < Irst :9i gh t'-. like V ­to, hapreas... -e Stib'Jige _je .1_ a Haml:17. I I see thd,� 1.6hii- w -id thi irl�sta vih6- _.at oaketi tilin A16:1 a t 11 I . - L "" ' ' , ' 'L " ­ -,I nr' - I L." . I I , I I 'Chrom - . . r . at. ggr%e wits Bt task . oi t �ritual e e, 1: s- an hosc r eel It 04 of Fb' it) stab ul"I -at,teittid "­ff ­ � - 1 _ b Very a eii rance, 'fory, T wh gripe 'and aeLte -W-Whew,-Meh ..Od V. T f 17 a.' tll,!E-h b e - h1ad #3, t 000, i',qbout $A0 000 -per ii -my., ch car e were c16Aiising .6� F tidt,4-y An� nit, 'hipc ry pectied re - -W, Th r u, y udujoWon ii -& and..n-ot-,,j­L VIA re -royVi R gs - ob.,. t: -tal y ­- ------ -pill d. G a vow tbilt: -he w;Duld., wor- br' as -natu 6e:r to ft ais if 'nature e 1, t It -e an mk'c­ pt-ipplple. �gphffilts k., 1,6,� -- -, : * -Als a. ti �V . -1 1. ­­ - "' ­%­'�­4 �,7 ­7� ­ . . � rLr. I -t - ­ ;-I -F "M - -My bi� 860 tati st a mosque, iso a -w -a t 6 ft Ipt -OPP0,0"aw-, M.VW va"b7V -in- 41 p yoqr+,oroflt7. to t e "'Eall -for' MR :distA,oVthi aI Co.'nfija: -0y, -fidt, Mix tecFautio 8 'a -int-ul-GoUx -N,<>r ­.. �. ­� rj� " , �i c Y 'N ai V16 WAY , V:r 1 '.11 �ornid Al! stem ga B4,YAR V0. 7 to s2 H6Uje­ OC" Wqq' y -zinp 8 --And-�'hea4q, ity, const ere Y the bedtto�)ms ari-d pai%g"* 'th LSAA.-Mil, rac L , ; I �L d b he oethoOOX nent At th tithe the 0 ,ot -1h.e a o' 11-prTnal J�A.R aen-linl. che$,: -`CbatyjraM­'Q?. ntI­,j ii -a _�S&c e '50, -or R W I trif t d t In 1867­lttb�q�' ate. nel T ft;D- om,611- pay 1111ti Vol!" jr6a-!- iid H;64 Ith, _Ri��t P10 n ]IRS. W'. "A. Jrt)" ornanlien ey :.ate -kj�f6­0'-.� th -Uthi- id'-ixfit by iN o1i I Is, v6w,­ e:a r-w-hich V46--Iiashldi iisite�a�.fm� M- JWasbuilt wk .4m lik nlew, -1 . L - ;� . - . L I I ..., . . .­ . - ­ 4. ` . -airy. way&: th Y�4 -71- and'. water- to. ru i ways the ailk D r. UkLmilto Is. -Tow In 4dL­H'4ji1 ­ .. - I& M ta wi I a conquer- swl-z W.0 "hnf-h-St J,.,6bn fy- in _01lif z-o-Alie.. all -A pary . -e� �s hear, of -- -P quV lo: e �19 "l-scu art lfffj� ' dom-eximedi.2.i..5-00. AA-ex-fLa hav LbI -Y� t.. tz ea -exce OA f-scia Ica -of- LT. R e re --- ou wdz od �Ed-'A- e, matiagemen W, Vor Vw1w-hich Ji in' eAng of 'the, on h' 'stior tbe', ind iali is' it' -WrIA IS er UK -pr-e,sen"a­,.t1y4P,- 1-no 7 a on 1 -1 z BIM 4e ise neil" YA - "the I I _!�­ . -­ 'r -r . .... .. It" .1. 14DI J- am, --Va`Hoa-`­,rulrdI­`­9iMp �WWK,�­ d d, n 'IN e r -&ffd7SV6r E��PM-S­su -7 &.!ri -I– 'r I .. T '11. , % '1111 1., 1 U. kes -the -follow-- -- 7 " ' - 17-- ­ .- r r 1 1- -bid-, nut 1197B-Vt 611 -7-7-77, - . .. . . _ ­�_ 1. 0 a IMMI 61 9, ton's 25c'.. per. 1).OX - -n- phia- m There fa ,I. Paid UoM t 8 My ne---.0 t "Fur t4rel and. hi When I for !'oo': post g �j Ire ne. th, ic -.tfi�e er4ldnlit . - I '1 $1 _M -"6 c. to -j oor d le a. an �*nd tit ai -r- tV e- e- Ya Iff gIre. in ow -un -b . 13 ro 70,000, OT,.,w A fear -6f becomin j talnis t e4. pro e g man e t enj�JoN'I 46M, . 