The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-11-14, Page 64 41i Iti x.: I �-*,Vl.. W11417,`%! -.X,;::- 7 the hitherto neglected vafle -f It r. 46ge NEW RD Unrrumbidgiep,bjos like t CENTRE ipit-iblx 6f'- t WAR � � W AT AD T 0,. BE,, AIR." F -'I AQUT �THE, lCOW ESERTS AREM N SUNSET, 'A 46D and Aii the ed* Amll r in 'Wonty a r all o govegstill 1. 1 - I 1.1�.­ I ­­ I . years, time it lwouldoatry a, p loll 'Ifilking machines are doing away 'IA IS GIftEA.T. DIVE, TY- OF hit 7" M A,HF, i Far usi % Bi p.g -i djabet6g�' a -,dig iq,0161046, Are X01V'M New 404ril 104, :lie With, N IN AV$�l qoo�k iqq df. 1, o _9 souls,,_ "Irli W t t Aw*hrl� -d" d _tljo Y 44"q. �c. lIir0sque AXOTM now 00W e§S� 104�74� 'the CIP, 4,a 0,;�,l "AM �7 y - S wo 4. 1 ula� b Ill 7,AA-VIM -A, TO I Fr h 0 !73,ll2` mesh C Germ hi A4. slial zati z Eal -Dept. in r Awl' MW4W,q c 'Beyer: is t A., I , T, York "I It clahl for" this, ntlleii P AlQutenegFifts idge, New inci Isy . - , 7 7 in akinir�.Ae, i0ilk, t"it w " T' 41 P `7 'so to -pogq w �-cows ME is �,riow­ 'Wel ge 'hoolnef, Md 6M<ingedi: at 1�4 M, b n IT and 4 dur-.. I M Oci or& in i5pensa­ e a e0n IT -immense impe.us, h;ss 12len Arsc or- 11 . , 4 lamlo��-ad 'Put 0" t'frow the Ispringi Wr tbs stral A id Id" bl',, that comfiot :help won e, H.,Und d ring aid u laxi'a, seboll I. bpino. covered, 4 ere y was �giye;4 to the lity 01endid 1 -Au kau - it he ni 1 1 oi�n iiii. many, directions it Possesses in 'Of e .-chil4ren..,9f, -2;Q- Ipg ts of-'thei -wofk-1­17 pit -1 r4P� 1p Up4be -itoducet of milk f i sa if van xi over I.B.AnIma 0e, bellig6rent ns�tions, thi b 1-1d, A about. k6jb�iu- rue oorresp*n ooastl� 3,here -were six Albdrt�a `P -ime'�g are, Iti. Ing il Th i' le, rtakon. a trip. Pf -OnYslclaoasi de'At, byltlie Pr tica), w "which b 4E� ll -C er hi. It ift- s wife, a� oy of granaries.. IT r, 44,, it. all. .'How do. the''p. s"Ibe c4r-. ab6arrd, the -own i as an �e hirp�elf - Dr 'Geo -of t1i b It ";,to 9 e The Arsit. -samples of, this synt et!Q nage - the fiii ' 'f ' Jl pear onsisting -of 16 oduritry',' 114ftled 'Squi who 4cte"d as I costing *16,60 1-' -s cows rLg 0, , guns ap of e e §P#A i"41ild ),o,v.e And belo-W punol,, ha s --Maj:i -7 A be f res, �,-,gj n evqk number of re �Llematl, -B 11-ey ill Iff both al h a v 4 i w hote �'tl 7 milk will- ar don . -soo-n _�&p ve creLw,- rive in Lo� their, l I . . I I . g. 11 � I . . I bee"7. -irn", t* , * -, ­Lz, L-- - . �ng, at, Le Pal I=Z ile or At&6 all, 0 je --to -c 0 4- A f T46. spli man. frtond'of th6sk t io In air Y -'Woy Y A ile�s .. an will, be phy tb�e A pe. w4g..R 0 searbing etex= h bull is,i e- iio. is. A' P "to it to, 14AKe �.4. 'n t-age.1 -the-"rilieg' A W ­q If t eo� hI, tfir,;6e sician&'. �,'-6i iriigatio. furnished I'atter who.t.bIl the'� story' the' 'by� ��e,7,ni6gt eij,�k aha ys-ts; as ­ Moi. eg lep Alta Mr,­,,:o4,:� Gervice 4166!ntib111e4,, Y$i f tbe� bul-`ari�cus rol -50- �fk, :no- t alal of fl�c -f��eerned­ ; I W 1:7-u M '�eA -t-.b and t The' 'Miranme 1. . . re gulat a's �a Tu ei a . 1 '1.3 - , I C11-1. l -,h* It I rs­hRv,q t o u g- h', it n iwwleis milk is obtainab le, - --- 1�1­��t­'. 1­� --;& 1-ii,­,�ill- p pa-, s, "roija I ty up was illaile'd 7- X�5:. lar 'br�edipg.