1- 0 Help_ 1)0.0 k1n the rL 3. amolig H , �-ndents.' I'' ­ - .­�. JI'L 4g J;o n, Can-ada. Xe o bighe q ­:c andi.. venelral ­"att r -At" n i'lIda" ;with an anhuA 'd� in n r!essx t It D 11 pay-rolIr of p -d I 'eave. a,: 'D 'so- 'a e Y.. -b 'lilt: on. scia id a 't -0 - -s X1 h 40 a 47 I ­ytucu V vit 00, 000. and'.' ��rinlli g T.4s-V i Av -fbr it' and rl4ow.ne y otit" Uthio-'ehilor 7777� untmat a h, --a strange that 10 q.1. tfack -M - a -- :­­- lilt fa -e L at er-in- aw,.. ff" zf 7asffial�­ it I Hey-a-apifn th er� me pow6rles 'k 0 o 'Inv 79 s..,tp:wpr d r' -7 `.... 4.0or 'Irl Vo'1(1 -V1m - j,. a. grp4 -is S; Lu 11'. 1�i 1. - I - , , "" .1 antli axin-s' -b .,be, 6:t pi pj -Th te M eR A� �S-4 itiol". iedr, y, �Jffiatj- n n _e in--juall in -r OL in A"M , Zri, tl,211 uv- I ron I .10VII X Ali .1 t e &�Wor ur lj.. u, El had to give--Up� `-WY_J� in a �Ij CL t �±,b_ai, t"', -i.; - , Trunk, 06 C', it'l, Q#1 �­ -­--�. . q'icoo I's a, 'I I) �east­ dewn3�-,b e- 4n 6 ntnl, _roa: ,VVLy W -7n. mury, a u'r I e d 'j�jf� I th e Pro-: range 0 a 7: ple-!!l' 2YL d by #i6ans a h ' b F sacred 9tarid of s de Ilopnien 6f,t;hc' d L� . - I ;bril' �Tneildoll, xclxly�.(L! -of L - -c ­­ , ­ ­ - ' ­ 'N' ­,CH, __to e Wee 7 . .... . I.f4", ail, lan ern �.0 asted.., ..... . . h- been.,*ina0,. by. P Y­ �tbo empl6ye takes" b� is, k -14i:r�-Dotrw1d'�n as sice� 8 KullIPM `ZM - -M-, I %. o,.0 wl 'a" pie r -to -my chtmist 1 9 TIC emzm many, -ne pa a `W -spua kit t h t.3 ch�dilists,it hbis been found a mas, -Wff '- were itoi V101, .3 and -Y t A pa r. . . an d Aild- and- -l-day., 'and 'he recommended 'Nervi nigh -and- i prove-6644-rn go 4D ti. n t This sum in il6tr b e -,P U .1 a USe. U in gaid th' "tir. N,16rse's tie. -me C 4 -( �L�R rli ' good; lin" 'at. broughf, ap thii pills.i­,- -.Indian he't Ald irot lar, accep Y !�j�7 - i P. L -1� a.t'-: ne "fe-Tin-5 V)z n and g, t -o- er- -L, ­ U -the e Yy t CIL non an ortitnitty.. _tl �tre'am engine or 'Opp _W01 y "higher L t 1-0 gol,%re le and'Liver troubles.. f P- O"Tt usehbldrerped� wi!bbc4,6n sev- , 1 - fracrl ati may -be 'More -a is -at-- C:fi #4 h Id. foi Constipa T �"yta,� my. Clea.t , but, since, tben anL 4er cI6intiiiue,& fb %tre J' 6-e d. The firat sai d tt U. 011 t d d his ow'' n- . dis e ie a, rail propoaal- that I hfivb ever.mado,,- ln�.tbji 4 curb le Inahi R .7 ...L, . �t four ja br* 7-:- re� av It e -re, w ia. a 5 -U nto f "Vil t You" pt�ly-an effecitive Y, a n n�ts.,.paid-3m.the, fA r- -Qi e-' -dr. � �, f' A; VA la� 'a e' d' prdn� T 't e R scorn it y rej,,. e., T in ood-;­ �anj th a a P �h uttji -1853 �41; Somes, G CA ru yt� The-- pr esen r o �.)Tf a moreopepe- �Aud It 'd by, a. worlClInAkofid- '-thbe: naM "T 10, 6 ;a! mmed.J.the d6bi-' jwe�t cure i target In cows. If 'equh4lehf suni Ai ;J -f ly 0 '-,Our Aoz�o e.- -or 'S' 'Miri capateltIr It yno6v -N �Oijjg traii al ni 'I better j- 1 j an -att mofeovee, any *oilixg ­­­ r 'A 'L I oll. lelse, fot�r r f ail t iinj tween 900--,%r C .P r . , r, ." ".. L . .%� ­ , ­ , ­­­­­­ ­­' ­ tb '' r g-' q- f, vli6vinj- -pain c a e .4o I g. ft of Y Wr Yew optu T Ile neu, en everyone, with liumbago', in o re aist cp"pu!v�Pt16ni.toqgh$i, j 'a to- boo ..per cgius - proildhiM, �La'r`,, t �P.arei, -T4. 91M­�Y.1`811 ---- drr. 9 -T '611do id7writ'dFiart.p B- W-60"the -tusual'. haliIiii Ou' . r- b ;6� Vq- -car-bi' i it Villaili W --�Wox d 0 d­� oNjit L �or-a WeX -h thtV. It. WI cure, -. , L'­.­�, � r . ..;.; - . d ..xise Nbrvi ine;­ � fo - --- - never' Ji no in atifilitipir, wbat Are Utme wan- ar. df My madicind. W ye ir tjirars i �6atjstkaS.joU Mi,� Kn.agg�!"iiIN , h: them","- Vj�',YOUL, kno 4-706PF li, �6117P Itorn the cold et 76iir f iv -dw-nav" 1i Vi, 1-iIiIes of, R-�Wa; -andr IiIo�l- ervi ine e a. 11 % L - e y ilt. thing 1111101 that." trial s1ze, 25F eIng' , ' L'kV' 11 o ..,size 'b� er d ilY C n 91, - - o6- I 117, . v tv.L 19 %L15, =fl, 7,AH 7:?j% y b S W -Buffal i6i; iN 7 tr n KZ. ri� -UTT i�.th­m-,ht k.- Canadw.:: -WOT h4h,-r4el a wb ii -11, � I. . w r L - I -JI-r, L L __ "­ . . I . . 1- - *- ­-: . ' b-he-lIp'. . ........ vire=bou -�6-ver 4o, ty Only Y 0-% r 8 In n. J'n­­ U -ral. 7W�f it de�' jjon 'in, dal, infrefqJileilt' ere arise, 0 t ro 11 b16 Vith tual 4?n v ana One e main on his arm in NOT SPEND lite disease �hm& 4, re u f4 1-07mwit ii- -10'al - - M ITC At rou show W? i;Ahe night to. an I .. I " 114-613,738, ilid CALI&JW f*,r. T' i� t 1 ri w a ies! of poy. &ni in -the close cNe grow hot I . , . - . . 1 1. . . I . 1. aL iiiAry wb&4�� we bave 4 by vari, rin.4sie.k., 4. Fj;�i oll's in Aelpt will bl% que�tpd 4i gelt a�nid his - enti re'. fAn�iily. Attractive rLa tt, ft flead� tii ItA Uld 'Hardl'y Stdil v 4-v, iall- able -roili:tee. allor, IT1jr Uel!t,r,fk'(,,ene&' The'� t It t* z- Inlze ea ed on -C.6at Go stray-UWaY tla-� h, e-frign it mtox -as yl� 11n ton L -F Llblited't 1'ea.7_ Make ef be San, ranciwo t C Overlan "A '!10 T -4�l r 45' . ... .. 't ! Bee it" I)And'ruf S -W T).w, or thOtp, lari 6rallogo4p-and �at Bjjt��Jjn% j d cutic jfj�yo,jj�h-a kelfi.- Ije'etosod w,:tli..& sll It- lde'-A& best �oO . ..... ell -ronte-,­vrov ar d, J zb )� -'. Ft641tVT-TtRd7---1`V ure orr iip. -fts I dee o -gri Ybil' M le in a n n the, i f"'eN ti es Of-" -'j'bia­��e . . ..... Xti ­ , 6-jyfp-j�efe�j W ni� m6<19I an .4, ai. hbrri. 4t.,�T%font6i Que.- cd e, 7( quest. Husban . , I ; .. ) 11'e -o that ii -rated ratjj:,e� 0111 !at), l4cati n: . ''t . 1 11, m4k-ia Vvin.iiipeg, ar rfii�d; l4ay dftr,, dbh1' cry 1, k h ,0ap,and'0lnttn0nt curod. me VeI nce f a d�g's fi-t w -!%s aild be 'in - op. -n inef ".0 ro Ll to, ft next year the, �,�,t WIC. ruieru 6 OUR'll. ay on. , b d f a 7 Mali, 4�11 tIlkt'l notlicr. By_ 4 t I. 