- will' E -­--Th-­t­ -1-4 sant irregu ifies"in TOM '110 . J7 d is. f wo�,� i Jn-e�-e of" webe�-: I., tbrou-#h Al - , , ?-, - �. -,thl h' as,6 Alay�p,- advgnoe4' fifty" rigation,P0 't f �v, <)tie of the: �Aiyi�u!. iverj etween: e b-,6illin -'Of "t-hos6 C d 't bW I s of-di6b6tbg C6, ,Nm- cer&l afi& n&lthe doz�en or, k9o, ShQNVW foul IV o vie, al�-Ig '-- . ­ . , . k 8 --40,n -air-, Jill 't t rea X, 0 b' let 18,1�� b rld Of" --bfc�4 bct­tbo�. vie r nipsi- p 4 &�'��41 k -k k' k l5b -p q4 ob I ;1 W -M -p .0 be( -A. - M"Ar t R' dnicer�-ur-OveiVis p4r iierlo at presen,Jji. r! If d c IT in 4�� F, e WA, PA91k th,64nvebtof Ge W� jj�7 �thor r c "il y gG-,-u tll� r-� A l,­­ ­Ve nt fil'i '-to *atch­th� 11 A' - ii 4clill -w Wfig] tll of -th X, .in 4 b e ZVI F, er th W the- 0 e n.� -,rj It j dr 1:ieBi;-jiioAthJnr�mostt�,b r T ar zen have Xad . . . . . . iF j5 -z7 N �Wr- ',§idL -ass te -- t: er4rl -­4ej',d46.t - . 4.0 re sk a process o, in n r,A 8'... - - I 1, inadE It d 'CiLcan'only.repeat as- Ai:ii'. the defect, calf.- n -,orc best'36 vel,00l with the I,, e u IT na i a le very-eni ea rt W -SAWIX Prince.' Albe� ter the c`iailms, Of-fj��fn-7iin—tor, Jes r at Jactic-:acicl,, which .;in tatt dn't Of e respon f. Purifi-ev of tllie, s Led, the Wt leanmkr- aw e cer ain y s ar ing enou arr A a on on-, er­,­lr ;�ith'-a,- P qshint:d th 0, 1 -1-1--1- �­ - r. I . ­:­ '..; I , 'pro A 075 .0 -fract iii�,,condidoxis l.�slfch 011 �,,. 4 �­� y 4c� se 'Govornmelft: - Ale, .1 in -t 4, a: ara-m r sle. which -es,,. I -P -h: a iro:iiZ -hi (It,;, d tb J tbi- e,,animal­ ill t e fiist,c4a ving., _Oynl a 66, � ­hiA :)qu I set, 110 -.0 X-11 ke el Move '31on neg,111s, The, tain In c R la b establishment of -the. WeniwDrth:- caMe,-that :.rno-r0ing,­h,' :rei it=iyrl� Ws, jig I ., ;,eared 7 �,ie, -b4t6ar� &eii. aud-Ra "'i '41tv, t -race, Y­Iixiga tru$ts. of U921�fhe.,- Ih, bp'i I It Mizelare. a. s, ern. ;,'&�d. the f atbers, ---'bar UA:iiii'the. rinL 9§t� ! ]UI, 'tihio- A' '6411 -wid n" This. is tbel: rst. us e] a*A&14r�go, ton, j A n ap Qjted-i�th -',-hHi lDf a lm�ai 6ir do�, �jt il,80r4a4- li-: 6selyjolleii re fi� -wgbL �o place it,­ k7- --&- . i L. - . . - x� . ­ I I I ­-­ --- . ,ummer. I been�-dse - �1:11:� r -l' - di g4 �,st ed4 fil -AWA 0-1 10) Yr akj�­ .0v T-1-17 b i:��411'a T:&O-1 "'D id Kin "in ia , . b .145y, AlIl fatty o6fistitu s 3., rovi discinlhie, is WA. bh� r-b-th on .1the a. e- h le in it. n;; breast' of' de6d. thwtO -Z Hoo siibiectll­�7h -7. � i agal waslaping down. for 111 0 US "I U 'Ally; 'wit lul. diiry �hlkt:- - I ­­ --: - MM , - ... hi - d' Wit-' uccesf, -�Eeii A rief: a, sovererign cure -be=, Itarg ;. dilli 3, n -id 6 owxe-��to, 79-reari- -h-jWj-2,-.6( aie -Ar... [-shadIgno slii oreet -tb�e­ ise -31D-, U d -r 1� --L1 'MHU V afjon may, be usef a:ce p rinei Mirko- -'the second' �the particular. --bidaies or Of k7 -+h -a,& ­f, fhe :d6l- 0 r -s ale 1313. le to :do with it, 'an ,`-Th6i bi -'.br 'heifer, dalvi x4cate persons -nqw LIM niliAt be wra, V. i �t city iii -of Milk Nlidholali and' thei'Saol s ave.., suppli with has- a lamoftg�' k -and fi�lfnleedg the hiosthpalth I xlu-- "It is -clailined- alAoAhgt the'vew f am v at it 111�ly Open up' p bf-- stre es -of i `ave­� ujide Y Id me Vlatibin.6f -o '.6 *s . .1, to r-.6-000 1l ght ki -- ­-.9ti- g. of wbetat in.- h7b' -Gleni -T.9 : t fol'i e4 ­field -:,i he Mahy­6,icpj 'is ric P �tritious'; lk liareill --cows lthe d6-s�fb�-of-�:h-is:t*4C)-childi-�-iI �tb-ll t nin -0d 4h`e4ittlei OtMA-1 vem;­a- d­�- AT- fi ar-- Its JY§ I h n ro res. recen consig en OW , - f t" bu­h 1. toto gill M th4e Partv,- full Ilk , as.,sup to.,.Ahp� -'coti c a S.. t is -one o. "iil -'anid 'g6ine* - of Woo -irr pl i ed, - - ----- v hoid, in Nico an in, erican iiatio-hists ..wh(> ;are d! - M, P the,:' t :i -or bt discoveries or y 8 o,s to. the 6�re. �his t me taiii. b-etter W thn a few days Of each other. to bie-delighted with,.th V perhaps all-7�wo-tildisuiely-lo, eir -h 9 arid that it has, koeping, pro. rbs6., Alta�,'.- ' M4e,,)I:: fl,7.0 esent. ge H.. til. 8�il 'Cati 41v-�,jv� I!--' 6e -110s�ibiil a ate4icine -of. t pi, I 0 still �.�'Rame­,..yqu. v arran g j! capiti- o occur, �z tipTi. ed- 11-�60nvpany-!�W a hildrqn'ly? 'h RMARAM, RIO, Ia- n- I eaXed. �at­thiijj­e- j­aski Z bi"i" tq­t-hke'l A, I �-M re s -s t- ab e p S ­j --alone had his wits Razi rigar-, sm.%,. Of4 $25; 060, to .-sinkla ding� and the nu factlr�A. 416h..a W�pd care� the winter foe -milk., ii� "None "I I rej?lied tion ar-6ill, at Re-imirk". 'w1here 5-200' About him., -M seized a R.)ose end- Tr;�de in.'� S a'skkibbil; and Albert& 7 T-1 VOT - -UTMIRINUOU -SIR - Jjxiti6 kani At xm-wd 4 g, �7011 v 're is A 13,0plul ar WIL t t.637 . 1 .1 . 1-1 -14" Te 'summer ness. "WNW."I'M 'kit Off, I �: %­ 'that said" WIMIZ er� 9 - ----- %, ­ th­.. d� � . "A W5 0 F�Wj -6 Qons p, ��­,eniwamih :q,­"q1"ph- W, 'I. egg "PI -L & �d g i'a, at �dz a ACETS A - I %11ay M , '4,ow- .gwn ;�:Upvu 0 exce 0 U in', P`�iV "WWO -Mff-� --jt of'. tie- tile-, -werit ove like:' i -ill WL4 15JU Tv -set rboar,&: any per -1-1 T 13-viRlding-p t.' `Vei -Sb� 41 1 to-- . 'ep side the, reef a hund -heart was 7 M tli, in i�nsland, 1110if In y tiv4o'A-,t Bask andgeveral K� !,`At the stage of mi d ture synthetac milk, at� voril� ti�oug�t my, r;, -.d % ar& Weybil Itch. J�'.'thte bf.ji e was ilp�.rt& --&-c-jee Till has ff will coinpaie favbrEibly, 'ih `�bo�� 'tho lin ­-breakej!�-� another: g 10 i Lkeon and-ill#Lt-I 6 ula'6e hippy lftf.' 61 . . �.d h * Cows' 111`111C�, IT.S. ll 11 bifb t Stex nb-eig."� o Sask b I ef-biien- done. y. t was, -on :, :�,p themilky�­-- 97 ------ I y EL �.-Ahe fresh -induce, a fresh r 0 port, per aps, two, very pleasant, and �6f'- it'- as "As, it is V�oaIinot'bil to he's g��,li The -'ehlif-ir, rig, ation area dii thel grew 41prni III' b.;` -h 'fi-t .),aAures . . p,, w , ip w. 46 Ji 'i at there. tho- lRivio�-ri -wild, t 6nvealth, is 'of -alid:, P. Wei �:�--�ow7iongtiien th�- niilkfil 'season the 6ne,,gieat;.aAviiAageAh -belbwftho. drifting-W-iiarnitlf­ , f Omm "tts I rpo to -i%' no. . risk, lot It Nice; famou� one a urrehjii:6k-­- ­tb t`, It Y­�stroke se -W fairs. Wil e -an increase"the" "year s .P.L-i- -h wil-I �nb-f 669,:�* MU . ......... the _fir , st� 31.1&div " isi . on, (iuiie�, Ariiici,olut foi-ihls�-b.til with tuberculosis- disease py; germs. - . 