'nor to w7li' r <3 rip, t,.;held :at,Alorn� j 1­64u�,s, rpm, anidation of,010lan O &,very sey, to e V. mirrie-d- os These 11,601 C ta rnu�;h 4j Ito rCe fami you r y rW Days. r s Rowd. -Stroilid, nkighbor,� -taiisw thdii to, u �o- 11�1.13 *&atbe",+" inter, -.13UMi4W i itrisI fii�tsr, W,hbh I .3recovered., i3dY hewd Louis -Saget'-L aqed. '8, of', NeNon 66ps of'* your at", 1 .0 AT�Ty, It was 80 1111 could hardly statid -it. 'tile ja*id'thAt on Sunday, duriiii theall- .a rather 1�.dng b+�f4rei� dho(i%2n$ a' a )at e d" e, It ,i mi"rii Lin mant preil. 0 19 Will a it. a, - wed on, i,'Y,c( 4an&,aff slko deo�e of' his 0418 fi e a iij V ofr eZflr A t-. 11 you 0600 �W ­­ ­,Valc , , " L' i I . . . ­1� . man . ................... . r�na` b toll., no I aniftit, rns a 'a you tity, f�eis, ot) :lit R I eo... � - 1 Y,:� "ed :aad 61rLi mud t , �VI t, , " . .., ­. I-. � I ..L " , 1 1 , Mrs. Kiwl&r-1Vho-i(­th tt vi 6,4 -qeit; -of 0'atictiva Soap q , , , I L Pit X a' , very gl" of since 4, H6 try t1lem, and TA visitors who h leil it I oi��yl had ft. twk,rving - r Iff bT�f Tj tjaffr?� . 'M big IT140 it 8 0a r ill lots- e t, ov ilf Y�11.r - 6�, g, NV 1�4, i -0--up y;0 a ed N� e., L tel . . <1 �bv 1, 'n t "nro-, Iii tinctiuse i 'In P+V.r!I0]tly.,0rq4,,. Kbs­ assi,�tyntice flItoln _c, ;lT �ixb lb"MISsilit, y 0 r V a )n Mak tw ''boxes bf 40litiftra clintnielat With, thl `4 the witlieqi� arrived,he, 0),11 V g C cudb41%.Sda;0 it tAok 0 ;l1ti, btoathing v6xy liard, 6114)XV y re&)rnnie�dln i I 1�� pie. big ')'I to tht" 11'.qt "Thi, Wink i.A IV: rm h 0 r, jjkjt to any 1111'emiscioli's jk (I o g 4 oil T is. A I ialt(6 pl�a� till ' Q ' 41, efise'a-l" yj -dis IT]?[ I l I ji, I I ar. .1, Jl',rA-V­' r le g6ap,;lipd Oin t , u o hin .I wo.nd s, A C n,(! Wbi`L114 1101t let th bl 06b, !36. 1 alW witneas approa(I J; WA ntl VV 11TATRW n as- vi k., ft V th flw,� 0. 0. r 1, 'D R'U'F-F bitit to p�ll, a"Illoctor, 'nd thell went' "at; I 'j, A T V 3 al a,, gi i Coqp6it to".11s, WOO, - &)u,jkj get, tl.)'o 0 f,,DAN <.146g atnfl`f,�K, to S�6(, if hb I, rljjij�;L �:bay; �64.vo ,itigto- " I, , , Av, th ID U JL:" as J. aw.I%y. all d 1rdtAttort ot'. "&'give as�,18 I'llee to Anti in , w- PTIVErm I n, , � 4 011 a I 4410 - . - jj by �&�Aiilolli, 'in' 'Allima, 14 Msloti) al Zitesq go :191th, I it n til, th,-, 16�tor a: v?) n r4i t ate" e 8'11 t t, r� j,a olghlient, ii;na: d saget A ---- -------- 4 - be, -n-g-F.UAL, Tor6nioli V. 'Was t&� �augd- sa u r t! 1W C a titair , Y, irtiblidlifid tllfti, dIiIialtwiio 016h -ar _fIff'. t t e irelst ii tb It L 'b 4A np % . q 3 11 -r Y rt; ur I t (,V atii .0ron, A Ks ; _4 a . 4, t.� fficil(ItUy I Lit i sysli M I'd !4 of `tn iii.q - pir b t pt.,�i, ioV1,6016, ur 48 ant for, ill "t thing -it Haft his to and 6616rg iiwbuig All, �01;. �T1116 ha di RA1tjdNW6P CAL what he,j,saij lbistlif sab tll(s j.j' to ffidjmhiber 6,60.�*,jtjj J�Aip, Skid DOM 64� "k— �J� "wit. 11)g MW 77-. 7qL-'4A1 r o 1! Oqr2l�, M 4W il . , , I. , ""i., 'j, , � . ' `51 55 M I NUM L ;,� Apr Of #M" A .. . ... .......