11 4, . , , 11-il .bit?. Would,flib gag inci C e goo< ot"N.vhich,, containg 25,9il acr olf-­�­ th -pill ra 6,U� th 2.1�;, ar ify et. inb go. lC I wals.. wwn;dpeniorap on, li iiiwhichAci I And: SUP7 4 .:Agricuilfilul ro anu-!,. that any milk 16ft �0v0rilli llik6 Pkeitil liftUe dolls with th- is -tweeii:4tl isti and, 6thl, fiirthei. f r V�' Ir6ady e y. lit ery th, 'lirVicol of a bL "I n be 66tv Ver.-Vord"i if F4 --b----- lb ,ISO e 64 u ac i3lu ivisio-its, will be Mi 4' It r st o t e u o y, a rid �ys arf bdi I 11W Ler auif the dog d .. :, e P -a- tied'. dr`al. thre-sbors who white, shirts- d-1 h ni lzow�: I , ,, 1 11 -,ill - On, The pr4�s,enf'a',-ew-,a­.v g r-, �.nd,,b'uttA wear -futu-re watcheig ed -on 'a'v­ 'Mai obei their rhMhifies lYe ore: ong. rl wto looli: -at- tfie�� - -Z 6 D -is -too iue&Aeath�ljr W, n. car V r t 4e gteblett- The -8- It ' '­ — 2 "' t 'juaillit; 1 It --fiesh cb jackets- are. mos ,,,I 4an APoo -000 -of- Y-7-1, b, 1n. V MQ A 'product I f i6ri of the dig -Sugni sr. wtj=�' Iand, 6- the f,'..o iils: io il I te rises , p: il b r il il b D, r Inctioit and' ... 4 A� 00 0'r or- the i r alion.- F6r: e- r? s arm- r..a IT when milk And bifWar are with -aid es, viry always- mly il - -e06.V6f ifi -tffie� 9 -how i n a lookiliag.- -p er, -4e v -ed --_h liao -1 - is il W 714Gh_-- 1­­­�- �uar­­ - i i -ii*- li -saw ffiaF'H'aTTY-- z�pi Y, a-; gh "In7�PTIW-- that, ly- e -4r--fai -1 i�-i lW-d­vitb----- Orjiql fo ih- Well -aHe-,r7- 7— h. 00 -rg' 'mad -1 Re, "''is"' 6v A'j, 14�atj4O be' we, 4afer, -�6h nifii&f til b� ivios­� some� n"*�'�f­trh City i.i on'on the r cows, ave, enl IL he fu ever." :7 ng,in twelve, L rave brealsting4i. t W4- g6 tbat� the- boi are ` Very. -grea expanse. months piodil ;au'd at"aboili't 6 '40N.ii s .0 l'the fou'r-: 111-NDAURL. L0.9f A It' oot: d6w n � 4, e gam -tie tl icet at a fifths cost,` warm.. I ba,V.''E deied 7Qn W Lai � , t, . I . l -h -W T�rumbidk� XA ­ - - sp aopq�eaeh!L ed -from 4o-20�zper- f-i � -ill 1 -`97 - YURI %--, st-t, -$Ae­1 k rbb, . M :;ed�n�-gtand- -the�aeai Ml -1.--T TAM 0 was e 'Skill �,un 1,894:! d:- -W -hi e_r_ M p TT -O-V. -e54- - , ­4Lg 42 xe,dealers r ma ne s o Fp, ypty, ,..P B Austriji* rei 31 �Alexis F th -and 'the� for op F pide : " .;. 11 - I . . � is ritalp.ing.a.- e �,7PII­ ::: 1 had - ti 64 , I .o Wid -he hall e rope big, f�i th 41, -of. raigin eifirr-, cil6b­Wea—tioWi� -be-- -Wi- th - "I 'bid ca; berlia�Rrize' Aj 'Ne'moi4ble­�Re,'ort,. p e ey- 666bt:,the: toAhe end of, the -fish 04 t e. I p. 41filef lt& ti) -e we�terrn tiade'La r.tioh...:' , I 1 -1 � 11 h. lo� Medicine may ��.elVbe­.call:ed,alwhi ife I - findinj!,of,.Fri:il Lyl - 6, soombe, a, have. -A cer in, :iegiid, ch� was 0, owe in TO b e 11, '.'- d � - -half-bitc It ro .,,of:NohI I expo.ets,to,sec a young English so ool tlkaer whoo s iii w h' r 14o c thir� ff yi0l a�y -wild- de- ring - wizard -of -66 medical' *orld., In his' -ko 'Whib A aved hiB- hand ',W vori'sl' mitteoO.'; It ''bolt' 'am., w. A the reStiltof4he. police 'cenisilm, b�, 0 Jill" ing. 6ws- and: get qeArer to, what: l'morio. than In-' has been�'soughlt 'for Public lzb6i . all. oUau6- 4orks --have-,_ Y ry� 1) rel m6lit _Sh 'kl'U' ill CIM e a rc­h lit e h" r and 'VV a -,n r, sti Ut,6 or a af"Ites as -Afiv 64igatiqg Ahq��MA �04 J)y tralia- lis e-ot­niy,­fijends,oul om me' d' -the-ado:pti g.-..a,t -the --Migs-.,Hogcome,­went -Aiis re-by� m'y, i;6�QiPl OM �i 4 i�­cr with�Ani As-Nilte., wain h' �-th s, CI �­i 11" � . 9� , " ' ­­ -,, �. I -thing jgtj In -.Uu - "� 1, ll,,'-- 4 � 'tlt-`;b4D -A L -is no un, I 0i6p"o-alrifully �- -- � --I, ­, 3- '1 n ing: It .,J� wa er on u. 0' C coua� Par. ;1, IV, PT, I-Ogou :,toi -During't e.�� -ffof t tli, "K. jite­, life that�,a, 6 ja gy, emal c ­p an., -o 7 -the any-.sy-s, it.. -Horth la - �gt 'fz - 4edirng­a-clat­-,.wjtj4 "'the -AT IT the field o -S-A id -h&s been cai Pf., n.de,r our,- stern e wa r�was f the' dairy- ri-inlay ilk egg, who fi.r-st �,,)�,e viliar in, 'relief Wlotk,til rilied dut. -0 th' ,p1ded'tbiili; -th t'' -9 thb-, v ng the qualit Ill f h 'e - or,. gboi3 -goVeTnin ervi&n equivalent ar '06, feet �766(Ahing -to -t y _j _g- ­ -9r � - --1 ' t n tbn� he': t. feet S. 4' , buf uk for, :unless t e la-- *4 ]�*l Z 'feettblckat,the ba&6Laind surf'.1ine., It d h d ix; blevons i of indi extravagance eY a. �ddg, the: acle'are �in.. t - i 'T, ,piit dog andheart In long 160 lot fba od' vidualis and 'have. stam'n� land th,6r� five' years ago. tiub'tli�, cream. This fl, t6tage for a w(" f Wc-hung'the !two boulis, 90 then eef ab-ove the f:e kol a" good dircti.ingt9ncOS'. -qk,:,and ivcr6�d has ,and str , ong,­Vigoi gjog, he Vgh '4 put,. tip, W, it t aw ino� lin�� 'with Ou lm- 1-,h-4 It bu wlien,.th6y.-s pre Y, body. �oift o , fl. , r A' -9,.with, bit . y, they, are q �ep, I o ape Xor tempfing aAO F�d the fo;, 'is 'ja been 6r.6iywacrossthe- 3i-TiTkumbid- tho, stimmer cai*iiv.af and le; 1te� e bb�'ing Ong in every-,Txr apdk,-rc Ij�ets kL a])! T, —tg .; -f6� n­sfffar�.; un -,an e some, al, 46­65me Airy , d .:,]a frMor d,,4 �gee. 9,br .94� Jaw, theA o more s I vtile�' --A -t d' 6-ne (,).it an&� Burgeon. ...... ... ... 0 -&Eros, au 4"t' IT r f t e- lit' P uart, Y �heir i to Viinlay ,a dista�nce, of fifW -stil W. -in t Ia. p aci use la tbl the qualities of 1 fill :to-,',iaover -750,000 aJoot d", reina�ned. � astri ,e are= �gig Miles. 'M ­ E %PO a-- LT,�-�-h­jd�--�r '- - M " - G oyf Willi he c Zh exple)riencO 'in 4�— me W�nt-jhy- 4d7 Tfffl I ig the lot 7 was 01ty they, ll night'.' �W, 9A was only a. ,g ed if' haf ii, igtilaivile thing-to46 1lWby,l un re fliffly: examin E H rvop rivl�r' at BeiembeA;. the­diversionjk4�6. Death' bisellit-toss I , 'supplied- with, milk,. go''. gF'e'aiti' W, gigns of vVea1ii6ss''they, sbo no n P d6rhan n aa�vs after sbb:left Harroi yp-d.-.6til to haV.6 put'ibat-sugaft in a Tee *ilil woi�s have bi-oe laedd, away., but the. ul-d her father -canie up lfr6rt, Victoria -ndie ai e; aii(kIrl-ghfitp "If hn;, c vT w' - d Qk!ii­ theif moitil and youi.�,Ocket and-g�,ve .,it d j e-,,ralise Ad H' WWI Tit I efir Coi r, - 1'7'�F'! I H, ng.,des-arted, Ws'g�ea'b'rarich at-. 0 di�­hol&rig� tbe,,t6ta is' e �plc I t , floa�ted jjj�- -vii CIE A ou,.fiii1�4after exam1hirig:-theiv nAbe.roa4;".. pi y U, ities. "000-. AXO utlort 33 a Lb,. that Y* -u Can g" but four, of t6jr thousands: of h,�-s `�gbl6o per- -cost. eing estimatkd S, inj� the �art of`gbock in - tee .1ij Bull I n -gy all c r -politics,, to quires. o w a.y ilk telet, yollill 'ill iiiiestion 61 -g� big Wd with Ae4rg witi.. big an ished bef&e his,eyelC the M�f 11 �IT16141tgs,-whlcb .��6 let tinder 'wrun is of',horrib massacres'o one sidether t spec, r- was '-or.L a r4 � I -- in- JIM. d-wi sn tip ''Inimedia,fely, upon'his arri'viil in o-he'hear f e ig-`n� d6ubi tha the Th years Ii., llw w-ef, t6' sentenced to 69 ­ 40il -tb Y.Iwol- agq- -B p6pil wit "t -e 6 - - ,x -,!ed t On Y -Ir -do. :6 . tfacl 6d .1 1 jill The voting selkinp your -mind. that� iiii4h jal'harA ul- Tark-is-very h'" 'Perpetual- I ease wedis e e e �-Pu ic t ecap a value -of -kisselc IV wortb, r a age T'he"old' sentiment, 2 on h it -'thre;e ve is.s,,how''V6t, as- the scilll r 'near u a e . ...... ... but fe A� plarlty--was 'Otg-Mi-liz hi�M`teksi ..Turk '14M&ny�.'r'a'Iz eg assist hiiii in, his waroh to his Raii&ns ate lot )�.-e­ -W -in he tboti�bfljiibil �of thos curient�y� Achil 1i go the-ir.,cli .'s, .,0. , , .. f * h ,, ­- *,,,,, - , , -1- �e ten,,Peg-�'ar�,10 on leoll aa�gh­tdr� ed i f kis'st,­3 'than o� -t joil so.vorel�- �A 1P,- W1,14"Otit, '6& formixed -farnii iii .6 who er., 1 1 �, I l-,�,.,-- � - -- Wrrow.- ifh , -p t� fight -1 'butli jin b 'tor horfir.illtil d Ili I ld­-fnhuv�', H- tpa 'lo. "t"w TIT- � palln o rl, -,tho,:kavel and teifs.­ jq. ih ' 'tj�be-.Bul Pq.�,,Ijj.t4D­ ­ exa o,rd Z&Z 1-wW-6- ��.Du garians aet'gteat swie 14 'PT!6, '01Y­�iqgV-0�nAl-k�'!� 'we d �,T 411 -i n'd-twliol-nicie bll4vks. or', t'e� - "ti plk�6 iid6d in e Ith�. b,� tb a sithool 'llnd in l t - oim, this f6iling, edts, are* j5o r rig -6ver,, 414,v go ;t for sOM O"t wefe gone b' e o 'A, id..., "bur 1i. me an Men 90 d rlab,-ial It i6d' I s e ncolu r age Is. a MI. ation position. o no nas y� . d, Added to, th" i the ad olit'a trace 6f U6.girl. - . . .1, 'a 1 1 . ��, !l . -t On v onel �A for the.Tur ght-' &M 9-6. COW Ou., Lai, I er ss, '!ass em'06ve 'food trying' tohi k' Mi .11.6g4coite w"'Sound if a' n'd even"..,'t"hie 'yptingest leaorng ib k as -'a f'fir`st�c - , I-. I Wn �-obtainc�l-b t.be,sAinie per, Ill to . 1. - C V. d-4 ore., fosplani-ally.....for 4*%Ti0iPtberh of, such a calf, &sl experieneei hb:hw, of-Nop he - Districts. A; %en, we find &-hoifer oalf that Cape Y-6 a.1m, inaider.ence to. death -tu�rnl4iiL biivo, 15:6se set 'Peniffig'61il -iffi-ore to It Sei MiIV`h haq -beetf, n . y .- of re coming r Eai Grey ew 6 - of, an' ma 'babies �of,,othdr Slav obeuvved -in the. experienc To, x1very,icie.,of-ill �C na'da on. his. re.Wr to E' glAft T ; - ' ­ - '"'15-ff"es N"71 1]n th'tee-liumAtedlL �Milem -Jr4i d .-An ich! e f�) I, --than anger.-, Ldncidqiit,�wh tl-­tlicj4�t.1,41' 'Feirs, an orn, e Shortly W,�re t' w d- ide to Nr wi�cai. M e' aM ab6it qu �,i tin r -614 46ore's Almanae bag. been, cre��. on nitor,4 States. d keep ft we ntigt not f6tiget thit its. ivveii . Qhs f4in 'd afiong, t6 t ts W11sli oftioer *61d in thel, L'n& one' w'a et -rig ls� at- dited *'Ith predicting y 4 a COW will d 0 land e, t an ty Harkow,;'an ep b 'f filineL iligt ninet y Wargy, t Tit 'll A v&lne. as end large in porn o il ba*e Spectator trlites,this A the establishment of, a 'big; t tache'd, for while catastrop de -is 'I eid -of 'rein eer in fa�ces an )it'. Th� oMeer t "e nor iern . 01 tdicted are to pet4actic upon th,e4�.tr(�.,qtmeiit-,thait-i,t�-r-eceiV4�$� �day, her �!-�4p�ir&nco at' ooden-IoA1n,ft.,, b,�t, d so pet acre. too is ina( 0.-�, ',Fi ked,- rather Mo �,olian ift. ype; tit, th A ' I A wr noll fhe de atb .6 f 'i. -. . tc Sh' t b 6 guard of Till `6 1 parts of western,' Can�ikla. r,�. diiriiig the Ell two yeitrs ra, IT oy paiiied by s ki� Gre�' Two townt, atwulys taken a'd h i p Is. Are to be 4,Mil (,,ep ii of �,he, At( terri- . I . I . � had ligh,W-ii f1learea designed, on--ril - - al aov, but 9, rag.sha-w1­M14P of a,s, nails diers so,.rj'qe,wber4e, in Tull ' I - I . I f6t ot'in 16-0-Wi- O-fk, Al' fell .9, .(I.a til I al, of jtoumania., '-(.,cry,. went to,' t :0, 6dge,olf A, d ber'ori­ en 8.0v Uq in such a, in la[linpr th�it they -will h4l� Para---�O a P I C preseii B ij kan' blit all�6-ly -ed 0�o en'g tb be d ii. lin4's" QIi, the Laii radbr ooast And'in n, skirt,, well belci I sea; atiA .!an ta sboot at a. none of'those i-hings 6,an be clas ginal i all pltbil1i� C6 el'-f6undimid,: ni-indtlif 'f the SPA Wi 'rb.1 �;er I. Fj n -w Qlliienl. She adorps.. ildren, a�nd gea'T. t, below him be the 0 tie Wit I one A f4'�. flol­ it , rs vub� th I'mis . ­ . ­ . � -bj�()t efndcei--has­boe�n- -& D1`6 g ilij� MT -61 it' er :of sheep, --bT' piisv-�'gl -,b-aU t Alsh lit 1488, and lat ri­.ropu is. il. , - - a us ziwn tit as a Be! in e rowed olionty �, 1 4 e Of ek�rcfsq btid h Ilrini r- 1. Ij&j4j.V, r wan -611 w; S3 li e. re- od trallos 6rtati n, fired I , at an in as ther Ship- belti branch of the Gl- "i ]ates,44, Ill `-artiviiig- -th el I-insin Aild, 'but 'it tiin es-, aqd the Tilli -bW-,1J'b oid-74,8 Fabron U; It Was cal I ed the �'Mo 'I g ne _far., thbe 'of: be ar re-i-IlIv. recovered l�Ml . bad lie] T St ad g 0671­-­,� vil be A �41! 1 e Of t e nterior a awa At )n It gel and. good -9no thei n1l IS -r -ly %ig. par IT in -i - [i6r­pAi d- bas aa. 'Pretty liewr thgi- M- Xj- -,W zu <me �--ofl -36. aill 1011., ! -vein cell. PIT. 'fiig it deSerted-,iih 'know not, yyouuvr �th gbldi,�fsr Id lj:t6lY ittked th,"' a, pit W Is i p(I'd file the Uotb in-itliekid t'jn (D that ou to' �vay to tiftn'nor,'*bat t-6 do):. 1t:aP illijkta. b you -not tbink �i kil Imnfell, a tEW F, 14011 �s ExceilliflonallY cat-, Sl4ro, -Lake'dist ()w 'Mind Was - r tfiie. leadit.-g'-thill that -.6w fired of Go6d. Gn IS .0p pe�rs, �ut,if--ho,ri 0. b14 k to 4t �te .1 . I I I . - . ft.t. - . I s�-V(:i d ays, at I 'he does not st-ti to 114�ttroiania -s goint -ytIs'suH'.' ho 'l �wk ill ast � -orson A Wit;il A the tha� bid'o'has shown7i DOM a, d;e 'blo� how `4,0. h-nw An v fi ver,gix en,yoi�rg p d4e-er can brle' shipped. with * faif ko� e, anitrals A.nJ 'accidants'-hill, the or'14 A Put-on.*hils oo M4 dnd that Ul I Ito ��6tq.o to tb(l lit,(, ;4 id ot. D"Idn -quic Pros6i�flv ' �kfy adalA th6,nIse'1,v0t`tqthe e .8ergeail F -Poe Of 'sucoesg 5W-,Al�.h vcr.sOil�, can lotho, W . r for W9 c 0. pal Iff, CII6 t�winklihg�pflaq 0ye. 6 n an'd ii -all 00 wbo)­4� a Olaf Mt.rao'e'd--hol E,,4. IN L FIE. I D. pel. 4 th t hfi Lr P �n i Nvilth.0V�ol,mv,11 t wit, (.)if t'ho- pnrtl!4'69� ll aken Ju s in (I y, Okqljo) "M (f 1polo C W atc f, ob w a,,,, ..the prepaliatiow- A -Alm-- n�­ e l,":o If pytit 11 (l, I'd will. 1) oL I norp't .iii 0 r lalfy66 tnof0'NVond�'r8,d6,;6, oh , ) 19 1,6, Me gollIg nci noi, T, so, tea 110 t. All 11 is 4L(Ift ))�D 1) "Cl shipni(�nts. '. T1 'KI n(W rej atAet4r, thp" grVat gft wjjLl­bL a in to iz A fto r -five i .1 -Al tho t1tat- tf M6- " '1 :4 --i ge"4 1, T'�l o* W"go c true. tl, �L I a rke I e �4hill b, t �a)'­nd eoupter- gl`ea, lif, t -o flit, ps. t� I cA. Intl 0 "lit �,4(1-46wjr' h al, On,' A i'f he:v wphi turt'l (rep.( "ll tj 1; ink t iero wals ritill bi, gi'v"o'n a, g 1, boon .46 thoso' i1ii le be folincl ell 4 olli 4,14ZOW.-K j I's ph - hji I OV4� h 5 i IT e a I N1.71ts im I In fbty�.nj�tjjrj, X Wo is �nmvn�f,is-%A)11 wril Lthe, fe�01ry -h-o th -n rts r T! e kt­),.7jIIt t C, e plote plel'Ififid -V oli A iMM Jim a --Ko, - o 4!L'. �T ftoliVy whichA H 7. oill o I, h'; ])I P I V41"t VqqfIt war,. - 8 in 114, 8�4fvr In e4r.1 on Iii, elab et as, in the pi pill Tnit�,ht be bild on sh W t -Ni V'W n4`Tf hnw"Amf tni'mil tfiAt it �:i,erlinmt l i I th:0 omdor :wn,'114 hit it a ii '1, 0 Oil t�y spiiloi,� �i; M.11(1h kn ae- T;Ian tolloved. in AlAskA, is thi,L aty. �H?Vl sbal: I el�owp ;1"MI, 9 L ull, 1Xq I' ").S1,, 9 lj"O�V 11 . gqyj 6 fjjrj��, I " r i n 'in hlis 6 _j II A�"j I f A, Ill, t�, "Ti I'l. V, In'.aft s h il to� es 111 6,61 �,l W�. R 4� MW , OEM P a P'Pla- IFUTI'M WK, 61-s io, by making applita 0111 watef 0 :­ I'l. ti'Opps 11 er . 10 :(,I� -` . 11,0t IMMID op a. P. IV le tlAoi Ill I g I P, r A-11 tlip- -v�4 �in the: to '14 c t(' Y14 wi 4 -4 with tlboir Atil0iiii., still Ph in f 1,0 'a a n d e, St, in 11"% J�!n tlo, t Nornlilil"I)t fo As'& w6b4d'oi'� hoat - 11 C 141 P. 49 - T1 Not and ompo Pif. 4 57 1 We"I"O., evil 11 MEY or t1jimy KnIM&M, hi- ii� not va a.;, -shipla �depen&` g <) f ntbbits it-hih `6-arh of ii I M,� In *ia'. f ��stal I - 'Xf`)I<j e-urtaf 0 fnilrytt'' Zltop fi.1,11 4& < lh�­1' 11 Uv 11 -)-t-14-1­ ry a .91 X -f W 10 U44i Mawn olt�vn, -h,i e6n "lia Mand, it ;e -t lent j)ef -.Ann -0 Ot ra alig Apa h -g e,� C s th6,,cAqe %I,, b(t, and at. do, #,,n4, V vilp., 1xilld -/%ii do r)(11`10'4:1�L-fljfte�of fiV40' ) IN-glillid '41101, At Ell :t I'l ad -been t, Irl;t'to ble f it- �4�, I'ta twd f bye6d t� -4 th6 1110�les� 41' g u on 0, t 0 War. eqt- AY n tli'6, mm' 1)116bo� V*( 16, 6ghtvpA hI6(h?,od a.nd 6igt�f��.pheq Will se ? q il SbDek fail tbellp "t I �. ' I . t , 11pit &Jew `0:04 zIst 1 -W4 K A Art om iiiiii.01 Ink jjjililjj.(�4� lit, (11 IA J1 '�Vnf 'In (I J, jti� "4. tU oll ea,44 1) 's, with thf., PIA"ble0i 11 6if,;ftt f t, he 8 dioN o4l`4 l, 'P�46� - All thirt e) h16; 1, ni m 1 1, 'o f Cnt, kn4l'kn tit 0: 11 J')h�kjf.q� t Tht TIII�p 6f aIT ;sbli' �ovo 4'of 11 1 'A. v a . 'I ind, 1, ;n, ro,w -v ulln CA M 4 il4 L110 I r Mii ir AL Uthl, t Thev N I Aii 'fia., ` "S Mat -ri xl-f fty�. AW mv�- -0 f fIle' 'AfT.4 fter 8 di'' Inail <jol of "i ad "no P, Foo sh i A, On -e bil-6i a ti reld ie )X-ofj - -!IT) ��o 1. All; W A t6til h,,�ppintr,` , "' f , , I'm al Nfyllr*� Wth qr) 8*fle, 4t 4P t1oti, 'tilil -,ii, t `r -91K - Ifo do'; YP a,r S A4 tili f , f M �Wjth' the. -�-j U 11, �,i d MM, Tip,( �ot t I rid f('ricilo flow �rez Ili)."Xi,is la� 0 64'.4ho'. *hip 'hi- Irr, cmbl6M� of '3NI r- � B �45-vi .-I t%ftk 1W 9 v6* to-! rnMll Are tb rns, k t �67'64 is Istq to' fnak6 Hog 1 6j'pef; It atioil I Ile, &A m lrll�i of P b. 4, 1 V111 �l I l, 46